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Report: Library

The library of Holy Trinity College of General

Santos City is dedicated to facilitating
academic excellence, research, and intellectual
development among its students, faculty, and
staff. To ensure the effective management of
library resources and the provision of quality
services, the library has established a robust
framework of policies, standards, procedures,
and guidelines.
Library Policies: Access Policy

The library is open to all registered students, faculty, and staff of Holy
Trinity College. External users may access the library's resources
under certain conditions, subject to approval by library
administration. Privacy Policy: The library respects the privacy and
confidentiality of patron information, in accordance with applicable
laws and professional ethics. Patron records and personal data are
handled with strict confidentiality. Intellectual Freedom Policy: The
library upholds the principles of intellectual freedom and supports the
free exchange of ideas and information. Materials representing
diverse perspectives and viewpoints are collected and made
accessible to users. Collection Development Policy: Guidelines for the
selection, acquisition, and deselection of library materials are
established to build and maintain a relevant and balanced collection
that supports the curriculum and research needs of the college
Library Standards

Resource Quality Standards: Library materials, including

books, periodicals, electronic resources, and multimedia
materials, are selected based on established quality
criteria, such as accuracy, authority, currency, and
relevance. Service Standards: The library is committed to
providing prompt, courteous, and effective service to all
patrons. Standards for reference assistance, circulation
transactions, and interlibrary loan services ensure a
consistent and high-quality user experience. Facility
Standards: The library maintains a clean, comfortable, and
well-organized physical environment conducive to study
and research. Standards for facility maintenance, seating
capacity, and equipment availability are upheld to meet
user needs.
Library Procedures:

Circulation Procedures: Procedures for borrowing,

renewing, and returning library materials are
standardized to ensure efficient circulation
operations. Loan periods, overdue fines, and
reservation procedures are clearly communicated to
patrons. Interlibrary Loan Procedures: The library
facilitates interlibrary loan requests to access
materials not available in its collection. Procedures
for requesting, borrowing, and returning materials
from partner libraries are documented and followed.
Cataloging and Classification Procedures:
Standardized cataloging and classification
procedures are employed to organize and retrieve
library materials systematically. Procedures for
cataloging new acquisitions and maintaining
catalog records are carried out by trained library
Library Guidelines

Behavioral Guidelines: Patrons are expected to

conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible
manner while using library facilities and resources.
Guidelines regarding noise levels, food and drink
policies, and appropriate conduct are prominently
displayed and enforced. Technology Guidelines:
Guidelines for the use of library computers,
internet access, and electronic resources promote
responsible and ethical use. Guidelines address
issues such as computer security, software
licensing, and copyright compliance. Study Room
Reservation Guidelines: Guidelines for reserving
and using study rooms are established to
accommodate individual and group study needs.
Procedures for making reservations, usage
restrictions, and time limits are communicated to

The library policies, standards,

procedures, and guidelines of Holy
Trinity College of General Santos City
underscore the institution's
commitment to providing high-quality
library services and resources to
support teaching, learning, and
research endeavors. By adhering to
these established frameworks, the
library fosters an environment
conducive to academic success and
intellectual growth for all members of
the college community.
Thank you for being
a part of our

Good Holy!

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