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Æiby^^JUX/Comotourus P.


Works of Satoshi KAMIYA 1995-2003

WSSSE'S tijDX-a sca— k
Model Design & Diagrtlms by SatOShi Kamiya
Editor:MakotoYuriaguchi Translator:KoichiTateishi

aJfttok/Sploth! (Swon) P.23

^ffi/Pegasus R28
0-<tf-K/Wizad P. 180
#f* nr t, '■x, Nr« 1t * u #jfE -fi & tfffifc'o1tl ' *c 11H SU st , $■ lal, tt & cd jqs # tfftl
aafrflWfMMJBftMUTi '*/£ Ittitft »i '*t.
ISSIT(JtFf‘JEØ*»<*MiAIS'3fc<*fJ*tA0 •©«****<* AØJAÉlfrsT
ft #W‘) * t'JfJ S-fÉS <D A<»I flFW i *3 4 ©T. * ft Sr tt© A tf #f S *'£5 Mi&lzt oX * £

1? fffå t' * f# 3 ^ t A*T * 5 A*€> L ft £ -ti- A „ f *>Vr>'X L fOTT tf ,1 v01? i »gør« * fel ±

'fcfcl,'tOrigamldo StudiofflT<^;i-77*-AÉA,Wft^»T*ttKl-4-3

This book contains nineteen diagrammed modøls of mine whose creation dates range
over the whole pø riod of my creation. As thø models are arranged in chronological order,
the book in a sense shows the history of my creation.
Basically. drawing diagrams is not my prime concern, I am not a kind of person such
thal I would like my models to b© folded by many peopJe. and, as my goal is creation it-
seif, I basically have no motivation for diagrammmg
Then, wby did I make this book? 1 am writlng this book for kids around the world of ori¬
gami. Kidsf whlch I was one of, eertainiy would like to fold those modeis fike 1 crøate. To
do this, they need diagrams. Thats why. I myself did fold various diagrammed models
which my prødecessors created, and I have learned a lot from them. I would fike to give
something to the people around the world of origami more than I got from them, I could
not have done what I hav© done without them.
Finalfy, i would like lo express my gratitude to th© following people: Koiehi Tateishi, who
made this biilngual book possible by transiatrng my Japanese during his tightly schdufed
days, Hideo Komatsu, who kindly proofread the diagrams, Michael LaFosse of the Origa¬
mido Studio, who made the shøets from which i foided many modets In this book, Eiko
Matsuura of Origami House, who helped my ©diting this book, and, finally, MakotoYama-
guchL who made everything possible for me
Satoshi Kam lya

Works of Satoshi Kam lya 5

S JX Contents

5 Foreword

7 I/tDISIIE^£S^CD}$;£/Symbols and Basic Techniques

9 #fO$S$!]'LA#075'/''*/To Origami Beginners and Novices

Works of Satoshi KAMIYA

10 ^JJby^OJbT./Carnotaurus

18 b-tlX'f'/Eagle Ray

23 SH8|7jC/Splash! {Swan)

28 /Pegasus

37 /\5?L'X%'J'73'Xh/'Hercules Beetle
Divfne Dragon
50 5V/ C(/V \h~h) /'Divine Dragon (Bahamut)

72 M/Kirin

84 x-<^y'9',5JbX/TyTannosaurus

95 3#?$/1 noshishi garn i (The Divine Boar)

108 /'CDttO'JbT./'Barosaurus

118 ax-J-V/Unicom

136 UfelVEXTheYeHowBird

142 VnxnXOV=)/K\\s$ Whale

150 XSDKV/Smilodon

161 i/i^/Orca

170 ^in^Y^X/Coelophysis

179 O-ftT— K/Wizard

193 Ancient Dragon

217 VV^T./'Mammuthus primigenius

rrøs&sftsftj is. fsLLM/foffi^acDSTOÆo^r?-
*©«;s Symbols and
Basic Techniques
In Works of Safosh/ Kamrya. you will see in the dia¬
(IfiOØ) ld3JFrO*ftCD#^S5B^5«ittj£fttrrSS grams many technical terms and folding techniques
?, *nStt.fflfcrg3££tøitb<«u&rifiQfcfe#w which are not familiar to you This page shows you
the very basic terms of origami Always refer to this
ztv is. ^nsvm^TT^mbrc: «oatø*5-5ic. # page when you are tn trouble As the page on!y de-
scribes on ty the basic s you may not find the exact
ra#r<Æsuv ns*Jr-j^itr^UfePi-ri335b*t* term you are looking for but the basics here certam-
htf,».s owjia^irsioa'ais ^ c-t 3y will help you solving the problem

Types of crease lines

SJ/rO OjtffD
Valley fold Valley told Mountain fold Mountain fold

C v <2
Fold paper
Fold paper forwards backwards

IV3U3&EØ Symbols

ISJffD Pieat fold *~Z— BiST Turn paper over >TJ>,

*fl'5aa«tai^eTixn«j:3^Bas When turmng over vertically.

Pieats are form ed when you look from the rotation symbol is also used
the side.

Don t rotate the paper
upside down

Division Sft©[d]z53r3£X.?> Rotation The vtew point ZQÆ**Q}tiLItføMS

19 ^ The view point shiits
RSQS^Divlding the length
i to this position

Making a crease lin® r Various types of r

crease lines.
-jtt/iDrhv6^LrffTD®5^oiTS nmc-Ditt
Fold and mark a crease line.
Ihen enfold. ,OjtfrDfCOrtå Crease lines
Fold line to line and
unfold. L
Mountain fold divide the
and unfold angle »nto two
Pløat aligmng the
crease line to another
crease line and unfoEd.

arølmm* mnttm-B 5i*tu* awstcs

A magnified A hidden lin« Muiiti Open up Marked points These points are on Right angle
view / layer Pult out (reference points) top of each other.

☆★ o♦
Insert a flap
O 0 •

Works of Satoshi Kamiya

fJrD7?®}5/£ Basic Folding Skids
Inside reverse fold Inside reverse fold
Push th© eomer inside as (Fold th© cornoi In)
th© middle layer.

The folded corner

will be hidden

-**'%< t>5t/r
Qutstde reverse fold J/fOttfj'SST Flabbll ear fold mottnxs
Open stightly and Pinch the comer and Hatten
fofd outside. il on one side.
Wrap the corner , 3^71
around the layers. /

Squash told ^_

mmerthm* ^
Many types ot total/
partial squashing are possibte. CWi [TEtfffrSJ ttWJ
This type of squashing is
called the petal fold.

tt&fffO Sink
Sink a layer/comer and hide it Inside. Sink in and out
(closed IC
m (omm 1
The layers are ^tosjt^tcfatfio -a
Some times sink -jÆk
tocked. requires the /
pleat-like structure
by sinkmg in and oul.
anmuozmfrui' ^rpfflia
Do not open the
iayers of the y* -mowz
corner. & Sink in action.
Push in with layers
overlapped onto each
Closed sink
ISfflt^fi'SeuÆfQpen) In such cases, open the corner
Wb&£D\ZVrå ft'fc5E&-3'CU3 once. and make crease lines as
Push in the The layers can they should be Start from the
grayed comer. be reopened. mountain tolds around the gray
Mark the crease line area.
to use for sink.

Open sink mtp&m

-mozirc m* ftmnooy
Sink in action *n?ti
The layers of the corner
| i*epffiE2
are reopened. £3£ik9\0Jtft*j
/ 1 mOWirtZX® Pinch the corners
5^r- I wesfo/c/tt; and flatten.
Sink still in action.
m<Dm* After openmg the corner llghtly,
push In without overlappmg layers,
Push in the corner

8 rø&ØÆfW*
Fleating and Crimpmg Layers

iWegtørO Pieallng and crlmping rtfl9C»Oi&C£3røl8'Cf8#rD

on both sides. Crimp and sink.

Pieat on both sides at Crimp on both sides at the same time. PJimiCffL-iiti
the same time tcaicLiatfs
Open the layer.
sink the grayed

Crimp inside,

Crimp outsidø.

To Origami Beginners and Novices:

The models in this book requires that you make many
tz&xwwmvvtDV' &<m crease lines before assembling The process of creasing is
very importanl for the completion of the folding of the model,
so do as precisely as possible. always with the next
2,Sf0SSI^iE*a33^D<hO!^r<fifffl^ TSfiUt
diagram as your reference
Crease precisely Don t crease Irom/through the wrong
c or ners or circled relerence points
isitfii;M^.iEæicjTnri,vsfl'^o^WiSUTt,Ki:^a Take special care on the side and onentation ol the sheet
When you have done one step carefully check your folded
4 -3,mi&um75tfi5-DZ^ mwcu ruuj t. rsj os'* model wtlh the diagram orienting them towards the same
D£tt^0 &t>zy direction
Keep in mind thai folding processes in origami only
consist ot moutain and valley tolds Your best reference is
6. nUv^aiÆfl'or^fi'5.-atDfiÉ«in*±¥i^rnr£cti always the next diagram
II is the facl of life Ihat the models in this book are difficult,
ti^asD* ^t-mw <Hft) oob
so don’t expect Ihat you can fold them beautifully in your
0^DSL/*3. «BICBTH*iO9f0røMMbrU«T.
firsi try Use regular origami paper for practice
Be patient You can make it in the end
v. huuHRdwci*. fliDe««#*#?*. Sometimas the paper will be ragged and torn into pieces
7. fl*S«E£iff0^STa*5.SM*ClStf«3«3lc«:0» tf this happens, lake another sheet ol paper and start from
the beginning if the raggedness 's not so disastrous. you
MtørøørDau&ua. «fciKrrøttn8S. tanvx- may be able to tape the back of the sheet and continue
TcBfrsRfioetoiÉ.-toaasSfoats&reatiTu^s. your folding

• (eour The Necessary Size of the Sheet:

^■r».lfTDtflBit)'T€rd'tr&iarST®Ci:i)tT:e«U The recommended size of the sheet of paper with which
you told is wntten in thø tøxt This is because the models
ffcstf&os?. *©fci&. #«£&£> nøet^XJ
sometimes need very skillfut foldings
However, this is only RECOMMENDED We suggest you
cnss<*rsstrr, rsw^xi jn&mumvfi start with a larger sheet. bul you can always be a
sctfewSÉr^tf. a»»*irc. r^m^D^€tø©ie chailenger!
r-ffrac<±:£fit7j©U3?fl Regular origami sheets may not have the recommended
^icis.iFrorøaturffiis^nrumi^^fcSO^?:: sizes If so. take thin and strong paper and cut II into a
rø«tt4ttS^<^T3t*Ba(ØWtf-W*L\±Wtt square
®æu Æ^m\z^zm-oz<^i\o
Works ot Sat o s hi Kamtya 9


JIM ftlfr
T he oldest modef in this book, this modef is the
first model I can say I "created" intentionaily*
In the initial State of my creation, the model just
«Tt *Æ*<©rWfcJMa±©fe®tiWtiirfc» ,fcame" to me by folding in various random ways, I
ic«, f n *t* tf 6«n ft røg atftartf^ ft * tf* s i: 4-?r found that. with this model, to "create* a model, I
would have to choose the best shapes and parts
from a chaos.
^J#-'JTSXiftMC0f^ocS1roLft'3T^imiiJf^ffi(D4-A’T± One favorite feature of this model is modeling of
S 4 £«£ 4 o * i 91C fU.' t T ■, the horn. It is folded from the m iddie of the sheet.
C 0)^5. tc« % ;c AoTi. '* m tt tfi '< -3 tf * *> i -f tf ,-t <0 which gives it necessary thickness. Its short forelegs
could not be folded from a usual 22.5* structure,
0ia#6#f‘/iaU**KTUTS*t'W*.«*®£4<t^4t,0« because the output becomes too lang and Sharp.
*ara^i:*'T#*Lfc= $fc.i<o»«ff)*s»?fcfi£*tcg The solution was folding of fingers by sinking the
V> n fi'7*tf .i CD Si S J t S SU «i:l, fc J»fc ■ 22,5® CO * tip. Of course, this was the result of thais and errors,
K7«st*jrrrbii »tr „ * <n%m* cj^. *.*« but I am confident of its output, l feel that rt is hard
to design a model more wefl-designed than it.
o«/-fc#«*atciiU 'fc<7)Tt. i*.
Tt'Sfc*tt*ot3S&SUtf4*J*<. 10? i£<«^ft-%-pfcZ.

Size of Sheet - 25X25cm

Ot t*
Fold a line connecting
the circled points and otmmtii Kt
unfold 3fr3rlfr$
t* Repeat on the other
White side up. Fold Fold edges to the three sides but do not
diagonals and unfold diagonals and unfold unfold.


Fold the corner to

the circled Intersection
and untold. Repeat on ttie lefl

Works of Satoshi Kamlyd 1 1

\ 2
Works of Satoshi Kamiya 13
tlfo J

1/4 <D 115?
VMJB fiolH ■h KOfetitA«
Fold at the quarier
of the length. Open sink ihe comer
U nfold. using the crease line
made in 49.

The crease
pattern of 51
53 <nmmm *J ttt
The crease Sink the tayers.
pattern of 53

CWt> KtK£lftT
Open the bottom comer
using the top comer as
a reference point.

The crease
pattem of 52

Platten the model

W)<0 2 ft'Ritt)
52-53 t le) U

Repeai 52-53
on the other
two corners- tnside reverse fold

Outstde reverse fold

S&ffiUfc 49-57 t

Repeat 49-57 behind
Inside reverse fold The next view will bø
zoomed out.


Open the layer

sø# s f*)Hiit-#T 3
Fold edge to edge,
while inside reverse
foldmg on the botlom
Repeat behind*

Works of Sal oshi Kamiya


ty« <nnt
Crimp inside.

Shape the toreiegs
and horns.
Spread the
middle layer.


£*1*5 \]
*a+® m

Open iayers Irom

the left and push
In the right edge.

Works of Satoshi Kamtya

Eagle Ray

Created 1996


JlCD H i.' r' — y 3 > Long-tatled version

LC OSB ft tfis *>-o * 61/r11) BH t bTv '4 fro t A'fc Lft i -ti A. „

Iprefer the bottom view of this mode! to the top view. This
is only natural, because the motivation of creating this
model was the view of a ray from the bottom m an aquarium
The structure of the head is my favorite, with the crease
pattem directly leading to the completed form. Also, a process
Size of Sheet 115X15cm of squashing and assembling the structure at once is so well
done that I would not have drawn diagrams if I had not
found it
O l ti
The long-tailed version also exists. This can be simply
Fold diagonaily
and unfold. folded by reducing the ratio of the body in the crease pattern.

