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Preliminary Examination

Std: Science (12th) Subject: Biology Time: 3 Hours

Date : Max Marks: 70

Section A (MCQ & VSA 1 MARKS Questions)

Q.1 Select and write the correct answer: 1


( Hair like projections called----------- which guide the pollen tube towards the egg.
i (a) Funicle (b) embryo sac
) (c) egg apparatus (d) filiform apparatus

( During expiration ________ contracts.

ii (a) Thorax (b) Ribs
) (c) Lungs (d) Sternum

(i Which condition is NOT helpful when the sperms moving towards oviducts through the uterus.
ii (a) Contraction of uterine wall
) (b) The slimy secretion of oviduct wall
(c) The vestibular secretion of female inhibits sperm motility.
(d) contraction of vagina passage

(i _______ include carbon sequestration, predation, waste decomposition and detoxification.

v (a) Provisioning services
) (b) Cultural services
(c) Regulating services
(d) Supporting services

( Mineral ion concentration which reduces the dry weight of tissues by________.
v (a) 50% (b) 100% (c) 25% (d) 10%

( The term “terror of Bengal’ is used for ___________.

v (a) algal bloom (b) water hyacinth
i) (c) increased BOD (d) eutrophication

(v An assembladge of individuals of different species living in the same habitat and having functional
ii) interactions is ________.
(a) Biotic community (b) Ecological Niche
(c) Population (d) ecosystem

(vi The second trophic level in a lake is ________________

ii) (a) Phytoplankton (b) Zooplankton
(c) Benthos (d) Fishes

(i Generally there may be one or many____ in a region.

x (a) Biodiversity
) (b) Ecosystem
(c) Genetic diversity

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(d) Species diversity

( Parasites that feed on the external surface of the host organism are called______.
x (a) Brood parasites. (b) Ectoparasites
) (c) Endoparasites (d) Prey

Q.2 Answer the following: 8

( What is Nebula?

( Discuss the importance of genetic engineering in modern biotechnology.


(i Lower organisms such as Yeast, Chlamydomonas carry out reproduction by asexual and sexual
ii methods. Which is the more common method followed by them?

(i Odd one out based on respiratory organ

v Salamanders, Spiders, Fish, Limulus

( Fill in the blanks:

v The hormone produced by the testis is ………………..

( Define : Commensalism

(v Calcitonin is secreted by ________.


(vi Give the advantages of unleaded petrol in automobile as fuel.


Section B (SA I - 2 MARKS EACH)

Attempt any Eight: 1


Q.3 Write short note on DNA packaging in eukaryotic cell.

Q.4 Give the name of causal organism of syphilis and write on its symptoms.

Q.5 Give scientific reason: Human heart is called as myogenic and autorhythmic.

Q.6 Give reason - Injury to medulla oblongata may prove fatal.

Q.7 Would you consider wings of butterfly and bat as homologous or analogous and why?

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Q.8 In the process of rDNA technology, if two separate restriction enzymes are used to cut vector and
donor DNA then which problem will arise in the formation of rDNA or chimeric DNA? Explain.

Q.9 Identify and Labelled the diagram.

Q.1 Study the figure of stratification of plants in forest and label the marked portion (A,B,C and D)

Q.1 Define and explain term: Biopiracy


Q.1 Krishna was going to school and on the way he saw a major bus accident. His heart beat increased
2 and hands and feet become cold. Name the part of the nervous system that had a role to play in this

Q.1 Tropical regions exhibit species richness as compared to polar regions. Justify.

Q.1 Explain the properties of a good or ideal cloning vector for rDNA technology.

Section C (SA II - 3 MARKS EACH)

Attempt any Eight: 2


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Q.1 What is adaptive radiation? Explain with suitable example.

Q.1 What is biogas? Write in brief about the production process.


Q.1 Explain the stages involved in the maturation of microspore into male gametophyte.

Q.1 How is blood kept moving in the large veins of the legs?

Q.1 Explain the chromosomal theory of inheritance.


Q.2 What will be the effect of thyroid gland atrophy on the human body?

Q.2 Give an account of mutation breeding with examples.


Q.2 Root tip showing root hair zone


Q.2 Describe three devices by which cross pollination is encouraged in Angiosperms by avoiding self
3 pollination.

Q.2 Why is it advantageous to breathe through the nose than through the mouth?

Q.2 Describe in brief an account of disorders of the thyroid.


Q.2 Write note on –PKU


Section D (SA II - 4 MARKS EACH)

Attempt any Three: 1


Q.2 Describe the phases of menstrual cycle and their hormonal control.

Q.2 Which pathways involved in water absorption?


Q.2 Describe the process of translation in protein synthesis.


Q.3 In your view, what motivates the youngsters to take to alcohol or drugs and how can this be
0 avoided?

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Q.3 Explain in detail about mineral absorption.

-------- All the Best --------

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