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1. Chromosome walking is
(1) used in genetic mapping
(2) observed during mitosis
(3) to see position of Ribosomes on nuclear membrane
(4) to check the expression of mutant genes

2. Verticilaster inflorescence is found in

(1) Mustard
(2) Ocimum
(3) China rose
(4) Sunflower

3. Zooidogamy is found in
(1) Cedrus
(2) Pinus
(3) Cycas
(4) Both (2) and (3)

4. Which one is only found in plant?

(1) Ribosome
(2) Mitochondria
(3) Glyoxysomes
(4) Lysosome

5. Vernalisation is
(1) Low pH treatment
(2) Low temperature treatment
(3) High temperature treatment
(4) High pH treatment

6. During DNA replication, supercoiling is relaxed by

(1) Primase
(2) Polymerase
(3) DNA Topoisomerase
(4) SSBPs

7. Which of the following is not true?

(1) β-Galactosidase–Lac operon
(2) Photorespiration–C3 plants
(3) Krebs cycle–mitochondrial matrix
(4) Southern Hybridization–related to identification of RNA

8. An interaction in which one organism is benefitted and other is

(1) Predation
(2) Commensalism
(3) Mutualism
(4) Parasitism

9. Karyotype of Down syndrome has how many chromosomes?

(1) 43
(2) 46
(3) 47
(4) 45

10. Genetic variation cannot be effectively brought about by

(1) Transduction
(2) Mutation
(3) Transformation
(4) Amplification
11. A normal man and a normal woman both having one of their
parent albino, if get married then what is
the probability of their child of being albino?
(1) 20%
(2) 25%
(3) 75%
(4) 80%

12. Which is the correct sequence of modification and transport of

secretory vesicles?
(1) RER→cell membrane→ secretory vesicles→Golgi body
(2) RER→secretory vesicles →Golgi body →cell membrane
(3) RER→Golgi body→secretory vesicles→cell membrane
(4) SER→Golgi body →cell membrane →secretory vesicles

13. Which of the following is not a stop codon?

(1) UAA
(2) UAC
(3) UAG
(4) UGA

14. Kranz anatomy is found in

(1) C3 plants
(2) only in monocots
(3) Both C4 and C3 plants
(4) C4 plants

15. To make chromosomal studies easier, chromosomes are

classified into certain groups. So, the
chromosome number 21, 22 and Y are listed in
(1) A
(2) D
(3) E
(4) G

16. What will be the DNA content and number of chromosomes in

a cell of after S phase as compared to
the gamete of the same organism?
(1) Same DNA content but double chromosome number
(2) Four times DNA content but double chromosome number
(3) Same DNA content but half chromosome number
(4) Half DNA content but double chromosome number
17. An interaction in which one organism is benefitted and other is
(1) predation
(2) commensalism
(3) mutualism
(4) parasitism

18. Carcinogen present in cigarette smoke is :

(1) Benzopyrine
(2) Nicotine
(3) Carbon monoxide
(4) All

19. Choose the incorrect about gemmules :

(1) They resist dessication
(2) They are internal buds
(3) They are asexual structures which produce by binary
(4) They can give rise to new organisms

20. Structure analogous to the placenta in mammals

(1) Chorion
(2) Amnion
(3) yolk sac
(4) Allantois

21. Bradykinin is a :
(1) Antibody
(2) Hormone
(3) Enzyme
(4) Receptor

22. Hardest substance in plant kingdom is

(1) saple
(2) corolla
(3) sporopollenin
(4) anther

23. Number of chromosomes present in spermatogonium is :

(1) 46
(2) 23
(3) 48
(4) 43
24. Gastrulation means :
(1) Conversion of blastula into morula
(2) Formation of 3 germ layers
(3) A phase in which organogenesis takes places
(4) A phase characterized by inner cell mass

25. Level of LH is maximum :

(1) Just before ovulation
(2) Just after ovulation
(3) At the time of ovulation
(4) During menstrual bleeding phase

26. Length of oesophagus is :

(1) 25 cm
(2) 55 cm
(3) 33 cm
(4) 45 cm

27. Which of the following is not a micronutrient

(1) B
(2) Zn
(3) Mn
(4) Mg

28. Chordae Tendinae is found in :

(1) Heart of Cockroach
(2) Heart of Amphibians
(3) Heart of Reptiles
(4) Heart of Mammals

