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Date: 20th June 2015

Version: V1R1
Author: Kaushal Prajapati
How to import Users via COSEC Import Data Utility?

Matrix COSEC Devices have

been successfully installed at
our branches. I am giving you
the responsibility to create
users in the software so that
we can proceed for Enrollment
and other configuration.
First of all, I will have to
create 968 Employees
records in the COSEC.

If I will create manually

then it will take lots of
Let me check whether
COSEC have facility to
import Users
Excellent!! COSEC gives me
an option to add Users via
XLS through Import User

I am sure this will save a lot

of time as I wont be required
to do individual entries.
Import Data file also can be downloaded from below tab:

Users Module >> Utility >> Import Users and Click on ‘Download Sample Import File’

After downloading the file, follow the stpes mentioned below.

Step 1: Refer Document Guideline Sheet to understand the importance and
significance of each field with respect to license.
Step 2: Go to User worksheet and fill the required details e.g. User ID, User Name,
Reference ID, Module Flag, Birth Date, Joining date, Living Address etc. as shown

Note that the mandatory fields are provided with red color codes with respect to
Step 3: Module Flag determines the user attendance type:

 T&A
 Roster

So, it is a mandatory flag and has to be filled with “U” (for T&A) or “R” (for Roster)
Step 4: For Roster, Group Details for attendance are replaced by their
counterparts viz. Employment Contract ID, Work Profile ID, Policy ID, etc.; and so,
along with the basic details, they become compulsory in the case when the Roster
module (“R” flag) is used for the user.
Step 5: Once all the details have been filled in the document, Import it back via
Utility from COSEC Web.

To import it Go to Admin > Utility > Import Data.

Step 6: Select the File format, i.e. XLS or CSV based on Server OS.

[In 64 bit OS, CSV format should be used to import the file. Hence, the existing XLS
format file should first be saved in CSV format and then import should be done.]
Step7: Click on Choose File and Select the ImportData file from the server
Step 8: After selecting a file, Click on Upload data to transfer the information to
COSEC and it will give you “File Saved Successfully” message.
Step 9: Afterthen you can check the data by Clicking on “Preview Data” before
importing into database.
Step 10: Select the device to be assigned to the imported users and Click on
“Import Data” tab. All the users mentioned in the ImportData file.
Step11: User for which we have entered the details in the XLS is now imported
into the database and appears in the User list.
That’s It. I have imported all
employee’s record into the
database.This utility saved a
lot of time... COSEC is really
providing me solutions to
my difficulties.
Similarly, one can also
import Organization, Branch,
Department, Shift Schedule,
Leave Balance, Devices,
Attendance Exception, Shift
Changer, Workers, Work
Orders and Contractors.
For more information, contact
Matrix Technical Training Team

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