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Michael’s College

Chapter 1


Health concerns are on the rise these days, for the COVID-19 pandemic

has increased the demand for tissue sheets, particularly from households, offices

and hospitals. Demand for hygienic products such as paper towels, toilet papers

and other hygiene products are expected to continue in high demand around the

world. Tissue paper products function marvelously to promote hygiene by

helping to prevent the spread of germs, bacteria, viruses and disease.

Tissue is an easy and inexpensive way to stop the spread of disease.

Tissue paper are lightweight paper that is easily to tear apart when got exposed

to humidity and vulnerable when not stored properly.

According to the study, Klykens, Pirnay, Verbeken, Giet, Baudoux,

Vanderkelen, and Ectors (2013) emphasize the value of closed containers in

tissue and cell incubators for reducing microbial contamination. They also

investigated the antimicrobial efficiency of an incubator and a laminar airflow

cabinet in a cleanroom setting. According to the study, a monitoring program for

a cleanroom that includes product testing is a workable strategy.

Caja de Pañuelos is the ideal answer of a hygienic tissue container that is

designed to protect tissue paper form dust and other environmental factors. A
St. Michael’s College 2

decorative tissue box that encourages households to practice proper hygiene to

avoid transmission of viruses and diseases.

The study’s overall goals are to be able to start a tissue organizer

manufacturing firm and create a household and hygienic friendly product. To

deliver customer happiness and encourage to practice proper hygiene using

tissue box by producing a high-quality product. Improve and stabilize the

financial life of outsourcing employees, advocate for alternative answers to local

populations health challenges and develop a product that is feasible.

This study was conducted during second semester of Academic Year 2021 –


Background of the Project

St. Michael’s College

Name of the Business : HandyMandy Manufacturing

Name of Product : Caja de Pañuelos
Name of Owner : Faith Aubrey Cuizon
Business Address : Buru-un, Iligan City
9200, Lanao del Norte
Contact Number/s : 09068365025
Email Address :
Form of Business : Sole Proprietorship
Nature of Business : Manufacturing and Distribution

HandyMandy Manufacturing is a business that manufactures one-of-a-

kind products out of wood and scrap materials. The proprietor considers not

only profit maximization but also on how the company may assist in reducing

the amount of unwanted wood. As a result, the firm is confident in its ability to

follow government rules and regulations, as well as its financial capacity to

support and face economic expansion.

Increasing the momentum of value-added wood waste utilization can be

achieved through bold, exemplary concepts that capture and demonstrate all of

the benefits along the production chain. It is critical to emphasize the economic

benefits for everyone, including local people, businesses, and the environment, in

order to enable true sustainable resource management.

Theoretical Framework
St. Michael’s College

This research was based on Maximilian Claessens' Theory of "New

Development Product." The eight major steps in the new product development

process are based on this approach. Caja de Pañuelos is briefly defined in the

new product development process as conducting a survey of 100 hundred

respondents, recognizing the target market, identifying the manufacturing

details of the product, using the 4Ps' analysis strategy based on the survey's

results, presenting the results to three panels from Saint Michael's College's

College of Business Administration, and finally, the product will be evaluated

and corrected before being distributed (Claessens, 2015).

Figure 1: New Product Development

The 8 steps in the New Product Development Process

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Stage 1. Idea Generation. Often called as the New Product Development

Process or “NPD”. This refers to the systematic search for new product ideas.

Caja de Pañuelos was inspired by a combination design that was put on social

media. Survey was done and the data were gathered if the business was feasible

in the local market.

Stage 2. Idea Screening. Means nothing else than filtering the ideas to

pick out good ones. In other words, all ideas generated are screened to spot good

ones and drop poor ones as soon as possible. Caja de Pañuelos was established to

serve the household of Iligan City. The pricing strategy used was Cost-plus

pricing method, wherein selling price is determined by adding a percent margin

for markups. 6

Stage 3. Concept Development and Testing. This step defined the

marketing and engineering details of creating Caja de Pañuelos, as well as who

makes purchasing decisions. Faith Aubrey Cuizon owns and runs HandyMandy

Manufacturing as a sole proprietorship, and she also makes all of the company's

decisions. She is the sole beneficiary of the company's earnings and duties, and

she is in charge of the business operations. Caja de Pañuelos, a one-of-a-kind and

imaginative product built of scrap wood and was developed based on the survey

results. The price of a proposed product was decided by the purchasers' ability to

pay. The cost of production, which includes direct, indirect, packaging, and labor

costs, determined product costing. Caja de Pañuelos conducted a poll of 100

people to examine the product's position if it is possible to be a business venture.

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Stage 4. Marketing Strategy and Development. Caja de Pañuelos

launched within the market using the strategy of 4Ps. The product's strategy

includes its uniqueness, durability, and efficiency. This price was affordable

because it was set at the customer's preferred range, the distribution channels of

the product is high accessible for the convenience of the buyers and it was

promoted through print advertisement, social networks and personal selling.

Stage 5. Business Analysis. The selling price of Caja de Pañuelos was

determined based upon the result of the survey as preferred by the respondents.

The pricing of competitors' products was evaluated and acknowledged in

determining the required profit to make the product price competitive. Total

demand was calculated based on the household population of Iligan City, and

supply will be calculated based on competitor sales.

Stage 6. Product Development. The product was presented to the three

panel members from The College of Business Administration–St. Michael’s

College. The pilot product was evaluated and manuscript was corrected to

enhance the study. Productions commenced after necessary corrections was

made and distribution to designated display area followed.

Stage 7. Test Marketing. This is a commercial experiment conducted in a

limit area to assure product feasibility. Caja de Pañuelos was distributed to

retailers. To avoid losing sales, the supply inventory was carefully checked. The

Business Development Time Frame, often known as a Gantt chart, depicts project

timetables from the beginning of product development to the display of the

St. Michael’s College

product in retail outlets, demonstrating that correct planning has been put in

place and is being followed.

Stage 8. Commercialization. Launching of the product was initiated

through print advertisements, Tarpaulins placed in retail shops to alert

customers of the product's availability, personal selling, which entails marketing

the product to friends and family; and social media, which was used to promote

the product to netizens. Netizens are active members of the internet's online

community. Social media is rapidly becoming one of the most significant

components of digital marketing, offering great benefits that assist to reach

millions of people around the world. Social media networks enable to engage

with the customers, raise brand awareness, and improve leads and sales. It was

hardly a transitory fad, with more than three billion individuals accessing social

media every month throughout the world (Islam and Mahmood, 2018).

