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I chose chapter one because I always wondered who the Goddesses and Gods of Greek

mythology were and what their features,how their attitudes to humans as well. This chapter is

important because whenever I read Greek Mythology ,I’m astonished to fınd out that all

features of Goddesses and Gods and I discovered informations about myths.I think that is

important point for understand the pure theology. I read The Titans and The Twelwe Great

Olympians,Titans are powerful Elder Gods.Cronus is Zeus’ father,he treated his children

cruelly for his power,but finally Zeus dethroned him and got the power for himself.Olympus

is Olympians’ home.It was held to be a mountain top in the northest of Grecee.Each of them

has different missions ’’Homer makes Poseidon says that he rules the sea,Hades the

dead,Zeus the heavens,but Olympus is common to all three.’’

Secondly,I read the features of Olympians Goddesses and God.Zeus is so strong

God.He ruler of the Gods ,the lord of the sky,and has a thunderbolt.Hera is both his sister and

his wife.Hera is the queen of the Gods and responsible for protecting of marriage.Poseidon is

the ruler of the sea ,Zeus’ brother , and is called earth shoker.Hades is king of the underworld

and so rich because he has precious metals in the earth .Respectively.Hestia is a virgin

Goddesses like Athena and Artemis and the Goddesses of the hearth .Ares is the God of

war,Athena is Goddesses of wisdom and favorite child of Zeus. Apollo is God of light.

Aphrodite is the Goddesses of love and beauty.Swans and doves represent her. Hermes is the

God of fertility,Artemis is the protector of the young.Hephaestus is God of fire and husband

of Aphrodite.

I will summarize briefly The Lesser Gods Of Olympus. Actually we can say that they

are the daughter of Zeus and there are three Graces ; Aglaia,Mirth,Thalia and they do not hold

a place on the council of Gods in Olympus.

The Gods Of The Waters are Poseidon,Ocean is lord of the river Ocean,Pontus ,Nereus is

called the old man of the sea ,Thetis,Amphitrie is another God.Proteus has the power of

foretelling the future,Leucothea.They are Gods of the sea.

The Undorworld is the kingdom of the dead.This place is ruled by Hades and her wife

Persephone.Hades carries away from her the earth and they rule the underwold together.

Erebus is a fascinating character because his name meaning is shadow and darkness.Tartarus

is lower than Hades. The Erinyes are Goddesses who punished the criminals for peace .

The Lesser Gods of Earth is the myth of Earth .She is called the All-Mother,but she is

not a divinity.Demeter is the goddesses of the fertility and harvest.Dionysus is the god of

wine.Pan is the chief and a merry God and he is part of animal with a horn of goat and also

known as a musician.Silenus ,Castor and Pollux are the special protector of sailors.They are

sons of Zeus.When Castor is dead,Pollux is inconsiderable and then he prays to die.The

Sileni is creatures both man and horse.The Satyrs are goat men.Goddesses and Gods of the

woodland are Oreads,Dryads,Aeolus is the king of the winds.Four chief winds may be divided

into four groups like Boreas,Zephyr,Notus,Eurus.Centaurs are both half man and half

horse.Gorgons are earth dwellers and they are dragons such as creatures with

wings.Graiae,Sirens have an appealing voices.

The Roman Gods are the twelwe great Olympians as I mentioned earlier.The Roman

Mythology adopted Greek Mythology,but names of goddesses and gods are different in the

Roman Mythology such as Jupiter(Zeus),Juno(Hera) ,Neptune(Poseidon), Vesta(Hestia) ,


Mars(Ares),Minerva(Athena),Venus (Aphrodite), Mercury(Hermes), Diana(Artemis),


Every symbols of Goddesses and Gods has a story like shield of Athena.It represents

her protective power and revenge of poor Medusa her helmet and her owl symbolize that

wisdom and strategy.

Actually,Mythology is everywhere such as movies,video games,books ,songs and

places.It is clear that mythology based on traditional beliefs of Greeks.They believed in

Goddesses and Gods and thought that Gods controlled over lives of people so Greeks always

prayed to Gods for help and protection.They believed that If Zeus is angry then he punishes

them cruelly.This chapter expanded my horizon about who the Goddeses and Gods of Greek

Mythology were.

Hamilton, Edith. The Titans and The Twelve Great Olympians , Dorian Fielding,New


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