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Machining of composite

materials. Part I : Traditional methods

S. Abrate and D.A. Walton

Composite materials are more difficult to machine than metals mainly because they are anisotropic,
non-homogeneous and their reinforcing fibres are very abrasive. During machining, defects are
introduced into the workpiece, and tools wear rapidly. Traditional machining techniques such
as drilling or sawing can be used with proper tool design and operating conditions. A review
of traditional machining methods applied to organic and metal matrix composites is presented
in this article. The use of non-traditional machining methods such as waterjet, laser and ultrasonic
machining will be discussed in the second part.

Keywords: composites; cutting; drilling; machining; grinding; delamination

INTRODUCTION the traditional machining process. With the second

approach, to be reviewed in Part II, an otherwise
Composite materials are used extensively because their stationary tool is vibrated ultrasonically, and a liquid
higher strength to weight ratios and modulus to weight
slurry containing grit placed between the tool and the
ratios, when compared to metals, offer new opportunities part actually performs the cutting.
for design. However, being non-homogeneous, anisotropic,
and reinforced with very abrasive fibres, these materials
are difficult to machine. Significant damage to the DRILLING
workpiece may be introduced and high wear rates of the
tools are experienced. Traditional machining methods Mechanics of drilling composite materials
such as drilling, turning, sawing, routing and grinding,
can be applied to composite materials using appropriate The thrust and torque applied on a bit during drilling
tool design and operating conditions. This article is operations depend on speed, feed rate, tool geometry and
concerned with the application of traditional methods tool wear. Experiments2 showed that thrust increases
to machining of polymeric matrix and metal matrix steadily until a constant value corresponding to steady
composites. Non-traditional techniques, including water- drilling through the thickness of the laminate is reached,
jet, laser, electro-discharge, and ultrasonic machining, and is followed by a sharp drop as the tool exits the
have also been applied to these materials and will be opposite side (Figure 1). A sharp decrease in normal
reviewed in Part II. force as the bit enters the workpiece is always associated
Drilling is the most common composite machining with the introduction of delamination by mechanical
operation, since many holes must be drilled in order to action of the tool peeling up the top layer of the laminate.
install mechanical fastenersl. Poor hole quality accounts Delamination of the top layer can also be produced by
for an estimated 60% of all part rejections2, and since high thermal stresses generated by drilling, but, in that
holes are drilled in finished products, part rejections due case, no discontinuities are observed in the normal force
to poor hole quality prove very costly. The mechanics history. Delaminations near the exit side are introduced
of drilling composite materials will be examined along when the tool acts like a punch separating the thin uncut
with the quality of the hole and the effect of tool design layer from the remainder of the laminate. This action is
parameters. Band saws and circular saws with special associated with an almost instantaneous drop in normal
blade designs are used for cutting composite materials, force from its steady state value down to zero.
and special router bits have also been designed for Delaminations can be greatly reduced or eliminated by
contouring composite parts. These developments will be reducing feed rates near the exit and using backup plates
reviewed since they have direct industrial applications. to provide support and prevent deformations leading to
Other investigations which are more concerned with exit side delaminations. Analysis of the delamination
fundamental understanding of the machining process will process are discussed in the next section.
also be considered. During the steady portion of the drilling process,
Two types of ultrasonic machining are used for significant oscillations of the normal forces are
composite materials. The first one, in which the tool is observed3*4. The main component of this dynamic signal
operated as in normal drilling or turning operations but, corresponds to <he lamination frequency, defined as the
in addition, is subjected to high frequency, small ratio of the number of piles per inch to the time taken
amplitude vibration, will be discussed here. In this case, by the drill to penetrate one inch of materia13. This
ultrasonic vibration of the tool are used to facilitate frequency is generally quite small compared to the one

