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See eee eee eee ey UNIT 1: TOWNS AND CITIES i eee et ee y > 6@: THEORY >» VOCABULARY (TU VUNG) WORDS TYPE | PRONUNCIATION MEANING 3D cinema (n)__| / Ori: di: “smama/ Rap chiéu phim 3D 3D film (a) Ori: di: “flm/ Phim 3D Beach (n)__| bil Bike (n)__| aks Bridge (a) __| bnids) Cay cau Building (a) /bildin/ ‘Toanha nhiéu tang Bus station (n)__| /'bas_sterfin/ Tram xe buyt Business (n) | 'bznas} Viéc kinh doanh Cabin (n) | /‘kebm/ Ca-bin trén tau thay Café (n) | /‘kefey/ Tiém ca phé/Quan an Castle (a) /ka:sl/ Toa lau dai Chef (n)__ fel Bép trudn; Chinatown (n)__| /'famataon/ Khu hoa kiéu Cinema (n)__| /'smome/ Rap chiéu Clean (adj) | /Adisny Sach Climbing wall (®) kami .wol/ Leo tubng 6 diém tyra Comfortable (adj) __/'kamftabl/ Tién 1oi/Dé chiu Cruise ship (n) | kuz fip/ Du thuyén Dangerous (adj) | /'demndsaros/ Nguy hiém Dirty adj) /'ds:ti/ Bar/Do Dist (a) /distrikt/ Khu/Huyén Excitin; (adi) | /sk’sartin/ Hing tha Famous (adi) _| /‘fermas! NGi tiéng Fantastic (adi) | /faen’‘taestik/ Tuyét voi Far (adj) | a(n Xa x0i Flat (n)__| /fleet/ Bang phang Friendly (adi) | /'frendli/ Than thign Help (n) | hhelp/ Su gitip do Hot (adj) | / hot/ Nong nue Hotel (n) jheo'tel/ Khach san Library (a) /labreri/ ‘Thu vien Market (| /mackit/ Chg Modern (adi) | /'mpdn/ Hién dai Monument (n)__| / monjumant) Vat ky niém/Dai ky nigm Noisy (adi) /'nowzif Gnro Office (a) /'viis/ ‘Van phong Office building (a) /vfis bildm/ ‘Van phong tai toa nha lon Old part (phrase) | / ‘sold pa:t/ BO phan cit Park (n)_| Jpark/ Céng vién Part (a) ipa:t/ Phan Passenger (a) __| /paesindso(e)/ Hanh khich Plant (9) jplant/ Thuc vat Population (a) _| /popje'lerfin/ Dan sé Pretty (adi) | /'priti/ Khé/Vira phai Quiet (adi) | /'kwarot/ Yéna Restaurant (a) /‘restront/ Nha hang Safe (adi) | jseif/ Antoan School (mn) isku:l/ Truong hoc Shop (n)__| [fop/ Cira hang Shopping centre (m)__| /‘fopm_sento(r)/ Trung tam mua sim Skateboard park (n)__| ['skettbo:d ,pa:k/ Lut van (Khu vac Sports centre (n)__| [spots senta(ry/ ‘Trung tam thé thao Sports team (n)_|/'spo:ts_,ti:m/ Oi thé thao Square (n)__| Iskwea(r)/ Hinh vuén; Street (n)__| strict! Dudng pho Swimming pool (n) | /'swunuy .pusl/ Bé boi Tall (adi) | /toi/ Cao Theatre (a) @rata(n/ Nhi hatl Tourist information (n) | /,toanst Trung tm thang tin du lich centre info'merfn_sento(r)/ Train station (a) | fem, sterpi/ Tram tau hoa Tree (a) tri cay Ugly (adi) | /'agli/ Xu xi Unfriendly (ad) _| Jan'frendli Khéng than thién Welcome (adi) | /'welkom/ Chao dén Zoo () | u/s ‘Vudn bach thi/So thi a. Chute nang > GRAMMAR (NGU PHAP) 1, There is/ there isn’t va There are/ there aren’t (c6.../ khong c6....) % Ding dé gidi thiéu ring cé cdi gi, ai dé 6 dau trong hién tai ‘There is/ There are... c6 nghia 1a cé nhung khong cé ¥ so hitu, khOng thudc vé ai, chi 1a cd,... (+) Thé khang dinh: There is + a/an + Danh tir sé it. Ex: There is a swimming pool on the ship. (Cé mot bé boi trén thu.) ‘There are + some + danh tir sé nhieu. Ex: There are some students in my class. _(Cé vai hoc sinh trong lp t6i.) () Thé pha dinh: There + isn’t+a/an+N (isn’t =is not) Ex: There isn’t a buffalo in the rice field. (Khéng cé mét con tréu nao trén cénh dng hia.) ‘There + aren’t + any+Ns.... (aren’t= are not) Ex: There aren‘t any apples in my bags. (Khéng cé bat ky qua tdo nao trong titi cia t6i,) (2) Thénghivan: Is + there +a/an+N sé it....? ‘Ex: Is there a school on the ship? (Cé phai cd mét ngéi trudng trén tau khéng? Are + there + any +Ns....2 Ex: Are there any students in your class? (C6 hoe sinh nao trong lap ban khong? & Ding dé héi vé sé wong hoac vat 4 Cau trite How many +Nouns-+ are there.. 