Conceptual Framework

This study aimed to determine if Caja de Pañuelos was feasible. It

determined the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, civil status,
St. Michael’s College

occupation, average family monthly income. The framework of the study would

find out the different aspects project that included market, technical,

management, financing, and socio-economic aspects of the study.

Technical study included product classification, product specification,

process flow, process description, shop lay-out, product costing, operating

expenses and cost of goods sold.

Market study included description of the product, comparison of the

product with its competitors, location of manufacturing distribution area, market

area, target market, total demand, market share, selling price, sales forecast,

marketing strategy, marketing budget and survey data.

Management study included form of business, organizational structure,

job description, job specification, job specification, business development, time

frame, and pre-operating expenses.

Financial study includes total projected cost, income statement, cash flow,

balance sheet, break-even point analysis, return on investment and payback


Socio-economic aspect included the project’s contribution to the

government and society.

The findings of the study helped the proponents to provide conclusions

and recommendations which will be used among future takers of the project.
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Profile of the Respondent

 Age
 Sex
 Civil Status
 Occupation
 Average Family Monthly Income
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Figure 2. Framework of the Study


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the feasibility of manufacturing Caja de

Pañuelos in Iligan City.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following:

1. What is the respondents profile in terms of

1.1 age,

1.2 sex,

1.3 civil status,

1.4 occupation, and,

1.5 average family monthly income?

2. What is the conduct of analysis in manufacturing Caja de Panuelos

considering the following aspects:

2.1 purchase decision,

2.2 color,

2.3 size and,

2.4 price of the proposed product?

3. What are the socio-economic aspects that the government and society can

benefit from the project?

St. Michael’s College

4. What are the possible conclusion and recommendation that can be drawn

out the study?


Scope and Delimitation

This study focused in the assessment of Caja de Pañuelos with 100

respondents and to measure its feasibility to bring into a new business.

This feasibility study was conducted outside the campus of St. Michael’s

College and the data collection was limited to researcher’s respondents. A self-

made questionnaire was provided to be filled out by 100 respondents 30 from

Barangay Poblcaion, 35 from Barangay Buru-un, and 35 from Barangay Tubod.

The profile was limited only to the respondents age, sex, civil status,

occupation and average family monthly income.

The researchers considered the data gathered in the survey as a source of

information for the completion of this study.

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Significance of the study

Taking scrap woods has a huge help in providing solutions to

environmental issues. Moreover, Covid-19 has a big impact for today’s situation

that affects everyone’s health. Consequently, this proposed project came up with

a way in exhibiting the importance of recycling and gives plan of action of

coping up proper hygiene and avoid getting transmitted disease. Furthermore, it

will help the relevance of the study in business establishments, consumer, and

society and eco-friendly community was considered. Thus, this study would

benefit the following:

Researchers. The results of this study support the researchers by assisting

them in broadening their market awareness and motivating them to develop a

product that have a positive effect on others.

Entrepreneurs. The results of this study will make a smart business

decision based on the study's findings. It will also assist them in fine-tuning their

product production in order to keep up with current trends.

Community. This study will benefit in a way that they will be informed

and aware about the potential products that will be launched in the market

incorporated with research and development.

St. Michael’s College

Local Government. The research will help support the government by

generating revenue from collection of tax.

Environment. This study will benefit the environment through collecting

and using the recycled materials specifically, scrap wood into an innovative


Students. This study would help the students improved their

understanding and provides additional information used in a business.

Future Researchers. This research will provide them with additional

knowledge for future studies on the concept of innovating new product ideas.

Teachers. The study's findings will be shared with the students in class

discussion specifically in product making and computation of financial standing

of the business.
St. Michael’s College


Definition of Terms

The following terms were frequently used in the study. For better

understanding, the words or groups of concepts are conceptually and

operationally defined in this study.

Competitors. This term refers to a person, business, team, or organization

that competes against you or your company (Market Business News, 2021). For

the purpose of this study, the term refers to direct and indirect competitors who

are selling the same product such as Shopee, Lazada and Alibaba.

Customers. This refers to an individual or business that purchases another

company’s goods or services (Bloomenthal, 2020). For the purpose of this study,

the term refers to the people who will buy Caja de Pañuelos.

Place. This term refers to a particular location or space or the particular

area normally occupied by something (Your Dictionary, 2021). For the purpose of

this study, the term refers to the distribution channels of the product and

manufacturing area of the business and Purok 8, Buru-un, Iligan City

St. Michael’s College

Price. This term refers to the cost at which something is obtained

(Merriam-Webster, 2021). For the purpose of this study, the term refers to the

suggested retail price of the product amounting Php 640.00. 16

Product. This term refers to anything that can be offer to a market for

attention, acquisition, use or consumption that could satisfy a need or want

(Claessens, 2021). For the purpose of this product, the term refers to the proposed

product Caja de Pañuelos.

Proponents. This term refers someone who proposes something, or at

least supports it by speaking and writing in favor of it (Merriam-Webster, 2021).

For the purpose of this study, the term refers to the researchers proposing the

creation of Caja de Pañuelos.

Scrap. This term refers to a fragment of discarded or leftovers of

something (Merriam-Webster, 2021). For the purpose of this study, the term

refers to the scrap woods used in creating the Caja de Pañuelos.

Wood. A porous and fibrous structural tissue present in trees and other

woody plants' stems and roots. It's a natural composite of cellulose fibers that are

strong in tension and are embedded in a lignin matrix that resists compression

(Donell, 2023). The term refers to the materials used for the hygienic tissue

St. Michael’s College

Chapter 2


This study presents its methodology, a systematic and theoretical analysis

of the methods as applied in this study. The topics discussed in this chapter were

the research design, locale of the study, respondents, sampling procedure used,

procedures in the data gathering, tool or instrument used in the data gathering

and statistical tools in analyzing the compiled data.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers used the descriptive research method to

obtain information in which data was collected for the objectives of the study. It

aims to assess and used to answer the self-made questionnaire that contains the

required information of the project and to determine the consumer’s preference

about the proposed project in terms of its price, features and design.

Survey method was used to gather descriptive data.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in various parts of Iligan City, specifically

Barangay Buru-un, Barangay Poblacion, and Barangay Tubod. These barangays

were chosen because of the number of population and scrap materials were

available in the area.

St. Michael’s College 18

Barangay Buru-un is a barangay in the city of Iligan. Its population as

determined by the 2015 Census was 15,164. This represented 4.43% of the total

population of Iligan (Philatlas, 2015).

Barangay Poblacion is a barangay in the city of Iligan. Its population as

determined by the 2015 Census was 3,470. This represented 1.01% of

the total population of Iligan (Philatlas, 2015).

