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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of South Cotabato

NAME:_____________________________SECTION:___________ DATE:___________SCORE:_________

Part I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the best answer

1. What tool is used to help you see tiny objects and living organisms?
A. Goggles B. Microscope C. Stethoscope D. Telescope

2. Who invented the first compound microscope?

A. Isaac Newton B. Robert Hooke C. Alexander Grahambell D. Hans & Zacharias Janssen

3. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object?
A. Eyepiece & mirror B. Eyepiece & objective C. Objectives & mirror D. Objectives & diaphragm

4. How does a mirror help in studying the specimen in a microscope?

A. It cleans the cover slip.
B. It cleans the glass slide.
C. It gives light to the specimen.
D. It gives light directly to the eyes of the user.

5. Why it is necessary for the specimen to be observed under the microscope must be thin?
A. So that the image will be clearer.
B. So that the image would be larger.
C. So that light could pass through the specimen.
D. So that the high magnification objective can be used.

6. What part will you adjust if you need to tilt the microscope?
A. Arm B. Base C. Diaphragm D. Inclination Joint

7. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object?
A. Eyepiece and mirror B. Objective and mirror C. Objectives and diagram D. Eyepiece and objectives

8.Moves the stage slightly to sharpen the image is called ___________.

A. aperture B. body tube C. fine focus knob D. coarse focus knob

9. When observing cells, which of the following optical tools is most appropriate?
A. Telescope B. Petri dish C. Hand lens D. Microscope

10. The heart pumps blood throughout the body. To which organ system does heart belongs?
A. Circulatory System B. Digestive System C. Excretory System D. Nervous System

11. Oxygen is an important gas for organisms. Which organ system is oxygen processed?
A. Excretory System B. Digestive System C. Circulatory System D. Respiratory System

12. Which of the following parts of plants used for reproduction?

A. Flower B. Leaves C. Roots D. Stem

13. Which is NOT a part of the digestive system?

A. Esophagus B. Intestines C. Kidney D. Mouth

14. Which of the following is NOT an organ of plants?

A. Heart B. Stem C. Leaves D. Flowers

15. Which of the following organs is used for the transport of nutrients in plants?
A. Artery B. Heart C. Kidney D. Stem

16. What plant part is responsible in transporting organic materials?

A. Roots B. Stem C. Leaves D. Flowers

17. When air enters into our nose, what type of gas is released during respiration?
A. Carbon Nitride B. Carbon Dioxide C. Carbon Trioxide D. Carbon Monoxide
18. Which of the following does NOT belongs to the sequence of the level of biological organization in an organism?
A. Cell B. Organ C. Tissue D. Transport System

19. Which is the correct sequence of the level of biological organization in an organism?
A. cell- tissue –organ- organ system- organism
B. cell- organ system–organ- tissue - organism
C. cell- organ –- tissue organ system- organism
D. cell- organ- organ system- organism-tissue

20. Plants benefits from animals. Do animals benefits from plants?

A. No, animals can produce its need.
B. No, because plants and animals can live alone.
C. Yes, because it provides shade during summer.
D. Yes, because it provides food and oxygen for respiration.

21. What is a cell?

A. A cell is small organ in the body.
B. A cell is a kind of microorganism that infects the host’s body.
C. A cell is a microscopic organism that inhabits another organism’s body.
D. A cell is the smallest unit of an organism’s body that is capable of performing life function.

22. Which major part of a cell is composed of jelly-like substance of mainly water as well as substances like dissolved nutrients?
A. Nucleus B. Nucleolus C. Cytoplasm D. Cell membrane

23. What basic part of the animal cell has a similar function to the brain of the body which is helping to control eating,
movement, and reproduction?
A. Cell Membrane B. Cytoplasm C. Nucleolus D. Nucleus

24. What is a cell?

A. A number B. An animal C. An imagination D. A microscopic structure

25. Which of the following is NOT a basic part of the cell?

A. Cytosol B. Nucleus C. Cytoplasm D. Plasma membrane

26. What part of the cell controls the activity of the other parts?
A. Nucleus B. Cell wall C. Ribosomes D. Plasma membrane

27. What basic part of the cell encloses it and separates the inside parts from the outside?
A. Nucleus B. Cell wall C. Cytoplasm D. Plasma membrane

28. Which of following statements are general functions of cells?

I. energy production
II. produce sugars and water
III. provide support and structure
IV. allows transport of sugar

A. I and II only B. I and III only C. I, II and III only D. I, III and IV only

29. Nucleus is the brain of the cell. Do nucleus also influenced other cell parts to function as well?
A. Yes, because brain controls everything.
B. No, because each parts of the cell have its own nucleus.
C. Yes, because it manages all the activities inside the cell.
D. No, because parts of the cell are working independently

30.Read the statement carefully.

I. Chloroplast is the green pigment of plants.
II. II- Chromoplast is the colored pigment of plants

A. Statements I and II are TRUE.

B. Statements I and II are FALSE.
C. Statement I is FALSE while statement II is TRUE.
D. Statement I is TRUE while statement II is FALSE.
31. Organisms grow and develop well because of the important functions the cells. Which among the choices below is NOT a
general function of a cell?
I. Produce energy.
II. Transport substances.
III. Utilize water and sugars.
IV. Provide support and structure.

A. I and II only B. III and IV only C. I, II and IV only D. I, III and IV only

32Which of the following statements is true about asexual reproduction?

A. Only one parent is required.
B. A kitten is produced through asexual reproduction.
C. A mother and father are needed to produce offspring.
D. The offspring that are produced are genetically unique.

33. Which of the following is NOT a form of asexual reproduction?

A. Budding B. Regeneration C. Binary Fission D. Formation of zygote

34. How would you compare sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction?
A. Asexual reproduction has many forms while sexual reproduction has only two.
B. Asexual reproduction happens only in plants while sexual reproduction happens only in humans.
C. Sexual reproduction requires two parent cells to form an offspring while asexual reproduction needs only one parent cell to
produce offspring.
D. Sexual reproduction produces offspring that are identical to the parent while asexual reproduction produces offspring that are
not identical to the parent.

35. Which of the following do you think is the result of sexual reproduction of organisms?
A. rapid increase of organisms B. produces variety forms of life
C. maintains the traits of the parents D. produces identical/ the same offspring

36. Which of the following refers to the living parts of the environment such as humans, animals, and plants?
A. Biosphere B. Ecosystem C. Biotic factors D. Abiotic factors

37. Which of the following examples are completely non-living things?

A. Air, chair, chicken B. Duck, cat, frog, tree, wood
C. Oxygen, rock, sunlight, water D. Dog, dinosaur, leaves, temperature

38. The following are considered biotic factors EXCEPT

A. Butterfly B. Panda C. Sunlight D. Turtle

39. Which of the following is another term that refers to non-living things?
A. Biotic factor B. Abiotic factor C. Limiting factor D. Carrying capacity

40. How will you classify certain factors such as temperature, light, air, and soil?
A. Abiotic B. Biotic C. Living D. Static

41. Which of the following choices below are abiotic factors?

A. Crabs, fish, and oxygen B. Oxygen, soil, and sunlight
C. Algae, dog, and temperature D. Mushroom, sunlight, and temperature

42. Which of the following statements is true?

A. All living things are biotic factors. B. Most living things are abiotic factors.
C. Some non-living things are biotic factors. D. Living things can either be biotic or abiotic.

43. All of the items below are abiotic EXCEPT

A. Grass B. Soil C. Sun D. Temperature
Part 2. Direction: Label the Parts of the Microscope (10 points)


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