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Specialty Update
What’s New in Limb Lengthening
and Deformity Correction
Reggie C. Hamdy, MD, MSc, FRCS(C), Mitchell A. Bernstein, MD, FRCS(C), Austin T. Fragomen, MD,
and S. Robert Rozbruch, MD

Limb reconstruction surgery is an emerging subspecialty. In a study involving the largest series of tibial hemimelia cases
the past year, 5 major events highlighted the growing interest in reported from a single institution, other investigators used a
this field. The first combined meeting of the 3 international modified Jones classification that included a “type V” for cases
societies devoted to the study and advancement of limb with global deficiency of the tibia. There were no cases of type
lengthening and reconstruction—the Association for the Study III2. In a study involving children >4 years of age with type-II
and Application of the Methods of Ilizarov (ASAMI) Interna- fibular hemimelia, Popkov et al. concluded that tibial length-
tional, the Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society ening should be associated with resection of the fibular anlage in
(LLRS)-North America, and the International LLRS (ILLRS)— order to prevent recurrence of the valgus deformity of the ankle3.
was held in November 2015, in Miami. Second, a new journal, On the basis of radiographic assessment of the feet of patients
the Journal of Limb Lengthening & Reconstruction, was with fibular hemimelia, Reyes et al. noted that the deficiency
launched. Third, the Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction “should not be viewed as a global ‘lateral lower-limb deficiency’
Surgery Case Atlas was published (Springer International; nor the foot ray deficiency as ‘lateral.’”4 Other investigators
S.R.R. and R.C.H., editors). This is a major work in association found satisfactory results following a specific protocol of
with the LLRS, with 3 volumes and 302 cases covering all lengthening in children with congenital femoral deficiency 5.
aspects of limb reconstruction. Fourth, the LLRS supported Osteonecrosis of the femoral head in the contralateral hip was
and participated in the AAOS/OREF/ORS (American Academy described for 3 children with congenital femoral deficiency6.
of Orthopaedic Surgeons/Orthopaedic Research and Education Prophylactic femoral rodding with Rush rods following fixator
Foundation/Orthopaedic Research Society) Clinician Scholar removal was reported to be a safe and effective method to de-
Career Development Program. Lastly, the LLRS Traveling crease the incidence of fracture following lengthening7. However,
Fellowship program was implemented. femoral lengthening with circular external fixation had a higher
In addition to these events, numerous articles related to rate of complications than that with use of a motorized nail8.
limb reconstruction and deformity correction were published
in 2015. This Specialty Update provides a summary of this Congenital Pseudarthrosis of the Tibia (CPT)
recent research. Three studies provided additional insight into the treatment
of CPT in pediatric patients. Comparable results were found
Pediatrics between those with and without neurofibromatosis type I who
Congenital Limb Deficiencies were treated with use of the same Ilizarov technique9. Refrac-
Several studies investigated the treatment of congenital limb ture was the main issue following Ilizarov bone transport10.
deficiencies. Shahcheraghi and Javid found that the majority of Proximal tibial lengthening after initial union of CPT was an
children with tibial hemimelia had a good functional outcome effective form of management of tibial shortening11.
following reconstructive procedures or knee disarticulation1. In
Blount Disease
Specialty Update has been developed in collaboration with the Board of For patients with Blount disease who require minimal lengthening,
Specialty Societies (BOS) of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. correction using the Taylor Spatial Frame (Smith & Nephew)

Disclosure: One or more of the authors received a stipend from JBJS for writing this work. On the Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest forms, which
are provided with the online version of the article, one or more of the authors checked “yes” to indicate that the author had a relevant financial relationship
in the biomedical arena outside the submitted work.

