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DATE: 23RD August, 2023 TIME ALLOWED: 2Hrs
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer All Questions section A
SECTION A:Select the SINGLE best response.

1. The following are structures that are likely to be injured if a 25 years old man is
stabbed by a long sharp object that pieces through the manubrio-sternal junction
A. The apex of the heart
B. Bifurcation of the trachea
C.Arch of the aorta
D. The pleura
2. The cartilages of the __________, __________, and __________ ribs articulate with the
cartilages of the ribs above
A. 8th , 9th , 10th
B. 10th , 11th , and 12th
C. 6th , 7th , and 8th
D. 1st , 2nd , and 3rd
3. Following a stab injury with a sharp metallic object at the root of the neck, the
following structures are likely injured except
A. The diaphragm
B. Scalenus anterior muscle
C. Subclavian artery
D. The cervical pleura
4. False ribs are
A. Floating
B. 8th , 9th , 10th ribs
C. Articulated with costal cartilages above
D. Typical
5. A ______________ deficit as well as ________________ insufficiency arise as a
result of pressure from the cervical rib on the lowest trunk of the brachial plexus
(T1) and subclavian artery, respectively
A. Nervous/ vascular
B. Psychological/ logical
C. Vascular / neurological
D. Lymphatic / fluid
6. All of the followings are true about the pleura, except
A. It is an imaginary closed sac that is invaginated from the lateral side by the
corresponding lung
B. It has an outer or parietal layer that lines the wall of the thorax
C. The visceral pleura also dips into the fissures of the lungs and lines the contiguous
sides of the lobes
D.It has an inner or visceral layer that is closely adherent to the surface of the lung
7. The anterior intercostal veins drain anteriorly into the ________________ and
_______________________ vein
A. internal thoracic/ musculophrenic
B. external thoraxic/musculophrenic
C. Azygous/ hemiazygous
D. None of the above

8. All the following statements concerning the mediastinum are true EXCEPT
A. The anterior mediastinum contains the azygos veins
B. The heart occupies the middle mediastinum
C. The angle of Louis is an important landmark
D.The mediastinum lies between the 2 pleural cavities
9. Which of the following are contents of the posterior mediastinum?
A. Thoracic duct
B. Heart
C. Thymus
D. Arch of aorta
10. Which of the following is NOT true of the esophagus?
A. The first constriction is 40cm from the central incisor
B. It begins at the level of C6 vertebra
C. There is a constriction where the left main bronchus crosses
D. It is a continuation of the pharynx
11. The thoracic duct
A. Receives the left jugular and subclavian lymph trunks
B. Commences at the level of T10
C. Enters the point of confluence of the left internal jugular and axillary veins
D. Passes in front of the esophagus
12. The fibrous pericardium is attached directly to the:
A. Serous pericardium
B. Manubrium
C. Central tendon of the diaphragm
D. Vertebra
13. The following is TRUE concerning cardiac tamponade
A. There is an excessive amount of pericardial fluid
B. It occurs due to occlusion of the coronary vessels
C. It results in ischemia in the myocardium
D. It can be managed by cardiac bypass surgery
14. The following open into the right atrium EXCEPT:
A. Pulmonary veins
C. Coronary sinus
15.Regarding heart valves
A. The tricuspid valve has 3 cusps
B. The mitral valve is a semilunar valve
C. The aortic valve is an atrioventricular valve
D. The lower left sternal edge is where the pulmonary valve is best heart
16. The coronary sinus receives the following veins EXCEPT
A. Anterior cardiac
B. Middle cardiac
C. Small cardiac
D. Great cardiac
17. The following statements are true EXCEPT
A. Visceral pleura is sensitive to pain and temperature
B. The bronchial veins drain into the azygos and hemiazygos veins
C. The right lung has 2 fissures
D. The vessels and nerves forming the lung root are enclosed by a cuff of pleura
18. The following statements concerning the trachea are true EXCEPT
A. The left principal bronchus is wider than the right
B. Part of it lies in the superior mediastinum
C. It is innervated by the vagus through its recurrent laryngeal branch
D. The arch of aorta lies anterior to it in the superior mediastinum
19. Which of the following is correct regarding the bronchopulmonary segment
A. Arteries supplying each segment are segmental in position
B. The right lung has 3 segments
C. The veins draining each segment are segmental in position
D. No autonomic nerves within a segment
20. With a patient in standing position, fluid in the left pleural cavity tends to
gravitate down to:
A. Costodiaphrahmatic recess
B. Cardiac notch
C. Horizontal fissure
D. Oblique fissure
21. Which one lies in the transpyloric plane?
A. Fundus of the stomach.
B. The coeliac Punk.
C. The Renal pelvis.
D. Hilum of the spleen.
22. Regarding the inguinal canal, choose the correct answer
A.The anterior boundary of the canal is formed by the inguinal ligament.
B. A direct inguinal hernia comes through the deep inguinal ring.
C. The deep inguinal ring lies in the fascia transversałis.
D. The posterior boundary of the canal is formed by the external oblique
23. The Ligament that extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the
public tubercle is the:
A. Lacunar
B. Interfoveolar
C. Inguinal
D. Ilio-pectineaI
24. Which of the following nerves passes through the superficial inguinal ring?
A. Iliohypogastic nerve
B. Obturator nerve
C. Ilioinguinal nerve
D. Lateral femoral nerve
25. Which of the following arteries is used to characterize an inguinal hernia as
direct or indirect?
A. Obturator artery
B. Deep external pudendal artery
C. Inferior epigastric artery
D. Superficial circumflex iliac artery
26. A soft rounded cord present in male that enter scrotum is called
A. Round ligament of uterus
B. Inguinal hernia
C. Spermatic cord
D. Femoral hernia
27. All the following are muscles of the anterior abdominal wall except
A. External oblique
B. Internal oblique
C. Internal intercostal
D. TransversusAbdominis
28. The dilated veins that radiated from the umbilicus when the portal or superior
vena cava or inferior vena cava is obstructed is called
A. Radial vein

