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JUNARSAK, Amd. Kep Jln. Batam No 26, Rt 16, Kel : Lebak Bandung, Kec Jelutung.
Jambi - Indonesia
 Curriculum Vitae  HP No: +62 85384624442



Contact Number : + 62 85384624442
Place / DOB : Bengkulu, 25th Juli 1983
Sex : Male
Religion : Moslem
Marital Status : Married
Languages : Indonesian, English
Email address :

A highly motivated and dynamic individual, creative, fully of ideas and intention toward
improvements, capable to work independently and as a team either, easily to communicate
among all levels of people Good team player and multi tasking capabilities. Proven
initiative and ability to work with minimum supervision, excellent organizational and
motivational skills.

2020 Nursing Academy, Politeknik Kesehehatan Kementrian Kesehatan
2002 Nursing Health Shool, Pemda TK II Lahat, Sumatera Selatan


 Certificate General occupational safety and health expert certificate (AK3 Umum)
 Certificate of competence OHS Supervisor – Oil & Gas Indsutry (Pengawas K3
Industri Migas)
 Certificate of competence air pollution of emission instalation control (IPPUE)
 Basic Sea Survival Certificate (BSS)
 Train of Traner level 4 (TOT Level 4)
 Certificate training proper (KLH and Universitas Indonesia)
 Certificate strengthening excellent human resources and OHS culture in all business
sectors (Webinar Petro China Indonesia Ltd.)
 Certificate antisipasi the second wave of Covid -19
 Certificate safe work permit system training
 Occupational safety and health expert certificate
 Occupational safety and health in oil and gas industry certificate
 The appointment of general occupational safety and health card
 Development and certification occupational safety and health expert certificate
 Police Record
 Pasport

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JUNARSAK, Amd. Kep Jln. Batam No 26, Rt 16, Kel : Lebak Bandung, Kec Jelutung.
Jambi - Indonesia
 Curriculum Vitae  HP No: +62 85384624442


1. HSSE Supervisor at MontD’Or Oil Tungkal Limited

Drilling - service wells and Oil Production, Jambi – Indonesia
Periode of service : April 01 th 2019 – Juli 01 th 2023

2. HSE Supervisor PT. Patra Drilling Contractor

Pipe Line Duri-Dumai Project, KSO (PGN – Pertagas) Dumai – Indonesia
Periode of service : February 24th 2018 – February 28th 2019.

3. HSE Coordinator PT. Daqing Petroleum Service Indonesia

Power Plant Project ASC 2X151,5 MW CFB, Maint Contractor. Cilegon - Banten
Periode of service : December 06th, 2016 – February 07th 2018.

4. HSE Coordinator PT Batam Island Marina

Funtasy Island Development Pte Ltd. Land Owner PT. Batam Island Marina, Batam –
Periode of Service: March 17th, 2016 – June 10th 2018.

5. HSE Coordinator PT Nira Murni Konstruksi

Pipe Line & Row Maintenance Service (Onshore Operation) PT. Conoco Phillips
Indonesia – South Sumatera
Periode of Service: August 02th, 2016 – November 22th 2015.

6. HSE Coordinator PT Sumatera Unggul

Drilling wells, CBM-PHE- METRA 7, PT. Pertamina Hulu Energy.
Periode of Service: May 01th, 2014 – December 31th 2014.

7. HSE Officer PT Huabei Petroleum Service

Drilling and work over wells Service, Petro China International Jabung Ltd.
Periode of Service: June 08th, 2012 – June 30th 2014.

8. HSE Officer PT China Oil field Service Limited

Drilling wells, CNOOC SES Batanghari Ltd.
Periode of Service: September 10th, 2011 – September 24th 2012.

9. HSE Officer PT Indospec Energy Limau

Drilling and work over wells service, PT. Pertamina EP.
Periode of Service: February 12th, 2012 – August 04th 2012.

10. HSE Officer PT Bormindo Nusantara

Drilling and Work over well service, PT. Pertamina EP-BWP Meruap.
Periode of Service: January, 2009 – January 15th 2011.