29. Most advanced invertebrates are :

(1) Arthropoda
(2) Annelida
(3) Mollusca
(4) Cephalopoda

30. Citrulline structure :




31. Cell placed in hypertonic solution is shown by




(4) Both (a) and (b)

32. Which of the following is not considered as a secondary
(1) Transduction
(2) Mutation
(3) Transformation
(4) Amplification

33. Which is also called molecular glue

(1) DNA gyrase
(2) DNA helicase
(3) DNA ligase
(4) DNA polymerase

34. In DNA 20% bases are adenine. What percentage of bases are
(1) 30%
(2) 60%
(3) 50%
(4) 20%

35. Traditional Anethesia is obtained from

(1) Datura
(2) Poppy
(3) Cannbis
(4) Erythoxylum

36. Band 3 protine in RBC has the function of

(1) It mediates the exchange of cellular HCO3− with Cl− in
(2) It is a cytoplasmic protein
(3) It mediates the exchange of cations between cell and
(4) Both (a) and (b)

37. Hypothalamus can regulate

(1) Anger
(2) Patience
(3) Thermoregulation
(4) Pleasure

38. Choose correct option for larva of housefly

(1) Grub
(2) Cypris
(3) Naggot
(4) Wriggler

39. Radula is a part of which animal

(1) Mollusca
(2) Poriferans
(3) Coelenterata
(4) Annelida

40. Reproduction without actual fertilisation is called as

(1) Parthenogenesis
(2) Parthenocarpy
(3) Presudo-reproduction
(4) All of these

41. Cocervates were discovered by

(1) Huxley
(2) Fox
(3) Oparin
(4) Miller

42. Which of the following is uricotelic?

(1) Insects
(2) Birds
(3) Lizards
(4) All of these

43. Choose the correct regarding antibodies

(1) IgA-Helps in allergic reaction
(2) IgG- Cross placenta
(3) IgE- Found in secreations
(4) IgM- Exist as dimer

44. In annealing
(1) Primers anneal to the DNA template
(2) Taq polymersase adds nucleotides to the annealed primer
(3) Two strands of the DNA separate
(4) Temperature in 92 °C

45. Atlas is
(1) 1st cervical vertebrare
(2) 2nd cervical vertebrae
(3) 1st thoracic vertebrae
(4) 2nd lumbar vertebrae
46. Typhoid is caused by
(1) Pneumonia
(2) Filarial worm
(3) Salmonella typhii
(4) None of the above

47. Chl- b differs from chl-a by

(1) −CH 3 group
(2) CHO group
(3) COOH group
(4) CH2OH group

48. Number of chromosomes present in secondary spermatocyte

(1) 22
(2) 23
(3) 24
(4) 25

49. Flame cells are present in

(1) Ascheiminthes
(2) Playthelminthes
(3) Anneida
(4) Cephalochordata

50. Which one of the labeled part utilisees fructose as a source of


(1) Head
(2) Tail
(3) Acrosome
(4) Middle piece

51. Among the following choose the correct epimers.

(1) Glucose, galactose
(2) Glucose, fructose
(3) Glucose, ribose
(4) Gluconic acid, glucose

52. Gynaeocomastia is present in which syndrome?

(1) Turner
(2) Klinefelter
(3) Down
(4) None of the above

53. In gluconeogensis, which of the following cannot act as

(1) Fructose
(2) Palmitic acid
(3) Glycine
(4) Glycerol

54. Identify the diagram of heteocyst.




55. Which one of them is odd with respect to human male?

(1) Absence of one X-chromosome
(2) Addition of one X-chromosome
(3) Presence of XY- chromosome
(4) Absence of Barr body

56. Eutrophication is caused due to

(1) Accumulation of minerals
(2) Effect of UV-C
(3) Accumulation of metals only
(4) Accumulation of zooplankton
57. Synaptonemal complex is formed
(1) During anaphase
(2) During metaphase
(3) During prophase-II
(4) During prophase-I of meiosis

58. Which one is the oldest in following?

(1) Gymnosperms
(2) Angiosperms
(3) Bryophytes
(4) None of these

59. RNA binds to mRNA through

(1) Anticodon loop
(2) Tψ C loop
(3) Amino acid binding loop
(4) D loop

60. Find odd one out.

(1) Stamen
(2) Stigma
(3) Style
(4) Ovary


1. Chromosome walking is used in genetic mapping to find and

clone a gene from its nearest marker.

