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of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-032

MCA (Revised)
tr) Term-End Examination
O December, 2011



Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Classify each of the following relationship 5

as either a class, an instance of a class,
inheritance relationship, an aggregation
relationship, association relationship.

(i) Person - Student

(ii) Car - Driver

(iii) Class - Student

(iv) Computer - Keyboard

(v) Vehicle

(b) Draw a state diagram of a process state 5

(a program in the running state).

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(c) A Computer Science Department wants to
schedule meetings. There may be different
kinds of meetings as School Board Meeting,
faculty meeting, print committee meeting
and budget planning committee meetings.
There is a list of members along with their
addresses and other details about different
meetings schedule of meeting needs booking
of a conference room, fixing date and time
and informing members through e-mail/
telephone. Members are also paid
honorarium and transport allowances for
attending meeting. Do the following tasks
for the above system.

(i) Draw a class diagram 5

(ii) Draw an object diagram 5
(iii) Draw a use case diagram 4
(iv) Draw a generalization and 6
association diagrams.

(d) How do you map external and conceptual

schemes of RDBMS inform of object
models ?

(e) Discuss any option for mapping one to 4

many associations to table.

MCS-032 2
2. Differentiate between the followings with
examples : 4x5=20
(a) Collaboration diagram and an interaction
(b) Generalization and inheritance
(c) Class diagram and object diagram
(d) Conceptual scheme and external scheme

3. (a) Define the following terms : 5x2=10

(i) Integrity constraints
(ii) Abstract class
(iii) Metaclass
(iv) Data Flow Diagram
• (v) Data Dictionary

(b) Draw an instance diagram for part of your 5


(c) Write DFD for issuing out a book from a

Library and returning a book to the library.
4. (a) A and B are starting a paying guest
accommodation scheme in a small town.
They will have three bedrooms for guests.
They want a system to manage the
reservation and to monitor expenses and
profits When a customer calls for
reservation, they will check the calendar
and if there is a vacancy, they will enter the

MCS-032 3 P.T.O.
customer name, address, phone number,
dates, agreed upon price, credit card
number and room number (s). Reservation
must be guaranteed by 1 day's payment.
Identify all the objects and draw an object
model. 3+5=8

(b) Define state charts. Explain the two 4

strategies to implement it.

(c) What is an event in UML ? 3

(d) Draw an activity diagram for on-line 5

reservation of a Railway ticket.

5. (a) What is multiplicity association ? Explain 5

with example.

(b) What are the steps in constructing a 6

functional model ? Explain through an

(c) What are the advantages of two way 5

association ? How do you implement
association of objects.

(d) What is the serialization ? Where it is used 4

and why ?

MCS-032 4
No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-032

MCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
-• December, 2012
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) What are the benefits of object oriented 5

methodology in real life applications ?
(b) Briefly explain each elements of state 5
diagram w.r.t. dynamic modeling.
(c) Patient can arrange and cancel
appointment with physician using
schedules ? Physician decides to prescribe
medication for patient. Physician specifies
drug Info : medication name, dosage
amount, number doses & refills. Computer
cross checks for conflicts between
medication and current medications/
medical History prescription forwarded
Electronically to pharmacy or else printed
for patient.
(i) Draw a class diagram. Add 6
operations, attributes and relationship
with navigation and multiplicity.

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(ii) Draw an activity diagram. 5
(iii) Draw the DFD diagram. 4
(iv) Draw an association and inheritance 6
(v) Draw state diagram. 4
(d) How do we use packages in UMC ? 5

2. Differentiate Between : 5x4=20

(a) Encapsulation and information hiding
(b) Links and association
(c) Communication diagram and deployment
(d) Cohesion & coupling.

3. (a) Write short note on : 2x5=10

(i) Inheritance adjustment
(ii) Concurrency
(iii) DBMS keys
(iv) Encapsulation
(v) Data binding
(b) Draw an use case diagram of health care 5
(c) What is the benefit of two way association ? 5

4. (a) For a library management system, make 10

analysis model, design model and
construction model.

MCS-032 2
(b) Differentiate between messages & signalling. 5
(c) What are the consequences of 5
implementation environment ?

