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Laser material processing—an overview

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2003 J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 5 S3


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J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 5 (2003) S3–S7 PII: S1464-4258(03)56931-8


Laser material processing—an overview

W M Steen
Emeritus Professor, University of Liverpool, UK
Distinguished Research Fellow, University of Cambridge, UK

Received 19 November 2002

Published 25 June 2003
Online at stacks.iop.org/JOptA/5/S3

With the invention of the laser came a new form of industrial energy, optical
energy, available for the first time in large and controllable quantities. This
article reviews the characteristics of this new form of industrial power and
how it is being used in material processing from cutting to cleaning. The
article also highlights some of the more exciting recent developments.

Keywords: Laser, material processing, cutting, welding, surface treatment,

cleaning, bending, marking
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

The beginnings of laser material processing go back to the Table 1. The principal lasers employed for materials
writings of science fiction such as ‘The War of the Worlds’ by processing [4, 5].
H G Wells, which was first published in 1898. Such stories % material processing
sowed the seeds of a possible ‘death ray’ and after Einstein, in laser market 2002
1916 [1], had proved mathematically that stimulated emission
Type of laser Value Number of units
was possible, the race was on to develop a ‘death ray machine’
or at least a device using stimulated emission. The military CO2 laser—flowing gas 36 12
potential was, sadly, the main driving force for research whose CO2 laser—sealed 6 29
reward came in 1960 when Maiman invented the first working Solid state laser, lamp pumped 33 22
laser [2]. Solid state laser, diode pumped 4 9
Excimer 18 2
Since then growth of the laser industry has been Diode >10 W 1 0.001
at approximately 10–20% per annum until the recent
recession [3–5]. The reason for this growth is the extraordinary
spread of applications for optical energy from material force will be transferred to the structure. If there is a sufficient
processing to communications, medicine and CD/DVD
flux of photons the force becomes enough to cause the structure
players. There is an analogy between the laser and the dynamo,
to vibrate, which we detect as heat. With greater and greater
whereby the dynamo has given us large and controllable
photon fluxes the vibration becomes sufficient to break the
quantities of electricity—a new form of energy in the 1890s—
solid structure and it first melts, then evaporates; the vapour is
and the laser has given us large and controllable quantities
then ionized forming a plasma and finally the solid is ionized
of optical energy—a new form of energy in the 1990s.
Just as electricity has developed, and is still doing so, into introducing Coulomb forces to remove the material. This last
many unexpected applications from welding to aluminium effect is only achieved with the immense power that is currently
extraction, TV and the Internet, so, it is likely, will optical available with femtosecond pulses. Beyond this power range,
energy. lasers are being used for atomic fusion.
The principal commercial lasers in laser material The advantages of optical energy from a laser compared
processing are shown in table 1. with other forms of energy are:
Optical energy is absorbed by the interaction of the electric
field of the electromagnetic radiation with electrons. If the • Power intensity—one of the highest available to industry
electron is bound within the phonon structure of a solid this today.

1464-4258/03/040003+05$30.00 © 2003 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK S3

