Blended Learning Handbook - Chrysalis

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Blended Learning

For Indian Schools

A Handbook for School Leaders
What is Blended Learning?
Blended Learning integrates a teacher-lead in-class learning experience with a self-
directed/self-regulated learning at-home via technology. Simply put, Blended Learning
is a unique blend of learning that happens both – in-class and at-home. It challenges
our very outlook of learning. Why should learning be restricted to a single place, single
point in time and a single mode of learning? Learning can happen any time, any place
and via any mode. Too good to be true? Not much. Technology has enabled us to do
just this.

Blurring the lines between classroom and home, through Blended Learning, learning
becomes a continuous engaging and enjoyable process.

Blended Learning
the way the future will learn

Blended Learning ≠ Online Teaching

Joyful engaging
learning for
the child

Why Blended Learning?
No, the pandemic is definitely not the reason why.

Blending the learning ‘in-class’ and ‘at-home’- through technology!

Imagine you are beginning a lesson on photosynthesis. Wouldn’t you start that with a
brief intro on the parts of the plant and their functions? Something your class would have
studied in a previous grade. What if the time spent on this intro was an interesting activity
assigned by you, to the class, to be done at home? When you know the class comes to
you with the requisite pre-knowledge, you get to focus more time and effort on the core
topic of the lesson – the beautiful process that sustains life on earth – photosynthesis.
You probably just got that extra time to take your class to the school garden to help
them understand photosynthesis. Same goes for the Home Fun you assign. Imagine
how personalized the learning experience could be if the data on progress of each
child, each class in every topic and lesson was just a click away on your smartphone.
The child gets a learning experience that is joyful, engaging and one that stimulates
them to think on their own. The child’s progress on their learning journey clearly and
more insightfully recorded through technology.

Thats probably why the world is moving towards ‘blended learning’.

Until 2019
Learning happened at
schools (mostly)

In 2020
Learning shifted
online at-home
In-Class learnIng for at-Home
tHe CHIld

2021 onwards
Best of both the worlds.
In-School and At-home via the
power of technology

Blended learning
the unique blend of the best of in-school and at-home teaching learning practices
enabled through technological advances. The way the future will learn.

Two Sides of the
‘Blended Learning’ Coin
Synchronous & Asynchronous Learning

Synchronous – when the teacher and the children are on the same platform or physical
space at the same time

Asynchronous – when the learning happens via a digital medium in an effort to make
it self-directed and self-regulated for the child

Learning What it Facilitation

Mode Advantages Challenges Mode

Peer learning,
Real-time, Online
Engaging, Scheduling,
Synchronous Fixed schedule, &
Instant Majority-focus
One-to-Many Offline

Isolation, Online
Self-paced, Personalised
Asynchronous ‘Delayed’ &
One-to-One learning, Self
feedback Offline

Asynchronous Synchronous
Learning Learning

Students’ Work Introduction
Time leading to Concepts Peer Interaction
self-regulation &
self-learning Instructions Remediation

Uploading Student Feedback Re-Teach

Have Fun Speaking and
Listening Skill

Need a cool tip?
How do you identify if an activity needs a synchronous or asynchronous learning
mode? Going back to the basics – the Expected Learning Outcomes. They type of
action words describing the ELO is the hint to decide between the two modes.

Synchronous ASynchronous
Describe Identify
Explain List down
Demonstrate Read

Of course, the learning needs of your class is unique and it is upto you to decide the
two modes. The above is only a recommendation.

Think and Ink

Identify if the below ELOs fall under Synchronous (S) or Asynchronous (A) activity.

Activity (S) (A)

Multiply numbers with and without regrouping

Read simple words with l-blends

Identify the body parts

Estimate the product of 2 numbers

Identify verbs in the simple future tense

Create a report to show how you have created history

List material commonly used to build temporary and

permanent houses

Describe the elements of a sci-fi story

Planning and Preparation for
Blended Learning

Pre-work/ HomeFun/
Asynchronous Asynchronous

• Refer Your • Design • Create trigger • Design

Annual instructions questions for instructions
Pedagogical • Students work discussion • Set time for
Plan + Upload • Use tools for review &
• Refer Facilitation responses idea exchanges feedback (1V1)
Handbook/ • Teachers review • Share additional
Lesson Plans responses info, if needed
• Identify ELOs for

Identify Live Class/

Sub-topic/ELO Synchronous

What NEP 2020 Says
National Education Policy 2020 – NEP 2020 recommends and fully recognizes
the importance of both digital learning and face-to-face in-person learning. Hence
the policy recommends different models of Blended Learning to be identified for
appropriate replication for different subjects. (NEP 2020, Section 24.4)

About ThinkRoom Blended
Learning Programme
2021 is a year of new beginnings and the much discussed ‘new normal’ in education
- Blended Learning, rightly recommended as the way forward by education researchers
and policies like NEP 2020. Chrysalis has just entered in an iconic partnership with
KidsLoop – global leaders in providing AI-driven technology solutions for schools. The
outcome of this partnership is a unique blend of Chrysalis’ research-backed pedagogy
with cutting-edge global technology. ThinkRoom Blended Learning Programme is a
pioneering ed-tech solution for schools.

Together, in our vision to awaken the Human Potential in every child

19+ years of intense engagement

with schools

800+ partner schools across India Adaptive, child-friendly platform

Radically Research-based Pedagogy & whole Connectivity technology solution allowing full data content creation,
transforms the Environment child approach delivery and analytics
4 cultural
forces Activity based learning Core AI Technology designed by UK Scientists
that impact
learning Assessment Skill-building & learning with
Animation pipeline and design technology through Korean Studio
enduring understanding

Mapped to Central & State curricula 5 million+ children learning via KidsLoop platform globally
Systems Aligned to the National Educational
Offices in London, Seoul, Shanghai & Hong Kong
Policy 2020

Research, Implementation & Winner of Innovation Edu-tech by

Evaluation partners of IBM, WIPRO, Intel, Microsoft. the Tencent
Education Awards 2020.
Partners of Cambridge Assessment, UK

To know more about ThinkRoom Blended Learning Programme, follow this link -

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