B. Umbilicus vein
C. Caput medusa
D. None of the above
29. Runs vertically on either side of the lineaalba which enclosed in an aponeurotic
sheath is called
A. Rectus sheath
B.Internal oblique
C. Rectus abdominis
D. External oblique
30.An oval opening in the fascia transversalis, situated 1.2cm above the midinguinal
A. Superficial inguinal ring
B. Inguinal canal
C. Deep inguinal ring
D. Inguinal hernia
31. Protrusion of any of the abdominal contents through any of its wall is called
A. Inguinal canal
B. Deep inguinal ring
C. Hernia
D. Hormones
32. Femoral hernia is more common in female than in male due to
A. Smaller femoral canal
B. Smaller pelvis and larger blood vessels
C. Larger pelvis and smaller blood vessels
D. All of the above
33. Is a large serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is called
A. Pericardium
B. Pleura
C. Peritoneum
D. Fascia transversalis
33. Following the structures form stomach bed except;
A. Splenic artery
B. Left kidney
C. Splenic vein
D. Left suprarenal glands
34. Which statement about the lesser sac is not correct?
A. It is connected to the greater sac via the epiploic foramen.
B. The stomach is related to it anteriorly.
C. The right border is formed by the lienorenal and gastro splenic ligaments
D. The greater omentum is an anterior relation.
35. Which of these statements about the celiac trunk is not correct?
A. It supplies the foregut and derivatives.
B. It gives a left gastric branch that supplies the lower part of esophagus and stomach.
C. It leave the aorta at level of lumber 2
D. It gives a splenic branch.
36. Which statement best describes the inferior mesenteric artery?
A. It arises from the aorta at the level of L1.
B. It supplies the mucous membrane of the gut as far as the mid-rectum.
C. It gives off a left colic branch.
D. It crosses the pelvic brim at the point of bifurcation of the right common iliac
37. Which of the following statements about the duodenum is incorrect?
A. The second part overlies the right kidney.
B. The transverse mesocoln attaches over the second part.
C. The ampulla of Vater lies in the third part.
D. The inferior vena cava and aorta lies directly behind the third part.
38. Which statement concerning the relations of the kidney is correct?
A. The diaphragm is directly related to the superior pole of both kidneys.
B. The left kidney is related to the duodenum.
C. The kidneys are posteriorly related to quadratuslumborum.
D. The right kidney is related to descending colon.
39. Which of these statements about the pancreas is not correct?
A. It is mixed exocrine and endocrine gland.
B. Head of pancreas lies within concavity of the duodenum.
C. It formed of two parts head and body only.
D. Its body of pancreas is supplied by the splenic artery.
40. Which statement best describes psoas major?
A. The femoral nerve emerges medial to it.
B. The obturator nerve pierces the muscle.
C. The lumbosacral trunk emerges medial side of the muscle.
D. The genitofemoral nerve emerges lateral to it.
41. Which statement correctly completes the following sentence? The abdominal aorta:
A. Begins at L1.
B. Gives middle suprarenal artery to suprarenal gland.
C. End at L5/S1 disc.
D. Gives single branches as renal arteries.
42. Regards to the spleen the only correct answer is:
A. Has a lower pole which normally projects forward to the anterior axillary line
B. Its convex surface is related to diaphragm.
C. Has a long axis lying in the line of the 9th rib
D. Lies between the 8th and 10th ribs
43. Which is the most common site for the vermiform appendix;
A. Rretro-ileal
B. Reto-caecal
C. Pelvic
D. Anterior to terminal ileum
44. The ureter passes deep to the:
A. Femoral nerve
B. Gonadal artery
C. Psoas muscle
D. Genitofemoral nerve
45. Blood supply to thestomach is the following except:
A. Left gastric A
B. Long gastric arteries
C. Right gastroepiploic A
D. Right gastric A
46. Which of the following structures are associated with seminal vesicles and prostate?
A. Rectovesical pouch
B. Rectovesical septum
C. Puboprostaticus ligament
D. Sacro-prostaticus ligament
47. Rectum receives blood supply from all of the following except:
A. Inferior mesenteric artery
B. External iliac artery
C. Internal iliac artery
D. Internal pudendal artery
48. With regarding to uterine tubes
A. No fimbria is attached to ovary
B. Fertilization usually occurs at the ampulla
C. Its longest portion is the infundibulum
D. Fimbria spread over the medial surface of ovary
49. Tunica albuginea surrounds all the following except:
A. Epididymis
B. Spermatic cord
C. Proximal part of ductus difference
D. Testis
50. Ejaculatory ducts open in:
A. In sides of urethral crest
B. Between both sides of prostatic utricle
C. Penile urethra
D. Both sides of seminal colliculus
51. Which of the following structures contribute to both of the pelvic inlet and outlet?
A. Iliopectineal line
B. Pubic symphysis
C. Ischiopubic ramus
D. Sacralpromentary
52. With relating to ureters
A. They pass above the ductus deferens in male
B. They pass inferior to uterine artery in female.
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
53. External anal sphincter:
A. It has an autonomic innervation.
B. It is attached to both of perineal body and anococcygeal ligament.
C. It surrounds the upper 2/3 of anal canal.
D. All of the above.
54. Which of the following is an intraperitoneal structure?
A. Uterus
B. Cecum
C. Rectum
D. Urinary Bladder
55. Epididymis
A. Is a single tubule structure of 20 feet.
B. None of the above
C. Is applied to the posteriomedial surface of each testis.
D. Is located inside the cavity of tunica vaginalis
56. Fascia covering the spermatic cord are derived from all the following except:
A. External oblique muscle
B. Transversusabdominus muscle
C. Internal oblique muscle
D. Transversalis fascia
57. The most common site of benign prostatic hypertrophy BPH is:
A. Central zone
B. Peripheral zone
C. Isthmus
D. Transitional zone
58. The most common site for prostate carcinoma is:
A. Peripheral zone
B. Transitional zone
C. Central zone
D. Isthmus
59. Regarding to perineum topography
A. Medial surface or lower border has no relation to the lateral border of perineum.
B. Pubic symphysis forms part of both pelvic inlet & outlet.
C. An imaginary line pass through the ischial spines divides perineum into urogenital and
anal triangles.
D. Perineal membrane span through both the urogenital and anal triangles.
60. Superficial perineal fascia:
A. Are in continuous with fascia lata (deep fascia of the thigh) at the inguinal ligament.
B. All of the above
C. Are in continuous with scrotum and anterior abdominal wall membranous fascia.
D. Do not extend over the anal tringle.