Barangay Tubod is a barangay in the city of Iligan. Among the 44

barangays comprising Iligan City, barangay Tubod was the most populous. Its

population size was posted at 10.0 percent of the total population of the city

(PSA, 2013). Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was 31,913. This

represented 9.31% of the total population of Iligan (Philatlas, 2015).

Figure 3.1 Map of Locale of the study 19

The Respondents
St. Michael’s College

There were 100 respondents involved of this study, particularly

from the households of selected Barangays in Iligan City specifically Barangay

Buru-un, Barangay Poblacion, and Barangay Tubod.

Table 1.
Distribution of Respondents
Place of Distribution No. of Respondents

Barangay Buru-un 35
Barangay Tubod 30
Barangay Poblacion 35
Total 100

Sampling Procedure

The researchers used simple random sampling under the probability

sampling method wherein an unbiased representation of a group must take

place. Each sample has an equal probability of being chosen. The researchers

distributed the questionnaire to 100 residents in the locale of Iligan City. A

sample is the true representative of the entire population and the values driven

out form that sample are held to true for the entire population. It is deemed

essentially important that the right sample is determined for the purpose of



Data Gathering Procedure

St. Michael’s College

The researches chose their prospect respondents randomly coming from

locale of Iligan City. The researchers politely asked for the prospect respondents’

permission to give them sufficient time to explain accurately what the product is

for and what are the questions that would part take in the questionnaire they are

about to answer. If prospect respondents agreed, then he/she was humbly

requested to answer the questionnaire honestly. In connection with the IATF

guidelines and advisory the researchers wore face masks, face shield, bring

alcohol and practice social distancing. While the prospect respondents read and

filling out the given questionnaires, the researchers were ready to answer any

possible questions and queries, and to accept suggestions and ideas that the

prospect respondents would like to add. After fulfilled questionnaires were

gathered and prepared, the data were organized and compiled for further


Research Instrument

The major tool used in the survey was a self-made questionnaire. The

questionnaire included the demographic profile of the prospect respondents

such as age, sex, civil status, occupation, and average family monthly income

level and occupation. The questionnaires also highlighted the prospect

respondents’ preference in terms of the product’s desired price, color and design.

After the data gathering, tallied and equated as the basis for manufacturing the

Statistical Treatment of the Data

St. Michael’s College

The compiled questionnaires were tallied, computed, tabulated and lastly

interpreted, and analyzed based on the requirements needed in the study.

A frequency distribution is a table that displays the frequency of various

outcomes in a sample. Each entry in the table contains the frequency or count of

the occurrences of values within a particular group or interval, and in this way,

the table summarizes the distribution of values in the sample. Percentages were

also used in this study to have a clear and comprehensible data (Statistics

Canada, 2012).

Chapter 3
St. Michael’s College


This part of the study includes the product classification, product

specification, process flow chart, process description, shop layout, product

costing, operating expenses and cost of goods sold.

Product Classification

Caja de Pañuelos was a consumer product under the classification of

shopping goods. Shopping goods are items in which customer typically

compares for suitability, quality, price, features, etc. before selection and

purchase (Marketing Dictionary, 2021).

Product Specification

The item is a beautiful decorative tissue box made of premium type of

scrap wood. Its distinctive shape provides the dual function of shielding tissues

from dust and other environmental influences while also adding a sense of

elegance to any room. Individuals can maintain appropriate hygiene and foster a

healthier environment by using these attractive tissue boxes. Twenty pieces per

month were the intended production volume for this product, which will be sold

to households in Iligan City. Each tissue box cost Php 640.00, which reflects its

high quality and attractive appearance.


Process Flow Chart

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The process flow chart provides a visual representation of the steps in a

manufacturing of the product. The process was represented by a chart. It

followed legend indicated below.

Figure 4: Process Flowchart

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Process Description

Production processes in making Caja de Pañuelos are the following:

Step 1: Gather the materials namely: Scrap wood, saw, hammer, nails, hinge,

paint brush, paint.

Step 2: Measure and cut the wood according to preferred sizes.

Step 3: Cut the woods and carve one of the woods with a smiley face in it

Step 4: Assemble the cut woods into box.

Step 5: Nail the corners to form the box.

Step 6: Apply wood fillers to uneven areas and make it dry.

Step 7: Put the hinge to assemble the door of the tissue box.

Step 8: Mix the paint well in preparation for painting.

Step 9: Paint the finished outcome of the product and let it dry.

Step 10: Inspect if the product is in good quality and;

Step 11: Store the finished product ready for distribution.

St. Michael’s College 25

Shop Layout

A shop layout is a visual view of floor plan that shows the manufacturing

and product display area.

Figure 5: Shop Layout

St. Michael’s College 26

Table 2.
Product Costing
Materials Unit Price Quantity Unit Cost Monthly
Cost X 33 pcs
Direct Materials:
Scrap Wood Php 120.00/bundle 1 bundle Php 120.00 Php 3,960.21
Nails # 1 Php 14.95 (1/4= 45 pcs 2.37 78.21
284 pcs)
Paint (White) Php 160.00/can 1/4 40.00 1,320.00
Hinge Php 10.00/pc 1 pc 10.00 330.00
Knob Php 20.00/pc 1 pc 20.00 660.00
Magnetic Lock Php 45.00/pc 1 pc 45.00 1,485.00
Total Direct Php 237.37 Php 7,833.21
Indirect Materials:
Paint brush Php 8.00/pc 1/33 Php 0.24 Php 7.92
Sand paper Php 8.00/pc 1 sheet 8.00 264.00
Total Indirect Php 8.24 Php 271.92
Total Materials Php 245.61 Php 8,105.13
Add: Packaging
Sticker paper Php 45.00/sheet 1/45 Php 1.00 Php 45.00
Total Packaging Php 1.00 Php 45.00
Add: Labor Cost
Assembling Php 200.00 1 unit Php 200.00 Php 6,600.00
Finishing Php 25.00 1 unit 25.00 825.00
Total Labor Cost Php 225.00 Php 7,425.00
TOTAL Php 471.61 Php 15,563.13
Note: Other manufacturing materials such as ruler, pencil, saw, hammer, and
wood fillers are provided by the outsource worker.