4 Tra loi © Néu c6 1 ta tra Idi: There is one. © Néu cé tir 2 tr lén, ta tra Ibi: There are + si rong Vi du How many people are there in your classroom? There are forty-seven people. How many people are there in her family? There are four people. b. Cach thém dudi “s” vao dank tir sé nhitu Chi nhiing danh tiv dém duge méi cé dang sé nhiéu. Dé chuyén danh ti tir sO it sang sé nhidu ta lam nhu sau: Thém “s” vao cudi hau hét cdc danh tir a flower ~ flowers a book - books an apple - apples Danh tir c6 tan ciing bing “s, sh, ss, ch, x, 0” ta | Tomato- tomatoes thém “es” vao cudi danh tir a6 Bus — buses Box- boxes Danh tir ge nude ngoai hodc danh th témluge _ | Radio — radios tan cling bing “o” thi chi thém “s” Photo - photos Piano ~ pianos Danh tix tn cing bang +“; ‘ies thi bé “y” va thém Baby- babies Country ~ countries Fly- flies Danh tir tan cing bing nguyén am + “y” thi thém | Boy — boys ‘<”" nhw binh thudng, Day - days Monkey ~ monkeys ‘Danh tir tan cing bing “f” hoc “fe” thi bo “f”/ “fe" roi them “ves” Knife- knifes Leaf- leaves Life —lives Shelf - shelves Wife — wives Wolf — wolves © Cae dang dic bigt cia danh tir sd nhitu Dé khong bi nham lin khi lam dang bai mot vai danh tir dém durgc sOnhitu dusi day: ip There is/ There are..., chcem cin hau ¥ dang dic biét cia Danh tir sé it Dang 36 nhiéu Danh tir Deng sé nhitu Aman Men A tooth Teeth A woman Women A child Children ‘A person People ‘A mouse Mice ‘A foot feet ‘A goose Geese Ngoai ra, cé mOt vai danh tir c6 dang sO nhiéu va sO it giéng nhau nhu sau: Danh tir s6 it Dang 86 nhiéu Asheep Sheep Adeer Deer ‘A moose Moose A fish Fish 2. Definite and zero article a. Cch ding mgo tir “the” “The” duge ding truéc dank tir sé it va danh tir sé nhiéu khi danh tir dé da duge xic dinh. ‘Vi dy: The dog that bit me ran away. Iwas happy to see the policeman who saved my cat. Isaw the elephant at the zoo. Laru : trong nhitng trong hop sau ta dig One ma khéng ding a/an -Trong su so sdnh d6% chiéis vdi “another” hay “other” (s). ‘Vi dy: One boy wants to play football, but the others want to play volleyball. (MG6t cu thi thich choi béng da nhumg nhiing cu khdc lai thich choi bong 16.) - Diing One day v6i nghia: mét ngay nao dé. ‘Vi du: One day I'll meet her again. (Mot ngay nao d6 minh sé gap lai cé ay.) - Diing v6i hundred vi thousand khi ta mudin thong béo m6t con sf chink xéc. ‘Vi du: How many are there? About a hundred?- Exactly one hundred and three. (Cé bao nhiéu? Khoang mét trim phai khéng? Chinh xdc 1 mét tram linh ba.) -Ta ding only one va just one. ‘Vi du: We have got plenty of sausages, but only one egg, (Ching ta cé rat nhieu xtic xich nhung chi con mot qua tring.) b. Khong duge ding mgo tir “the” -Khéng dung mao tir cho danh tir ¥ chung chung nhu: viéc boi l6i (swimming), 46 n (food),... -Tén hd, tén ngon mii, chom sao... c. Tom tat chi tiét cach dung mao tir “the’ No. Co “the” Khong “the” Tén cic dai durong, séng ngdi, bién, vinh_ | Tén m6tho 1 va cdc hd (6 hinh thite s6 nhidu Eg: Guom lake, Nui Coc Lake. Eg: The Red Sea, the Great Lakes (quan thé hd Great).... Tén day nui Ngon nui, dinh nui 2. | Bg: the Rocky Mountains, the Himalya _| Eg: Mount Fansipan, .... Mountains... Nhiig vat duy nhat trong vii tru hoie 3. | trén thé gidi Eg: The Sun, The earth/ Earth Tén hank tinh, tén chom sao (trir Trai Dat) Eg: Venus, Mars...... The + schools/ colleges/ universities+ oft Tén riéngt schools, colleges, universities | danhttrriéng Eg: Sai Gon University Eg: The University of Ho Chi Minh Annghia school The school of An nghia 5 | Tet STT+N N+ sé dém Eg: the first chapte Eg: Chapter one Cude chign tranh khu vue duge tinh tir 6 | hoa Eg Te beds War Tén cde nude c6 HAT ti tro Tén (tri GREAT BRITAIN) + The United States of America +The United Kingdom + The Netherlands + The Philippines Tén nude duge coi la mot quan dao hose mét dao Tén cdc nude mé dau bing NEW. hoac c6 TINH TU CHI HUONG, hoa chi c6 mét tit Eg: North Korea, Tén cac hue dia, tinh, tiéu bang, thanh phé, x3. (phudng), quan (huyén). Cac tai liu hode su kidn lich sir Eg: the Harmand (1884), The Declaration 8 | of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (French: Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789, Cae nhém dan tic thiéu sé 9 | Eg: The Thais, The Muongs, The Thai, The H-Mong,.... 