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The following attributes are to be declared only in the local node.

X25 synchronisation
This action is accessed via the menu.
NOT OPERATIONAL: modifications or deletions of the object in progress are then
OPERATIONAL: don't forget to set to operational when all the operations have
- IP (Internet Protocol)

Instance (reserved)
Trunk Group Type
One of the following enumeration (this value cannot be modified):

• Charged NDID
• LIA (tie-line link)
• LIS (manual tie-line)
• SAT (satellite)
• T2 (ISDN T2)
• MIXTE (mixed)
• T0 (ISDN T0)
• DPNSS (only for UK)
• DASS2 (only for UK)

T2 Specificity
Type of transport on T2: Compressed/IP/ATM.

Public Network Ref.

This reference is used for the supervision of trunks on the displays of multi-line sets.

Dialling end to end

This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of all types except DID.
This feature makes it possible to automatically change over end to end signaling when
the respective COS of the user and trunk authorize it.
The transparency is rotary or DTMF according to "DTMF end to end signaling"
DTMF end to end signal.
This attribute is proposed if the following conditions are combined :

• the trunk group is of type NDID, Charging NDID, LIA (Tie Line), LIS (Manual
• the decimal end to end signaling must be on YES.

This feature makes it possible to automatically change over DTMF transparency

(DTMF end to end signaling), when the respective COS of the user and trunk
authorize it.

Paying Incoming Calls

Attribute proposed with the trunk group of type NDID and Charging NDID, DASS2.
YES : in case of paying incoming communication, a message is displayed on the
digital station..

TS Permanently assigned
Attribute proposed with trunk groups of type private NDID, private Charging NDID,
private NDID MIXED), LIA (Tie Line), LIS (Manual Tie Line), SAT.
YES : a TS (Time Slot) is permanently allocated to each inter-automatic and inter-
standard trunk.

Min. Nb.of digits on seize

This attribute is proposed if the following conditions are combined :

• the trunk group is of type private NDID (see private trunk group attribute) ,
private Charging NDID, private DASS2 , LIA (Tie Line),
• the public network translator attribute has not been on YES (see this attribute).

The user will be connected to the outgoing trunk as soon as their dialing has reached
the number of digits required.

Signal.with access code

Attribute proposed with trunk groups of type LIA (Tie Line) and without "paging"
(see paging trunk group attribute).
YES : the system sends a code specifying the functioning requested (telephone or
DATA). If the code sent is the DATA code, the set-up is then transmitted. The remote
party must be compatible and know how to interpret this access code.

Trunk group used in DISA

This attribute is proposed with the trunk groups of all types except LIS (Manual Tie


If this trunk group is in paging mode or in transcom mode, this attribute must
not be on YES.
YES: this trunk group can be used in over-dialing.

DISA Secret Code

This attribute is proposed on trunk groups of all types except for LIS (Manual Tie
Line) and only if the "trunk group used in DISA" attribute is set to YES.
Concerning this, see "signaling with password".
Also see PHONE SERVICES : DISA Directory Number

VG for non-existent No.

This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of all types except LIS (Manual Tie Line)
and SAT.
YES : calls to non-existent numbers are switched to a speaking guide or to tone 22.
NO : calls to non-existent numbers are switched to the routing number of the trunk

Routing To Executive
This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of any type except LIS (Manual Tie
It is used when the manager has activated the Filtering list : non filtered numbers
operation (see FILTERING TABLE).
YES : the forwarded calls are re-routed to the MANAGER station if there is no
answer on the SECRETARY station.
NO : the forwarded calls are re-routed to the overflow number of the trunk (see
TRUNK ) if there is no reply on the SECRETARY station.

Trunk Category Id
This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of type T0, T2 and must be filled in, in
this case.
It corresponds to the trunk group COS for trunks T0, T2 (for other types, the
equivalent is proposed in the TRUNK table); all trunks (T0, T2) put in this trunk
group will have this COS (see TRUNK COS).

Sending of Progress message

YES: the PROGRESS message of the ISDN protocol is sent.
The installer must know the carrier regulations for certain countries.
The vast majority of operators authorize sending the Progress message (attribute set to
However, in France (T2 France) and Japan for example, the sending of the Progress
message is not authorized (attribute set to NO).

