2024 Sample Writing 2024

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Writing Hit 2024

Test 1 (Cao)

Task 1:

TASK 2: Many people around the world use social media everyday to keep in touch
with other people and get news events. Do you think the advantages outweigh the


Beyond daily communication, social media has also been used as a platform of spreading
news events. Owing to this development, many people now have instant access to current
issues. Despite the convenience and efficiency, I personally believe there are more
disadvantages in such excessive use of social media.

It is true that the current technology and social media make news available to the public
sooner than any conventional media like newspapers. This not only enables a faster
coverage of news, but reduces the use of printed materials to some extent. What also needs
to be acknowledged is the significance of social media in promoting interpersonal
communication and information exchange. In extreme cases, like during Corona virus
prevention and control, social media has proved its liability as an alternative for offline
activities, such as family gatherings and school orientations.

However, many people are so tied up with social network that they tend to overlook the
long-term side effects. The major problem with using social media in news reporting is that
there tends to be a lack of fact verification before the sharing process happens. People are
easily overwhelmed by the political arguments, posted selfies, shared links, and brand
videos that enter the average news feed every day. When reading current events on social
media, many people are found just scrolling past headlines and not wanting to read them,
either because of information overload or the suspicion of fake news.

The notion that social media improves communication also tends to be simplistic and
idealized. Very often, the quality of an online conversation is unfavorable because one
cannot sense the emotion from the other person. Reliance on social media could hurt a
person’s ability to have a face-to-face conversation, since it is unusual to convey a
thoughtful message through spoken word or instant texting. Thus, the dependence on social
network has in fact reduced communication quality.

To conclude, my view is that the benefits of using social media as a mean of daily contact
and news events are tiny, compared with the negative repercussions in the long run. The
excessive use has caused an unhealthy environment in society.
Test 2

TASK 1: The chart shows the total distance travelled by passengers on five types of
transport in the UK between 1990 and 2000.


The bar graph compares the distances travelled by people in the UK using different means
of transport in 1990 and 2000.

Overall, the total distance travelled by all modes of transport combined increased. The
figures for bus and rail were significantly higher in both years compared to bicycles,
motorbikes, and air travel.

In 1990, the figure for kilometres travelled by bus was highest, at around 40 billion
kilometres, followed by rail with a slightly lower figure. By the year 2000, the distances
covered by these two modes increased to the same level, each with approximately 45 billion

The amount of kilometres travelled by bicycles, motorbikes and air transport, was
incredibly low in 1990, with motorbikes covering the most distance of the three modes at
around 10 billion passenger kilometers. In 2000, the figure for air travel rose to about 10
billion kilometers, in contrast to the decline seen in the other two modes. Finally, the total
passenger kilometres increased from 100 billion to 112.5 billion kilometers in 2000.

TASK 2: In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of parents who
are choosing to educate their children themselves at home instead of sending them
school. Do the advantages of home education outweigh the disadvantages?


Recently, there have been more parents choosing to educate their children at home rather
than having them taught at school. While there are clear disadvantages to homeschooling,
I think they are largely outweighed by the advantages of a personalized curriculum for the
child and the strengthening of bonds between children and their parents.

Admittedly, there are clear disadvantages to homeschooling such as potential deficiency in

social skills and lack of accreditation. Firstly, children who are taught at home often lack
essential social skills. Indeed, they can only interact with their immediate family and not
make new friends. This context deprives them of the opportunity to interact with others
and thus many children will likely have trouble behaving well in social situations.
Secondly, homeschooled children sometimes struggle to attain accredited qualifications to
enter tertiary education institutions. As parents are not authorized to issue diplomas like
educational ministries, they will have difficulty in applying for university since many
institutions such as those in Vietnam only accept diplomas that have been certified by the
ministry of education. Thus, homeschooled children will likely have more limited
opportunities to pursue tertiary education and build a successful career.

However, the advantages of homeschooling such as a personalized curriculum and stronger

bonds between parents and their children cannot be ignored. Firstly, parents can construct
a personalized curriculum that suits the needs and strengths of their children. For example,
there were media reports recently about a homeschooled child from Japan who was able to
solve complex calculus equations in under 30 seconds as the curriculum his parents had
devised was centered around developing his math skills. Secondly, parents can forge a
stronger bond with their children while teaching. Personally teaching their children can
allow parents to engage in meaningful learning activities and spend more time with their
children, as opposed to the few hours they have in the evening if their children are sent to
school. Consequently, they can be more understanding and patient with their child,
strengthening the familial relationship between parents and offspring.

In conclusion, I contend that the advantages of a personalized curriculum and stronger

familial bonds between parents and their progeny outweigh any perceived disadvantages
inherent in homeschooling. It is advisable that the government implement policies that
grant parents the authority to issue homeschooling diplomas that can be accepted by
universities and colleges alike.


Advantages of a personalized Ưu điểm của chương trình giảng

curriculum dạy cá nhân hóa

Có thể thiếu hụt các kỹ năng xã

Potential deficiency in social skills

Deprive (sb of sth) Tước đạt (của ai đó một cái gì đó)

Tertiary education Giáo dục đại học

Tập trung xung quanh một cái gì

Centered around sth

Stronger familial bonds between Mối quan hệ gia đình bền chặt
parents and progeny hơn giữa cha mẹ và con cái

Inherent disadvantages Nhược điểm vốn có

The authority to issue Thẩm quyền cấp bằng tốt nghiệp

homeschooling diplomas giáo dục tại nhà
A case for educational reform Một ví dụ về cải cách giáo dục

Một điều kiện tiên quyết cho một

A prerequisite for sth
việc gì đó

To administer a graded test Đưa ra một bài kiểm tra

Devise a learning plan Lên kế hoạch học tập

Test 3

TASK 1: The table gives information about the water use in three sectors in six

TASK 2: Some people think that success in life comes from hard work and
determination, while other think that there are more important factors such as money
and appearance. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


It is true that the present working environment has witnessed a radical change. People now
tend to switch jobs more frequently rather than have their occupations remain stable. While
this phenomenon can be caused by several reasons, there are certain recommendations to
help future workers prepare themselves for their careers.

First and foremost, the introduction of new technology might be the greatest cause for such
changes. In other words, millions of workers all around the world are being replaced by
high tech machines and artificial intelligence. For example, some staff working in the
service industry are now on the verge of unemployment due to the rapid growth of online
shopping websites and self-service supermarket checkouts. Another reason leading to this
phenomenon is globalization. Due to globalization, employees have a wide range of
choices between different positions among countries. As a result, many individuals tend to
shift from one job to another with a view to higher salary as well as better standard of
However, there are several ways that people can get ready for changes in their future
workplace. Firstly, workers should be well equipped with various skills by attending
vocational courses and job training. Thus, they might keep up to date with the rapid
development of robots and automated processes. In addition, individuals can get advice
about the sustainability of their future position. This helps them to excel in one job rather
than multiple, which lifts up the burden of switching jobs regularly.

In conclusion, although cutting-edge technology and globalization has made a great impact
on the world of work, employees must be well-informed and flexible to achieve expected


 Radical change: Thay đổi rõ rệt

 Occupation (n): Vị trí, chức vụ
 Phenomenon (n): Hiện tượng
 Remain stable: Giữ trạng thái ổn định, ít thay đổi
 Artificial intelligence: Trí tuệ nhân tạo
 Service industry: Ngành công nghiệp dịch vụ
 A wide range of: Rất nhiều
 Keep up to date: Bắt kịp với thời đại
 On the verge of: Đứng trước nguy cơ
 Self-service checkouts: Quầy thanh toán tự phục vụ
 Globalization (n): Toàn cầu hóa
 Standard of living: Chất lượng cuộc sống
 Vocational course: Khóa học đào tạo nghề nghiệp
 Automated process: Quy trình tự động hóa
 Sustainability (n): Tính bền vững
 Excel in: Làm rất tốt (ở một việc nào đó)
 Lift up the burden: Giảm bớt gánh nặng
 Cutting-edge (adj): Hiện đại, tiên tiến
 The world of work: Thị trường việc làm
 Well-informed (adj): Hiểu biết, nắm bắt đầy đủ thông tin
 Flexible (adj): Linh hoạt
Test 4

TASK 1: The bar chart shows the average number of hours students in five different
universities studied.

Task 2: Some people say in order to prevent illness and disease, governments should
focus on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

Certain concerned parties today contend that the optimal means of improving public health
is to confront pressing environmental and housing problems. In my opinion, although these
solutions would be helpful, it is more important to prioritize proper nutrition.

On the one hand, there are current issues concerning housing and the environment that
impact health. Many illnesses and conditions are either directly or indirectly related to
one’s environment. For instance, a person who lives in an overcrowded metropolis such as
Hanoi or Beijing must deal on a daily basis with the immediate dangers of air pollution,
potential drinking water contamination, car accidents, and elevated crimes rates. If there
were fewer individuals in these cities and the air was cleaner because there were more
open, green areas, then it is probable that hospitals would be able to focus more on a
reduced number of patients.

On the other hand, there are various causes for diseases and the primary one is poor
nutrition. In the last several decades, lifespans globally have increased exponentially,
largely as a result of advances in medical science and greater understanding of the human
body. A standout example of this would be the plant-based diets that are widely
recommended by most nutritionists. A person who consumes little meat, reduces their
carbohydrate intake, and mostly does not eat sugar will drastically lower the risk of
conditions ranging from diabetes and heart disease to Alzheimer’s and cancer. National
health authorities can widely and effectively address these health problems by legislating
the levels of unhealthy ingredients in food products.

In conclusion, those in favor of combatting housing and environmental problems make

legitimate arguments though improving the average citizen’s diet is in fact the best
guarantee of good health. Naturally, governments should pursue a balanced policy.


 Certain concerned parties today contend: some people now argue

 optimal means of improving public health: best ways of keeping people healthy
 confront pressing environmental and housing problems: deal with modern problems
related to the environment and where people live
 solutions: remedies
 prioritize proper nutrition: care more about eating right
 On the one hand: firstly
 current issues concerning: new problems having to do with
 illnesses: sicknesses
 either directly or indirectly related to one’s environment: right from or somehow
from what’s around you
 overcrowded metropolis: big cities
 deal on a daily basis with the immediate dangers of air pollution: handle every day
with risks from unhealthy air
 potential drinking water contamination: possibly drinking bad water
 elevated crimes rates: more criminal offenses
 more open, green areas: public spaces and parks
 then it is probable that: therefore there is a good chance that
 focus more on a reduced number of patients: concentrate more on fewer sick people
 On the other hand: however
 various causes for: different reasons for
 primary one: main one
 poor nutrition: unhealthy
 In the last several decades: over 20 to 30 years
 lifespans: how long people live
 increased exponentially: went up a lot
 largely as a result of advances in: medical science: mostly because of better
 greater understanding of the human body: better conception of human health
 A standout example of this would be: the best instance of this is
 plant-based diets: mostly just eating vegetables
 widely recommended by most nutritionists: the advice of most doctors
 consumes little meat: not eating too many animals
 reduces their carbohydrate intake: not having so many grains and breads
 mostly does not eat sugar will drastically lower the risk of conditions ranging from
diabetes and heart disease to Alzheimer’s and cancer: not eating sweet foods makes
it less likely you will get diabetes or have a heart attack or suffer from dementia or
get cancer
 National health authorities can widely and effectively address: governments can
unilaterally deal with
 legislating: putting into law
 levels: how high it is
 unhealthy ingredients in food products: fats, sugar, carbs
 those in favor of combatting housing and environmental problems make legitimate
arguments: people who support working against these problems make good points
 in fact the best guarantee of good health: the optimal way to make sure you are
 Naturally: of course
 pursue a balanced policy: follow a more moderate path

Test 5 (cao)

Task 1: The chart below shows the average cost of monthly contract for four different
mobile (cell phones) in a European country from January to September 2002,
measured in euro.