Operating expenses
St. Michael’s College

Schedule 1:
Office Supplies
Supplies Quantity Price TOTAL COST

Ballpen 12 pcs Php 5.00 Php 60.00

Record Book 1 pc Php 45.00 45.00

Calculator 1 pc Php 100.00 100.00

TOTAL Php 205.00

Schedule 2:
Executive Salary
Salary Monthly Yearly

Executive Salary Php 500.00 Php 6,000.00

TOTAL Php 500.00 Php 6,000.00

Schedule 3:
Promotional Expenses
Advertising Expense Quantity Price Yearly

Tarpaulin (2ft x 3ft) 1 P 250.00 P 250.00


Schedule 4:
Transportation Expense
Transportation Monthly Yearly
St. Michael’s College

Php 76.00 x
Jeepney Purchase of Materials: 12 Months
Tubod to City Proper Php 9.00 = Php 912.00
City Proper to Tubod. 9.00

Deliver to Outsource Worker:

Tubod to Buru-un 20.00
Buru-un to Tubod 20.00

Delivery of finish product to Outlet

City Proper to Poblacion 9.00
Poblacion to City Proper 9.00

Schedule 5:
Rental Expense

Rental Expense Monthly Yearly

(Space and amenities) Php 200.00 Php 2,400.00


Table 3.

Cost of Goods Sold

COST OF Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Php 186,757.56 Php 196,095.43 Php 205,900.20

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Cost of Goods Sold per Month Php 15,563.13

Multiplied by no. of months in a year
Php 186,757.56
Cost of Goods Sold (Year 1)
Multiplied by increase per year
Php 9,337.87
Add: Cost of Goods Sold (Year 1)
Php 196,095.43
Cost of Goods Sold (Year 2)
Multiplied by increase per year
Php 9,804.77
Add: Cost of Goods Sold (Year 2)

Cost of Goods Sold (Year 3) Php


Note: Cost of Goods Sold is projected to increase by 5% per year.

Chapter 4

St. Michael’s College

This part of the study includes the description of the product, comparison

of the product with its competitors, location, market area, target market, total

demand and market share, selling price, sales forecast, marketing strategy,

marketing budget and survey data results of this study.

Description of the Product

The product name is Caja de Pañuelos, was primarily made out of scrap

wood. Caja de Pañuelos is from a Spanish word which means “Tissue Box”. The

wood was sort according to its sizes. Scrap woods were left over from the maker

of wood furniture in Iligan City. The scrap woods were cut and assembled into a

box, with a smiley face carved in front on it. The smiley face is a design of

convenience, wherein the mouth serves as the pathway of the tissue paper. Paint

was also added by the proponents and the feature was based on the preferences

of the respondents. Caja de Pañuelos is not only for the purpose for home

decoration, but also a unique way of storing tissue paper and practicing hygiene.

In this way, it gives the importance of recycling and be part of the solution of

environmental problems.

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Figure 6. Actual Picture of Caja de Pañuelos

PHP 640.00

Figure 7. Sticker of the Product


Comparison of the Product with its Competitors

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There were several suppliers selling tissue box in Iligan City, however

most of their items are made of glass and plastic, which is bad for the

environment. When compared to the products of these competitive, Caja de

Pauelos stands out as a unique choice. This environmentally friendly tissue

container was built from repurposed wood and offers affordability, toughness,

and sustainability. Customers who chose Caja de Pauelos do so in order to obtain

a distinctive product as well as to support sustainable methods and lessen their

environmental impact.

Table 4:
Comparison of the Product with its Competitors
Indirect Competitors

Comparison Shopee Lazada Alibaba HandyMandy


Price Php 750.00 Php 800.00 Php 1,000.00 Php 640.00

Materials Plastic Plastic Plastic Wood

Impact to the Hazardous to the Hazardous to the Hazardous to the Good to the
Environment Environment Environment Environment Environment

Expensive, Expensive, Expensive, Affordable,

Features 33
Fragile Fragile Fragile Durable


The product was manufactured at Purok 8, Buru-un, Iligan City.

Furthermore, the product display and store were located at Michaelite Shoppe in
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Marian Annex Building, underground, Saint Michael’s College, Quezon Avenue,

Iligan City. The location of the product display had been chosen for the following

reasons: accessible place for the customers; Michaelite Shoppe was designated as

the outlet for feasibility study products; and no investment in building or rental

was needed.

Figure 8: Location Map of Manufacturing Area


Market Area
Figure 9: Location Map of Display Area
The market area of the product is Iligan City. The City of Iligan is highly

urbanized city in the province of Lanao Del Norte, Philippines. It was part of

central Mindanao and now under Northern Mindanao. Iligan has a total land
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area of 813.37 km2 (314.04 sq. mi) and has 44 barangays. Making it one of the 10

largest cities in the Philippines in terms of land area. There are about 342,618

population as year 2015. Iligan city is a melting bowl of interfaith and

intercultural community. Its population of 308,046 within its 44 barangays

consists largely of Cebuano, Bisaya, Maranaos and few Higaonons tribe. The

intermarriages of Maranao and Higaonon resulted to the formation of Kolibugan


Iligan City is considered as the Industrial Center of the South as it produces

hydroelectric power using the Maria Cristina Falls for the whole Mindanao

region through the National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR). It also houses

industries like steel, tinplate, cement and flour mills. The National Steel

Corporation, one of the largest steel manufacturers in the Southeast Asian region,

now Global Steelworks International Incorporated was re-opened in 2003.

Known to be the City of Iligan Majestic Waterfalls, Iligan City has 23 waterfalls

surrounding it. The most famous is the Maria Cristina Falls which is the main

source for hydroelectric power in the whole Mindanao region (Philippines Cities,

Iligan along with its neighboring City, Iligan City and Cagayan de Oro

City, are the two major components for the Cagayan de Oro-Iligan Corridor, the

fastest developing area in Northern Mindanao, thus the city is a potential area

for business (Iligannews, 2014).

Target Market
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Caja de Panuelos made to serve the household population of Iligan City.

The product also targets business owners since it is good furniture to be

displayed in their offices or establishments, this can help their employees to

practice proper hygiene.

Total Demand

Based on the Philippine Statistics Authority census in year 2015 the

number of households in Iligan City is 76, 593 (PSA, 2015). During the survey

there are 85% out of total respondents answered that they will buy the product.

Therefore, it implies that there is really an existing demand for the product.

Figure 10. Household Population Census


Total Demand

Population ……………………. 76, 593

X .85
Total Demand ………………… 65, 104

Table 5:
Supply of Competitors
St. Michael’s College

Name No. of Products Sold per Year

Shopee 900
Lazada 800
Alibaba 1,200

Market Share

Total Demand …………………… 65, 104

Less: Supply ……………………. 2, 900

GAP/Market Potential ……….. 62, 204

Market Potential % = Gap / Total Demand

= 62,204
= 95.55%
Market Share = Production per Year
= 396 units
65,104 37
Market Share = .61%
Selling Price

The selling price was based on “Cost plus Method”. Cost plus Method is

one of the pricing strategies based upon cost. It is exactly that, a mark-up usually

expressed as a percentage, added to the cost of price of a product or service.