W M Steen

The laser has found applications in both 2D and 3D profile

cutting. There is a niche market in cutting difficult materials
such as nimonics, fibreglass, soft or rubber fabrics that could
suffer from mechanical distortion and radioactive parts, where
only the focusing optics need become contaminated. The ease
of directing the focused beam has led to its application in
cutting in awkward areas, such as cutting sun roofs in car
bodies. The slotting of die boards [8] for the manufacture
of cartons was one of the first applications back in the 1970s,
while the another early application, that of drilling razor blades,
has had a recent reincarnation with the need for precise holes
° for diesel injectors, ink jet printers and the numerous aerospace
cooling and aerodynamic subtleties.
Of all these applications, one in particular is of current
significance—that of the ‘laser blanker’. The process
pioneered by Alabama Laser and Fanuc Limited is based upon
not only improving the beam quality and cutting technique,
Figure 1. The range of processes. but also improving the software such that piercing is done
‘on the fly’ and a minimum time is spent between cutting
operations [9]. This latter is achieved by having an X/Y
• Power shaping—this is almost uniquely possible for
table driven by linear motors rather than ball screws. The
optical energy in both time and space. linear motors are capable of accelerations up to 7 G, but
• Ease of automation—there is an uncluttered interaction such forces would rock most equipment and hence they
zone with few extraneous signals, allowing a wide open are usually run throttled back to only 2 G. The result is a
window for in-process sensing. capability to cut some 450 holes min−1 compared to around
• Photolytic processing—this is unique to photons and 200 holes min−1 for conventional punch press machines. In
opens a new level of chemistry. fact, Finn Power International claims, in their 2002 publicity
• Coherence and spectral purity—this allows strange optical literature, 700 holes min−1 of 1.5 mm diameter in 1 mm steel
effects through diffraction, interference and multi-photon using a 3.5 kW CO2 laser. The laser has the further advantage
events. that the hole shape and size is determined by software and there
is no tool wear. The laser is set to become a major player in
Some of the unusual properties of optical energy are found in
cutting machinery.
non-linear optics, which may arise when certain materials are
The development by BOC of the LASOX process [7], in
subject to heavy fluxes of photons. These include frequency
which the laser acts as a match to the oxygen cutting process,
doubling in certain birefringent crystals, diffractive optical
has shown that this process is capable of making cuts with
elements, adaptive optics and polarization rotation in magnetic
square, smooth edges but with larger kerf widths than a laser
fields—the magnetic Kerr effect.
(∼2–4 mm). It is also capable of piercing considerably faster
The range of material processes is illustrated in figure 1. than oxy/fuel or plasma torch processes (5 s compared to 60 s
This diagram also shows lines of constant temperature, which for 50 mm stock). Thus the thickness range for laser-based
help to collate the processes. The region of high intensity and processes has been extended reliably up to 50 mm and in the
extremely short interaction times labelled as ‘Terra Incognita’ laboratory up to 80 mm of mild steel.
is currently being developed with some surprising results. The Welding [10]: Laser welding is one of the high-quality
region below the boiling point of water includes many medical welding techniques, being similar to electron beam welding,
applications. The main material processes are now discussed in which the energy is so intense that a ‘keyhole’ is developed.
in turn. The high-aspect-ratio, almost parallel fusion zone of ‘keyhole’
Cutting [6]: This is possibly the best known of these welds leads to low distortion and a small HAZ compared to
applications. It currently accounts for the work being done alternative processes (figure 2).
by nearly 80% of the industrial laser equipment in service. It is also fast and leaves a cosmetically attractive weld
The laser is starting to dominate this market since it can cut bead. Considerable advances have been made in understanding
more swiftly and neatly than most competing tools. It was also both the fluid flow within the keyhole, such as the modelling
the first application area for the laser, since there was a ready- work of Mazumder et al [11] and the x-ray work of
made market for cutting, particularly flat-bed profile cutting. Matsunawa [12]. Outside the keyhole, the plasma has
The laser can cut in at least seven different ways: evaporative, been studied by many, including Greses et al [13] whose
melt and blow, melt and blow in a reactive gas, thermal latest paper shows that for welding with a Nd:YAG laser at
stress cutting for brittle materials, scribing and mechanical wavelength 1.06 µm the plasma is only at ∼2000 ◦ C compared
snapping, cold cutting—in which the photon energy is similar to ∼8000 ◦ C for CO2 welding at wavelength 10.6 µm. This
to the bond energy or there is such an instantaneous impact knowledge means that the type of shroud gas is not very
of energy that the material is ionized and hence flies apart important for welding with the shorter wavelengths. This
because of Coulomb forces; in either case there is a negligible is a point of considerable interest to industries using large
heat-affected zone (HAZ)—and finally laser-assisted oxygen quantities of shroud gas and where the preferred shroud for
(LASOX) cutting [7]. CO2 laser welding is helium.

Review Article: Laser material processing

Figure 3. The laser cladding process with coaxial powder feed

delivery—a ‘metal pencil’.

It can write metal tracks of a few micrometres to a

few millimetres in width or height. When these tracks are
Figure 2. An example of a laser keyhole weld showing the narrow
parallel fusion zone and HAZ.
superimposed on one another they will build into walls. When
the direction of the tracks is controlled by a computer, whose
programme is a sliced 3D object, then the 3D object can be
The particularly significant development in laser welding built directly, without a mould, in whatever material is being
has been the ‘tailored blank’ process [10]. This process builds fed as a powder [18–20]. So the casting could be of varying
press blanks from several pieces of metal of varying thickness composition or of a single material. Of great interest is the
and composition by laser welding them together. The whole metallurgy of the resulting casting in which the columnar
blank is pressed in one operation and hence, for example, a car grains run epitaxially up the wall. Thus the casting has none
inner side panel can be made which has thicker areas for hinges of the brittleness associated with standard mould castings
and galvanized parts for the lower section but not for the top. in which the grains run across the wall. There is a new
Such a process saves on the number of parts to be made, which industry about to be born based on this form of low-volume
in turn means savings in tooling, the press shop and assembly manufacture. It is capable of casting almost any object of
for those parts. Since the blank is made of smaller pieces, almost any complexity—for example detailed structure within
there are some significant savings in material both on the strips a casting. The complexity of the computing of this form of
being cut and the finished car or article being made. This casting is formidable but the computing is possible, and once
may result in lighter vehicles. The reduced number of joints, done is available to all. Such a business exists, founded with
due to fewer parts, gives improved crash resistance, improved a consortium based on the work of Mazumder [18]. There
corrosion resistance, fewer final sealed joints and improved are also several job shops using this process to repair turbine
fatigue life. This is a major breakthrough in industrial thinking blades and other metal parts.
and practice. Laser bending [21, 22]: The process of thermal bending is
Further advances in laser welding may come from the not new [23] but is undergoing a revival as a precision process
renewed interest in hybrid welding with the laser and arc when used with a laser. But it is a precision bending technique
processes being combined [14–16], keyhole stabilizing with with no tool contact nor any spring back. The bending action
twin beams, underwater welding with fibre optic delivery to is due to the formation of a compressive stress in the heated
depths of 500 m [17] and hand-held laser welding equipment— surface spot leading to plastic flow that is not fully recovered
the latter process being of growing interest in the craft world, on cooling. If only the surface is heated (thermal gradient
which has always yearned for low-HAZ welds, which are method) bending will be towards the laser; if heating occurs
clean, or can be cleaned by an after-blast from the laser—see through the thickness, buckling may occur allowing bending
later for laser cleaning. either towards or away from the laser or, for fully restrained
Cladding: This is a relative newcomer and is having pieces, to a shortening of the part (upsetting). The bend region
to make its own market since no comparable process has is thus thickened and not thinned as in normal mechanical
previously been available for localized precision cladding. The bends. It is currently used by Phillips [24] as a method of final
laser with a coaxial powder feed acts rather like a ‘metal pencil’ adjustment to the alignment of the hard disk in their miniature
(figure 3). computers. It is also used for adjusting reed switches inside

