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October 22, 2023
Prof. Edward Lap

Summary of DENR DAO 2003-30 Sections 2.1 and 2.2

DENR DAO 2003-30 emphasizes an Environmental Management Plan/Program that the

proponent will fund and implement to protect the environment. details the prevention,
mitigation, compensation, contingency and monitoring measures to enhance positive impacts
and minimize negative impacts and risks of a proposed project.

Undertaking of any proposed projects requires an EIA Process. The complexity and
thoroughness of the EIA required is based on the capacity of the project. The relevant
capacity of a project varies per project type. For example, power plants are classified by their
generation capacity, livestock projects by their holding capacity of animal units, and roads are
classified by their length. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 provides procedural requirements of the EIA
Process, which describes the steps and requirements per stage of the EIA process, which
include Screening, Scoping, Conduct of EIA Study and Report Preparation, EIA Report
Review and Evaluation, Decision Making, and Monitoring, Validation and Evaluation/Audit.

Section 2.1 details the screening for coverage and other application requirements for new and
existing projects with or without ECCs but not limited to project expansion/modification or
project that proposes resumption where a checklist is provided in determining coverage under
the Philippine EIS System and for determining corresponding requirements to comply with
the system (Annex 2-1). Application requirements may vary based on the magnitude of the
project (location and type). The section provides information of annexes and forms to be
filled out by the proponent. The section determines issuance of ECC and ECC. Where upon
review if a project’s capacity rather low, or the project will not have significant impact on the
environment regardless of size, a project may be eligible to secure an Certificate of Non-
Coverage (CNC). If the project is small, but still requires an ECC, an expedited version of an
EIA called an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) checklist may be required instead.
Otherwise, all projects must secure an ECC.
Section 2.2 provides information of the application process from scoping, conduct EIA study
or report, review and evaluation to decision making. Upon submission and review of
requirement’s, the EMB will determine if the project will require an ECC, CNC, IEC or ECC
Amendments. Thus, upon receipt of the screening report from the Agency, the proponent
shall carry out a scoping exercise to ensure that all significant impacts and reasonable
alternatives are addressed in the intended EIA. Also, if the data available is inadequate, the
proponent maybe required to undertake specific studies to fill data gaps making sure that all
requirement are meet and issues were appropriately addressed.

The section provided a flow chart of different ECC and CNC applications. Issuance of ECCs
and CNCs is upon compliance of all procedural requirements including approval of all
stakeholders that will be affected by the project. The flow chart shows specific steps in
applying ECCs, CNCs, IEE and Extension/Modification (Figure 2.1-2.4). Projects will
proceed after complying with the all the EMB requirement and after securing all the
necessary permit from the barangay and local government unit.

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