The chart gives information about the monthly cost of four different mobile plans in euros
in a European country from January to September 2002.
Overall, we can see that aside from Sim TX, the price of the mobile plan contracts all
increased during this period, albeit in different degrees. Indeed, while Lex and Domo
experienced only marginal increases, Alpha underwent the most dramatic climb in price.

In the first month of the year, Domo offered the most expensive mobile plan at around 15
euros per month, followed by Lex at 12 euros, Sim TX at 9 euros and Alpha at 5 euros.
Except for the month of June, where Sim TX briefly surpassed Lex in price, Domo’s and
Lex’s prices increased at a faster rate than and stayed above Sim TX’s during the 9 months.

Meanwhile, Alpha’s prices remained relatively consistent from January to June at around
5 to 6 euros, before rapidly climbing between July and September - it first surpassed the
price of Sim TX in August, and became the most expensive plan by September at 25 euros.
The prices of Domo and Lex, meanwhile, saw a much more modest rate of growth, with
Domo rising from 15 euros in January to 24 euros in September, while the price of Lex
only rose by 5 euros during this period, from 12 euros to 17 euros.


 The monthly cost: Chi phí hàng tháng

 Aside from something: Ngoài một cái gì đó
 Albeit: Mặc dù
 In different degrees: Ở mức độ khác nhau
 Experience only marginal increases: Chỉ có sự gia tăng nhỏ
 Undergo the most dramatic climb in price: Tăng mạnh mẽ nhất về giá
 Briefly surpass Lex in price: Nhanh chóng vượt qua Lex về giá cả
 At a faster rate: Với tốc độ nhanh hơn
 Remained relatively consistent: Tương đối nhất quán (không thay đổi nhiều)
 Rapidly: Nhanh
 See a modest rate of growth: Có tỷ lệ tăng trưởng vừa phải

TASK 2: Some people believe that watching TV is bad for children, while others claim
it has positive effects for children as they grow up. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion.

It is argued that watching television has an adverse impact on children, whereas other
people believe that it brings various benefits to them. I personally agree with the second

On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why some people think that children’s
development would be negatively affected by watching TV. The first reason is that sitting
in front of TV screens for too long is detrimental to children’s health. Many kids these days
suffer from various health problems such as obesity, eye strain or fatigue due to prolonged
television watching. Another reason is that many TV programmes and movies contain
violent contents or sexual images which are inappropriate for children to watch. Heavy
exposure to violent movies can put a child at a higher risk of violent behaviour, which
could ruin their future.

On the other hand, I personally believe that television has an essential role to play in the
development of children. Watching educational TV programmes gives children the
opportunity to widen their horizons and enrich their knowledge of the world they live in.
Planet Earth and Discovery Channel are prime examples. Their programmes not only take
the viewer into unknown natural habitats which are home to various plants and animals,
but also educate them about the importance of preserving the wonders of the Earth. In
addition, many TV shows and channels provide children with limitless knowledge of
almost every aspect of life. A programme called ‘Talent show for kids?’, for example, not
only gives children enjoyable moments but also informs them about various subjects.

In conclusion, although some people say that watching TV is harmful to children, I would
argue that it is very beneficial for them.


 has an adverse impact on…: có ảnh hưởng tiêu cực lên…

 brings various benefits: mang lại hàng loạt lợi ích
 to be negatively affected by: bị ảnh hưởng tiêu cực bởi
 to be detrimental to: có hại cho
 suffer from various health problems: mắc hàng loạt vấn đề về sức khỏe
 obesity, eye strain or fatigue: béo phì, mỏi mắt hay mệt mỏi
 prolonged television watching: việc xem TV quá lâu
 Heavy exposure to: việc tiếp xúc quá mức
 put a child at a higher risk of: đặt đứa trẻ vào nguy cơ cao bị vấn đề gì
 has an essential role to play in…: có vai trò thiết yếu trong…
 widen their horizons: mở rộng tầm nhìn
 enrich their knowledge: làm giàu vốn kiến thức
 limitless knowledge of almost every aspect of life: kiến thức vô hạn của hầu hết các
khía cạnh của cuộc sống.

Test 6

Task 1: TASK 1: The line graph shows the prison population in a European country
between 1911 and 2001.

The two line graphs show the male and female population from 1911 to 2001 of a prison
in a European country.

As shown in the first line graph, there were 19,000 male prisoners in 1911. In 1931, the
number dropped to approximately 10,000 and leveled out at that point until 1941, after
which it rose gradually back to nearly 20,000 after 1951. After that, the number sharply
rose before finally peaking at 47,000 in 2001.

Turning to the second line graph, it is apparent that the population of female prisoners was
significantly lower, with highest point of 3,200 prisoners at the beginning of the period.
The general trend can be described as an erratic downward slope. The number dropped to
around 2,800 in 1921 and further to just over 500 in 1941, before rising to a little over
1,000 in 1961, and declining continuously 900 prisoners in 1971. However, the population
of female prisoners was significantly increased and peaked the highest point at 1,900
prisoners at the end of the period.

In summary, there are more male prisoners than female prisoners. Moreover, the number
of male prisoners increased over the period, whereas that of female prisoners decreased.

TASK 2: Students should pay the full cost for their own study, because university
education benefits individuals rather than society. To what extent do you agree or


It is believed that students have to cover all expenses for their education as university
courses bring about advantages to the students rather than benefiting society as a whole. I
disagree with this view for the following reasons.

Firstly, when student financial aid is provided, more people will have access to tertiary
education. As a result, they will have a better chance of securing a job, leading to a lower
unemployment rate. This will undoubtedly go some way towards reducing crime as the
root cause of crime is a lack of employment and job opportunities. Statistics show that in
most cities, the higher the college enrollment rate is, the lower the crime rates are, which
is a testament to the positive impact of tuition fee subsidies on making society safer.

Secondly, if the financial burden that undergraduates have to shoulder is eased, they can
divert more effort and time to social and community projects that universities are frequently
associated with. Such projects have been contributing greatly to helping the
underprivileged. For instance, most universities in Vietnam have voluntary clubs to help
impoverished families in disaster-prone areas repair and renovate their houses. If grants,
bursaries and scholarships were to be dispensed with, students would most likely spend
their free time working part-time to cover college costs, rather than partaking in such
activities to give back to the society.

To conclude, providing public subsidies for tertiary education studies does not only do
students themselves a service but also the public thanks to the decline in criminal activities
and increase in students' participation in voluntary work.


 student financial aid: hỗ trợ tài chính cho sinh viên

 tertiary education: giáo dục bậc cao
 go some way towards: giúp ích, đóng góp
 college enrollment rate: tỷ lệ nhập học đại học
 tuition fee subsidies: trợ cấp học phí
 grants, bursaries and scholarships: trợ cấp và học bổng

Test 7: Line

TASK 2: Some people think that individuals today are more dependent on each other.
Others believe people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.


People have different views about whether we are more or less dependent on others
nowadays. In my view, modern life forces us to be more independent than people were in
the past.
There are two main reasons why it could be argued that we are more dependent on each
other now. Firstly, life is more complex and difficult, especially because the cost of living
has increased so dramatically. For example, young adults tend to rely on their parents for
help when buying a house. Property prices are higher than ever, and without help it would
be impossible for many people to pay a deposit and a mortgage. Secondly, people seem to
be more ambitious nowadays, and they want a better quality of life for their families. This
means that both parents usually need to work full-time, and they depend on support from
grandparents and babysitters for child care.

However, I would agree with those who believe that people are more independent these
days. In most countries, families are becoming smaller and more dispersed, which means
that people cannot count on relatives as much as they used to. We also have more freedom
to travel and live far away from our home towns. For example, many students choose to
study abroad instead of going to their local university, and this experience makes them
more independent as they learn to live alone. Another factor in this growing independence
is technology, which allows us to work alone and from any part of the world.

In conclusion, while there are some reasons to believe that people now depend on each
other more, my own view is that we are more independent than ever.

Test 8 (cao)

Task 1: Percentage of adults by age group using the Internet from 2003 to 2006.

The chart displays the ratio of daily adult Internet users across various age groups in the
UK between 2003 and 2006

Overall, it is clear that the younger the participants were, the more they used the Internet.
Furthermore, the number of people who enjoyed the Internet has an upward trend over the
studied period.

First, the 16-24 years old participants were the most active Internet users with the general
percentage of 80% and over throughout the four-year period, even peaking at 100% in
2005. However, the figure for this age group dropped slightly to 90% in the next year.

The second and third most avid Internet users were citizens aged 25-44 and 45-54, with
relatively similar rates, increasing steadily from approximately 50% and 60%, in turn, to
80% by the end of 2006. The figure was slightly higher in the 45-54 years old group in the
first two years, whose difference with the 25-44 age group was 10% in both years.
The statistics for the remaining groups were considerably less, with only about half of the
people from 55-64 years old that were interested in using the Internet daily in 2006.
However, the figure for this age group was lower in the previous years, standing at around
a third of its population. The least engaged Internet users were the 65+ age group with a
moderate increase from 18% to 20% between 2003-2006. Notably, in 2003, people aged
65 and above did not use the Internet.


 Ratio: tỉ lệ
 participant: người tham gia
 an upward trend: một xu hướng đi lên
 active Internet users: người dùng Internet tích cực
 throughout: xuyên suốt
 peak: đạt tới đỉnh cao nhất
 avid: ham mê, khao khát
 citizen: công dân
 statistics: số liệu thống kê
 a moderate increase: mức tăng vừa phải

Task 2: In many cities, planners tend to arrange shops, schools, offices, and homes in
specific areas and separate them from each other. Do you think the advantages of this
policy outweigh the disadvantages?


Urban development is incorporated by city planners to facilitate tourism, growing

populations, and citizens' needs for modern public facilities. In this quest, they organize
shops, educational institutes, offices, and residential complexes in distinct areas. This
policy has both advantages and disadvantages, but overall it is beneficial. There are
numerous benefits.

The first and foremost reason is that planning aids in traffic management. Because public
transportation is an important component of urban planning, such locations are usually well
served by it. People who drive their own cars can carpool when all offices are in one
location. For instance, if six residents of a residential complex need to go to work in the
same area, each can drive a day per week. It would be beneficial to both people and the
environment. This would also keep residential areas free of noise and traffic, making them
desirable places to live.

Scrutinizing the drawbacks, It encourages the use of automobiles because people must
travel long distances to go shopping or to their places of employment. This is harmful to
the environment. It also wastes students' time because they must spend a significant amount
of time commuting to and from school. Some areas may be very close to schools, while
others may be very far away and unsuitable.

To summarise, I believe that careful urban planning is a necessity of the day. Shopping
centers and offices should be located in separate areas, away from residential areas.
However, each residential area should be served by a nearby school so that students can
benefit. Overall, the benefits of city planning outweigh the drawbacks.

Test 9

Task 1: The pie charts show the reasons for immigrants to a European country in
2009 and reasons for immigrants from a European country in 2009.

The pie charts compare the proportion of six causes for immigration and emigration of a
European Country in 2009.

Overall, job-related, accompany/family and other reasons accounted for the largest
percentages in both charts while no reason immigrants made up the smallest proportions.