5. (a) What is architecture of UMC ? How many 10

types of diagrams are used in UMC ?
Explain each.
(b) How to represent parallel activities in 5
acitivity diagram ?
(c) What are the basic key aspects of object 5
oriented solution ?

MCS-032 3
No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS:032

MCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination

December, 2013


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Draw a state diagram for the submission of 10

an examination form. Following are some
of the considerations :

(i) All the assignments pertaining to the

semester needs to be submitted
within the due date.

(ii) Demand draft for all the courses to be

approved need to be taken
(@ Rs.60/- per course).

(iii) Examination form need to be filled up.

(iv) It should be verified by the Study

Centre Coordinator.

(v) The attested form should be submitted

to the Regional centre concerned.

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(b) Draw a component diagram for an ATM. 10
(c) With the help of illustration for each, explain 10
the following w.r.t. Decomposition :
(i) Process-oriented decomposition
(ii) Object-oriented decomposition
(d) Describe the factors that contributes to the 10
"Design Optimization".

2. (a) Draw a D.F.D. for "Library Management 10

System at any Regional Centre of IGNOU".
Assumptions can be made wherever
necessary. Draw the DFD's till level -2.
(b) Discuss the following w.r.t. the 10
unidirectional Implementation in a class
diagram :
(i) Optional Association
(ii) Associations with multiplicity

3. (a) Draw an object model for the payment 10

process involved in a sales order system.
Conventional notation for diagram should
be followed.
(b) Explain, with the help of a diagram 10
extended to three schema architecture for
object models.

MCS-032 2
4. (a) Draw a collaboration diagram for the 10
Inventory Control System.
(b) Explain how the integrity constraints are 10
applied in the Object Oriented Model.

5. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Advantages and disadvantages of GOAD
(b) Metaclass and metadata
(c) Mapping Generalizations to tables
(d) Deployment diagram
(e) Composite States

MCS-032 3
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-032

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2014


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any
three questions from the rest.

1. (a) Is there any relationship between

DFD and ERD ? Discuss with the help of a
suitable example. 5

(b) What are the various models developed in

UML ? Which model is most important ?
Give suitable reasons in support of your
answer. 5

(c) Explain the use of constraints in functional

model, with the help of suitable examples. 5

(d) What is a composition and what is its

relation with aggregation ? 5

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(e) Draw Instance diagram for the following
undirected graph, where el, e2, e3, e4, e5
are the edges connecting the vertices v1, v2,
v3 and V4. 5

(f) What functions are important to include in

usecase diagram ? Explain through an
example. 5

(g) A department wants to schedule meetings.

There may be various kinds of meetings
such as, meetings related to purchase
committee, syllabus design committee etc.
There is a list of members along with their
addresses, for different meetings.
Scheduling of meeting needs a room of
sufficient size at a defined date and time.
The members are informed through emails.
Prepare a class diagram for the given
scenario. 10

MCS-032 2
2. (a) Justify that "Aggregation is a special form
of Association." Use suitable example to
justify your answer. 7

(b) Prepare a state diagram for online

chatting, considering the concurrency
control. 6

(c) What is polymorphism ? Explain the

different types of polymorphism, with
suitable examples. 7

3. (a) What is a collaboration diagram ? What is

the importance of a collaboration diagram ?
Draw a collaboration diagram for railway
ticket reservation system. 7

(b) What is the utility of usecase diagram ?

Explain various notations used in usecase
diagram. Create a usecase diagram for
Bank ATM system.