2. The verticilaster inflorescence has flowers arranged in a whorl,

having an opposite axillary arrangement. It is found in Ocimum.

3. Zooidogamy is a type of reproduction observed in plants, in

which the male gametes swim to the female gametes to
facilitate reproduction. It is seen in Cycas.

4. Glyoxysomes are only found in plants as a specialized form of

peroxisomes. It consists of enzymes that perform the function
of breaking down the fatty acids and the production of
intermediate compounds for the production of sugars during the
process of gluconeogenesis.

5. Vernalisation is low temperature treatment. It is the process of

shortening of vegetative phase and initiation of reprocuctive
phase by application of low temperature to moistened seeds and
young plants.

6. DNA topoisomerase relaxes the supercoiling of DNA that

occurs ahead of the replication fork. These enzymes make a cut
or two in the DNA strands to relieve the stress.

7. Southern hybridization is used for the identification of DNA

sequences. For the identification of RNA sequences, Northern
Hybridization is used.

8. In commensalism, one individual gains the benefit either in the

form of shelter or the availability of food, but the other
individual remains unaffected. For example Remora fishes
possess disks on their heads, which facilitate their attachment
to large fishes. When the large fish feed, the remora fishes
detach from them to eat the food. In this case, remora fishes get
the benefit of food while the large fishes remain unaffected.

9. Down syndrome is a chromosomal aberration, which is caused

by the trisomy of chromosome 21. It means there is one
chromosome extra in individuals affected with Down
syndrome. So, the karyotype shows 47 chromosomes.

10. Genetic variation causes the alteration in the genes. It can

be achieved by transduction, mutation, and transformation. But
amplification does not cause genetic variation because it is used
for PCR (polymerase chain reaction), as it amplifies the small
amount of DNA by replicating it through many cycles.

11. Genotype of male: Aa

Genotype of female: Aa
Where A is the dominant gene, and a is the recessive gene.

The cross between the male and female is as follow:

Male/Female A a
A AA (Unaffected) Aa (Carrier)
a Aa (Carrier) Aa (affected)
This indicates that there is a probability that 25% that the
couple can have an albino child.

12. The synthesized protein follows the path of rough

endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi body-secretory vesicles-cell
membrane for the modification and transport of secretory

13. The stop codon, when present in the RNA, stops the
process of translation. Three stop codons are found-UAA,
UAG, and UGA. So, UAC is not the stop codon.

14. Kranz anatomy is a type of specialized structure of leaves

found in the C4 plants. In this anatomy, the mesophyll cells
cluster around the bundle sheath cells in a ring form.

15. The chromosomes have been arranged according to their

size, position of the centromere, and banding pattern. The 21,
22, and Y chromosomes have been grouped into G as they are
short and acrocentric.

16. The DNA content will become four times, and the
chromosome number becomes twice in a cell after the
completion of S phase as compared to the gametes formed in
the same organism.
17. Commensalism is a type of interaction where one
organism is benefitted and other remain unaffected. In
predation one organism feeds on another organism. In
parasitism one organism gets the benefit at the expense of the
host. Mutualism is a type of positive interaction in which all
individuals are benfitted by one another.

18. Benzopyrene is the carcinogen present in the smoke of a

cigarette, which can cause cancer and other serious health

19. The gemmules are not formed by binary fission. These are
asexual bud-like cells, which are formed by sponges in
environments having unfavorable conditions. The gemmules
have the ability to give rise to a whole new organism.

20. The structure that is analogous to placenta in mammals is

known as chorion. Chorion is the outer membrane of embryo
and it is involved in the development of placenta.
21. Bradykinin is a hormone which plays an essential role in
lowering the blood pressure, and it is also involved in the pain

22. Sporopollenin is the hardest substance in plant kingdom.

It is the major constituent of outer layer (exine) of poilen grains.
It is the most resistant organic material that can withstand high
temperature as well as strong acids and alkali. No enzyme is
known which can degrade it.

23. Spermatogonia are diploid cells, which mean they have 46

chromosomes. The spermatogonia undergo the process of
spermatogenesis, which finally produces haploid spermatids
having 23 chromosomes.

