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IaH with COIL

Collaborative Online
International Learning
by Faculty of Science,
Prince of Songkla University
PSU Mission
- To develop the university into a society of learning based on a multi-
cultural background [...] and convenient access to learning and gain
from whatever forms and sources of knowledge are available at the

- To build up expertise [...] and create a linkage to the global network.

- To integrate and apply knowledge based on practical experiences [...]

and international world-view vision in our graduates.
Where does it come from?
early 2000s

Jon Rubin
State University of
New York

task-based language learning

Course A Course B
Institution A Lecturers Institution B
Language A Planning & Design Language B

same or different discipline same or different discipline

COIL Discussion & Project COIL
collaboration collaboration
Credit given in Lecturers & students Credit given in
Course A Course B
1 Group formation

Project introduction
Flow of a COIL 2 Giving instructions
4 - 12 Collaborating
weeks 3 Problem-solving

project Concluding
4 Presentation of results by students

5 Evaluation of entire experience
Faculty of Science, International Relations
"And how to agree on a topic?"

The 2 courses that form a COIL

project don’t have to have a
mutual topic

let's see some examples

Classes: Forensic Science (Turkey) and
Photography (US)
COIL Title: Photographic evidence
Summary: Students explored the role of DEVELOP A
photographic evidence in building a criminal
case. Students worked in small groups to TOPIC
develop scenarios that were then filmed by
photography students. The photos were
presented to other groups of students who
were asked to reconstruct the scenario
based solely on the photographic evidence.

Classes: Artificial Intelligence (Mexico)
and Spanish (US)
COIL Title: Smart Technologies for HOW TO

Summary: In small groups, students were given

a smart technology to focus on. They worked
together to understand how the technology
worked, and were then asked to write articles
about their smart technology in both Spanish
and English. Articles were combined into a
newsletter that was distributed on both
campuses to explain smart technology for those
without a technology background.

SEEKING Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

Course title: Innovation and Design of Smart Services seeking for a partner in the discipline of Business
Administration and/or IT-Technology, interdisciplinary possible

Short course description: Basics: The Nature of Services, Data Based Services, Platforms Systematic
Ideation of New Services: e.g. Value Proposition Canvas Preparation of Ideas: e.g. Customer Journeys
Mapping, Data Value Mapping Strategy and Methods for Customer Integration Initiation: Business Model
Canvas, BM Roadmap, Prototyping Validation and Evaluation: Decision Support Tools Supported by
Exercises and a Use Case

Language(s) of instruction and number of students: English, 15 - 20 students

Course start - end: March - July 2023

info from

SEEKING Seneca College

Course title: Introduction to Database in the discipline of Mathematics and Computer science seeking
for Programming, Automation or Electronics

Short description of course: This course is an introduction to databases. Through activity-based learning
and using a database cloud deployment project, students will learn how to work on Microsoft Azure
Structured Query Language (SQL) on cloud and on-premises Microsoft SQL server. Students will learn
how to use SQL to query data and Optimize query performance. Students will learn how to monitor and
optimize operational resources, how to implement a secure environment and how to automate database
Language(s) of instruction and number of students: English, 30 students
Course start - end: September - December 2023

Instructor's desired outcomes for this COIL module: Students will pair with Networking, Programming,
Automation or Electronics international students, which will give diverse knowledge about the
application of cloud databases at a global level. It is even possible for students to be paired with a
management program student where they can learn how to deal with the global functionality of a
multinational company.
Note: Faculty matched with Seneca faculty can participate in a COIL training in February and March 2023
SEEKING Mohawk College

Course title: COMP-10022 ITIL "Information Technology Infrastructure Library" in the discipline of
Mathematics and Computer science seeking for Computer science, project management, ITIL

Short course description: ITIL is an internationally recognized set of standards for best practices in the
IT industry. The course covers the standards and will have a focus on project management and
Language(s) of instruction and number of students: English, 25 students
Course start - end: January - April 2023

Instructor's desired outcomes for this COIL module: Use the COIL module to bring awareness of
intercultural communication strategies, teamwork, team projects, communication.
Preferred partner regions or countries (if any): Latin American
Instructor’s research Interest: Computer science
SEEKING The Applied Maths Lab of Le Havre Normandie

Course title: ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS in the discipline of Mathematics and Computer
science seeking for Mathematics, Engineering

Short course description: The class covers the basics of the study of ODEs. We start with ODES used
as models in physics, biology... Then we provide some theoretical aspects such as the proof of the
Cauchy-Lipschitz theorem. The last part is dedicated to the local qualitative analysis mainly in two
dimensions. Several projects are proposed for the students to work on during the semester.
Language(s) of instruction and number of students: English, 25 students
Course start - end: September 2022 - January 2023
SEEKING The Applied Maths Lab of Le Havre Normandie

Course title: Dynamical Systems, Networks and Applications in the discipline of Mathematics and
Computer science seeking for interdisciplinary: Maths, Physics, Biology, Network Science...