(c) Write short notes on any two of the

following : 6

(i) Integrity Constraints

(ii) Concurrent Environment

(iii) Deployment Diagram and its use

MCS-032 3 P.T.O.
4. Differentiate between the following : 5x4=20
(a) Link and Reference
(b) Generalization and Specialization
(c) Sequence diagram and Collaboration
(d) Functional modelling and Dynamic
(e) Composition and Association

5. (a) How do you map ternary association to

table ? Illustrate. 5

(b) What is persistency ? Explain with an

example. How can persistent data be
identified ? 5
(c) Explain, giving an example, how
"rearranging the execution order of the
activities" will affect the efficiency of the
system. 5
(d) Compare and contrast the RDBMS with
object oriented database. 5

MCS-032 4 11,000
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-032

cV MCA (Revised)

t•-• Term-End Examination

0 June, 2011



Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) Classify each of the following relationship 5

as either a class, an instance of a class,
inheritance relationship, an aggregation or
association relationship.
(i) Employee
(ii) Computer Science Department
(iii) University - Teacher
(iv) Father - Son
(v) Book - Copy
(b) Draw a state diagram for a graphical user 5
interface that has main menu, a file menu,
with a file open command and quit
commands at each menu. Assume that one
file can be open at a time.

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(c) An university wants to computerize its
admission process. The system should
accept application (on-line) for different
kinds of programs offered during the
admission cycle, verify the eligibility criteria,
offer admission letter accept fee through
draft /cash/credit cards, allocate study
centre dispatch course materials, you can
make more assumptions.
Perform the following tasks for this system.
(i) Draw a class diagram 5
(ii) Draw an object diagram 5
(iii) Draw an use case diagram 4
(iv) Draw a generalization and an 6
association diagram.
(d) How do you map object classes in the form 5
of tables ?
(e) What is persistence ? How will you make 5
your data persistent ?

2. Differentiate between the followings with

examples : 4x5=20
(a) Generalization and Specialization
(b) Aggregation and Association
(c) A sequence diagram and a collaboration
(d) Data flow and State diagram

MCS-032 2
3. (a) Define the following terms : 5x2=10
(i) Object identity
(iii) Polymorphism
(iv) Deployment diagram
(v) Multiplicity
(b) Draw a class diagram for a simple 5
arithmetic expression.
(c) Draw a Data Flow Diagram (DFD Level 1 5
and Level 0) for the problem defined in
Question'1 (c).

4. (a) A tourist company has many branches

across the country. It also has tie up with
top hotels, restaurants and holiday resorts
to provide different types of services to its
customers (both foreign and national). It
also provides on-line registration facility.
The payment can be accepted through a
credit card, cheque as well as cash (both
national and foreign currency). Booking is
done during the tourist season (June and
December). The company gives 20%
discount in case the booking is done in a
group (not less then 10). Identify all objects
and draw an object diagram. 3+5=8

MCS-032 3 P.T.O.
(b) What is the use of object IDs ? Explain. 4
(c) Explain how do you will find actors in a 3
(d) What is activity diagram ? Draw an activity 5
diagram for compression of a file and send
through an e-mail attachment.

5. (a) Draw a sequence diagram for sending an

e-mail to your friend.
(b) What is component diagram ? Show the 5
UML notations for components and
relationship between components.
(c) What are the important design optimization 1+4
issues for a designer ? Discuss an issue in
(d) How do you implement constraints ? 5

MCS-032 4
No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-032

MCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination
June, 2012



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) What are the benefits of object oriented 5

development over structure development.

(b) How one way association is different than 5

two way association.

(c) Microwave oven contains simple control

button which is available for the users of
the oven. If the oven door is closed and a
user pushes the button, the oven will cook
for two minute. If the user pushes the button
at any time when the oven is cooking, the
user gets an additional minute of cooking
time. For e.g if the user has 30 sec more

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
cooking time to go and he pushes the button
twice, the cook time is now for 2 minutes
and 30 seconds. If door of oven is open then
light is on otherwise off.
(i) Draw a class diagram. 5
(ii) Draw an instance diagram. 5
(iii) Draw use case diagram. 5
(iv) Draw sequence diagram. 4
(v) Identify the states and transitions. 6
(d) Create an activity diagram for railway 5
reservation system.

2. Differentiate between the following : 5x4=20

(a) Static binding and dynamic binding
(b) Generalization and aggregation
(c) Attributes and behaviour
(d) Packages and subsystems
(e) Dynamic model and functional model

3. (a) Write short notes on : 2x5=10

(i) Meta classes
(ii) Association class
(iii) Object constraint language
(iv) Derived attributes
(v) Persistency

MCS-032 2
(b) Why do we use integrity constraints in 5
relational database management system.
Justify your answer with appropriate
(c) What is state diagram ? Draw the state 5
diagram for 'Issue of Book'.

