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MBBS Bs B.Sc. Nursing Paramedical/Applied Sciences ‘Marks distribution Pattern: - 50 Chemistry:- 50 40 40 Full Mark:- 200 Negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong tick mark. a. Ethology ’. Ethnology ©. Etiology: 4. Anthropology Italian Scientists Francesco Redi and Lazzaro Spallanzani are renowned for their respective ‘experiments to discredit a. Theory of spontaneous generation ». Hypothesis or Panspermia ©. Theory of biogenesis, 4. Theory of special creation ‘One major criticim against "Darwin theory of evolution" that 4) It does not explain the presence of vestigial organs found in many animals ) It over estimates the reproduction capacity of organism : ©) It does not takes into account variation with heredity 4) It explains that environment on earth had been changing through the ages First evidence of ceremonial burial of dead body ‘and belief on religion liave been found with fossil b. Neanderthal man 4. Cro-Magnon man Euglena shows which type of mode of nutrition? 9) Parasit b) Symbiotic ©) Holozoie 4) Mixotrophic ‘The characteristic features of sponges 1) pastrovascular cavity b) canal system ©) hypostome 4) water vascular system Which of the following pairs have the same body plan and symmetry? ‘4 Obelia and starfish’. b.) Cockroach and Frog ) Hydra and Earthworm 1d) Pigeon and Leucosolenia ‘Classification of coclenterates is based o 8) Locomotory organ b)Domination of zooids ©) Types of spicules) Types of Larva ‘Which of the following belongs to Cephalopoda? ) Starfish 'b) Cte fish ©) Silver fish 4) Cray fish Green glands are exeretory organ in a) insects b) crustacea ¢)centipedes d) arachnida M. 2 1B 15. 16. 1. 1 ww. a. ‘Which species of Plasmodium is responsible for ‘causing malaria, characterized by the recurrence or fever every 72 hours? a) P. vivax: 6.) P. malariae ©) P. ovale 4) P. falciparum ‘The feeding stage of Plasmodium is 1) merozoite ') trophozoite ©) sporezoite «d) gametocyte ‘Anterior abdominal vein in frog is formed by the union of 4) right and left sciatic veins ') right and left pelvic veins «) light and left lumber veins ‘) right and left subclavian veins Frog belongs to order 1) Apoda ) Anura ©) Urodela 6) Lagomorpha In which segment of Earthworm testis and ovary are found respectively: a) 108118514 by 10%, 1185 138 ©) 1181285188 =) 178, 1985 138 Chroinophil cells are present in which digestive organ of Pheretima? 1. Pharynx ©. Gizzard . Ocsophagus ©. Cingulum Cavum aorticum and Cavum pulmonocutaneum are the names of sub cavities found in: ‘2)Conusarteriosus 6) Bulbous arteriosus )Sinus venosus _d) Ventricle If there are two sources of stimull of the same intensity operating at the same time then animals orient to any one of the stimuli called 8) Menotaxis b) Telotaxis ©) Tropotaxis 4) Klinotaxis ‘Common carps and Trouts fishes have the type of migration called 8) Potamodromous _b) Catadromous ©) Anadromous 4) Amphidromous Strongest muscle in human body )Gluteus maximus) Sartorius ©) Masseter 4) Biceps bra 2. 23. 2s. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. If blood cells are eliminated from the blood, the Miquid left is a) Serum b.) Plasma .) Lymph 1d) Synovial uid [Nissl’s granules are absent in 1) Dendrites. b) Cyton ©) Axon 4) Dendrites and eyton ‘Which of the following tissue protects body from ‘wound and infection: a) Areolar tissue .) Reticular tissue ©.) Adipose tissue.) Lymphatic tissue ‘Wharton's ¢ uct is associated with 1) sublingual salivary gland ) parotid salivary gland ‘) sub-mandibular salivary gland AH, AH= +ve, AS= +ve 1b) TAS>AH, AH=+e, AS=-ve ©) TAS= AH, AH= -ve, AS= -ve 4) TAS=AH, AH=+ve, AS=+ve ‘The graph between PV(y) and P(x) during an Isothermal process will be: 1) Rectangular hyperbola __b) Parabola ©) A straight line parallel to X- axis 4) Straight line parallel to y-axis Zn cannot displace following ions from their aqueous solutior a)Ag’—b)Cu™ Fe Nat How many coulombs of electricity are required for the oxidation of 1 mol of H:0 to Oz? 1) 9.65x10°C 1b) 4.825%10°C ) 1.93%10°C 4) 1.93 «10°C ‘The unit of equivalent conductivity ‘a. ohm em eqv 9: ohm (eqv "Jem? ccohmemeqv — d. ohm"(equ)em* ‘A first order reaction is 75% completed in 100 fins. How long will it take for its 87.5% completion? 