DATE: 23RD August, 2023 TIME ALLOWED: 2Hrs

SECTION B: Fill in the blank spaces in the following:

1. The sulci on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the heart are called
_________________ and _______________________ respectively
2. The remnant of the foramen ovale in the adult heart is called the ___________________

3. The apex beat can be felt at the left __________________intercostal space at the
_________________ line.

4. The pericardium is supplied by the _____________________nerve.

5. The diaphragm is composed of a peripheral muscular portion which inserts into a

central aponeuros is called ________________________

6. The ____________________________ is 5-10 ml. of serous fluid which lubricates both

surfaces and allows the lungs to move free during respiration.

7. It is an abnormal accumulation of pleural fluid about 300 ml, in the

Costodiaphragmaticrecess is called _____________________________________

8. __________________ is a procedure in which mediastinoscope is inserted in the space

of the chest between lungs mediastinum.

• 9. Shortest, widest and most fixed part of small intestine is called___________________

10. Kidney stones may descend and lodge at points of constrictions and subsequent
dilation of part above plus renal pelvis and calyces lead to________________________

11. Oesophagus is average_______ _________________ cm in an adult male

12. Four major Parts of Stomachare


13. Pyloric opening of the stomach lies at level__________________

14. Piriform-shaped sac lying in its fossa in visceral surface of liveris_____ _________
15. The area of the surface of the trunk between the thighs and the buttocks, extending
from the coccyx to the pubisis_______________________________

16. _________ _______________lies on the lateral surface. It is a deep, cup-shaped structure

that articulates with the head of the femur.

17. Linea terminalis is used as a boundary to divide the pelvis into____________

___________________ and_____________________________..

18. _____________ _____________________________ a mature female pelvis that is well

adapted for parturition, overall shape is round, shallow, and open.

19. ____________ __________________________The widest diameter across the pelvic brim, it

is about 13cm in females and 12.5cm in males.

20. The ____________ ____________________________is the terminal part of the large

intestine. It extends from the superior aspect of the pelvic diaphragm to the anus

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