Product Cost = Php 471.61

Add: Mark up (35.7%) = 168.36
St. Michael’s College

Selling Price = Php 639.97 ˜ Php 640.00

Table 6.
Sales Forecast
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
FORECAST Php 253,440.00 Php 278,784.00 Php 306,662.40
Price per product Php 640.00
Multiplied by no. of products produced in a
month 33

Total sales in a month Php 21,120.00

Multiplied by no. of month in a year 12
Sales (Year 1) Php 253,440.00
Multiplied by projected increase 0.10
Total Php 25,344.00
Add: Sales (Year 1) 253,440.00
Sales (Year 2) Php 278,784.00
Multiplied by projected increase 0.10
Total Php 27,878.40
Add: Sales (Year 2) 278,784.00

Sales (Year 3) Php 306,662.40

St. Michael’s College


Market Strategy

To make the product feasible there should be an effective market strategy

to use Market strategy provides an organization an edge over its competitors. It

helps in discovering the areas affected by organizational growth and thereby

helps in creating an organizational plan to cater to the customer needs. It helps in

fixing the right price for organization’s goods and services based on information

collected by market research (Juneja, 2021).

Product Strategy

A product strategy draws from the ultimate vision of the product. It

enables the company to focus on a specific target market and set of feature.

HandyMandy Manufacturing created a product that focuses on its quality and

uniqueness that the customers were satisfied on every product they purchase.

The product was made excellent, and undergoes quality check that guaranteed

the durability of the product with affordable price. The proponents extended its

care to the environment by using scrap wood as primary materials of the product

that helped minimize waste in the community and minimize environmental

St. Michael’s College


Price Strategy

Pricing strategy refers to methods used to price the product. This study

used cost-plus markup strategy in setting the price in such the proponents

calculate the cost of production and added on mark up to the product cost that

resulted in its selling price. The proponents also used the penetration pricing that

offered low prices to a new product in its initial offering in order to attract

customers away from its competitors. According to Klenton (2020) the lower

prices helped a new product or service penetrate the market and attract

customers to Caja de Pañuelos had the product cost of Php 471.61 plus the mark-

up of 35.7%, the selling price of Caja de Pañuelos was Php 640.00 a price that was

worth enough for the customers in exchange of the product that was such made

with quality.

Distribution Strategy

A distribution strategy is a plan of action designed to move goods and

services from the source through a distribution channel, to the final customer.

Caja de Pañeulos was displayed both in Michaelite Shoppe (First Level

Distribution) and its manufacturing area (Zero Level Distribution). This study

used the first level distribution because they used the services of the Michaelite
St. Michael’s College

Shoppe as their primary distribution channel. It is sort of selective distribution

because aside from the Michaelite Shoppe, there are only few partners who

distributed the product. The benefits of this type of distribution were under
selective coverage. The marketer deliberately seeks to limit the

locations in which this type of product was sold. Another is the zero-level

distribution since there were no intermediaries wherein the producer sells

directly to consumers; it is fast and economical since manufacturer has a full

control over distribution (Patel, 2021).

Figure 10. Zero Level Distribution Channel

Figure 11. One Level Distribution Channel

St. Michael’s College


Promotional Strategy

Promotion is the method used to spread the word about product or

service to customers, stakeholders and the broader public. In promoting Caja

de Pañuelos, print advertisement and social networking sites were used. The

tarpaulins were displayed at the different distribution stores. A business page

was created so that customers could access information about the product and

could directly make orders. Word of mouth by satisfied customers was

expected to transpire because of the superior quality and uniqueness of the

product. HandyMandy Manufacturing can have direct contacts of potential

customers and update them the latest promos and innovation of the product.
St. Michael’s College


PHP 640.00

Figure 12. Print-Ad Layout

St. Michael’s College


Marketing Budget

Print advertisement were used in promoting the product. The proponents

also used the social media and the internet because it was widely used, fast,

reliable and easy to access. Hence, the only cost it incurred was for a total

marketing budget amounting to Php250.00. The tarpaulins were displayed in

Michaelite Shoppe and at the production site at Barangay Buru-un Iligan City.

Table 7.
Marketing Budget

Promotion Strategy Unit /Price Amount

Print Ad (2x3sq.ft) 2 x P 100.00 P 250.00

Total P 250.00

Survey Data

A survey was conducted to 100 respondents in different households in

Iligan City to gather necessary information which could be used in the

development of this study.

St. Michael’s College


Problem 1. What is the profile of the respondents?

Table 1.1:
Age of the Respondents
Age Frequency Percentage
12-18 13 13
19-40 86 86
41-65 1 1
Total 100 100

Table 1.1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the

age of the respondents. The result shows that the highest frequency is 86% that

belonged to the age bracket of 19-40 years old.

The results implied that more of the respondents are young adults.

According to Kendra (2014) on her article entitled Erik Erikson Stages of

Psychosocial Development, individuals that belong to this stage are intimate,

friendly, and loving persons. This trait of young adults is on great advantage in

business because of the influence that they have on the purchases of others such

as parents and friends.

Therefore, the proponent should consider the buying preferences of

young adults.
St. Michael’s College 45

Table 1.2
Sex of Respondents
Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 47 47

Female 53 53

Total 100 100

Table 1.2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the

sex of the respondents. The result revealed that 53% are females.

The result implied that most of the respondents are women. According to

Brennan (2020), contributor of Forbes Women is driving changes in the consumer

marketplace that younger generations of all genders not only appreciate but also

expect quality product. Women are a compass for a changing world. Women are

the original social network and their influence has grown in parallel with their

spending power. Women not only have the buying power; they have the

influence to shape consumer spending. That fact alone provides a valuable

compass for navigating and winning the future.

Therefore, the proponent should study the buying behavior of women.

Table 1.3
Civil Status of Respondents
Civil Status Frequency Percentage
Single 97 97
Married 3 3
Total 100 100
St. Michael’s College 46

Table 1.3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the

civil status of the respondents. The result revealed that out of the total

respondents, 97% are single.

The result implied that most of the target markets are single individuals.

The result implied that single individuals are having financial benefits since they

have 100 percent in control in choosing and spending their money to buy a

product they really want (Tigar, 2015).

Therefore, single people are the potential target market of the business.

Table 1.4
Occupations of the Respondents
Occupation Frequency Percentage
Student 30 30
Self-Employed 19 19
Employee 36 36
Unemployed 15 15
Total 100 100

Table 1.4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the

occupation of the respondents. The result illustrates that out of the total

respondents 36% were employed.

The results implied that most of the respondents were income earners.