J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2016;98:1408-15 d

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What’s New in Limb Lengthening and Deformity Correction

can potentially be performed safely without osteotomy and varus after malunion of a pediatric supracondylar fracture
fixation of the fibula12. A new classification system for com- was reported30. The risk of proximal rod migration in patients
plications in patients with Blount disease treated with a circular with osteogenesis imperfecta who had deformity correction
external fixator also was presented13. with use of a Bailey-Dubow rod could be reduced by complete
correction of the angular deformity and optimal placement
Skeletal Dysplasia of the rod at the distal physis31. Anam et al. reviewed a series
Several reports addressed lengthening in children with of 110 patients with osteogenesis imperfecta who had 261 in-
achondroplasia. First, tibial lengthening had a significantly tramedullary rodding procedures, 139 in the femur and 122 in
lower complication rate than did femoral lengthening14. Sec- the tibia, and showed that the introduction of a new medical
ond, although a complication rate of 70% was reported for and surgical protocol for deformity correction (a bisphos-
children with achondroplasia who underwent lengthening phonate infusion-free interval of 4 months after the osteotomy,
procedures, none of these children were left with any long-term use of an osteotome instead of a power saw, and the intro-
sequelae, and all were pleased with the results15. Third, al- duction of parenteral zoledronic acid) led to a decrease in
though double-level tibial lengthening can be difficult, the the rate of delayed osteotomy healing when compared with
results are usually gratifying16. Finally, humeral lengthening the treatment of patients using the old regimen32. Shore et al.
was reported to increase the independence of children with compared the results, cost, and complications of 42 children
achondroplasia, indicating that it is more than a cosmetic with diaphyseal tibial fracture treated with use of a Taylor
procedure17. Spatial Frame or a uniplanar fixator and reported equivalent
In addition, the successful use of the Fassier-Duval cost for care delivery by using either fixator33. In patients who
telescopic rod in the correction of deformity in 4 patients underwent a transtibial amputation, osteocartilaginous cap-
with Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome was reported18. A treatment ping with a proximal part of the ipsilateral fibula prevented
protocol for the correction of deformity in patients with recurrent overgrowth in 90% of the cases34.
skeletal dysplasia involving the use of a circular external fixator
was also presented19. Other Pediatric
The combined use of internal and external osteosynthesis al-
New Techniques lowed considerable reduction in the duration of the external
In children with osteogenesis imperfecta, the nonunion of fixator and decreased the number of complications in children
long bones was successfully treated with compressed sandwich undergoing leg lengthening35 and in children with X-linked
