2024 Bộ 2 (Part 1) Forecast Speaking May - August

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May – August 2024

A. Part 1
1. Where do you live now ?
- Which town or city do you live in now
I currently reside in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. It's a bustling metropolis
known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine

- Are there any things you don’t like about your area ?
While I love many aspects of my area, there are a few things I don't
particularly enjoy. For example, traffic congestion can be quite challenging,
especially during rush hours, and pollution levels sometimes detract from the
overall quality of life

- Do you think you will continue to live there for a long time ? As for
whether I'll continue to live here for a long time, it's hard to say definitively.
While I appreciate many aspects of Hanoi, such as its cultural vibrancy and
career opportunities, I'm also open to exploring new places and
opportunities in the future.

- What are some changes in the area recently ?

There have been several changes in the area recently, including the
development of new infrastructure projects, the opening of trendy cafes and
restaurants, and an increasing focus on environmental sustainability

- Do you live in a house or an apartment ?

I live in an apartment in the city center. What makes my home pleasant to live
in is its convenient location, modern amenities, and the sense of community
among neighbors

- What things make your home pleasant to live in ?

Several factors contribute to making my home pleasant to live in. Firstly, its
cozy and comfortable ambiance creates a welcoming atmosphere where I can
relax and unwind after a long day. Additionally, the layout and design of the
space, including ample natural light and well-chosen decor, add to its charm
and aesthetic appeal. The presence of modern amenities such as reliable
utilities, efficient appliances, and high-speed internet enhances convenience

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and comfort. Furthermore, the neighborhood's safety and tranquility provide a
sense of security and peace of mind
- Are the people in your neighborhood nice and friendly ?
Fortunately, the people in my neighborhood are generally nice and friendly.
We often greet each other and sometimes even organize community events
or gatherings.

- Do you know any famous people in your area ?

While I don't personally know any famous people in my area, Hanoi is home
to many influential figures in politics, arts, and academia who contribute to the
city's vibrant culture and intellectual scene.
2. Work/ Study
- Do you work or are you a student ?
( Work )
- What kind of work do you do ?
I work as a software engineer at a tech company.

- What do you find most interesting about your work ?

The most interesting aspect of my work is the opportunity to solve complex
problems and create innovative solutions using technology

- Which is more important to you – the people work with or the work you
do ?
Both the people I work with and the work itself are important to me, but if I had
to choose, I would say the people I work with. Collaborating with talented and
supportive colleagues enhances my overall job satisfaction and makes the
work more enjoyable.

- Do you work best in the morning or the afternoon ?

I find that I work best in the morning when my mind is fresh and focused. I like
to tackle challenging tasks and make progress on projects during this time.

( Study )
- How much time do you spend studying every week ?
I typically spend around 20-25 hours studying every week, balancing
coursework, readings, and assignments.

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- How do you usually travel to the city where you study ?
I usually travel to the city where I study by public transportation, such as
buses or trains, as it's convenient and cost-effective.

- Do you study best in the morning of the afternoon ?

I find that I study best in the morning when my mind is sharp and alert. I like to
start my day early and dedicate the morning hours to focused studying.

- Have you always wanted to study this subject/ these subjects ? Yes,
I've always been interested in studying computer science. I'm fascinated by
technology and its applications in various fields, and pursuing this subject
allows me to delve deeper into my passion and acquire valuable skills for the

3. History
- Do you like history as a subject in your school ? Why ? Yes, I quite
enjoyed studying history when I was in school. I found it fascinating to
learn about how past events and societies have shaped the modern
world. History classes provided me with a deeper understanding of
different cultures and the context for many of the geopolitical issues
we see today. Additionally, the stories of historical figures and their
accomplishments or failures always seemed to carry valuable lessons
on leadership, resilience, and ethics.
* Fascinating - hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn /ˈfæs.əˌneɪ.t̬̬ɪŋ/
* Geopolitical - địa chính trị /ˌdʒi.oʊˌpɒl.ɪˈtɪk.əl/
* Resilience - sự kiên cường, sự dẻo dai /rɪˈzɪl.jəns/
* Ethics - đạo đức /ˈeθ.ɪks/
* Accomplishments - thành tựu /əˈkɑːm.plɪʃ.mənts/ -Have you visited any
history museums ?
Yes, I have visited several history museums, and each experience has been
quite enlightening. The British Museum in London was particularly
memorable, offering a chance to see artifacts from diverse civilizations such
as the Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies. These visits help me connect
more deeply with the historical narratives I've studied.
* Enlightening - làm sáng tỏ, giáo dục /ɪnˈlaɪ.tən.ɪŋ/
* Artifacts - cổ vật, hiện vật /ˈɑːr.tə.fækt/
* Narratives - câu chuyện, lời kể /ˈnær.ə.tɪvz/
- Do you like watching documentaries/movies related to history ? Yes, I
enjoy watching historical documentaries because they provide a deeper
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insight into the past that textbooks can't fully capture. They often feature
interviews with historians and use archival footage, which makes historical
events and figures come alive in a compelling way.
* Archival - thuộc về lưu trữ /ˈɑːr.kɪ.vəl/
* Footage - phim, đoạn phim /ˈfʊt.ɪdʒ/ * Compelling - hấp dẫn, thuyết
phục /kəmˈpel.ɪŋ/ - Do you think history is important ?

Yes, I firmly believe that history is important. It helps us understand our past,
which in turn allows us to make more informed decisions for our future. By
studying history, we can learn from the mistakes of previous generations and
strive to avoid repeating them. Additionally, understanding historical events
provides context for current world issues, making us better informed as
citizens and more empathetic as people.

* Strive - cố gắng /straɪv/

* Context - bối cảnh /ˈkɒn.tekst/
* Empathetic - đồng cảm /ˌem.pəˈθet.ɪk/
4. Learning about science
- Do you enjoy science lessons at school ?
Yes, I really enjoyed science lessons at school. They were always
fascinating because they explained how things work in the world around us.
Through experiments and hands-on activities, I was able to see the principles
of physics, chemistry, and biology in action, which made learning much more
engaging and practical. Moreover, understanding scientific concepts has
proven useful in everyday problem-solving and critical thinking.
* Engaging - hấp dẫn, thu hút /ɪnˈɡeɪ.dʒɪŋ/
* Practical - thực tế, thiết thực /ˈpræk.tɪ.kəl/
* Critical thinking - tư duy phản biện /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl ˈθɪŋ.kɪŋ/
* Fascinating - hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn /ˈfæs.ɪ.neɪ.tɪŋ/ - Would you like to
know more about science ?
Yes, I am always eager to learn more about science. It's a field that constantly
evolves, bringing new discoveries and insights. Understanding more about
areas like genetics or environmental science can help me make informed
decisions and contribute positively to society.
* Eager - háo hức /ˈiː.ɡər/
* Evolves - phát triển, tiến hóa /ɪˈvɒlvz/ * Discoveries - những phát hiện
/dɪˈskʌv.ər.iz/ - Do you watch science programmes on TV ?

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Yes, I enjoy watching science programs on TV. They are a great way to stay
informed about the latest developments in various scientific fields. Shows like
"Cosmos" and "Planet Earth" provide not only deep insights into complex
scientific topics but also present them in a way that's accessible and visually
engaging. These programs make learning about science both educational and
* Accessible - dễ tiếp cận /ækˈses.ə.bəl/
* Visually - về mặt hình ảnh /ˈvɪʒ.u.ə.li/
5. Public Transport
- What do people think of public transport ?
People's views on public transport vary widely depending on its quality and
reliability. In cities with efficient systems, it's often valued for its convenience
and environmental benefits. However, in areas where public transport is less
developed, it can be seen as frustrating and inadequate for daily needs.
* Frustrating - gây khó chịu /ˈfrʌs.treɪ.tɪŋ/
* Inadequate - không đầy đủ, không thỏa đáng /ɪnˈæd.ɪ.kwət/ - Do you
like long distance public transportation ?
Yes, I appreciate long-distance public transportation, particularly because it's
more environmentally friendly compared to personal vehicles or flights. It also
allows me to relax and enjoy the journey, whether I'm catching up on reading
or simply watching the scenery pass by, turning the travel into an enjoyable
part of the experience.
* Appreciate - đánh giá cao /əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/
* Scenery - phong cảnh /ˈsiː.nər.i/
- What form of transport do you usually use ?
I frequently use a motorbike for my daily commutes. It's particularly effective in
navigating through traffic quickly and offers the convenience of easy parking.
Additionally, it's more cost-effective compared to cars, making it ideal for short
trips around the city.
6. Weekend
- Do you like weekends ?
Yes, I really enjoy weekends. They offer a much-needed break from the
regular workweek and provide an opportunity to relax, engage in hobbies, and
spend time with family and friends. Weekends are essential for me to
recharge and prepare for the upcoming week, making them a vital part of my

- What do you usually do on weekends ?

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On weekends, I typically take the time to relax and unwind. I often indulge in
my favorite hobbies, which include reading, watching movies, and occasionally
hiking if the weather is nice. Additionally, I enjoy spending quality time with my
friends and family, whether it's having a meal together or just catching up.
These activities help me recharge and get ready for the week ahead.

* Unwind - thư giãn, xả stress /ˌʌnˈwaɪnd/

* Indulge - nuông chiều, thỏa mãn
/ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ - Do you study or work on
weekends ?
I usually try to keep my weekends free for relaxation and personal activities,
but occasionally, I do need to catch up on some work or study. For instance, if
there's a pressing deadline or an upcoming exam, I might dedicate a few
hours to ensure I'm prepared.
7. Number
- What numbers do you like ?
I particularly like the number seven; it's considered lucky in many cultures and
holds a mystical significance for me. Additionally, I'm fond of the number
three because it symbolizes balance and harmony, which are important
values in my life. These numbers frequently appear in significant moments for
* Mystical - huyền bí /ˈmɪs.tɪ.kəl/
* Fond - yêu thích /fɒnd/

- Can you remember phone numbers ?

I find it challenging to remember phone numbers because smartphones store
all the contact information we need. However, I make a point to memorize
essential numbers like those of family members and close friends for
* Emergencies - tình huống khẩn cấp /ɪˈmɜːr.dʒən.siːz/

- What numbers are important to you ?