Nb of digits unused (ISDN)

This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of type T0 or T2.
It indicates the number of digits to be removed from the beginning of the number, in
order to keep the end digits useful for analysis in DID ISDN.
Example for France : in DID, the last four digits only are used by the system ; out of
10 digits of the complete public number (e.g. : 123456780), the first six digits must
then be removed (e. g. : 123456), in order to keep the digits useful for analysis (e.g. :
The default value is 0.
The value 255 is used to route the call to the data of the trunk group entity without
preliminary translation of the received dialling
Use of value 255 for BMI

B Channel Choice
Attribute proposed with trunk groups of type T0, T2.
It concerns the negotiation of B channel proposed by the system.
YES :Channel B is preferred.
NO :channel B is not preferred (position when initialized)

Channels Reserved By Attend.

This attribute is possible with trunk groups of type T0, T2, DPNSS, DASS2.
It indicates the number of B channels that the attendant can reserve for themselves
(By default 0).

Dissuasion For ACD

This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of all types except LIS (Manual Tie Line)
and SAT.
YES : as soon as the dissuasion condition has been reached (case of saturation), the
dissuasion film is sent.
NO : despite the condition of dissuasion reached, the external call is put in a waiting

DTO joining
This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of all types, except DPNSS and DASS2.
YES : The release of 2 network joined trunks is done by the detection of the busy

Enquiry Call On B Channel

Attribute proposed with trunk groups of type T0.
This attribute allows the B channel to be reused for consultation calls (according to

DDI Mode
Attribute proposed with trunk groups of type DASS2.
YES : DID mode.

Automated Attendant
This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of type NDID, charging DID, DID, Tie
Line, T2, T0, DASS2.

YES : the trunk group uses the automated attendant (see AUTOMATED

Calling party Rights category

This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of type NDID, charged NDID, DID, LIA
(Tie Line), T2, T0, DASS2.
Each COS (0 to 31) of call rights contains the call authorizations related to the
automatic attendant (see AUTOMATED ATTENDANT RIGHT and AUTOMATED

Entity Number
This number enables a trunk group to be assigned to an entity (see ENTITY):
The external calls coming from this NDID trunk group will be directed according to
the contents in the call distribution table of this entity (see ENTITY : Routing
Numbers) (If the call is directed to an attendant: see also ATTENDANT: Entity Call
Presentation Key ).

TS Overflow
YES: When all the VOICE TSs are busy, the VOICE communications overflow onto
the DATA TSs.
NO: When all the VOICE TSs are busy, the communications are rejected (engaged).
(TSs =Time Slots)

Number To Be Added
The number to add concerns the called number in cases where this numbering is in
conflict with the local numbering. This applies to all types of trunk groups with

Supervised by Routing
For T2 and T0:
YES: a GPA (access point group : cluster x25) is created automatically and associated
to this trunk group.
The automatic creation/destruction of this GPA is done at the same time as the
creation/destruction of the trunk group bus-access.
This attribute can be consulted but not modified.

Access Cluster Id
VPN Cost Limit for Incom.Calls
The following are possible values:

1 to 254 : cost threshold value

-1 : VPN overflow prohibited for all links even if the attribute mandatory
VPN hop (find this attribute in INTER-NODES LINKS-VPN OVERFLOW) is
set at YES
0 : Overflow prohibited except on links where the attribute mandatory VPN
hop (find this attribute in INTER-NODES LINKS-VPN OVERFLOW) is set at
Maximum value: VPN overflow allowed for all calls.
The VPN cost threshold is used during an incoming call rerouted to an ABC-F link in
VPN overflow. It is compared with VPN hop costs (see INTER-NODES LINKS-VPN
If the caller`s cost threshold is lower than the additional VPN hop costs the call is

Immediat Trk Listening For VPNCall

Reminder: During a VPN overflow, the signal is routed via the ABD-F link while the
voice is routed via the public network.
NO: The remote node trunk does not go off-hook until the called party goes off-hook
(no charged communication).
YES: The remote trunk goes off-hook immediately without waiting for the called
party to do so enabling the caller to listen to the line (Voice guides, Automated
attendant, Tone ...).