allograft cortical struts20, and unicortical locking-plate fixation hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets who underwent defor-
was successfully applied as an adjunct to intramedullary rod- mity correction36. Preoperative psychological intervention as
ding in cases of fractures and osteotomies21. Ippolito et al. part of an interdisciplinary team approach was recommended
reported on a 2-stage technique for the successful treatment for patients undergoing limb reconstruction37. Another study
of patients with polyostotic fibrous dysplasia and severe coxa sought to determine the normal radiographic values of ana-
vara22. The use of flexible intramedullary nails augmented by tomical and mechanical alignment angles of the lower limbs
external fixation as an alternative treatment of open meta- of children of various age groups, the first such chronological
physeal diaphyseal tibial fractures in adolescents was reported evaluation in a relatively large series of patients38. As found in
by Atef and Tantawy, with satisfactory results23. a cadaveric study of femora of donors 8 to 20 years of age by
A new technique for the resection of a central or mixed Park et al., nail entry at the pediatric greater trochanter apex
physeal bar by a complete transverse osteotomy at the me- would likely result in anterior placement39. Lastly, in cases of
taphysis was also reported24. In another report, satisfactory poor or delayed bone formation during lengthening proce-
results of plate-assisted lengthening of the femur and tibia were dures, the addition of compressive forces to the distraction
found25. No improvement in function was found for 11 patients protocol (the accordion maneuver) may be beneficial40.
with Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease or developmental dysplasia
of the hip who underwent femoral head reduction osteotomy 26. Trauma
Other investigators described a novel technique for the treat- Hypertrophic Tibial Nonunion
ment of chronic patellar sleeve fractures using the Taylor Salih et al., in an attempt to predict which diaphyseal tibial
Spatial Frame27. Laine et al. reported on the management of fractures would progress to hypertrophic nonunion, reported
8 patients with open fractures of the tibia with bone loss28. on a radiographic sign, termed the callus fracture sign41. This
The technique included static stabilization for soft-tissue had a sensitivity of 69.6%, specificity of 91.3%, and positive and
healing and acute shortening, with a plan for subsequent limb negative predictive values of 88.9% and 75.0%, respectively.
lengthening. Ulnar osteotomy and gradual correction using the Xu et al. retrospectively reviewed the data of 12 patients with
Ilizarov external fixator was described for 4 cases of chronic a diagnosis of hypertrophic nonunion treated with an Ilizarov
anterior Monteggia lesion29. A successful modified technique ring fixator, with a union rate of 100%42. In no cases did
for the use of the Taylor Spatial Frame in patients with cubitus the authors perform compression at the site of nonunion to
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What’s New in Limb Lengthening and Deformity Correction