0956-7143/92/020075-09 @ 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd

Composites Manufacturing Vol 3 No 2 1992 75

corresponding to tool rotation, and the magnitude of the
dynamic signal shows good correlation with the
waviness of the surface of the hole. Therefore, the normal
force signal contains important information concerning
possible damage introduced into the workpiece, tool
wear, which can be monitored to determine when the
tool should be replaced, and surface quality.
During drilling torque increases rapidly until the
cutting edges of the tool are completely engaged and then
increases linearly until a maximum value is reached,
followed by a slight drop after hole completion (Figure
2). The cutting torque corresponds to the end of the
engagement phase (Figure 2). The high difference I I I I I I50
between the cutting torque and the maximum torque is 10 20 30 40 50 60
attributable to high frictional forces between the lands
Number of holes drilled
of the drill and the wall of the hole. As drilling progresses,
the tool is in contact with the side of the hole over an Figure 3 Increase in axial force with number of holes drilled
increasing area so that frictional forces at the interface
create increasingly higher resistant torque. After complete
penetration has occurred only a small decrease in torque
is observed which indicates that friction is the major unidirectional composites, a variation of torque at a
contribution to total torque. High temperatures and frequency corresponding to twice the drill rotation rate
slightly negative coefficients of thermal expansion reflects the variation of the stiffness of the workpiece with
compound the problem by squeezing the dril14. direction7,8.
Increasing the feed rate and point angle of the Thrust levels increase as feed rate, cutting speed or
drill, respectively, produces a corresponding increase point angle of the drill are increased5g6. Maximum
and decrease in torque levels respectively5V6. With normal force and maximum torque both increase very
significantly with the number of holes drilled due to
chipping and wear of the cutting surfaces3s4,9-1’. Using
8 mm split point carbide drills to drill 4.5 mm thick
graphite-epoxy composite slabs at 2800 rev min- ’ and
a feed rate of 0.0152 mm min- ‘, Radhakrishnan and
d Knee Wu3 determined the variation of peak thrust as a function
h of the number of holes drilled (Figure 3). Increases in
ro \
thrust due to tool wear were reported in many
b investigations and were shown to be more important
z when drilling graphite-epoxy than with glass-epoxy due
to the more abrasive nature of graphite fibres”. Higher
- Time normal forces usually introduce more damage to the
workpiece, particularly delaminations. However, the
maximum torque or maximum normal force does not
correlate well with surface finish3.
An analytical analysis of temperature distributions in
the workpiece and the tool when drilling laminated
glass-epoxy printed circuit board showed good agree-
ment with experimental results”. Heat generated during
Figure 1 Typical axial force history during drilling of composite
laminates drilling is distributed differently than for metals where,
typically, 75% of the thermal energy is eliminated with
the chip material, 7% is absorbed by the workpiece and
18% by the tool. For carbon-epoxy, approximately 50%
of the energy is absorbed by the tool ; the remainder is
absorbed almost equally by the workpiece and the chips*.
Therefore, a larger fraction of the energy dissipated is
absorbed by the workpiece and also by the tool.
Temperatures as high as 200°C near the hole are
reported’. Spatial and temporal temperature gradients
are strongly affected by the thermal conductivity of the
material. Smaller temperature gradients are observed in
carbon-epoxy than in glass-epoxy or aramid-epoxy
materials under the same conditions. The upper limit on
the cutting speed is limited by the risk of introducing
thermal damage to the workpiece materia17*“, while a
lower limit is governed by the surface quality which
Axial displacement becomes poor as fibres recede in front of the cutting
Figure 2 Variation of torque during drilling: T,, cutting torque; T,,,, edge”. Feed rates are limited to avoid excessive forces
maximum torque ; T,, torque after penetration that cause delaminations. Typical values of cutting speeds

76 Composites Manufacturing No. 2 1992

Table 1 Typical machining parameters for drilling composite materials

Hole Material Cutting Feed

Workpiece Tool diameter thickness speed rate
material material (mm) (mm) (m min-r) (mm rev-‘) Source

Unidirectional Carbide 4.85-1.92 O-12.7 42.1 0.0254-0.0508 13,19

graphite-epoxy 4.85-7.92 12.7-19.1 33.5 0.0254
PCD 4.85-7.92 O-12.7 61.0 0.0508-0.0889
4.85-1.92 12.7-19.1 51.8 0.0508-0.0889
Multidirectional Carbide 4.85-7.92 O-12.7 61.0 0.0254-0.0508
graphite-epoxy 4.85-7.92 12.7-19.1 42.7 0.0254
PCD 4.85-7.92 O-12.7 68.6 0.0508-0.0889
4.85-7.92 12.7-19.1 61.0 0.0508-0.0889
Graphite-epoxy Carbide 4.85 6.35 60.9 0.0254 20
Glasssepoxy HSS 12.5 15.0 0.028 5
Glass-epoxy HSS 3 10 33.0 0.05 11
Carbon-epoxy Carbide 3 10 33.0 0.05
Glass-epoxy HSS 8 1.2 O-40.2 20-460 mm min-’ 14
Boron-epoxy PCD 6.35 2.0 91-182 25.4 mm min- r 24
6.35 25.4 91-182 25.4 mm min- r
MMC 6 19.2 15-75 22
Boron-epoxy PCD 6.35 10.4 79 41.91 mm min-’ 8
Kevlar-epoxy Carbide 5.6 158 0.05 10