Short course description: This class deals mainly with the analysis of Dynamical Systems (mainly ODEs
and PDEs) embedded in a Network structure. Each node represents a unit which evolves dynamically
and interact with other units. The interactions are represented by edges.
Language(s) of instruction and number of students: English, 15 students
Course start - end: January 2021 - February 2025
SEEKING The Applied Maths Lab of Le Havre Normandie

Title of course seeking partner: Calculus I in the discipline of Mathematics and Computer science
seeking for Maths/Physics/Biology...

Short course description: Calculus deals with the introduction of concepts which have been used to
decribe scientific laws : from Physics to Biology, from Chemistry to Epidemiology. The foundation of
calculus relies on the notions of derivative and integrals. It goes back to the seventeenth century and
the works of Leibniz and Newton. The introduction of those fundamental notions will rely on real word
applications. The course calculus I will introduce the basics of calculus. The following chapters will be
studied: Introduction to Calculus. Functions and limits. Derivatives. Application of Derivatives, The
Chain Rule. Integrals. Exponential and Logarithms. Inverse Functions.
Language(s) of instruction and number of students: English, 50 students
Course start - end: January - May 2023

Preferred partner regions or countries (if any): US institutions and specifically in the NYC area.
Everybody welcome
Instructor’s research Interest: Dynamical Systems Applied to the Neuroscience
SEEKING Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Course title: Data Science Basics in the discipline of Mathematics and Computer science seeking for an
interdisciplinary partner

Short course description:

This module is carried out within the framework of the Major Data Engineering and Data Science. It
provides a systematic introduction to the fundamentals of data engineering and data science through
an introduction to data analysis with the programming language R.
Language(s) of instruction and number of students: English, 40 students
Specific partner disciplines you seek (or interdisciplinary): Interdisciplinary
Course start - end: February - June 2023

Instructor's desired outcomes for this COIL module:

This module revolves around the peculiar explorative analysis of DS. The COIL proposal will last 4
weeks, where the input session on EDA (exploratory data analysis) and the R library Shiny is provided,
and the final task (to be done in groups) is to deliver a very simple interactive app for answering a self-
defined research question using the data.
Instructor’s research Interest: secondary usage of information for designing DSS in heterogeneous
SEEKING Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Course title: Cloud Infrastructure in the discipline of Mathematics and Computer science seeking for an
interdisciplinary partner

Short course description:

The module shows, from the user's point of view, the evaluation criteria and procedures for using
standard software and cloud services, economic aspects of make or buy, the impact of cloud-based
infrastructures on IT operations, and operational aspects of hybrid structures in the cloud environment.
It explains modern platform trends and their application. With a practical introduction to cloud
environments (e.g. MS Azure or Amazon AWS), current hybrid structures are explained.
Language(s) of instruction and number of students: German or English, 30 students
Course start - end: February - July 2023
Instructor's desired outcomes for this COIL module:
Idea: Build a combined Infrastructure with on premise and cloud blocks and combine them over several
organisations. Discuss security and regulatory themes and find a joint solution. Outcome: Understand
the usage and application of cloud services. Get a look into security, VPN, Active Directory, federation
services and more insight into modern IT constructs.
Instructor’s research Interest: Computer & Network Architecture, Service und System Management,
Cloud Infrastructure, IT Engineering and Operations
What is COIL & what is it not?
simple MOOCs and other distance-
sustainable learning courses
technology-enabled social media groups
people-to-people unmoderated, unsustained,
facilitated unstructured programs

structured to foster one-off meetings

virtual mobility based on students
mutual understanding
from one institution ‘auditing’ lectures
offered by a different institution
COIL pathway
Find the Sci.IR
COIL pathway

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