* KfcA Kt
Mark the intersection * KtOltfcBC
EPt^W* of the diagonal and T#r UB« oit 5
Fold corner the line eonnecting Fold the top left corner
to corner but only the mark made in 2 to the mark made In 3,
mark the edge. and the other corner

18 ftSØÆftÆ*
§±3tif-3*as#t t>dtfr

Pul) out thø innør iayers

and squash. 4 w


20 *»****.&*
Splash! (Swan)

Splash! (Swan)

»/Wing M/Wlng

+il ukci*.*** ■ mt-mtt Kummx-x»

J/T 5i.'å*?'rx'rrAf*»Jst(Jlt«iaé,.^e)73''rx-f7'’
W hen I design a model. I usually start from rough
ideas on the structure, modeling, or the target.
This sometimes is more important than the final
shape of the model. This model is another example
?H* - W )¥ 9t7* ® SrtfT 51 l 'O T4 ¥<T tf-k'T ?T with such ideas at the beginning. I just wanted to
fold a bird with a half of a square, and the water
surface with another half. With living creatures, the
complexity of the model hides such ideas, but when
eW&SfIW«aai#&llfrCA‘3Jfc©*f«H©Jtye-r, you see crease patterns and the ir structures, the
t tz, n ~t*^li^iCCKD« [S] tf SS i 'O?1 ft', £ ideas show themselves clearly.
n<t e« ■« i: jt »« ft i* ^ tf ^ i »* ». 7"r This model is based on pleats protruding from a
square, so you can remodel it into various shapes,
CCbftfi* TiEÆ^eO^-^J t r<i#6ttTl‘4tt«J t such as "a man folding a huge crane" with a man
♦itT#Sfc.1lllU'3Atttt2KLTiB-S;:t:»'T#*T0 «jL folded from pleats and a crane from a square. Playing
tf TE with the basic ideas like this is very important in
AttSJrSAJ . designing and folding.

£#f S, ftifTT „ #t--££&t)£7,'1'x<TTT#, Coi'otf


i&SfM X/ flecom m ended

Size of Sheei: 15X15cm

£totf TSUbCfJifr*;
Crlmp aligning the
crease lines made in »£*'[> IZåfcittT
* t * tete# to tf T 2 with the center line. * K*-3*t+5C«f*
Crlmp allgning the
Fold the top edge lo white edges to the
the center line Unfold center.

Works of Satoshl Kamiya 23

24 #sesBtt<a*
mv>< bimuLw?
L-atfU ‘JJBft
-3 0*
D KtSttflUIfF* Make a firm
Fold back th© corner crease line.
moved In 15.

Fold down the raised

layers to ih© front. mm fi Kt Ww"
Open and separate the top
corners from each other and
tøt thø layers behind stand.
S£ 4*0)0
Close the
corners again.

Sink usmg thø crease

line made in 18.
The next vi©w
* K*T#IB£
will be from this
fhJftc side.
Fold the corners

Inside reverse fold so the
neck will be more elender.
Fold the top corner
Repeat behind.
to the other side.
Works of Satoshi Kam tya
Inside reverse fold

26 »»saft**
Splash! (Swan)

Works ot Sato stil Kamiya 27


W hen you are accustomed to crease patterns.

/*_ ZttZlt-iTIfitl?AfAKieaj if you become abte to easily see the distribution
&l$t „ Cturø&ftCjtøSLtOTr i*tLT<-5t.*K*#r of flaps necessary for the model. It is easy to grasp
ti '9co*fa the approximate size of a sheet necessary for folding,
not speaking of the effectiveness and elegance of
3tSttSØ(ie«|*Ui.'t©Ttt. tt»É54»lfW»rff6*i the output model whicb is another problem. I always
decide on the baste crease patterns in the early
stage of my creation* just intuitivefy. Meguro,
Kawahata, Lang and others give us theoretical bases
for this.
The basic structure of this model is four bird bases
Cff)ftaOAKKB©*3t:tti'hWi4 UH ’ j tPlLJfcøT, incorporated in a single sheet of square, which
WK53;^jfctt^TKt»otaiMiuj:<«fcnTi'*T frequentiy is used with models with wings. The
tøEBomaAi*. flnf® rørømør. h ^»»oiwtra problem with this structure is that the equidistance
of forelegs. wings and hind legs, which gives wings
Li^st0 *Æ«coia*‘e>fflr*Kft)ffi#c«r>TL'o3t*^, folded from the exact middle point of the modef.
ctJifeSro*Kflf»oTUS7røtiraHni>i:-3'PTc3ffi^*rø Another problem is the existence of an unusable
central flap. Usually, this flap is so hard to use
i'tå&tfZ'.'-jiom,, &fe*WTiic:o)4>*w*Kt^r^L effeetively but to hidet like in my Kirin. However, in
this model, 1 gave solutions to these problems by
*Kt-3^UT«K<9ttBtV'BTitTCn60fBIBl=*MflfL setting the tail flap in the middle of the sheet without
TV* t. Z%'-71Z t ¥Ti 3 ff) fftt KS S O g £ <*'V b Jr 70 using the excess flap, and by shifting the positioning
of hind legs. This is another interesting feature of
2^ ih*«>:i>fe>hKWl- P t93 t#i$ this method of designing a model.
Size of Sheet: 25X25cm

Coior side up \y tfrUfcfcfc

Fotd and unfold Sr'Jffifcoit* Assemble using the
diagonals. Fold in half and unfold exisbng crease lines



■■■■ \\
s ' '"
x '. /

\ //
^ /

v Cr

X line


WfjmS Sfl^SV

rf£jWS 9w^

Works ot Saloshi Kamiya 29

*5 *J tfr *)
Inside reverse fold.
Repeat behind.

CH'Ti'5 X
OL'Tl'5 \ oc'Tl'5 vX i)
idlCiffS XX «'ll!STf5T\ ftVtiST \\
Crimp and swivel using
J: v C#r5 \J
the existing crease lines Crimp and swivel Inside reverse fold using
using Ihe existing the existing crease lines.
crease lines.

-Di,' T 5 HrU SS T'41 ft U tfr >J

T4 «fc oiZtSr * Kt

Inside reverse fold using the

existing crease lines whiie
swiveling the corner back
Ot \
Swivel the corner
to the lefl. to the right and squash #f ‘JHioits
Fold up the corner along
Ihe line connecting the
clrcled points.

rtffflO* Kt
51 etat x“ Qttfr'JSSiC^^
Pull out Ihe >
hidden corner.
Fold an angle bisector,

SJdUfc 21-25 t
(§1 C J: 7 IC tf 3 Pull out the hidden
Repeat 21-25 layers./w

-f n-f nsatfUictf*
> Fold down two
layers in front TIC IB ti Ti'4 =
and fold up two
layers behind. ±TCD«£
ttttf‘JBlC^fcttT Fold along the line ot
the hidden triangie
28 Ttf
Fold the edges using the
existing crease lines and
close the right edge again.
»tM< tZåT
tfr o TF^ISIIS
vtifr-oxt /
J: Pletfri X *'KtH< tc«t
tf 5
Fold the edge \
to the right and Fold up the corner
spread the edges at the joint.

30 wssse-fraii
Uft 1^6

Inside reverse fold

li Kfc* and fold the edge to
the right.
Crease connecting the
corners. a
> /

Sk * Kt T <*»^«
Fold the corner

\ Ir rj' 3 4 A K £ ttt't

Pull out the hidden


30-40 t
I^IUJ: 9lIiFr5
Repeat 30-40 on
the top side.

Sinking going on.

Fold all the layers of Ihe
cifoled corner together.

* KtKfc\m~inz
*Ft ' Fold down the corner

Fold down the corner.

(Open sink)
Fold down the tztiU0<niJ KU
edge. Closed sink /
Open sink, \
while closed x
sinking the
circled corner.

Fold the edge to
£ffUfB5T the center line /
and enfold,
f bt
Fold the edge up and
swivel the corner.

ff U * * “31* ft
Fold edge to edge
and unfold.
*7 KtKttflICflK
Fold the corner up.

Works of Sat oshi Kam lys 31

Repeat behind

58-59 *
58-59 show the
inside view.

=7 H£*i££frltT
± Kf ÆIBOCfrUafc
Fold the corner inside
along the edge.
Repeat behind.

iImm to«*
Fold edge !o edge
and unfold

Works of Satoshi Kamiya

~7 MCDoLttSØ)

V J: o IztFr i
Swivel the edge
behind the ta il.

Mcuntain fold three
73 K t ± t layers to the inside.




Inside reverse


Crimp on both sides
Inside reverse

* Kt*3» fc'JtdtC
iff *
Rabbit ear.
Repeat behind

y rJ Ib IZ 4 i
-3 »ttfi'mco Outside reverse
* t fold.

Crease at the angle
Repeal behind.

«f ‘J S5 £ -3 W 4
Make crease lines.
Repeat behind.

js» Mfemt;
Crimp at the angle bisectors.
Repeat behind.

83-85 t
HC J: ?(C#ri

Inside reverse fold

±*'6 2 tt tf) H 4 A K£
ffl< ti KtMilte
ttani;* ?tc fftJi&G
Fold the layer
Fold two layers on the top inside.
to make the leg siender
Fold the third layer behind.

Work« of Satoshi Kamiya 35

Inside reverse
31 såj-r
PuH out the
hidden lavers

Outside reverse

108 OtSSOU 4 £
g&ftsffttff »j

Thø final form 7CØC

of a wing. Model compleied
% K®*s
t> 6 tf *
* Kt'>UfiaT Open the
A* ioW4 corner.
Shape the wing
106 102

* Kt«5^

Mountain fold
the tip.

103 EM«tU£
100-102 t
!h!U J: o IZ}Jt4
Repeal 100-102 on
the two legs behmd
*e wa if s
105 Open the wing

mt & i i
Shape the body.

36 »ses&ita*
Hercules Beetle

mm/ ; y ——m

ia/y ■qsome^
/ \ \
NCj \

Created 1&06
fPM/ Middie lag ?tJffl/Hind tøg

ir *jisn#?,* T his model is one of outputs of the "Flying

*A ©w*tt»iftrofciciiiTt>*ÉfrfcWTUfc. U.bmizt>ti Insect War" which broke out about when l
joined Origami Tanteidan, perhaps the only
* m- iV< ofcff) * S ft* JS Uz V. ti t A if« fcO tf- S S one which satisfied me to some degree.
The model shares its basic structure with my
tttfcft »ft UTt '* * « $f*S ?T Divine Dragon and other productions in this period.
*øi£ a« tftifi iixV/<< > k-7=f>£« & t . imuftiBi møatz^ With four additiona! flaps which can be folded
<flEoTV*f „ ffl(SO|^ftBfr640fl>#Kftl±i-tt4Ctf>«|iS«.eÉ from the middle of the sheet, the designing out
jtftf*‘*u*<,i$c^<wAKft^wfr4awcntTt»ffiL'^r of this structure has treedom of modeling of flaps
l'tDTf 'JT and it is convenient when one wants to create a
model with many flaps necessary. This model
combines such a structure with the frog base.
t>53/u. ±ÆfS]*'e»(?3isw*''siNÉ4'^tfif *f. <rfr* The final touch of this model Is suited for
being viewed from its sides. When one creates
a three-dimensional model, it Is usual that he
■f*- v t<m '<DT r tf*, ^ ? 9 u ** T * Thi-H LrT *A tf« tf6 Jfc focuses on a view from one direction. I did
ft »«li?tf!$t’'ø] * ft J#o r v,'5 <fco7.ZØ)ft 0ap Tttft ?Ilt Sfi H this because we usually see Hercules beetles
tfSKIfiTb'&JrtftjKiPUft?,, with a side view in picture books and such things.
1* tff*fl«0:SSrE»a*ifi»T£ 199a*i?ur#T««ttØ;£i'i«(*e-;fc.
2*- »!S» *11993-94*« -StmiinJEtOl« rfftffl i{,S.£<r>mtUftTi>Zt#1-U£Z-t:

‘£'#+K X/Recommended
Size of Sheet; 35X35cm

A Sft'h'L'U'&fc-ttT
Color side up. ™ SfUfitPH 4
Fold and unfofd diagonals Blint2 fold and unfold.

Works oF Satoshi Kam lya 37




’mrmgrf ^
-"i ii>5n

Hercules Beetle

Works of Satoahi Kamiya 39

Platten the model.

ij Kft
36 /C7vX
/!% /wY- ' x
/ tå£8æ \ rtUlCiftS
Inside reverse

*Kt N3E
fCfBff) ^3
Fold the corner

37 T* K *’ '> U ttt *
J: o t:£t(7)filC
mmt. \ , ifhJffitOlt*
t>otf‘; Næ Crease so that the j
±1* * *• s < tip of the corner^r
33 T O tt * X / C7 3lf 5 shows ih 37. /&\ |
#r‘J«TTtf 6 Pull the sides
and open the
Push out the ccrner creases.
with crease lines made
in 33. Z“


Bfll C V -a tf U Slightly higher than

< the middle point.
Pull the sides
and open the ^

27 28 T O tt t W Flatten the mode!

Unfold to 27 ff'JBTMrol
Sink using the ^
eKistmg crease line?

40 »SS£f1f<&*
Hercules Beetle

ff S /
Open and
squash, ^
T \ li If t A K S
IS-im ?*» i
'• 1 nJ É a^uff tjat
Swivel the
\ X v y y \\/ edge Inside.

Tff 4
Fold the edge
to the center

**££;bt* S «t Hz
LfrtfSff iJ ^
Fold the corner to fcfcfc <j|
the right.
Swivel the edge \
and fold Ihe corner
lo the right.

ii KttfoTO&tiT
±-5 C å
ff S il
Fold the corner /
and squash the
small layer. K,
Æifllfc 41-44 t
IS] U J: o tw L T
* FtV
*Ktéh^T Repeat 41-44 on
the løft.
Fold and unfold
corner to corner
Y ±cDgBfrli
E(7>ct 5C#r S
The enlarged vløw
of the squash.

Urfold to 47. Kt±K*J*

Fold up the .
corner /

Repeat 47-50 on
the left
£ttøtfr iJ(Open sink)
Flatter the Petal fold on one side
Open sink.

Works of Satos hi Kam rya 41

Hercules Beetle

Works of Satos hl Kamiya

1 tt t
* K t AK t

Fold up the

* K t \| /
a% \ y JSJHittff*
Open the layers
Fold thø comer
using the existing
crease line.

'>L Alt«
Don t start creasing
trom the comer n*\v
DføtZZ ? 4^'frlw n hit X
This side of the Fold an angle
crease lines bisector and
starts from the unfold.
comer, j

Flatten the
model 103 "Paitfc
E2<7)<t ? 4tfcHT
t ’éTfr« Iff U IBS t -3 » *
Use the crease Fold and unlold at a
lines made in sllghtly different angle
(Open sink)
103. Open sink
the corner.

/A Kt
Fold down the

* Kt±e

Fold the
corners up

“D W lgC0SB#£
&<r>m<r)£ 9tc
* KtflACffft
Fold up one leg,
squashtng the root.
£114)89-106 t
* Kt-tClfr* ■h K«4KAt«r«
Repeat 89-106 on
Fold the corner up Fold up two corners
the right.

Works ot Satoshl Kamlya

Fold down the

Hercules Beetle

1* J: 7 C
Vr »J fc 11
Inside reverse
fold the edge.

ti IBIS *** <
UZtf *
Open the layers

122-127 t
isn; <t o c
Swivel the layer *r*
behind slightly. Repeat
122-127 on
the left.

☆ CD A K*TFt "J J OÉBttS

< 5 J: 3 jttutts
Make the horn
SJUii three-dimentional
The side view
The whiiø-starred 129
corner will head KO
downward. i
-ptfrøfc S fc#T
fi^-r J:
The view from behtnd.
Inside reverse fold the
lower part

Pieat the excess
Repeal behind.



Pull out the middle The next view will be

lavers. the side view again.