There were 23% of immigrants to the country due to a definite job, compared to 38% of
emigrants. As a consequence, as many people who immigrated to the country to look for a
job as study whereas regarding people who left the country, those percentages were 13%
and 7% respectively.
In addition, other reasons percentage of immigrants to constituted 15% in comparison with
23% of that of immigrants from. By contrast, the proportion of accompanying family
immigrants to was considerably greater than that of emigrants with 25% and 15%
respectively. Eventually, the percentages of both immigrants to and from showed the slight
difference with 7% and 4% respectively.

TASK 2: Differences between countries are becoming less evident. Nowadays people
are watching the same films, fashion, brands, advertisements and TV channels. To
what extent do the disadvantages of this outweigh the advantages?


With the current globalization trend, boundaries between countries are becoming more
blurred as people around the world consume the same media. Despite some possible
drawbacks of this development, I still think the benefits outweigh the downsides.

There are various reasons why this trend is advantageous to the whole society. Firstly, by
following news globally, we can learn about social issues happening in other countries and
apply the solutions to our own. For example, many Vietnamese, especially teenagers and
young adults, were interested in the recent US presidential election. Many people have
reported that they became more engaged in political issues in general. As a result, this
year’s election in Vietnam saw a peak in engagement among young adults, with many
discussions in online forums. Secondly, more people are watching the same media, like
Youtube, which can be an opportunity for us to promote our own culture. For example,
more international food bloggers and reviewers are going to Vietnam because they saw
videos and TV series broadcasted about Vietnamese food on these global media outlets.
As a result, the number of tourists to Vietnam has significantly increased.

However, I must admit that there are some disadvantages to this trend. Firstly, limiting
one’s media consumption to outlets that feature news from around the world can mean
being ignorant about local news. For example, a small piece of local information, like a
recent robbery, can get lost amongst various news coming from around the world. As a
result, many can become insensitive to changes in the local community. Secondly, one
might lose one’s cultural identities if following global media outlets carelessly. With the
rising trend of the Korean entertainment industries, many people in Vietnam are adapting
to the Korean lifestyle, for example. This overall is still a harmless trend, but in extreme
cases, it has led to young adults degrading their own cultural identities and chasing after
foreign cultures.

In conclusion, I understand that there are some disadvantages to this globalization trend in
media consumption. However, I think that the advantages brought by this development far
outweigh the disadvantages.


 to become (more) blurred: trở nên mờ nhạt, không rõ ràng

 social issues: những vấn đề, diễn biến trong xã hội
 presidential election: cuộc bầu cử tổng thống
 to be engaged in something: có hứng thú với một vấn đề nào đó
 (for something) to see a peak in engagement: có nhiều người tương tác với một nội
dung nào đó hơn bao giờ hết
 to promote a culture: quảng bá một nền văn hóa.
 global media outlets: những kênh truyền thông toàn cầu
 to limit one's media consumption: giới hạn sự tiêu thụ văn hóa phẩm
 to be ignorant about something: thiếu kiến thức về một vấn đề nào đó
 to become insensitive to something: trở nên lãnh cảm với một cái gì đó
 to adapt to something: thích nghi với một điều gì đó
 to degrade one's own cultural identity: hạ thấp bản sắc dân tộc của bản thân mình

Test 10

Task 1: The chart below gives information on the numbers of workers in different
occupations who migrated to Australia between 2009 and 2012.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

The bar graph illustrates the number of migrants in four different categories including an
accountant, cook, software engineer, and computer programmer from 2009 to 2012 in

Overall, compared to other workers, the number of migrations of computer programmers

was very low in all the given four years. The other three job seekers have a significant
number though, accountants hold the highest position.

In the beginning, 20000 accountants migrated to Australia in 2009 which increased to 28

thousand after one year. In the flowing years, the graph reduced and remained lower than
20000 by 2012. Compared to cooks, the number of software engineer graph increased over
the year from 19000 in 2009 and it declined to 17000 by 2012. Furthermore, the digit of
cooks has some alterations and remained below 20000 in all four years and it was only
15000 in 2010.

Regarding computer programmers, only 2000 people migrated to Australia in 2009 and
2011 whereas, the number escalated to 5000 at the end of the graph.

TASK 2: Nowadays more and more people want to get things done instantly (services,
information, tasks). Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or negative


The desire for instant gratification has become increasingly prevalent in our modern
society, as people seek quick services, immediate information, and prompt task completion.
This essay will delve into the reasons behind this trend and evaluate whether it represents
a positive or negative development.

One significant factor driving the demand for instant results is the rapid advancements in
technology. The advent of smartphones, high-speed internet, and on-demand services has
revolutionized the way we interact with the world. With just a few taps, individuals can
order food, request transportation, or access information instantaneously. While this
convenience and efficiency have allowed us to save valuable time and effort, it has
reshaped consumer expectations, with individuals now expecting swift responses and
seamless experiences.

However, this inclination towards instant gratification is not without its drawbacks. The
pursuit of immediate results can contribute to a lack of perseverance and patience among
individuals. The practice of delayed gratification, where individuals invest time and effort
for long-term rewards, is crucial for personal growth, skill development, and achieving
ambitious goals. By prioritizing instant outcomes, individuals may be discouraged from
enduring challenges and setbacks, hindering their overall progress.

To conclude, the growing desire for instant gratification is fueled by technological

advancements and high expectations of consumers. While it offers some benefits in terms
of convenience and efficiency, individuals must be cautious of the more pronounced
negative consequences on their personal development.


 Become increasingly prevalent: ngày cà phổ biến

 Instant gratification: sự hài lòng tức thì
 Instant result: kết quả nhanh
 Consumer expectations: mong đợi khách hàng
 Long-term rewards: phần thưởng dài hạn
 A lack of perseverance and patience: thiếu kiên định và kiên trì
Test 11

TASK 1: The pie charts below show the percentage of students on the one adult
education centre taking a various courses offered in 1985 and this year

TASK 2: For many people, the reason they work hard is to earn money. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

It has been argued that people work hard for no other reasons other than money. Although
money is the primary reason behind hard work, I believe other factors including passion
and a desire to contribute to society also motivate hard work.

Admittedly, many individuals cite money as the predominant factor behind their hard work.
Every person needs money to meet their basic necessities such as buying food, paying rent
and utility bills. Due to the intense competition in current job markets, many work harder
than ever before in order to make ends meet and support their family. Furthermore, many
individuals derive great pleasure from material wealth. Having a decent income can
translate into a prosperous life with the luxurious homes and high-end cars that many
people dream about. This partly explains why many decide to work overtime or have two
jobs at the same time to maximize their income.

Besides money, I believe many individuals work hard because of a natural enthusiasm as
well as a desire to help others. Many artists, for example, are willing to work in a gallery
all day long to sketch, paint and perfect their paintings. Their aim is more about creating
impressive works of self-expression rather than maximizing how much they will earn from
selling their artworks. Another reason that encourages hardwork is a desire to contribute to
society. Firefighters are a case in point. The fact that many firefighters are willing to risk
their life to rescue others clearly shows that money is not their main motivation, and that
an altruistic wish to help others far exceeds other causes.

In conclusion, money is of course a driving force behind hard work; however, passion and
desire to help others are also crucial reasons why many individuals work hard. I believe
people are likely to achieve a greater sense of satisfaction when they consider other factors
besides simply salary.

Test 12

TASK 1: The table shows the distance covered in various modes of transport

The chart shows average distances that people in England travelled using different forms
of transport in the years 1985 and 2000.

It is clear that the total number of miles travelled by English people using all modes of
transport increased significantly between 1985 and 2000. The car was by far the most used
form of transport in both years.

In 1985, the average person travelled 3,199 miles by car, and this rose to 4,806 miles in the
year 2000. The figures for miles travelled by train, long distance bus, taxi and other modes
also increased from 1985 to 2000. Travel by taxi saw the most significant change, with
more than a threefold increase from 13 miles per person per year in 1985 to 42 miles in

There was a fall in the average distances for three forms of transport, namely walking,
bicycle and local bus. In 1985, English people walked an average of 255 miles, but this
figure fell by 18 miles in 2000. Bicycle use fell from 51 to 41 miles over the period shown,
while the biggest downward change was in the use of local buses, with average miles per
person falling from 429 to 274 over the 15-year period.

TASK 2: In the past, knowledge was stored in books. Today, people stored knowledge
on the internet. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?


These days, books have been superseded by the Internet when it comes to knowledge
storage. In my opinion, the drawbacks of this trend are greater than its benefits.

On the one hand, storing knowledge on the Internet is greatly beneficial. To begin with,
the Internet allows people to access knowledge from an immense number of sources. With
the help of search engines like Google or Firefox, internet users can explore content on
various topics with a couple of mouse clicks. Therefore, they can get access to information
immediately anywhere, which is cheaper, much more convenient and time-saving
compared to looking for the same amount of knowledge from printed books. In addition,
knowledge on the Internet is stored in different formats, which helps learners absorb the
information more effectively. Unlike books, which present information in the form of texts
or images only, the Internet provides learners with knowledge in both texts and digital
forms like audio or videos. Auditory learners, for example, would find learning via
podcasts, which are common on many websites, more useful than reading books.

On the other hand, I believe that storing knowledge on the Internet brings about more
significant disadvantages. First, the reliability of information on the web is not guaranteed.
Since anything can be posted on the Internet without verification, there are many unreliable
sources which deliver inaccurate knowledge, making it hard for an average user to
differentiate between true and false information. Moreover, digital piracy is another
problem when it comes to online knowledge storage. The Internet has paved the way for
the boom in copyright infringements in the last decade. Tons of websites are distributing
pirated, free electronic books to increase their web traffic, which can help them earn money
from running online advertisements. Such illegal distribution is difficult to control and
causes the publishing industry to lose millions of dollars every year.
In conclusion, I believe that the advantages of storing knowledge online are outweighed by
its drawbacks.


 Supersede (v): thay thế

 Access knowledge: truy cập kiến thức
 Search engine (np): bộ máy/công cụ tìm kiếm
 A couple of mouse clicks: vài cú nhấp chuột
 Stored in different formats: được lưu trữ ở nhiều dạng khác nhau
 Absorb the information: hấp thụ thông tin
 Digital form (np): hình thức điện tử, kĩ thuật số
 Reliability (n): độ tin cậy
 Verification (n): sự kiểm duyệt
 Deliver inaccurate knowledge: truyền tải kiến thức không chính xác
 Differentiate between A and B: phân biệt giữa A và B
 Piracy (n): nạn ăn cắp sản phẩm, phát hành sản phẩm lậu
 Online knowledge storage: việc lưu trữ kiến thức trực tuyến
 Pave the way for something: mở đường cho cái gì đó
 Copyright infringement (np): việc vi phạm bản quyền
 Distribute pirated, free electronic books: phát hành sách lậu điện tử miễn phí
 Web traffic: lượng truy cập trang web

Test 13

TASK 1: The bar chart shows methods of deal with waste in four European countries.

The bar chart shows European countries dealing with the waste in their cities.

A glance at the given/ provided bar chart depicts some striking information about four
nations in Europe which use four different methods to deal with the rubbish in their cities.

It is evident from the information supplied that recycling litter is the most popular one in
Netherlands while sending rubbish into landfill is the most favored/chosen in the remaining

The percentage of waste (which is) burnt in Spain stands at the highest point (30%) while
the data of UK is ten times less than. Approximately 22% of waste is burnt in Italy,
compared to just 10% waste burnt in Netherlands. The rates of rubbish used as chemicals
in four European nations are fairly similar. In more details, the figures for Italy and Spain
are relatively equal/ same at about 18% whereas the proportions of litter used as chemicals
in Netherlands and UK observe a mild difference/ gap of 1%.