10 Mon thé thao i Danh tir triru tong (Irix trrdng hop aac biét) Mén hoc cu thé (cde hoc phan cu thé cia | Mon hoc (chung chung) nganh-mén hoc) Eg: The Bristish-American Studies, the Eg: English, Literature, ae Enlish Oral Proficiency Intermediate 1, the phonetics and phonology in Enlish linguistics... B Tén cac ngay [é, tét Eg: Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, Nobac cu (néi chung/ choi cdc nhac cu 48) 14 | Eg: play the violin, play the piano The violin is difficult to play Logi hinh nhge cia cdc hinh thtfe 4m nhac cy thé. Eg: To perform jazz on trumpet and piano, . 3. Comparative adjectives a. Cau trae > Tinh ti:ngan Short adjectives SI +tobe+ adj + er+ than +S2 ‘Voi tinh tir ngan, thém dudi “er” vao sau adj Vidu - China is bigger than India. (Trung Quéc to lén hon An D9), ~ Lan is shorter than Nam (Lan thi thap hon Nam), - My house is bigger than your house. (Nha ciia téi to hon nha cua ban). - His pen is newer than my pen. (But cita anh dy méi hon but cita t6 “Tinh ti dai Tong adjectives S1 + to be + more + adj + than + S2 ‘Voi tinh tir dai, thém “more” trudc adj Vi du - Gold is more valuable than silver. (Vang cé gia tri hon bac) - Hanh is more beautiful than Hoa. (Hanh thi xinh hon Hoa). - Your book is more expensive than his book. (Quyén sdch ciia ban dit hon quyén sach ctia anh Ay.) - Exercise 1 is more difficult than exercise 2. (Bai tip 56 1 khé hon bai tap $6 2). ‘Vi du: Her boyfriend is much/far older than her (Ban trai cua c6 dy lin tudi hon c6 ay rit nhiéu.) b. Cach ste dung tinh tir trong cau so sinh hon Cach thém dudi -er vao tinh ti ngan Tinh tir két thie boi 1 phy am => thém dubi -er old- older _near- nearer Tinh tir két thie béi nguyén am “e” => chi cin thém dudi “2” | nice - nicer Tinh tir két thtic boi 1 nguyén 4m (u, e, 0, a, i) +1 phy ém=> | big - bigger hot - hotter gp doi phy am cudi va thém dudi -er Ge-Bie Ea Tinh tir két thuc bai “y”, dix c6 2 am tiét van la tinh ttrngin | happy - happier => bé “y” va thém duéi “ier” pretty - prettier ‘MOt 86 tinh tir c6 hai am tiét ket thic bang “et, ow, le, er, y” thi ap dung quy tac them dudi -er nhu tinh tir ngan. Vi du: quiet => quieter clever =>cleverer simple => simpler narrow = =>narrower + Mt vai tinh tir dic biét ‘Voi mot sé tinh tir sau, dang so sénh hon cia ching khéng theo quy tac tren. Tinh tic ‘Dang so sinh hon Good (888) Better Bad (t8) Worse Far (xa) Farther/ further Much/ many (nhieu) ‘More Little (ft) Less Old (gia, ci) Older/elder > Phan biét “older” va “elder” “Older” va “elder” déu duge ding nh 2 tinh tir so sinh hon, khi muén so sanh tuéi téc ctia hai d6i twong. Tuy nhién, “elder” thug duoc ding khi mudn so sénh tuéi cia céc thanh vién trong gia dinh. Elder ko duge ding trong miu “elder than”. Trongmau cau so sénh hon véi “than”, | My brother is older than me. => Bing lu6n ding “older” My brother is elder than me. => Sai Khi so sénh 2 vat, luén ding “older” This house is older than all the others in the street. Khi so sénh 2 ngudi, cin can nhic xem hai_| Néu cing gia dinh: ngudi cé cing gia dinh hay khéng, My elder brother doesn't live with my parents. Néu khong cling gia dinh: The older girl is taking care of the younger. 