Works of Sato s M Kamiya 4,

+ tit) HW
Inside reverse


^ to SI li

Back to the
side view

Fold the tip behind.

48 »S»*tt**
Hercules Beetle


i tø a^tc r $

ie Lipper

* K£'J>L?l#fciJT
Pul! out ihe small corrter.

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 49

Divine Dragon (Baham

Fo ro leg

Created 1997

U/Vfmq M/Tmi

— u. MiH T he target ot this model, Bahamut, had been

the one I had always wanted to create.
I first tried with a pleated structure, but with an un-
satisfactory shaping of the body. So, I tried to dis-
Tsmt&tzarbæibTfituz'ZZT'.miffim-Ziis1 tribute the horns along the edge of the sheet, and
^i.fc'ofcZ£OMx>xt:uaK*fr'&4£#*T*fcb.iÉ£b this tit me. It was a good old frog base. The head
»♦»CfcgtWi *[/*.. fbTIE^JfSO*R;:**&A?*t was unexpectedly completed by incorporating the
frog base into the corner of a square. Such a dis-
L*ofc<7)TT, Zff) ra*jtfr'*5J covery often is very convenient when one wants to
simplify the structure with well-known ratios.
a««f22.5S*(7)tiaiC4oA:OT - f*£D7jfc£t3ttT22.5 With the head based on the 22.5C structure, the
StcbÆT: Kt*fPt5A‘#iJ*#<aUÆi.'ft».»it.U<li£ body should be, too. To fold out as large ftaps as
S*(0rtgS*>&WU&^XS^TTo -tZT. Y-i-M C possible for wings and the talt, the forelegs and/or
«a=i>/\'>'>3>}ffijgi*vouj izm) the hind legs should be folded out of the middle of
K^fcP'?»A'6P)3!)Kt^o«(iÆS«tffl-rs^CL.iOfc£ the sheet. So, I decided on adopting the basic
structure of my Hercules Beetle. and Reindeer in
isi'Zk.-?** tzTmmmz&rfrzt.&tnøytib'ifiittb Origami Tanteidan Convention Book Vol, 4
JtS*SLhlC*4’ttf,^frUiTo-t01**tiM«aHCieoTt: The model stilt lacks the enough width and length
for the wings, and the hind legs are still toeless.
»« @1D'*>(*] 8B IC t i!£igAP 14# $ li »Sti' ft*7 J: So. I should have added the pleats along diago¬
nals, which often is used for complex models, I fi¬
£Gbli*f*Z<DB£8flA'bTLiai.'A>i:ilt.'$t nally could use such a structure effectively about
the time of the creation of this model.
iiiStf i X/Recommended
Size of Sheet: 50X50cm

* K S rh'L'tC

ft IC T£fl£ ott4
VUE Soft 4 Fold the right corner to
White side up. Fold the right corner to the mark,
the center, bul only
Fold diagonally but only mark the intersection again.
mark the intersection

50 »SSseftA*
Divine Dragon tBahamuu

and u motel,

yA C\K '

/' /
vif ■

By !jjag

/ &h<r)m<T>
Fold and unfold
along the edge

Works of Satos hi Kamiyo

ff U «t ff 'J B «
éhttT >
tf 3 If« \|
*Tff'J*t-3W* Unfold ©verything
Fold angle
Fold alignmg the
bisectors and
crease lines and
ff»/ttcV\ Nj«
AtJ-ttT \ y
±ff) 1

Fold angle bisectors and


ff UBfcM'
Color side up. Fold
and aiign the crease
lines and unfold

ff lJ 13 £: v
ff ‘Jffi5£ åfttirT
B^^CDff iJffitDWi
Fold and aiign the
S ml/ lifc^ff oT
crease lines and unfold
J: < HIS L T ¥6lCf $
OL'Ti'-Sff UfBSt Lay the near and far
* KfcTCff* layers to different
directions. i
Fold down the corner

Divine Dragon (Bahamuo

Fold up the corner.

The result s!
like this.

■I^ A KjA -SS L i" ff

Spread sink the

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 53

M<D£ d 4 JB1-4 $
The result should look
like this.
24-37 t flU J: 9l- U T

Repeat 24-37 on the

bottom. The model wili
now lie flat.

Oi'Tt'S \\

ufrik'-efri \\
b 4v'a[| ]j
Fotd up the corner ^
using the existing
crease line The model
Mountain fold
wtlI not Ile flat.

Make a series of inside

reverse folds. Mm

•MlC4?Ti^:i: t«sS
This part will be toes.
Make sure that the layers
of the near and far parts
are symmetrically atigned.

K itmnt
Fold up the corner swiveling
the near pleats.

54 tWMttfi*
Divine Dragon (Bahamuo

J: ^ ti

Spread sink
the left portion

i & & \$/

}/t U BJJlw ■
Fold the top right
Fold an angle bisector Éfctf T#r*
laver to the lefl.
and crimp inside. Fold the løft edge
to the next crease
(Opøn sink) line.
Opsn sink the
miimb 48-58 t

Repeat 48-50
behind. .

y-h KfTuflfi
tø i mz
Fold down the
i&MH fof«I U
oid the edgø
f the top
lyer to the
rease Unø
nd unfotd.
tepeat behind. 00* Kfc*Kf

Fold corner to corner,
squashing the layers
on the lefl

«S ftoøHøi: £ 6 V
#rVt&bii KÉEttflMUtfr*
A rabbit ear like fold swivels
(Open sink) the lefl corner to the right
Opøn sink.

nr «t
n«ft UtlfT
The pleats will
go back down O-^Tct 5 C#f«
Open and squash

Works ot Satos hl Kam iy a 55

S * K t ti K C

ct ?tz^5
Fotd up the right
corner, squashing
the løft layers.

oxt£ v (-tf &

Open and squash

/ »i

'i® i tt£it
itSÉåftti-T Fol
ffSS^lta of 1
orinn tn

71-75 £
ataistf !si u £ ? tZiS £
(Open sink) Bepeat 71-75
Open stnk behind.

Fold down the
top iayer.

Di vine Dragon (eahunut)

fi k t&ø>BBa

Open the layers.

Fold up the

Inside reverse t)Ktsttflc#*

Form a rabbit ear
fold, openlng the
lefl comer.

Works of Satoshi Kamiya

Divine Dragon <B»hamui>

-R ifeife


inside reverse fold
where the layers
overlap —Pk

il K*JR*M*tr#r*
Fold the top right
corner back to the
lefl. yN*.


Fold the edge in

atong the edge of
the next layer. il Ktttft£<r6
Fold the corner in

Works o! Saloshi Kamiya

'qws N (Opøn sink)
Fold and unfold Open sink the
Note where the corner.
3 -Dtt<7>T£fH]T crease line starts

Inside røverse fold

at thø (hird clustør of fiitm b 120’ 125 t
layer from the top.
HUJ: otCffr*
Repeat 120-125 on
the teft.

*K*\ L
rct-KtN 1
The next
view shows
the circled Inside reverse fold
par! only. the right corner back
to the bottom.

Fold the edge 2t»tfr‘J ff
down. 'ML*# 4
The middle layers
will be sunk twice. t Kt+<bC*fc*T
t K S
få tre A* b F^Udi-tfr £
OttS Inside reverse fold.
Fold the lop edge
to the center and
ÆffiljCOA K«
Inside revarse
fold. 1 !

130-132 t
Bl t; «fc 6 C
tf 5
fctilCtf* Repeat
130-132 on
Inside reverse
*5*oits k the lefl.
Fold angle blsectors
and unfold.

60 wseefra*
Divine Dragon teahamun

irt 146
d IztfrS
Open and squash Fold and untold


f*5l»l$t>$ IfT
Petal fold.
141 t
PI LI J: d llftr 5
Repeat 141

140 *»* *jfrfjfcfcfc
N. Assemble the
/ Y7^moi:jel ustng the
Bxistmg crease


5£Cd3Hg tztzC
Assemble the model using
the exisfing crease lines, ft
Note that the directions of Open the corner up
tolding differ.

P*5llS U^LfT
Pold down the top
corner, torming a il KSTC§ltØU'1-«td(Z
petal fold. #r«
Pull down the corner. spread
slnking the corners above


T S J: d K
Opert and
Rabbit ear

Works of Satoshi Kamiyo 61

62 »»ffseftfi*

gBtf £
Fold th
to the i

ti ItJBt
edqes inside

Divine Dragon (Bahamut)

Works of Satoshi Kamlya 65

Divine Dragon rnahamut)

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 67

?-tf/W > Hh

Divine Dragon (Bahamuo

* Z SMl'T
Open the jaw.

Works of Satoshl Kamiya

70 »»ssffa*
T he basic structure o) this model is made
in one night. Mr. Ichiro Kinoshita
£o££DT,oiCTSfo£c*KK encouraged me to create a Kirin, which t was
attracted to at once, and I was folding in my
brain and found the necessary pattem of the^crTé^Jt^^t^irr distribution of flaps. I tried actually fotøing it,
6SfiE U U l' « * <7)Tt 1?. f ft T' t f£ li 4r *’ * A'<7> t £>T and it was done. It is the model of mine created
in the shortest period of time so tar. The
g£rø-;*Lfcfcélz*u®CTl'5d:9TT, inspiration during the process of creation usually
^h.mb rtfrttfflMøj se^tziHs^nfcit^t^-trofl^. gives me the success, though it is only intuitive
>'a>T»yL*bt. £*#.®«fT#tffi*tZ3Lfl‘tfb and subjective.
ft ts IZ.» £ S < 7 g 5 - £ IZ s flf-3i»ft ©■T-* if. ti of*-I T 5 B4ffi This time, I revised the diagrams tremendously.
^0(2 because I wanted to complete diagramming
the version of the model with a neck. I initially
thought that this would be done with minor
^»ja±mnizf-sAKS*g*t5-*JsutJu<i‘U,tUi<»iaAv¥- revisions, but I revised more than half of the
diagrams in the end. Thank god that I have
drawn them with a PC!

T X/Recommended
Size of Sheet: 25X25cm 3

* K£+<btZ

Fold a corner to
Fold in half and unfold il Kfc+tøUdtoHiT
the center.
Color side up Fold Blintz fold and unfold-
and tin fold diagonals.

SHWfe 16-17 t

on the lefl.

Kfttølfc S-13
t thtTSJf ^
HU J: 5C#f« Fold aligning the
Repeat 8-13 circled crease lines
on the left.



Haft a petal fold

Fold the corner

using the existmg
crease line.

Fold edge to edgø.

Fold an angle
bisector and


Fold al the circled

points and unfold. OW4
Fold an anglø
bisector and unlold.
Fold angle bisectors and

Works of Saloshi Kamiya 73

— /i \
rv/ V #fi
N\ *' ■'> \y Fold the corners
\ aiong the ojcisting
/I crease lines.
j/ y
>/ X/ „
/ 'f.//
S\ /


Fold the cornør up

along the line Fold the corner up at
connectmg circled the intersectton and * K*OC*0*T
comers and unfold* unfold Uf
KttMftNi; 1
Fold the edges to \ / / >.
the circled points i ; fY 1
and unfold. “ ” “^ ’

Fold up the corner but only
fold between circled points,

1/ /l\/\f

* Kt-3*Ci-5tcft5
1/ /IV Fold the corners
behind aiong the Rabbit ear
existing crease lines.

D<r ouTu&tff imt

fr *J t * C >) tii-f LT
4L > Fold the edges to the * KMitmr
f L / center and swlvel the
side edges.
Pult out the ^
\ jb< hidden layers^^

Inside reverse fold using 2tJr£-tc#f5

Fold In half. existing crease lines. Fold two layers up

t $ £ i (ctfr >J tz * t
Fold in hall, inside
reverse folding the left *+OB
Flatten the model

KfU BÉ*3lt*
Fold and untold along ?ISdJUT±(7)1 ttt
edges behind.
Pull out the hldden

««<?)« *3i* wt
Pull out the hidden

■h Ke*C*ttttT ±<7>i tteoeie^asT

•r u » e o w * ffttfllfe 45-46 t E>5LfT*fctfir. ♦ fcØS
Fold the corner to fcfcfc
IBU J: ?tCjfr4
the edge and untold
Repeat 45-46 behind Inside reverse fold the
edge and fold the layer

t> KtOC 1
éhttT \A
Fotd the corner to \
the circled point and
Crimp outside.

Uo A*U
■O il X *' 5
* Kt±l-«T* so <nm zmt
Fold up the corner Unfotd to 50

76 »SSsefffift
* KtJMMUlffS
Fold ttie corners
to the other side.
t#r»JlRt OtfS
Fold the whole cluster of

78 »#Bseff<a*
f*UBGCO* K i

Inside reverse
ij k é -e n -r ti fold. A
Fold the corners

Close the


V 1
±0>1ttt IfcX / X * Kt * Kt
Fofd the comer yp.
Mountain fold
the etige
Fold the edge to
the crease line.

Works ot Sstoshl Kamiya

■h KtSttfllwfr«
Fold the corners
to the other side.

Mountain told the

irtnermost layers
Repeat behind

Fold edge to edge

Ti <fc 7 Ht/ri
Inside reverse

Eftfilfc 96-97 £<nt> K4

(rI Ly <fc o te ifr i
Repeat 96-97 * Fold up the corrter
behind. / and tuck it inside.

60 »SØ-fiftift*
101-110 t

109 RepeatlOI-ltQ

* KtOStS
8#r >}
Crimp the
* Kt »«*■#?*
Mountain fold.


±<n 2 tir 5 Fold the edg© down

Fold two
layers up

* K t O * t J: 7 C
0$8«S<87$l'»CåMrU tfr'Jfcfct
edge and ¥£>£(4*6 41' Rabbit ear.

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 81

ÆterøicT 5 &%OXl,X
^K«rsn^«T »j&t SttttøUT $
js#«fcwi; Push in and
squash the back. Shape the
Mountain fold and tuck
body 3-D /
the comers in.
Repeat behind.

o tc
wwcatfr u
Crimp outside.

3i«mr j: ? t;
•r-3 Tjfc^tOW 5
Pull oul the
hidden layers.
fxtmh hi;
Plnch Ihe edges,
Repeal behind.

A Kt o-5 tf*

Open the layers

around the corners
Repeat behind.

Shape the details.