Regarding recycling, in Netherlands it is the most favored method of handling waste with
over 65% while the figures of Italy, Spain and UK are 20%, 11% and nearly 13%,
respectively. The least popular approach/way of waste disposal in Netherlands is sending
rubbish into landfill, accounting for under 10%. By stark contrast, the data for UK is
significantly higher than the data of three remaining countries. Almost 65% of litter in this
country is sent into landfills, whereas the figures of Italy and Spain stand at the same points

TASK 2: Art classes, such as painting and drawing, as important to a child's

development as other subjects, so it should be compulsory in high schools. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?


Many believe that art-related courses, like painting or drawing, which play as important a
role as other subjects should be rendered mandatory at high school. However, these
courses, although significant to the growth of children, should only be optional in their
curriculum, from my perspective.

On the one hand, the role of classes involving art is, admittedly, as important as that of
others. For instance, while math which regularly requires students to calculate and solve
mathematical questions helps develop their mental agility and problem-solving ability,
painting and drawing facilitate a child’s development of his or her emotional intelligence.
By attending these classes, students stand a chance to learn how to observe works of art
and understand the artists’ feelings through what they drew, which can help students get
used to having a better understanding of others’ emotion without them having to admit it.
The significance of art-based subjects is also as great as that of English and other languages
because all enable the learners to better express their ideas, either using verbal
communication such as speaking or non-verbal channels like the way they sketch their
characters or use color patterns.
On the other hand, no matter how important these subjects are, rendering them compulsory
may adversely impact students in many ways. Firstly, not every student is enthusiastic
about art, which causes this subject to become a source of boredom and stress when
students are forced to learn it. This amount of time could have been otherwise allotted for
other classes that they are more interested in so that they could make full use of their time
for what they like. Secondly, should art be obligatory at school, students who are not
artistically gifted may have great difficulty achieving good grades at this subject. It is not
easy for everyone to improve their artistic skills for a short period of time, which may
negatively affect the students’ GPA at the end of the term.

In conclusion, despite being as beneficial to a student’s growth as other subjects, art courses
should not be seen as compulsory. Instead, it is necessary for schools to find out what their
students are best at so that they can fully develop their potential.

Test 14

Task 1: Bar chart

The charts below show the percentage of 45-54 years old women and men with
univesity degree and the percentage of leadership position women and men in
companies in three countries in 2012.

Task 2: Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and
motorways than on public transport systems such as railways and trams. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?


It is argued that money should be spent on developing roads and motorways rather than on
public transport systems. Personally I think both road and public transport systems have
vital roles to play in modern society, and therefore should be equally invested in.

On the one hand, better road quality increases the level of safety and reduces traffic
congestion. In many cities and provinces in Vietnam for example, the number of road
accidents is ever-increasing because there are a lot of holes on the road’s surface. This is a
clear evidence that the government should spend money improving the quality of road
systems in order to ensure the safety of people. Additionally, building wider roads and
more motorways in big cities like Ha Chi Minh, where traffic congestion is still a major
problem, will help to increase road capacity. It means that there will be more space for a
larger number of vehicles, hence reducing pressure on the city’s main roads as well as

On the other hand, better public transport systems are beneficial for the environment and
people who do not have a private vehicle. In fact, some modes of public transport like
subways produce less pollutants than cars and other private vehicles. Therefore, spending
money providing people with access to public transport will improve air quality and reduce
pollution. Furthermore, for those who do not have a private vehicle, such as motorbike or
car, buses and subways are a great choice if they have to travel every day.

In conclusion, for the reasons above, I believe money should be well-spent on not only
road but also public transport systems.


 To increase the level of safety: Tăng mức độ an toàn

 To reduce traffic congestion: Giảm ách tắc giao thông
 To ensure the safety of people: Đảm bảo an toàn cho người dân
 To increase road capacity: Tăng tải trọng đường
 To reduce pressure on the city’s main roads as well as congestion: Giảm áp lực lên
đường phố cũng như giảm ách tức
 Access to public transport: Có thể sử dụng phương tiện công cộng
 Improve air quality and reduce pollution: Cải thiện chất lượng không khí và giảm ô

Test 15 (Đề Dự Bị)

TASK 1: The line graph showing the contribution of five industries to the economy
of a country between 2005-2009. The pie chart showing the total employment rate in

TASK 2: Some people think that children should start school at a very early age, but
others believe that children should NOT go to school until they are older. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.

People have different views about whether children should start their formal education as
early as possible or delay it until they are at least 7 years old. Personally, I believe an early
commencement of study would be far more beneficial than a later start.

Firstly, starting school at a young age would generate a number of positive outcomes.
Undeniably, the younger an individual is, the easier it is for them to acquire new knowledge
and information. As a result, these children would have a head start over their peers
pursuing higher education. Besides this, they would have opportunities to figure out their
natural talents. Most Vietnamese children, for example, are sent to kindergarten at the age
of 3 or 4 to learn some basic skills such as addition and subtraction. After a couple of
months, those showing potential will be cared for by teachers with an aim to train them to
become specialized students in the future.

However, several individuals advocate a later start to formal schooling due to a number of
reasons. It is believed that commencing school at a later age will offer kids more time to
learn many things via their parents at home. As a result, these children will become more
mature and integrate more easily into the educational environment in the upcoming years.
In addition, it might also be more beneficial for children to have a childhood in which they
can cultivate their own skills and interests through normal activities at home.

To conclude, despite being safe with their parents at home, children would have fewer
chances to engage in extracurricular activities which would equip them with vital soft skills
including teamwork and communication skills. Not to mention, while not at school, many
children tend to lead an unhealthy lifestyle as their free time is devoted to online games,
which gradually isolate them from society. Therefore, I believe that it would be well-
advised that parents send their children to school at an early age.


 An early commencement of study: việc ho ̣c sớm

 Head start: khởi đầ u trước
 Formal schooling: việc ho ̣c chính thức
 Vital soft skills including teamwork and communication skills: ki ̃ năng mề m quan
tro ̣ng bao gồ m ki ̃ năng làm việc nhóm và giao tiế p
 Well-advised: khôn ngoan

Test 16 (dự bị) cao

TASK 1: The chart below shows the percentage of river water in UK rivers that is
classified as having good chemical quality between 1990 and 2002.

TASK 2: Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn children into
good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?


While some people argue that the primary purpose of schools is to create good citizens and
productive workers, this essay will challenge this notion by emphasizing the importance of
individual growth and development within the educational process.

Firstly, schools play a crucial role in fostering the intellectual and creative development of
students. This growth is not merely to benefit society but to allow each student to reach
their full potential. By providing a diverse range of subjects and learning experiences,
schools can help students discover and nurture their passions, interests, and talents. For
example, consider a school that offers a wide array of courses, including arts, sciences,
humanities, and physical education, allowing their students to explore various subjects and
identify areas where their passions and talents lie. This diverse education encourages
critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, which can lead to individual
fulfilment and a sense of purpose.

In addition to academic development, schools should also prioritize the emotional and
social growth of students. Emotional intelligence and social skills are essential for personal
well-being and success in various aspects of life, including relationships and career
progression. By creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment, schools can help
students develop empathy, resilience, and effective communication skills. These qualities
not only contribute to a healthy society but also directly benefit the individuals who possess
them, improving their overall quality of life. For instance, schools can implement programs
and activities that promote emotional intelligence and social skills, such as group projects,
peer mentoring, and conflict resolution workshops. These programs encourage self-
awareness, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship management.

In conclusion, while the development of good citizens and productive workers is a valuable
goal for schools, I disagree that this is the ultimate goal of schools and it should not
overshadow the importance of individual growth and development.


 emphasize (v): nhấn mạnh

 foster (v): thúc đẩy
 intellectual (adj): về mặt trí tuệ, tri thức
 nurture (v): nuôi dưỡng
 array (n): danh sách
 humanities (n): nhân văn học
 critical thinking: tư duy phản biện
 problem-solving: giải quyết vấn đề
 prioritize (v): ưu tiên
 inclusive (adj): toàn diện, bao hàm tất cả
 empathy (n): sự đồng cảm
 resilience (n): khả năng phục hồi
 implement (v): thực hiện
 peer (n): bạn đồng trang lứa
 self-awareness (n): sự tự nhận thức
 decision-making: đưa ra quyết định
 overshadow (v): làm lu mờ

Test 17 (Dự Bị)

Task 1: Diagram showing the structure and use of a simple solar panel.


The diagrams illustrate the design of a simple solar panel and the process by which it
generates energy.

Overall, the structure of the panel is not complex, consisting of only a few details. This
structure enables the panel to utilize sunshine, which heats up either air or water.

To begin with, the layout of the panel is relatively simple. It is a rectangular container, with
the surface layer made of transparent glass. In addition, there is an inlet and outlet on either
side of the container, allowing water and air to flow through the system.
The energy generation process works by using solar power. Firstly, sun rays are absorbed
by the transparent glass, thereby capturing the heat of these rays of sunlight inside the
panel. This captured energy then turns air flowing through the system into warm air.
Likewise, if the system contains water inside, it is also heated in a similar manner to air.


 design (n) thiết kế

 consisting of (v) bao gồm
 utilize (v): tận dụng
 rectangular (adj) hình chữ nhật
 surface (n): bề mặt
 absorb (v) hấp thụ
 capture (v) giữ
 flowing through (phrasal verb): chảy qua

Task 2: Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of
money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead. To what
extent do you agree with this statement?


Government funding with regards to art, such as music and theater, have been a
longstanding issue of debate - many people believe that their tax money should
alternatively be spent on public services. Personally, I believe that both art and public
services bring about different benefits to society, and so government investment in both is

On the one hand, it is important to note that art is the voice of a society, and therefore, to
fund art is to encourage the expression of society as well as the development and pursuit
of new ideas. Art has always served as a window into the past and reconnects today’s
generation with previous ones, and has helped to create new creative movements. Such is
why many European governments continue to fund museums and exhibits in their own
countries despite many of them being unable to operate on a commercial basis, for they
can showcase their own heritage and culture and inspire future generations.
On the other hand, spending on public services helps to ensure a more immediate benefit
to the population. As opposed to art, it could be said that public services are enjoyed by
most if not all of a country’s population, and therefore investing in it could be seen as much
more equitable. Important public services such as healthcare also have the benefit of
keeping the population healthy while creating numerous high quality jobs. The economic
effects of public services could thus be observed to be more immediate and tangible than
investments in art.

Nonetheless, I argue that there are different benefits to both art and public services, and the
government should invest in both.


 Government funding with regards to art: Tiền tài trợ của chính phủ dành cho nghệ
 Bring about different benefits to the society: Mang lại những lợi ích khác nhau cho
xã hội
 To be the voice of the society: Là tiếng nói của xã hội
 Encourage the expression of the society: Khuyến khích những bày tỏ của xã hội
(người dân)
 Development and pursuit of new ideas: Sự phát triển và thực hiện những ý tưởng
 Serve as a window into the past: Là cách để học về quá khứ
 Reconnect today's generation with previous ones: Kết nối các thế hệ ngày nay với
các thế hệ trước
 Operate on a commercial basis: Hoạt động dựa trên cơ sở thương mại
 Showcase their heritage and culture: Cho thấy di sản và văn hóa của họ
 Inspire future generations: Tạo cảm hứng cho các thế hệ tương lai
 To be enjoyed by most of a country's population: Được yêu thích bởi hầu hết mọi
 Invest in something: Đầu tư vào cái gì đó
 To be much more equitable: Công bằng hơn rất nhiều
 Create numerous high quality jobs: Tạo ra nhiều công việc chất lượng cao
 Economic effect: Hiệu quả kinh tế

Test 18 (Cao)
TASK 1: The bar chart shows the percentage of people who ate five portions of fruits
and vegetables per day in the UK from 2001 to 2008.



