sds 207 policy formation

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BARRIENTOS/ 2023-5349
April 23, 2024
SDS 207- Policy Formulation



Exploitation of natural resources and degradation of some important

ecosystems are associated to increase of population and economic development. In
fact, many studies have shown findings on how man misuse the natural resources
for economic development. While the time is constantly changing, so as the globe’s
climate, a challenge wherein leaders and experts of different countries are making
efforts to address various problems related to population explosion, proper use of
natural resources and among others is to limit emission of pollution.
Silent spring, founex report and the recent reports and audits of the
environment shares the same thought of protecting, conserving and preserving the
environment. These reports served as baseline data and information in the
formulation and implementation of different interventions that mitigates the negative
impact to our environment while addresses the needs of the population. Adhering to
the criteria set by the United Nations and other consortiums to manage the natural
resources, decrease or lower carbon emissions and other toxic gases. However,
there are deficiencies in the adaptation of these policies and regulations since it was
negotiated and agreed in many forums.
On the positive note, there are indicators that measures the progress or what
are being done to address challenges across the pillars of sustainable development.
In the field of biodiversity for example, there are extensive studies that are being
conducted in remote areas of the Philippines that reveals new and unidentified
species of flora and fauna of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The studies
also explore some indigenous knowledge of people in the use of this resources as
well as to their method of preservation, conservation and protection. These studies
does not limit only to the field of natural science but it explores the socio-economic
use of the people and the policies implemented by the local government for
sustainable use of resources.
April 23, 2024
SDS 207- Policy Formulation



The Philippine government have many legislations that adheres to sustainable

development goals. There are special laws that were enforce to ensure the proper
use of resources, disposal of waste, wildlife trade, protection of the environment and
many others. These laws were enacted even before the policies, goals and
objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. However, the
compliance to this SDGs have legislated new national laws, policies and programs to
regulate the negative impacts to the environment. These national laws, policies and
programs are guidelines to LGUs and private institutions with regards to resource
utilization and disposal as well as infrastructure development.
Development and change of land use in an area requires environmental
planning to mitigate the impacts with regards to changes. The comprehensive land
use plan is a tool for guiding the sustainable development and management of land
resources. The CLUP provides a strategic framework for decision-making regarding
land use, zoning, infrastructure development, and environmental conservation. Thus,
it covers the zoning and land use regulation, used foe strategic development,
infrastructure planning, environmental protection, disaster and risk reduction
preparedness and legal and regulatory compliance.
However, enforcing the scope within the CLUP is upon the discretion of the
local officials, infrastructure development may be denied or approved according to
the decision of the approving office. Looking into the latest issues on the approval of
many projects within the protected areas in the Philippines, an example of non-
compliance to the legal and regulatory provisions of the laws and policies, seems to
a slap to the government and its good intentions to environmental conservation and
protection. Thus, political well plays a vital role in decision making that addresses the
needs of the population and protection of the natural resources.
April 23, 2024
SDS 207- Policy Formulation


Natural phenomenon, pandemic and invasion are disasters that poses risk
and challenges. Resiliency is a natural coping mechanism of man to survived and
continues to develop strategies to recover and led to a stronger well-being. For the
past 5 years the country faced with major calamities, invasion (Marawi Siege) and
the Covid-19 Pandemic and all of these have resulted to deaths. Common sector
that are most affected are those population that is located in the depressed
communities. Negative effects such as loss of livelihood, shelter and education are
all associated to these disasters. In response to this, the government has allocated a
contingency fund annually to make sure that affected population will be aided.
With the many disasters that occurs, the Covid 19 pandemic is the most that
have adversely affects the population and economy. It exposes the deficiencies of
the government especially in the medical sector. Among others is the sector of
education, where a new norm of education was implemented. Implementation of the
new learning delivery mode such as synchronous and asynchronous teaching,
modular and learning activity sheets was then difficult. Occurring problems like
internet connectivity, lack of hardware (cellphones, laptops and computers),
teacher’s lack of knowledge in learning management tools (google meet, classroom,
zoom etc.) and printing and distribution of modules renders the effective
implementation of the new learning delivery mode.
However, with the government’s willingness to deliver the mission and vision
of the education department, it provided strategies with the support of the local
government, private and non-government organization to address the needs of the
teachers and learners. The national and local government, private and non-
government organizations helped in procuring materials, installation of internet
connectivity and learning management system trainings that will aid the new learning
delivery mode. Although, there are deficiencies in the implementation, the
government are innovating its strategies to meet the mission and vision towards
quality education.

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