Model completed
Works of Satoshj Kamlya
■^Heac* )T(te, Foreteg

Hirtf leg

Craaied 1998

P arts with peculiar structures can give us good

outputs wtien used well. Otherwise, modeling
ST'fff) SS tf with such parts is just cumbersome. In such cases,
we perhaps have to start from folding such parts,
then trylng the rest.
c: ff) ft a T(i. as SE ft tf-< > £ li U * S L * dft i v' U-sT With this model, I started from folding the head.
However, when I finished the head, I found that
there is no uniaxial molecule necessary for me to
A'b#tJcT<-5tlitl±,22.5JSCf)tyAf5ftffllC(E^rV'5fcc0 continue folding the rest of it. The only Ihing I had
was two 22.5° structures which projects from the
head. Almost impossible to go on designing, I decided
tt si ti t* il x-1 <fc &1 j s u 't oru a* j ttt k t zh ft. that I fold out necessary flaps out of the 22.5 structure.
$V'%Z Thus, the folding procedures for this model starts
from the head. and then they go on with forelegs,
T,22.5«n*a-MiaWiJi#t®*<e*h'€l±lLrt'<Ci: hind legs. and the tail. ff I had decided on the structure
of the body first, the model would not have been
b5jH5—»tt— compieted yet.
tritiCtft) l '* fc'CSfltbTV '%ftntzftbbn*Vh0
+ MasniTfflatf-M.tC** lih«--HtttfS1'iftftA*:**

'it-Stf-f^/Recommended o /T\
Size of Sheet: 25X25cm / \

Fold aiong the line connecting
Color side up. the mark made in 2 and the
Fold and unfold diagonals Mark the end øl the angle
left eorner.
84 »SBSBttfi*

ij k

Fold thø edges so the

corner touches the ends
of the small triangle.
Unfotd* „

fff JHtzX
r \
OØV Fold angle
bisectors and
t Z h fr 6

Crease with the

circled points as

«f UBlowa
v Fold the corner
down at the nr
intersection Unfold,
I \ and unfold,

'É'frtfT \t
Jfr U « « Ott £ \
Fold edge to edgeX
ii£ X

Fold angle bisectors
and unfold

6 ti 2 5 T

05 \ / *•* \ /
#r ‘J Make sure that the
s^Aicfthtf r#f* edge aligns wnh the
Fold the corner down on circled intersection,
AKfc*K £ N 8ftJtt8>Sft£ which will not be
the diagonal, so that the
ft * # r eh e w s marked intersection aligns shown below.
Mark in the middle. Mark the intersections. with the edge.
Works ot Satoshi Kamlya 85
tit *#£•£•?>-er Sttflfe 16-18 t
A KtoSCioC
K5 Repeat 16-18
Inside reverse fold on the left.


Fold the corner,

starting Irom the
clrcled intersection

Fold the corners using
the existing crease lines

*Ft\ /
AKS \!/
Fold corner to corner
and unfold.
Fold angle bisectors
and unfold.

The end of the new
crease line does not
aiign with the crease


Fold corner to
corner and unfold
* K0> X/
fc liA'SOWtu?

o* \ / Fold at a right angte
at the corners to the
MttVr'JffiU: \>
clrcled intersections.
ffitj rntmit,
oits < Crease along the lines
Fold angle bisectors connecting clrcled points.
and unfold.


Jt ?i:a ffi
an d pult ou
lør layers

Inside reverse fold. Open the middle layers.

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 87

'Pi’Tl'5 NI/ Unlold to 48
»OtZZTLntJ") t
Ifr % o LI 5
Swivel the edges betiind Make a tight crease line

±<7> 1 ftfilt t/3 0)

Bø)J:^ C
ott£ /
Fotd and untold
Crease dividmg /
the angle into / '
thirds. / Jd

ifrOlHT ^===215
* KtrtflIUff* ±(D2ft?
Inside reverse fold
Fold (he i
cornerto /
the other ^
side. /

Fold layers to the right

69 $ < U h \1 fcØ ±<n-—

^ ttéttattftJBC
»s^wcifro tftc
The inner view o( 69. Align the edge to the
Inside reverse fold crease line and unfold
Fold the edge behind
USing the lines connecting
circled points.

Ztbmb 68-70 t
IslUJ: oizifiz
Repeat 68-70 or
this side. minmhTs t
nu* $cif*
Repeat on the
other layer, i

Mi; 6
Close the
ti KttfiifT layers.
Open and squash.

Inside reverse lold.

90 ttStJÆtFÆ*
Tyran nosaurus

The top edges wilt
rrot be aligned*


Open the layers.

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 91

91 £&«*>
86-90 t
Repeat 86-90 Inside reverse fold.
behind. Note the reference

'Ofl'é'oTl'Sili S
B*8t *
S&flH fe RI U
MaKe sure that the
fold in 92 starts from
* ti-fti* Kt the circled point.
rnzcot émtz Repeat behind.

Fold the corners

behind and lock the
layer to the model.
mm? »
J: 7t:

Crimp outside on
both sides.

A' 5 < RK'T

Open the layers

Fold along the edge

Glose the layers

92 »SMÆttS*

101-102 t ^3
Wi; Fold up the
Repeat 101-102 corner.

I ÆrøiA’bSiémuT
»»jfcatfe * Ktff«>C8r4
Pull out the edge to
Fotd up the corner
the side, and Hatten
the model.

Works ot Satoshi Kamiya

Model completed

i«; Éti ic ur
Shape details

fTiMcO* Kt

(The Divine Boar)


H aving the library of parts is very important

for my creation of models. This is not a
tøl.:S8rb new way of designmg models, but it works
well. You can always reuse the parts, whlch
rnakes keeping the coherence of the created
iz. tt*‘ ). i h &ty n <r>n mi *i aguj: tf $ 11& tz n hl <r>«-s model easier.
This model reuses three kinds of parts:
£it,z.<n rseaitj designing of ribs with pleats insptred by Hojyo's
Tiger, mane based on Yoshino’s Horse and
others, and pleats folded out of the bird base.
St ST i> ti 'oTi ¥■< TTT 0 20 ft IJ $ SJ- ÆJfc <T> tz X ti The problem for me is: Why in the helt do I
have to reorder the listings of parts in my library
iLT3"3»ij ta %<o<b co t>k »’ mt111aa u* t ? r. * ne»3 each time I design something?

t». n i* i s #<r>&1*1 5< ?-7 y-- tz&a „c cd sat t? fifc / *-"/•*

t'4 v' ’ t T. S Hl 3iCh 41 ? ?! ^ Sh ? 4'IttUi'L1 tt 41'tv'O • ■ *

IH X/Recommøndad
Size of Sheet: 25X25cm

* KtgpC'&fe'trr
EPSOtt 6 Mark the intersection
Fold the comer to of the diagonal and
HACtfrUBtolt* »*<W>C**i*T the mark and mark the Virtual line.
Fold diagonally the edge,
Mark the edge along
and unfold.
the angle bisector.
Works of Satostii Kamiya
tiFt ti Kt
*** T#ru*t
Fold corner to
corner and unfold


Fold the corners to the

center and urfold.

SI 4
Mountaln fold Mark the diagonal along
the edges. an angle bisector.


AKSd It fc 31 IC
Vk^<r>ti K« £ d 3 TtFf S
Fold the corner up to Valley fold down using
the mark made in 5. the corner behind as the
9 \ 1)
ti KtSI© v
Fold the corner k-
Crossing the
A circled mtersection,>^^

* K tn It & HllCé to flf*J«toWS
0] t -3 It 4 Fold along the
Mark the middie point edges and unfold
of the corner and the
mark made In 4.

96 »&«£**&*
Inoshishigami (The Divio« Boar)

mm* 7ir
Crease using the
circled points as
the references.

fzttmh 20 trnii* o i

Crease using the circled

points as the references.

ii KtOttfcWC KrUBtOlt«
TUrUIffiS Crease using
DU 6 the circled
Fold the top corner point as the
to the mark and unfotd. reference.

The end of the

crease line should
be below the corner

mmb23 twu«t n
Fold in half.
Repeat 23 on the teft

OCO J: 9 tzifrU® £ o tf &

Fold the edges to the
crease Irnes and unfold.

K*ft*J:* IC#?*
Make a trianguler U
f X? corner by swiveling V C rimp.
using the exlsting
•r s.' \ crease lines.

Flatten the
t} KtStfflC
Fold the comer to
the other side

Works of Satoshi Kam tya 97

Inoshishigami (The Divine Boar)

i} KtffttML

corner to the
outside. n ■■
IWSbbmbskséMI an n
k jlm im
-f CD £ £ zptijff}

The center part of

The enfargad view
the modet will not
will come next
be shown in the
tollowing steps

Make a crease
line along the

Fold thø edge
£ O
Open the edge
and spread sink.

Platten the

±<n^ ftt'fthfrb
# utu uxsffu
Unsmk the edge*

Works of Sat oshi Kamiya

Inøshishigami true otvine øoarj

#td)E]A' ti

Back to the
normat view
■P mk
f w/
i m

ffiit 55 ■ 60 t
IS] U J: 7 es# u
»s Tic#* tiJ: 7lS#tJ fcfcfc
Fold the edge Pisat and create a new
down. edge.

/ ,' , V)
\ /V
V \ / y
V /

Fold the model in half

,tCDȣ NT
m< -tactfs
o* Næw Fold Ihe edge, widentng
the top portion of the
ifrtø £ *3 tt 5 model.
Make crease lines
connecting c tre I ed

Flatten the model

*t £ f

Fold down the model using

the existing crease lines.

81 Oi'TVSlfr^tøt
'TTT X ^7TK/v4>c0

" \\ N\

Crimp rhe middte

r portion using the
existing crease

Works of Sat osbi Kam lya 101

*A,4*cOi#£ 'StpTu'4
tf uM Ti o \z tf« % tf ijfcfct?
O pen and squash the Platten the model while
layers in the middle. Inside reverse folding the

/\ ^coiaco j: +

r »u**c
Flatten the mode) as shown.
The centrat edge shouJd be ii K t ft 6 <
paraliel with the top edge.
Fold up the
corner. £

Repeat on the next pleated

layers. _
*fib*feini; * »ctf*
Repeat on the next pleated

Wt? fe Pi i; «fc 5 c tf S
Repeat on the next pleated

fc? £'>fe5l#t±rf
stf *;»tf fefeTSis r*
Pull out the layer Inside the pieat
Shitt the valiey fold crease line Inside
* KÉ5ISfflTJ:^£ff* further to the lefl
BE WW fe Pli;
Pull out the corner
Repeat behind.
—»91 mm i §$C
JX \ T
tf 5
Push up the arrowed
central portion with 91
as the reference.

Mountain fold
the corner.

Mountain fold
the edge.

m < t * J: 9 ir I-
kits 110-124 £
Mountain fold HU J: dlCff*
the olher edge
Repeat 116-124

Fold down the foreleg

Outside revers©
fold the tip.

si s ar
Pull out the
bidden layer.
&&&& U °
Mountain fold * Kfc Outside revers©
along the edge. rtflltiWS fold the taiU
Insrde reverse

Inside reverse
fold the tail.

Inoshishigami (Ih« Dl vin« Boar}

*Kt»© V

Inside reverse fold

along the edge.

ti K t «t> t) 4 tt 4
Inside reverse
fold the hidden
Crimp and squash using
existing crease tlnes.

tt 4 BT* K $
Inside reverse fold
tt ■4»e-3*t using the existing
crease lines.
J: 5 C L T
Uiff *1 i:ti
Mountain fold
along the existing
crease lines. * Ft.* K-ttt4S||T

Fold along the

line connectlng /J
the corners* /I

#r M fcfcft
Assemble as
shown using
the existing
crease lines

±rø \x
129 £ v Platten the
•MbCLTUfcB model.
Fold up two layers.
The side view of 129

Work® of Satoshi Kamiya ] 05

Inoshishigami (The DMne Bear)

Scot SfS]
UbKl £
Open the si
between la'

Works of Sstoshl Kamfya 107

An yyjuz,


flUS/Hintl leg B/Tail Crented 1999

T his model does not use our old angies like

<— tlTt-'S-tfA., PT>Æt7)g6^li15*TrUf$iDF*3gE^'fto 22.5° and 451'. The head and the tail are
based on 15°, and the body is based on other
various angies. No uniaxlality, no moiecutes.
Such models can be easily found in simple
models, but can hardly be found in complex
ones. except for Issei Yoshino’s models. Of
ttt>##tzatU'tø>7t j<uvryjt,x(Dm£it,Sbz8B#£& course it is difficult to design such a model with
U'ft}iZl,r[,$oZfr$.lgM(0gtø£<?>'Di;-?3:$-åtrt£^mX) crease pattern planning. The model was created
by trials and errors. You can try various patterns
ZWtQfirfrj&WlftiUi. mAiÅCZt^ZÉHn^. ll£A,£$l and parts, but with the risk of lacking integration
æ#fsi'££rt of any forms.


Size of Sheet: 25X25cm

Fold in half and unfold * Kt

#r »J # * -31* * ^ Fold the corner to the
Color side up. Fold center line.
diagonals and unfold

108 ttSBÆttS*


* Kfc N_!_^ ffiUBt-stt* V

* K ffiG fcoit« Crease dividing the
Crease alortg the hne connect*ng width in thirds.
the corners and unfold.

Fold the tripartite
pfeats ttke this.

AKS N——-1

Pieat aligning the

Mark the intersection ot corners to the circled
the diagonals and angle edge.

•sitfcflicNJ t*£ X'h

å^t+Tifr^X' ^ SSX’
Fold the corners £t>at \
to the marks. iff'J Bio«
Fold angle
bisectors. Unfold

« WJJtøC^ta-ST
Crease the right edge lo
Only crease the crease line made in 3.
this part.

3-51 n i; Nr
usselt 5
Repeat 3-5 on the other side

Works ot Satoshi Kamiya ] 09



g|MBWgg^ J^UB4*lAiEvIA(«BI|UV>Mi i. -i s-fl

SJ'tillt) 20-21 tk
HUJ: 31;:#* \
Repeat 20-21 on the


Lighily open, sink

. the grayed area,
and reassemble

U -3 U t +
♦ W
iSisM/? U (Open $mk) —
Crease tighlly*
Open sink.

Sy *J B £ £ ft'* < tf *
V ttoT *H/fcfcfc Open the layers gently
Assemble using the
existing crease lines.

ftøJBIØ) <fc 5C

¥SC*f*J fcftt
Align clrcies
A and swivel.

Unfold to 24,

oc'Ti'S /s'
tft *> n $ fe -o x
¥611114 b
Fold up the edges
and swivel the corners.

24 0> ^
SMfcfcO **-*»?

Make crease lines

^ Ej V)
with circies as
WI«ni*C^* Alr4 t« J:^ Cif*
Fold up the edges and swivel the

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 1 1 1

Repeat 25-37
on the top. /

■/ t&MfrlBJ iTAf"■ 1! i .


il i 1 iTM: i M *T (Mh F;T;1 IV: kIV«T 11 ri


itfttfr ‘J (Closed sink)

Closed sink the complex
ot layers.

±n i
Fold the layer to
the other side

-t<T) 1
fisM/ruac Open the layer.
Crimp Inside.

Unfold to 50.

Crimp inside.

f *TJ:3ICifr*
Swivel to the other
Fold two layers to
the other side.

±<D 1 tt/ftt

Sr *J SS fc o W 4 *t tø
Fold edge to edge ■a-B* J:
and unfold. Fold up the edge and
swivel the other edge.

Works ot Sstoshl Kamiya 1 13


63 TOtfA
* Kt$WE*f*
KrUB^Tl- Fold the corner
^Ltå ,
Make another
crease line 1
parallel witb the 4T©Jf£ilr*JBt
line made in 63 -3W5
Crease all layers
along the inner

Inside reverse r
fold. I

BUBT »llSftttT ' ^

JMMJ L 4 tf 5 l/f M £ Æ C f f.TJ:
Pieat and flatten the model Swivel aligning ihs etlges

Fole! the model in half

* K t rSIHCUruat
Fold the corner inside

KJrMfc 40-77 ^
Repeat 40-77 on
the top

Fold the edge

Works of Saloshi Kamiya 1 ]5


Ot ZStiitT

Crease aligning L
Ih© corners. JEttMt 84-86
Hl U J; 9 Klff i y
Repeat 84-86 behlnd.
‘Sl'Tb'ftff »JBt
±0) 1 ffioTtf'J fcfc C
Open one tayer. ^ Assemble using the
84 I y\ V existing crease lines.