augment healing. In another study, distal tibial hypertrophic transport55. Ilizarov circular fixation was used in the tibia, and
nonunions treated with a circular fixator demonstrated union a monolateral rail was used in the femur. The mean bone de-
in 100% of the patients43. Patients treated with the Taylor fect, post-debridement, was 6.15 cm. The authors reported a
Spatial Frame had improved deformity correction. In a study 100% union rate, with no recurrence of infection. The suc-
by Ferreira et al., the authors reported a union rate of 89.1% cessful use of a monolateral external fixator was demonstrated
among 46 patients with aseptic, stiff tibial nonunions treated in another study of 7 patients with a mean infected femoral
with hexapod external fixators and distraction44. bone defect of 8.1 cm56.

Tibial Fracture Other Trauma

A meta-analysis compared various modalities for the treatment The use of circular fixation with classic stainless steel Ilizarov
of open tibial shaft fractures45. Method ranking revealed that rings has been demonstrated to be safe and cost-effective in
unreamed nailing was the modality with the highest probability austere and low socioeconomic settings57-59. Tibial plateau
of being the best treatment, followed by reamed nailing, ex- fractures, Schatzker type-IV to VI fractures, can be effectively
ternal fixation, and plate fixation. A systematic review of 57 treated with Ilizarov circular fixation60. In a retrospective study
studies evaluating the treatment of open type-III tibial shaft of 177 patients, the rate of venous thromboembolism in pa-
fractures concluded that circular frames have surgical out- tients with tibial fractures treated with circular fixation was
comes that are equivalent to those of other techniques46. In 4% (deep-vein thrombosis, 1.7%, and pulmonary embolism,
another systematic review evaluating the outcome of Ilizarov 2.3%)61. Zhong et al. reported on their single-stage recon-
treatment of infected tibial and femoral nonunions, an average struction for severe foot and ankle deformities that included
97.26% rate of union was shown for the included studies47. the use of a sural neurocutaneous flap, noting no flap failures
In a series of 56 patients treated with use of a Taylor Spatial or neurovascular complications62.
Frame for tibial shaft fractures, the indications for circular
fixation remained inconclusive48. Circular fixation remains Adult
a powerful tool, especially for cases in which a type-IIIB injury Rozbruch et al. retrospectively examined data regarding sur-
can be converted to a type-IIIA with a technique called gical cases and outpatient visits from the limb-lengthening
intentional deformation49. and complex reconstruction service at one institution63. Re-
Lengthening and then nailing (LATN) and lengthen- ferrals were primarily from orthopaedic surgeons (56%) and
ing and then plating (LAP) are 2 methods of decreasing the self/Internet research (25%).
time that patients spend in an external fixator. Bernstein et al.
reported on 58 patients with posttraumatic bone loss (mean, Limb Realignment and Arthritis
5.3 cm) treated with either classic circular fixation and bone There were several studies that supported the use of realign-
transport or “integrated fixation” (LATN or LAP)50. They ment osteotomy to offload the arthritic compartment of a
demonstrated a 100% union rate and no difference in the knee with osteoarthritis64-69. Stupina et al. concluded that re-
severity or number of complications between the 2 groups. storing the microarchitecture of the subchondral bone and
In a study involving an animal model of tibial fracture, there improving its vascularization after tunneling with the intro-
was a subclinical degeneration of myelin fibers in the pero- duction of bone marrow suspension into the drill-holes enhances
neal and tibial nerves during fracture healing and following chondrocyte metabolism and recovers their functionality 70.
fixator removal51. The success of open-wedge osteotomy is impacted by the
completion and speed of bone growth in the triangular
Distal Tibial/Pilon Fracture space created at surgery. As found in one systematic review,
In a randomized comparative study, 40 patients were treated the lowest rates of delayed union/nonunion were in autograft
with open reduction and internal fixation with conventional bone-filled osteotomies71. While high tibial osteotomy
plating or Ilizarov circular fixation52. The rate of healing in the (HTO) is the most common knee realignment procedure
Ilizarov fixation group was higher (p = 0.003). The addition of performed, distal femoral osteotomy was evaluated in the
ankle arthroscopy for visualization of the articular surface did treatment of 21 knees for valgus knee malalignment with ar-
not show additional benefit for 23 patients with closed pilon thritis or to protect a knee compartment in which chondral
fractures treated with Ilizarov external fixation53. In a retro- resurfacing surgery had been performed72. Harris et al. studied
spective case series of 28 open pilon fractures, Danoff et al. the outcomes of patients undergoing simultaneous meniscal
reported on their protocol of the use of staged open reduction transplantation, osteotomy, and articular cartilage repair, not-
of the articular surface and Ilizarov fixation54. ing improvements in validated patient-reported clinical out-
come scores at long-term follow-up73. Konopka et al. studied
Femoral and Tibial Bone Transport the cost-effectiveness of HTO and unicompartmental knee
Massive bone loss in the tibia and femur was reported in a study replacement as alternatives to total knee replacement for
of 110 patients with infected nonunion treated by bone patients 50 to 60 years of age74.
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What’s New in Limb Lengthening and Deformity Correction