8) 125 mins b)150 mins c) 175 mins 4) 200 mins “Most asymmetric erystal structure Is: )cubic by tetragonal c) crthorhombie d) wilinie Purp isa 8) Commercial cellulose and lignin ) Commercial lignin ©) Commercial cellulose for making paper 4) Packaging material From the following, the ore that 1s concentrated by froth flotation fs: 2) Magnetite b) Galena ) Hor Silver d) Anglesite ‘The chemical composition of slag formed during the smelting process in the extraction of copper ist 8) CusS 4FeS b) FeSiOs ¢) CuFeS: d) CusS +FeO ‘The correct order of electron affinity ts: a) BeBCN b)BeNeBec ONBeCB @N belongs to class crustacea of Arthropoda Insecta —> Malpighian tubules Crustacea — green gland Centipedes (belongs to chilopoda) - malphigian tubules Arachnida - coxal gland P, malariae causes quartan malaria in which there is recurrence of fever every 72 hours. Other species mentioned causes tertian malaria with recurrence of fever every 48 hours. Trophozoite — feeding stage of Plasmodium ‘Merozoite —> causative stage of Malaria Sporozoite — infective stage of Plasmodium Anterior abdominal vein enters liver along with Hepatic Portal Vein. (Portal system is important please go through it) Subclavian vein— brachial vein & musculo-cutaneous vein External jugular vein —lingual vein and mandibular vein Innominate vein — internal jugular and subscapular vein ‘Apoda = limbless amphibian eg: Gymnophiona Urodela — tail bearing amphibian eg: salamander Anura —tailless amphibian eg: frog 5 ‘Lagomorpha — order of mammalia eg: rabbi 7 Chromophil cells are present In dorsal salivary chamber of pharynx of Pheretima. They help to produce mucin for the lubrication of food and proteolytic enzyme for digestion of proteins. Clitellum, also known as Cingulum is known as forest of nephridia due to presence of large number of nephridia, Pharyngeal nephridia = 4, 5%, 6% segments Septal nephridia = 15% to last segments Integumentary nephridia = 4! to last segments Cavum aorticum and cavum pulmocutaneum are two sub cavities present in conus arteriosus (pylangium). These two sub cavities communicate with the help of spiral valve. In Klinotaxis + animals orient to the 1 stimulus-and then to 24 stimulus. In telotaxis — animals only orient to one stimulus only Note: better to know the examples of éach taxis. Potamodromous — within fresh water eg: carps and trouts Amphidromous — for feeding eg. Gobies fish Anadromous —> marine to fresh water for reproduction eg. Salmon, hilsa 32. ae 9) » 9 b) 9 4d) » a) 9 9 9 4 4) 9 Catadromous —» fresh to marine water for reproduction eg. Anguilla (eel fish) Gluteus maximus - largest muscle Sartorius ~ longest inuscle; Honeymoon muscle Masseter - Strongest muscle Blood - Blood cells = Plasma Plasma - Clotting Factors = Serum Niss!'s granules compound of ribosomes and RNA Reticular tissue consist of reticular fibers which are highly branched. The fibers forma soft skeleton (stroma) to support the lymphoid organs. Parotid gland = Stenson duct ‘Sub mandibular gland = Wharton's duct Sub lingual gland = duct of rivinus Membranous labyrinth contains endolymph present in cochlea and vestibules. Cochlea = responsible for hearing Fenestra ovalis = bony labyrinth Vestibules = responsible for maintaining epithelium Mixed cranial nerve = V, VIL, IX, X Pure sensory