and feed rates used for drilling composite materials are Drill bit material and geometry
given in Table 1.
To machine fibre reinforced composites the material the
tool is made of must be carefully selected. Because glass
and carbon fibres are very abrasive drill bits made out
Damage induced by drilling of High Speed Steel fail after just a few holes16,i7.
Several types of damage are introduced during drilling Tungsten carbide tools possess adequate life16-20,
operations : matrix cratering and thermal alterations, particularly when submicron carbide is used, since its
fibre pullout and fuzzing, interlaminar cracks and resistance to rupture is 50% higher and it is harder than
delamination, in addition to geometrical defects commonly the standard C2 grade16. A much higher number of holes
found in metal drilling. Drill wear and delamination are can be drilled with tungsten carbide tools coated with
both influenced by the type of drill used. A delamination polycrystalline diamond (PCD)‘~~~‘,~~. PCD coated tools
factor 6 can be defined as the ratio between the maximum can easily be chipped, particularly when used with
diameter of the damaged zone and the diameter of the portable drills, and cannot be sharpened. Another
hole’ : 6 reaches an upper limit as the number of holes approach involves grinding the point angle into a
drilled increases. For a spiral point drill, the delamination carbide-tipped blank ; PCD veins are then sintered in that
factor tends towards 1.2 after just three holes2. For solid groove, and the drill point geometry and flutes are ground
carbide split point drills, the delamination factor settles in’ 3. These diamond veined drills can be sharpened’3*21.
around 1.8 after five holes, while the High Speed Steel The type of drill to be used is then selected depending
(HSS) split point drill settles at 2.5 after 4-5 holesi3. on the type of composite material to be drilled and
The size of the damaged zone was related to drilling whether it is already bonded to a metal part. In many
parameters in a recent study i4 . The width of the damaged cases composites are bonded to aluminium or titanium
zone in glass-epoxy laminates was determined by first parts, and the hole to be drilled must go through both
infiltrating a liquid penetrant through the cut surface and the composite and the metal. Drilling aluminium with a
measuring D, the width of the damaged zone, with an tool designed for drilling glass-epoxy calls for a very
optical microscope. D is shown to depend on the ratio different shape of tool in order to remove the long
between the cutting speed V, and the feed rate V,. A sharp stringy aluminium chipslg. Drilling titanium with the
decrease in damage width is observed first as V,/V, same tool as composites is difficult because tool wear
increases ; beyond a critical value of I’,/ V, damage size makes drilling through titanium difficult. It is preferablelg
remains constant. The critical value, in the range of to drill the composite first, remove the tool, and drill the
100- 150, is independent of resin type, fibre format, titanium part with a different tool. Then, because the
composite thickness and fabrication procedure. The titanium chips damage the surface of the hole in the
extent of damage, however, may depend on material composite section as they are removed, the hole must be
properties and lay-up. reamed. This procedure, involving three tools and three
The use of vision systems to detect fibre fraying on the operations, is expensive. Ways are sought to provide
surface of the hole and to determine the size of combination tools21 or to design drills that automatically
delaminations has been demonstrated15. Algorithms change operating conditions as the drill bit enters
required for image analysis were described. different materials23. Many types of drill bits have been