This attribute gives the IT channel charge allocated to the VPN overflow so as to
avoid too much occupation of channels able to manage normal traffic.
Csta Monitored
YES: the bundle is supervised by an application (CSTA).

Max.% of trunks out CCD

This attribute is used in parallel with the % max. trunks attribute in the TRUNK
LIMITATION object (Application/CCD/Pilot/Trunk limitation).
It is used to set a minimum percentage of trunks for business traffic (other than CCD)
in this bundle.
0 (default value): all the bundle trunks can be used for CCD communications.


For a T2 bundle with 30 trunks, if the maximum percentage of trunks other

than CCD is 10, only 27 trunks can be used for the CCD traffic. This is used to
reserve a certain number of trunks for business traffic (other than ACD).

This means that in CCD, % max. trunks attribute in the TRUNK LIMITATION
object can be used to distribute the remaining 27 trunks amongst the different

If % max. trunks apart from CCD is 100%, no calls can be distributed to a CCD
pilot using this bundle.

Charge Calling And ADN Creation

This attribute is applied to outgoing outside calls via a QSIG T0 or T2 bundle (GF or
BC). It is used to ensure that the charge unit and nds correspond either to the actual
QSIG caller or to a local set by automatic substitution (see Automatic substitution for

• if the call is not in automatic substitution:

• if it is directed to the exterior (bundle): the nds and charged party correspond to
the QSIG caller
• if the call assumes automatic substitution on a local set:
regardless of the call destination (external, local, remote, etc.): the nds and
charged party correspond to the substituted local set and not to the actual caller.

Ratio ISDN tax

This attribute is proposed with trunk groups of type T0, T2 (specific to Australia).
Purpose of this attribute:
The charging is based on analog line pulses. For the charging calculation in ISDN
lines therefore, the number of ISDN pulses must be converted into a number of analog
It represents the ratio (Example 0.33333 for 1/3) between analog charging pulses and
ISDN pulses in the AOC replies (see INSTALLATION, attributes AOC2 and AOC3).
The formula is as follows:
Analog pulses = INTEGER (ISDN analog charging pulse ratio*ISDN pulses + 0.5)
For example if the ratio is 0.33333, for 9 ISDN charging pules the equivalent in
analog pulses will be INTEGER (0.33333*9+0.5) = 3.

Collect Calls Allowed

Specific to Brazil
An 'authorized dde charging' call is a Public call paid for by the called party (from the
PABX) and not the public caller.
This attribute enables this service to be authorized or prohibited to users.
In fact, the PABX is incapable of knowing whether the call is an authorized dde
charging call or not. In case of prohibition from this service, the following happens:
for each call, whatever it`s type, the PABX transmits a signal asking the public
attendant to release the line if the call taking place is an authorized dde charging call.
YES: dde charge calls are authorized for the user. This right depends on the
'authorized dde charging' attribute in PUBLIC NETWORK COS.
NO: dde charging is refused, the release procedure is always carried out for dde
charging type calls.

Priority of Call
This attribute is proposed with the trunk groups of type LIA
If the trunk groups busy and, in the case of an intrusion from a user who has this right,
(see PHONE FEATURES COS - External features -Priority call) a trunk is released
enabling him to carry out his call.

PCM Network Mode

Used in Greece
YES: Network mode (the 4400 is used in public exchange)
NO: User mode (this is the default mode).

This attribute is used to indicate which voice/data TSs are used (excluding the
signaling channel) in the trunk group concerned:
• 1__15_17__31
• 1__30

TS Distribution on Accesses
YES: when there are no more TSs on a virtual channel, move onto the next accesses.

Use Split Acces

Use in very specific cases (E.g. German Police).
Attribute used to secure the use of a T0/T2 access shared by several trunk groups.

Heterogeneous Remote Network

Attribute used for the T2 or T0 trunk groups with IPNS variant (ABC-F).
YES: when the remote network has a heterogeneous numbering plan.