The numbers most important to me are dates that mark significant events, like
birthdays of family members and key anniversaries. These numbers not only
help me remember special occasions but also keep track of meaningful
milestones in my life. IELTS PREDICTION

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* Milestones - cột mốc /ˈmaɪl.stoʊnz/
8. Spend time by your self
- Do you like to spend time by yourself or with your friend ? I enjoy both
spending time alone and with friends. Solitude allows me to recharge and
pursue personal interests, while socializing with friends brings joy and creates
lasting memories. Balancing both is essential for my overall well-being and
* Solitude - sự cô đơn /ˈsɒl.ɪ.tjuːd/
* Recharge - nạp lại năng lượng /riːˈtʃɑːrdʒ/
* Pursue - theo đuổi /pəˈsjuː/

- When was the last time you spent time by yourself ? The last time I
spent time by myself was just last weekend. I took the opportunity to unwind
by reading a book and going for a long walk in the park. It was a refreshing
break that allowed me to clear my mind and enjoy some peace.
* Unwind - thư giãn /ʌnˈwaɪnd/

- Do you want to spend more time by yourself ?

Yes, I do find value in spending more time by myself. It gives me a chance to
reflect, pursue personal hobbies, and maintain mental well-being. This
solitude is crucial for my personal development and helps me balance my
social interactions more effectively.
* Mental well-being - sức khỏe tinh thần /ˈmen.təl ˌwelˈbiː.ɪŋ/
9. Art
- Do you like art ?
Yes, I really enjoy art. It provides a way to express creativity and explore new
perspectives. Whether it's visiting galleries or painting at home, engaging with
art enriches my life and offers a profound sense of fulfillment.
* Fulfillment - sự thỏa mãn /fʊlˈfɪl.mənt/

- Do you often go to art galleries ?

Yes, I often visit art galleries as I find them incredibly inspiring. It's a wonderful
way to see the world through different artists' eyes and gain new insights into
various cultures and histories. Each visit offers a unique experience that
enriches my appreciation for art.

- Is it interesting to become an artist ?

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Becoming an artist can be incredibly rewarding, as it allows one to express
their creativity and share their vision with the world. It's a path filled with
challenges and discoveries, making every day interesting and unique.
10. Pen and pencil
- Which one do you often use : pen and pencil ?
I usually prefer using a pen because the ink makes my notes look more
defined and permanent. Pencils are great for sketching or where mistakes
might need correcting, but for everyday writing, pens are my go-to.
* Permanent - vĩnh viễn /ˈpɜː.mə.nənt/
* Sketching - vẽ phác thảo /ˈsketʃ.ɪŋ/

- When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil ?

The last time I bought a pen was about a month ago. I needed a new set for
my office, so I picked up a few gel pens that write very smoothly.

- How do you think if someone send you a pen as a gift ?

I would feel very grateful if someone sent me a pen as a gift. Pens can
be quite personal and thoughtful items, especially if they're high-quality or
uniquely designed. It would be a practical gift that I would definitely use.
* Grateful - biết ơn /ˈɡreɪt.fəl/
11. Wild animal
- Do you like to see animals in the zoo?
Yes, I enjoy seeing animals in the zoo as it allows me to observe various
species up close and learn about their behaviors and habitats. It's fascinating
to witness the diversity of wildlife from around the world.

- What is your favorite wild animal ?

My favorite wild animal is the tiger. I admire its strength, beauty, and
gracefulness. Tigers are majestic creatures that hold a significant place in
many cultures and symbolize power and resilience.
* Majestic - tráng lệ /məˈdʒes.tɪk/
* Resilience - sự kiên cường /rɪˈzɪl.i.əns/

- Are there many wild animals in VietNam ?

Yes, Vietnam is home to a rich diversity of wild animals, including many
unique and endangered species. From the majestic Indochinese tiger to the
elusive pangolin, Vietnam's forests and national parks provide habitats for a
wide range of wildlife.

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* Elusive - khó nắm bắt /ɪˈluː.sɪv/
12. Make plans
- Do you make plans every day ?
Yes, I usually make plans every day as it helps me stay organized and
ensures that I am productive. Daily planning allows me to allocate time
effectively for both work and leisure, which balances my day.
- Are you good at managing your time ?
I consider myself fairly good at managing my time. I prioritize tasks based on
their urgency and importance, and I use tools like calendars and to-do lists
to keep everything on track. This habit helps me meet deadlines and reduce
* Calendars - lịch /ˈkæl.ɪn.dər/
* To-do lists - danh sách công việc /tuː duː lɪsts/

- What is the latest plan you made ?

The latest plan I made was to organize a small gathering with friends this
weekend. We haven't seen each other in a while, so I planned a casual
meetup at a local café where we can catch up and relax.
13. Languages
- What languages can you speak ?
I can speak two languages: Vietnamese and English. Vietnamese is my native
language, as it is spoken by the majority of people in my country. I learned
English as a second language and have become proficient in it through
years of studying and practice
* proficient - thành thạo
- What languages would you like to learn in the future ?
In the future, I would love to learn Japanese. I have always been fascinated
by Japanese culture as well as the rich history of this country. Learning
Japanese would not only enable me to communicate with native speakers but
also deepen my understanding of their traditions.
* deepen one's understanding: giúp làm sâu kiến thức.

- How do you learn a foreign language ?

Actually, I primarily learn a foreign language through numerous methods: I
do take language classes where I can receive formal instruction from a
teacher. Additionally, this helps me learn the vocabulary and pronunciation. I
also utilize online resources such as language learning apps and websites.

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14. Street market
- What do people usually buy on the street market ?
People usually buy fresh produce such as fruits, vegetables, and meats at
street markets. These markets also offer a variety of other goods like clothing,
household items, and street food.

- Are there many supermarkets in your country ?

Yes, there are many supermarkets in my country. They are common in urban
areas and offer a wide range of products, from groceries to household items
and electronics.

- Why do so many people prefer street market than supermarket ?

Many people prefer street markets over supermarkets for several reasons.
Firstly, street markets often offer fresher and more diverse products,
especially in terms of fruits, vegetables, and local specialties. Secondly, street
markets can be more affordable than supermarkets, as prices are often
negotiable, and there are opportunities to find bargains. Lastly, some people
enjoy the lively atmosphere and cultural experience of shopping at street
markets, where they can interact with vendors and other shoppers.
* Affordable - giá phải chăng /əˈfɔːdəbl/
* Negotiable - có thể đàm phán /nɪˈɡoʊ.ʃi.əbl/
* Bargains - món hời, sự mua được giá rẻ /ˈbɑːr.ɡɪn/

15. Taking photos

- Do you like to take photographs ?
Yes, I enjoy taking photographs as a way to capture moments and memories.
Photography allows me to express my creativity and view the world through a
unique perspective.
* Capture - bắt gọn /ˈkæptʃər/
* Perspective - góc nhìn /pəˈspektɪv/

- Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take

photos ?
It depends on the situation. Sometimes, I prefer to take photos myself
because I can control the composition and capture the moment exactly as I
envision it. However, there are occasions when I enjoy having other people
take photos of me, especially when I want to be in the picture and fully
experience the moment without worrying about the technical aspects of
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* Composition - cấu trúc /ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən/
* Occasions - dịp /əˈkeɪ.ʒənz/
* Technical aspects - các khía cạnh kỹ thuật /ˈteknɪkəl ˈæspekts/

- How long have you liked taking photographs ?

I have liked taking photographs for as long as I can remember. It's been a
hobby of mine since childhood, and over the years, I've developed my skills
and passion for capturing images. Whether it's documenting travels, special
events, or everyday moments, photography has always been a significant part
of my life.

16. Perfume
- Do you use perfume ?
Yes, I use perfume regularly as it enhances my personal style and boosts my
confidence. It's an integral part of my daily routine.

- WHat kind of perfume do you like ?

I prefer perfumes that have a fresh and light scent. Floral or citrus notes are
my favorites because they are uplifting and easy to wear during any season.
* Citrus - cam, quýt /ˈsɪtrəs/
* Uplifting - truyền cảm hứng, làm phấn chấn /ˈʌpˌlɪftɪŋ/

- What does perfume mean to you ?

To me, perfume is not just a fragrance; it's a form of personal expression. It
evokes memories and emotions, and it can completely change how I feel
about myself in that moment.

- Do you give perfume as a gift ?

Yes, I often give perfume as a gift. It's a thoughtful present that can be very
personal, especially if I know the recipient's taste in fragrances. It shows care
and consideration.

17. Sharing
- Do you have anything to share with others recently ?

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Recently, I shared a book I finished reading with a friend who is interested in
the same genre. It's a great way to keep the conversation going and deepen
our connection through shared interests.

- Did your presents teach you to share when you were a child ?
Yes, my parents taught me the importance of sharing from a young age.
They emphasized that sharing not only helps others but also enriches our
own lives by building strong relationships and community ties.

- What kind of things do you like to share with others ?

I enjoy sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources with others. Whether
it's advice, a helpful book, or access to an interesting online course, I find
sharing these types of things both fulfilling and beneficial for fostering
learning and growth.
* Fostering - thúc đẩy /ˈfɒstərɪŋ/

18. Weather
- DO you prefer dry or wet weather ?
I definitely prefer dry weather over wet. It's easier to plan outdoor activities
and you don't have to worry about rain spoiling your plans.

- What kind of weather do you like the most ?

My favorite kind of weather is mild and sunny. It’s perfect for spending time
outdoors, whether it’s for hiking or just relaxing in a park.
* Mild - nhẹ, không quá khắc nghiệt /maɪld/

- What’s your favorite season ?

My favorite season is autumn. The cool, crisp air and the colorful leaves
create a beautiful atmosphere that's great for outdoor adventures and

- What kind of weather is typical in your hometown ?

The typical weather in my hometown varies, but it generally experiences a
moderate climate. Summers are warm without being too hot, and winters are
cold but rarely see heavy snowfall.
* Moderate - ôn hòa /ˈmɒdərɪt/
* Snowfall - lượng tuyết rơi /ˈsnəʊfɔːl/

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19. Daily routine
- What is your morning routine ?
My morning routine typically starts with waking up early, followed by a bit of
stretching or light exercise to get the blood flowing. Then, I usually spend
some time reading or checking the news to catch up on what's happening
around the world.
* Stretching - kéo giãn cơ /ˈstrɛʧɪŋ/
* Light exercise - bài tập nhẹ /laɪt ˈɛksərsaɪz/ * Blood
flowing - máu lưu thông /blʌd ˈfloʊɪŋ/

- Do you have breakfast everyday ?