The graph illustrates the share of the UK population who ate fruit and vegetable five times
per day between 2001 and 2008. Overall, there was an uptrend over the entire period for
all categories; the figures for children and men increased sharply, while the share of
women went up moderately.

The figure for children remained the lowest all over the time frame; it started at roughly
12% in 2001, remained constant until 2003 and then grew with a steady rate to about 25%
in 2007. The share of men had a similar trend, but in 2001 it was around 17%, had no
changes over next 2 years and then it started to increment rapidly to nearly 27% in 2007.
Both segments of population suffered from a slight decline over last year in the graph.
In contrast, the percentage of women who ate five portion of fruit and vegetables in 2001
was the highest, among other categories. Over time, it incremented gradually between
2001 and 2006, from roughly 21% to about 34%, while in the last two years it declined
by almost 3%, remaining the highest figure in 2008.

TASK 2: When asked to choose between a life without work and working most of
the time, people would always choose not to work. Do you agree or disagree with this


Human activities are integral to our daily lives, with financial stability often tied to
employment. While some aspire to lead a life without work, I strongly disagree with this
notion. However, I also acknowledge that relentless work may not necessarily equate to

Living without engaging in any meaningful work can result in societal disdain and familial
tensions. Individuals who idle away their time risk being perceived as indolent or
burdensome. Such individuals often squander their days on frivolous activities like
watching movies or socializing without contributing to social responsibilities or taxes.
Consequently, they miss out on societal benefits and face a lack of community support.

This mindset can be attributed, in part, to upbringing and family dynamics. Overindulgent
families may foster a sense of entitlement, leading individuals to neglect the value of work.
Therefore, it is imperative to instill strong moral values and a sense of responsibility early
on. Adversity, such as experiencing poverty, can serve as a potent catalyst for instilling a
work ethic.

On the other hand, an obsessive focus on work can also have detrimental effects.
Individuals consumed by their careers often neglect familial bonds, missing important
moments and family dinners. This work-centric lifestyle, common in higher societal strata,
may lead to health issues, stress, and depression. Striking a balance between work and
leisure is essential for overall well-being.
In conclusion, a life devoid of meaningful work lacks societal respect and support, while
an overly work-centric existence can jeopardize health and familial harmony. Striving for
a balanced approach, where work is valued but not to the detriment of personal life, is
crucial for a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

Test 19 (Cao)

TASK 1: The table below shows the results of survey of first-year students who take
courses in a particular university.

TASK 2: Some people think that Olympic games are exciting events that bring other
nations together. Others say Olympics is a waste of money and the money could be
better spent on other things. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


International sporting events have become increasingly common in recent decades. While
some people reckon that host countries might have to deal with a sudden surge in crime or
involve themselves in an exhausting preparation process, more importantly I believe they
can take the opportunity to boost tourism.
To begin with, although events such as these are a great opportunity for countries to gain
global exposure, there are present significant challenges. Firstly, records have shown that
there is a twofold increase in crimes such as prostitution and petty theft when a country
organises an event such as the World Cup or the Olympics. Furthermore, the process of
preparing for these events is often demanding. For the World Cup 2014, it took Brazil five
years to revitalise its cities and construct various facilities including stadiums and indoor
athletics arenas to meet the world-class standard set by FIFA.

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that international sporting games can potentially
stimulate the tourism sector. By being the host, a country is able to attract a large array of
athletes and their supporters from all around the world. This sudden increase in visitors
will likely proliferate the sales of products and services such as accommodation and
transportation within the period of the events. In the longer term, it is a great chance for
the host nations to promote their culture on a global stage. For example, since the pictures
of beautifully garnished Vietnamese dishes made headlines during the SEA Games in 2003,
Vietnam has been branded as the “Kitchen of the world” and a must visit destination for
global food lovers. This obviously does wonders for the Vietnamese economy.

In conclusion, although sports events come at the expense of a few immediate problems,
the benefits of boosted gross sales and cultural promotion are of greater significance. In
my opinion, host nations can also consider the option of sharing an event with a
neighboring country to spread the risk and still enjoy the lucrative long-term benefits.



Proliferate the sales of products and Tăng sức bán các sản phẩm và
services dịch vụ

Indoor athletics arena Cung thi đấu thể thao trong nhà

Gain global exposure Được cả thế giới biết đến

Revitalise sth Làm hồi sinh cái gì

Tận dụng cơ hội để thúc đẩy du

Take the opportunity to boost tourism

Được lên báo, làm xôn xao dư

Make headlines

Một địa điểm phải ghé thăm (du

A must visit destination

Come at the expense of immediate Phải trả giá bằng các vấn đề
problems trước mắt

A large array of sth Một số lượng lớn

On a global stage Trên phạm vi toàn cầu

Lucrative (adj) Sinh lời

Spread the risk Phân tán bớt rủi ro

Tạo nên điều kỳ diệu/lợi ích cho

Do wonder for sth
cái gì

Beautifully garnished Vietnamese Các món ăn Việt Nam được trang

dishes trí đẹp mắt

Test 20 (Cao)

TASK 1: The maps show a present layout of an office building and plans for its future

The diagram highlights the potential changes to an office building by comparing the present
layout with the future design. In general, offices will be larger and more spacious, while
certain areas, such as the kitchen and green spaces will be removed.

At present, there are two entrances: one in the middle of the western side of the building
and another at the end of the southern side. The four offices currently sit between the two
entrances, while the toilet is situated opposite to both. On both the east and west side of the
building are green spaces with grass. Lastly, the northern side of the building contains three
rooms: a kitchen, canteen and storeroom, with the order of their arrangement being from
left to right.

In the future, the southern entrance is expected to be moved to the centre of the side. The
office spaces will be enlarged, and two of them are to be situated on the opposite side of
where they were i.e. immediately left of the western entrance, replacing the kitchen and
canteen. The green spaces are also expected to be removed; on the right of the building, it
will be replaced with a meeting area at the bottom and a toilet at the top. Meanwhile, on
the left side, a new outdoor seating space would take its place. Lastly, there is going to be
a new coffee machine next to the storeroom, whose position remains unchanged.


 Potential changes: Những thay đổi tiềm năng

 Present layout: Bố cục hiện tại
 Future design: Thiết kế trong tương lai
 Spacious: Thoáng, có không gian
 To be removed: Bị xóa, loại bỏ
 Entrance : Lối ra vào
 Eastern/southern side: Phía đông/nam
 Situate: Đặt, xây ở
 Green spaces: Không gian có cây xanh
 Order of their arrangement: Thứ tự sắp xếp của chúng
 To be moved to the centre: Được chuyển ra giữa
 To be enlarged: Được mở rộng
 To be replaced with something: Được thay thế bằng cái gì đó
 Remain unchanged: Không thay đổi

TASK 2: Some people say that all people should stay in full-time education until they
are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some individuals think that children should have to spend their time mostly at school, and
this should be continued till 18 years old. I completely disagree with this statement, and in
this, article I will provide my reasons.

Firstly, full-time education will limit students to a high extent. The reason might be the fact
that if their life is devoted to studying, then there is no time to improve other important and
crucial skills like social skills or other abilities such as painting or singing. It has to be
noted that these skills are as important as education, and being restricted to academic
subjects will make children not thrive in other aspects. Thus, it is vital to bear in mind that
different aspects of life are as important as studying.
Secondly, 18 years constitute a large proportion of one's life, and until this, age a child
should enroll in other activities to release his extra energy. He has to play with his
classmates while learning academic subjects. This is why some schools consider
extracurricular activities, too. For example, we can see that swimming pools are always
full of students between breaks, and research has shown that these peers have better
performance compared to those who devote their time only to studying.

However, school authorities have to consider that being educated is the factor that prepares
children for future life. Furthermore, a lot of occupations are related to being educated. For
instance, an astronomer or a physician has to have a degree from university. As convincing
as this point is, a child can learn academic subjects and other abilities simultaneously, and
this is how this person can thrive further.

To sum up, full-time education is demanded to a large extent, but this will limit one to only
school, and parents and teachers have to assist in promoting other skills. Therefore, other
subjects and activities should be incorporated into a child's schedule.

Test 21

TASK 1: The table shows the percentage of government spending on education and
training and the participation of 18-24 year olds in five countries in 2012.
The table provides a comparison of the expenditure rate of the government on education
and training and participation rate of 18-24 year olds in the same in five nations in the year

Overall, it is clearly evident from the table that the rate of expenditure on education and
training by the government of Slovenia was greater than that of the other countries. While
Poland’s participation of 18-24 year olds in education and training was the highest, it was
the lowest in Romania.

In 2002, the highest percentage of spending on education and training was by the
government of Slovenia which accounted for 25%, but the government expenditure rate
on the same in Poland was 5 times lower than in Slovenia. A similar rate of expenditure
on education and training can be seen in Romania and Czech Republic which accounted
for 10% and 9% respectively. The spending rate on education and training by the
government of Hungary was more than Romania by 3%.
The participation of 18-24 year olds in education and training in Poland was the greatest
among the given countries which was 44%. This rate was low in Slovenia at 40%. The
participation rate in education and training of 18-24 year olds in Hungary was 6% less than
that of Slovenia. 27% of 18-24 year olds participated in education and training in Czech
Republic, whereas it was only 23% in Romania.
TASK 2: In the past, people used to travel abroad to look for many differences from
their home country. Nowadays, cities throughout the world are becoming more and
more similar. What are the reasons? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


In the past, the allure of foreign travel lay in the opportunity to immerse oneself in cultures
vastly different from one's own. However, in contemporary times, cities across the globe
are increasingly homogenized, with similarities in architecture, infrastructure, and
commercial establishments. This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors.

Firstly, globalization has facilitated the exchange of ideas, technologies, and architectural
designs, resulting in a convergence of urban landscapes. Multinational corporations have
played a significant role in shaping cityscapes, as their standardized franchises and retail
outlets are now ubiquitous in urban centers worldwide. Additionally, advancements in
transportation and communication have made it easier for cities to emulate successful
models and replicate popular trends from other parts of the world.

Despite the apparent convenience and familiarity offered by these uniform cities, there
are drawbacks to this trend. The dilution of unique cultural identities and traditions in
favor of globalized standards can lead to a loss of authenticity and character. Furthermore,
the proliferation of standardized urban development may exacerbate issues such as urban
sprawl, environmental degradation, and social inequality.

Nevertheless, the advantages of homogenized cities cannot be overlooked. Standardized

infrastructure and amenities can enhance convenience and accessibility for residents and
visitors. Moreover, the uniformity of cities can promote a sense of familiarity and comfort
for individuals navigating foreign environments, potentially fostering a more inclusive
and interconnected global community.

In conclusion, the increasing similarity of cities worldwide is primarily driven by

globalization and technological advancements. While this trend offers certain
conveniences, it also poses challenges to cultural diversity and sustainable urban
development. Ultimately, the extent to which the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
is subjective and depends on individual perspectives and priorities. Efforts to strike a
balance between global integration and the preservation of local identities are essential to
ensure the continued vitality and diversity of urban environments.

Test 22

TASK 1: The line graph below shows the percentage of people in Africa subscribing
to mobile and fixed line phones from 1994 to 2004.

The line graph illustrates the percentage of Africans using two types of phones over the
period of 10 years starting from 1994.
Overall, the use of both fixed line phones and mobile phones in Africa witnessed an
increase. In addition, it is remarkable that the figure for mobile phones experienced the
most dramatic upward trend over the period given.