nerve = I, Il, VII Pure motor nerve = rest all Urochordata (Ure - tail) In Urochordata notochord is found in tail of larval but absent in adult urochordates, Notochord is replaced by vertebral column in vertebrates Systole _Diastole Atrial 0.1 sec 07 sec Ventricle 03sec 05 sec Thyroid cartilage forms the Adam's apple inhumans. Hyperthyroidism — Grave's disease * Deficiency of insulin — diabetes mellitus Deficiency of ADH — produced posterior pituitary gland — diabetes insipidus Hypersecretion of glucocorticoid + mineralocorticoid —> Addison's disease Disease Test AIDS ELISA, Western blot TB Zichl Neelsen test, Mantoux Test Typhoid Widal test Cancer Biopsy Visual area= occipital lobe ‘Auditory area= temporal lobe Somatosensory area= mainly parietal lobe Motor area mainly Frontal lobe TLC=VC+RV 2“. VC=TLC-RV 8 58 SE 5 8 AP gS & 51. a) 4) ») b) 9) a) 9 ) ») 4) 4) °) 9 @) 4) b) 4) d) 4) Zona glomerulosa = outermost = produces mineralocorticoids Zona fasciculata = middle = produces glucocorticoids Zona reticularis =Innermost= produces sex corticoid If fertilization does not take place then corpus luteum changes to corpus albicans (white body) which shows destructive phase. Egg of frog = mesolecithal + Telolecithal Egg of human = Alecithal Egg of Cockroach = centrolecithal Deficiency of dopamine leads to Parkinson's disease Deficiency of Acetylcholine leads to Alzheimer's disease Plant is represented by root only but bud and flower is produced by cellular totipotency. Raflesia has the largest flower and is pollinated by Carrion fly. Red algae like Polysiphonia, Rhodymenia, Rhodomela, etc are rich in bromine. Tuberculated ‘thizoids, scales and mucilaginous hairs are absent in Anthoceros. Ithas unicellular smooth rhizoids in the ventral region. 45.4) Gymnosperms are regarded as naked seeded plants because they lack ovary. An inert, intact and complete virus particle outside the host in cell free environment is called virion. Prokaryotes like bacteria and archaea lack any membrane bound organelles like mitochondria, chloroplast, ER, golgi bodies etc. instead they have mesosome which contains respiratory enzymes and performs the function of respiration. 50.4) Sporophyte of moss differentiates into foot, seta and capsule. The foot embedded in the female receptacle and absorbs inorganic nutrients. Seta is a long stalk with a pear-shaped capsule by its tip. Capsule has 3 ‘parts- basal apophysis, central theca and terminal operculum. Hekistotherm plants grow on extremely low temperature. Eg. Tundra vegetation. Primary productivity is related with the storage of energy at producers level which may be either net or gross primary productivity. 56.b) ‘Mitochondria: powerhouse of cell, ATP factory Chloroplast: photosynthesis, glucose factory Golgi Factory: packaging of protein Nucleolus: Ribosome synthesis Formation and growth of the cell plate is dependent upon the phragmoplast which is required for the proper targeting of Golgi derived vesicles to the cell plate. pa 2 8 fF B g BN S888 33 48 » a) 4d b 9 a) ») 4d 9 4d 4d) d) ») ‘Onnnis cellula e cellula = Rudolf Virchow Robert Hooke discovered cell (particularly a dead cell), cell wall and gave the term cellula. Robert Brown discovered nucleus in pollen grain cell of orchid while he was studying the process of fertilization. Splitting of centromere occurs in anaphase of mitosis division, which in meiosis is Anaphase Il. ‘Terminalization starts on Diplotene whereas completes on Diakinesis. Due to the strip of cambium in between xylem are phloem, it is open. Xylem and phloem on same radius, collateral protoxylem central and metaxylem peripheral Cuticle is either absent/poorly developed in hydrophytes while in xerophytes its greatly thickened. Angiosperm has polygonum type or fertilization i.e., Zcelled, 