4. Short vowel /a/ a. Cach phit m am /a/ ~ Miéng mé tu nhién khéng qué to, ludi tha long tw nhién. - Am duge phat ra rat ngan, gon, dirt khoat, khi phat am xong ludi van giie nguyén. Mét sé vi du ‘Ago 7a geo] Mother /madar/ Open [aopan/ Sofa [sa0'fal ‘Around Ja raond/ Zebra [zi:bral Picture Lpiktfar/ Banana Tba'naenal Famous J termas/_ Accident /eksidont/ Luyén doc qua cau hoan chinh = The performance in the circus was amazing. /Sa pa’ fo:mans mm da ‘sa:kas woz a'meizin. / ~The girl saw the circus first. [8a ga:tl so: da ‘sa:tkas farrst/ - My birthday’s on Thursday the thirty first. /mat 'bs:r6derz o:n 'Os:rzder Oa ‘Os: rti fa:rst/ = That is the worst journey in the world. Pact 12 89 wa:rst d3a:mi m da wa:rld/ - Have you ever heard this word? Jhaev ju: “evar hs:rd dis wa:rd/ b. /a/ sound in comparatives cleaner nicer prefer safer cheaper nig ra cf: PRACTICE L Listening Listen and decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F). No. Statement True or false 1. | Times Square is a product of modern world. 2. | The stores are clean with cheap clothes and shoes, 3. | There are lots of customers in fast food restaurants. People do not take pictures of Times Square as they do not find it beautiful, 5. | Times Square is the place for people to gather at New Year's Eve. ‘On New Year’s Eve, people hug and kiss each other before the ball falls down. Listen again and answer the questions. When do many people gather at Times Square? 2.Do people count-down after midnight on New Year's Eve? 3.What is the gigantic ball made of? 4.When midnight strikes, does the ball go up or go dawn? 5.How famous is the New Year's custom at New York? 6How does the New Year's custom mean to the New York's history? IL. Choose the word that does not have the same pronunciation of the underlined part as that in the rest. 1 A.river B. village C.right D. hospital 2 A.between B.left C. temple D. restaurant 3. A. chair B children C. school D. bench, 4. A.historic B. expensive % & 9. 10. A. exciting B. quiet C.wide A. pretty C.centred A. path C. park A kite C.ride A. park C stadium A. school C. square D. dirty D. chef D. market D. hide D. place D. shopping, IIL. Choose the word that does not have the same stressed syllable as that of the rest. a7 fe ew pe 9°. 10. A. classroom B. number C.afternoon A. family B. engineer C.stereo A. eraser B. telephone C. bookcase A. cartoon B. bookshelf C.table A. student B. teacher C.armchair A. cupcake B. dessert C.color A. customer B. omelet C.assistant A.order B. review C.enjoy A. sweater B. dollar A. wonderful B. popular C.countable D. greeting D. television window . twenty . engineer D. D. D. D. pizza D. medium D. repeat D. around D. delicious IV. Choose the word or phrase (A, B,C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. 1 Is there a sporis centre in this area? No, there 2 3. A. isn’t Bis C.aren’t many flats are there in this building? ‘A. Where B. What C.How far Are there cafés in your street? A.any B. Some Ca How many students__ there in your class? Ais B.Am far is it from here? A. what time B. How C. What time It’s ten hours from here bus. A.on B. from C.By windows are there in your house ? A. Are B. How many C. What There are a lot of books in the A. museum B. School C. restaurant D. are D.How D. the D. are D. What D. Where D. library 9, You can go to to see actors. A. theater B.Zoo C.Cinema 10. The new ship has gota five- star with fantastic food. A.Swimming pool BHotel CLlibrary 11.The on the ship prepare very good food. Achefs B. Customers C. passengers 12. The sports center has got a big climbing wall. It’s very A.comfortable Bhorrible Cexciting 13. In Ho Chi Minh city, life is, than the other provinces’. A.bad B. worse C. more 14. The people on the ship like the food. It’s ! Ahorrible B. Comfortable C.Fantastic 15. There are offices next to the theatre. A.some B.a Can 16. Are there nice shops here? Aa B.any C.some than the movies. 