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19036/2/2016-E lV
Government of lndia
Ministry of Finance
E lV S_e*ction

North Block, New Delhi

Dated: 26th October, 2016

Subject: Deputation/Delegations abroad of Officials and /or non-Official sponsored by

Government of lndia - ex-lndia leave - regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. No. 19036n nS-E-lV
(B) dated 05.08.1976 on the subject mentioned above. As per Para 1 1 of the said O.M. "An
officer may, subjecl to the exigencies of public service, be granted leave while abroad for the
period not exceeding 50% of the actual period of the duty abroad (excluding the transit time
from lndia to the country of deputation and back and enforced halt) or a fortnight, whichever
is less, for personal reasons ". Subsequently, it was clarified vide this Department's O.M.
No.19036/2/2008-E-lV dated 04.07.2008 that "during such ex-lndia leave the closed holidays
"Saturday and Sunday" etc. may be allowed to be pre-fixed/ suffixed as the case may be,
subject to the condition that no extra financial implications like payment of hotel charges/ per
diem allowance etc. are involved".

2. References are being received in this Department seeking clarification on

applicability of Department of Personnel & Training instructions issued vide letter No.
1 1019/06/2001-A15-lll dated O5.12.2OO7 regarding "Delegation of Powers to the State

Governments and Ministries/Departments of the Government of lndia in cases of Members

of All lndia Services proceeding abroad on ex-lndia leave (excluding Study Leave)" wherein
it is provided that ' in case of official visits of a duration less than 8 days, the limit of 50%
may be relaxed and ex-lndia leave upto a maximum 4 days may be granted '.

3. The matter has been considered in the Department of Expenditure and it has been
decided that in case of official visiU tour abroad (including training and excluding Study
Leave) where the period of deputation is less than eight (08) days, the Government Official
may be granted ex-lndia leave for a maximum period of four (04 days). ln respect of official
visiU tour abroad including training for more than eight days, the limit of 50% ex-lndia leave
will continue. During ex-lndia leave, the closed holidays "Saturday and Sunday" etc. may
be allowed to be pre-fixed / suffixed as the case may be, subject to the condition that no
extra financial implications like payment of hotel charges/ per-diem allowance etc. are

4 Para 11 of this Department's O.M. No.19036/7/75-E-lV (B) dated 05.08.1976 and

dated 04 07 2008 will stand modified,",n"
; yr)";:rr.".r.Jrl2008-E-lv """",,#,rrrl:l;

Deputy Secretary to the Government of lndia

Telefax. 23093276

All Ministries/ Departments of Government of lndia.

Copy to: NIC for uploading on Official Website of Department of Expenditure.

flI{A $FF'r{
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26 3lirfl{, 2016
ilfu arqd

Erq: foiu * rra q-{.Fr{ F-dRt crdfra 3lffi 3ituqr +{ (f6rt qfut +I
fde*gfiFd/frIEitfi- srra t rrr< yi *, {itt *t
afi6raErfr +t Jq-{-+a ftsq cr{ 5{ frarm + trdiai 05.08.1976 t' {i.19036/7/75/- 6r €a* ra +r Eier 5:n tr r+a Frqtil{i iFl;I * ftr 11 t irSn'f6s rffi +t, frist
rcr€ * *{a, dt+' tqr Sr arorft+ rrrqqTm-dntt 6 3pqtfra, ffi +lluit t fu*r i-E{& fir sEiliff
3rdft + 50% t 3rdfu6 3rdft (firfd t vF@a Erd atr ilfi 3ni-;Iri dk as-^+ra d6rE Eit ots-6{)
3ierar r'5 q@-dri + fr\', Iafr t d sfr sq 6), gfr c-{ra fir sr q-rtr tl" dr< fr, fs fusrEI *' Edi6
04.07.2008 *' i.19036/2/ * ilild zrd +qE l+-qr rrqr an fu "a+rra t <ret i6 gfr e
d{rd iia :r++rer frEl "sIA-dR 3itr {ft-dT{' 3IIE gfr + c-5-&rdq d-, fql efr arfffrr d, 3t} srri 6I
3r.dafr fi srr so& t Elrd Otca efid-/ttrd-+ ffi *' Trrdla'*sr +tg $frfurd f{cdq Btrdlti
srB-d a dt"

2. {s fd?{rrr fr "$fufr firrfr'q t"T + €(Et fi rrra t dr6{ gfr lsrtr+a ufr 6t 6t56{) q{
Fqilr ari * qra-dt * {=q srsn'f :tt e{rrd gc+Tt *-*'eradliqerpn +t erffi t rgrms-+'*' 'iaitr
* 6rF-6 3ik e'trETgr Ffi{Er + Edi6 05.12.2007 + q{ {i.11019/06/2001-vsr$r'w-ttt S a-Ca ort
:r$rn, ffi ?16 lnrEIFI f+qr rrqr t fu'8 Eat as rEfu t sr6rt atd'i a'rrd fr, 5oo/o ST frfrr
f q;e fi sr ro-fi t:lk sTr.d t sr6{ sfurdq 4 fid ilo fr g-fr r<ra 6r sr s+-fr t, fi i'Eiir *
3. fs ffrffd q{ a+q fre{ra fr tr-{R fuqr rrqr t ritt qa ffq frqr ,rq t fu sc+rt ftist
qnT/At (cftTHUr un66 6-r? g'$tt *;++a gfr +t lnB-a a 6-ti g(') *- 8r4-d f, s-tr cfrfr'qFd a
srsft 3{16 (08) trd +-q d, €-r6rt 3{ffi +t e{r{d t met srfu+-a-q qr{ (04) Efr 6I rdfu *, fr('
erfi c-ffa 6r ar s+fi tr cFlaruT sFa gT16 Fd t $8.6 *r s{-6rt qr*rdtt *' {i"itr fr, e{rm t drd{
50% fiI fiqr srfr rpfit anra d arer gfr * at-{Tf,, tia 3wirRr frdi "srA-ER 3it{ {fu' 3IIE +t
gfi + r{erdTE d., +sr efi qwar d, ilt ili 6I rr.4qtr fr ar srfi t sard fu ilcd w{Rl'/eft-6
alrar ilfr t srrrdrfr if€T +ig 3{Rft-rd fd-cdrq fttrfl?i enB-d a dt"

4. gs frrm t Edi6 05.08.1976 il' or.m. ri.19036/7/$ 6r t{r 11 3it{ Edi6

04.07.2008 i' {.19036/2/ 5qtrt frr g d 3Fdfud fiqr ilfi teifua d urultS \

ttrar t-ql
ic 9fu6, sflIa' Fr+R
td$-rs: 23093276
etnd gttrrt t €efr dTwq/frHErl
qFfrfr: (ra3nf$ 6,t qq freTrrr *r nrffio ad{r{g q{ 3rqdts m.{i A fr(rl

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