Vibrant Model 2 solution

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B. Sc. Nursing
Paramedical/Applied Sciences
Nepal's Largest Medical Entrance Preparation Centre
CEE Based Model Examination
Hints and Solutions(SET-A)
Date: 2081-02-19
New Plaza, Putalisadak, (Beside Nepal Yatayat Stoppage).
Kathmandu, Nepal,
Contact Number:01-4526149/4540184

1. C
2. A 2% of 12 gm carbon = = C14 = 0.24gm
Now, no. of atoms in it = × 6.021023 =1.031022 atoms
3. A 1s is the lowest energy level which can absorb energy but can’t emit it.
4. C 1 2 3 4 5 6
Remember @ Low Blood Pressure Blood Pressure High
Lyman series → here electron from higher orbits jump to 1st orbit
Balmer series → here electron from higher orbits jump to 2 nd orbit
Paschen series → electron jumps to 3rd orbit
Brackett series→ electron jumps to 4th orbit
P-fund series→ electron jumps to 5th orbit
Humphrey series→ electron jumps to 6th orbit
5. C 13 → Aluminium and 31→ Gallium
6. B Among isoelectronic species, as negative charge increases size also
7. C Q= (BP+LP) BP= 4 LP=0

8. B In H=bonding, atoms involved are F, O and N

𝑉1 𝑑2 1 1
9. C =√ =√ =
𝑉2 𝑑1 16 4
10. B
11. B C+O2 → CO2; ∆H0 = -xKJ –––(i)
2CO+O2 → 2CO2; ∆H0 = -yKJ––––(ii)
Multiply eq. (i) by 2 and substract equation (2) and divide the result by 2
to get 1 mole of CO
12. B We know, ∆H = Eaf – Eab

13. C Since, ∆ng = 0, no effect of pressure
14. B Due to common ion effect, CH3COONa will suppress ionization of
15. B Dissociation of Na2CO3 gives strong base and weak acid
Since strong base has higher pH, the answer will be Na2CO3
16. C NH2OH →NH2++OH-
For NH2+, x +2 -1 = 0
 x= -1
𝑛 6.02×1020
17. B We know, M = × 1000 = × 1000 = 0.01M
𝑉𝑚𝑙 6.02×1023 ×100
𝐸 35.5
18. B W = Zit = ×𝐼×𝑇= × 2 × 30 × 60 = 1.32g
96500 96500
19. B R = K[A]1 for first order reaction
20. D 21. C 22. C 23. D
24. C BF3 is electron deficient compound so it is lewis acid
25. C Plumbo-solvency is the formation of Pb(OH)2 by Pb with ordinary water
26. D
27. C Being electropositive metal, Na is extracted by electrometallurgical
method. Alkali and Alkaline earth metals are extracted by this method.
28. C 29. D
30. C FeSO4 + NO → FeSO4NO
31. B Br2 + SO2+2H2O → 2HBr + H2SO4
32. D Ku[Fe(CN)6] +6H2SO4+6H2O → 2K2SO4+FeSO4 + 6CO + 3(NH4)2SO4
33. C 2Na2S2O3+I2 → Na2S4O6+2NaI
Sod. Tetrathionate
34. C But the mixture of camphor and benzoic acid is separated by chemical
35. A
36. C Obeing electron deficient compound
37. C
38. A To exhibit G.I, doubly bonded carbon should have differently
C6H5CH2CH = CHCH3 substituted groups
39. A In Na and dry ether is used, it is called wurtz’s reaction
If Cu is used then it is called Ulmann’s reaction
40. A
CaO ∆
41. D
42. D Isobutyl alcohol is a primary alcohol which doesn’t give positive
iodoform test.