17. Your stories are__ A. the interesting, interesting C. more interesting 18. Going to school by bus is than riding motorbikes, A. safe B. safer C. more safe 19. The weather in Ho Chi Minh city is than Da Lat. A.hoter B. more hotter C.hotter 20. There aren’t___bridgesnear my house. A.any B.An Csome 21, - Is there a supermarket in your neighborhood? - A.No, it isn’t. The supermarket is near my house. B. Yes. There it one not far from my house. C. There isa supermarket in my neighborhood. D. The supermarket is opposite the park. 22. How many there in this building? A. flat — are B. flats ~ are C. flat ~is 23. Do you want to go for drinks? A. some B.any Ca D.supermarket D. cabin D. tourists Llike it! D. boring D.better D. friendly D. any Daan D. most interesting D. The safe D. hot D.a D. flats ~is D. alot 24. We are looking for place to spend night. A. the/the B.a/the Cala D. thefa 25. She has read interesting book. Aa C. the D.x 'V. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Passage 1 My school is smaller (1) the school in the next town but I think my school is (2) The students at my school are(3) and the buildings are(4) modern. There's a fantastic swimming pool too - It’s (5) than the pool at the sports centre in town and it’s (6) too! 1 Ato B. than Cf D.on 2 A.better B. well D.good 3. A.not friendly Bmore friendly C.unfriendly D. friendlier 4. Amany B.alot C.most D.more 5. A. the big B. bigger C.more big D. big 6. B. more clean C.cleaner D.cleaned Passage 2 Dear Auntie May and Uncle Joe, Greetings from Capri, Italy. I'm staying at a (1) near the sea. We're having a (2) time here. The weather's lovely. It’s warm and the sun is shining. The hotel is great. It’s (3) a huge swimming pool. I'm sunbathing now(4) Alice and Dad. My mom and Kate are shopping for (5) at the moment. We are going to Paris tomorrow. I can’t (6) . We're having a lot of fun! See you soon. Fred 1. B. cinema C.hotel D. house 2. A. fantastic B. boring, C. quiet D. Terrible 3. A. getting B. gets Chas got D. got 4. A.with B.on Cin D. of 5. A.necklace B. souvenirs 6 A.waiting B. waits C.wait D. Is waiting VIL Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False and choose the correct answer (A, B,C or D) for the questions Passage 1 My favourite place is Brighton. It’s a small city ~ it’s smaller than London ~ but there are a lot of exciting places. It's very friendly. There’s a nice beach, too, and it’s only five minutes on foot from the city centre. Bob: Glasgow, in Scotland, is my favourite place. There are some fantastic modem buildings in Glasgow. There aren’t any beaches, but there are some nice parks. Karen: Cardiff is my favourite city. It’s the capital city of Wales. There's a beautiful castle in the city centre. There are a lot of good theatres there, too. Write True/False for the statements about the passage 1. Brighton is a smaller city than London 2. Brighton has got a lot of exciting places. 3. The beachis five minutes by bike from the centre. 4. Bob's favourite place is Cardiff. Choose the best option 5. Glasgow doesn’thaveany___. A. beaches B cities C. swimming pool D. castle 6. Cardiff has a beautiful in the city centre. A. bookshop B. automobile C.castle D.picture Passage2 Spencer Department Store is a beautiful new building. It has three floors. The first floor is full off toys and clothes for children. On the second floor, you can find a wide range of food from fresh vegetables to beef and pork. That's perfect for making a meal. On the ground floor, there is a cafeteria which serves excellent lunches and desserts. The staff there is helpful too. As Spencer offers things at cheap prices it is really popular in this area. Write True/False for the statements about the passage 1. Spencer Department Store has 3 floors 2. On the 2 floor, you won't find fresh vegetables and pork. a 3. The staff on the ground floor aren’t helpful 4, Spencer offers things for cheap Choose the best option 5. What's on the ground floor. A. cafeteria B. restaurant C. flower-garden 6. The word " excellent " in paragraph is closest in meaning