Yes, I have breakfast every day. It's an important meal for me because it
provides the energy I need to start the day right. I usually opt for something
nutritious like oatmeal or a smoothie.
* smoothie - sinh tố /ˈsmuːði/
- Do you like to do the same thing everyday ?
I enjoy having a structured routine, but I also like to change things up
occasionally to keep things interesting. Doing the same thing every day can
become monotonous, so I try to incorporate small changes or try new
* Monotonous - đơn điệu, buồn tẻ /məˈnɒtənəs/
* Incorporate - kết hợp /ɪnˈkɔːrpəreɪt/

20. Computer and tablet

- What do you most often use a computer or a tablet for ?
I most often use a computer for work-related tasks such as writing,
researching, and communicating with colleagues. It's also essential for
managing my schedule and organizing digital files. For leisure, I use it to
watch movies, browse the internet, and play games.

- Can you remember when you first started using a computer or a tablet ?
I first started using a computer when I was quite young, probably around the
age of seven or eight. It was a fascinating new tool that opened up a world of
learning and exploration through educational games and software.
* Fascinating - hấp dẫn /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/

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- How would your life be different if there were no computers ? If there
were no computers, my life would be significantly different. Many tasks would
be more time-consuming and less efficient. Communication would rely more
heavily on traditional methods like postal mail and telephones, and accessing
information would require physical materials like books and newspapers.
* Postal mail - thư từ /ˈpoʊstəl meɪl/

21. Meeting people

- How often do you meet new people ?
I meet new people relatively frequently, especially in social settings or through
work-related activities. Each encounter is a chance to expand my network and
learn new perspectives.

- Do you find it easy to talk to new people ?

Talking to new people can sometimes be challenging, but I generally find it
exhilarating. It's an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, and I
often find common interests that help bridge any initial awkwardness.
* Exhilarating - hứng khởi /ɪɡˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ/
* Awkwardness - sự lúng túng /ˈɔːkwərdnɪs/

- Do you worry about what people you meet think of you ?

While it's natural to consider how others perceive us, I try not to let it worry me
too much. Focusing on being authentic and respectful usually helps in making
a positive impression on people I meet.

22. Flowers
- Do you like flowers ?
Yes, I really appreciate flowers for their beauty and the way they can brighten
a space. Flowers have a delightful way of bringing a touch of nature indoors.
* Brighten - làm sáng /ˈbraɪtən/ * Delightful - thú vị /dɪˈlaɪtfʊl/

- Do you like to receive flowers as gift ?

Receiving flowers as a gift is always a pleasant surprise. It's a thoughtful
gesture that shows someone is thinking of you, and it can make any day feel
* Thoughtful - chu đáo /ˈθɔːtfʊl/
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* Gesture - cử chỉ /ˈdʒɛstʃər/

- What kinds of flowers do you know ?

I know of various flowers such as roses, tulips, lilies, and daisies. Each type of
flower has its own unique beauty and symbolism, which makes them suitable
for different occasions.

23. Newspapers
- Do you often read newspapers ?
While I don't read physical newspapers, I often browse news articles online
to stay updated on current events.

- Do you prefer to read local news or international news ? I find myself

drawn more to international news as it gives a broader perspective on
what’s happening around the world, although local news is also important
for community-specific updates.
* Drawn - hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn /drɔːn/
* Broader - rộng hơn /ˈbrɔːdər/
* Community-specific - cụ thể cho cộng đồng /kəˈmjuːnɪti spəˈsɪfɪk/

- Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines ?

In many places, magazines are more popular due to their specific focus on
lifestyle, entertainment, or niche topics, compared to newspapers which
cover a wider range of general news.
* Niche topics - chủ đề chuyên biệt /nɪʃ ˈtɒpɪks/

24. Evenings
- What do you usually do in the evening ?
In the evenings, I typically unwind by spending time with my family, enjoying
a hobby, or catching up on leisure activities like reading or watching movies.
* Unwind - thư giãn /ʌnˈwaɪnd/

- Do you spend your evenings in the same way on weekdays and at

weekends ?
IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48
My evenings vary depending on whether it's a weekday or the weekend. On
weekdays, I might focus more on relaxation and preparing for the next day,
while weekends offer more flexibility for socializing or pursuing personal
* Flexibility - tính linh hoạt /ˌflɛksəˈbɪlɪti/
* Socializing - giao tiếp xã hội /ˈsoʊʃəˌlaɪzɪŋ/

- How did you spend your evenings when you were younger ? When I
was younger, my evenings were often filled with schoolwork,
extracurricular activities, and spending time with friends or family. As
I grew older, my interests and responsibilities evolved, shaping how I
spend my evenings now.

* Extracurricular activities - hoạt động ngoại khóa /ˌɛkstrəkəˈrɪkjələr

* Responsibilities - trách nhiệm /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪlɪtiz/

25. Collecting things

- Do you collect things ?

While I don't collect physical objects, I do gather information and experiences,

which enrich my interactions and responses.

- Are there any things you keep from childhood ?

As a digital entity, I don't have personal childhood memories or keepsakes,
but I understand the emotional value such items can hold for people.
* Keepsakes - vật kỷ niệm /ˈkiːpseɪks/

- Would you keep old things for a long time ?

I value the concept of preservation, especially in terms of data or knowledge.
In human terms, keeping old things can be a way to cherish memories and
maintain a connection to the past.
* Cherish - trân trọng /ˈʧɛrɪʃ/

26. Watches

- Did you wear a watch when you were a child ?

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Yes, but sometimes. I usually wear a watch when I hang out with my friends
because watches are versatile style accessories that can help me to look
more stylish. You know, we can check the time using our phones nowadays,
which is more convenient so I think wearing a watch is no longer necessary.
* Versatile - đa năng /ˈvɜrsətəl/

- Have you ever received a watch as a gift ?

Yes, I have. My boyfriend bought me a watch on my 22nd birthday and it is an
analog watch with a brown leather band. To be honest, it usually takes me a
few seconds to read an analog watch so I much prefer a digital watch.
However, that watch really has sentimental value to me.
* Analog - đồng hồ kim /ˈænəˌlɔɡ/
* Leather - da /ˈlɛðər/
* Sentimental - mang tính cảm xúc /ˌsɛntɪˈmɛntəl/

- Why do some people wear expensive watches?

Well, I think there are several reasons why people wear exorbitant
timepieces. Some people just want to show off their wealth, they want to
prove that they can afford luxury items while some people are really
passionate about watches, and therefore watch collecting may be their
* Exorbitant - quá đắt /ɪɡˈzɔrbɪtənt/
* Passionate - đam mê /ˈpæʃənɪt/

27. Movies
- Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema ?
Personally, I prefer watching movies in a cinema. The big screen and
surround sound system really enhance the overall movie experience, making
it more immersive and captivating. Additionally, going to the cinema is a
great way to step out of my usual routine and enjoy a different environment.
* Immersive - chìm đắm /ɪˈmɜrsɪv/
* Captivating - quyến rũ, hấp dẫn /ˈkæptɪˌveɪtɪŋ/

- Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others ?

I generally prefer to go to movies with friends or family. It’s a social activity for
me, and discussing the film afterwards with someone else adds to the

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enjoyment. Watching a movie with others can also be a bonding experience,
creating shared memories and emotions.
* Bonding - gắn bó /ˈbɑndɪŋ/

- What kinds of movies do you like best ?

I am particularly fond of science fiction and adventure films. I love movies
that transport me to another world and make me think about what the future
could hold. The creativity and innovative storytelling in these genres always
fascinate me, and they often include stunning visual effects. * Stunning -
đẹp lộng lẫy /ˈstʌnɪŋ/

28. Neighbors
- Do you know your neighbors ?
Yes, I do know my neighbors quite well. We often meet while walking our
dogs in the morning or during community events. It's quite a friendly
neighborhood, which makes it easy to get to know each other.

- What do you think of your neighbors ?

I think highly of my neighbors. They are courteous and always willing to help
out. For instance, if someone needs assistance with household chores or a
ride to the store, others are quick to offer support. It’s a very cooperative
* Courteous - lịch sự /ˈkɜrtiəs/
* Assistance - sự giúp đỡ /əˈsɪstəns/
* Household chores - công việc nhà /ˈhaʊshoʊld ˌtʃɔrz/

- How do you get along well with your neighbors ?

Getting along with my neighbors involves being friendly and respectful. I make
it a point to greet them whenever I see them and participate in local
community events. These small interactions build a strong sense of
community and mutual respect.

* Mutual - lẫn nhau, chung /ˈmjuːtʃuəl/

29. Chocolate
- Do you like eating chocolate ? Why or why not ?
Yes, I really enjoy eating chocolate because it has a soothing effect on my
mood. The taste is delightful, and it seems to offer a momentary escape

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from stress. For me, chocolate is not just a treat; it’s a small dose of
* Soothing - an ủi, dịu dàng /ˈsuːðɪŋ/
* Delightful - thú vị, dễ chịu /dɪˈlaɪtfəl/
* Escape - trốn thoát /ɪˈskeɪp/

- How often do you eat chocolate ?

I eat chocolate moderately, usually a few times a week. I try to balance it out
with my overall diet to keep it healthy. Enjoying it as a treat rather than a daily
snack makes it even more special when I do have some.

- Did you often eat chocolate when you were a kid ?

Yes, as a child, I ate chocolate quite frequently. It was one of my favorite
treats, especially during holidays or family gatherings. My parents used to
regulate it to ensure I didn’t over indulge, but it was always something I
looked forward to.
* Indulge - nuông chiều, thỏa mãn /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/
* Regulate - điều chỉnh /ˈrɛɡjʊˌleɪt/
* Treat - món ăn vặt, quà vặt /trit/

30. Outer space and stars

- Have you ever learned about outer space and stars ?
Yes, I've learned about outer space and stars mostly through documentaries
and science classes in school. It's fascinating to explore the concepts of the
universe and celestial bodies. Their immense distances and compositions
are truly mind-boggling.
* Celestial - thuộc về thiên đường, thiên thể /səˈlɛstʃəl/ *
Mind-boggling - khó hiểu, gây kinh ngạc /ˈmaɪndˌbɑɡlɪŋ/

- Are you interested in films concerning outer space and stars ?

