Practice Sheet - Local Little Pickers Meet Mayor

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Horizon College International

English Language - Year 6

Term 1
Practice Sheet
Name: …………………………………….. Year 6: ……………………

Answer all the questions.


These questions are about Local

Little Pickers Meet Mayor

1. Choose the best word or group of words to fit the sentences below and circle your

a) The West family are from

the North
Bramburg. Berkshire. Bewdley. Downs.

b) They go litter picking 1 mark

once a once a week. twice a twice a

month. week. month.

1 mark

c) The family were given their award by

Maddy Martin Matthew

Harrison. Carol Day. West. Gray.

1 mark

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2. How does Maddy Harrison’s clean-up team differ from most other teams of

1 mark

3. Which of the following best describes the West family?

Tick one box.





1 mark
4. What was Claire’s favourite part of the awards ceremony?


1 mark

5. He was intrigued by Miss Harrison’s account of the group’s achievements.

What does the word intrigued mean in the sentence above?

Tick one box.



made suspicious

1 mark

6. According to the text, why do the team recycle as much litter as they can?


1 mark

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7. The word glittering used in two different ways in the text.
For each context, explain the meaning of the word.

Context Meaning

…at a glittering
awards ceremony… ________________________________________________

I saw something
glittering in the mud… ________________________________________________

2 marks

8. Read each sentence and tick one box to show whether it is a fact or an opinion.

Fact Opinion

Picking up rubbish is a worthwhile thing to do.

A family that picks together, stays together.

The Wests collect 5 or 6 bags of rubbish a week.

They found a locket belonging to a dog owner.

1 mark

9. How does the final page of the article encourage the reader to become a litter picker?




2 marks

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10. Going litter picking has a number of benefits for families and environment.
Explain two of these benefits using information from the text.





2 marks

11. What do you think the West family has done since the article was written?
Explain your answer using information from the text.





2 marks

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