In terms of fixed line phones, in 1944, there were 1.7% of African people subscribing to
this type of phone. After a gradual growth, the percentage of fixed line phone users reached
a peak of 3.1% in 2004.

With regard to mobile phones, from 1994 to 1995, the use of this type of phones remained
unchanged at only 0.06%, followed by a slight rise to 1% in 1999. In the following 3 years,
both fixed line phones and mobile phones shared the same percentage of subscribers, at
nearly 3%. Over the remaining period, the figure for mobile phones experienced a
significant rise to the highest point of 8.8% in 2004.
TASK 2: Nowadays, more and more people from different cities are spending more
time away from their families. What are the possible reasons and the effects on the
people themselves and their families?


In modern society, people have the tendency to spend less time with their family members.
From my point of view, this development can be attributed to several reasons and have
negative effects on both the individual and their family.

To start with, people’s declining amount of time spent with their family stems from the
generation gap and the boom of personal entertainment choices. First of all, the generation
gap has been a longstanding problem. Due to a disparity in beliefs between ages, a lack
of understanding is born, making one generation in a family feel less sympathetic towards
another generation’s problems. Thus, cross-generational communication becomes less
enjoyable for all parties. Secondly, more personal entertainment choices are readily
available now, reducing people’s need to partake in other activities. While in former times,
people could only talk to one another or take part in outdoor activities, nowadays, people
are engrossed in unlimited forms of entertainment, and neglecting to spend time with their
The tendency of sparing less time with their family brings both the individual and the
family undesirable impacts. Firstly, individuals who are not close with their family tend
to be more problematic. Children growing up without parental love are more susceptible
to emotional problems such as being emotionally detached or having low self-esteem from
feeling undesired. As a family is everyone’s basic need, what living apart does is taking
away one of life’s necessities. Moreover, with weak ties, families can be broken apart.
This is because the basic function of a family is to support each other, without quality
time together, this goal cannot be achieved.

In conclusion, the trend of spending less time with family comes from the generation gap
and the increase of personal entertainment forms. Furthermore, this development has
negative effects on both the individual’s well-being and their families.


 Stem from the generation gap: Bắt nguồn từ khoảng cách thế hệ
 The boom of personal entertainment choices: Sự bủng nổ của những lựa chọn giải
trí cá nhân
 Feel less sympathetic towards others: Cảm thấy ít cảm thông cho người khác
 Cross-generational communication: Sự giao tiếp giữa các thế hệ
 Partake in something: Tham gia vào cái gì đó
 Undesirable impacts: Những ảnh hưởng không tốt
 Grow up without parental love: Lớn lên mà không nhận được tình thương của bố
 To be susceptible to emotional problems: Dễ gặp phải những vấn đề về cảm xúc
 To be emotionally detached: Không thể kết nối với người khác về mặt cảm xúc
 To have low self-esteem: Có lòng tự trọng thấp
 Quality time: Thời gian dành cho người khác một cách ý

Test 23

TASK 1: The bar chart shows the average prices per kilometre of clothing imported
into the European Union from six different countries in 1997 and 2003.

The bar graph shows average price the European Union (EU) spent for per kilometre
clothing import from six different years in 1993 and 2003. It is obvious that the EU paid
the highest amount for each kilometre costume to Argentina.

Overall, the EU paid the highest amount to Argentina for garments import and lowest to
Bangladesh in both years.

According to the illustration, the EU spent the highest amount for clothing import from
Argentina which was approximately 28 pounds per kilometre in 1993. This rate was
significantly higher; almost 9 times higher than the rate it gave to Bangladesh. The second
and third highest rates were given to Brazil and Japan, roughly 23 and 15 pounds
respectively. China and India got less than that and their rate was higher than the import
rate from Bangladesh. The latter received only around 3 pound per kilo which was almost
three times less than the rate paid to Japan.

The rate went higher in 2003 for China, India and Bangladesh who were the least paid
countries in a decade earlier. The price for costume import from Brazil remained
unchanged while slightly declined for Argentina and Japan. Despite the price changes,
Argentina and Brazil were still highly paid than that of India and Bangladesh while
China’s price went as high as 17 pounds, almost double than that of 1993’s rate.

TASK 2: Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route
to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after
school. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Upon completing high school, teenagers face the decision of whether to pursue higher
education and obtain a Bachelor's Degree or to enter the workforce immediately.
Although there are notable advantages to securing a job right after high school, I argue
that attending college or university is a more beneficial choice for teenagers.

Entering the workforce immediately after high school can be appealing for several
reasons. One reason is that teenagers can become more independent by earning their own
income, allowing them to establish a stable life, start a family, or travel. Additionally,
starting work early provides opportunities for career advancement, as they can broaden
their perspectives, acquire real-world experience, and develop practical skills in their
chosen profession, leading to career success. For example, a high school graduate may
become an apprentice chef, earning income and gaining financial independence. Entering
the workforce early allows them to climb the career ladder sooner and acquire hands-on
experience and practical skills.

However, I maintain that continuing education to obtain a Bachelor's Degree offers even
greater benefits than pursuing a career right after high school. First, without formal
qualifications from a college or university, young people may face increased competition
when seeking their desired job. Second, many professions require specific academic
qualifications for entry, such as doctor or lawyer positions. In other words, numerous
roles within a company necessitate relevant qualifications for consideration.
Consequently, while the absence of academic credentials may hinder a young person's
career trajectory, university graduates have access to a wider range of high-quality job
opportunities and higher salaries.
In conclusion, due to the reasons stated above, I believe that students are more likely to
enjoy a successful career in the long run if they possess a college or university degree,
thus, they should pursue this path upon graduating high school.


 pursue (v): theo đuổi

 notable (adj): đáng chú ý, nổi bật
 appealing (adj): thu hút
 establish (v): xây dựng, thiết lập
 stable (adj): ổn định
 real-world experience: trải nghiệm thực tiễn
 practical (adj): thực tế
 apprentice (n): người học việc
 formal qualification: bằng cấp chính quy
 competition (n): cuộc thi, sự cạnh tranh
 necessitate (v): bắt buộc
 credential (n): chứng chỉ
 career trajectory: thăng tiến sự nghiệp
 possess (v): sở hữu

Test 24

TASK 1: The tables below provide information about the consumption and
production of potatoes in five parts of the world in 2006.
The table data illustrates per person potato consumption and total production of this crop
in five different regions in the world- South and Central America, Africa, North America,
Europe, and Asia, in 2006. According to the information provided, Europeans ate more
potatoes than the citizens of other regions on an average and Asia harvested the largest
quantity of potatoes in 2006.

In details, Europeans were the chief consumers of potatoes in 2006 as each European ate
96.1 kilograms potatoes. Then, North America and Asia followed the second and the third
highest consumer list of this crop, 57.9 and 25.8 kg per person intake respectively. It is
interesting to note that an average European consumed almost the double quantity of
potatoes than a North American and almost four times higher than that of an Asian citizen.
The consumption in Africa was the least, nearly 14 kg per person while it was 23.6 kg in
South and Central America.

Furthermore, Asia produced the highest quantity of potatoes 131.2 million tonnes despite
their lower consumption rate. Europe grew over 126 million tonnes potato and these two
regions were the main potato producers in 2006
TASK 2: In some countries, it is illegal for companies to reject job applicants for
their age. Is this a positive or negative development?


As human beings are moving towards a world of equality and fairness, age discrimination
in the workplace has been commonly prohibited in many countries. In my opinion, I am
strongly in agreement with this legal policy for its impacts on both individuals and other
related organisations on a larger scale.

In terms of employees in the job market, they would benefit from this practice financially
and mentally. Firstly, when candidates cannot be denied based on their age, people in any
life stage can look for employment, make ends meet and advance their careers for not only
financial independence but also self- validation. For instance, senior citizens may still
hold a position and earn money to aid themselves without relying on their children or
welfare systems. In other words, if ageism were allowed to be rampant at work, it could
jeopardise one's career progression and financial status, especially when one is laid off
due to how old they are. More importantly, the reluctance of prospective employers to
recruit exceptionally young or old workers may possibly create a toxic work environment,
which can lead to stress for employees.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned arguments, fruitful effects of this policy extend

beyond those who experience ageism first-hand. By abiding by the law to abandon age
discrimination, companies may take advantage of a larger pool of candidates in order to
find the most suitable ones for their businesses. To be more specific, when age is not a
deciding factor to indicate the level of competency of employees, organisations can
benefit from both the experience, work ethic and honed skills of senior workers as well as
the youthfulness, energy and creativity of youngsters. That diversity can act as a precursor
to not only a friendly work environment with lower employee turnover rates and higher
productivity but also a thriving future and prosperity for employers.

In conclusion, I would reiterate that the practice of removing ageism from the recruitment
process is highly likely conducive to various economic and societal benefits for both
individual job applicants and related organisations.


 age discrimination = ageism: phân biệt theo lứa tuổi

 make ends meet: kiếm sống
 advance their careers: thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp (=career progression)
 self validation: sự tự đánh giá giá trị bản thân
 hold a position: nắm giữ 1 chức vụ ví trí công việc
 rampant: xảy ra lan tràn không kiểm soát được
 jeopardise: hủy hoại cái gì (tình bạn…)
 competency: khả năng làm việc tốt
 act as a precursor to st: đóng vai trò “tiền thân” của … ( là cái đó xảy ra trước và
tác động dẫn đến cái gì xảy ra)
 employee turnover rates: tỷ lệ luân chuyển nhân viên ( là tỷ lệ nhân viên rời khỏi
công ty)
 conducive to: khiến cho cái gì dễ xảy ra hơn

Test 25

TASK 1: The chart below shows the percentage of the population in the UK who
consumed the recommended daily amount of fruit and vegetables in 2002,2006, and
The given bar chart illustrates the proportion of British people who consumed the
suggested amount of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis in three years: 2002, 2006 and

Overall, it can be seen that British women’s consumption of fruit and vegetables was far
higher than the two remaining groups.

The initial impression from the graph is that the percentage of the recommended amount
of fruit and vegetables every day that the British of both genders, namely male and female,
consumed was nearly similar. Regarding men, their consumption shared the same pattern
in 2002 and 2010 with roughly 23%. In 2010, both figures for men's and women’s
consumption of fruit and vegetables reached the highest point at 27% and 32%,
respectively. The recommended daily amount of fruit and vegetables consumed by women
living in the UK was 25% in 2002 and rose slightly by 2% at the end of the period.

In 2002, children’s daily consumption of fruit and vegetables was much lower than the
other groups with approximately one-tenth, which was half of the women’s and men’s
consumption in the same year. In the next 4 years, the figure rose to 16% before dropping
by 2% in 2010.
 on a daily basis: hàng ngày
 consumption: sự tiêu thụ, tiêu dùng
 gender: giới tính
 to share the same pattern: có cùng đặc điểm
 to reach the highest point: đạt đến điểm cao nhất
 to rise slightly: tăng nhẹ
 approximately: xấp xỉ
 regarding: về, đối với
Task 2: Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given
to protect wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Test 26

TASK 1: The table below gives information about the percentage of workforce employed
in six industries in Australia between 1989 and 2009.
The table elucidates the workers’ rate in six different sectors in Australia from 1989 to

Overall, while manufacturing was predominant in 1989, health care became the smallest
percentage in 2009.Moreover, tourism shared the least proportion among all sectors in
both years.