Open the middle layer.

m<Dt Z6T
#r* ^
Fold the corners in.

J: it
Crimp on both

The next diagram

will be zoomed out.

* FÆétsHz
Fold the corner

Fold the corners inside. ***»!=#? ft
Glose the model, while
inside reverse folding the
ioner hap.

Fold the edges Inside

Crimp on both sides

116 ttftMfMMI

Model completed

Bend the neck and

animate the model. Shape the tail 3-D

fllH «£#»£*« Shape the hind legs
Shape the forelegs 3-D

'.f F*]*C#roT t»S

Fold the edge inside.

Fold the edge in

SJ#«felBIU Repeat behind
Fold the corner down
Repeat behind

Works ot Sat oshi Kamiya 1 17

U nicoms In picture books are usually with
curted mane and tail. I Iried this with
this model, folding them with flaps.
^<7>^aTlitrtf'*Æf-40!7)*KéW»;t±JUTi.'ifc'ltTT*1',®^ Four flaps were used for the mane. Of
uj: ■ ? r & é e t *« <n h k tf# s £ 4 5 c t t>&'11 * ■r □ * vmvB t n course, it is theoretically possible to use as
many fiaps as possible for another model,
but this probably will give the paper stress
with thickness of layers. However, giving it
22.5*0**1)|JSroi^‘JlChytaMtrflEbftTvv5WlilM^% a try is certainly better than not trying, and
you can always think it over.
The model is based on the pieated 22.5°
structure, to fold fur around the foot, Another
acctT?s-fM?nict^?'UOTTi-tf'.rciHUBT»jyi^i^*KAf?a< merit of doing this is that folding details from
ftoTLSoZtTt AKO»ÉirøL*to*ieWTftA*Afrfj*-Srø the tip of a flap will become easier by the
s:t> 5t>*1 js t <t>r, * s fru »f± Ji* ?£« 5& fc ftr* < 1t '?ro pfeats giving a room for that. The device
tf$S£ift7T , £®ftS*ttfc««^C£fcT.fci*ÉB*<U U“d was used for folding cubic hooves.

#W+K X/Recommended
Size ot Sheet: 35X35cm


#ftCSr>J«5S-3lté »£*&£* tut Tft s

Color side up. Fold in half and unfold. Fold edges to the center
Fold diagonals and unfold.

1 18


\ Fold ar
\ ihe (
\ _\ltr

/ \ \
\ y -
\ \ s /
\ y /
\ \ ,/\
\ A /

X s W

\ \ V
% /
V /
\ \
N /

-R -R <Ja

* F« IR UB C
XVx& Fold thø top COrner
Fold corner to corner Unfold to the crease line

Works of Satoshi Kamlya 119


mm 3
Fold the ihpartite pleats like this

vOlf 5
\ Pie at fold and
n^A unfold.

Divide the long
rectangies at thø
edges tn thirds.

Unfold everythlng

Pieat on the edges,

narrowing Ihe cornør

R3< SfU««CHt5
■31# * Fold and unfold
Fold the corner Inside along the edge.
and unfold.

24 S.ft'itztZb
Two petal folds to the
sides at the same time,
like this.

Oi'Ti'* \ /
iff »J»t-ifi £ ^ O (21 TOltftEP ) $ J§tl
Fold the edges to the éb^To.iit i
center Open and squash, shifting
the marks made made In 21
to the ioner edge ...

Works o! Satostii Karniya


h KtTtifr*
Fold down and
align the layers.

rt«* V5lfT

Open the lop cluster

of layers from the
middle and squash.

rtfllKO'hSi'* Kfc

Open the layers and

squash !wo corners,
one of which is hidden

Works of Satoshi Kamlya

U 5 tf 5
Open the model.

Open the layer and

squash. —i—ss

ii Kfi

Fold the layer

to the lett.

•fcv'J; 5Ct*
7) t t 4' ti t
Do not open the
circled edges.
Crease as shown.
* KÉrttøHCUr*

Inside reverse fold

Repeat behmd.

OV'T \>v

«t>h* )$*)''/' x
Inside reverse fold.

"DU'T l.1 a
t * J: 7 C ^
KS^St #fU»7
«t 7 £#r tj fc fc G OL'TL'S^t'JSST 4> ft U Sf *J

Assemble the model, open Inside reverse

sinking the darkened areas Inside reverse fold fold.

124 W&fSÆtta*

t ¥<n% *

Open the layers

* Kt±ICtfoT oivri'imUjBSS^oT
ÆøElfDJ: 3 im< i) KléfCKrWfcftt
Open the bottom Swive] the corner to the
tayers* other side, using the Fold thø model
existing crease lines fn halt Å

r3U' Tl'ftff

Outside reverse/?
fold using the Qj
existing crease Jr I

* KtTlZtffi
Fold down the top flap
Repeat behind.
Pull out the htdden layer
The model will not lie

t: PiUZlf T

Pull out the hidden layer Ktmt 69*70 t IR u» tott a

and Matten using the natten* Make crease lines
existing crease lines. Repeat 69-70 behind trom the edge to the
veiiical crease lines

Works ot Sotoshi Kamtya

¥ 6 Cff M tz tz C
Fold along the lim
cormecting circlee
points and flatten

É?±»fDt #*a Kt 86 TO-i?

ttt 2*55
Make sure that the
Fold down the corner. part squashed in 86
ff* is as shown now.
Fold two layers
to the right

Works of Satoshl Kamlya

Inside reverse A


Works of Satoahl Kamtya

ii KtSlÉtULT
f ST^CIFr«
Pull out the tlap.
Repeat behind.

F*}«<7>* K t

LocK the corner


>i* U T

Open the
,aVers- Mt


Pull out Ihø hrdden

Fold the edges inside
and swivel the edge.
using the existing
crease lines.

130 *«*«*&*

* KttfAK
r ^ictfrs
Swive) the corner.

Open atong the

midcfle joint.

¥6 C IfriJ
Close the model
Ktøflli fc
125-131 £PJU
Repeal 125-131 /

Fold tf)© edge befiind

* Kt«5^v
Mountain fold
the corner
ffUttT* Kt

Inside reverse fold.

il Kt* KtfcfctfT
fe# Jz^oT £ i
o-#TJ:5£fr* ¥busf»; 1
Fold corner to corner and Inside reverse
swivel the rafsed edge. fold.

Works o( Satoshi Kamiya 131

Inside reverss

ie edge insii
:t behmd.


Works ot Satoshi Kamiya 1 33

134 ffttff&MUl

Works of Satoshi Kamiya

The Yeliow Bird

£ *f - A O) **7 O 5-if-* r Ji* ic tr?T l ' Srtfcfc IB] T his model of course is based on the farrious
tt^fiOffltCfcn-f.xUt'y-ACBSQT^tOESKC character In the famous video game series,
ttStftSTTWiWI^tMScKU'vyMllofttiKU which I have been being enthusiastical about.
»4ili5Mi6,#f»JKWfCS*iaW;'^n.*Tt'*U*. The game characters are one of my favorites.
because I always would like to create a model of
t tf ' ø)tt tf, -f tf) i*v b ft c-tf-u <n 4-+5 c? ?—^* > my favorite shape and of my favorite thing.
When I created this model, I had in mind a character
tcon drawn with a 8x8 resolution, so I tried not to
fold details at first. in the present version, I tried to
»iz-fn*f5s<ai5ct9TTD picture an illustrated image, so details are folded¬
it may be ot interest to create a model out of a 3-D
t''T-i*ffl^8X8ft®chK>l'T'fiSA'n*#i’-7?j'-7,yah CG picture.

* th. S *fl S fflfl’i' fc Z 5 S'TtT‘) ii J £ T, H5S IC ft &

MttHWA'l '3D-CG'<-5'a>4fi^Tt,
S 9d)fc.

Size of Sheet: 15X15cm ^


Mark the intersection ot
* Kfc*KtébttT
the diagonal and thø tins
connecting the drcled
Mark the middle of the points.
top edge
White side up. Fold
diagonals and unfold

The Yellow Bird

fc$r* T
Ffatlen the / Ktmt
«oTff4fc*fc model. ^11*17 fc
Assemble using the
existing crease lines BU* il;#?*
Repeat 11-17
on the lett,

' A'5< Mountam fold

Open the pleats in halt.

Fold down the 4* +> M IPr tJ
corner and unfold Inside reverse

ifr»m?*fr*J#r ‘J
Inside reverse told. 1/4

Fold at
/ Ol'Tl'S quarters of
the width
fnside reverse fold.

smt?*? \K£
Hi** 4 \
/* K4 4>.i>tc ■&httT \/
Crease through aiong
/ ShitrVrZ JfMJ\
Fold the corner to the Fold edge to edge
the edges.
circled tntersection. and unfold

Works ot Saroshi Kamiya

>£(D[21{D<i; 7£
J:0)2# The top part Detach the white
JK»«£I will not tie flat. tayers and open
Open the
iike 25.
layers. <


Open and squash

!*J« tMt/T
■3-i;T £ 7 lC#r -5
**CDt Z6 T
Petal fold

inside reverse

/ /? \J\
/ HtffiUlBC

r -3ltS
Fold the edges to
the crease line and
Fold the corner to the

Stop tolding al
55 £ the center
¥ blC# 6 fct*
The top part will not
lie flat <until 55).

X V 11 T ■
£ 7l£bT#r>J **C * Kfc Wl&J
Assemble uslng the
existing crease lines.
AMit w? ifr Fold corner to corner
j: d and squash the exeess
Platten the paper
model. Open and squash

The Yellow Bird

Så . E", UH

ÆH .jm Hr,

T-Tn T:W

Now we wltl
told the toes.

K i?'P L
* £ * J: -5 £ * *
One corner will
be on the top
of the othør.
SJiMlfc 48-51 t

Repeat 48-51
on the right.

* K«fRC

Fold down
the corner.

Pieat Inside.

tZ6T ^*3 ‘JtffiJ
oitfeHf vmv
Inside reverse
Make a crease * KtrtflICSr* fold.
line as shown. Inside reverse fold

UO ##»S6tML»
The Yellow Bird

ZZJ;? £ft*r »j
Crimp the beak.
mtex z

Outside reverse
niMnilu \ ' fold twice.

4> fc «r »J
Inside reverse
fold to the
inner edges.

sitimhm l;
Inside reverse fold
the neck.
Repeat behind.

StfrM t m*h<n
fRMmb 60-69 t
Crimp on both ti K h 64-66 £
sides, ictft s
Leg and foot completed
Repeat 64-66 on Repeat 60-69 behlnd.
Mie furthest toe

Crimp on both sides

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 1 41


Blue Whale
■/Head HOfn/Fm

— z&z jUttffH&ézfcffWfc-bi; rttttiimtiirfrj s I have been always interested in where to pieat

<— * ti'izttfMit, ff uiftnirø? rmté and how to use pleats. Patterns on the surface
of a model give a tremendous eftect on the final
jh4 ty t tf ■d tur fc'ttTfc^a i: ±t «axt w s e t^-ess touch of a model. However, it is very hard to integrate
pleats wrth the baste structure.
SHÆ L T L/S fc Of & < J Stt A, In designing this model, I began with designing
pleats on the jaw. However, the pleats will not be
as it should be if you fold parallel pleats on the
initial square. Finally, I came to the conclusion
bÆv'Sbfc,, KTWS|ftJll(«W/«-i?3» TlitySffi that the pleat-like structure should be folded in a
Mtti-EBr*ctm:»j.5ejæ»nt«TTTtiL-a'*r0t*' radial pattern, which gives the parallel pleats on
-?ftW*-^TSEHifltø ft S Av£<4'*X 73:< tt*C% the output model, but the angle of the radial pattem
zmt$ »a«røef*yrw»*tf>* will be irregular This is a big problem when you
isrøBusti 'xst need pleats first in designing a model.
Integrating pleats into the basic structure is another
option, but this deprives us of freedom of choice
51 *0) / * 511S Kg Æ ?
SS $ ti± tf * J $r tf, t/f t J tu tf of pieat structures. This among others is a problem
ftTLS?(Dt¥IITT ;©!5fc4©Ci:tt***g^T;ÉiJ:<#JS' for future investigations.

Size of Sheet \ 30X30cm

A Kt*M>C£fc«T
#f* JBSt-bt*«
Whiie side up. -åtotfTEfl&OttS Fold the corners to the mark
Fold a diagonal and unto Id Mark the center. and u nlo Id.


t) K£ \ 1 /

#r tj e % *3 tt * ££* n f
* k* \ W
Fold the comer to the ewa® ^It!

mark on the other end
and unfold Only fold Crease into eighths
Fold the comer to the mark between circled points.
and mark the intersection.

A KtOtt

Fold the corner to the

j[W crease line and
—P\. unfold.

* KS\ JA
sf»i>C X/>

Fotd the corner to the

mark in the center and Fold the comer to the
mark the intersection. crease line and mark
the intersection
* X—-WjXX
ra1 ft i* T yX I/
mt ffbms / y
LJnfold. r> t t £ / /

Fold the \
corner to meX.
center and \


é-tJ-BTlff'JlBSS-3 W-5
mmh 4 5 t N/
Fotd the crease lines to
the next ones and unfold
'leat. Repeat 4-5 on the right.

Works o( Satoshl Kamiya 143

i/u-tliT.'? :

__ The center The edge
created by /
1 5 ÆT* line-
15. x £


lfr*J)B5t i of -3f£ LT

*1R»J '>L5t#U4£ Crlmp atong the line

Crtmp. Note the connøctmg the circled points.
reference. The model
wiII not lie flat
16 Tttofc*
The edge
created by 16.
19 Unfold.

Extend the crease line

straight and mountain
Repeat crimplng in the
same way twice.

-?W4 yjj
WfxmWb 15-19 t Valley fold along lines
/ PlUJidKtJf® connecting circled y/ \\M
Repaat 15-19 on the lefl. points and .ry
unfold. yC-^ n1!

Il ni
/ ; i ii 111,

T \
t Kostn \ \>/ *i£JJr‘J*Ki:
afrciffwtt \
tow* \! Fold angle
Fold the edge to the
diagonal and unfold.