Limb Lengthening Symmetrical distribution of the load of the lower limbs and
While bone lengthening with external fixation has been demon- balance are among the determinants of proper biomechanics of
strated to be successful, newer methods of integrated fixation are the musculoskeletal system. In a study of 57 patients, load dis-
showing promise for some patients by decreasing external fixator- tribution of the lower limbs in the study group after realignment
related complications and the duration of time needed in the surgery did not significantly differ from that in normal controls91.
frame75,76. Dehghan et al. showed that the transplantation of au- The same group examined 56 patients who underwent derota-
tologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) tional corticotomies of the distal epiphysis of the femur or the
positively affected early osseous consolidation in distraction os- proximal epiphysis of the tibia using the Ilizarov method92. The
teogenesis77. Published results of the use of the PRECICE Intra- authors found no differences between the study group and con-
medullary Limb Lengthening System (Ellipse Technologies) in trols in physical and sports activity after surgical correction.
>250 cases were reported to be excellent, with less pain and lower
complication rates than with external fixation methods or pre- Limb Salvage and Amputation
vious implantable nail systems78. Patients who had experienced Circular external fixation may be used to stabilize limbs in an
both internal and external fixation preferred the internal length- intentionally short position and then gradually correct the
ening device with respect to overall satisfaction79. The lengthening deformity 93,94. The overall incidence, prevalence, fall charac-
nail might be superior to external fixation for femoral lengthen- teristics, and risk factors were calculated for falls in an amputee
ing, when the anatomical conditions and the complexity of the population resulting in rehospitalization95. Life-threatening
deformity allow the use of an intramedullary nail80,81. A low-cost infections can occur while using circular external fixation96.
custom knee device with polyester synthetic conformable casting A satisfactory outcome was obtained with early diagnosis
material for the treatment of knee flexion contractures was used and aggressive medical and surgical treatment.
successfully in 23 patients (27 limbs) who developed knee flexion
contracture during femoral lengthening with an intramedullary Other Adult-Related
lengthening femoral nail82. Elbatrawy and Ragab studied the The Return to Run (RTR) clinical pathway, which was intro-
outcomes of 50 patients who underwent stature lengthening for duced in 2009, has demonstrated favorable results among re-
psychological reasons and concluded that the Ilizarov device is a turning active-duty service members in terms of running,
safe tool for limb lengthening in individuals of short stature83. sports participation, active duty, and deployments97. Rivera
et al. hypothesized that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Limb Alignment and Osseous Anatomy (NSAIDs) may be delivered locally in a wound for the potential
Zampogna et al. compared the measurement of the anatomical prevention of heterotopic ossification98.
femorotibial angle on a knee radiograph with the measurement of
the mechanical axis on a full-length standing hip-to-ankle radio- Foot and Ankle
graph84. The knee radiograph measurement had weak correlation The use of fluoroscopy was recommended while using an Ilizarov
with the long radiograph. In addition, as concluded by Lee et al., semicircular external fixator for distraction osteogenesis in
alignment after total knee arthroplasty should be assessed by brachymetatarsia99. A study of complex ankle arthrodesis showed
measuring mechanical alignment on a full-length standing radio- a high fusion rate with minimal complications, confirming the
graph rather than by anatomical alignment85. In another study, utility of ringed fixators100. A review of the literature on complex
by Cho et al., the foot progression angle and the mechanical axis of ankle arthrodesis yielded an algorithm for surgical treatment101.
the lower limb were significantly correlated with the first and For a patient with complete fibular agenesis, Cavadas and Thione
second peak knee adduction moments86. Weinberg et al. studied successfully used the proximal part of the contralateral fibula
the association between rotational deformities of the femur and including the growth plate to craft a lateral malleolus with mi-
tibia and the development of arthritis using an osteological col- crovascular anastomosis102. In a study by Lohia et al. on resistant
lection87. As assessed by multiple regression analysis, neither idiopathic clubfoot in toddlers, both gradual correction
tibial torsion nor femoral version proved to be independent pre- with external fixation and open release with acute correction were
dictors of hip or knee arthritis. Weinberg and Liu found that found to provide significant improvement103. A group of plastic
increasing tibial length relative to femoral length was a significant surgeons treated foot ulcers associated with Charcot arthropathy
predictor of ipsilateral hip and knee arthritis88. by several methods, including free tissue transfer, concluding
that aggressive treatment can yield a high healing rate104.
Deformity Correction
A deficiency of the lateral compartment of the knee, often in the Additional Studies of Interest
setting of skeletal dysplasia, is an intra-articular deformity re- In 4 cases of elbow arthrodesis, circular external fixation
sulting in genu valgum. Advancement of the lateral femoral was successful at providing a stable and functional upper extremity
condyle can be performed to correct the deformity 89. Alexis et al. when amputation was the alternative105. Three studies showed
evaluated the utility of the Taylor Spatial Frame among cases creative uses for Ilizarov mini-fixators in the correction of hand
treated in Haiti90. Good results were observed in 99% of the cases. contractures: a severe intrinsic-plus hand deformity was treated
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What’s New in Limb Lengthening and Deformity Correction