For positive iodoform test, a compound must contain || 𝑔roup
– 𝐶 – 𝐶𝐻3
or give || group on oxidation
– 𝐶 – 𝐶𝐻3
43. D Sodium reacts with both phenol and ethyl alcohol to evolve H 2, Hence it
can’t be used to distinguish phenol form ethyl alcohol
44. C More stronger the electron releasing group in benzene more readily the
compound will be attacked by an electrophile.
Order; OH > -OR> -NHCOCH3> CH3>H>X
45. A
46. A For aldol condensation, carbonyl compound must contain 𝛼-hydrogen

47. A

Picric acid has no –COOH group attached to it

48. C Sulphonic acid is stronger acid than a carboxylic acid because the
sulphonate ion of sulphonic acid is more resonance stabilished and
hence weaker base than carboxylate ion.
|| ||
– 𝑆 – O- – 𝐶 – O-
Sulphonate ion Carboxylate ion
49. C It is used to differentiate 10,20 and 30 amines
50. B R-NH2 → R-OH+N2 + H2O
Zoology alcohol
51. D
52. C
53. A Adrenal gland is covered by capsule
For under liying layers remember @GFR
Zona Glomerulosa, Zonafasiculata and Zona Reticularis
54. A Phagocytic cell of lung = dust cell
Phagocytic cell of brain = Microglia
55. C Oxyntic (parietal cell) of gastric mucosa secrets HCl and intrinsic
56. D Retina consists of 10 layers
Cornea consists of 5 layers

57. A Blood in cough Haemoptysis
Blood in vomiting Haematemesis
58. B
59. A Kidney receive 25% of cardiac output i.e. 1250 ml
60. A Pellagra caused by deficiency of Vit. B3(Niacine)
Scurvy caused by deficiency of Vit.C
Pernicious amemia caused by deficiency of vit. B12
61. A Chromaffin cell secretes Adrenaline and Noradrenaline
62. A Cranial nerves 12 pairs, so 24 in number
Spinal nerves 31 pairs, so 62 in number
63. D In WBC lymphocyte and Monosyte are Agranulacytes whereas
neutrophil, basophil and Eosinophils are Granulocytes
64. D
65. C Lipoma is benign tumor of adipose cell (fatcell)
Lymphoma is malignant tumor of lymphatic system
66. A
67. B But screening test is ELISA
68. A Mydriatic (dialation of pupil)
Miosis (constriction of pupil)
69. C
70. C Devil fish = octopus
71. B Class Excretory organs
Insecta Malphigian tubules
Crustacea Green or antennary glands
Myriapoda Malpighian tubules
Arachnida Coxal glands
72. B
73. B Anadromous fish @ 3SH SalPa, salman, sea lamphrem, Hilsa
Migrate from sea to fresh water for breeding
Catadromous fish Eel species
Migrate from fresh water to sea for breeding
Amphidromous fish Gobies fish
Migrate from sea to fresh water and vice versa but not for breeding
74. A
75. C Schistosoma also known as blood fluke belong to phylum
76. B 77. A
78. D Sinanthropus is the peking man
79. B 80. D
81. B Sarcology = study of muscles
Serpentolgy = Study of snakes
Syndesmology = study of joints and ligaments
82. C But the gametocyte converts into gametes in stomach of anopheles
83. C Sporozoite starts pre-erythrocytic schizogony
Cryptomerozoite starts exo-erythrocytic schizogony

Micro-metacryptomerozoite starts erythrocytic schizogony
84. C Chloragogen cells are found in coelomic fluid of earthworm
85. C Septal nephridia poured waste into lumen of intestine, so called
Pharyngeal nephridia poured waste into buccal cavity and pharynx so
called enteronephric
86. B
87. B Chloride cells help in maintaining of osmoregulation
88. B 89. C 90. C
91. D
92. D Mycorrhiza is symbiotic relationship between fungi and root of higher
93. C Due to absence of metabolism, antibiotics and antibodies usually doesn’t
affect virus
94. B 95. C 96. D
97. C Moss plant produce juvenile gametophyte or protonema from haploid
98. D
99. C Monocot = Atactostele, dicot → eustele (also gymnosperms)
100. D
101. B Apply 2n(n= no of heterozygous allele)
102. B Holandric genes are found in Y chromosomes of human which is
transferred from male parent to their sons.
103. B The linkage group is the haploid no.of chromosomes or the
chromosomes found in gametes
104. B 105. C
106. B During photosynthesis, CO2 molecule is converted into glucose so CO2
is the source of oxygen in glucose but in case of molecular oxygen,
source is water.
107. D
108. C Glycolysis produce 2NADH2 and 2ATP