This suggests that the target market can afford to purchase the proposed product

because they are wage earners who receive monthly income to spend on their

wants and needs.

St. Michael’s College 47

Therefore, the customers have the potential capacity to buy the product

because they were employed.

Table 1.5
Average Family Monthly Income of the Respondents
Family Monthly Income Frequency Percentage

Php10,000.00 and below 16 16

Php10,001.00-Php15,000.00 58 58

Php15,001.00-Php20,000.00 10 10
Php20,001.00-Php20,500.00 3 3

Php20,501.00-Php25,000.00 2 2

Php25,001.00 and above 11 11

Total 100 100

Table 1.5 shows the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the

average family monthly income of the respondents. The result illustrates that out

of the total respondents 58% had the monthly income of Php10,001.00 to


The result implied that most of respondents have the average family

monthly income of Php10,001 to Php15,000.00.

Therefore, the proponents must consider the buying capacity of potential



Problem 2. What is the conduct of analysis in manufacturing Caja de Panuelos

considering the following aspects:
St. Michael’s College

Table 2.1
Willingness to buy the Caja de Pañuelos
Desire to Buy Frequency Percentage
Yes 85 85
No 15 15
Total 100

Table 2.1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the

buying decisions of the respondents. The result illustrates that out of the total

respondents 85% answered YES and wanted to purchase Caja de Pañuelos.

The result implied that majority of the respondent are willing to buy the

proposed product.

Therefore, the proposed product is feasible to start a new business.

Table 2.2
Preferred Color of the Respondents
Color Frequency Percentage

White 37 42

Natural 30 36

Mahogany 12 14

Others 6 7

Total 85 100
St. Michael’s College 49

Table 2.2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the

preferred color of the proposed product. The result illustrates that out of the total

respondents 42% chose white.

The result implied that most of the respondents preferred white painted

Caja de Pañuelos .

Therefore, the proponent should produce the color preference of the


Table 2.3
Preferred Size of the Respondents
Size Frequency Percentage

5-6 inches 74 87

10-11 inches 6 7

14-15 inches 5 6
Total 85 100

Table 2.3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the

respondents’ size preference. The result illustrates that out of the total

respondents they preferred 73% the size range of 5-6 inches.

This implied that majority of the respondent preferred the size 5-6 inches.

Therefore, the proponents must create the size within the preference of the

St. Michael’s College 50

Table 2.4
Preferred Price of the Respondents
Price Frequency Percentage

Php 550.00—Php 700.00

74 87

Php 701.00-Php 850.00

6 7

Php 851.00-Php1,000.00
5 6

Total 85 100

Table 2.4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution in terms of the

respondents’ price preference. The result illustrates that 87% of the total

respondents preferred the price at a range of Php 550.00-Php 700.00.

The result implied that more of the respondents preferred the price and

size range of Php 550.00-Php 700.00.

Therefore, the proponents must create set the price within the preference

of the respondents.
St. Michael’s College

Chapter 5


This part shows the organization and management aspect of the study

which includes the form of business, organizational structure, organizational

chart, job description and specification of the owner and worker, business

development time frame and pre-operating expense.

Form of Business Organization

The business will be registered under the name “Handy Mandy

Manufacturing” in the form of sole proprietorship; to be owned and managed by

Ms. Faith Aubrey Cuizon. She is responsible for all the activities and operation of

the business. She will be taking the full responsibilities in terms of the

organization’s sales growth and deficit. She will be the one who handles the

procedures and oversees the whole business operations.

Organizational Structure

The business is owned and managed by Ms. Faith Aubrey Cuizon who

will act as the sole owner. Since it is a small business, it will be managed in an

informal way. However, strict rules will be implemented regarding quality

standards and production.

St. Michael’s College 52

Figure 13. Organizational Structure

Job Description of Owner/Manager

The owner is responsible for planning, directing, and overseeing the

operations and financial health of a company’s business entity, division,

department, or operating unit. In certain cases, the owner is in charge

supervising and directing the work of a group. She is responsible for developing

and sustaining work processes, procedures, and policies that allow and promote

the optimum performance of the business’ people and other resources.

Job Specification of Owner/Manager

The owner/manager is the one who manage the business and ensure the

business adheres to quality and service standards, increases revenue, and make

sure the business accomplish its goals. Hire and train, motivate and coach

employees as they provide attentive, efficient service to customers, develop and

implement business strategies. Delegating responsibilities and supervising

business operations. Maintaining a clean and tidy business workplace. Ensuring

St. Michael’s College

staff members follow company policies and procedures. She also sees to it that

the products will be made with quality and delivered on time to distributors.

Job Description of Workers

The workers must have the knowledge of the manufacturing the product,

and the policies and regulations of the business/company. The workers’

responsibilities include keeping the manufacturing area clean, prepares tools and

equipment for use, operating the manufacturing process as directed, and strictly

adhering to health and safety standards.

Job Specification of Workers

The worker must be hard-working and should be able to work on the

production line with consistent speed and accuracy. Maintain production

standards and work towards improving productivity without compromising

quality. Must have pleasing personalities and good communication skills.

Business Development Time Frame

Business Development Time Frame is the detailed schedule of the project.

A project schedule is usually represented by a Gantt Chart. Gantt Chart is a

visualization that helps scheduling, managing, and monitoring specific tasks and

resources in a project. It is a type of chart that shows the start and finish dates of

several elements of a project. It is developed by an American mechanical

engineer, Henry Gantt (Grant, 2021).

St. Michael’s College 54

Table 8.
Gantt Chart
Activities Months
Januar June
February March April May
y 2022
2022 2022 2022 2022

Research and
Purchasing of
Start of
Display at

The chart shows the projected start and finish of the business and

summarizes it per month.

The business started by planning and organizing on the month of January

to February. By the third month research and survey was conducted. By the last

week of March 2021 and first week of April 2021, results of the research and

surveys were analyzed and after it, purchasing of raw materials was done for the

production to start. The production began in the mid-month of April to May 2021

onwards. On the month of June was the displaying of the finished product at the

Michaelite Shoppe. When purchases were done, preparation of financial

statements was being process so as to monitor the progress of the business.