to___. A.bad B.lazy C.admirable D. attractive ‘VIL Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1- 6. extinct museum library bored lazy pulled picked shelves cupboard Last week, Oliver, his little brother Frank and their mum decided to visit the Cartoon Museum. “I need to find a book about drawing dinosaurs. I've got a project about (1) creatures.” said Oliver while they drove. When they arrived, they went into the museum’s (2) right away. Frank soon got (3) and started running between the bookcases, but Oliver could only think about finding his book. “How am I going to find it? There are thousands of books on these wo ” said Oliver. He started looking for it and, soon, he forgot about his family. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise. He ran to his mother. She was (5) by his brother, who was on the floor ~ with books all over him. “I’m sorry, Mum!” said Frank “I was only trying to get a book from the top shelf.” Oliver went to help his brother. When he (6) up the first book, he was very surprised. “This is the book needed!” said Oliver. “Thank you, Frank!” VIL. Use the correct form of the words given in parentheses. 1. New York is an city with many skyscrapers. (excite) 2. There are many modem in Ho Chi Minh City. (build) 3. These beaches are the and the most beautiful in the world. (clean) 4, Over eight million people live in Hanoi and itis the second most city in the country. (population) 5. Hoi Ani for its old temples and pagodas. (famousness) 6. The villagers were really quite__ towards us. (friend) 71s fora woman to walk alone at night. (danger) 8, We were able to watch the lions in complete : (unsafe) 9, The original supermarkets were small by standards. (moderation) 10. Joyce has a apartment in Portland. (comfort) IX. Supply the correct form of verbs “be” 1 _____ there any parks in this town? 2. The train station near my house. 3. There really good films at the cinema this week. 4. Our favourite restaurant Pizza Palace on Bank Street. 5 there a colorful picture in your room? 6. My house near the market. 7. There a lot of books in the library. 8, How many children there in your house? 9. My mother a teacher at that school. 10. The cinema bigger than the museum. IL. My father interested in reading books aiter meals. 12. The rooms in the hotels more com/ortable than those rooms in your house. B. there any buses more dangerous than bikes? 14. Minh good at English 15. How many windows __ there in your class?-There__ two windows 16. My town more modern than yours. 17. Those pens and pencils. 18. How far the restaurant from the hotel?-It about ten minutes on foot. 19. the weather in Ho Chi Minh city better than Hanoi? 20. Cycling, safer than riding a motorbike. X. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of Adj 1. Your cafe is than Luigi's restaurant. (popular) 2. My sister is than me. (friendly) 3. Are the shops in your town than the shops in this shopping center2%(good) 4. Your phone ii than my phone. (expensive) 5. Our new flat is than our old flat. (modern) 6. Brazil is, than the UK. (hot) 7. The shopping centre is than the library. (noisy) 8. This town is than that town. (nice) 9. The museum is than the shopping centre. (interesting) 10. The cinema is than the museum. (big) XI. Complete the sentences with six of the adjectives in the box. beautiful clean large modern peaceful safe ugly welcoming 1. This isa very street because there’s a police station here. 2. It’s very quiet and here because there aren't any cars. 3. People are very friendly in this town. It’s a very place. 