11. Medical PT Huabei Petroleum Service

Drilling Rig 750 HP, Petro China International Jabung Ltd.
Periode of Service: April 10th, 2006 – January 26th 2009.

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JUNARSAK, Amd. Kep Jln. Batam No 26, Rt 16, Kel : Lebak Bandung, Kec Jelutung.
Jambi - Indonesia
 Curriculum Vitae  HP No: +62 85384624442

12. Medical PT Elnusa Geosains

2D/3D Seismic Project (Party A5.03 Topography), PT. Petro China International
Periode of Service: September, 2005 – April 10th 2006.

13. Medical PT Budi Gunawan Mas

2D Seismic Project (Topography), PT. Pertamina (Persero)
Periode of Service: December, 2003 – March 25th 2004.

14. Medical Company PT Budi Gunawan Mas

2D Seismic Project (Party A5.27 Topography), PT. Elnusa Geosains
Periode of Service: December 08th, 2003 – February 29th 2004.

 Capable in work program system management SMK3 and implementation.
 Conduct a review of the Risk Assessment, SOP, JSA, Permit System, LOTTO,
Lifting Procedure, Working at high, Grounding and MSDS.
 Conduct safety promotion, Quiz, Reward, Emergency Response Team Procedure,
and Knowledge sharing.
 Capable conduct training on site (Fire Extinguisher, H2S Drill, Fire Drill and
Medical Evacuation)
 Capable used computer ( Microsoft Office, Excel, Power point & Internet)
 Conduct Safety Regular Rig Inspection, Internal Audit, HSE tool inspection,
Vehicle, Heavy Duty Equipment inspection, Welding Equipment inspection,
Camp & Accomodation inspection, Catering Inspection, Warehouse Inspection,
Lifting Equipment inspection, Hand tool & Power tool Inspection, Working
Environment inspection, Fire prevention inspection, Electric installation
inspection, Building construction inspection, Mechanical Inspection, Horizontal
directional drilling (HDD) machine Inspection, Bore pile inspection, Fogging,
Crane, Excavator and foco truck inspection and etc
 Capable conduct inspection new location ( Journey moving, before spud in,
Inspection before rig move and after rig move), Lay Out site & base camp.
 Familiar First Aids (evacuation burn injury, shock, compound fracture, snakebite
kid and etc).
 Conduct safety induction for employee, Security, visitor, Assessment driver,
Operator Speed boat, Opt Crane and Opt Forklift.
 Conduct implementation QHSE Policy, Safety Commitment, HSE Goal and
knowledge sharing to employee
 Knowledge of Oil and Gas Safety Regulation, HSE Plan, HSE Manual Program
 Familiar Accident – Incident investigation, Review, Recording and Reporting.
 Capable in standard operating procedure rig moving (on shore rig).
 Conduct implementation HSE Key Performance Indicator Business (KPI
Business), HSE program as per contract
 Familiar in principles of Occupational Health and Safety, Safety Regulation,
Environmental health and hygiene, gas detection, personnal protective equipment,
breathing apparatus, fire fighting and equipment, safety inspection, accident
investigation and reporting, safety management system, HAZOB, and work
 Capable Implementation and Monitoring Contractor Safety & Safety Management
System (CSMS). Pre Job Activity, Work In Progress and Final Evaluation
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JUNARSAK, Amd. Kep Jln. Batam No 26, Rt 16, Kel : Lebak Bandung, Kec Jelutung.
Jambi - Indonesia
 Curriculum Vitae  HP No: +62 85384624442

 Familiar about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Proper

 Capable implementation and monitoring B3 waste and reporting
 Capable implementation and monitoring IPLC and reporting
 English spoken and written
 Other.

The above information is true and correct to best of my knowledged, it is understand that the
above personal data maybe used as record of my past experiences and duration also for prompt
consideration and herewith promise.

Here with, I declare that data given above are true and correct.

Jambi, July 01th, 2023

Best & Regards,

Junarsak. Amd. Kep

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