144 »søsttram
Works of Salos hi Kamiya 147
148 »S'KÆfNia*
85-87 t
(i U £ » tc
Repeat 85
the tive otJ-
□ K>
■/Head flft/Foreleg

Tt ft/
Hind leg

Created £001

W e always have a choice of designing a back-

opening mode) or a belly-opening model,
Usually, a back-openmg model is created out of a
li m *! nH tf® t>ti 3 ’ t ff S-t' =t oTT; planning with a crease pattern, and a belly-opening
r%Ætf)t>6§J #!(Dftte#T*JtiiLT*>6,-t£K model is usually for a three-dimensional body.
t^sAnr^-/«—?77røj:74'®*?Æ^curv'<t This model is with an opening on the belly side,
making the model three-dimensional by shaping up
#lj AU. * t n<P i; MfDJ* £ tu $ ti \. * X L - Xfrtt _tft*) t Æ{* with pre-creased pleats. This allows the model to
have thickness and three-dimensionality withoul
mzm-ttzm kzbtf-c^b-e*: te.ra»ti?*iS*a± the edge of the sheet on the back. A model with
ro«s$s#» £!*■&, a^rofBwcit^rir^ *'»< s-dtl an opening on the belly usually gives us a thinness
on the back, which has been the reason why I have
not created a model with this structure until I create
Lfc *fT this one,
■m(f^røa»(-Ae<*fe&fii©t^A*iTassjpflÉKSffi The pleats on the back in this model gtve it the
u tb u r t’S t «* .tø) t ^T-tr4> cn sb^ cd g *■ * j t< w ts ft r necessary thickness which solves the waaknessof
belly-opening models. Finding solutions is very
»$<7)83ftrøfcnri!ii:£tJ*U* Atttftizni/r r*¥;*5] important in designing models, and this discovery
gave me belly-opening models in my inventory.
atRiKfc r nnnj tf**ne«cftaft®-et
liJltKX Recommanded 2
Size of Sheet: 25X25cm p

)É£ 01*3
Crease along the line
connecting clrcled pomts.
= $lw#rUSS£ott3 Fold edges to the
White side up Fold diagonals and unfold. Crease along the line
diagonals and unfold. connectjng circled points.


fir lJ 15 £ tp'L'iz
B3<D«fc d te
Piea! partially
and unfold
éh«T il V<ntZ-bt'b
4»bt$ t fif ‘Jjtøt^ttft
KhJtttoW* Fold angle bisectors
Fold angle bisectors and unfold.
i# CD ti 3?
and unfold.
#rUKt DlfS
Fold angle
bisectors and

js&®iéi 9-10 tn l;
<fc b
Crease like the other

O fif S
Fold along the line
connecting circled Pieat so the edge
points. aligns with the

si sir« «
J: 5l-tfr«
*ft n&ntzzt-?
Swivel the
ii KtifrVBWXAC
fif M SS t O tt 4 edges.
Fold angle bisectors
and unlold.
Fold the corner to the
Pieal using the existing
circled intersection and
crease lines

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 151

Crease and unfold, Note the
reference points.

MfrkM&BC&S Pieat. v
Crease and unfold Note
the reference points.

Fold edge to edge

and unfold.

Fold the edges

to the crease

Inside reverse fold.

ifr '
<£ 5 CSf-S
Open the layers and

Detach the white

AB* y^ifr
Petal fold.

152 W£SÆft,S*

£ ifi£tøT

T5 J:ot zffté
¥■ 6 (C li 4 6 & t'
Inside reverse
fold with the circled
intersection as the
±0) 1 Kctj r £
QL'Tl'StfrU SiT

tz tz C Crease along the line

Fold the edges inside connecting corners.
and Hatten. Repeat behind
a Kio^rmii;
tfr R&SÉOW5
ironien J: o tz
Fold and unfold
an angle bisector
Inside reverse

A K t il K £
ft KtftUHG
37 Fold corner lo é*>«r#f5
- _ Fold the corner to
03 the intersection

ft K*«»«UffS
Fold the corner to
the left.

ft h tOS U
IfrUtø* oltfi
28 Crease along
S©»C# UfcAfc the line passing
Assemble as through the
shown. circled pomt.

> Open the layars

Vr^SiA (Open sink)
Ot*<8«T LXtf*
ff U 15$ S o tt 5 ^yf ÆCOJfJtC
Crease along the p/7 I
line connecting Open smk
the circled and close
reference points, —again.

Works of Ssloshi Kamiya 1 53

¥ £ t#f ‘J * fc f
Fold and swivel
the edge. '


* K

Mountain foid the corner.

Repeat behind.
A KtMftCfrft
Fold the corner to the
lett, bul the end of the
crease line is sllghtly
below the top edge.


Inside reverse told

the bidden corner.

tt o TfStfr >JT5<t^
tc U T #f >J fc t & Mountain fold
Pieat using the in half. ,j
existing crease

Platten the

Works of Satosht Kamiya

t> KtTK
Fold ihe
iayer back

-kf X \
\ \
/ )

/ / /
\\ \\

V ^
i Å \ Y
__x z__ X \
T ' his model is a revised version of a prototypical
one. Created at about the same time as
Carnotaurus, but it was not brushed up yet. I
decided on renewing it when 1 found it in my
SiteiiLTL'ti:#i:z:n7,ph?'fy£M^Ht.t)LS*<DX3»'r archives of old models.
The revision of an old model usually consists
ibMbMtWti', of renewal of malfunctioning parts without affecting
^0an?aiSt5ti^.Sf5FU:Af>ftL'SB^S^LaiUT,^ØgE the rest. With this model, the parts in question
»CK»^tib4t.‘J:9i:ttiELru'#Sl-0 iiP7r>^®å. IB were hind legs and the tail. The hind legs now
are folded with 15c flaps, which give It a better
shape. Vou also should never forget your old
models and even uncompleted ones. Revising
them, you should gel another interesting models.


it S ttTX/ Recom mended

Size of Sheet: 2QX20cm

Fold the two edges
to the center lines
and unlold.
i] Kt+itlC-é-tJ-tfT
Color side up. Fold Fold in hall and unfold Fold three corrers to
diagonals and unfold
the center and unfold.

Works ol Satoshl Kamlya 161

■3 tf T *’ e>
Fold edge to edge. £SBU6l li
Unfold everything
I# $ 1/4 (D
Fold down the edge
along the quarter line.

-3t,'Tt'4tfrU I3sr

Outside reverse told

rtmø)tt£5l* * LT
oS CJ:^C«fS
iJ K
Pult out the hidden
/ftftffifc 11-12 t layer and pinch
Bt; J: 5Cfr«
Fold the layer back,
Repeat 11-12 behind

i Fi
>\ / Vj
SS-tliiCtff £ \
fS Fold the corners
1 / ,rit \ •,


C i
i K
V -——4 \
n \ rs/\
mi i X ¥kb^

Fold the edges to the
V \
doser crease lines and /n \ Mountain fold
Fold the stde corners to
the intersections on the unfold m halft
other sides and unfold

162 »SBÆfMMI

£*^**TifrUfS£ * K«*rV«É*f ttT#*

oti* Fold the side corners to
Fold the line connectmg the closest inferseetions,
Fold the corner to the mtersections and
the upper u nfold.
intersechon and

r;- -T
“‘"”"1 i
-i t
! !Tth -'
Fold the sides further
using the existing crease

E!<DJ: }U#rU»5*
•o tf ft Js T
Fold in half. Fix the patterns ot
valley and mountain

itt»eV N

Fold edge to edge.


(Open sink)
28*32 < Jgtft
Open sink in and out
For details, see 28-32.

< 9* tf 5
Opøn the layers

X S Jr ?C#r* 10-12 t Ni-A

Make a series of reverse tolds
using the existing crease lines. Assemble lik© 10-12.

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 163

TStctffijfcfct; /
Ftatten the model.
Fold along ihe edge

im<n?7 k«*b<
Fold edge to edge
making the corner
itmsmrtn* sharper

Fold on the line

connecting the bottom
corner and the circEed
hidden angle

Crimp and squash the
pocket. Note that crimp
goes through the cirded

i) Kt otti
Fold the corner up and
form a rabbit ear

(Closed sink)
Closed sink

Fold the corner up.

166 W&MttAft

Works gf Satoshi Kamiya

168 »SBSfM«
# L&ttJ: 51,

Crimp on
both sides.

fluat* <toi;

IStfr *J
Crimp on
both sides

Mt' fc S&4} i

JXjtøH t> 83-68 i

Close the layers.
HU Jt 7tCSf$
Repeat 83-88
on the other leg

£fls£2f*Ét}lC T 5
Shape the body and the

Shape the head,

neck and the
front legs.

Model completed.
Try various postures

Works of Sstoshl Kamlya ] 69

T his is the second time I tried to create an orca.
I created the (irst version in 1995, with an mside-
l*SffiUttib*A:WCDfcOTT-rA'.Sa#U**4cUSUlA-5Tl'T,¥- out method picturing an orca's pattern. I liked that
»g©STMØIfc#£b**. •?UT-f(7)tflp>6 TarASSS-Ntf) version so much that I made hand-written diagrams.
7-r>ftfAA-7'(zo4«fr3Ji:^a^Ufc^i:#Art'fc4:7?. I always wanted to create a model with natural shape
Si 'ffcSÆ Aftta« aiat. ^as©fctftsafji-3*^j*-1 „ in the area trom the jaw to the bel ly, and actually I
s«j-#^->*5tfr3*i». ni; tried vanous versions which I can still find in my
gB#ufct.-5A, r?)t>sib<i-$ Atter I created the Blue Whale, I found out that by
-toTVf &%fatz&j£btth<0£ik*T&*£.±ibZ<7)W)Bi shifting the upper jaw to the dorsal fin I can create
U^^3tAT<>'y--fK7,’5hSi)aÅtli/^U:BlrøU«au:4»/i an orca. By doing this, not only the natural shape
Lfc Srø**»JaJSSIia.SfN^)Stit^T*Stfl'3!ittJJPTi' of the belly but also the patterning by the inside-oul
tSlivSt0 method is possible. I finally changed the procedure
for folding the upper jaw a little, but the model is
i'tftfftJbhfeUST, basically with the same structure, which can be
Bst*A'tæi's-r. easily seen in the crease pattern and diagrams.
The fali dorsal fin matches my image of orcas.
‘si'Ø *HX/Reeommended
Size of Sheet! 25X25em

Mark the interseclton of the

Fold comers to the line connecting the top right
center and unfold. corner and the other end of Fold the comer to the
Color stde up. mark and unfold
the flrst crease line with the
Fold dl ago na I ly and u nfold.

itSO#r W (Open sink)
Open sink along the
crease line made in 14

t «fc
/RfcHWti 6 17 t
Rabbit ear to Ihe back.
Repeat 6-17 on
the other side.

* K t -31# ft \ /
#PJI5£étseT X
2/5 < iC'd)ti-5T
Fold along the line made
in 13 at two tilths of the
width 10 OføliRT
Make a crease line Unfotd to 10.
at a right angle.

■h Ktlff

Mark halfway between

the top lett corner and
the first crease line.
5 WJffti:

6 K t ? t tt
éblt T#t£ -t 5tC#rS
Another rabbit
Fold the corner to the
ear told
mark made in 6.

* Kt-aWft#riJ»C
Fold the corner to the
A rabbit ear
fold. ,
intersection. Unfold.

Works ol Satoshl Kamtya ] 71

* K$ y
oltfc V
Fold alang the exlsting tf UlBSO«#lzHlt BWWTIffi
crease lines. Fold the corner to the
Fold up the corner but mark made in 20,
only mark the center.

23 (DBilmt
Urfold to 23, Fold a Irttle
above the
corner A K htZILs
ufrX i X Fold the corner to
r the mark.
Swivel the top layer
Note that the bottom
corner will not become
Fold and unfold at Sharp.
a third of the angle.

Jtoy 1 (tfc'H Fold the edge along

the center line down
to the ctrcled point

f e>f
C rimp only the top
layer. The modet
wltl not lie flat. K ±t: < «J=-9Ctt«
W\ The crease lines and
I the corner shouid
V align with each other.

Ramt 24-28 tmV «fc 7i:

J: Ot#S
Æ ¥6 IC I Repeat 24-28 on the right
tt £ £ ? C The shape of the model shouid
be symmetrical, except for the
Fiatten the model central cluster of layers.

172 wsm&tt&n
Like this


Pull out the bidden laver L_

Crimp outside

Using the existing crease
lines, assemble the model
so that a new corner will be

f £ t J: 7
Rotate and slide the
top layer a bit.

tfrUJBt 7» 4
Fold and unfold atigning
36 (DntlZMT the ctrcled points.

35 TOltfctfrU®?
Vr U* Æt-
Fold on the existing ^ 34
crease lines, whlle inside
reversing as shown.

32 Yti?

The corner lolded

in 32 will be the
dorsal fin.

mitmÉthbzo t * -i__/ iSTOEl

WU ClffoT + h Ulf»J t i J: 5 £
TOA tfUfctfS£»*¥*£«* gC#ll9i:i«
Pull the htdden layer to Fold in half and inside Like this.
the lett and fold like 30, reverse fold the flap Crimp at the root
The corner at thø of the corner.
bøttom of the top layer
shoutd nøw be sharo
Works ot Satoshi Kamiya
0\Z J:
Pull down the
Fold the edge inside inner layer.

Fold Ihe corner to the
other side

<fc 7Cl/T3l^tUt
Show the crimped

58 <n ni i:«t
Unfold to 58

3i# m urtfi*
Pull out the inner layer.
»uac± 7^

Crimp inside so the

model will become

Inside reverse

\{ ±xinmt^ntz
Crimp on all layers

<p b u tfr ij r Ettfllfe 50-54 t
Inside reverse ’
lold edge to edge.
wu: X Ot'ff £
Repeal 50-54 behird.

Works ot Satoahi Kamiya 1 75

»'■& < I>5lfT ^
Inside reverse fold ¥ alj ø) th ti (O
ÉStfÉfTjffllfr?) j|6
Focus on the back
* KtffftC*?«
side of the fin.
Fold down the corner.

C t«*«T
tomt U?> VfX
djiTi 7iZtHi
Fold along the line
Back to the connecting the
surface view circled corners.

Detach one layer.

JK*HN& 61-70 t
Repeat 61-70

00)^ V UftUT? SJtfWfc 76 t

li Kt-ttlf-sT (3)U J:
*3J(t Repeat 76 behind
Fold up the corner.
/ Note the rabbit ear
4*. like fold on the layer


«fc7tc»#r 0
tf 6 < U 5 If'T
Crimp on both i * Kt
sides. ' ^fflillC^frS
wnc#r»/&* nr
t.»** Ktsisat
Inside reverse
fold Pull out the layer

Crease atong the line
connecting the circled

88 T*fU«*-3ttfcarøt
The whole
£***#£#* pieture will be as
Fold the body in half again. shown.
so that the corner folded In
80 will go inside the pocket
on the other side.

tf 5 J: o fctfr«
Sink using the crease lines
at the center.

P|«CD* KIKlffoT

Assembie using the existing

crease lines. Note that the
rrght end of the layer goes
under the left portion and
the side comers will go up.

Q<D h #r Ui&ATi:**
Fold the corner Fold the corner behind.
beneath. Repeat behind.