4, Many artists like this city because it’s very 5. Over eight million people live in London! It’s a very city. 6. This part of the town is very because there are a lot of factories. XII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. convenient historic peaceful fantastic. += modem boring noisy narrow _ polluted I don't like living in a big city. It’s day and night and the air is so 3 The streets in Hoi An ancient town are and no cars are allowed. For young people, it’s really _ in the country. It'd be more fun living in town. We really enjoy staying here. The beach is and the weather is very nice. ‘There isa supermarket in my neighborhood, so it’s very to go shopping for food. a 7 ee Pp oR Without noise and daily stress, life in the countryside is more and healthier. 7. There are many buildings and offices in Ho Chi Minh City. & Vietnam’s most. city is Hue. It was the home of the Nguyen Kings and it has many palaces and monuments, XIIL. Each sentence has a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1. London is small than Mexico city. 2. My brother is busyer than Tam. 3. Mary is more confident that her sister. 4, It is more cold in Winter than in Autumn. 5. This street is more narrow than that one. XIV. Rearrange the words in the right order to make a meaningful sentence. vVuvvy 1 pens/ there/ Are/any/ your bag/ in? 2. How many/are/ classes/ school/ in/ your/ there? 3, Library/ is/ a/school/ there/in/ your/? 4, Are/Yous/ any/ school! interesting/ places/ near/ there/? 5, many/ How/ posters/ in/ bedroom are/ your/ there/? 6. are /than /These books/ from the library/more interesting / those books. 7. more beautiful /My sister /is/ than /me. 8. London /Rome/ is /than/ bigger/? 9. old house /Is /than/ Our new flat/our/ nicer. 10. There /our school/ is /near/ a shop/. IL. we first/ where/ go/ this momning/ shall? 12. the cafeteria/and/a cold drink/let’s/ get/ to/ go. 13. like/ you/ the countryside/ do/ living/ in? 14, neighbourhood] post office/ in/ there/ your/ a/ is? 15. me/ you/ the way/ could/ the Japanese Bridge/ to/ tell/ please? 16. houses/ are/ there/ historic/ Hoi An/ many/ ancient town/ in. 17. It’s a really/ This sports centre is/ modem building/./ only one year old! 18. in New York/ The Statue/ is a famous monument/ of Liberty/./ 19. in your town/?/ How are there/ many cafés 20. Jamusement park/ than any other /Disneyland/, is more interesting XV. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. Miss White is slimmer than Mrs Green. = Mrs. Green is 2, Helen’s brother is shorter than her. = Helen is 3. Travelling abroad for a holiday is much more expensive than travelling in your country. Travelling in your country 4, Country life isn’tas interesting as city life. City life is 5. My house has got five rooms. = There 6. There isn’ta telephone in the living room. > We 7. There are only a few biscuits in the packet. ~* There 8. There are two bathrooms in that house. = That house 9, Lary’s farm has a lot of vegetables and fruits, = There 10. Is there a living room, two bedrooms in your house = Does your ‘11. My school is more convenient than your school. Your school isn’t 12. Your house is not as comfortable as hers. & Her houseis 13. The Amazon River is longer than the Mekong River. = The Mekong 1. The food here is worse than my cooking! = My cooking is 15. The weather yesterday was worse than it is today. > The weather today XVI. Rewrite the sentence so that it contains the word in capitals. 1. Can you tell me the way to the nearest post office? (how) 2 von your neighborhood have a larger square? (there) 3 ‘enone is at the side of the grocery store. (next) 4 ws town has a lot of café (are) 5 a shopping mall is near the Italian restaurant. (far) XVIL. Write the questions and then write true short answers for you Eg: Windows/ classroom? > Are there any windows in your classroom? Yes, there are L sports center/school? 2. English book/bag? 3. dictionaries/classroom? 4, How many cafe/neighborhood? 5, How many monument/ neighborhood?

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