Absolutely, I find films about outer space extremely intriguing. They often
combine scientific facts with creative storytelling, which makes learning
about the cosmos both entertaining and educational. Movies like
"Interstellar" have deepened my appreciation for space exploration.
* Intriguing - hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn /ɪnˈtriɡɪŋ/ * Cosmos - vũ
trụ /ˈkɑzməs/

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- Do you want to know more outer space ?
Definitely, I am always eager to learn more about outer space. The universe is
vast and full of mysteries that scientists are still trying to unravel. Keeping up
with the latest space research and discoveries is something I find very
* Unravel - giải mã, làm sáng tỏ /ʌnˈrævəl/

31. T-shirt
- Do you usually wear T-shirt ?
Yes, I often wear T-shirts as they are very comfortable and versatile. They
can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion, making them a staple
in my wardrobe. Especially during the summer, T-shirts are my go-to choice
for everyday wear.
* Versatile - đa năng, linh hoạt /ˈvɜrsətl/ *

Staple - mặt hàng chủ lực, cơ bản /ˈsteɪpəl/ -

Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints ?

I definitely enjoy T-shirts with creative prints or meaningful pictures. They are
a great way to express personality and interests without saying a word. I
particularly like T-shirts with artistic or humorous designs that spark
* Humorous - hài hước /ˈhjuːmərəs/
* Spark conversations - khởi xướng cuộc trò chuyện /spɑrk

- Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable ?

Absolutely, I believe that T-shirts can be fashionable at any age. It all depends
on how they are styled. Many older individuals wear T-shirts in a way that is
both age-appropriate and stylish, proving that fashion has no age limit.

* Age-appropriate - phù hợp với lứa tuổi /ˈeɪdʒ-əˌproʊpriət/

* Stylish - thời trang, hợp mốt /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/

32. Happiness
- Are you a happy person ?
Overall, I consider myself a happy person. I try to maintain a positive outlook
on life and focus on the things that bring me joy. Of course, like everyone

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else, I have my ups and downs, but I strive to find happiness in the little
moments every day.

- What usually makes you happy ?

Many things contribute to my happiness, but I find that spending quality time
with loved ones tops the list. Whether it's having meaningful conversations,
sharing laughter, or creating memories together, being surrounded by the
people I care about brings me immense joy. Additionally, pursuing my
passions, achieving personal goals, and practicing gratitude also play
significant roles in keeping me happy.

* Gratitude - lòng biết ơn, sự biết ơn /ˈɡrætɪˌtud/

33. Small business

- Do you know many small businesses where you live ?
Yes, there are quite a few small businesses in my vicinity. For example,
there's a family-run bakery called 'Sweet Delights' that specializes in artisanal
pastries and cakes. It's a favorite spot for locals to indulge in freshly baked
* Artisanal /ɑːrˈtɪzənəl/ - (adj.) - thuộc về nghệ nhân, thủ công
* Vicinity /vɪˈsɪnəti/ - (n.) - vùng lân cận, xung quanh

- Have you ever worked in small business ?

While I haven't had direct experience working in a small business, I've heard
insightful stories from acquaintances who have. One friend managed a cozy
bookstore in the city center. She often spoke fondly of the intimate
atmosphere and close-knit community that frequented the store
* Cozy /ˈkoʊzi/ - (adj.) - ấm cúng, thoải mái
* Fondly /ˈfɑːndli/ - (adv.) - một cách âu yếm, thương yêu

- Do you prefer buying things from big companies or small business?

I tend to lean towards supporting small businesses when making purchases.
While big companies offer convenience and a wide range of products, I value
the personalized service and unique offerings that small businesses provide.
Plus, it feels good to contribute to the local economy and help sustain the
entrepreneurial spirit within the community.
* Lean towards /liːn təˈwɔːrdz/ - (phr. v.) - ủng hộ, thiên về
* Sustain /səˈsteɪn/ - (v.) - duy trì, bảo tồn
IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48
34. Jewelry
- Do you often wear jewelry ?
I don't wear jewelry very often, but I do have a few pieces for special
occasions. For instance, I have a simple silver necklace that I wear to
formal events, and a pair of earrings that I wear on rare outings - What
type of jewelry do you like ?
When it comes to jewelry, I prefer minimalist and understated pieces. I like
delicate earrings or a dainty bracelet that adds a subtle touch of elegance to
my outfits without being too flashy
- Do you usually buy jewelry ?
I don't usually buy jewelry unless I come across something that really
catches my eye. I believe in investing in quality pieces that I'll wear for years
rather than purchasing trendy items that may go out of style quickly. *
Investing [ɪnˈvɛstɪŋ] - (v.) - đầu tư

35. Library
- Do you often go to the library
I used to go to the library quite often, especially during my college years when
I needed resources for research and study. However, lately, with the
convenience of online resources, I haven't been visiting as frequently.
- Did you go to the library when you were a kid ?
Yes, I have fond memories of going to the library when I was a kid. It was a
magical place where I could explore different worlds through books. I
remember spending hours there, lost in stories and imagination.
* Fond [fɒnd] - (adj.) - thích thú, yêu mến

- Do Vietnamese kids often go yo the library ?

"In Vietnam, going to the library is not as common for kids as it might be in
some other countries. While there are libraries available, many children have
limited access due to factors like location or family circumstances. However,
there is a growing awareness of the importance of reading, and efforts are
being made to encourage more visits to libraries among Vietnamese youth."
* Awareness /əˈwɛənəs/ - (n.) - nhận thức
* Circumstances /ˈsɜːrkəmstənsɪz/ - (n.) - hoàn cảnh

36. Happy things

- Is there anything that hass made you feel happy lately ?

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

Recently, I've found joy in reconnecting with old friends. Amidst our busy lives,
it's heartwarming to reminisce about shared memories and laughter. Their
companionship has certainly lifted my spirits

- What made you happy when you were little ?

As a child, simple things brought me happiness, like playing with friends or
receiving a new toy. I remember the excitement of exploring nature, collecting
rocks or chasing butterflies in the garden. It was the innocence and wonder
of childhood that made those moments special
* Innocence /ˈɪnəsəns/ - (n.) - sự trong sáng

- What do you think will make you feel happy in the future ?
Looking ahead, I believe pursuing meaningful experiences and personal
growth will bring me happiness in the future. Whether it's traveling to new
places, learning new skills, or fostering deep connections with others, I
think fulfillment will come from enriching my life in various ways
* Fulfillment /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ - (n.) - sự đáp ứng, thỏa mãn

- Do you think people are happy when buying new things ?

While buying new things can provide temporary pleasure, I don't think it
necessarily leads to lasting happiness. True happiness often stems from
experiences, relationships, and personal fulfillment rather than material
possessions alone. However, for some people, the act of shopping and
acquiring new items may bring a sense of excitement or satisfaction in the

37. Birthday
- What do you usually do on your birthday ?
On my birthday, I typically spend time with family and close friends. We might
go out for a nice meal, have a small gathering at home, or simply enjoy each
other's company. It's a day to celebrate and reflect on the past year while
looking forward to the future."
* Reflect /rɪˈflɛkt/ - (v.) - suy ngẫm, phản ánh

What did
- you do on your birthday when you were young ?
When I was young, birthdays were often marked with parties filled with
games, balloons, and of course, cake. I remember eagerly anticipating the
festivities and feeling special on that day. It was a time for laughter, fun, and
creating lasting memories with friends and family."

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

* Anticipating /ænˈtɪsɪˌpeɪtɪŋ/ - (v.) - mong đợi, dự đoán

- Do you think it is important for you up celebrate your birthday ? I

do think it's important to celebrate birthdays, albeit in a way that feels
meaningful to each individual. It's a chance to acknowledge another year
of life, to express gratitude for the people who have been part of our
journey, and to set intentions for the year ahead. Whether it's a small
gathering or a quiet day of reflection, it's a moment to pause and
appreciate the gift of life.
* Acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/ - (v.) - công nhận, thừa nhận
* Intentions /ɪnˈtɛnʃənz/ - (n.) - ý định, mục đích

38. Staying up late

- What does it feel like the next morning if you stay up late ? The
next morning after staying up late, I often feel groggy and sluggish. It's like
my body is struggling to fully wake up, and I may experience difficulty
concentrating or feel irritable throughout the day.
* Groggy /ˈɡrɒɡi/ - (adj.) - mệt mỏi, uể oải

- What do you do when you stay up late ?

When I stay up late, I usually spend the time catching up on work, watching
movies, or simply enjoying some quiet time alone. Sometimes I'll read a book
or listen to music to unwind before eventually going to bed.
* Unwind /ʌnˈwaɪnd/ - (v.) - thư giãn

- Did you stay up late when you were a kid ?

As a kid, I occasionally stayed up late, especially during sleepovers or special
occasions like New Year's Eve. It felt like a small rebellion against bedtime
rules, and there was an excitement in being awake while the rest of the house
was asleep. However, I often regretted it the next day when I struggled to stay
awake in class or felt cranky from lack of sleep.
* Rebellion /rɪˈbɛljən/ - (n.) - sự nổi loạn, phản kháng

39. Internet
- What did you start using the internet ?
I started using the internet when I was in my early teens, around the age of 13
or 14. At that time, it was primarily for basic tasks like checking email and
doing research for school projects. However, as I grew older, my usage

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

expanded to include social media, entertainment, and staying updated with
news and trends.

- How often do you go online ?

I go online multiple times a day, as the internet has become an integral part
of my daily life. Whether it's for work, communication, entertainment, or simply
seeking information, I find myself constantly connected to the online world
through various devices like my computer, smartphone, or tablet.
* Integral /ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡrəl/ - (adj.) - quan trọng, không thể thiếu

- How does the internet influence people ?

The internet has a profound influence on people's lives in many ways. It has
revolutionized communication, allowing instant connections with people
around the globe. It has also democratized access to information,
empowering individuals with knowledge and resources previously unavailable.
Additionally, it has transformed industries, from commerce to entertainment,
offering new opportunities and challenges in the digital age.
* Revolutionized /ˌrɛvəˈluːʃənaɪzd/ - (v.) - cách mạng hóa
* Democratized /dɪˈmɒkrətaɪzd/ - (v.) - dân chủ hóa

- What would you do without the internet ?