4. (a) Explain how DFD are designed in an object 14

oriented approach. Discuss it with teaching
learning system.
(b) Explain probe in sequential diagram. 6

5. (a) Explain major features of UML. 5

(b) Why we need of approach object oriented 5
decomposition ?
(c) What is inheritance ? How we can 5
incorporate inheritance adjustment in object
oriented methodology ?
(d) Briefly explain the concept of collaboration 5

MCS-032 3
No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-032
MCA (Revised)
o Term-End Examination

O June, 2014


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) A general store wants to automate its

inventory . It has points of sales terminals
that can record all of the items and the
respective quantities, that a customer
purchased. It has another terminal in the
loading dock to handle arriving shipments
from suppliers. It has one more terminal to
enter losses due to spoilage.
Referring to above scenario, perform
following tasks :
(i) Find out list of objects 5
(ii) Draw Class diagram 5
(iii) Draw Object diagram 5
(iv) Draw Usecase diagram 5
(Note : Make assumptions, wherever necessary)
(b) Explain basic implementation strategy for 5
a state chart giving an example.

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(c) Give two disadvantages of both, structured 5
analysis and object oriented analysis
(d) Explain the steps the designer should take 5
to adjust inheritance , in an object oriented
design with an example.
(e) What are associations ? How can we 5
implement them in C++/Java? Explain with
suitable example /code.

2. (a) Prepare an event trace diagram for 10

withdrawing, checking balance and
transferring money in the bank using ATM
(b) What is object oriented modelling ? Why it 10
is scalable ? Explain the role of message
passing in object oriented system.

3. (a) Prepare a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for 10

computing the volume and surface area of
a cylinder. Inputs are height and radius of
the cylinder. Outputs are volume and
surface area. Discuss the different ways to
implement the DFD.
(b) What do you mean by good software 10
design ? How you will identify that the
object oriented design of a software is good
or bad ? How does software design influence
the implementation part ? Give suitable
example in support of your answer.

4. (a) What is the need of design optimization in 8

object oriented system ? Explain the various
ways through which object oriented system
be made efficient.

MCS-032 2
(b) Prepare an instance diagram for the 8
expression 2—
X+ — 3 + Y. Paranthesis
are used in the expression for grouping but
are not needed in the diagram.
(c) What do you mean by object ID ? What are 4
its advantages ?

5. (a) What is concurrency ? Explain the issues 7

involved in identifying the concurrency in
a system with an example.
(b) Explain the steps involved in implementing 7
persistence in object oriented system.
(c) Briefly describe the following : 6
(i) Different models in UML
(ii) Association and its types
(iii) Multiplicity and its types

MCS-032 3
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-032

MCA (Revised)

Term-End Examination

December, 2018


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Identify class, objects, instance,

generalization, association and inheritance : 5

(i) University School of Studies

(ii) School of School of Computer
Studies and Information
(iii) Teacher Student
(iv) Computer

(v) Student — M.Tech. Student

(b) Draw a state diagram for cancellation of a

railway ticket. 5
MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(c) In XYZ Bank, the employees working in
the bank are categorized as managers and
associates. The main services provided by
the bank are home loan, personal loan,
account opening and closing, deposit,
withdrawal of money and issuing and
renewal of debit cards. The bank wants to
computerize the entire operation. Draw the
following diagrams in order to computerize
the system :

(i) Use-case diagram 4

(ii) Class diagram 6

(iii) Object diagram 6

(iv) Sequence diagram 4

(d) What is serialization ? Where is it used and

why ? 6

(e) Differentiate between a Sequence diagram

and a Collaboration diagram. 4

2. (a) Explain the following terms with

appropriate example : 6

(i) Weak typing

(ii) Persistency
MCS-032 2
(b) What is concurrency ? How is it identified ?
What are the issues, mechanisms and
methods to manage concurrency ? 9