with selective releases combined with fixator-assisted stretching106; frame constructs was provided by Henderson et al. Their hy-
carpometacarpal (CMC) arthritis with associated metacarpopha- pothesis, that half-pins would create a cantilever system that in-
langeal (MCP) joint hyperextension deformity was treated with creased the presence of undesirable strain at the fracture site, was
CMC arthroplasty and metacarpal osteotomy and external fixation disproved by data showing that the all-half-pin construct demon-
with excellent results107; and, in the final study, postoperative re- strated less strain than the all-wire gold standard120. Oblique frac-
habilitation with the use of rubber bands was emphasized108. tures have presented challenges to surgeons using external fixation.
A study of 7 patients treated with resection and bone transport Looking at this problem in detail, Jabbar and Khaleel found that
using a classic Ilizarov circular fixator yielded excellent or good placing crossed olive wires across oblique fractures resulted in the
results in all cases109. A larger series of 38 transports included classic most stable constructs121. Using a transverse fracture and osteotomy
ring transport with multiple osteotomy sites and Ilizarov crossed model, researchers found that a hexapod-type (Ortho SUV) frame,
olive-wire transport and showed excellent results for the entire which allowed for a dynamized mode, was better able to resist
group after an average lengthening of 10 cm110. Alzahrani et al. deforming forces than was a classic Ilizarov external fixator122.
investigated the role of sclerostin antibody infusions in a mouse Several other articles were dedicated to answering
model of tibial fracture-healing and reported rapid healing when practical questions regarding relevant human anatomy. The
compared with controls111. A recent review of distraction osteo- method of vascularized free-tissue transfer was further refined by
genesis and methods for improving bone regeneration focused the use of perforating vessels in place of the larger, named vessels
on the use of adipose stem cells. The study outlined the relative at the anastomosis site123. The authors found no significant in-
abundance of cells in the adipose tissue and the equivalent per- crease in complications, despite connecting to a reduced-flow
formance of these cells when compared with crest-derived cells112. vessel. The use of external fixation around the distal part of the
Improved delivery of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and femur creates concern for knee-joint contamination and septic
other potent bone-healing stimulators may be possible with the arthritis. A cadaveric study demonstrated that the safe corridor
use of a chitosan sponge, where the BMP is released more evenly for extra-articular fixation is narrower than perhaps previously
and over a sustained period113. A case of a 10-year-old patient with thought124. Iatrogenic injury of the common peroneal nerve
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction-related growth during wire placement in the fibular head is a devastating com-
arrest and subsequent deformity showed successful use of the plication of the application of circular fixation. An anatomical
lengthening and plating technique114. study was conducted among cadavers to precisely outline the safe
In a study involving patients who had tibial surgery zone for proximal fibular transfixation125. Ktistakis et al. analyzed
and external fixation, Lundblad et al. used PET/CT (positron 369 articles on the topic of pin-site infection after external fixa-
emission tomography/computed tomography) bone scans tion and concluded that there is no clearly superior method for
to measure bone activity and showed that several static mea- conducing pin care126.
surements could be used as a proxy for a complete dynamic scan,
thus saving examination time115. An investigation of distraction
osteogenesis in a sheep model focused on the callus production
rate, volume, and mechanical parameters116. In a study of dis- Reggie C. Hamdy, MD, MSc, FRCS(C)1
traction osteogenesis involving dogs, investigators found that the Mitchell A. Bernstein, MD, FRCS(C)2
Austin T. Fragomen, MD3
concentrations of growth factors (GFs), including insulin-like
S. Robert Rozbruch, MD3
GFs 1 and 2, stem cell factor, vascular endothelial GF, and
transforming GF-b1, varied with the rate of distraction117. 1Shriners Hospitals for Children-Canada, Montréal, Québec, Canada
A novel tensioning and clamping system that resists loss of
wire tension far better than traditional clamping constructs was University Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, Illinois
evaluated by Bairaktari et al.118. Striving for dynamization, Capanni 3Hospital
et al. found that dynamic locking plates (utilizing a silicone inter- for Special Surgery, New York, NY
face between plate and screws, providing elastically suspended E-mail address for R.C. Hamdy:
locking holes) behave more like an Ilizarov fixator than a tradi- E-mail address for M.A. Bernstein:
tional locking plate119. Additional insight into the dynamic prop- E-mail address A.T. Fragomen:
erties of circular fixation through sequential testing of various E-mail address S.R. Rozbruch:

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