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Prioritizing Problems
Part 1 (Skillset: HMW Statement)
Kitabisa is a crowdfunding platform which was
established in 2013. Kitabisa aims to bridge donors
and fundraiser all across Indonesia.

The biggest product in Kitabisa is ‘Donasi’, ‘Galang

Dana’, and ‘Zakat’.
Lean Canvas
3 Problems on Lean Canvas
1. Recipients find it hard to find donors,
while donors find it hard to select
where to donate.
2. Lack of transparency in online
3. Offline donation/charity box requires
How Might We…?

Problem 1 Recipients find it hard to find donors, while donors find it hard to select where to donate.

How might we help donors and recipients find each other easily?

Problem 2 Lack of transparency in online donation.

How might we make users trust online donation?

Problem 3 Offline donation/charity box requires cash.

How might we create an accessible donation process?

Part 2 (Skillset: Problem Prioritization)
Paint points from customer
journey map

Customer journey map pain points:

● OVO is not available as a payment option.
● Kantong donasi top-up is slow.
● User cannot share donation directly to Instagram story.

Problem 1 OVO is not available as a payment option.

How might we enable users to have versatile payment option?

Problem 2 Kantong donasi top-up is slow.

How might we make the top-up process quick and effective?

Problem 3 User cannot share donation directly to Instagram story.

How might we enable user to share the donation to a larger audience?

RICE Sheet
● Total user who donate using Kitabisa on 2021 →
Criteria Value Score
approx. 3 million
<100.000 1
● Expected user who regularly use e-wallet as payment
100.000 - 250.000 2
method → 25 %
250.000 - 500.000 3
● Expected user who visit from referral link → 25 %
# of quarterly 500.000 - 750.000 4
active user >750.000 5
Impact (User) Impact (Business)
Criteria Value Score Criteria Value Score
Do not affect user 1
<5% donation increase 1
Affect user indirectly 2
User know the 5% - 10 % donation
impact but do not increase 2
Potential %
blocks any flow 3
impact on 10 - 15 % donation
User Impact criteria User know the donation increase 3
impact and block increase
user flow but not the 15 - 20 % donation
main flow 4 increase 4
Problem that blocks >20 % donation
the main flow 5 increase 5

The problem is based on pain points Revenue is gained 5 % from total donation,
from user journey map, therefore if the therefore it is measured by % of donation
main flow is blocked, the impact is increase. Since expected user reach is 25 %
massive so it is given the max. score. therefore the max. Score is for >20 %
donation increase
RICE Score

Reach Impact
User (40%) Business (60%)
Problem Statement Value Score (1-5) Value Score (1-5) Value Score (1-5) RICE Score Rank
How might we enable User know 10 - 15 % donation
users to have versatile the impact increase
payment option? 500.000 - and block
3 4 3 10.20 1
750.000 user flow but
not the main
How might we make the Problem that 10 - 15 % donation
100.000 -
top-up process quick and 2 blocks the 5 increase 3 7.60 2
effective? main flow
How might we enable user 15 - 20 % donation
to share the donation to a <10 % 1 Affect user 2 increase 4 3.20 3
larger audience? indirectly
Part 3 (Skillset: Problem Alignment on
Product Requirement Documentation
PRD sheet
Thank you!

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