24. Gastrulation is the process by which the blastula converts

into gastrula. In this process the blastula forms three germ
layers known as ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.

25. LH is the luteinizing hormone, which is important for the

maintenance of ovaries. The LH levels are maximum at the
time of ovulation when the developing egg reaches a particular

26. The length of oesophagus is 25 cm. It connects the

pharynx to the stomach.

27. The Magnesium (Mg) is a macronutrient not a

micronutrient. Such nutrients are required by plants in
comparitvely large amount. Other examples are phosphorus,
potassium, Nitrogen etc. Micronutrients are required by plant
in traces, less than 0.1 mg per gram of dry matter.

28. Chordae Tendinae is found in the heart of mammals.

These are the heart-strings that provide a connection between
the papillary muscles and both the tricuspid valve and the
bicuspid valve.

29. The most advanced invertebrates are Cephalopoda as they

contain the largest nervous system among the invertebrates.

30. The correct structure of citrulline is shown in the option

31. The figure given in option(1) depicts that the movement
of water is outside the cell and the cell is plasmolysed, i.e. the
cell membrane has got shrinked, these observations signify that
the cell is placed in hypertonic solution. The balanced inflow
and outflow of water in the cell shown in option. The cell in
option (2) indicated that it is placed in isotonic solution. In
option (3) there is net inflow of water inside the cell and the
cell is turgid, thus it can be said that the cell is placed in
hypotonic solution.

32. Acetylcholine is not considered as a secondary messenger.

It is a common neurotransmitter present in the neuromuscular
junctions, voluntary neutral synapses, synapses of pre-
ganglionic nerve fibres, synapses of post ganglionic
parasympathetic nerve fibres.

33. Enzyme DNA liagase is also called as molecule or glue,

as it works to repair broken DNA by joining two nucleotides in
a DNA strand. It is commonly used in genetic engineering to
do the reverse of restriction enzyme.

DNA gyres is an enzyme of class topoisomerase that relieves

torque or stain in DNA during DNA replication. DNA helicase
unwinds the double helix to make site of DNA synthesis. DNA
polymerase catalyses formation of new DNA on template
34. According to chargaff’s rule
A + G = C + T = 50%
If A= 20% then T = 20%
And C= 30%
Totale percentage of pyrimidine bases is (T + C) is 50%.

35. Traditionally, erythroxylum (cocaine) was used to obtain

anesthesia. It has an anesthetic and analgesic property which
can alleviate the pain of headache, rheumatism, wounds and
sores etc. It was also used for broken bones, childbirth and
during performing trepanning operations on the skull.

36. Band 3 protein is a typical polytropic memberane protein

that mediates the exchange of cellular bicarbonate ions

( HCO ) with the chloride ( Cl ) ion in plasma, which has


been known as the ‘chloride shift’. Owing to this, RBC can

discriminate the metabolically active cells from inactive
cells and deliver oxygen particularly to metabolically active
tissue that produce carbon disoxide.
37. Thermorgulation is the ability of an organism to regulate its
internal body temperature. it is under the control, of
hypothalamus region of BRAIN. Emotions like anger
patience and pleasure are controlled by limbic system
located in temporal lobe of brain.

38. Larva of housefly is called maggot. Larva of certain beetles

and other insects are called grub. Cypris is a larval form of
class-Crustacea. Wriggler is a larval form of mosquitioes.

39. Radula is part of Mollusca group of animal. It is a rasping

organ of mollusks situated in a sac on the underside of buccal
cavity. It is used for tearing plant material by rubbing it
against the hardened surface of the month.

40. Reproduction without actual fertilization is called as

parthenogensis. It is a type of reproduction in which
formation of an embryo form an undertilised egg takes place.
Parthenocarpy is the process of production of fruit without
fertilization (pollnation).

41. Coacervates were discovered by Oparin. They are large

organic molecules systhesised abiotically on primitive earth.
They were the precursor of colloidal aggregates formed as a
result intermolecular attraction. Their presence was
experimentally proved by syduly Fox and Oparin.

42. All the given animals are uricotelic organism. These

organism exercise excrete uric acid as nitrogenous waste
product. Such organism are mostly found in dry climatic
conditions, thus need to conserve water in their bodies.