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 177


Creatød 2002

t— SS£. SUtftfri
tøtot* æ tf WS***
vfftf, s
T he rare feature of this model is its asymmetry.
As most living creatures are more or less
fcfrSA-.titA, symmetrical, it is rare to design an asymmetrical
£<0£ m tt S TT ©?. #»IM> 1* & 5 fil 5« £ ti Æ> S1*J* model. The method used in this model, setting
of one flap on one side. is simple but effective
sr„ -COfta?tS,*K£UfcOK-tø^tø^TlA<fct'ov>;7.ik£ enough.
7rÆ£Æ^TL'£Ttf.*n$‘JlI&®£thrCfctf?ÉTi.'ST However, it is just tough to design such a
*4*fiiW»aitft*®B*wt«U‘t>«)Tt0*fihtbT(i.iii model, perhaps because the symmetrical and
«iit*2i£#ii£^iB] tf *»**£(. '9ct£tmt$<. Mtøttti '5 square starting sheet puts severe constraints
^#*%!]«Ar5<a4t^^U*4<07tJfrU'A'tS\,'JT SEÆS on designing and folding a model, which makes
rrtf t r*«é, AMUtrøMttflfA-afc* your Irfe signrficantly easier.
t/PTi'ØJTTa The asymmetrical part is well linked to the
191> tr> <7)<® a li. Wil£ IS i 1 «t, 'Ti«5 tt m 1*<0 fc SfTf:, * internal structure of the model, adding pleats to
the basic 22.5 structure. You can establish
U&UttC^U^UfctJfcftfté&ttBdCttÆoTttST,: *fc.’ this by adjusting the height of the pieat to that
of internal molecules.
tt Z©fPS©J:3C22.a*©HMÉMMftfc5ftiaflll/r«

Size ol Sheet: 35X35cm

J/ ■■■.. ‘

L_! Hi

Mark the intersection ot

a diagonal and the line
Mark the edge along connectlng the bottom
= at'#r‘Jtt*oit*
the angle bisector left corner and the mark
White side up. Fold Fold in half and untold
diagonals and unfold made in 3

Works of Sstoshl Kamlya 1 79

jff Mus* ottr

13-14 tWIUi^CU
»URfclffUBt ©»te****** UT
Repeat folding angle Fold and unfold starting from
bisectors (Nke 13-14) the circied Intersections
as shown. created in 15
K \
X 7

% Oni:c4*TllHff U
Crimp, Fold only to the
circied point
JC / { (
\\ ØtttÆBT
x 4ff U
Fold and unfold
* tf■ Vl c using the circied
f/ XX intersections as
> yC references.
A\ /kX.
r A

J j
/K 1
_ O***«?#'*««
o tt s

OltS Fold diagonally. using

the circied intersections
Fold angle bisectors as references. Unfold
Fold and unfold atang the line and unfold
connecting the edge points
marked m 11.

éitcWVBtO«* s
\ ,
Fold at a right angle _M
■ V

through a circied
intersection Unfoid,
\as wA

ii K t-3W&WK*to1tT
Fold the corner to the
Fold edges at a right angle so the
intersection marked in 4
intersection of the crease lines Fold and unfold using the
crosses the crease line made in 5 circied intersections as
Unfold, references,

180 ttSMIMU


34*0)® £-\J
Platten the

Fold in hatf.
-a.Jt U*tffcHBTKffU
Crimp using the existmg
crease linøs.

1/2 0)«TUl»U©
ff U tt £ th# *
Fold the corner to the
crease Mne.dtvtding ,
Æ»«fc 21-23 £ the height Into iwo
HU Unfold.
Repeat 21-23 ^

ff UBfcff *m**fc*T
* Ktff»JBUthttT
Fold so the crease lines
tf 5 align with each other
Fold the corner to the Unfold.
Unfold ©verythlng
crease line. dividing the
height tnto two Unfold.

©verythlng. i
. ffUBfcff^Bt
fcfcttTff t||C
Fold and unfold
aligning the OltAff UBt
existmg crease ttoTff Ufcfctf

Assemble and flanen

using the exrsttng
crease lines. Do not
fold the upper part.

B fc ff U fi «
Tff Uttt

tt* 2i 23t
Fold and unfold —i
aligning the U T V4fl)BTff *J»totte
existmg crease
Divide the width in fourths as
tn 21 *23.

Works of Søtos hi Kamiya 1 81


tf v ntftv tots hit r tf vmtwVttåBtoitr

ff'JtttOW* #r‘J*S« OW*
Fold aligning crease Fold an angle bisector and
Fold angle bisectors and untold
lines and urtfold. unfold.

H<D £ ■? £ 1 4 CD (HT
tf U« t O it *
Divide the height In
fourths.^^--" ^


otl&x HT*ri;BS
Crease along the line
connecting the circled

-3 l'Tl'SftUlBÉ

Crease extendmg the

existing crease lines.

5 ££#»<Z»«T

Divide the width

in eighths.


Fold the edge to
the crease line
and unlotd.

1«©*TftM»tolf *
Divide the width in fourths

182 »SSs&ttÆ*

% O nt>K

/-; r-- ~Tt

\ ir
Rabbii ear fold \
the corner. '

Slf Olf* >^/J 1
Fold and unfold angle —L
v\') m t »r *J i bisectors.
Rabbii ear fold Ihe corner.
Fold angle bisectors
and unfold.


Crtmp and swivel

ow fctfvø-pati&a
«t b C|3Jr >J
Sink in and out forming

i£4n7)M 21-23 fclDUJ: bC L-T

The view 1/4 (DfSTifTUffljfc O IT 5
while smking Divide the height into
and pleating. fourths.

SjfeHMfc 47-50 t
wi; J: ai:|f5
Repeal 47-50 on
the other side.

* Kt'bL'T

Fold Ihe corner

Mountain fold the edges Fold the corner down.

Works of Sat oshi Kamiya 1 83

£<7)12)0 J: o l

57 T-Oltfctfr'Jtt?
56 COJfJt:sT SSr
Linfold to 56.
Assemble and <yl
pieal using t^e y^Stk
existing jV^Éxin
crease j&~=. |~
IfrUBtOltS lines /[S. .4--^
Fold along the
crease line
behind. /

184 WSKjÉftfi*

t y$ #s <

Open ihe pieat

A view while structures.

'TT' $■ U tf T
* K C O i t‘

Swivel the
comers and fold
it in halt.

Works of Satosfri Kamiya


#r as t -y tt s il K 61 <*
Fold and unfold
the corner. JffUlit
Fold the corner

■ A, + ®T$IBI*
y ilfTO-Jt * KfJitufy
J: 9 C#r 3
TtD* K U Fold up corner to
igSiZ/oK 3
corner. ft Kt T<mz<»
Open the middle
layer. The lower Fold the corner I
corner wtll rise immediately —g
± Knstmt
behind. CJ?
4 < T feit'
You do not have
to the pleated
part precfsely.

il F £ F*3fflUCtfr 3
Inside reverse lold
reverse fold


Inside reverse fold.


Inside reverse fold using

the existmg crease lines.

T»Mtt¥iC4 64l'
Open the layer behind
pleats. The lower part
will not lie flat.
Fold edge to edge.


nXt £ 9 iwUff *
i AssembSe mto a
bird-base-like form
V by pushmg the
y grayed part in.

186 MHMfrlt
Assemble as shown
AM the folding
procedures have
to be done at once<


-3i,'Tt'SSf *J®5T Irside reverse (old the

S i PHIT inner corner.
»#r *1 >
Crimp on both &
sides. H

Mountam fold the edge
Repeat behind.

The model will

be 3-D. U fc

Crimp inside and
raise the head
13 8 <D

The inside view

of 138.

Twist the hane
so they natura
come out of th

tt* C ft«
Twist the staff

Fold the staff in
hatf wfdth

r 5 -r i 3 c ■
iftifftj ur Mt
Ktmbmu Fold up the edge
Swivel the arm
t y s t> h if s
Repeat behind.
Open the pieats
Works of Satoshl Kamtya
tfr-5/Back view

tt±ifT <£*!,' tSSSI/Head
For ttie (ina) shaping,
reter to the picture here
as an example.

£¥/Right hard


tf-X« T?W4
Open and shape the
robe Crimp the
Model completed

Fold aligning with the edge

Repeat behind

ffiUr&tfhJ LT

l'ftTUlf Crimp the hat. The
suffli bmu crease lines witl not
Wrinkle the beard be straight.
Repeat behind. Repeat behlnd

192 tfttØSfTa*

Ancient Dragon

T o m mmt-*syfe ft ar.« n t b c«,

Vf-+>fcfit>#alWrO«Ei (1999^2^«iM T his is the model I created for the 3rd Origami
s ft«t> Toumament for the TV program "TV Champion"
t-3fcfr-aTL*-3Tt >St £l»tiJJfl*£ft±»J. &»tt (TV Tokyo). In the final round of the tournament,)
had to make an arrangement of models with a
k r<vK^ panoramic view. and creating a dragon was my
immediate and natura! conclusion,
MÉ^BmiT-rflf^K^av'fiojbKM-pajWdc Although the structure is complex, the basic
ISO t A n -5 tv '0T< tV 7 li, tt fe -»TM u & fe ØT t distribution of flaps is very simple, namely that of a
££UkrøXtøott#±*tr»;c<i.^'r^raBjauft‘Jx dragon out of the bird base with pleats for toes and
fingers. The head is the head of a dragon I had
once created. So, the procedures of creation was
aioT^Æt -eOtlH'lftttTtXA-XCitAit $Æ5A.'J' natural and smooth.
Diagramming the model, I did some rearrangements
of the structure and shaping, in particular on the
fingers. The original mode! had fingers of my Divine
*VvdVI'fca*0&fl‘tf**JS'4\ -#©IE!EjilUiJ8rolfr(JtoL Dragon, but this time the fingers are those of my
tjt . jf y ->‘± /wi xv / w > k? t rat; £0 4 ££Tft • >* u Wizard. Pleats on the belly in the original model
were abridged because the folding procedures would
t.^’j'>'x^Tar«SB#^#T»jaiLTL'th^.^i3iiia become too long. The method tor folding out the
tfA<a>JTffftøritttL/tt.'rr a^tra«!«^i*T^CD pleats is the same as that of my Inoshisbigami, so
you can always try one.

Works ot Satoshi Kamiya 1 93

-h FtffU«5<7}$AK

Fold the top teft comer

to the firs! intersection,
and unfold

White side up. Fold Fold along the line

and Lintoid diagonals. connecting the end ot
the crease line made in
2 and the top right
comer Unfold.

tftvmZ'Dit £
Fold the edge to the
diagonal and unfold,

Fold the top right and

bottom løft corner s along
the diagonal The crease
line shouid start from the
circied ends. Unfold

Make crease
lines connecting
the circied points
tfrU® toit*
Fold the edge lo
the crease tme.
»É+'OKåfc i+T
Fold the edges to the
diagonal i

ff UB*-3 W*
Make crease lines
connecting the
ff Ufffcff
circied points
Make crease lines with
the half width by pieat

194 ttSBÆtiFfl*
Ancient Dragon

#T 6 $1' —- Dt'JRS \J
Don't fold the ^>ltTA*<3 *
top portion.
5$ O

Inside reverse fold. F*j®l!£ ^

t>*tf r

Ht'IBt-3 lt®
Fold the edge to the
crease line Unfold.
OtttÆUfff'JBt )tlC»LT*«C
■O tt®
Make crease lines Make crease lines at a
connectmg the circied Pieat using the existing right angle through
points. crease lines. circied mtersections.

Works ol Salosti 1 Kamlys 1 95

_Vy I« ps®|i^®S8fl
: »FSIfltECTfr'frmi
^W* ■' ■


l*m : iTi
‘•H ■1 \*åk*M?m ^i;
i t?i itii i s* m

rø*t *!**•&* V
OSE-yJSTtlf-3T Ni
U b tt l'
Crimp and swivel comers Fotd like a petal fold.

Ancient Dragon

^jis vmw?
Ji tf) fri £ L 4' Æv 6
A senes of inside reverse PMCVCtfli* yff
folds ■ /T
Pieat wbile
squashing the /
BIS! top poriion I


^4* tf) 13
Flatten the

Ih Qg #51?»11


^ Æ

mjL... Æ

Work« of Satoshi Kamlya

¥ & Ic 13 Pulling out the
Lay ihe near and far edge
layers to dhferent

OJiLft^-6' \i
¥5>c«rUfcfc& >
Fold the edge to the
lefl. The top layer
wiEl be squashed.
Fold the edge to the crease
line In the center. Unfold,



& 'J 3 &

P L; J: o IC

Repeal open
sinklng on the
three other
Fold the edge to the
crease line. Unfold.
i* 4=?) El 102 tf SØrUJBU
Platten the model Éfctf TifrUJB«
using the ex i sting
Fold th© edge to
the crease line in
the middle Unfold

(Open sink)
' tt'JlS? Open sink the
ifcftlffu j
(Open sink) V corner,
Open sink the
darkened edge.

'> U1 tt S y
t* 106 The middle layers ys.
will be sunk twice ^
Fold an angle yT /
bisectør and / /
unfold / \ j


* K **}#£#*
SØA K & 102-103 t
±©##»»16# M
ffl C * O C&»«T U
(Open sink)
(Open sink)
Open sink on top. and
inside reverse fold on Repeat the sink behind
the bottom

*r M * t -Al £
Fold an angle bisector on
the top layer and unfold

108 n the corner and


7 —''i—iMj
M m'Tt,'Stfr>J1RT
rtffli <nt> K«

Inside reverse fold

the hidden corner.

i* X LJ'-rr=

o tf 5 Mountain fold the

Fotd and untold corner behmd

Ancienf Dragon

«®fc ■CDSBtfS
t Kgrtut- VZtfTn&tJ:
tfrS K Pul) out and squash the
Inside reverse paper and make the model

IffVIRtttraT ■h Kttttilf 121 TSroA

Inside reverse Fold up the corner and

hidden layers.

* KtJ£#M£«r6
Fold the corner to tha

t KSTCtfr*
Fold the corner,
down. £-

z *. efflt 101 115 t

Repeat 101-115
on the right.

m < ui
t) KtflflU
The next diagram
will be zoomed out.j
Inside reverse

N 105-114 t
4 lal u i o te
1*5 \ *
L— Repeat 105-
* H ft »nt: 5T' 114 onthe
Inside reverse fold the ti next layer.
hidden corner Inside reverse fold

Works ot Satoshl Kamlya 203

wmi7} 1 «E€*t
\ #r f 5 ct g tw

Fold down the
K»\ \
corner agam.
\ \ Open the layer
124 \ Gnfy the
\ fnnermost tayer
I \s affected by
4 / this

M< t Z 57
* KÉiClf*
Fold up Ihe
* K*^>4tr I
J: 9i:tøu ttt1
Fold up the layer
and flatten the
tø o eta tt
Foid edge to /
edge and
X 129
enfold. //V

l\ FÉTw:

k **
y Fold down
/ the corner.

Fold an angle bisector

and unføld.

ffUlttt OW* 135
Fold along the
edge and unfold.
jJcøjøøj: d c
Open the layer.

j f) K£d>fc*JtøU
' Inside reverse
Jttølfr U (Open sink) It (S easier to sink
if you open the
Open sink the darkened
iayers first and
ftatten them later.

204 #S«s6tfca*
Ancient Dragon


* K$TC
Open tha comer and
squash. —■—
HiT tii

Fold the
comer down,

il KtSttflCtfr«
Fold the corner to
the left.

Glose the layer \
Fold along the The next diagram'
edge behind and wlll be zoomed out

ii K€ r

$ til K S
.tcSr« Fold the excess
tayer behmd.
Fold up the

Crlmp inside

wnrt'S* Ktf /
ttfliU: 4 4 <* o tc |
5l*tbL?T !
UnsmK and pull out
the bidden corner.
Inside reverse told
along the edge.

Works of Satoshl Kamlya 205

Z b b IrIJ b
129-147 t
ra i; * o c
tfr 5
Repeat 129
147 on the

måm li Kt±fc*r* ¥#0)ftJKTOtBr>>

148 Fold up the comer. Cnmp

f) KtJMMBU rtUHI'sffiS
4*fr U S U
Inside reverse
Inside reverse fold j
fold io the lefl.

w«*t>a tfr

■3-5’f ± o tz#r5
Open and squash
the top part.