W M Steen

Figure 5. An example of 3D marking by laser within a glass block.

Figure 4. An example of laser bending; a sushi dish made by Silve
in laser-marked aluminium.
The ease of marking with a laser, even down to marking
glass capsules. The promise of this process is as a ‘virtual cabling ‘on the fly’, has allowed industry to mark almost
bending tool’—the shape being software driven and there being everything they wish for stock keeping, legal indemnity,
security or dating reasons. Figure 5 illustrates a totally novel
no need for hard tooling. Although new and currently the
method of marking that is possible with optical energy.
subject of research around the world, this is a process with a
In summary, the achievements of laser material processing
future. For an example see figure 4.
over the last 40 years have been impressive and include (a more
Laser cleaning [25–27]: This is another novel technique
detailed discussion can be found in [31]):
whereby a blast of light can remove a surface layer of dirt.
The mechanism is thought to be by evaporative processes, as • Precision cutting of thick and thin sections with an impact
in ablation; impact processes, as in laser shock cleaning or on most industries.
laser steam cleaning; or vibration processes, as in transient • Drilling with an impact particularly in the aerospace
thermal heating. In the case of marble statuary the short sharp industry.
pulse from the laser is sufficient to remove dirt and sterilize the • Tailored blank welding with an impact on the automobile
surface at the same time, to reveal marble, whose reflectivity is and sheet metal industries.
higher than the dirty surface, and hence the process is almost • Low-distortion welding with an impact on the shipbuild-
self-correcting. For paintings, the spectrum of the material ing industry and others.
ablated can be used to control the depth of cleaning; with • Low-volume manufacture, by weld build techniques, with
cleaning electronic components during manufacture, the laser- an impact on foundries.
cleaned surface can sometimes be soldered without the need • Rapid prototyping, through photopolymerization, with an
for a flux. There is a concept that laser cleaning with a blast of impact on the design industry.
light could clear an area during the manufacture of integrated • Low-vibration scabbling with an impact on the nuclear
circuits, such that the necessity for cleanliness in whole rooms decommissioning industry.
is reduced. It is a quiet process that does not require solvents • Marking with an impact on most industries.
or abrasive particles; the fumes can be collected by normal • Cleaning with an impact on art, buildings and
vacuum technology which makes it ideal for cleaning both the manufacturing industries.
inside and outside of buildings. It is currently used extensively Optical energy is one of the most adaptable forms of
in aircraft paint stripping where the presence of corrosive fluids industrial energy we have ever seen. We are likely to spend at
is not welcome [28]. least the next century exploring what we can do with it. So far
Shock hardening [29]: A strong laser pulse of 10–100 ns we have made a good start. However, with laser-based industry
and 100 J or so is proving to be an improvement on shot growing at nearly 10%/year there is currently an investment
peening. It not only avoids throwing shot around with the of approximately 1 M$/graduate trained specifically in the
problems of surface damage, imbedding, recycling the shot and engineering of optical energy. This is an imbalance that needs
limitations for hardening into corners, but it also gives a greater to be corrected or we will suffer from mistakes through our
depth of treatment leading to improved fatigue properties. enthusiasm running ahead of our knowledge.
Laser marking [30]: Marking with a laser can be achieved
by three main techniques. References
• Impressing a dot matrix at high rates of from 3 to 400 [1] Einstein A 1916 Verh. Deutsch. Phys. Ges. 18 318–23
characters s−1 . [2] Maiman T H 1960 Nature 187 493
[3] Optech Consulting—AILU presentation, Liverpool, UK, 2002
• Mask marking at the rate of around 100 images s−1 .
[4] Kincade K and Andersen S G 2002 Review & forecast of laser
• Vector or bitmap marking with a steerable beam at the rate markets pt. I: non diode lasers Laser Focus World January,
of 70 characters s−1 . 81–105

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