43. IaG antibody can cross placenta and provide natural passive
immunity to the developing foetus. Other options are
corrected as follows.

IgA is a dimer found in body secretions such as swear, tears,

salive, musuc, colostrums etc. It provide localized
protections from pathogens.
IgE is involved in hypersensitive reactions and are present
in mast cells and basophil cells.
IgM is found in pentamer form not as dimer.

44. In annealing primers anneal to the DNA template to procide

a site for initiation of plymerisation to enzyme Taq
polymerase. Before this denaturation of DNA separate from
each other at high temperature of 92.95oC. Eextension is last
stage of PCR, in which Taq polymerase enzyme adds
nucleotides to annealed primer and synthesisse new strand.
45. Atlas is the first cervical vertebrae of the spine. Along with
axis, is forms the joint connecting the skull and spine.
46. Typhoid on Enteric fever is a bacteria borne disease caused
by bacillus Salmonella typhi. It spread through consumption
of contaminated food and water. Main symptoms are high
fever, headache, vomiting, loose stools etc.
47. Chlorophyll-b structurally differs from chlorophyll-a by the
presence of carbonyl (CHO) group at 3rd carbon in the
prohyrin ring. Chlorophyll-a possess methyl (CH3) group in
this place.
48. The number of chromosomes present in secondary
spermatocyte is 23. It is because the secondary
spermatocytes are formed after the 1st meiotic division
(reductional division) of diploid primary spermatocytes.
Hence they have haploid set of chromosomes.
49. Flame cells are present in Platyhelminthes. These are
excretory organs of animals. Aschelminathes have renette
cells as excretory organs. Annelids and cepjalochordates
have nephridic as excretory organs.
50. The middle piece of the sperm utilize fructose as source of
energy. It is packed with numerous mitochondria which
utilize fructose as a source of energy to provide motility to
sperm to reach out ovum.
51. Epimers are optical isomers that differ in the configuration
of a single carbon atom. In the question, glucose and
galactose sugars are example of epimers. They differ only in
the configuration at C-4.
52. Gynaecomastia is present in klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY)
It is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by
an imbalance of hormones oestrogen and testosterone. It is
commonly found in males affected with Klinefelter’s
syndromes. Klinefelter’s syndrome is the most common sex
chromosomal disorder in males. It also characterized by low
testosterone and reduced muscle mass, facial and body hair.
53. In gluconegensis, fructose cannot act as substrate because it
is a metabolic process by which formation of glucose from
non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as amino acid
(glycine) fatty acid (glycerol, plamitic acid).
54. The diagram in option (1) is heterocyst. These are
specialized nitrogen fisxing cells formed during nitrogen
staravation by some dilamentous cyanbacaterial such as
Nostoc shown in option (1).
55. Option (1) is incorrect/odd with respect to human male
because the male karyotype has 44+XY chromosomes. This
X-chromosomes present with one Y-chromosomes Barr
body is an additional X-chromosomes found in female
somatic cells.

56. Europhication is caused due to accumulation of minerals in

water body. It is the process natural ageing of alkes by the
biological enrichment of its water. In ayoung lake, the water
is clear, supporting little life with time due to the
introduction of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus,
growth of microorganism which deteriorate the water
quality take place depleting the dissolved O2 in water.
57. Symptonemol complex is formed during process of melosis.
This is a complex zipper-like structure formed between
homologus chromosomes during prophase-I stage of
meiosis. It functions as mediator in chromosome pairing,
synapsis and recombination.
58. Bryophytes are the oldest (most primitive planbt type in
terms of evolution. These are the simplest and first among
land inhabiting plants occupying and intermediate postiiton
between algae and pteridophyata. They are non-vascular,
terrestrial, autotrophic, non-flowering and seedless plants.
59. RNA binds to in RNA through anticodon loop, as it bears
the based complementary to those on mRNA bein g
translated. The amino acid loop of RNA is involved in
binding the respective amino acid. The Tψ C loop helps in
binding the respective amino acid, while the D loop of tRNA
is the binding site for aminoacyl synthetase.
60. Stamen is the odd on out among the other options. Stamen
represent the male reproductive part of a flower, where as
stigma style and ovary are the part of a carpel or pistil which
represents the female reproductive part of flower.

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