8 nucleated which is the most common and primitive type of fertllzatlon. Swollen resins window frames when dipped in water demonstrates imbibition. DPD= OP - TP ‘When cell is fully turgid DPD equals 0. (OP = TP) Incase of plasmolysis, DPD equals OP. (TP = 0) Ubisch bodies secreted by tapetum help in external thickening of exirie as these bodies get coated with sporopollelin. Photosynthesis doesn’t produce ATP utilizing glucose. Width of heartwood increases during secondary growth. UAA is termination codon, the presence of it on mRNA will terminate the elongation process or polypeptide synthesis during translation Tuer syndrome: affects only female, XO: X chromosome is completely /partially missing, XX (daughter of colorblind man) x XY (normal man) x°xX x°Y xX XY ees oe NO ally 1/2 of the son is affected Following the Chargaff rule A (120) = T(120), G (120) = C (120) Total: 480 Back cross: test cross (with recessive parent), out cross (with dominant parent) But, Pasteur effect = an inhibiting effect of oxygen on the fermentation process (respiration) Bolting is intenodal elongation of crowned or rosette plant like cabbage, Henbane etc. caused by Gibberrelin. Hybridization produce strong/superior offspring (known as. heterosis /hybrid vigor). But after few generations, heterosis is lost. hemi £8 87.0) 8 ») 4 9 9 ») d When the substrate binds with the repressor protein synthesized by promoter gene, aporepressor complex is formed which further cannot bind with the operator gene and RNA polymerase is free to transcribe structural genes and the phenomena is called as swiched on in Lac operon system. Law of Multiple Proportions - When two elements combine with each other to form more than one compound, the weights of one element that combine with a fixed weight of the other are in a ratio of small whole numbers. Given by Dalton Hence SnCL2 and SnCld illustrates the law of multiple proportions. Total number of atoms = No. of moles x Na * Atomicity of the molecule According to Aufbau’s principle, Energy of an electron in an orbit (E) exn'#1 Bohr’s theory is applicable for single electron species. The expression mvr-nh/2n,where n is an integral multiple as(1,23...) represents ‘quantization of Orbit angular momentum of electron. On applying pressure, the equilibrium reaction shifts to the side with lesser number of moles. In IV group including the radicals Zn, Nit Mn?*and Co®, HS gas is passed in basic medium to increase S* ion concentration by odd ion effect, so that the ionic product of their corresponding cations and S* ion exceeds the solubility product of their corresponding metal sulphides and hence gets precipitated. ‘The bond angles in H2O, H2S NHB & CH4 are 104.5°, 91°, 107.5° & 109.5° respectively. [H1+]= 20.005M = 0.01M pH= ~logfH] = ~log0.01=20. ~The reaction is spontaneous if change in Gibb's free eriergy is negative. ‘The correct thermodynamic conditions for the spontaneous reaction at all temperatures is AH<0 and AS>O Under these conditions, AG=AH-TAS0, for reactions at equilibrium, AG=0 a In isothermal process, PV=constant at any pressure or volume of gas. So the graph will be a straight line parallel to x-axis. ‘The Standard reduction potential of Na is lower than Zine . Hence, Zn cannot displace Na from its salt. H,0-+2H@ + 2e-+ 4.02 2F= 1 mol of Hj0= Ys mol of Or £2«96500C = 1.93*105C 6 95. 97. 101. 104. 105. 106. 109. 110. 