Composites Manufacturing No. 2 1992 77

tested on glass-epoxy laminates”. The general geometry, up to 35” with aluminium backing are selected19. The
helix angle, and point angles for twist drills are shown different angles are necessary because of the difference in
in Figure 4. The rake angles, relief angles, and chisel shape of the chips produced.
angles of the cutting edge are defined in Figure 5. Machining materials containing aramid fibres requires
For graphite-epoxy or glass-epoxy, best results are special tooling”. Because of their low compressive
obtained with a solid tungsten carbide dagger dri1116,r9 strength, aramid fibres have a tendency to recede within
or with PCD coated twist drills19. Positive rake angles the matrix instead of being shorn ~fflO*~*. Frayed fibres
are needed to generate the least amount of heat during will protrude from the hole surface to create what is
cutting7s’0,‘6. However, the more positive the rake angle, commonly known as ‘fuzz’. To drill this type of material,
the more fragile the cutting edge becomes. A small chisel fibres should be pulled from the periphery of the hole
angle is the second element of good tool geometry and towards the centre and then sheared. This can be
serves to improve the penetration rate16. Helix angles accomplished by tools with protruding peripheral cutting
for drills used to machine composites with metal backing edges and positive axial and radial rake angle@. Rake
are selected in order to remove the chips produced angles and relief angles in the range of 29-35” and
effectively. Helix angles of 12” with titanium backing and 12-30”, respectively, were found adequatelO. Self-
centering drills were designed so that serrations are
alternatively oriented upward and downward around the
circumference, introducing a cutting action in both
directions to cut unsheared aramid fibres”. A serrated
spade drill for a drill press operation and a serrated
countersink are also recommended’*. For these three
types of drill bits, serrations are designed to trap the
uncut fibres and shear them.
Drilling of composite materials with boron fibre
reinforcement requires the use of diamond impregnated
toolingz4. The major problem encountered with
boron-epoxy laminates comes from the heat generated.
Material thinner than l/8 in can be drilled without fluid
cooling. Above that thickness, coolant must be supplied
through the tool at pressures up to 75 psi to prevent
damage to the workpiece. When a layer of boron-
aluminium is bonded to one piece of titanium, a two tool
approach is preferable. A multi-layered section would
require too many tool changes and must be drilled with
one tool with a reduced feed rate when cutting through
a titanium layer. Tool wear was shown to depend on
prior heat treatment when drilling boron-aluminium
composites 24. While ultrasonically vibrating the tool was
not effective when drilling boron-epoxy, it reduced
friction, tool wear and the tendency of the aluminium to
accumulate on the tool when drilling boron-aluminium.
Drilling with an ultrasonically vibrated tool was also
successful in producing holes in boron-aluminium/
Figure 4 Geometry of twist drill : c(, helix angle; p, point angle titanium laminatesz4.


a b C
Figure 5 Geometry of cutting edge for tool with (a) positive, (b) neutral, and (c) negative rake angles: ara (are, relief angle; a,, chisel angle; V,
cutting speed; t, depth of cut)

78 Composites Manufacturing No. 2 1992

Experiments were performed22 drilling metal matrix
composites (MMC) with continuous and short fibre
reinforcement of aluminium matrices by alumina, silicon
carbide and boron carbide. Comparison of hardness of
tool materials and fibre reinforcement indicated that
High Speed Steel is not appropriate for drilling metal
matrix composites. The hardness of a-Al,O,, Sic, and
B,C fibres is higher than that of solid carbide tool
materials but significantly lower than that of PCD. Solid
carbide and PCD tools were used, and some twist drills
had interior channels for coolant. Drilling a-Al,O, short a f
fibre reinforced aluminium, the tool life of high-speed
steel tools was 100 times lower than that of solid carbide
tools. The life of PCD tools was 20 times that of solid
carbide tools when drilling continuous fibre reinforced
aluminium, and 100 times that for short fibre
reinforcement. Because of tool wear, machining forces
increase ten-fold over their initial values, but even then
they remain at a level corresponding to only one third
or one fourth the forces involved in drilling steel. The
use of coolant did not reduce tool wear in the experiments
performed in that study.
With abrasive tools, the cutting edge is not well defined
since the individual cutting particles are randomly
oriented, many of them with negative rake angles. Only b
small spaces are available for chips between the grains.
Therefore, intense heat is generated rendering these tools
unsuitable for drilling aramid reinforced plastics”.