In 1989, manufacturing accounted 15% out all workforce’s rate, becoming the highest
percentage. Thiswas followed by retail, about 3.2% lower than the dominant one.
However, the rest of industries: Healtcare, construction, education and tourism only
comprised under one tenth each.
This is interesting to note that manufacturing and healthcare replaced each other’s
positions from 1989.In 2009, while the number of healthcare workforce’s percentage
surpassed all sectors by leading at11.3%, manufacturing only made up slightly under 10%.
Furthermore, after two decades from 1989 canbe seen that tourism’s workforce’s rate
remained to be the last position, which was only 7.3%. Eventhough there were increased
number of percentages in other three sectors (construction, education andtourism), they
remained under 10% each.
TASK 2: Some people say that what people do to protect environment cannot make
a difference, others say that individuals can help to protect the environment. Discuss
both these views and give your own opinion.
Opinions differ on whether individual efforts are inconsequential in the face of larger-
scale environmental issues, or whether collective actions by individuals can indeed foster
substantial change. In my view, while systemic changes are imperative, individual
initiatives are pivotal in complementing broader efforts to protect the environment.

Adherents of the viewpoint that individual actions hold little significance in environmental
protection often cite the magnitude of global environmental challenges. They argue that
issues such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution are usually on a glo bal scale
and thus necessitate comprehensive policy changes and industrial reforms, rendering
individual endeavors futile in comparison. They may refer to the daily habit of sorting
waste among eco-conscious individuals as an example, pointing out that without recycling
facilities operated by public or private organizations, such efforts may become

Nevertheless, I firmly believe that individuals can make valuable contributions by

advocating for the collective impact of small-scale actions. This is due to the ripple effect
that individual choices, such as reducing personal carbon footprints, practicing sustainable
consumption habits, and promoting eco-friendly practices, can have on the wider
community. Coupled with this are the importance of individual consciousness-raising and
the role of green movements in influencing policy changes and corporate behavior. For
instance, consumer demands for eco-friendly products have compelled industries to
innovate and adopt more sustainable practices.
In conclusion, while some contend that individual efforts hold little sway in environmental
conservation, I firmly believe that they complement larger systemic changes. This is why
emphasizing the significance of individual contributions alongside structural changes is
vital for a sustainable and greener future.
 larger-scale environmental issues: những vấn đề môi trường ở quy mô lớn hơn
 foster substantial change: thúc đẩy sự thay đổi đáng kể
 hold little significance in environmental protection: ít có ý trong việc bảo vệ môi
 the magnitude of global environmental challenges: tầm quan trọng của những thách
thức môi trường toàn cầu
 necessitate comprehensive policy changes: đòi hỏi những thay đổi chính sách toàn
 industrial reforms: cải cách công nghiệp
 rendering individual endeavors futile: khiến nỗ lực cá nhân trở nên vô ích
 eco-conscious individuals: những cá nhân có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường
 the collective impact of small-scale actions: tác động chung của các hành động nhỏ
 reducing personal carbon footprints: giảm lượng khí thải carbon cá nhân
 practicing sustainable consumption habits: thực hành thói quen tiêu dùng bền vững
 promoting eco-friendly practices: thúc đẩy các hoạt động thân thiện với môi trường
 individual consciousness-raising: nâng cao ý thức cá nhân
 green movements: phong trào xanh
 innovate and adopt more sustainable practices: đổi mới và áp dụng các biện pháp
bền vững hơn
 hold little sway in environmental conservation: ít ảnh hưởng đến việc bảo tồn môi
 a sustainable and greener future: một tương lai bền vững và xanh hơn
Test 27

TASK 1: The process of producing drinking water by solar powdered pump and
TASK 2: Too much emphasis is given for education of the young. More government
money should be spent to free time activity of young people. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?


Education, undeniably, plays a pivotal role in the formative years of young individuals.
However, the contention that governments are overly emphasizing its importance to the
detriment of free-time activities for the youth is a topic of considerable debate. From my
perspective, while education is paramount, leisure activities also hold significant value.
The primary objective of education is to equip young people with the knowledge and skills
essential for their future. By attending educational institutions, students are exposed to
structured learning environments where they cultivate critical thinking skills, discover
their passions, and learn the values of discipline and commitment. It is this foundational
knowledge that serves as the backbone of a nation’s progress.

On the flip side, free-time activities can be equally beneficial for the holistic development
of young people. Participating in sports, arts, or community service during leisure times
instills teamwork, fosters creativity, and encourages empathy. Furthermore, such
activities provide a healthy outlet for stress, ensuring mental well-being alongside
physical fitness. Thus, governments should undoubtedly advocate for a balanced
approach, emphasizing both education and recreational activities.

In conclusion, while the significance of education cannot be understated, the importance

of leisure activities, which promote all-around development, must also be recognized.
Governments should strive to create a harmonious balance between the two, ensuring the
well-rounded growth of their young citizens.


 Formative years: những năm hình thành.

 Structured learning environment: môi trường học tập có tổ chức.
 Cultivate critical thinking: phát triển tư duy phê phán.
 Holistic development: sự phát triển toàn diện.
 Healthy outlet for stress: cách thức lành mạnh để giải tỏa căng thẳng.
 All-around development: sự phát triển đa diện.

Test 28

TASK 1: The chart below shows the number of houses sold in 8 cities in the world
for more than 5 Million US dollars in 2009 and 2014.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
TASK 2: The tendency of news reports in the media to focus more on problems and
emergencies than on positive developments is harmful to the individuals and the
society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In today's interconnected world, the media's inclination to emphasize negatives over

positives has ignited discussions about its adverse effects on individual psychology and
broader social harmony. I resolutely contend that the media's skewed focus on negative
events over positive ones adversely affects individual psychology and erodes societal
trust, necessitating a more balanced approach in reporting.

Firstly, the incessant media focus on grim news ranging from natural disasters to crime
rates has been proven to negatively impact individual psychological well-being. A study
conducted by the American Psychological Association found that exposure to a steady
stream of negative news correlates with increased levels of stress, anxiety, and a general
sense of helplessness. For example, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, consumers of
news reported higher levels of anxiety and a decreased sense of community attachment,
as per research by the University of Sussex. This emotional toll extends beyond personal
realms, leading to reduced productivity at workplaces and straining interpersonal
relationships, thereby perpetuating a societal cycle of stress and pessimism.

Secondly, the overwhelming media emphasis on challenges and crises skews public
perception and fosters societal mistrust. A well-known study from Harvard University
indicated that incessant negative news coverage, particularly in the realm of crime and
public safety, leads people to overestimate the prevalence of crime in their communities.
This warped perception can disintegrate the very social fabric of neighborhoods,
cultivating distrust and diminishing community participation. The 'Mean World
Syndrome,' a term coined by George Gerbner, explicates how continuous exposure to
negative news can make people believe that the world is more dangerous than it actually
is, thus eroding social cohesion.

Yet, it is indispensable to acknowledge the positive aspects of media’s focus on societal

issues. For instance, responsible reporting on public health crises, like the COVID-19
pandemic, empowered citizens to take precautionary measures, contributing to public
safety. However, incorporating positive news, such as success stories of community-led
environmental initiatives or breakthroughs in medical research, can contribute to a more
well-rounded public discourse.

In conclusion, while negative media coverage serves accountability and awareness, its
excessive focus harms individual psychology and erodes social trust. A shift towards more
balanced reporting is imperative for the well-being and progress of both individuals and

Test 29
TASK 1: The chart below shows the percentage of men and women who did various
free rime activities in England in 2006.

The bar chart provided illustrates the proportions of male and female engaging in different
leisure activities in England during 2006.

Watching TV and spending time with family were the most popular leisure activities while
playing computer games was the least favoured by both males and females that year.

The majority of men or women in England (around 80%) preferred to watch TV or spend
time with their family during their free time. The proportion of women who enjoyed
shopping was more than double that of their male counterparts, at around 75% and 30%

Only 5% of females and slightly over 10% of the opposite gender enjoyed playing digital
games. Sports and reading saw similar levels of preference by each gender, with
approximately 70% of females and 75% of males practicing these hobbies. As for surfing
the Internet, however, the figure for men was almost twice as much as that for women.
TASK 2: In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining. Why do
you think this is happening? How can this issue be solved?


The populations of animals and plants have been declining in many countries around the
globe. This essay will present the causes as well as the remedies to this situation.

The problem is attributable to two main reasons. One of the primary contributors is
deforestation. Forests are cut down to serve multiple purposes such as farming, cattle
grazing and commercial logging. As a consequence, the removal of trees and other types
of vegetation reduces the availability of food and shelter for animals, which leads to their
loss of habitats, thus pushing them to the verge of extinction. Climate change is another
factor resulting in the reduced number of animals and plants. The rise in the Earth's
temperature has caused longer drought seasons, so wildfire conditions have become more
extreme, threatening the existence of various species. For example, three billion animals
were harmed and killed after Australia's fires in 2020.

Various measures can be adopted to address this problem. To begin with, governments
should implement stricter laws against illegal logging as well as encouraging
reforestation. This, as a result, would re-establish forest cover and ensure the stability of
wildlife habitats. Moreover, the effects of climate change on the living conditions of
animals and plants could be mitigated by curbing carbon dioxide emissions from industrial
activities. This could be achieved either by governments introducing new green taxes on
those activities or by manufacturers themselves adopting eco-friendly policies to regulate
and limit their emissions.

In conclusion, deforestation and climate change are two main contributors to the declining
number of animals and plants all over the world. To address this problem, governments
could enforce the existing environmental laws or manufacturers could actively reduce
their carbon footprints.

 Remedy (n): giải pháp
 Be attributable to someone/something: bị gây ra bởi ai/cái gì
 Cattle grazing (np): chăn thả gia súc
 Commercial logging (np): khai thác gỗ thương mại
 Loss of habitats: sự mất đi môi trường sống
 The verge of extinction: bờ tuyệt chủng
 Drought season (np): mùa hạn hán
 Wildfire condition (np): tình trạng cháy rừng trên diện rộng
 Implement stricter laws: ban hành luật pháp nghiêm khắc hơn
 Reforestation (n): tái trồng rừng
 Curb carbon dioxide emissions: giảm lượng khí thải CO2
 Carbon footprint (np): “vết” CO2 (tổng lượng khí CO2 thải ra của hoạt động/việc
sản xuất)

Test 30

TASK 1: The bar chart shows the percentage of Australian boys and girls (school
pupils) attending 4 different sports activities after school in 2010.


The given bar graph illustrates information about the proportion of Australian children in
sports outside school hours in 2014.

It can be clearly seen from the bar chart that the proportion of boys was 2% who played
football which was the highest percentage as compared to others. With it, in swimming,
the percentage of boys was decreased sharply to 13% than football. After that in the
proportion of boys was declined significantly at 3%. The percentile of boys was
approximately the same (4% and 8% respectively) in no Sports and basketball sports.

Moving further, in netball, the percentage of girls was 18% which was the greatest
proportion as compared to others. Furthermore, the portion of girls went down minimally
15.5% in swimming than others. While, in the football field, the proportion of girls was
come down significantly by 4%. Probing further, in no sports and basketball sports, the
proportion of girls was closely the same 5% and 6% respectively.

Overall, it is clearly seen that the maximum percentage of boys was in the football field
and the minimum proportion of girls was in football sports.

TASK 2: With growing number of population in cities Many people are living in
small homes that don't have outdoor spaces. Is this a positive or negative


In recent years, cities around the world have experienced a rapid increase in population,
resulting in more people living in homes with small or no outdoor areas. In my opinion,
living in a home with limited outdoor space has some negative effects.

First of all, the lack of outdoor areas in homes and the lack of exposure to nature and fresh
air can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and have negative health consequences. For example,
a person living in a small apartment in a high-rise building in the heart of a city may not
have access to a garden or a park to exercise. With limited space to move around in their
home, they may be less likely to engage in physical activity, leading to a sedentary
lifestyle. This can contribute to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems.