Without the internet, I would likely rely more on traditional forms of
communication and information gathering, such as books, newspapers, and
face-to-face interactions. While it would require adjustments, I believe I would
still be able to manage daily tasks and stay connected with others, albeit
through different means.
40. Schools and workplaces
- Do you like your school ?
Overall, I do like my school. It provides a supportive learning environment with
dedicated teachers and a wide range of extracurricular activities. While there
are certainly areas for improvement, I appreciate the opportunities for growth
and development that my school offers."
* Extracurricular /ˌɛkstrəkəˈrɪkjʊlər/ - (adj.) - ngoại khóa

- Do you think your school is a good place to study ?

Yes, I believe my school is a good place to study. The academic standards
are high, and there are ample resources available to support students'
learning. Additionally, the school fosters a sense of community and

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

encourages collaboration among peers, which enhances the overall learning
* Ample /ˈæmpl/ - (adj.) - đầy đủ, đủ

- What is the environment like at your school ?

The environment at my school is welcoming and inclusive. There's a diverse
student body representing different backgrounds and cultures, which creates
a vibrant atmosphere. Teachers and staff are approachable, and there's a
strong emphasis on respect and mutual support among students

41. Music
- Do you like music ? Why / Why not ?
Yes, I do like music. It has the power to evoke emotions, uplift my mood, and
provide a sense of comfort or escape. Whether it's the melody, lyrics, or
rhythm, music has a way of connecting with me on a deeper level.
* Uplift /ʌpˈlɪft/ - (v.) - làm phấn chấn

- What type of music do you like to listen to when you are alone? Why ?
When I'm alone, I often gravitate towards soothing and introspective genres
like acoustic folk or instrumental music. I find that these types of music create
a tranquil atmosphere and allow me to reflect on my thoughts and feelings
without distraction. It's like a form of therapy for me.
* Gravitate /ˈɡrævɪteɪt/ - (v.) - hướng về

- Has the music that you listen you changed since you were young ? Yes,
the music I listen to has definitely evolved over the years. When I was young, I
was more drawn to pop and mainstream music that was popular at the time.
However, as I've grown older, my taste has diversified, and I now appreciate a
wider range of genres, from classical to indie and everything in between. I
think this change reflects my personal growth and experiences over time

42. Shopping
- Do you like shopping ?
I don't particularly enjoy shopping, but I do see it as a necessary activity at
times. It can be exciting to find something new or useful, but I prefer to keep it
efficient and avoid spending too much time browsing.

- Do you compare prices when you shop ? Why ?

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

Yes, I always compare prices when I shop, especially for bigger purchases or
items where quality matters. Comparing prices helps me ensure that I'm
getting the best value for my money and allows me to make informed
decisions about where to buy.

- Do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper ones ?
Not necessarily. While expensive products may be of higher quality or come
with certain prestige, it's not always the case that they are better than
cheaper alternatives. The value of a product depends on various factors,
including its functionality, durability, and how well it meets the consumer's
needs. Sometimes, more affordable options can provide the same level of
satisfaction or utility as their pricier counterparts.
* Prestige /prɛˈstiːʒ/ - (n.) - uy tín, danh tiếng

43. Law
- Do you think law and order are important ?
Yes, I believe law and order are crucial for maintaining a stable and
functioning society. They provide a framework for resolving disputes,
protecting individual rights, and ensuring public safety. Without law and order,
there would be chaos and uncertainty, making it difficult for people to live
peacefully and cohesively.
* Cohesively /kəˈhiːsɪvli/ - (adv.) - một cách hợp nhất

- Who department is most responsible for enforcing the law ? The

department most responsible for enforcing the law varies depending on the
country's legal system. In many countries, it's the police force or law
enforcement agencies that are primarily tasked with upholding and
enforcing the law. They investigate crimes, apprehend suspects, and
ensure compliance with legal regulations.
* Apprehend /ˌæprɪˈhɛnd/ - (v.) - bắt giữ

- Is there any law you think is too strict ? Why / Why not ?
Yes, there are certain laws that I believe are too strict, particularly those that
disproportionately penalize minor offenses or impose harsh punishments
without considering individual circumstances. For example, mandatory
minimum sentencing laws in some jurisdictions can result in excessively long
prison terms for non-violent offenses, which I think undermines the principles
of fairness and rehabilitation in the justice system."

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* Disproportionately /ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːrʃənətli/ - (adv.) - không cân đối,
không cân xứng
* Rehabilitation /ˌriːəˌbɪlɪˈteɪʃən/ - (n.) - tái hòa nhập, phục hồi

44. Keys
- Do you always bring a lot of keys with you ?
No, I don't typically carry a lot of keys with me. I try to keep it minimal and only
carry the essential keys I need for daily use, such as the keys to my home,
car, or workplace. Having fewer keys reduces the risk of misplacing them and
makes my keychain more manageable

- Have you ever lost your keys ?

Yes, there have been occasions where I've lost my keys. It's always a
frustrating experience, especially if it happens when I'm in a hurry or far from
home. Losing keys can disrupt plans and cause inconvenience, so I've
learned to be more careful and mindful of where I place them.

- Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out ?

Fortunately, I don't often forget my keys and lock myself out. However, there
have been a few instances in the past where I've absentmindedly left my
keys inside and had to call for assistance to regain entry to my home or car.
It's a lesson learned to always double-check before leaving, especially when it
comes to something as important as keys.
* Absentmindedly /ˌæbsəntˈmaɪndɪdli/ - (adv.) - mơ màng, lơ đễnh

45. Relax
- What would you do to relax ?
To relax, I enjoy engaging in activities that help me unwind and clear my mind.
For example, I might practice mindfulness or meditation to promote
relaxation, or indulge in hobbies like reading, listening to music, or spending
time in nature. Additionally, I find that spending quality time with loved ones or
pets can also be incredibly calming and rejuvenating.
* Mindfulness /ˈmaɪndfəlnəs/ - (n.) - sự chánh niệm

- Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax ?

Yes, I believe doing sports can be a fantastic way to relax, especially if it's an
activity that I enjoy and find fulfilling. Engaging in physical exercise releases
endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals that promote a
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sense of well-being and relaxation. Whether it's going for a run, playing a
game of basketball, or practicing yoga, sports can help alleviate stress and
tension, leaving me feeling refreshed and energized."
* Endorphins /ˈɛndəˌfɪnz/ - (n.) - endorphin: hormone được tiết ra
trong não và tủy sống, gây ra cảm giác thoải mái và giảm đau.

- Do you think vacation is a good time to relax ?

Absolutely, I think vacations are an ideal time to relax and recharge. Taking a
break from the routine of daily life allows me to unwind, explore new places,
and engage in leisure activities that I may not have the opportunity to do
otherwise. Whether it's lounging on a beach, sightseeing in a new city, or
simply enjoying quality time with family and friends, vacations offer a
valuable opportunity to rest and rejuvenate both physically and mentally. *
Rejuvenate /rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt/ - (v.) - làm mới, làm trẻ lại

46. Mobile phone

- What was your first mobile phone ?
My first mobile phone was a basic Nokia model that I received as a gift from
my parents when I was in high school. It was a simple device with limited
features, but at the time, having a mobile phone felt like a significant
milestone and gave me a sense of independence.

- Do you often use your mobile phone for texting or calls ? Yes, I
use my mobile phone regularly for both texting and calls. Texting is
convenient for quick communication, especially when I need to send brief
messages or updates to friends, family, or colleagues. As for calls, while I
don't make them as frequently as I text, I still rely on my phone for
important conversations or when I need to speak with someone directly.

- Will you buy a new one in the future ?

I can foresee myself buying a new mobile phone in the future, especially as
technology continues to advance and new features become available. While
I'm content with my current phone for now, I know that eventually, it will
become outdated or require replacement due to wear and tear. When the
time comes, I'll likely upgrade to a newer model that better suits my needs
and preferences.
* Outdated /ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ - (adj.) - lạc hậu, lỗi thời
* Wear and tear /wɛər ənd tɛr/ - (n.) - hao mòn

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

47. Sport
- What sports do you like ?
I enjoy a variety of sports, but some of my favorites include basketball,
swimming, and hiking. Each sport offers its own unique benefits and
challenges, whether it's the teamwork and strategy involved in basketball, the
cardiovascular endurance required for swimming, or the connection with
nature during hiking
* Cardiovascular /ˌkɑːdioʊˈvæskjələr/ - (adj.) - liên quan đến tim
* Endurance /ɪnˈdʊərəns/ - (n.) - sức chịu đựng

- Did you do some sports when you were young ?

Yes, I was quite active in sports when I was young. I participated in various
activities both in school and outside, including soccer, tennis, and track and
field. Sports played a significant role in my childhood, teaching me valuable
lessons about teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.
* Perseverance /ˌpɜːrsɪˈvɪərəns/ - (n.) - sự kiên trì, sự bền chí

- Do you know any people who are good at sports ?

Yes, I know several people who excel in sports. Whether it's friends, family
members, or acquaintances, I've witnessed firsthand their dedication and
talent in various athletic pursuits. Some have achieved success at the
amateur level, while others have competed professionally or represented their
country in international competitions.

48. Fast food

- Do you like to eat fast food ?
I don't particularly enjoy eating fast food as a regular part of my diet. While it
can be convenient and satisfying on occasion, I prefer to prioritize healthier
options that provide more nutritional value. However, I do indulge in fast food
occasionally as a treat or when I'm in a rush and need a quick meal.

- What are the different kinds of fast food in Vietnam ?

In Vietnam, fast food options encompass a variety of dishes and cuisines,
reflecting the diverse culinary influences in the country. Some popular types
of fast food include pho, banh mi, com tam, and bun cha. These dishes are
readily available from street vendors, food stalls, and fast-food chains, offering
convenient and affordable meals for locals and visitors alike. * Culinary
/ˈkʌlɪnəri/ - (adj.) - ẩm thực
IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48
49. Cinema
- What type of movies do you like
I enjoy a wide range of movies, but I'm particularly drawn to dramas, thrillers, and science
fiction films. I appreciate thought-provoking storylines, compelling characters, and visually
stunning cinematography, which these genres often deliver.
* Cinematography /ˌsɪnəməˈtɒɡrəfi/ - (n.) - nghệ thuật quay phim
Do you often go to the cinema ?
I don't go to the cinema as often as I used to, but I still enjoy the experience of watching a
movie on the big screen. There's something special about the immersive atmosphere, the
surround sound, and the communal aspect of sharing the viewing experience with others in
a theater.
* Immersive /ɪˈmɜːrsɪv/ - (adj.) - tham gia sâu
Do you like watching movies in the cinema or at home ?
I appreciate both watching movies in the cinema and at home, but each offers a different
experience. Watching a movie in the cinema allows me to fully immerse myself in the film's
world, with its larger-than-life visuals and immersive sound. On the other hand, watching
movies at home offers convenience and comfort, allowing me to control the viewing
environment and pause or rewind as needed. It ultimately depends on my mood and the
type of movie I'm watching

50. Swimming
- Do you like swimming ?
Yes, I enjoy swimming. It's not only a great form of exercise but also a
refreshing way to relax and unwind. Whether it's in a pool, lake, or ocean,
swimming allows me to feel weightless and free, and I find it both
invigorating and calming.
* Invigorating /ɪnˈvɪɡəreɪtɪŋ/ - (adj.) - làm sảng khoái

- Where do people swimming in your hometown ?

