RA1425_Group 8_BSECE-3A

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The Relevance of the Rizal Course in Contemporary Era

Submitted by:
Balaoro, Thryzziah
Bautista, Jose Miguel
Calilan, Lucilyn
Esmejarda, Kurt
Lepon, Aubrey
Pantaleon, Micaela


Submitted to:
Mr. Reggie Soriano

Jose Rizal, born in 1861 in Calamba, Philippines, was a prominent Filipino nationalist
and intellectual. Raised in a family of educators, he excelled academically and studied in Europe,
earning a degree in medicine. Rizal's writings, including the novels "Noli Me Tangere" and "El
Filibusterismo," served as a powerful critique of Spanish colonial oppression, sparking a sense of
national identity among Filipinos. His advocacy for peaceful reform and exposure of social
injustices contributed to the Propaganda Movement. Rizal's tragic execution on December 30,
1896, fueled the flames of the Philippine Revolution and solidified his legacy as a national hero,
symbolizing the Filipinos' struggle for independence.

With his visionary brilliance and unwavering devotion to justice and independence, Jose
Rizal remains a source of inspiration for Filipinos navigating the complexity of today's globe.
His views on nationalism, social justice, and education are not limited to the late nineteenth
century; rather, they provide a timeless foundation for comprehending and tackling
contemporary difficulties. As societies grapple with issues of cultural identity, globalization, and
ethical leadership, the Rizal Course serves as a repository of wisdom, fostering the development
of well-rounded citizens capable of navigating the modern era's multifaceted landscape.

In this era of knowledge, the Rizal Course takes on new relevance, providing not just a
retrospective look at history but also a dynamic investigation of ideas that transcend time.
Contemporary learners may acquire critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and a great feeling of
national pride by studying Rizal's life, writings, and ideas. As we begin on the voyage of the
twenty-first century, the Rizal Course emerges as a vital pillar in the quest for a collective
Filipino identity, guaranteeing that the principles articulated by Rizal continue to reverberate and
guide the nation toward a future distinguished by development, justice, and enlightenment. The
creation of this course is mandated by the Republic Act no. 1425 which was officially signed and
passed on the 12th of June in 1956. Aiming to re-dedicate Filipino people to the ideals of
freedom and nationalism for which our heroes lived and died, honor Jose Rizal’s works that have
shaped the national character, spread the patriotic inspiration through his famous novels El
Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere, and lastly, teach the duties of citizenship.
Teaching of Rizal

The teachings of Jose Rizal encompass a broad spectrum of principles and values that
remain influential in Philippine society. One of many lessons that stood out is being brave and
standing up for what you believe is right. Fight for what you love no matter how bad the odds are
and use your own way. Be it against an institution as big as the national government, Rizal’s
example can only make us believe that one voice with the right words of choice is enough to
awaken the hearts and minds of the faithful. He also taught to always be rational and logical.
Entering a war without proper preparations and enough leverage only leads to disaster so in order
to win every battle, think long and hard, look for all possible outcomes and execute on which
strategy works best. It was once said that “the more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in

On education, Rizal acknowledged education's transforming power. He was a firm

believer in education as an instrument for empowerment and enlightenment. Rizal advocated for
educational changes that would encourage critical thinking, intellectual independence, and a
holistic approach to learning. Rizal showed how far being educated can take you. “Without
education and liberty, which are the soil and sun of man, no reform is possible – Dr. Jose P.
Rizal. No advancement or changes will be made if people are deprived of knowledge.

Next comes Rizal's teaching on individual freedom, which he quotes as "All men are born
equal, naked and without shackles." This suggests that everyone starts on an equal footing at
birth, with no inherent advantages or disadvantages. Rizal's view of individual liberty was
multidimensional, comprising intellectual, political, and personal components. He envisioned a
society in which people could freely express themselves, participate in governance, and exercise
their rights while also emphasizing the significance of personal responsibility and cultural
identity preservation. Rizal's thoughts on individual liberty continue to reverberate as part of the
larger conversation about human rights and societal progress.

Lastly, Jose Rizal's lessons on peaceful reform are based on his belief that beneficial
change may be achieved by nonviolent and constructive measures. Rizal, a pivotal character in
Philippine history, believed in the transformative potential of education, critical thinking, and
enlightenment. Rizal's approach to social and political transformation focused on intellectual and
moral upliftment.

Overall, Jose Rizal's principles continue to encourage Filipinos to work toward a just and
progressive society based on nationalism, social justice, education, and ethical leadership. His
thoughts continue to be important as a guide for people and the nation in confronting current
Application to current situations

“The Life and Works of Rizal” course makes students learn about how big of an
impact Dr. Jose Rizal had in most Filipinos’ hearts before and during the revolution of the KKK.
He already gave us the lessons; it’s now in our hands to embody them. We all excel in a specific
area, passion, or talent, if you will. Arts, music, dance, mathematics, science, etc.—all of those
can be used to achieve your dreams. Everyone has their own special way of dealing with
hardships; find yours and go face the world. The only piece missing is the strength, confidence,
and bravery that should come from you. Secondly, in desperate times and in normal situations,
we must ask ourselves whether what we are about to do is ethically and morally right in itself. If
we don’t let our emotions get the better of us, the majority of our actions will result in a desirable
outcome. Decide on what is best for all parties involved. Thirdly, the knowledge and wisdom we
acquire at school must always be in mind. Always be polite, and always be patient. Character
and intelligence are what make people successful in life.


Overall, the course has successfully completed its aims and objectives. It has so far re-
dedicated Filipino people to the ideals of freedom and nationalism, honored Jose Rizal’s works
that have shaped the national character, spread patriotic inspiration through his famous novels El
Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere, and lastly, taught the duties of citizenship. It reached the
target audience. It has raised so much awareness about a big part of our country’s history. Many
gained inspiration from the heroics of Rizal. Patriotism is once again alive. People kept their
faith in the country despite numerous challenges. Rizal’s ideology can now be seen everywhere
in the country. It helped shape Filipino youths to have a great character and attitude towards
problems; it inspired leaders; it enlightened all the individuals who were in the dark; it
encouraged nationalism; and finally, the course taught us to serve the country and its people ever
so willingly. By understanding Rizal's teachings, we can draw parallels to contemporary
challenges and strive for a more just, enlightened, and equitable society.

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