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New age challenges in High-level competition and alterations in student behaviors and expectations are driving

the Education sector the education sector in establishing digital presence and digital marketing operations for
customer awareness

Establishing an appropriate The education organizations like

digital presence for student universities & schools are facing
accessibility. huge competition.

Lead generation and the Modern website development

growth of conversion rate and digital marketing initiatives
are the prime objectives. are the key trends.
Trends of digital transformation
in the education sector

Improved access and availability Virtual Reality (VR) to make

among the students regarding the learning more compelling.
course details.

Anywhere and anytime material

Customized learning viewpoint
access thanks to cloud-based
based on audiovisual parameters.
learning scopes.
Trends of digital transformation
in the education sector

Internet of Things (IoT) Security enhancement in digital

incorporation within the education devices for maintaining student
environment. information confidentiality.

Big data implementation for

Digital citizenship to positively
personalized Education plans
engage the students in the digital
Coherent and clear digital strategy.

Understanding the digital trends.

Client demand analysis as a digital

transformation drive.

Strategy development to improve transparency

Trends of digital and customer engagement/experience.

transformation Co-creating digital education services.

in the education sector Will to experiment and adopt a ‘fail-fast, fail

quickly’ method to risk dealing.

Collaborative and innovative culture through

digital fostering.
INT.’s service offerings to the
education enterprises and institutes

Website development. Mobile application Product designing. Digital analytics. Digital marketing.
Major Clients of INT. in the
education sector
Knowledge Campus

The deficiency of optimized

Absence of synchronization information on the course
And lack of sufficient links pages created difficulties.
on their official website.

New students' lead

deficiency and user flow.
Business Solutions Tech Stack


html5 css3
INT. developed an updated website Content revamp and
with adequate linking and optimization.


Word Press CMS

Embracement of an A one-stop solution by covering:

innovative and eye-catching
homepage, course page, SEO.
and placement page.
Paid marketing campaigns.
Business Impact

Fetched better student

leads and user flow..

The client was satisfied and

sought a one-stop solution
from INT. encompassing:

Paid marketing.
Website maintenance.
The Neotia University

A content-heavy unoptimized An immensely huge and

website resulting in delays in unsynchronised database
page loading. creates management issues.
Business Solutions Tech Stack


html5 css3
INT. revamped the official website It presented the updated
with a synchronized database and number of faculty members
integrated ticker. and students.


Word Press CMS

An eye-catching banner to
portray the huge property on
the homepage presenting
the campus.

Business Impact

Learning Management
System (LMS) solution
served beneficial in running
the Brainerslab school
program better.

Avoidance of the possibilities

of redundancies and delays.
Brainware University

The existing digital presence

was not up to the mark and
Brainware University wanted
wanted to improve the
to scale up its operations for
existing campaigns and
lead generation.
create newer campaigns.

Lack of optimization and

scalability deficiency.
Business Solutions Social Channels

Paid Facebook and Google Ads for Tracking through CRO

lead generation. application.
Business Impact

Successful in reaching out to

the number of leads that they
were aiming for and became

Renewed the collaborative

agreement with INT. for digital
marketing, and technical
Chettinad Sarvalokaa
Education International

Deficiency of adequate branding Obstacles in quality lead

due to the lack of proper digital generations for school
presence. admissions.
Business Solutions Social Channels

End-to-end digital marketing for Branding activities:

lead generation.
Business Impact

The client was satisfied with

better lead conversion of 40%
through Google and
Facebook ads.

The generated leads were of

high quality and got converted
to new admissions in the school
and leveraged the online
visibility of the company even
being a premium school and
during the remote schooling.
Chettinad Sarvalokaa
Society of
Management Science

Minor digital presence. Lack of brand promotion.

Business Solutions Social Channels

360-degree digital marketing for It offers the following services:

lead generation and branding..
• Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
• Social Media Optimization (SMO).
• Pay Per Click (PPC).
• Digital lead generation during the
admission session.
Business Impact

DSMS has attained a drastic

enhancement of quality leads
by 35% and an increased
number of admissions.

Better branding and reach

before the target audience
through improved brand
visibility and brand positioning.
Thinkers Box

Lacked a completely customized Elimination of the

Learning Management System redundancies and delays in
(LMS). the operations.
Business Solutions Social Channels


html5 css3
Development of a very detailed Helping in handling the
customized Learning Management Thinkerbox’s Brainerslab
System (LMS). Program.


Word Press CMS


Business Impact

Learning Management
System (LMS) solution
served beneficial in running
the Brainerslab school
program better.

Avoidance of the possibilities

of redundancies and delays.

KoolKIDS had an old HTML Nominal SEM and SEO

website lacking optimization and campaign not generating
updated infrastructure. expected results.
Business Solutions Tech Stack

Word Press CMS

WordPress-driven updated SEO and social media

website. campaigns for digital marketing

Social Channels
Business Impact

Fast loading website with key

features and hygiene
maintenance of the social

The digital marketing

campaigns made it rank within
the Top 10 search results for
multiple search terms.
Karnavati University

Challenges in making business Digital marketing campaigns

improvements through lead were generating fewer
generation, and lack of brand outcomes.
Business Solutions Tech Stack

Word Press CMS

On-page and off-page SEO Better website quality in SERP.

suggestions and implementations.

Social Channels

Paid Facebook, YouTube, and End-to-end development activities

Google ads (during admissions and to improve and optimise the overall
entrance exams) to bring in as
many admissions as possible.
Business Impact

Fast loading website with key

features and hygiene
maintenance of the social

End-to-end development
activities to improve and
optimize the overall

Improper quality lead generation Digital marketing campaigns

due to inadequate digital were generating fewer
presence. outcomes.
Business Solutions Social Channels

Performance Marketing Continuous quality lead

Campaign. generation.
Business Impact

A large number of quality

leads on a daily basis.

Gradual reduction of
their CPL.
The Gate Academy

Bringing quality leads for Low lead

new admissions. conversion rate
Business Solutions Social Channels

Performance Marketing Campaign Better metrics inclusion for

to generate better leads on a lead conversion.
Face book ads
regular basis.
Business Impact

A huge number of qualified

leads that resulted in lots of

Decrease in their total

CPL with time.
24+ 750+
Years Professionals

11k+ 6m+
Projects Hours

Let’s Connect
We are a team of digital engineers
working towards innovation, reinvention and reshaping business
models. We cater to multiple
enterprise clients, fast growing product
companies, digital agencies operating
in the domain of banking, insurance,
finserve, health, professional services
and others in more than 45 countries.

India UK USA Australia Singapore Nigeria

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