(c) What is a component diagram ? Show the

UML notations for components and
relationship between components. 5

3. (a) What is an activity diagram ? Draw an

activity diagram for online purchasing of a
smart phone. 6

(b) What is the difference between 1-way and

2-way association ? Explain an approach to
implement 2-way association. 9

(c) Draw a generalization hierarchy of

automobile class. 5

4. (a) Draw an object model to give a broader

view of a University system, which offers
online courses. 8

(b) How do you map object classes in the form

of tables ? Illustrate through an example. 8

(c) What is the use of object IDs ? Explain. 4

MCS-032 3 P.T.O.
5. (a) Draw a use-case diagram for a typical flight
cancellation system. Identify actors. 5

(b) How are constraints defined and

implemented ? 5

(c) What is functional modelling ? What are

the advantages of functional modelling ?
Draw a functional model using DFD for
withdrawing amount from a bank account. 10

MCS-032 4 6,000
No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-032

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
June, 2013


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) With appropriate examples and diagrams 10

for each, explain the following Modeling

(i) Object Modeling

(ii) Dynamic Modeling

(b) AVR movies offers the sale of tickets online

from every Friday to next Thursday. You
can book the tickets online, payments can
be made through credit/ debit cards. You
would be given a transaction ID (which you
should remember) after the transaction was
done sucessfully. While collecting the ticket
from the counter just before half-an-hour
of any particular show, you have to reveal
the ID along with the credit/ debit card
proof. You'll be issued a ticket.

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
Perform the following tasks for the above
mentioned procedure :
(i) Draw a class diagram 5
(ii) Draw a object diagram 5
(iii) Draw association diagram 5
(iv) Draw an Activity diagram 5
(c) With the help of an example, explain the 10
Concurrency Identification concept for the
real life objects.

2. (a) "Object design is a very iterative process in 10

which several classes, relationships between
objects, are added when you move from one
level to another level of the design". Explain
all the steps in detail to be followed for the
Object Design.
(b) Draw a DFD for the student admission/ 10
registration process for a new programme
at IGNOU. Assumptions can be made
wherever necessary. Draw the DFD's till
level - 2.

3. (a) With the help of an illustration for each, 10

discuss the following :
(i) Mapping object classes to tables
(ii) Mapping associations to tables
(b) Define persistent data. How to identify 5
persistent data ?
(c) Define serialization. Where it can be used 5
and why ?

MCS-032 2
4. (a) Draw an instance diagram for s = p+ q/ t. 5
(b) With the help of an appropriate example, 10
explain how the associations are
implemented as classes.
(c) List and describe the elements of a State 5

5. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Referential and Domain Integrity 5x4=20
(b) Multiple Inheritance
(c) Collaboration diagram
(d) Signals, cells, Passing of time and change in
State in VML
(e) Factors to be considered for Design
optimization of an object.

MCS-032 3
No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCS-032

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
072706 June, 2018


Time : 3 'hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Identify the class, objects, instance,

generalization, association and inheritance.
(i) Furniture — Table
(ii) Father — Daughter
(iii) Faculty
(iv) Computer — Mouse
(v) Person — Student

(b) Draw a state diagram for borrowing a book

from a library. For issuing a book, a valid
library card is required. At a time not more
than two books can be issued. The reserved
books cannot be issued. 5

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(c) A hospital wants a computerized system to
manage patients' appointments, maintain
their medical records, keep payment
records and generate reports. Both doctors
and patients are reminded one day in
advance through SMS/e-mail about the
appointment. The appointment can be
fixed by on-line/off-line mode. When the
patient makes a call for an appointment,
the receptionist will check the schedule as
per the earlier date. Perform the following
tasks :
(i) Draw a use-case diagram. 4
(ii) Draw a class diagram. 6
(iii) Draw an object diagram. 6
(iv) Draw the sequence diagram. 4

(d) What is Abstraction ? Explain with the

help of an example. 4

(e) In object oriented design, what steps must

be taken by the designer to design
association ? Explain association with the
help of a UML diagram. 6

2. (a) How are generalization, specialization and

inheritance closely related ? Explain. 7
(b) How is a functional model related to object
and dynamic model ? 8
(c) What are the major features of UML ? 5
MCS-032 2
3. (a) What is a State Diagram ? How are
composite states represented in a state
diagram ? Give an example with suitable

(b) Draw a sequence diagram for withdrawal

of an amount from an ATM. In the ATM,
the user inserts the card, enters his/her
PIN and performs the desired task.

