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Semester Ganjil
Tahun Akademik 2023/2024

Ujian Tengah Semester UjianAkhir Semester UjianSusulan

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa inggris Medis SifatUjian : Open Book / Close Book
Hari/tanggal : Jumat, 2 Februari 2024 Gadget : Ya / Tidak
Jam : 09.00 – 21.00 (Asyncronuous) Kamus : Ya / Tidak
Ruang : UBL Nama :
Program Studi : D3-ARS/D3-Farmasi/D3-
Brilian Tyas Ayu Setyawan, S.S.,
Dosen Pengajar :
Tanda tangan
*coret yang tidakperlu

Petunjuk Ujian:
1. Bacalah doa sebelum memulai mengerjakan soal.
2. Bacalah soal dengan teliti dan pahami maksud dari pertanyaannya.
3. Kerjakan secara mandiri, percayalah pada kemampuan diri sendiri tanpa mengandalkan orang
4. Apabila terdapat kesamaan jawaban dengan teman yang lain, maka nilai akan dikurangi 50.
5. Kumpulkan jawaban tepat waktu. Keterlambatan akan mempengaruhi nilai.
6. Selama mengerjakan soal, diperbolehkan membuka buku, catatan, maupun materi
7. Jawaban ditulis dikertas selembar dan diupload ke email =


Rusliana Azzahra
D3 Administrasi Rumah Sakit

1. What is OutPatient Care Unit ? and mention Characteristic of Outpatient care Unit?
Jawab: medical service privided to a patient for the purpose of observation,diagnosis
,treatment ,rehabilitation and other health services, without requiring thr patient to be hospitalized.
Main dutles of the outpatient care unit:
a) Prepare all tools and equipment requaired in the outpatien care unit
b) Recorsing patients in the register book
c) Providing medical services and information as well treatment
d) Recording the patient’s condition in the DRM complete outpatient care
e) Create and receive referral letters
f) Make a letter of introduction to the inspection installation support, outpatient
care unit and certificate the healthy (if necessary)
g) Make a daily outpatient census
h) Receiving putpatient DRM from TPPRJ and sending to the assembling
section with expedition book
i) Make informed consent,visut at repertum and general consent

2. The doctor made decision that Mr. A should be Hospitalized, but he and his family have strong
decision to go home. What will happen to the patient?
Jawab: The doctor will follow the patient's wishes, the doctor will give medicine to the
patient and the patient will undergo outpatient treatment

3. What is Inpatient Care Unit? and mention Characteristic of InPateint care Unit?
Jawab: The doctor will follow the patient's wishes, the doctor will give medicine to the
patient and the patient will undergo outpatient treatment
Main duties of inpatient care unit:
a) Prepare tools and equipment needed in the patient care unit ( nurses room)
b) Provide supervision, care, and treatment intensively to the patient
c) Providing clear health information and transparent to the patient or the person
in charge responsibility to the patient and to the doctor un charge answered
the patient
d) Register the patient in the register book
e) Make a reference cover letter, installation inspection,supporters, health
certificate, informed consentr\, visum et repertum
f) Every time there is a mutation the patient reports to TPPRI
g) Making a daily inpatient census
h) Perform joint services revenue control with kassa.

4. What is the purpose of the laboratory?

Jawab: the purpose of the laboratory is:
a) Helps diagnose a disease so that doctor can deal with a disease precisely,
quickly,and accurately
b) Determining the risk of disease by hope a disease can be detected early
c) Determine the prognosis/course of the disease so that it can used as a progress
monitor and successful treatment of a disease

5. What is a Hospital Pharmacy Installation?

Jawab: pharmacy hospital pharmacy installation is a part that is not separated from the
hospital’s health care system which whole and oriented to patient service, druf supply quality,
including affordable clinical pharmacy services for all walks of life, pharmaceutical
installation provides professional services,quality,customer oriented, affordable to
satisfying customers.
6. Mention the flow of inpatients?
Jawab: the flow of inpatient services starts from incoming patient services at the patient
reception,treatment room services (medical personnel services,nursing staff services,direct
environment,provision of medical/non medical equipment, food/nutrition services),
followed by administrative and financial services, finally home patient services.

7. What is a Hospital Management Information System (SIM-RS) ?

Jawab: Hospital Information System (SIRS) is a process collection, processing and
presentation of hospital data throughout Indonesia. This information system covers all Hospitals
general and special, both managed publicly and private sector as regulated in the Law of the
Republic Indonesia Number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals
8.What is Medicolegal?
Jawab: medicolegal is an interdisciplinary field between health or medicine sciences with
knowledge of law.

9.There is patient come to the Hospital in a rush without bring any ID. What would you do ?
Jawab: If the patient is a new patient, the patient must fill in complete patient data such as
name, address, telephone number, place and date of birth. and if the patient has been seeking
treatment for a long time, the administrative task is to ask for his name, place, date of birth and ask
for his family name

10. One of the patient is a pet lover. He insisted to bring his pet and ready to pay high to do that.
What will the hospital do?
Jawab: Pets are usually prohibited from entering hospitals because they are feared of
bringing disease germs into hospital areas which should be sterile and hygienic. Hospital staff first
check the pet's health condition. Every animal that will enter the hospital area is also
cleaned, brought into a special and closed cage and ensured that it does not come into contact with
other patients, apart from its owner.



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