151 Øfl$lC6É*

* K t o * t J: 51 159
UTItV fcfet?
Petøl fold, Lay the A K § y- 6 If T
excess layers to the o-ST J: ?c
lefl. }fl5
Open and
squash the
157 comer


\ c

0(7 5
**91914 U 5 If T Fold the edge to
rtMtV'Zifr O^T J: itZiftZ the center and
p-i;t J: Petal fotd.
Open and squash.

M< tZi7 immt>
183-196 £
ifri .
n U J: o (c
3t! K £ * K ft
a-SfBTff* Repeat183
196 behlnd
Fold along the line
connecting the
corners. /vf\'

inside reverse fold

behind the narrow

uaifft 1

< Mi'&B r
Hide the edge
behlnd and show The reverse told in 198
the nexl layer should be made here.

Inside reverse

»40 2 A'Pfl t
200-202 tlRi U Oi'Ti'4Hr‘;®7
i$<DtZZ T
J: 9 ICjfr-S tfrfc'/SfU
Repeal 200-202 Inside reverse fold
Inside reverse
on the other toes fold.

210 w&esbftaji
Ancient Dragon

Pieat Inside

tZffi s
Fold the corner
to the right. Inside reverse fold

Works of Satoshi Kamiya 21 1

Cfimp bebind

fHj l; J: 9 u
3 A‘p>f £il^TÉ£ift ‘J
Repsal 229 as

SWWlfc 224-227 t
Ancient Dragon

nue 3cna#ft h^^LfofbU

Ktfflt 234-242
Glose the layers. Fold !he corners to the lett.
Repeal 234-242 The tip of the corners should
behind. be shifted trom each other a
Httie, lo absorb the thickness
of the layers Repeat behind.

( Tø)ft KB Closed sink

±ø}ft KB open £ closed
®«^**C)253 TrtfllK
tffnsi: d£T*
Sink, half-open on the top
and closed on the bottom
This is necessary to fold
253 below stresslessly
Open the top three
layers from behfnd

t'-s tf L'Øi ,1 *

Fold and unfold

the edge as far
as il goes.

±0) U^tfT
Open two layers and
look inside
_tØ) 1 ttÉ *£<
}ff U * fc fc tMlfTWffllSAS
Fotd the edges
ft K*rt®K=#rS
down to the rigi SrijafnTL^ inside reverse fold

Look inside and pull out

the layer between the
corners if necessary.

Jif m< ra
Fold the edge inside. ft tttiBC

Inaert the corner

Into the slot.

EfcHifc 231 t

Repeat behind.

Works of Saioshi Kam tya 213


t K$ TCf#-5C

Wt«< *SJ: 3 KU** #■!(::

J: 1 iztt iItctzb Inside reverse
Valley fold the edge and put it mto
the slit.Fold up the edge of the jaw
at the same time.

fxttffl*, 253 t ii K £ T # IB1 i: *J ii t

tClfr® Valley fold tha corner al
Repeat 253 bebind. the root of the neck and
tuck II inside

2U WSE£tt«B*
Ancient Dragon

Fold the edge down
along a curved line

Mzmmvmfr'} Fold the edge of the

Crimp the wing atong wing again and make
curved lines. it 3‘D

Head completed. 264



Open the lower jaw

and shape.

Fold and form the

edge of the wing. Push ihe surtace
of the upper jaw
257 down and shape.

Vx'O «*J OT 7 * fc
259-260 t
■tJfjtJjfft) 'v
NU <fc
Inside reverse fold
Repeat 259-260
on the other
seven horns
"JJ t -pi G Iwffi £
Finch and shape the
Pieat. 259
* Kt + e*J#r»J
Inside reverse fold the
short cornered flap
inside Repøai behtnd.

Works of Satoshi Kamiys 215

Fold the corner to

Repeat 265-269
on the other wing,

Shape and maka the

tail three dimensional

J: o [C tff 5
Swival the neck

$m>) UTStiftlf S

Crimp the neck twice

Model completed
216 røS-SÆttS*
Mammuthus primigenius

primigenius fc/Trunk



Creaied 2003
fÉBL Hmd isg Jf/Tait

5[i]TV?v>fc'*b<l'< OZi'ff)HT*.- T his mode! is one of the models I had to

design for the program "TV Champion". I
t f£f* fet fT1T. # 1C fe rTla K-p tb OT< T-i T t » i» i had to design ancient creatures, and I could
Ut. *©£«.*§ StCSSJSW-ti-SCttfTtSiU*, design this model without significant problems
«:£01T'J*;iX5nK>£^U<t$'Wtfi: Tfif ttli&iaKOA' because I was. luckily. trying to design an elephant
rr.X£aK>Ttt22.5KtS*Cl/rb'*lfc The model is designed with a pleated structure
t>'. T - titi along spines, but, unfike Smilodon with a 22.5J
basic structure. it has a pleated basic structure
with a different axis The original elephant was
rciidutÉSScDiio^isiv'rv'Sjti.'dCttcsi^ogsut.^^ based on 22.5°, but I found out that box pleats
fit the design of long tusks. Interestingly. the
process of final shaping up goes just like an
tfitd«Ctt±tf«aHITIiBfcA.ifWt;«ir^*lTUÆ7Ci:T original elephant.
Even an uncompleted model can give us
UhJttrøKftTB, »£ ifeseSWDfrftVWØt inspirations to a new design, just like past completed
itu. ■? ttfrr- #*u models. Folding many models perhaps is the
li£S©li.fc<éAUp5*itlfTt*£i'd«»£©££J8v'ST; best way to achieve effective designing of models.
* t 9 * «: BW« 4® it

t23? +T Y X / R ecom m e nded

Size of Sheet: 2SX25cm

Ut •J æ i o If * Ot IS*i't8T
Fold edge lo UHjjacdgBtHcEntott*
the center Mark a point on the
Fold and unfold in half and unfold diagonal where it crosses
White side up Fold and the line connecting circled
unfold diagonally. points.

Works of Sfltoshl Kamiya 217

O CO Jr 9 II 14 16
1/20 CO t ZZ?
. i
Add horizontai
\ r\V
crease lines al xT

A 2 s;
:r , ;\
■ ■ l''
; l
i l «L
f l„_ -1 4'
Lu < otmimvm
) l 1
i Fold the corner atong
! t X x 1 ; i
i ■ØJ 9t: the line connecting the
! k i i l i
K_ I

_4_ -4-i 4 4
t/20 <D t Circled points.
i f 1 1 i
T '
r rf
i !
VrVB5£^lt« :• rhf|- ■ ■ * i'- ■ -
1 I i Add verfical
(■ t l i I V -1 \>\m II
1 l i l crease lines at r:
t l
twentieths, ■ > |:l H<D J7 ti
—7ffi Add crease lines
i Note the reference

Add two additional
t i
i , crease lines at
1 i
renths of the width.
_ _ ^-*>4
,>r | \ =c~4-
J S** —*—1
f** —1 s4-A
. *
fip t
r 1 *
1/10 CD t UJRt * *
1 t
O tt« 1 *
Fv jr
Add two more crease > &\
lines at tenths as shown. f*
T >V

Crease connecting the circled

Fold the right edge to the Fold and unfokl with circled
mark made in 4 and point as references.
Make crease lines at the
one to three fiflhs of the
width from the top using
circled intersectfons as

4^-- tftftUJBG'fefitt T 1/1QØ)
Kf uffitott-s-
Divide the area i Make three additional
ot square mto
fifths. crease lines at tenths ot
the height.

Mammuthus primigenius

OS * T«‘)

__, ffi »i
tz tz t
Fold the
circled po i i i
the top corner,
and flatten the
raised layers.
J: 7
Open and squash


Flatten the

Works ot Satoahj Kamly* 219

Assemble as

Open the layers from^ ffsarøui&s '
the bottom, and form a Note bow the layers
parallelepipe-hke shape are assembled

Mammuthus primigenius

(*]<!£ tf MfT
Flanen ihe model
J: 3 t-tfr -S
Open the top layer,
squashing the grayed
part as shown.

^5III t J~l
fSlfr'Jti V
«fc gtcUT¥&C^r
tfrU ttt
Fold down along the edge.
whiie torming pleats on the

bffllfe 40-42 t
wi; * 9tc*T«
(Closed sink) Repeat 40-42 on this
tf 3lfTifrlf tittet side. /tv i yis.
ff uSAt^#**
Partially-closed sink. Fold the layers to the
You can either open the right.
layers and sink. or just push
In the layers

Fold the comer

ff uat; to the edge.
PuBhing in

Opening the layers (irst

* Kt i tt±t:

Fold up one layer

and look inside
#I©EIÆ> J: 7 te
tf 5 tf 4
Open the layers

most ft 47 & X# 6 A£(3)

j The back vlew ol j

Sink the darkened
47. Aasemble / l
the grøyetft>art I
part. Flatten /
and fold up the L
back the rest
circled corners. V
of the model.

Works ot Satoshl Kamiya 221

Mammuthus primigenius

m<r>£ 7 49i>JBT
JJt‘J JfcfcÅ.T®©7f3Sfti 4 t> 4t,'
Fold down the edges tn Fotd until the model witl
a round shape, crimping become (only) nearly flat
the top corners.
*© * S » F t Mt NI/
Hr U 44 v
Fold down the ■S-jt'f Jt 7 t~tfr3 <43
corner and hatten Fotd the edge down to The nexl diagram
the model the crease line and wil I be zoomed out
squash the corners.

auT-fet ,■
Swivel the f


' SrMfcfcfc
Pinch and raise
the head to the

Ftatten tolding the layers
of the head to the right

Pieat inside

Ji© i ftS
* KÉOIt«fl)t:i7
-f h t* <fc 7 CPfliC Å Open the lop
tayer around.
S«F‘; j- showlng the
Crimp tnside and / white side.
swivel the tusk / /

Works of Satoshi Kamlya 223

Fold and unfold

^3 KtrtBlZ y

Flatten the

Inside reverse

Crimp and A* i < U- 6 If S
flatten. Open the layers.

±ff) 1

center line
' \ \x

connecling thø z>
circled corners.

J: 9 £

he top *
id swivel 10
ie tusk Fq
;ome In.
Works of Satoshl Kamiya 225
»KtÆfctti: t a
Shape the hind legs
into a 3-D shape

Inside reverse
rttøfc tnifr fold

Open and squash

226 WéasefEfi*
JfLilCJ:?« f
Push the layers
bøneath the jaw up

122 C urve the

»attt±i#'icour For Finer Completion of ttie Models

**rc»Tnaj:oKsi:o/t5. msT>**©a5(s* One© you ar© sure you can complete folding a
model, try paper with difference quality and/or
Ihickness, Every folder has his/her own bøst
rutter««. @$mi®ice:3fc«*lffL-tB!3»s paper, so you also have to find one. This is
røt».»rDK©*wrøfflioicir another aspect of paper foldjng, and you will
tt±i m -r /umu as p*fi«£> t enjoy this.
For practiee, using foil sheeis is a good idea,
KL^mHOlOVT. tfn>fcJEtfi*S5ffl?,»(*r
The foil aJlOWS for fine folding, so ii fils complex
models, The foil also allows for making round
arøscfefrøofcfeaucuftY. and/or opened figures
jift)Ea'C(PRbrt>*isffl#ic. t±±\f• t\su*j*
The pictures in this book are only examples of
SD*r(¥SftJMtl,*T.. VXWMtfiMWu.tølE the final models, You can arrange tbe models as
you iike.
The model will eventually get om of shape,
#©»a»^*©®«sifTmfc'<Tnr<antfi'a5D due to the strength and thickness of the paper,
II you want to display your modef long and
fco. tf*«Ana8irsuT®«flrpi^is'iaB'eT. retain its shape, use glue, wire or any other
tools to strengthen it.
modsfs Paper Shop

♦ff**B ITO-YA# Takeo seils Yo-sh« (Western style paper i. Their shops
has a cataiogniBt of vanous kinds of paper tor vårtens
0*“©MA«:R*€ll©5aJMffi* »6tt£lfc3-*—
purpose. and you can choose order and buy it
*ST 1 Mttamtø'M Their web sitt Usts shops where you can buy Takeo
«8MUfe>IS pepers, and they have a kind of on*ime shopping, too
H*K*rø ¥S AM1D:00-PM7-D0 The Takeo-Mihoncho Shop 3-18*3 Kanda-Nishiki-
B-fl! AM1Q 30-AM7 00 Cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
http://www.ito-yaxo.lp/ Store Hours Weekdays 10am 7p m (ciosed an
Thø largem stauonery shop m Japan Thø 6th floo* has weekends and holitiays)
ail kinds of papør you wani The first base ment ftøer
has kors of wivpping papers
♦The Origamido Studtø#
GI1129 tTO-YA 2*7 T5 Glnza, Chuo-Ku. Tokyo Japan
Storø H a ur s WoaKdays 1Denr7prn Weekends and Holi mrsmmmncDSå.
days 1Q 3Qam 7pm

♦«aétttJ*TakeaCa# ^ørDtt^vicAfET* «icfiii©f^jicfcffim3Srri

The origami shop 'un Py folder/creator Michael La-
XTOftflllD2SIB-lltflM«nreD.MKftCDWI Fosse m the suburo ot Boston USA The Frog Pa¬
per' whiph hø manutacturøs tor nis own ongamt moo-
18-3 els is popuia; amqng fans of complex origami models
æ*B*fW ipa AM10:00-“PM7:00 i-Q-SBSff Some ot the models In ihts book uses this paper, too, His sile gives you information on the on-rine shopping

19ø9#ii-.x-yyL,rt BvemmiRDtiNBtnrwæMCK ^rcrt^SEEncM^ii^rT.
ttW/KSUKOKEBLU 1 -33-8-216 TEL/03-5684-6040
mwm/10:00-18;00 (S -fiffe)
A-hr^—V = http://www orlgsmlhouse jp/ e-mail = tnfo®or}gamlhousø.jp

»essens* 2006*lS00B«f7 Printed In Japan

§ m ©Satoshi Kamiya 2005

mm ULld M
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WirPfi BDtfaM43T ti 13-0001 msiBZHEaiij i -33-8-216
_Tel : 03-5684-6040 Fax : 03-5684-6080_
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• Works ot SatasJi, Kamiya t PoSlished or 20. Jan ua ry 2005 tjy ORIGAMI HOUSE. 1-33-6-216 Makusan Biinicyo-ku 113-0001 Tokyo
JARAN / Modøl Design J.:'U Diagrams Saloah, Kamiya 1 RubJ,shør Makoto Vamaguctii Editor Maxnlo Yamaguchi Tranatalor Kikch,
Tateuhi t Edilonal Dasigr ORIGAMI HOUSE Pholograph ORIGAMI HOUSE

*»©P*38!D - S » 4 L U3 . H* ? □ t? ~5G7 2 -f )Mfc? 5 C £13. T WWW * W e W 0 6 n r 11» S.

iKlIlKI Origami House Garage Book Series 9

Worksof /Vin
Satos hi KAMIYA
Model Design & Diagrams by SstOShi KaiDiya
Editor: Mako to Yamaguchi |
Translator: Koichi Tateishi

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