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Name: ___________________________ Date: ________________

First Discoveries - Unit 7- 8
(15 minutes)

Task 1: Listen and choose the best answer for the questions. You will listen TWICE.
1. What is Liz going to do? 4. How was the game?
A. go to the cinema A. awful
B. go dancing B. fun
C. go to a football game C. exciting
2. What is Sam going to do? 5. What are Tom and Laura going to do?
A. go to a football match A. go to Italy
B. play a big game B. see Italian friends
C. go to Ben’s game C. eat Italian food
3. What happens to Laura?
A. She loses the key.
B. She can’t get into her flat.
C. Her roommate doesn’t come

Task 2: Listen and write T (true) or F (false) next to each sentence. You will listen
1. Lisa’s birthday is on the 21st August.
2. Lisa didn’t dance at her party last year.
3. She’s going to cook a meal for a lot of friends for her birthday this year.
4. Angela gave Lisa clothes last year.
5. Lisa would like a day at a beauty spa.

Course 1 | ED Review Test 4 1

Task 1
Read an email and decide whether the following sentences are T (true) or F
1. Everyone in Moscow is unfriendly.
2. The temperature in Moscow is very high.
3. Eating in the restaurants is not very costly.
4. Sally and Dan’s old hotel is near Red Square.
5. Fiona and Nick are in an Internet Café.

Hi Fiona and Nick,

How are you? We’re in Moscow! It’s a beautiful city and the
people are friendly, but it’s very cold here. The restaurants are
good and they aren’t very expensive. We’re in a big hotel near
Red Square. The rooms are nice and they’re very big. We aren’t
in the hotel now, we’re in an Internet café. Where are you? Are
you in London?

Love Sally and Dan

Task 2
Read the following advertisement.
Modern apartment. 3 bedrooms. Large living room. Full kitchen equipment.
Good for workers near the factory.
Small house near the city center.
2 bedrooms. Nice play yard for children.
Good for family.
Citywide Real Estate Agency
Telephone: (305) 256 4983

Course 1 | ED Review Test 4 2

Fill in the blanks with information from the advertisement.
The apartment is modern and has a (1) ……………… living room and full (2)
………………. It is for rent from the month of (3) ………………
The house is (4) ……………… but your kids may love its (5) ……………… play yard. It is
(6) ……………… from the month of (7) ………………

Select the correct answer.

8. Why is the apartment good for workers?
A. It is near the factory.
B. It has a big living room.
9. What is the telephone number of Citywide Real Estate?
A. (305) 256 4983
B. (405) 345 6678
10. What is the email of Citywide Real Estate?
A. tomr@springfield.edo

-- THE END --

Course 1 | ED Review Test 4 3

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