Barring mode
In transit
If it is set on barring (with overflow on wrong number, or with release on wrong
number), this attribute enables barring on outgoing trunk group of calls in transit from
private trunk groups.
Reminder: barring is based on the public network COS (of the private trunk group
carrying the call).
This barring only concerns the calls: :

• from private trunk groups:

o Analog Tie Line,
o Tie Line on PCM,
o private T0, T2 (Attribute Private trunk group on YES), including
• to the outgoing trunk groups associated with an external translator.

If the attribute is set without barring: the call is always authorized.

ARS class of service

The ARS privilege level (0 to 31) is used on a call in transit (irrespective of the
source, public or private) rerouted for comparison with a cost limit. If the cost limit is
greater than or equal to the privilege, the call is rejected (see TRANSLATOR - ARS

Megacom Service
Attributes used by T1 trunks (US).
YES: enables transmission of a Megacom type NWK_SPECIFIC_FACILITY EI (toll-
free number) on an outgoing call.
If the T1 trunk group is managed on the public network side with the Megacom
service (toll-free number), specific information for the outgoing call needs to be
provided in the T1 signaling. If, however, the T1 trunk group is not of this type, this
information should not be sent since it may interfere with the call.

SDN Service
Attributes used by T1 trunks (US).
YES: enables transmission of an SDN type NWK_SPECIFIC_FACILITY EI on an
outgoing call.
If the T1 trunk group is managed on the public network side with the SDN service
(toll-free number), specific information for the outgoing call needs to be provided in
the T1 signaling. If, however, the T1 trunk group is not of this type, this information
should not be sent since it may interfere with the call.

Quality Profile for Voice on IP

This attribute is used to apply the required QOS profile to the user for VoIP calls (the
same parameter is managed on the user side in the operating COS):

• Always VoIP: terminal calls of this type use IP links whenever they can,
regardless of the link QOS.
• Never VoIP: terminal calls of this type never use IP links, regardless of the link
• Profile 1/2/3: terminal calls of this type use IP links whenever they can, if the
link QOS has profile 1/2/3 (respectively) as a minimum. These profiles enable
the quality to be adapted to particular cases and are managed in the IP object -

IP compression type
Possible choice:

• Default = type of compression managed in SYSTEM (FEATURES

• Compressed: G723 (G729 available later)
• Non compressed G711
Use of volume in system
YES: the Volume on boards with compressors attribute of the COMPRESSION
object (in SYSTEM) is used.
NO: Local volume is used (see below).

Local volume (dB)

Local volume is used if Use of volume in system is set to NO.
Local volume (in Decibel) allows a multiplier factor to be injected on the DSP output
of the compression boards. It applies to each compressed communication.

External Access Server

YES: Generation of a CSTA message on the incoming call (POP server)
POP server enables:

• attendant connection
• the access server feature in attendant interconnection mode.

Mcdu Trk MonitCsta

This attribute enables monitoring of the ISDN T2 or T0 trunks by the PC Dispatcher
The PC Dispatcher application is used to manage users, trunk groups and trunks and
to distribute calls to the appropriate managed resources.

IE External Forward

The IE format of the redirecting number to be sent in case of external forwards

Announcement for Dialtone

"Special network" functions
YES: Connection to the 100 voice guide following trunk group seizure
Reminder: "Special network" is an application that offers the following services:

• Attendant trunk supervision

• Name display for ABC trunk groups
• Voice guide connection for incoming or outgoing call on trunk group
This application is specific (developed for Germany).

Announcement for Ringtone

"Special network" function
YES: Connection to voice guide 99 in place of ring back tone.

Reroute Anonymous Calls to Entity

This attribute is used to specifically route anonymous calls to entity

defined in system option Entity Number For Anonymous Calls.

TRUE : Anonymous Calls are routed to entity CDT

FALSE : (Default Value) No Specific rerouting of anonymous Calls

Max ABCF-IP and SIP connections

Maximum number of simultaneous voice connections allowed for this trunk group

('0' means no limitation). This parameter applies only to ABCF-IP and SIP trunk

Called Number Storage

Yes : Displays the Called number on the Calling Set.

No : Displays the TrunkGroup name on the Calling Set.

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