109. D 110 B 111. D

112. B Mircopyle is the opening ovule for entry of pollen tubes during
113. C
114. A Excessive use of antibiotic cause development of mutant strains
115. B Fermentation is intracellular respiration and exothermic reaction
116. B Flower is modified and condensed reproductive shoot
117. D Producers are the one which prepare food materials from sunlight. So,
they are the basic biotic factor for solar conversion.
118. C Fertile soil has neutral pH ranges between 6-7
119. B

120. D Xerophytes are characterized by presence of well-developed long root,
reduced shoot system, thick cuticle, sunken stomata,etc.
121. D
122. C Meristem tissues and dividing tissues are best material for demonstration
of cellular totipoterncy
123. B Anaphase is best phase for study of shape but if asked for size &
structure metaphase will be the best answer
124. A Oxysome is the functional unit of mitochondria and responsible for
oxidative phosphorylation to generate ATP
125. A
126. C Gametes ready for sexual reproduction have half number of
chromosomes as compare to parent cells due to involvement of meiosis
127. C Allele is a pair of characters which may be similar (homozygous) or
dissimilar (heterozygous)
128. A Gene locus is the specific position of gene for its functionality
129. D Pureline are the progenies produced from selfing of homozygous
130. D Down’s syndrome is aneuploidy due to one extra chromosome with
genotype 2n+1
131. C
132. D Here all the three forces will not keep the particle in equilibrium so the
net force will not be zero and the particles will move with an
acceleration. 50 > 30 + 15
133. C For greatest height  = 900
𝑢2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 900 𝑢2
Hmax= = = h (given)
2𝑔 2𝑔
𝑢2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 2(450 ) 𝑢2
Rmax = = = 2h
𝑔 𝑔
5 5 𝐷 5𝐷
134. B h = R = ( )=
2 2 2 4
135. A F = 𝑉 = 2(0.5) = 1 N
𝑛2 400
136. C n=20, least no. of such planks required = =
2𝑛−1 39
= 11 planks
137. C The velocity of the spoon will be equal to the orbital velocity when
dropped out of the space-ship
138. D 139. B
140. D V = 𝜔 √𝑎2 − 𝑦 2 at mean position y = 0
So, 𝜇 = wa (i.e max velocity)
141. A The latent heat of vaporization is always greater than latent heat of
fusion because in liquid to vapour phase change, there is a large increase
in volume. Hence more heat is required as compared to solid to liquid
phase change.

𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑥/100 1
142. A 𝛾𝑎𝑝𝑝 = = = = 1.25 10-4/0C
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 ×∆𝑇 𝑥 ×80 8000
143. B ∆𝑄 = ∆𝑈 + ∆𝑊, ∆𝑊 = ∆ 𝑄 − ∆𝑈 = 110 − 40 = 70 J
144. B
145. D For cooking utensils, low specific heat is preferred for its material as it
should need less heat to raise its temperature and it should have high
conductivity, because, it should transfer heat quickly.
146. C 𝜆𝑚 𝑇 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
147. A
𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 120
148. A 𝜇 = = = 1.5
𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑡ℎ 80
𝑠𝑖𝑛( )
149. C 𝜇 =
𝑆𝑖𝑛 𝐴⁄2
 √3
600 +𝛿𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑠𝑖𝑛( )
2 √3 𝛿𝑚𝑖𝑛
= 60 0  2
= 𝑠𝑖𝑛 (300 +
) 𝛿𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 600
150. B 𝜔 = ( )
151. B 152. C
153. C Phase difference =
 path difference
1.6  =
 40
= 𝜆 = 50 𝑐𝑚 = 0.5𝑚
𝑉 =𝐹𝜆
= 330 =0.5f f=660Hz
154. C
155. B Only odd harmonics are present in closed organ pipe
156. B
157. A Energy supplied = CV2 but energy used = ½ CV2
158. A Q=ne
Q = 1019  1.6  10-19 =1.6C
Since electrons are removed, the neutral metal plate now becomes +vely
159. A 1 = 1 = 20/30 = 2/3
𝐸2 𝐿2
𝐸2 22
160. C Pmax = = = 2W
4𝑟 40.5
161. C For parallel connection, P = (V constant) so, P  1/R)
𝑝1 2
 =
𝑝2 1
162. A Peltier coefficient () = T T
𝜇0 𝐼 1
163. B 𝛽 =  𝛽  (r= distance from wire)
2𝜋𝑟 𝑟
164. B On heating, different domains have net magnetization in them which are
randomly distributed. Thus the net magnetization of the surface due to
various domains decreases to minimum

