Abstract Cross System Anomaly

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In this paper, we investigate the use of transfer learning and domain

adaptation techniques to enhance cross-domain generalization for anomaly
detection in network traffic. Traditional machine learning models often
struggle with performance degradation when applied to different domains.
By leveraging transfer learning and domain adaptation, we aim to improve
model robustness and effectiveness across varied network environments.
Our proposed approach demonstrates significant improvements in
detecting network anomalies across multiple domains, as evidenced by
extensive experimental evaluations.

Anomaly detection, network traffic, transfer learning, domain adaptation,
cross-domain generalization.

I. Introduction
Anomaly detection in network traffic is critical for identifying potential
security threats, operational issues, and performance bottlenecks.
Traditional machine learning models often require large amounts of labeled
data and tend to underperform when transferred to new, unseen domains
due to differences in data distributions. This paper proposes a novel
approach that utilizes transfer learning and domain adaptation to enhance
the cross-domain generalization capabilities of anomaly detection models.

II. Related Work

A. Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic

Anomaly detection techniques can be broadly categorized into statistical

methods, machine learning-based methods, and deep learning-based
methods. Statistical methods rely on predefined thresholds, while machine
learning approaches leverage labeled data to train models that can
distinguish between normal and anomalous traffic.

B. Transfer Learning
Transfer learning focuses on transferring knowledge from a source domain
with ample labeled data to a target domain with limited labeled data. This
approach helps mitigate the challenge of data scarcity in the target domain.

C. Domain Adaptation

Domain adaptation techniques aim to reduce the distributional shift

between the source and target domains. Methods such as adversarial
training and domain-invariant feature learning are commonly employed to
achieve this goal.

III. Methodology
A. Problem Formulation

Given a source domain ( D_S ) with labeled data ( {(x_i^S, y_i^S)} ) and a
target domain ( D_T ) with limited labeled data ( {(x_i^T, y_i^T)} ), our
objective is to improve the anomaly detection performance in ( D_T ).

B. Transfer Learning Framework

1. Pretraining on Source Domain: We begin by pretraining a deep

neural network on the labeled data from the source domain.
2. Feature Extraction: The pre-trained network is used to extract
features from both the source and target domains.
3. Fine-Tuning on Target Domain: The extracted features from the
target domain are used to fine-tune the network, adapting it to the
specific characteristics of the target domain.

C. Domain Adaptation Techniques

1. Adversarial Domain Adaptation: We employ adversarial training to

make the feature distributions of the source and target domains
2. Domain-Invariant Feature Learning: Techniques such as Maximum
Mean Discrepancy (MMD) are used to learn domain-invariant

IV. Experimental Setup

A. Datasets

We evaluate our approach using multiple network traffic datasets, including

[Dataset A], [Dataset B], and [Dataset C]. Each dataset represents a different
domain with varied network environments and anomaly types.

B. Baseline Models

We compare our proposed approach against traditional machine learning

models and state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods.

C. Evaluation Metrics

Performance is evaluated using metrics such as Precision, Recall, F1-score,

and Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC-ROC).

V. Results and Discussion

A. Performance Comparison

Our proposed approach achieves superior performance across all datasets

compared to baseline models, demonstrating the effectiveness of transfer
learning and domain adaptation.

B. Ablation Study

An ablation study is conducted to understand the contribution of each

component in our framework. The results indicate that both transfer
learning and domain adaptation are crucial for achieving high performance.

C. Robustness Analysis

We analyze the robustness of our approach by evaluating its performance

under different levels of domain shift and noise.

VI. Conclusion
In this paper, we presented a novel approach that leverages transfer
learning and domain adaptation to enhance cross-domain generalization
for anomaly detection in network traffic. Extensive experiments
demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method. Future work
will explore the integration of additional domain adaptation techniques and
real-time deployment scenarios.

1. [1] Author, "Title," Journal, Volume, Page, Year.
2. [2] Author, "Title," Journal, Volume, Page, Year.
3. ...

We would like to thank [Funding Agency] for supporting this research.
Special thanks to our colleagues at [Institution] for their valuable feedback
and collaboration.

Feel free to modify the content above to better match your specific
research findings and experimental results.

D.Arpitha Rani
references on this objective from 2022 to till date
Research Assistant
Completed Web Search
Research Assistant
Completed Web Search
Research Assistant
Here is a list of recent references (from 2022 to the present) related to
transfer learning, domain adaptation, and cross-domain generalization for
anomaly detection in network traffic:

1. Transfer Learning for Security: Challenges and Future Directions.

 Abstract: This paper explores differentially private adversarial

domain adaptation for training deep learning-based network
intrusion detection systems.
 Source: arXiv, 2022.
 URL: Link
2. Transferable Visual Pattern Memory Network for Domain

 Abstract: This study addresses anomaly detection transfer by

utilizing knowledge learned from a source anomaly detection
task to improve performance in a target task.
 Source: ScienceDirect, 2023.
 URL: Link
3. Seeded Transfer Learning for Enhanced Attack Trace and
Effective Detection.

 Abstract: The paper discusses domain adaptation and making

models relevant for zero-day attacks and new vulnerabilities.
 Source: TechScience, 2022.
 URL: Link
4. Deep Learning-Enabled Heterogeneous Transfer Learning for
Anomaly Detection.

 Abstract: This paper proposes a deep transfer learning model to

learn common knowledge from domains with different features
and distributions.
 Source: MDPI, 2022.
 URL: Link
5. Variate Associated Domain Adaptation for Unsupervised
Anomaly Detection.
 Abstract: This study achieves domain adaptation by transferring
variate associations and parameters from the source domain to
the target domain.
 Source: ACM Digital Library, 2023.
 URL: Link
6. Cross-Domain Video Anomaly Detection Without Target Domain

 Abstract: The paper proposes the zxVAD method, which learns

the relative difference between normal and abnormal frames in
the source domain and generalizes it to the target domain.
 Source: CVPR, 2023.
 URL: Link
7. Regularized Joint Self-Training for Cross-Domain Generalization
in Anomaly Detection.

 Abstract: This research focuses on minimizing differences

between domains by adjusting feature representations
between the source and target domains.
 Source: ScienceDirect, 2024.
 URL: Link
8. MetaLog: Generalizable Cross-System Anomaly Detection from
Log Data.

 Abstract: The study proposes a framework for cross-domain

anomaly detection on attributed graphs.
 Source: ACM Digital Library, 2023.
 URL: Link
9. Deep Domain-Adversarial Anomaly Detection With One-Class
Transfer Learning.

 Abstract: This paper proposes a novel deep one-class transfer

learning algorithm with domain-adversarial training.
 Source: IEEE JAS, 2023.
 URL: Link
10.Introduction to Network Traffic Anomaly Detection in Big Data

 Abstract: This paper discusses the challenges and significance

of anomaly detection in the context of big data.
 Source: ResearchGate, 2022.
 URL: Link

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