1m. » ») 9 b) ») » ») a) a) d) a) a) a) ») Equivalent conductance = kx V = ohmt cr cm3/eqy = ohm-lemzeqv? For completion of 87.5% reaction 3 half-lives are required. For 2 half lives(75%) 100 mins required. Therefore, for 1 half life 50 mins required. For 3 half lives 3%50 = 150 mins required, Cubic is most symmetric while triclinic is most asymmetric crystal structure. Pulp is commercially prepared by separating cellulose fibers form from ‘woods, fiber crops and rags. Mixed with water and other chemicals, it is ‘a major raw material for papermaking. Sulphide ores are concentrated via froth floatation method. Galena (PbS) FeSiOs flux(SiO2)+gangue(FeO)—vslag(FeSiO:) 102.4) 103. a) Plaster of paris is a semihydrated calcium sulphate ,Dead burnt plaster is anhydrous calcium sulphate. The electrolysis of brine solution to prepare sodium hydroxide can be given as follow: NaCl(conc,) # Na*+Cl- H,0#H*+OH- Atcathode: 2H+2e— Hat Atariode: 2Cl-—+Cht +22" Nat+OH-NeOH Quenching or hardening: Heating steel to red followed by sudden cooling. ‘Annealing: Heating steel below red hot and then cooling slowly. Tempering: Quenching following by annealing Prussian blue is formed when ferric sulphate reacts with Ki[Fe(CN)6). 2Fex(SO4)s+3K,[Fe(CN)o]—Fea[Fe(CN)s]s(Prussianblue)+6K:S0,. Hydrogen sulfide is usually evolved from iron sulfide, by the following reaction: FeS+2HCISHS+FeCh ‘The same reaction is used in Kipp’s apparatus for making H:S gas. ‘Mercury reacts with ozone to form an oxide. Meniscus of mercury is lost and mercurous oxide sticks to the glass. It is known as tailing of mercury. On shaking with water, the meniscus is restored. ‘Che acts as an oxidizing agent in the reaction with HBr, HI and KBr,KI. 2P,43NaOH+9H0-+3NaH:PO«+5PHs P@ P(+5) P(3) 1 uz 9 117. ») 18. b) 119. 9) 120. b) 121. a) 12 0) 124. d) 125. b) 126. a) 127. d) 129. a) 130. d) Physics BL) 132. b) Itis a disproportionation reaction. 113, b) 114. b) 115. b) 116. d) Dehydration of alcohol is an example f-elimination. It involves the loss of two atoms/groups from adjacent carbon atoms. (ethanol) CH36CH2a0H + alc. KOH —rethene CH2=CH2 . ‘The reaction involves the formation of Carbocation intermediate. (GHsBr + CzHsONa (in presence of NaBr)-> CzHs-O-C:Hs Williamson's synthesis is used to prepare ether. It takes place on the presence of a metallic alkoxide compound. Todoform test is given by the compounds having ~CO-CH3 functional group. However, acetaldehyde (H~CO~CH3) also contains this group. All the aldehyde gives Fehling's test. Hence, the compound which gives oth the test is Ethanal 123.¢) Phenols and aniline react with the benzene diazonium salts to give their respective azo dyes. Vinyl chloride shows resonance. Terminal alkynes are acidic in nature and give Silver acetylides on reaction with Tollen’s reagent while alkanes and alkenes do not. 128. a) Zwitter ion is a dipolar ion established at a particular pH in amino acid. Itis neutral as it has equal number of cations and anions. Polystyrene is an addition polymer of styrene. E=hf = § (note: dimensional formula of angular momentum & Plank constant is same) = [MLAT] / [19] = [ML7T-] By conservation of momentum. smyu; + mati2 = mivi + mav2 They go with same velocities as a system (i.e. v2 =v:) mu + (2m) x 0= mv +2mv 135. 136. 137. 139. 141, 12. 143. 144. 145. 146. 47. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152, 153, 154, ») 9 ») a) 4d) 4 a) 4 a) a) 4 9 9 9 9 4) Ect ieve3 134. a) P=\2mKE PoyKE So if KE is increased by 2 times P increases. by P Tendency to overturn a v2 Since the earth rotates around its polar axis. The geostationary satellites orbit must be around the polar axis. Velocity (v) = @ JA?=Xt Acceleration (a) = - ox i.e. at mean position (x = 0), v is maximum and a is minimum (in terms of magnitudes). 140. a) When a bimetallic strip is cooled, it will bend towards large coefficient of linear expansion. Smaller coefficient of linear expansion rod will be on convex side and larger will be on concave side. When relative humidity is 100%, the room temperature = Dew point. ‘A metallic sphere having a fine opening on side may be considered as black body. Ferry's black body is an example. Vader econ 420 ee me"07® amy/mi = (20 +15)/(20-15) = 71 Asweknow, Vac yT ah dey 1 neg 4 nodes, 3 antinodes Is6+r or, 60°= 15°+ r r=45° re But angle between the direction of propagation and plane of polarization is0® Because of repulsion & its surface tension decreases, 9 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 164. 