In my hometown, people often swim in various places depending on their
preferences and access. Some popular locations include public swimming
pools, recreational centers, natural bodies of water like rivers or lakes, and
even private pools in residential areas. Each option offers its own advantages
and attracts different types of swimmers.
* Recreational /ˌrɛkrɪˈeɪʃənl/ - (adj.) - giải trí

- Is swimming very popular in your country ?

Swimming is quite popular in my country, especially during the summer
months when the weather is warm. Many people enjoy swimming as a
recreational activity, either for leisure or as a form of exercise to stay fit and

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

healthy. Additionally, competitive swimming is also well-established, with
numerous swimming clubs, competitions, and events held throughout the year
to cater to enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels."
* Enthusiast /ɪnˈθuːziæst/ - (n.) - người đam mê

51. Holidays
- Where did you go for your last holidays ?
For my last holidays, I went to a seaside resort in a neighboring province. It
was a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of city life, and I enjoyed
the peaceful atmosphere, scenic views, and opportunities for outdoor
activities like swimming and hiking.
- Do you like holidays ? Why ?
Yes, I absolutely love holidays. They provide an opportunity to relax, explore
new places, and spend quality time with loved ones. Holidays offer a chance
to recharge and rejuvenate, away from the pressures of work or daily
responsibilities, and I always look forward to them eagerly.
* Rejuvenate /rɪˈdʒuːvəneɪt/ - (v.) - làm mới, làm trẻ lại

- Which public holiday do you like best ?

My favorite public holiday is Tet, the Vietnamese Lunar New Year. It's a time
of joy, celebration, and reunion with family and friends. I love the festive
atmosphere, traditional customs, and delicious food associated with Tet. It's a
special occasion that brings people together and marks the beginning of a
new year filled with hope and prosperity.
* Prosperity /prɒˈspɛrɪti/ - (n.) - sự thịnh vượng

- What do you do on holidays ?

On holidays, I enjoy a mix of relaxation and exploration. Depending on the
destination and my mood, I might spend time sightseeing, trying local cuisine,
or engaging in outdoor activities like hiking or swimming. I also value
downtime, whether it's reading a book, watching movies, or simply lounging
and soaking in the atmosphere of the place.

52. Challenges
- Do you like challenges ?
Yes, I do enjoy challenges. I believe they provide valuable opportunities for
growth, learning, and personal development. Overcoming challenges can

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

build resilience, foster creativity, and ultimately lead to a sense of
accomplishment and satisfaction.
* Resilience /rɪˈzɪliəns/ - (n.) - sự kiên cường

- What the biggest challenge in your future ?

The biggest challenge I foresee in my future is adapting to changes in the
workplace and the world around me. With the rapid pace of technological
advancements, shifting economic landscapes, and evolving societal norms, I
anticipate the need to continuously learn, innovate, and adapt to stay
relevant and thrive in an ever-changing environment. * Adapt /əˈdæpt/ - (v.)
- thích nghi

53. Asking for help

- Do you ask for help when you have a problem ?
Yes, I believe in asking for help when I encounter a problem that I can't solve
on my own. Seeking assistance from others not only allows me to gain new
perspectives and insights but also fosters collaboration and strengthens
relationships. It's a proactive approach to problem-solving that can lead to
better outcomes and personal growth.
* Proactive /prəʊˈæktɪv/ - (adj.) - tích cực

- Why are teachers always willing to help students ?

Teachers are often willing to help students because they are passionate about
education and genuinely care about their students' success. They understand
the importance of providing guidance, support, and encouragement to help
students overcome challenges, reach their full potential, and achieve their
academic goals. Additionally, helping students learn and grow is intrinsic to
the teaching profession, and many teachers find fulfillment in seeing their
students thrive."
* Fulfillment /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ - (n.) - sự hoàn thành, sự đạt được

- What kinds of help do you often ask for ?

The kinds of help I often ask for depend on the situation and my needs at the
time. For academic challenges, I may seek clarification on concepts,
assistance with problem-solving, or feedback on my work from teachers or
peers. In personal matters, I might ask for advice, emotional support, or
assistance with tasks from friends, family members, or mentors. Being open

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to asking for help allows me to address my challenges more effectively and
navigate life's ups and downs with greater resilience.
* Clarification /ˌklærɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ - (n.) - sự làm sáng tỏ

54. Childhood memory

- What did you enjoy doing as a child ?
As a child, I enjoyed a variety of activities, but some of my favorites included
playing outdoors with friends, exploring nature, and engaging in creative
pursuits like drawing, painting, and building things with Lego. These activities
allowed me to use my imagination, stay active, and bond with others, and I
always looked forward to them with excitement

- Did you enjoy your childhood ?

Yes, I definitely enjoyed my childhood. It was a time of innocence, discovery,
and boundless curiosity, filled with laughter, play, and unforgettable
experiences. I cherish the memories of carefree days spent exploring,
learning, and growing, surrounded by the love and support of family and
* Boundless /ˈbaʊndlɪs/ - (adj.) - không giới hạn

- What are your best childhood memories ?

Some of my best childhood memories revolve around special moments spent
with loved ones, such as family vacations, holiday celebrations, and simple
everyday activities. I remember fondly the excitement of unwrapping presents
on Christmas morning, the joy of building sandcastles at the beach with my
siblings, and the warmth of gathering around the dinner table for meals and
conversations. These memories hold a special place in my heart and continue
to bring a smile to my face whenever I think of them.
* Fondly /ˈfɒndli/ - (adv.) - một cách ấm áp, trìu mến

55. Staying at home

- Are you a person who likes to stay at home ?
Yes, I am someone who enjoys spending time at home. It provides me with a
sense of comfort and relaxation, allowing me to unwind and recharge after a
busy day.
- What do you do when you stay at home ?
When I'm at home, I engage in various activities depending on my mood and
interests. I might read books, watch movies or series, cook meals, listen to

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music, or pursue hobbies like gardening or crafting. It's a time for me to
indulge in activities that bring me joy and fulfillment.

- What is your favorite place at home ?

My favorite place at home is undoubtedly my cozy reading nook. It's a corner
of my living room where I have a comfortable armchair, soft blankets, and a
small bookshelf filled with my favorite reads. This spot offers me solace and
tranquility, allowing me to escape into different worlds through the pages of a

- What did you often do at home as a child ?

As a child, I often spent time playing games, doing puzzles, or engaging in
imaginative play at home. I enjoyed building forts with blankets and cushions,
playing with toys, or creating art projects. Home was a place where I felt safe
and free to explore my creativity and imagination.

56. Exciting activities

- Have you ever tried any exciting activities ?
Yes, I've had the opportunity to try several exciting activities. For example, I've
gone skydiving, zip-lining through the jungle, and even participated in a hot air
balloon ride. These experiences were exhilarating and unforgettable,
providing me with a rush of adrenaline and a sense of adventure.
* Exhilarating /ɪɡˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ/ - (adj.) - gây phấn khích
* Rush /rʌʃ/ - (n.) - sự hứng khởi

- What do you think were exciting activities when you were a child ?
When I was a child, exciting activities often revolved around outdoor play
and exploration. Things like riding bikes, climbing trees, playing tag or hide-
and-seek, and going on nature hikes were all incredibly thrilling and filled
with excitement.
* Revolve /rɪˈvɒlv/ - (v.) - xoay quanh
* Thrilling /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/ - (adj.) - gây kích động

- Has anything exciting happened to you recently ?

Recently, I had the chance to go on a spontaneous road trip with friends to a
nearby mountain range. We hiked to the summit, watched the sunrise, and
enjoyed breathtaking views of the landscape below. It was a thrilling and

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

memorable experience that reminded me of the beauty of nature and the joy
of spontaneous adventures
* Spontaneous /spɒnˈteɪniəs/ - (adj.) - tự phá
* Summit /ˈsʌmɪt/ - (n.) - đỉnh
- Would you like to try scuba diving and bungee jumping ? Yes, I would
definitely be interested in trying scuba diving and bungee jumping. Both
activities offer a unique opportunity to experience a sense of freedom and
exhilaration. Exploring the underwater world while scuba diving and
experiencing the adrenaline rush of bungee jumping would be incredibly
thrilling and memorable experiences.

57. E-books and paper books

- Which do you prefer, e-books or paper books ?
Personally, I prefer paper books over e-books. There's something about the
tactile experience of flipping through pages and the smell of ink on paper that
I find comforting and nostalgic. While e-books offer convenience and
portability, I enjoy the sensory experience that comes with reading a physical
* Tactile /ˈtæktaɪl/ - (adj.) - cảm giác

- When do you usually read online ?

I usually read online when I'm looking for specific information or researching a
topic. This could include reading articles, browsing forums or social media, or
accessing digital libraries and academic journals. Online reading provides
instant access to a vast array of resources and allows me to quickly find the
information I need.
* Array /əˈreɪ/ - (n.) - mảng

- Will you read more online in the future ?

Yes, I anticipate reading more online in the future. As technology continues to
advance and digital platforms become more integrated into our daily lives,
online reading will likely become even more prevalent. The convenience of
accessing information anytime, anywhere, coupled with the growing
availability of digital content, will make online reading an increasingly
attractive option."
* Prevalent /ˈprɛvələnt/ - (adj.) - phổ biến

- Do you think paper books will disappear in the future ?