(c) What is the use of inheritance ? How is

inheritance readjusted by rearranging
classes and operations ? 8

4. (a) Explain the concept of delegation. How is it

useful for implementing inheritance ? 6

(b) Draw an activity diagram for a Sales Order

Management System. The sales order
management system includes sending an
order by the customer, confirmation of the
order through the receipt of the order,
checking for condition whether the order is
normal or special, confirmation of the order
processing and finally dispatch of the order
and raising the bill. 6

(c) Write two main aspects of implementing

association. Explain bidirectional and
unidirectional association with an example
for each. 8
MCS-032 3 P.T.O.
5. (a) Draw a generalization hierarchy of
Employee class. 6

(b) Mention the purpose of object diagrams

and deployment diagrams. Also draw and
explain the appropriate deployment
diagram for an Online Admission System.
The purpose of the online admission
system is to automate the online student
admission process. It also maintains
students' personal details, academic
records, payment details and generates

(c) What is Persistency ? Explain with an

example, how persistent data are
identified. 6

MCS-032 4 7,000
No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-032

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Define student object responsibility in an

MCA program C++ laboratory. 5

(b) What is inheritance ? Explain the different

types of inheritance by giving examples. 5

(c) A department wants to schedule meetings.

There may be various kinds of meetings
such as purchase committee, syllabus
committee, etc. There is a list of members
along with their address for different
meetings. Members are distinct for
different meetings. Scheduling of meeting
needs a room of sufficient size, date and
time. The members are informed through
an e-mail.

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(i) Draw a class diagram. 5
(ii) Draw a state diagram. 5
(iii) Draw a use-case diagram. 5
(iv) Draw a sequence diagram. 4
(v) Identify the states and transitions. 6
(d) Draw an activity diagram for booking
ticket (e-booking) for a flight from Delhi to
Mumbai. 5

2. Differentiate between the following : 5x4=20

(i) Class and Object
(ii) Relational database and Object oriented
(iii) Mapping Many to Many association vs
Ternary association
(iv) Component diagram and Deployment
(v) Interaction diagram and Sequence diagram

3. (a) Write short notes on the following : 4x2— =10

(i) Dynamic Model
(ii) One-to-One Association
(iii) Transient Classes
(iv) Object ID

(b) Explain how constraints are implemented

in object oriented systems.
(c) What is message passing ? Explain two
significant benefits of message passing.

4. (a) What do you understand by 'Object
Orientation' ? Explain the advantages of
object oriented approach of system design
over structured approach of system design. 10
(b) What is DFD ? Draw a DFD for a General
Store Management System. Make
necessary assumptions, wherever required. 10

5. (a) Explain the terms reusability and

extendability. Also explain how they are
used in object oriented system, with the
help of an example. 5

(b) What is generalization ? Draw a diagram

for representing hierarchy of different
types of vehicles. 5

(c) Create a class for Saving Account in a bank

and map this class into a database table. 10

MCS-032 3 14,000
No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-032 I

MCA (Revised)

0 -1 r Term-End Examination
December, 2016


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Read the situation given below :

"A University wants to computerise its
admission process. The system should accept
online applications for different programmes
offered during respective admission cycles.
Further, the system is also desired to verify
the eligibility criteria, offer admission letter,
accept fee through draft/cash/credit cards,
allocate study centre and dispatch ID cards
to the students."
Perform the following for this system : 20
(i) Draw Class diagram.
(ii) Draw Object diagram.
(iii) Draw Use case diagram.
(iv) Draw Data flow diagram.