165. B e = -
𝑙 40
166. D Time constant = = = 5 sec
𝑅 8
𝑉0 423
167. C Vrms = = = 300V
√2 √2
168. B The mass of moving electron increases with increase in velocity and
thus, specific charge e/m decreases.
169. C In accordance with de-Broglie hypothesis, wave is associated with
matter when it is in motion with any velocity.
170. A
ℎ𝑐 6.26 ×10−34 ×3×108
171. C 𝜆𝑚𝑖𝑛 = = −19 = 0.23510-10  0.25𝐴̇
𝑒𝑣 1.6×10 ×50000
172. A Ionisation potential = 24.6V
Energy required to ionize it = eV = 24.6eV
173. B In 10 sec, number of nuclel has been reduced to one fourth
(25% to 6.25%). Therefore its mean life is T = 2 = = 7.21sec
0.693 0.693
174. B Trivalent element is dopped in silicon to form p-type semiconductor
175. B
176. B At a particular reverse voltage in PN-junction, a huge current flows in
reverse direction known as avalanche current
177. B 178. B 179. A 180. C
181. A The code contains the letters of the order 3,4,2,5,1& 6
182. C Only daughter of woman’s father: women herself. So, the man is
woman’s brother
183. A Sun rises in the east and is at the eastern sky in the morning. So in
morning, the shadow falls towards the west. Now, pole’s shadow falls to
the right of Gopal. So he is standing facing south
. . . . . .
184. B 𝑃 𝑋 𝑆 𝑍 𝑅 𝐴
 X is to the right of P
185. C The priority of imposing a ban is more inclined to saving our
environment rather than restricting the flow of money to the hunters. So,
I is not strong. II is also not strong as it fails to justify the effectiveness
of banning.
186. C Here, number at last row are related to upper two rows as:
121-1=120 (i.e, 112-12)
49-4 = 45 (i.e, 72-22)
Hence, missing number = 36-9=27 (i.e, 62-32)

187. B

𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 4
188. C = = k let cp = 4k and sp = 5k
𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 5
𝑠𝑝−𝑐𝑝 5𝑘−4𝑘
Profit percent = = × 100% = 25%
𝑐𝑝 4𝑘

189. C In 12 hours, they are at right angles 22 times, in 24 hours, they are at
right angles 44 times
190. B No. of ways of arrangement of 10 persons in 4 chairs is 10/P4 = (10−4)! =
10! 10×9×8×7×6!
= = 5040
6! 6!
191. D Each number in the series is the product of the digits of the preceding
number. i.e, 66 = 36; 36 = 18
The missing number = 1 8 = 8
192. A
193. A Gemo means fair; Linea means warning
Geri means report; mitu means card
In the similar way gilageri means weather report and Gemogila means
fair weather
194. D 96 days has 5 odd days
So day after 96 days = wednesday + 5
= Monday
195. C Men and rodents are different from each other but both of them are
living beings.
196. D
197. A In these 2 positions one common face with number 1 is in the same position.
Hence according to the rule,2 is opposite to 6 and 3 is opposite to
5.Therefore,opposite to 4 is 1.
198. A 199. C
200. C In all other figure line is passing through centre of circle i.e it forms
diameter but in figure 3 it’s not passing through centre.

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