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

While paper books may face challenges in the digital age, I don't believe they
will disappear entirely in the future. There's a timeless appeal to physical
books that transcends technological advancements. Many people still
appreciate the feel of a book in their hands and the aesthetic value of a well-
curated bookshelf. Paper books may become less common, but I believe
they will always have a place in our culture and society. * Transcend
/trænˈsɛnd/ - (v.) - vượt qua

58. Breakfast
- What do you usually eat for breakfast ?
For breakfast, I typically eat a balanced meal consisting of foods like whole
grain toast, eggs, fruits, and yogurt. Sometimes I might also enjoy oatmeal
topped with nuts and honey, or a smoothie made with leafy greens and
berries. I find that starting my day with a nutritious breakfast helps me feel
energized and focused.

- Do you think breakfast is important ?

Yes, I believe breakfast is important for maintaining overall health and well-
being. It provides the body with essential nutrients and energy to kickstart the
day, fueling both physical and mental activities. Skipping breakfast can lead to
feelings of fatigue, lack of concentration, and overeating later in the day.

- Are there any differences between the mornings of your childhood and
now ?
There are indeed differences between the mornings of my childhood and now.
As a child, mornings were often characterized by a sense of excitement and
anticipation, especially on weekends or holidays. I would wake up early to
watch cartoons or play with toys before breakfast. Now, mornings are typically
more structured and focused on responsibilities such as work or school.
However, I still try to maintain a sense of joy and gratitude in the mornings,
starting my day with a positive mindset and a nutritious breakfast. *
Anticipation /ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃən/ - (n.) - sự mong đợi

59. Life stages

- What did you often do with your friends in your childhood ? In my
childhood, I often spent time with my friends playing games, exploring the
neighborhood, and having adventures outdoors. We would ride bikes, build
forts, play sports, or simply hang out at each other's houses. These shared

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

experiences fostered strong bonds and created cherished memories that I
still hold dear today.
* Foster /ˈfɒstər/ - (v.) - nuôi dưỡng

- What do you think is the most important at the moment ?

At the moment, I believe that maintaining a balance between work, personal
life, and self-care is the most important. It's essential to prioritize my physical
and mental well-being while also striving to achieve my goals and fulfill
responsibilities. By finding harmony in these aspects of life, I can lead a
fulfilling and meaningful existence.
* Harmony /ˈhɑːməni/ - (n.) - sự hài hòa

- Do you have any plans for the next five years ?

Yes, I do have plans for the next five years. I aim to further my education,
advance in my career, and explore new opportunities for personal and
professional growth. Additionally, I hope to travel more, deepen relationships
with loved ones, and pursue hobbies and interests that bring me joy and
fulfillment. While plans may evolve over time, having a sense of direction
helps me stay motivated and focused on my aspirations."
* Aspiration /ˌæspɪˈreɪʃən/ - (n.) - ước ao

How do
- people remember each stage of their lives ?
People remember each stage of their lives through a combination of personal
experiences, significant events, and emotional connections. Memories are
formed through interactions with others, milestones achieved, challenges
overcome, and moments of joy or sorrow. Additionally, photographs,
keepsakes, and traditions play a role in preserving memories and passing
down stories from one generation to the next. Ultimately, the way individuals
remember each stage of life is deeply personal and influenced by their unique
perspectives and life journeys.

60. Neighbors
- Do you know your neighbors ?
Yes, I am acquainted with my neighbors. We often greet each other in
passing and engage in friendly conversations from time to time. While we may
not know each other on a deeply personal level, there is a sense of familiarity
and community within the neighborhood.
* Acquainted /əˈkweɪntɪd/ - (adj.) - quen biết

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

- What do you think of your neighbors ?
Overall, I have positive feelings towards my neighbors. They are respectful,
considerate, and helpful, and I appreciate the sense of camaraderie that
exists among us. Living in close proximity, it's important to maintain a
harmonious relationship with neighbors to foster a sense of security and
belonging within the community.
* Camaraderie /ˌkæməˈrɑːdəri/ - (n.) - tình đồng đội

- How do you get along well with your neighbors ?

To get along well with my neighbors, I make an effort to be friendly, respectful,
and considerate. I strive to maintain open communication, address any
concerns or conflicts promptly, and participate in community activities or
events when possible. Additionally, small gestures like offering help, lending a
hand, or sharing resources can go a long way in building positive relationships
with neighbors.
* Promptly /ˈprɒmptli/ - (adv.) - ngay lập tức

- Do you think it’s important to have a good relationship with one’s

neighbors ?
Yes, I believe it's crucial to have a good relationship with one's neighbors. A
strong sense of community fosters a safer and more supportive living
environment where people look out for one another and come together in
times of need. Positive interactions with neighbors can also enhance the
overall quality of life and contribute to a sense of belonging within the

61. The city you live in

- What city do you live in ?
I live in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, which is known for its rich history,
vibrant culture, and bustling streets.
* Vibrant /ˈvaɪbrənt/ - (adj.) - sôi động, năng động

- Do you like this city ?

Yes, I absolutely love living in Hanoi. It's a dynamic city that offers a unique
blend of traditional charm and modern amenities. From its ancient temples
and historic landmarks to its trendy cafes and bustling markets, Hanoi has
something for everyone.

- How long have you lived in this city ?

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48
I have lived in Hanoi for the past five years. During this time, I have had the
opportunity to explore the city's hidden gems, immerse myself in its vibrant
street life, and build meaningful connections with its diverse residents

- Are there big changes in this city ?

Over the years, Hanoi has undergone significant changes, with rapid
urbanization, infrastructure development, and modernization projects
transforming the cityscape. Old neighborhoods have been revitalized, new
skyscrapers have emerged, and transportation systems have been upgraded
to accommodate the growing population and economy.

- Are there people of different ages living in this city ?

Yes, Hanoi is home to people of all ages, from young professionals and
families to retirees and elderly individuals. Its diverse population contributes to
the city's vibrant culture and dynamic atmosphere, creating a sense of
inclusivity and community

62. Video games

- Do you play video games ?
Yes, I enjoy playing video games as a form of entertainment and relaxation.
They allow me to immerse myself in different worlds, challenge my skills, and
connect with friends online

- Would you watch others play video game ?

While I prefer playing video games myself, I do occasionally watch others
play, especially if it's a game I'm interested in or if the player is particularly
skilled. It can be entertaining and educational to observe different strategies
and gameplay techniques.
* Occasionally /əˈkeɪʒənəli/ - (adv.) - đôi khi

- Do you think people spend too much time playing video games ?
I think it's important to strike a balance when it comes to playing video games.
While they can be a fun and enjoyable pastime, excessive gaming can lead to
negative consequences such as reduced productivity, social isolation, and
health issues. Therefore, moderation is key to ensuring that gaming remains a
healthy and enjoyable activity

- Do you prefer playing video games alone or with others ?

IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48

I enjoy both solo gaming and multiplayer experiences, as they offer different
advantages. Playing alone allows me to focus on the game's storyline and
challenges, while playing with others adds a social element and the
opportunity for teamwork and competition. It ultimately depends on my mood
and the type of gaming experience I'm seeking at the time.

63. Sunglasses
- Do you often were sunglasses ?
I don't often wear sunglasses, but I do use them occasionally, especially when
the sun is particularly bright or when I'm spending extended periods of time
outdoors. Sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory; they also help protect
my eyes from harmful UV rays

- Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses ?

I don't typically spend a lot of money on sunglasses. I believe in investing in a
good quality pair that offers proper UV protection and durability, but I also
look for options that fit within my budget. While there are designer sunglasses
available at higher price points, I prioritize functionality and value when
making a purchase.
* Durability /ˌdjʊərəˈbɪləti/ - (n.) - sự bền vững

- Do you give sunglasses as a gift ?

I haven't personally given sunglasses as a gift before, but I think they can
make a thoughtful and practical present, especially for someone who enjoys
spending time outdoors or has a particular interest in fashion accessories. It's
important to consider the recipient's style preferences and needs when
selecting the perfect pair of sunglasses as a gift."
* Recipient /rɪˈsɪpiənt/ - (n.) - người nhận

64. Social media

- When did you start using social media ?
I started using social media when I was in my early teens, around the age of
thirteen or fourteen. It began as a way to connect with friends and share
moments from my life, but over time, it evolved into a platform for staying
informed, networking, and entertainment.

- Do you think you spend too much time on social media ? I Do believe I
spend a significant amount of time on social media, perhaps more than I
should. While it offers many benefits such as staying connected with
IELTS PREDICTION Zalo : 0927 09 08 48
friends, discovering new interests, and accessing information, I also
recognize the potential drawbacks, such as distractions, comparison, and
excessive screen time.
- Do your friends use social media ?
Yes, the majority of my friends use social media regularly. It has become an
integral part of our social lives, allowing us to stay in touch, share updates,
and coordinate plans. While some use it more actively than others, it's rare to
find someone in my social circle who doesn't have at least one social media
* Integral /ˈɪntrəɡrəl/ - (adj.) - không thể thiếu

65. Singing
- Do you like singing ? Why ?
Yes, I absolutely love singing. It's not just about the act of producing sound,
but rather the emotional release and joy it brings me. Singing allows me to
express myself, connect with others, and tap into a creative outlet that uplifts
my spirits

- Have you ever learnt how to sing ?

While I haven't received formal training in singing, I've always enjoyed
experimenting with my voice and learning songs on my own. Whether it's
singing along to my favorite tunes or practicing vocal exercises, I find joy in
exploring the capabilities of my voice and improving my musical skills

- Who do you want to sing for ?

I would love to sing for my close friends and family. They've always been
supportive of my interests and passions, and I believe sharing my singing with
them would be a meaningful way to express my love and gratitude. It's a way
to connect on a deeper level and create lasting memories together.
* Gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtjuːd/ - (n.) - lòng biết ơn

- Do you think singing can bring happiness to people ?

Absolutely, singing has a unique ability to bring happiness to both the singer
and the audience. It's a form of self-expression that can evoke positive
emotions, relieve stress, and create a sense of connection and unity. Whether
singing alone in the shower or performing on stage, the power of music to
uplift spirits and spread joy is undeniable.
* Uplift /ʌpˈlɪft/ - (v.) - nâng cao tinh thần

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66. Money
- Do you prefer to save money or spend money ?
I prefer to strike a balance between saving and spending money. While it's
important to be financially responsible and save for the future, I also believe in
enjoying life and treating myself occasionally. I aim to save a portion of my
income each month while allocating the rest for necessary expenses and
leisure activities.

- How do you save money ?