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(b) Draw State diagram for online reservation
of Railway tickets. 5
(c) Define Integrity constraints. Explain the
types of Integrity constraints. 5
(d) Among the models, Object model,
Functional model and Dynamic model,
which model is the most important and
why ? Give suitable justification for your
answer. 5
(e) Briefly discuss the term persistence. How
can you make your data persistent ? 5

2. Differentiate between the following : 4x5=20

(a) Object Oriented Databases and Relational
(b) Dynamic modeling and Functional
(c) Generalization and Specialization
(d) Aggregation and Association

3. Discuss the following terms with suitable

examples : 4x5=20
Deployment diagram
Sequence diagram
Activity diagram
Collaboration diagram

What do you understand by the term

Association in the UML diagram. Briefly
describe various types of Associations
available in UML. 5
(b) Show the process of mapping ternary
associations to tables, through an example. 5
MCS-032 2
(c) What do you understand by the term
`Serialization' ? Where is it required and
why ? 5
(d) What is concurrency ? Explain the issues
involved in identifying the concurrency in a
system with suitable example. 5

5. (a) How does good software design differ from

bad software design ? You are required to
critically comment on the role of UML
models in software designing.
(b) Briefly discuss two disadvantages of both
structured analysis and object oriented
analysis approach.
(c) Draw a sequence diagram for sending an
e-mail to your friend.
(d) What is a system ? How is a model
different from a system ? Explain briefly.

MCS-032 3 8,500
No. of Printed Pages : 3 MCS-032

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
1 096 June, 2016



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three
questions from the rest.

1. (a) What are Associations in UML ? flow are

Associations implemented in C++/Java ?
Explain with suitable example/code.

(b) Explain the role of message passing in

object oriented system. 5

(c) Briefly discuss the need of design

optimization in object oriented systems.
List the ways through which the object
oriented systems design can be optimized. 5
(d) What is the utility of Object ID in object
oriented systems ? 5
(e) What are the steps involved in
implementing persistence in object
oriented systems ? 5

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
(f) Draw a state diagram for online
submission of examination form. 5
(g) Draw an activity diagram for compressing
a file and sending it through an email, as
an attachment. 5
(h) Discuss the role of Object model and
Dynamic model in object oriented
modelling. 5

2. Differentiate between the following : 4x5=20

(a) Collaboration Diagram and Interaction
(b) Static binding and Dynamic binding
(c) Packages and Subsystem
(d) Abstract class and Concrete class

3. Discuss the following, with suitable examples : 4x5=20

(a) Integrity constraints and its types
(b) Multiple Inheritance
(c) UML state diagram
(d) Serialization

4. (a) What do you understand by the term

"Concurrency" ? Which model is perfect
enough to describe concurrency in a UML
diagram and why ? When can you say that
two objects are concurrent ? Briefly
describe any two concurrency issues. 10
(b) Briefly discuss the advantages of two-way
(c) How are constraints implemented in object
oriented languages ? Give an example/code
in support of your answer.
MCS-032 2
5. (a) What is object oriented decomposition of
systems ? Explain briefly. 5
(b) Draw a DFD for computing the volume of a
sphere. Input is radius of the sphere and
output is volume of the sphere. 5
(c) Write short notes on the following : 5x2.10
(i) Use Case Diagram
(ii) Class Diagram
(iii) Inheritance Adjustment
(iv) Metaclass
(v) Data Dictionary

MCS-032 3 7,000
No. of Printed Pages : 2 I MCS 032 I

MCA (Revised)
Term End Examination

June, 2017

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) What are the benefits of Object Oriented

Methodology in real life applications ?
Briefly explain each element of the state
diagram with respect to dynamic modeling. 10

(b) What is concurrency Explain how

concurrency is identified in a system. How
will you manage concurrency in an "Online
Railway Reservation, System" ? Explain
with the help of a diagram. 10

(c) Draw the state chart diagram for an

"Online Banking System". Also explain the
states in this diagram. 10

(d)Draw the class diagram for an "Online

Examination System". Make necessary
assumptions. 10
MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
2. Differentiate between the following with
examples : 4x5=20
(a) Specialization and Generalization
(b) Package and Subsystem
(c) SAD and GOAD
(d) Relational Database and Object Oriented

3. (a) Draw DFDs (level 0 and level 1) for a

"Library Information System". 10
(b) What are the different types of models
used in the case of Object Oriented
Modeling ? Explain briefly. 10

4. (a) Explain the process of storing persistent

data in object oriented systems. Also
explain the use of object identities in this
context. 10
(b) How is a one-to-many association different
from a one-to-one association ? Explain
how associations are implemented as
classes, with the help of an example. 10

5. (a) How are the events happening between

objects controlled ? Explain with the help of
an example. 10
(b) Draw a sequence diagram for sending an
e-mail. 10

MCS-032 2 3,500
No. of Printed Pages : 2 I MCS-032
MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination
December, 2017


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question no. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three

questions from the rest.