St. Michael’s College 55

Table 9.
Pre-Operating Expenses

Pre-operating Expense Total Cost

Cost of Pilot Product 471.61

Transportation Expense during the survey and

Purchase of materials for the pilot product creation
Php 9.00 x 4 trips Php 36.00
Php 20.00 x 2 trips 40.00 76.00

Printing of Original Questionnaire Php 5.00

Photocopy of Questionnaire
100 copies x Php 0.60 60.00 65.00
Printing of Original Manuscript
Colored: 18 pages x Php 5.00 Php 90.00
Black & White: 66 pages x Php 1.00 66.00 156.00
Photocopy of Manuscript
85 pages x 4 copies x Php0.60 204.00
Clips used during defense
5 clips x Php 5.00 25.00


St. Michael’s College

Chapter 6


This part shows the financial aspect of this study which includes the

computation of the total projected cost, the general assumptions and financial

analysis of income statement, cash flow, balance sheet, break-even point, return

on investment, and payback period.

Table 10.
Total Projected Cost

Pre-operating Expenses Php 997.61

Product Cost per month 15,563.13

Operating Expenses:

Office Supplies Php205.00

Executive Salary 500.00

Transportation Expense 76.00

Promotional Expense 250.00

Rental Expense 200.00 1,231.00



General Assumption
St. Michael’s College

1. Business will start by June 2022.

2. The proprietor will have an initial investment in the amount of
Php 17,791.74.
3. Sales projected are based on the sales forecast and will increase by 10% on
the next succeeding year.
4. The operating expense will increase by 5% each year to cover increases in
fare, supplies and promotional expenses.
5. Executive salary will remain constant for the next succeeding years.
6. An increase of 5% based on the first business year will be added to the
cost of goods sold on the next succeeding years.


Break-even Point Computation:

Fixed Cost

Executive Salary Php 500.00

Rental Expense 200.00

Total Fixed Cost Php 700.00

Variable Cost

Product cost (Monthly) Php 15,563.13

Office Supplies Expense (Php205.00/12) 17.08

Transportation Expense 76.00

Promotional Expense (Php200.00/12) 16.67

Total Variable Cost Php 15,672.88

Divided by Quantity Produced per month 33 units

Variable Cost / unit Php 474.94

Break-even Analysis:
St. Michael’s College

Selling Price (SP) : Php 640.00

Variable Cost per unit (VC) : Php 474.94

Total Fixed Cost (TFC) : Php 700.00

Break-even Point = TFC

SP – VC/unit

Break-even Point = Php 700.00

Php 640.00 – Php 474.94

= Php 700.00
Php 165.06
= 4.24~ 4 units

Break-even Point on Sales = Selling Price x Break-even Point

= Php 640.00 x 4 units
= Php 2,560.00
St. Michael’s College

Statement of Cash Flow
For Year Ended 2022-2024
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cash Inflow
Initial Investment Php 17,791.74
Sales Php 253,440.00 Php 278,784.00 Php 306,662.40
Total Cash Inflow Php 271,231.74 Php 278,784.00 Php 306,662.40
Cash Outflow:

Cost of Goods Sold Php 186,757.56 Php 196,095.43 Php 205,900.20

Executive Salary 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
Office supplies Expense 205.00 215.25 226.01
Transportation Expense 912.00 957.60 1,005.48
Promotional Expense 250.00 262.50 275.63
Rental Expense 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00
Pre-Operating Expense Php 997.61 _____________ _____________
Total Cash Outflow Php 197,522.17 Php 205,930.99 Php 215,807.32
Net Cash Flow Php 73,709.57 Php 72,853.22 Php 90,855.08
Add: Cash Beg. Balance 0 73,709.57 146,562.79
Cash End Balance Php 73,709.57 Php 146,562.79 Php 237.417.87
St. Michael’s College 60

Income Statement
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Sales Php 253,440.00 Php 278,784.00 Php 306,662.40
Less: Cost of Sales Php 186,757.56 Php 196,095.43 Php 205,900.20

Gross Profit Php 66,682.44 Php 82,688.57 Php 100,762.20

Less: Operating Expense
Executive Salary 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00
Office supplies Expense 205.00 215.25 226.01
Transportation Expense 912.00 957.60 1,005.48
Promotional Expense 250.00 262.50 275.63
Rental Expense 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00
Pre-Operating Expense Php 997.61 ____________ ____________
Total Operating Expense Php 10,764.61 Php 9,835.35 Php 9,907.12
Net Income Php 55,917.83 Php 72,853.22 Php 90,855.08
For Year Ended 2022-2024


St. Michael’s College

Statement of Financial Position

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


Cash Php 73,709.57 Php 146,562.79 Php 237,417.87

TOTAL ASSET Php 73,709.57 Php 146,562.79 Php 237,417.87

Liabilities and
Owner’s Equity:

Owner’s Equity Php 17,791.74 Php 73,709.57 Php 146,562.79

Add: Net Income Php 55,917.83 Php 72,853.22 Php 90,855.08

TOTAL Php 73,709.57 Php 146,562.79 Php 237,417.87

For Year Ended 2022-2024
St. Michael’s College 62

Return on Investment Computation:

Return on Investment = Average Net Income
Total Projected Cost
1st year net income : Php 55,917.83
2nd year net income : Php 72,853.22
3rd year net income : Php 90,855.08
Total Projected Cost : Php 17,791.74
Average Net Income = Php 55,917.83+ Php 72,853.22+Php 90,855.08
3 years

= Php 219,626.13
3 years

= Php 73,208.71

Return on Investment = Average Net Income

Total Projected Cost

= Php 73,208.71
Php 17,791.74
= 4.11 x100%
= 411%

Payback Period Computation:

Payback Period = Total Projected Cost/Average Net Profit
= Php 17,791.74/ Php 73,208.71
= 0.24

= 3 months
St. Michael’s College

Chapter 7


HandyMandy Manufacturing is a business that manufactures smiley

tissue box made primarily of scrap wood. It aspires to be at the peak of the

competitive environment and to be remembered by customers as it seeks to

address their needs and desires. Producing Caja de Pañeulos will assist the

individuals in hygienic storing of tissues. The business is dedicated to fostering

people's hygienic well-being by providing a high-quality, low-cost product that

is accessible to everyone. It will also contribute to the current health concerns by

practicing hygiene activity in the city. Furthermore, if income is generated,

consumption will increase and business will prosper resulting to higher taxes

paid to government. Taxes will help the government in raising money for public

service and government programs. The proposed business would also benefit the

city and our fellow citizens by giving employment and will generate income.

This product Caja de Pañuelos promotes the 3R’s, Reuse, Recycle and

Reduce. The proponents acknowledged that large supply of scrap woods that are

abundant in the city particularly at high land area and junk shops, due to the

abundant availability of the supply the cost can be attainable.

