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-----Personality changes want to develop, (to gain maturity)-----

Talk less, Become intelligent,smart, and become more observant, develop a sharp
intuition, Become a bit Selfless
and start sharing, Take care of yourself, Understand poeple more (what there going
through), Be more private,
Understand whats harmful for you and what not (eg, social media), Become more hard
warking, Become more
Strategic, Start thinking more positively, try to gain knowledge from your
surrounding, Lower your tone, Dont argument,
Aceept your mistakes and say sorry if you have too. Become more clean and pure
(safayi nisf emaan hai), give respect ot elders
(always say your salam)

-----Things you want to say to yourself-----

If you cant help people dont hurt them pysically or mentally
Ignore peoples harsh comments about to, the world is evil
Never give people false hope
Dont backbite, dont brag and see everyone as equal
Before saying anything, think about the outcomes
Rememember people like your father and mother have hopes on you,
never forget how hard your parents struggle for you, dont let that
struggle be for nothing
At the end, the real purpose of life is to worship ALLAH

oh boy, study life has officialy started can you seriously be happy with your
currents results
i know you can do better, you just need to put in the effort.

For that pure dedication for A star result is required

Avoid distrations, yes that includes videos, an hour a day is enough

Study Tips
Figure out your weak subjects and their topics, so you can focus more on them
these subjects include Pstudies and chmeistry right now
Make notes of all your work, these inlude PST and ISL
Make sure you do your homework regularly and complete your classwork
Start practice creative writing of english and urdu, focus on their grammer

Study Method
Do a chapter a day atleast, focus more on weak subjects
If any problems relating to topics ask questions to teacher the next day
Practice is key, the more you practice the more better results you will get,
practice subjects like p.studies and maths.
Do past papers of the topics you do from book or online can work too

Things to implement in your life

Start becoming closer to your religion
-pray daily
-recite with translation daily
-understand quran, using online websites
-watch videos on our prophets/messengers
Sleep around 10 to 11, this would allow you to be active
Start excersising, around early morning at fajr
-exercise plan is listed in notes on your phone
Develop your personality listed above, become a better version of
yourself no one has seen before, basically become mature for your age


Most importantly, come to closer to ISLAM

Learn psychology
Go in to fitness, start workout
Study everyday from now on, no breaks at all
Start journaling
Start to from a regular routine

Start to take control over your mind and body, for example, if u have homework to
do then just
do it, control your mind and realise that its your duty to do homework. Just dont
much about it and just start (Control over your mind and bady is the most vital
tool of all)
another example, (scrolling acress instagram)

ok now for the main part, you have IGCSE exams starting from April, meaning you
have exactly three months
for preperation for pakstudies(previous record has been super bad), then
Islamiyat(forgot you were good at it)
and urdu(needs lots of practice). Its Your Duty, to get A stars on every
subject(farz hai). Your parents are going
to pay 2lakhs just for your education.DONT YOU DARE FUCKING LET THEM DOWN BITCH.
Youre whole future life depends on
these exams(parents, future gen, EVERYTHING) but dont be too stressed. Keep your
calm and strategize your next
plans. Study smartly and hardly(NO MORE FOOLING AROUND)

For these goals to be accomplished, your obligated to show your fullest commitment
by the doing so
of constant dicipline, focus, consistancy and in Action. All of these factors
combined will result in sucess whether
your talking about education, religion or workout. Use your nime such as AOT and
haikyuu as a rolemodel of dedication
and hard work.

Complete all syllabus of PST and ISL for send ups. Then put out a calender on your
preperation plan later.
make playlists and files and make use of internet resources as much as you can in
the from of articles,
files and even videos. (must use chatgpt too)

At the end make these Three months COUNT. And always remember, DICIPLIINE + FOCUS +

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