1. (a) Explain the concept of objects with an

example. Also, explain the differences
between aggregation and generalization. 10

(b) Explain any two types of integrity

constraints. How do we implement the
concept of association ? Explain with an
example. 10

(c) Draw a state diagram for a Railway

Reservation System and explain the
sequence of states in the diagram. 10

(d) Explain dynamic modeling with the help of

an example and diagram. 10

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
2. (a) Explain the process of storing a persistent
object in the case of an object oriented
database with the help of an example. 10

(b) Draw DFDs (Level-0 and Level-1) for a

"Hotel Management System". 10

3. (a) Briefly explain any four UML structural

diagrams. 10

(b) Explain four shortcomings in the

structured approach of system design,
which are addressed by object oriented
design. 10

4. (a) How do you map ternary associations to

tables ? Explain with an example. 10

(b) What is an Activity Diagram ? Draw an

activity diagram for email encryption. 10

5. (a) What is Aggregation ? Why is it called a

special kind of association ? Explain with
the help of an example. 10

(b) What is Generalization ? Explain how

generalizations are mapped to tables, with
the help of an example. 10

MCS-032 2 7,500
No. of Printed Pages : 3 I MCS-032 I

MCA (Revised)
Term-End Examination

0E1482 June, 2015



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Question number 1 is compulsory. Attempt any

three questions from the rest.

1. (a) Explain the ternary association with the

help of an example. 5

(b) Explain the Object Oriented System

development approach in brief. 5

(c) A simple digital watch has a display and

two buttons : A Button and B Button. The
watch has two modes of operation, display
time and set time. In the display time
mode, hours and minutes are displayed,
separated by a flashing colon. The set time
mode has two sub-modes, set hours and set
minutes. The A button is used to select
modes. Each time it is pressed, the mode
advances in the sequence : display, set

MCS-032 1 P.T.O.
hours, set minutes, display, etc. Within the
sub-modes, the Button B is used to advance
the hours or minutes once each time it is
pressed. Buttons must be released before
they can generate another event.
(i) Draw a class diagram. 5
(ii) Draw a state diagram. 5
(iii) Draw a use case diagram. 5
(iv) Draw a sequence diagram. 4
(v) Identify the states and transitions. 6
(d) Draw a component diagram for the library
system. 5

2. Differentiate between the following : 5x4=20

(i) Actors and Stakeholders
(ii) Multiple Inheritance and Multilevel
(iii) Structured Analysis and Object Oriented
(iv) Encapsulation and Information Hiding
(v) Aggregation and Generalization

3. (a) Define the following terms, giving at least

one example of each : 4x2 — =10

(i) Polymorphism
(ii) Object Oriented Database
(iii) Code Reusability
(iv) Date Abstraction

MCS-032 2
(b) Enumerate the properties of a well
structured use case, with the help of an
example. 5
(c) The cellular network must place the phone
call correctly, and also schedule the
receiving calls and conference calls.. Draw a
class diagram for cellular network.

4. (a) Explain how activity diagrams are

designed in an object oriented approach.
Also draw an activity diagram for E-mail
encryption. 14
(b) Explain concurrency with synchronization,
in dynamic modeling, using a suitable

5. (a) What is the UML notation for the

following. Explain briefly. 5
(i) Interface
(ii) Aggregation
(b) What is the advantage of two-way
association over one-way association ?
Explain with the help of an example. 5
(c) What do you understand by the term
Association ? Justify that the "Aggregation
relation is a special form of Association
relationship". 10

MCS-032 3 8,000

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