I employ various strategies to save money, such as creating a budget,
tracking my expenses, and setting savings goals. Additionally, I look for ways
to reduce unnecessary spending, such as cooking at home instead of dining
out, using public transportation instead of driving, and taking advantage of
discounts and promotions when making purchases.
* Strategies /ˈstrætədʒiz/ - (n.) - chiến lược

- What do you think about payment apps or mobile payments ? I think

payment apps and mobile payments offer convenience and efficiency in
today's digital age. They streamline the payment process, allowing users to
make transactions quickly and securely using their smartphones.
Additionally, these platforms often offer features such as rewards programs
and transaction tracking, enhancing the overall user experience.
* Streamline /ˈstriːmlaɪn/ - (v.) - làm mạch lạc

- Do you use a credit card to buy things ?

Yes, I do use a credit card for certain purchases, but I make sure to use it
responsibly. I see it as a convenient payment tool that offers benefits such as
rewards points, cashback, and purchase protection. However, I always strive
to pay off the balance in full each month to avoid accruing interest and falling
into debt.
* Accruing /əˈkruːɪŋ/ - (v.) - tích luỹ

67. Hometown
- Where is your hometown ?
My hometown is Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. It's a bustling metropolis
with a rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse population.
* Metropolis /mɪˈtrɒpəlɪs/ - (n.) - thành phố lớn

- Is that big a city or a small place ?

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Hanoi is both a historical and modern city, characterized by its ancient
temples, colonial architecture, bustling markets, and lively street food scene.
It's also known for its picturesque lakes, lush parks, and vibrant nightlife.
- Please describe your hometown a little .
While I currently reside in Hanoi, I'm open to the possibility of relocating in the
future. However, I do feel a strong connection to my hometown due to its
unique blend of tradition and modernity, and I can envision myself continuing
to live here for the foreseeable future.
* Reside /rɪˈzaɪd/ - (v.) - cư trú

- Do you think you will continue living there for a long time ?
The decision to stay in Hanoi for the long term will depend on various factors,
including career opportunities, personal relationships, and quality of life. While
I'm fond of my hometown, I'm also open to exploring new experiences and
opportunities in different places.

68. Home and commodation

- What kind of house or apartment do you want to live in the future
? In the future, I envision living in a spacious and modern apartment with
plenty of natural light and greenery. Ideally, it would be located in a vibrant
neighborhood with convenient access to amenities such as parks, cafes,
and public transportation.
* Spacious /ˈspeɪʃəs/ - (adj.) - rộng rãi

- Are the transport facilities to your home very good ?

Transport facilities to my home are fairly good, especially in urban areas like
Hanoi. There are various options available, including buses, taxis, motorbike
taxis, and ride-sharing services, making it easy to navigate the city and travel
to different destinations.

- Do you prefer living in a house or an apartment ?

I don't have a strong preference between living in a house or an apartment.
Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. While a house offers more
privacy and outdoor space, an apartment typically provides amenities like
security, maintenance, and shared facilities.
* Amenities /əˈmiːnəti/ - (n.) - tiện ích

- What part of your home do you like the most ?

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My favorite part of my home is definitely the living room. It's where I spend
time relaxing, entertaining guests, and enjoying leisure activities like reading
or watching movies. The cozy atmosphere and comfortable furnishings make
it the heart of my home.

69. Feeling bored

- Do you often feel bored ?
I don't frequently feel bored as I usually find ways to keep myself occupied
and engaged. However, there are times, especially during periods of
downtime or when I'm waiting for something, that I may experience boredom

- When would you feel bored ?

I typically feel bored when I'm faced with repetitive tasks or when I lack
stimulation or challenges. This can happen during routine activities or when
I'm in an environment that doesn't offer much in terms of excitement or
* Stimulation /ˌstɪmjʊˈleɪʃən/ - (n.) - sự kích thích

- What do you do when you feel bored ?

When I feel bored, I try to find activities that capture my interest and stimulate
my mind. This might involve reading a book, listening to music, going for a
walk, or engaging in a creative hobby like drawing or writing. Alternatively, I
might reach out to friends or family to socialize and connect.

- Do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring ?

I think it really depends on the individual and their experiences. Childhood can
be seen as boring by some because of limited autonomy and responsibilities,
while others may find it exciting and full of discovery. Similarly, adulthood can
be perceived as boring due to the pressures of work, finances, and daily
routines, but it also offers opportunities for personal growth, independence,
and pursuing one's passions. Ultimately, whether childhood or adulthood is
considered boring varies from person to person based on their perspective
and life circumstances.

70. Crowded place

- Is the city where you live crowded ?
The city where I live, Hanoi, can indeed be quite crowded, especially in certain
areas like the Old Quarter and central business districts. With a population of

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over eight million people, it's one of the most densely populated cities in
* Densely /ˈdensli/ - (adv.) - đông đúc
- Do you like crowded places ?
Personally, I have mixed feelings about crowded places. While I appreciate
the energy and excitement they often bring, I also value moments of peace
and solitude. It really depends on the context and my mood at the time.
* Solitude /ˈsɒlɪtjuːd/ - (n.) - sự cô đơn

- Do most people like to crowded places ?

I think preferences for crowded places vary among individuals. Some people
thrive in bustling environments and enjoy the hustle and bustle of city life,
while others prefer quieter, more serene settings. It ultimately comes down to
personal temperament and lifestyle preferences.

71. Cakes
- Do you like to eat cakes or other sweet foods ?
I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I do enjoy eating cakes and other sweet foods
from time to time. However, I try to consume them in moderation as part of a
balanced diet.

- Did you like to eat cakes as a child ?

Yes, I absolutely loved eating cakes as a child. It was always a special treat
for me, especially on birthdays or other celebratory occasions. The sweetness
and indulgence of cakes made them a delightful part of my childhood
* Indulgence /ɪnˈdʌldʒəns/ - (n.) - sự làm thoả mãn

- Can you make cakes ?

While I can follow a basic cake recipe and bake simple cakes, I wouldn't say
I'm an expert at making them. I enjoy the process of baking and
experimenting with different flavors and decorations, but I leave the more
intricate cake designs to professional bakers.
* Intricate /ˈɪntrɪkət/ - (adj.) - tinh xảo:

- Do you like have some desserts after meals ?

Having desserts after meals is something I find quite enjoyable. It adds a
sweet and satisfying end to a meal, and I appreciate the variety of flavors and
textures desserts can offer. Whether it's a slice of cake, a scoop of ice cream,
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or a fruit salad, I always look forward to treating myself to a little something

72. Advertisement
- Is there an advertisement that made an impression on you when you
were a child ?
Yes, there was an advertisement from a chocolate company that left a lasting
impression on me as a child. It featured a catchy jingle and vibrant visuals of
kids enjoying the chocolate, which made me crave it every time I saw the ad.

- Do you see a lot of advertising on trains or other transport ? Advertising

is ubiquitous in modern society, and public transportation like trains is
no exception. Whether it's posters, digital screens, or announcements,
there's often a lot of advertising content present during train rides,
especially in stations and on platforms.
* Ubiquitous /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/ - (adj.) - phổ biến, khắp nơi

- Do you like advertisements ?

I have mixed feelings about advertisements. While some ads are creative and
entertaining, others can feel intrusive or manipulative. However, I do
appreciate well-made advertisements that convey a meaningful message or
showcase innovative products or services.
* Intrusive /ɪnˈtruːsɪv/ - (adj.) - xâm phạm

- What kind of advertising do you like ?

I tend to enjoy advertisements that are humorous, visually appealing, or tell a
compelling story. Advertisements that evoke emotions or leave a lasting
impression are the ones that resonate with me the most. Additionally, I
appreciate advertisements that promote social causes or convey positive

73. Maths
- Do you like learning math ?
I have a mixed relationship with learning math. While I find some aspects of
math fascinating and enjoy the challenge of solving problems, there are
times when I struggle with certain concepts or equations. Overall, I would say
my feelings about math are neutral rather than strongly positive or negative.
* Fascinating /ˈfæsɪˌneɪtɪŋ/ - (adj.) - hấp dẫn

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- Do you thinks it’s difficult to learn math well ?
Learning math can indeed be challenging for many people, myself included. It
requires logical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a good understanding of
abstract concepts. However, with patience, practice, and effective teaching
methods, I believe anyone can learn math well.
* Abstract /ˈæbstrækt/ - (adj.) - trừu tượng

74. Outdoor activities

- Do you like outdoor activities ?
Yes, I'm quite fond of outdoor activities. There's something refreshing about
being out in nature, whether it's hiking in the mountains, swimming in a lake,
or simply taking a leisurely stroll in the park

- Do you often take part in outdoor activities ?

I try to make time for outdoor activities whenever possible. Whether it's on
weekends or during holidays, I enjoy exploring the outdoors and engaging in
activities like camping, cycling, or picnicking with friends and family.
* Engaging /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒɪŋ/ - (adj.) - hấp dẫn

- Are outdoor activities popular in your country ?

Outdoor activities are quite popular in my country, especially among younger
generations and outdoor enthusiasts. With diverse landscapes ranging from
lush forests to pristine beaches, there are plenty of opportunities for people to
engage in various outdoor pursuits and enjoy the natural beauty of the
* Enthusiast /ɪnˈθjuːziæst/ - (n.) - người đam mê

75. Writing
- Did you like writing when you were a child ? Why/ Why not ?
Yes, I've always enjoyed writing since I was a child. It allowed me to express
my thoughts and feelings in a creative way, and I found it to be a cathartic
form of self-expression.
* Cathartic /kəˈθɑːrtɪk/ - (adj.) - giải tỏa

- What kinds of things do you write during a typical day ? During a typical
day, I write a variety of things, ranging from work-related emails and reports

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to personal journal entries or creative pieces. Each type of writing serves a
different purpose and allows me to practice different skills.

- Do you think the kinds of things you write will change in the future ? I
believe the kinds of things I write will evolve in the future, reflecting changes
in my interests, responsibilities, and life experiences. As I grow and learn, I
anticipate exploring new topics and styles of writing that align with my
evolving perspectives and goals

- Do you prefer typing or writing things by hand ? Why ?

I prefer typing over writing by hand for most tasks, simply because it's faster
and more convenient in today's digital age. However, I still appreciate the
tactile experience of writing by hand on occasions when I want to slow down
and engage more deeply with my thoughts.
* Tactile /ˈtæktaɪl/ - (adj.) - xúc giác

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