St. Michael’s College

Chapter 8

This study covers various areas making the product to be a multi-purpose

creation of HandyMandy Manufacturing. The business does not only help the

surroundings, it also creates job opportunities, and it creates and generates

income. The HandyMandy Manufacturing was not only concerned with making

a profit, but also with providing the best design possible, provided that the

preferences of the respondents were also prioritized in terms of the price, size,

and color of the product. The product is feasible in terms of the financial aspect

because of its average net income which is Php 73,208.71. It has a breakeven

point of 4 units and a breakeven point in sales of Php 2,560.00 that could be

attain in 3 months. As for the value of the entire project of the business it has a

411% return on investment, which means that the business is efficient.

St. Michael’s College 65


The following are the recommendations based on the results of the study;

1. HandyMandy Manufacturing must create more innovative, durable, and

one-of -a-kind products from scrap woods.

2. HandyMandy Manufacturing may add more designs and colors of the

tissue box to cater consumer’s preferences.

3. The owner must look more store outlets of the products to create more

job opportunities.

St. Michael’s College


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Appendix A
St. Michael’s College

Permission Letter to Conduct the Study



March 2022

Dear Ave Z. Danganan, DM :

In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration, we are presently conducting feasibility study entitled:
Caja de Pañuelos.

In line with this, we would like to ask authorization to conduct a survey.

Your cooperation will be very much appreciated.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,




Noted by:


Feasibility Study Adviser

Appendix B
Informed Consent Form
St. Michael’s College


Iligan City
Higher Education Department
ACCREDITED: Philippines Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)

TW Form 7. Informed Consent Form for Respondents/Participants

1. I have read and understood the information about the research study, as provided in the request letter
dated _______________.
2. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions about the study and my participation.

3. I voluntarily agree to participate in the research study.

4. I understand I can withdraw at any time without giving reasons and that I will not be penalized for
withdrawing nor will I be questioned on why I have withdrawn my participation.
5. The procedures regarding confidentiality have been clearly explained (e.g., use of names, pseudonyms,
anonymity of data, etc.) to me.
6. I agree to participate in this research study and that my answers in the survey questionnaire indicate
my true/honest perception and opinion.
7. The use of the data in research, publications, sharing and archiving has been explained to me.

8. I understand that other researchers will have access to this data only if they agree to preserve the
confidentiality of the data and if they agree to the terms I have specified in this form.
9. Select only one of the following:
• I would like my name to be used and I understand that what I have said or written as part of
this study will be used in reports, publications, and other research outputs so that anything I
have contributed to this project can be recognized.
• I do not want my name to be used in this project.
10. I, along with the Researcher, agree to sigh and date this informed consent form.
I, the undersigned, confirm that (please check box as appropriate):

Name of Participant Signature Date

Confidentiality Clause
This is to acknowledge the right of each respondent to privacy; thus, the researcher
pledges to keep all collected data with utmost confidentiality.
Name Signature Date

Name Signature Date

Name Signature Date

Appendix C
St. Michael’s College


Name (Optional):
Part I. Demographic Profile
12-18 19-35
36-55 56 and above
Civil Status:
Single Married
Divorced Widowed

Male Female

Student Employee
Self-Employed Unemployed

Family Monthly Income:

Php10,000.00 and below Php20,001.00 – Php20.500.00
Php10,001.00 – Php15,000.00 Php20,501.00 – Php25,000.00
Php15,001.00 – Php20,000.00 Php25,001.00 and above


Part II. Psychographic Profile

Are you willing to buy the proposed product “Caja De Pañuelos”?

(If not, do not proceed to the questions below)
Yes No
St. Michael’s College

What specific color do you prefer?

Paint White Varnish Mahogany
Varnish Natural Others (Please specify) _______
What price and size do you prefer? (by height)
Small (5 – 6 inches)
Php 550.00 –Php 700.00)
Medium (10- 11 inches)
Php 701.00 – Php 850.00
Large (14 - 15 inch)
Php 851.00 – Php 1,000.00

Noted by:

AVE Z. DANGANAN, DM Korsiney N. Cabasis, DBA

Dean of College of Business Administration FS ADVISER


Appendix D
Certificate of Similarity
St. Michael’s College


Appendix E
Curriculum Vitae
St. Michael’s College

Full Name : Faith Aubrey A. Cuizon

Address : Purok 8, Buru-un, Iligan City
Gender : Female
Age : 22
Date of Birth : January 06, 2000
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Contact Number : 09751103816
Email Address :

Primary : Sgt. Miguel Canoy Memorial Central School
Purok 1, Buru-un, Iligan City
Secondary (JHS) : Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy
Secondary (SHS) : Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy
Barangay Poblacion, Linamon, Lanao Del Norte
Tertiary : St. Michael’s College, Quezon Avenue, Iligan City
Department : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

Father’s Name : Renante A. Cuizon
Occupation : Welder
Address : Purok 8, Buru-un, Iligan City
Mother’s Name : Marcelina A, Cuizon
Occupation : Housewife
Address : Purok 8, Buru-un, Iligan City

MSword, Powerpoint, and Excel Proficient
Design and Layout


Curriculum Vitae

Full Name : Lea Xyza S. Siman
St. Michael’s College

Address : Prk-6-A Buru-un Iligan City

Gender : Female
Age : 22
Date of Birth : February 04, 2000
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Contact Number : 09974611677
Email Address :

Primary : Sgt. Miguel Canoy Memorial Central School
Purok 1, Buru-un, Iligan City
Secondary (JHS) : Iligan City National School of Fisheries
Purok 1, Buru-un, Iligan City
Secondary (SHS) : Iligan City National School of Fisheries
Purok 1, Buru-un, Iligan City
Tertiary : St. Michael’s College, Quezon Avenue, Iligan City
Department : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

Father’s Name : Francisco Buyco Siman
Occupation : Retired Police
Address : Prk 6 A Buru-un Iligan City
Mother’s Name : Nieves Soliven Siman
Occupation : Housewife
Address : Prk 6 A Buru-un Iligan City

MSword and Powerpoint Proficient 76
Photo and Video Editing

Curriculum Vitae

Full Name : Hans Patrick B. Hiceta

Address : Tubod, Iligan City
St. Michael’s College

Gender : Male
Age : 22
Date of Birth : March 16, 2000
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
Contact Number : 09056071684
Email Address : hanshicetap@gmail

Primary : Iligan City Central school
Mahayahay, Iligan City
Secondary (JHS) : Corpus Christie Parochial School of Iligan
Secondary (SHS) : Saint Michael’s College
Tertiary : St. Michael’s College, Quezon Avenue, Iligan City
Department : Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management

Father’s Name : Avelino B Hiceta Jr.
Occupation : Government Employee
Address : Del Carmen Iligan City
Mother’s Name : Cristita B. Hiceta
Occupation : Government Employee
Address : Poblacion Iligan City

Encoding, Layout and Printing

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