Hole quality
The quality of the hole produced can be described in
many ways7. The surface microstructure can be assessed
by means of standardized roughness parameters. The
dimensional error is defined as the difference between the
diameter of the hole and that of the tool. The roundness
of the hole is characterized by a parameter equal to one
half the difference between the maximum and minimum
diameter of the hole. Another quality criterion is damage
to the material, which can be described by the width of
the heat affected zone and the size of the delaminated
area. C
With unidirectional laminates, the surface quality of
the hole varies considerably around the circumference7.
When the cutting direction is parallel to the fibre
orientation (0” ), individual fibres are pulled-out. When
this angle increases, compression and bending occur in
the 20-45” range, the fibres are pulled out of the cut
surface and diverted into the cut direction. The worst Figure 6 (a) entrance or peel-up delamination ; (b) exit or push-out
surface quality occurs in this range. When the cut delamination; (c) simplified modeP
direction is perpendicular to the fibre orientation, fibres
are subjected to shear and bending, and surface quality
improves’. Hole quality depends greatly on the part and must be avoided. During drilling, delaminations
mechanical properties of the reinforcing fibres7*10, can be introduced by three mechanisms: peeling up of
Aramid fibres have very low compressive strength, tend the top layer, punching out of the uncut layer near the
to recede into the matrix during machining, and then exit (Figure 6), and the thermal stress mode’.
appear frayed on the surface of the hole. Since, for A simple model for predicting thrust levels that will
unidirectional composites, the strength of the fibres is induce ‘push-out at exit’ or ‘peel-up at entrance’
usually higher in tension, cutting forces are greater when delaminations has been proposed2’. The delaminated
the cutting direction is parallel to the fibre direction19. area is assumed to be circular, and the uncut portion is
Angle-ply laminates are reported to be easier to machine modelled as an isotropic circular plate clamped on its
than unidirectional oneslo. contour to the cut portion of the laminate, which is
assumed to be rigid (Figure 6(c)). From the energy
DELAMINATION balance equation, relating the energy required to extend
the crack to the work done by the normal force applied
In laminated composite materials, delaminations cause by the drill and the strain energy and assuming Mode I
severe reductions in the load carrying capacity of the crack propagation, the critical load at the onset of