165. 166. 167. 169. 171. 172. 175. 176. 177. a) °) ° 9 ») a) a) 9 9 9 ») ued. tales) e AsrysoUt. ‘Ancor E Energy /densit Power dissipated = Trergy per unit volumes 1 Power, per unit volumes = 5 tot? ‘Magnetic field is towards north, force is towards east Using Fleming’s left Hand rule, current flows downwards. For a straight conductor, L = 0, because its cross sectional area of coil is negligible. 5 ge ch egerelils We know reactance of capacitor = Z = 3207 Z= 5 ‘Therefore, from relation, reactance decreases if capacitance (C) increases v also I = 780 when reactance (Z) decreases current (I) increases. 162.) 163.) Energy of produced photor is E=eV and E=\he Vis accelrating potential. SohaV1 so making V , 2 times will make lambda , 1/2 times i.e. 1/2 Pep a@)-" padi of atoms eles after m half lives. 2 5 6) x original atom=(5) *100=3% 168.) 170.) Electron is a lepton. Leptons don't have quarks but hadrons do. 1738) 174, b) For real object, a convex mirror always forms virtual erect and diminished image. Velocity of light in glass slab vo $ nS #2 100m/s d_6x103 Sette =3% 1051 see = O08 nsec i = 60", A= 30°, 8= 30° asin + i= A +8 => 60° + in = 30° + 30° 10 178. 180. MaT 181, 182. 184. » °) 9 ° ) % 9 a) 9 Asia = 0, i2=0 (for normal incidence at second face) Asin ti=ASn=A=3P © sinr~ sin30°"" 1 “i 2 oh 179.b) With complete combustion of hydrogen atoms into helium atoms the core of the star starts contracting again with consequent rise of temperature, With rise in temperature the outer layer of the star expands and the size of the star increases. ‘Sumit si 174 rank from the last and Ravi is 7 ranks ahead of Sumit. So, Ravi is= 17+7=24 (from the last) ‘The total number of students is= 39 Ravi rank from the start= Total number of students- Ravi's rank from the last - = 39-2441 =15+1 =16 Given, Principal (P) = 500000 Time (T) = 10 years Rate (R) = 10% Now, Amount (A) = P-+1 =p = 500000 + = 500000 + 500000 = Rs. 1000000 Given series can be shown as: 500000 x10 x 10 100 NNN ZY AX BW, C NN ‘On 31st December, 2005 it was Saturday. ‘Number of odd days fromn the year 2006 to the year 2009 = (1+1+2+1) =5days. On 3st December 2009, it was Thursday. Thus, on 1st Jan, 2010 it is Friday. Protozoa comes under Invertebrates but Chordata are vertebrates. Thus, option (a) is correct. Five consecutive multiples of 15 can be written as 30,x=15, x,x+15,x+30 Average = x 3 x= 30+x-15 +415 +430 EB of, x= 60 = Third number 187. 189. 190. 191, 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199, a) 4d) 3227 46 = 256 ne 58=3125 *12+25 x15 Average age =o So og = 13:6 years x5 x 7 8x3x4 in fig; 3°? 235 In 2s fig; 5 = 48 Axl Similarly, in fig p= 18 Mi=40, Wi=60, Di=8 Mz=40-8=32, We=?, D.=12 M:D:W2 = MzD2W1=> 40 x 8 X W= 32 x 12 x 60 = We= 32x12x60 40x86 te Scholarship seats will not be same every year and they may be less or more than previous. Thus, the data is inadequate. The square of last digit is kept at first in the code. ie. In 123 the square of 3 is 9, 2 is 4, 1 is 1 and the code is 941. Thus, code for 425 will be: 52... 22... => 25416 Given: 16 «2=32 So, option 'B' is correct. (7 x7 = 49) Here, Box with 1 dot is opposite of 3. Box with 6 dots is opposite of 2. Box with 4 dots is opposite of 5. 5 ‘Since, opposite sides of dice can't be seen simultaneously, the only option correct is (c) with 1, 5 and 6 dots. By the given statements, the following conclusion can be made. Thus, is sitting to the opposite of (Q’ 12

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