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Name of the Students: ______________________________________ I

Year -Roll no: ______, Batch ____NCHMCT Roll no: ________Year- 2022 Final
Remarks of Faculty: ____________________________________.
Note: Journals to be submitted on or before the given date in respective to their
practical classes.
Section 1- Theory Index
Topic/Item To be Submitted Page Remarks
submitted on No of Faculty

Journal (288pages for

theory and practical
e and 3 years question
papers and Index copy
Draw a layout of single room also
mentioning the sizes of furniture
and sanitary fixtures
Draw a layout of twin room also
mentioning the sizes of furniture
and sanitary fixtures
Draw a layout of double room
also mentioning the sizes of
furniture and sanitary fixtures.
List down amenities and supplies
placed in room and bathroom of
a five star hotel specifying the
area. ( also attach or paste neatly
cut pictures of the size

Make a survey of guest

amenities and supplies stating its
brand names used by five star
hotels(min. 7 chain of
hotels).make a layout with
necessary changes you want to
do in an layout specifying the
reason for doing the changes.
Key term and glossary(min. 25)

2 Types of beds and mattresses

List and explain various types of
space saver beds(attach or paste
sample pictures)
Draw a complete diagram of bed
that is generally used in star
hotel, Explain various parts used
during construction of
bed(attach or paste sample
Differentiate types of mattresses
in tabular form.(attach or paste
List down bed and bathroom
linen along with their sizes and
weights.(attach or paste sample)
Make a survey of different kinds
of pillows used in five star hotels
mentioning the reason for the
same. (min. 12 kinds of
pillows).paste pictures.
Key terms and glossary(min. 25)

3. Keys and key control

Explain the role of computerized
key cards used in a hotel
Prepare a format of a key control
sheet .and explain its importance
for the guest and hotel.
Explain the procedure of key
control in H.K dept. in the form
of flow chart. Mention the
importance of key control
Make a survey of different types
of key cards brands used in
hotels. List at least 5 measures
which you think could be
incorporated in hotels to make
rooms more secure(min. 5
brands)paste or attach sample or
Key terms and glossary(min. 25)

4. Area cleaning
Prepare work cards for(paste or
draw sample pictures):
Cloak room
Banquet halls
Swimming pool
Main porch or portico
Key terms and glossary(min. 25)

5. Pest control
Define pest and explain the
importance of pest control.
Name 5 pests encountered in a
hotel and the methods used to
prevent them from coming into
the premises(attach or paste
pictures).If you were an
housekeeper what measures you
would have taken to ensure the
Key term and glossary (min. 25)

6. Routine system and records of

Make a flow chart of daily
activities carried out in H.K
department and explain the
\\\\\ Explain staff placement and draw
\\ a format for staff register.
Explain and draw a format for
occupancy report stating at least
10 room status codes
Explain and draw a format for
guest room inspection checklist
and explain its importance in
maintaining cleaning standards
of a hotel.
Explain and draw a format for
work orders
Draw the format for log book
and explain its use
Draw the format for lost and
found slip and lost and found
register and explain lost &found
procedure with the help of flow
Explain call register and draw the
format for call register.
Explain and draw the format for
maid’s report or GRA’S report.
Explain and draw the format for
guest special request register.
Explain grooming register and
draw the format for the same.
Explain and draw the format for
briefing register
Explain and draw the format for
material requisition sheet or
purchase requisition
Explain and draw the format for
missing /damage register
maintained in H.K dept.
Explain and draw the format for
coordinator handover register or
control desk handover register.
Explain and draw the format for
key control sheet or register.
Explain and draw the format for
guest message register.
Explain and draw the format for
carpet shampooing register
Explain and draw the format for
stores indent sheet
Explain and draw the format for
babysitting register.
Explain and draw the format for
schedule /periodic cleaning.
Explain and draw the format for
housekeepers reports
Explain and draw the format for
minibar register
Explain and draw the format for
asset movement register.
Explain the process for linen
inventory and draw the format
for linen inventory sheet
Explain and draw the format for
VIP list
Explain and draw the format for
floor pantry stock taking sheet
Explain and draw the format for
room inventory sheet.
Explain and draw the format for
leave application form used in
hotels .
Collect the formats for different
sheet , register and files used in
H.K dept. in an hotel and paste
Key terms and glossary(min. 35)

Section-2 Practical’s Notes(In respective Classes) Topic Date of Submitted Sample Pg Status Remarks
Submission on in pg no no

1. List down step by

step procedure for
bed making during
2. List out the activities
carried out in a room
during turndown
service (paste
3. In tabular form
differentiate morning
, evening and BUP
4. In tabular form
classify and
between different
class of VIP’s
5. List down step by
step process for
cleaning of an check
out room in the form
of flow chart
List down step by
step process for
cleaning of an vacant
room in the form of
flow chart
7. List down step by
step process for
cleaning of an
occupied room in
the form of flow
8. Make a survey of
guest complaint and
difficult situation
encountered in five
star categories hotel
(solve min. of. 4 case
9. Glossary and key
terms (min. 30)

Section 3 Year Date of Submitted Page Status Remarks

Submission on no

1. 2010 solved question

2. 2011 solved question
3. 2012 solved question
4. 2013 solved question
5. 2014 solved question
6. Compilation of
questions asked during
campus interview
related to
housekeeping for 2014-

Section 4 Curriculum related Activities and Remarks Activity Remarks



Important Instructions to Candidates:

The Journal work to be submitted during their respective Practical labs on or before the scheduled
In case of leave, send it to through your friend who is responsible.
Journal Specifications
oCover it with black Paper, Print (sample copy attached in PPT file) and Polythene.
o288 pages (First 30 pages for practical’s then Theory)- few available book brands –
oChemistry related pages; certificate can be stapled and hidden in the cover.
oFirst Page should be the index copy (sample attached) when journal is opened.
All samples need to be minimum of size 5 cm x 5cm – Fabrics/Pictures etc (Neatly cut)
Write your Name on the side of the Journal and also at regular intervals in the journal.
Number all the pages in sequence including white side of the journal .Do not number separately
for theory and practicals.
If case of extension of submission date, mention with pencil in the index copy.
Absenting for Journal submissions, Practical’s and Theory classes and internal tests will lead to
lack of attendance for appearing the Exams and Marks for passing the Exams.

Smile is the most valuable treasure than anything in this world. Let not anyone steal it .

“Great minds have purposes, others have wishes” -Washington Irving

“Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

“True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of
adversity before it is entitled to the appellation” – George Washington.

Wise people learn from their mistakes -wiser people learn from other people’s mistakes.

Winner sees the gain, Looser sees the pain.

“Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the
impossible” –St.Francis of Assisi

Intellectual education influences the head whereas value based education influences the heart.
True education is training the head and the heart.

We do things to avoid pain or to gain pleasure. As long as the pain is more than the pain, we
continue with the habit. But if the pain exceeds the gain, we drop it.

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