Composites Manufacturing No. 2 1992 79

delamination is obtained as forces are relatively low when cutting parallel to the fibre
direction, decrease slightly to a minimum when
F,* = lr{(8G,,Eh3)/[3(1 - u~)]}“~
machining at a 30” orientation, and then increase
where G,, is the critical strain energy release rate, F,* is significantly as the cutting direction becomes normal to
the applied thrust force, h is the uncut depth under the the fibre direction. A mathematical model is developed
tool, E is Young’s Modulus, and u is Poisson’s ratio. to predict the cutting force resultant as a function of fibre
Because of the assumption made, the critical load is not orientation and material properties, based on the
dependent on the cut portion of the workpiece, but it assumptions that chip formation occurs by quasi-
decreases with h, since the uncut portion of the laminate continuous shear and that shearing occurs in the
becomes more flexible. Good agreement with experi- direction in which cutting energy is minimum. Good
mental results taken from the literature is reportedz5. agreement is obtained with experimental results over the
The same model was used for peeling-up type whole range of fibre orientations3’. Ultrasonic vibrations
delaminations, assuming that the peeling force is related of the tool at 18 kHz in the cutting direction were shown
to the horizontal cutting force by a constant called the to dramatically reduce cutting forces and the depth of
peeling factor. the damage zone over the range of fibre orientation from
The same problem was studied using a two- 0 to 18003’.
dimensional axisymmetric finite element model of a small A detailed experimental study of tool wear and surface
zone around the hole and the too126. The tool end is finish when machining graphite-epoxy laminates with
assumed to be flat, and the workpiece is clamped on its PCD tools was conducted by Ramulu et aL31. Circular
outside surface. Failure is assumed to occur when plate specimens with a 152.44 mm diameter, a 25.4 mm
interlaminar tensile stresses reach a critical value at the thickness, and a [(O/90/45/45),,], lay-up were
interface between the cut and uncut regions. Both regions machined by face turning. The cutting edge of the tool
were modelled as either isotropic or orthotropic materials had a zero rake angle and a 12” relief angle. Cutting
using apparent mechanical properties. The model can speed was set at 228.6 m min-’ with a feed rate of
also account for a metal backing plate. Results confirm 0.1778 mm rev-’ and a depth of cut of 4.76 mm. Flank
the trends predicted by Equation (1). The push-out at wear of the tool was shown to increase sharply with
exit delamination mode in sawing operations was also machining time at first and then to stabilize. The average
studied using a finite element mode127. Good agreement peak to valley surface roughness parameter R, varied in
with experimental results is reported. the 23-37 pm range for different grades of PCD tool
materials. The variation of surface roughness with fibre
orientation previously reported for drilling operations6,7
CUTTING was also observed.
Several experimental studies were conducted to improve Most of the energy spent in cutting is converted into
understanding of the cutting process in machining heat, which causes temperature rises in the workpiece,
composite materials. Shaping experiments were con- the tool and the chips. Turning experiments on
ducted2*~2g on carbon-epoxy laminates in order to study glass-epoxy materials with thermocouples embedded
the shape and dimensions of the chips, the surface of the below the cut surface were performed3* in order to
workpiece and cutting forces. In ‘quick-stop’ experiments, examine the relation between cutting temperature and
the shaping tool was brought to a stop in a very short tool wear. The heat generated in cutting is concentrated
distance, corresponding to approximately two fibre near the tool nose and causes tool wear in this area. A
diameters28’2g, in order to examine the area near the tool detailed study of wear of HSS tools in face turning
tip and determine the failure mechanisms involved. operations is available33. Cutting temperatures depend
Machining of unidirectional graphite-epoxy, both largely on the thermal conductivity of the too13*, which
parallel and perpendicular to the fibre direction, was is consistent with a study on drilling of composites7
considered. When machining perpendicular to the fibres showing that a significant fraction of the heat generated
the tool presses on the composite in front of it causing during machining of composites is evacuated by the tool.
it to fracture and creating a chip, while at the same time Another study of tool wear in the turning of glass-epoxy
it presses down on the material below the tool, producing with different tool materials, including cemented carbide
cracks 0.1-0.3 mm deep into the material. When and ceramics34, confirmed the importance of the thermal
machining parallel to the fibre direction a crack often conductivity of the tool. This factor determines cutting
runs ahead of the tip of the tool and cracks on the surface temperatures and wear rates.
reach ‘depths of only ‘one to two fibre diameters. An experimental study35 of the machinability of
Examination of the chips indicated that they have not aluminium alloys, reinforced by graphite particles with
been subjected to large plastic deformations and that the an average diameter of 60 pm with volume fractions up
cutting process consists of a series of fractures****‘. to 22%, indicated that lowering of cutting forces is
Increasing the rake angle of the tool slightly reduced the attributable to the reduction in shear flow stress rather
horizontal cutting force, while no definite trend was than to lower coefficients of friction at the chip-rake
noticed for the vertical force. Increasing the relief angle interface. Similar reductions in cutting forces as
dramatically decreased the vertical force, and increasing graphite particles are added to aluminium alloys were
the cutting depth increased the horizontal cutting force reported36*37.
significantly, while leaving the horizontal force essentially Cutting forces and chip formation in face turning of
unchangedZ9. MMCS with short alumina fibre reinforcement of
Orthogonal cutting of unidirectional glass-epoxy aluminium matrix was studied by Andersson et aL3’. For
composites with fibre oriented between 0 and 90” from small volume fraction reinforcements (6 and 12% ), chip
the cutting direction was studied, starting with a series formation is dominated by the plastic flow of the matrix.
of turning experiments 30. Results indicated that cutting A model is presented to predict the tangential force on

80 Composites Manufacturing No. 2 1992

the tool. Experimental results verify the theoretical Interlaminar tensile strength of a small specimen with
prediction of a linear increase of tangential force with one edge sawed increased with increasing cutting speed,
increasing undeformed chip thickness. because damage decreased as did tool forces. The cutting
The mechanics of machining fibre reinforced materials speed is limited to a maximum for which melting of the
was first studied analytically by Everstine and Rogers39. matrix material occurs. On the other hand, damage size
Orthogonal machining parallel to the fibre direction was decreases with increasing speed as cutting forces become
considered, modelling the fibre reinforced material as lower. Therefore, cutting speed should be as high as
homogeneous, incompressible and inextensible in the possible without exceeding the acceptable temperature
fibre direction. level.
Composites with aramid fibre reinforcement up to
l/4 in thick can be cut with band saws and saber saws
with only slight fuzzing on the exit side”. However, the
One set of experiments was conducted, cutting blades are run in reverse (Figure 7) so that the heel of
graphite-epoxy laminates with a circular saw9T40,41.The the tooth enters the composite first, which gives a more
high speed steel slotting saw used had an outside diameter efficient shearing action. The edges of the teeth should
of 57.15 mm, a thickness of 0.71 mm and 60 teeth. Feed be honed to remove sharp edges which tend to pull the
rate was held constant at 50.8 mm min-‘, while cutting Kevlar fibres and create fuzz.
speeds of 1.5,3,6,9 and 12 m s-l were tried. The force, Diamond plated saw blades are used for both
applied perpendicular to the plane of the laminate, and straight sawing and contour sawing of graphite-epoxy
the feed force decreased, while temperatures near the materials4’. Boron-epoxy and boron-aluminium com-
cutting zone steadily increased as cutting speed increased. posites can be cut to close tolerances using diamond
Near the cut surface, fibre orientation was altered over coated circular saws or band saws24. However, when
a depth d as the tool pushed the fibres in the feed boron-epoxy is bonded to titanium, flood coolant is
direction. With increasing speed, d decreased the same required to prevent damage to the epoxy matrixz4.
way cutting forces did. Delaminations and cracks leading
to delaminations were observed on the cut surface.
Routing is often required to trim parts. With glass and
carbon reinforcement tools with multiple cutting edges
made out of cemented carbide or PCD materials are
recommended6. As in drilling operations, cutting forces
and surface quality depend on fibre orientation. Highest
forces and worst quality occur when fibres are oriented
at 45” from the cutting direction. PCD tools provide better
life than carbide tool@.
For composites with aramid fibre reinforcement,
opposed helical tools producing alternating forces across
the entire cut surface gave the best results”. Two router
bits were developed for composites with aramid
reinforcement using the principle of shearing the
outermost fibres towards the interior of the composite18.
The opposed helical cutter is used for thick sections or
honeycomb sandwich panels, while the V-slot router is
designed for thin laminates (Figure 8). With both of these
a b tools, alignment with the centre of the groove or the
Figure 7 Bandsawing of aramid laminates: (a) conventional cutting centre of the opposed helices is critical and hard to
direction; (b) reverse direction achieve with hand held tools.

Table 2 Typical machining parameters for sawing of composite materials

Thickness Cutting speed Feed rate Type of

Material (mm) (m s-‘) (mm mint) saw Reference

Graphite-epoxy 4 2-12 50.8 Circular 40

Graphite-epoxy O-25.4 15.24 50.8 Bandsaw 42
Boron-eopxy 2.0 30.48 254 Circular* 24
Boron-epoxy 25.4 15.24 50.8 Bandsaw* 24
Boron-aluminium 1.52 28.5 152.4 Circular* 24
(Annealed) (PCD)
Boron-aluminium 12.7 28.5 25.4 Bandsaw* 24
(Annealed) (PCD)

*With coolant

Composites Manufacturing No. 2 1992 81

Because of the abrasive nature of the reinforcing fibres,
carbide or diamond impregnated tools are satisfactory.
Precautions must be taken to avoid introducing
delaminations in the workpiece by limiting tool wear in
order to keep machining forces low and by using back-up
I I material to prevent delaminations as the tool exist the
workpiece. Special problems are encountered when
Aramid laminate machining composite containing aramid reinforcement
a due to the properties of these fibres. Special tool designs
are necessary in order to avoid ‘fuzz’.
The health effects of dust particles in the air produced
when machining reinforced polyesters was studied44,
indicating that if no special precautions are taken
respirable dust levels can exceed tolerable levels. One
solution to this problem is to use liquid coolant which
will carry away these particles. This coolant also serves
to reduce the cutting temperatures and is sometimes
necessary. However, for some materials moisture is easily
absorbed and affect the performance of the part and
should be avoided.

1 Sprow, E.E. ‘Cutting composites: three choices for any budget’,
Toolina & Product& 43 No 12 (1987) vv 46-50
2 Wang,” T.L., Wu, SM. and ‘Croy,’ ‘GM. ‘An analysis of
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‘High speed steel tool wear studies in machining of glass-fibre
reinforced plastics’ 132 No 2 (1989) pp 327-336 (Received 2 October 1991; accepted in revised form
34 Sakuma, K. and Seto, M. ‘Tool wear in cutting glass fibre 6 April 1992)

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