Secondly, the absence of outdoor areas can also have a negative impact on social and
community life. Without outdoor spaces, it can be challenging for communities to come
together and organize events that bring people from diverse backgrounds together. For
example, in a small apartment where there is limited access to outdoor space, it can be
difficult for residents to host social events or participate in communal activities. This can
lead to a sense of social isolation and disconnection from the wider community.

In conclusion, the absence of outdoor areas in cities can have a negative impact on social
and community life. It is therefore crucial that policymakers and urban planners prioritize
the provision of outdoor spaces and green areas in the planning and development of cities
around the world.


 exposure (n): tiếp xúc

 sedentary (adj): thụ động
 high-rise building (n): tòa nhà cao tầng
 engage in (phrasal verb): tham gia vào
 contribute (v): góp phần
 obesity (n): bệnh béo phì
 heart disease (n): bệnh tim
 diabete (n): tiểu đường
 absence (n): sự thiếu vắng
 diverse (adj): đa dạng
 resident (n): cư dân
 host (v): tổ chức
 social isolation (n): cảm giác cô lập với xã hội
 disconnection (n): sự mất kết nối
 crucial (v): quan trọng, chủ yếu
 policymaker (n): nhà hoạch định chính sách
 urban planner (n): nhà quy hoạch đô thị
 prioritize (v): ưu tiên
 provision (n): sự cung cấp

Test 31

TASK 1: The table shows information about students studying at an Australian

university in 2009.
The given table illustrates how many tertiary students enrolled in 6 fundamental majors at
an Australian university in 2011.

Overall, a majority of female students were in favor of Humanities and Education, while
those two departments had the lowest proportions of students whose mother tongues were
not English. Moreover, the highest percentages of non-indigenous Australian learners
majored in Physics and IT.

Regarding the distribution of gender, over 70% of the students learning Humanities were
women, followed by the figure for Education, with 68%. Conversely, fewer female
students seemed to find technological majors such as IT or Engineering appealing, with
only 17% and 15% in that order.
As for their first communicating language, about half of IT students (49%) were not native
English speakers, which accounted for the highest figure, whereas the number of non-
indigenous English enrolling in Science was 4% lower. By contrast, only 12% of English
students majored in the Humanities.

In terms of international learners, Physics and IT shared the same highest proportions of
students born outside of Australia, with 56% each. However, the quantities of students
with diverse nationalities in the Education and Humanities departments were the lowest,
at 23% and 20%, respectively.
 tertiary students: sinh viên đại học
 in favor of: yêu thích
 non-indigenous (adj): không phải người bản xứ
 mother tongue (n): ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ
TASK 2: Population in cities is growing rapidly. What are the effects of it? What
solutions can you give to maintain a good quality of life in urban areas?
As population growth in urban areas is getting out of hand, and many people wonder about
its effects. I think it brings many detrimental problems to society, but there are ways to
reduce its span and prevent the problem from growing.

Overpopulation in metropolitan areas brings lots of problems to its inhabitants. The first
and most immediate problem is competition for resources. More people means more
housing is in demand. House prices and rents should expect a significant increase within
only a few years. Groceries, gas, utilities, and even education costs should also expect the
same trend. Moreover, the accumulation of natural resource depletion and emitted
greenhouse gas problems will lead to pollution. In this environment, contagious diseases,
such as COVID, HIV, or tuberculosis, spread faster than ever.

However, there are measures that governments can take to alleviate the effects and prevent
this problem. To alleviate the effects, each government needs to be prepared for the worst
by investing now. They should build `more apartment buildings, schools, and
supermarkets, grow more crops, and improve healthcare systems. One other solution is to
develop satellite cities to decentralize the urban population. To prevent this problem from
growing bigger than it already is, schools should educate students on birth control methods
and safe sex practices. As a result, this will prevent unplanned pregnancies and reduce the
rate of population growth.

In conclusion, overpopulation in urban areas is a significant problem because it causes

devastating effects on society. As a result, governments need to be prepared and implement
better sex education for their citizens.
 Population growth: Sự gia tăng dân số
 Get out of hand: Không thể kiểm soát được
 Reduce its span: Hạn chế sự lan rộng (của dân số)
 Overpopulation in metropolitan areas: Sự quá tải dân số ở các khu vực thành phố
 Inhabitants: Cư dân
 Competition for resources: Cạnh tranh để có được tài nguyên
 More housing is in demand: Nhu cầu nhà ở cao hơn
 Accumulation of natural resource depletion: Sự tích tụ của vấn đề về thiếu hụt tài
 Contagious diseases: Bệnh truyền nhiễm
 Tuberculosis: Bệnh lao
 Alleviate the effects: Giảm nhẹ hậu quả
 Develop satellite cities: Phát triển các thành phố vệ tinh (thành phố xung quanh
thành phố lớn)
 Decentralize the urban population: Phân bố cư dân thành thị
 Prevent unplanned pregnancies: Ngăn việc có thai ngoài ý muốn
 Devastating effects: Những hậu quả nghiêm trọng

Test 32

TASK 1: The charts below show average age of men and women retired from work
in 7 countries in 2004 and 2008

The given column graphs compare the retirement age of males and females in six countries
in 2004 and 2008. Overall, the retirement age increased in all countries with the exception
of Italy, among men, and France, among women, where it remained the same in the given

The Danish men and women retired at the ages of 60 and 59 respectively in 2004, but in
2008 they both retired at the age of 61. The average age of retirement for both genders
was the lowest in France, with the men retiring at the age of 58 in 2004 and at 59 in 2008.
Women retired at the age of 58 in both the given years. The Italian men retired at 60 years
in 2004 as well as 2008, whereas women retired at a younger age in both the years as
compared to men.

The age of retirement for women was 58 in 2004 and 59 in 2008. A similar trend in
retirement ages was seen among the Dutch, Swede and British males and females with the
increase of one year in each case in 2008 as compared to 2004.

To conclude, a striking feature of the graph is that the retirement age for both sexes was
the highest in Sweden in comparison with all other given countries.

TASK 2: Group or team activities can teach more important skills for life than those
activities which are done alone. Do you agree or disagree?


The debate over whether collective activities impart more significant life skills than
solitary endeavors is a compelling one. It is my conviction that teamwork and group
interactions are indeed more beneficial for acquiring essential life competencies. This
essay will elucidate the value of collaboration for learning vital communication and
problem-solving skills.

Engaging in group or team activities cultivates communication skills unparalleled by

solitary tasks. In a team setting, individuals must articulate their ideas, listen to others,
and negotiate differences to achieve a common goal. For instance, when students
collaborate on a research project, they learn to express their thoughts clearly and consider
their peers' suggestions, thereby enhancing their ability to convey messages effectively.
Such interactions are critical in developing interpersonal skills that are indispensable in
both personal and professional spheres. Furthermore, teamwork encourages empathy and
emotional intelligence as individuals learn to understand and appreciate diverse
perspectives, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society.
Moreover, problem-solving skills are honed significantly through group activities. The
dynamic nature of working in a team presents complex challenges that require collective
brainstorming, critical thinking, and innovative solutions. A noteworthy example is when
a sports team encounters a strong opponent; strategizing together to overcome difficulties
not only strengthens analytical skills but also teaches resilience and adaptability. These
experiences equip individuals with the ability to tackle real-world problems, making them
more competent and confident decision-makers.

In conclusion, while solitary activities have their merits, the benefits of group and team
activities in imparting vital life skills are incontrovertible. Through enhancing
communication and problem-solving abilities, collaborative endeavors prepare
individuals for the complexities of the modern world. Emphasizing the importance of
these skills through group activities is crucial for nurturing well-rounded, adaptable, and
effective members of society.

Test 33

TASK 1: The charts below show the figure for hours per week in the industrial sector
in four European countries in 2002

The bar charts compare the number of weekly working hours of European citizens in
the industrial sector in 2002 across four different countries: France, Denmark,
Sweden, and the UK. Overall, the majority of employees in all countries worked more
than 30 hours per week, with the most common working hours falling between 36 and
40 hours per week, except for France. It is clear that British people were most likely
to work overtime.

Regarding France and Denmark, in both countries, a relatively small percentage of

the population worked less than 30 hours or more than 40 hours, at just under 20%.
By contrast, the most common working hour durations in France were 31-35 hours
per week and 36-40 hours per week, demonstrated by around 50%, and 35% of the
French population respectively. Experiencing a reverse trend, the former in Denmark
was about half that of France, at 25%, while the latter range was twice as high as that
in France, at around 70%.

Sweden had the highest percentage, at around 80%, of workers spent 36-40 hours in
their workplace per week, followed by approximately 40% who worked 31-35 hours,
and 30% who worked 41-45 hours. Meanwhile, approximately 50% of British
employees worked for around 36-40 hours per week, which was higher than the
percentage of those who dedicated 41-50 hours, at around 20%.

TASK 2: Some people think that it will be one of the best ways to solve the
environment problems to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


Many people argue that an increase in fuel prices will solve the problem of the
environment. While this idea could help reduce the amount of harmful fumes, I
maintain that a global awareness campaign is the most feasible option.

On the one hand this policy might help cut down the emissions from private vehicles
which pollute the air in big cities. Indeed, as the cost per kilometer increases, people
would have to consider reducing the distance and the frequency at which they travel
on the roads. If there is a need to travel, commuters might also turn to more cost-
effective and greener means of transportation such as buses or electric bikes. In both
of these cases, the total amount of noxious fumes that cause air pollution is limited.

However, an increase in fuel prices can only solve a limited part of the complex
environmental issues. In fact, causes of pollution are diverse, involving the use of
plastic bags in shopping or chemicals in both agriculture and industry which
contaminate both water and land. Therefore, the most effective solution would be
running a world-wide campaign that raises the consumer awareness about the
environmental cost of their shopping habits and presses companies to reduce the
consumption of noxious chemicals and resolve to greener cultivating and
manufacturing methods.

In conclusion, while increasing fuel costs can partly solve the environmental
problems by discouraging private vehicle usage, the ideal solution would be making
the public and enterprises aware of these issues. I am also convinced that once more
resolute actions are taken, humans can reverse the effect of climate change and
environmental problems.


 Harmful fumes: Khói độc hại

 Global awareness campaign: Chiến dịch nâng cao nhận thức toàn cầu
 Emissions from private vehicles: Khí thải từ các phương tiện cá nhân
 Distance and frequency at which people travel on the roads: Khoảng cách và
tần suất mọi người di chuyển trên đường
 Cost per kilometre: Phí trên mỗi ki lô mét
 Cost-effective and greener means of transportation: Phương tiện giao thông
tiết kiệm chi phí và thân thiện môi trường
 Noxious fumes: Khói độc
 Solve a limited part: Giải quyết một phần
 Complex environmental issues: Các vấn đề môi trường phức tạp
 Environmental cost of their shopping habits: Hậu quả lên môi trường do thói
quen mua sắm
 Consumption of noxious chemicals: Sự tiêu thụ hóa chất độc hại
 Greener cultivating and manufacturing methods: Phương pháp trồng trọt và
sản xuất thân thiện môi trường hơn
 Discouraging private vehicle usage: Không khuyến khích sử dụng phương tiện
cá nhân
 Resolute action: Hành động kiên quyết

Test 34

TASK 1: The maps below show the changes in area after the construction of a
hydroelectric power dam.

The map showcases the transformations undergone by a town between 1990 and 2010 after
the building of an hydroelectric dam. Overall, the town had turned from a small village to
a commercial sized town within the 20-year period.

In 1990, the river which flowed from north to south also ran through the middle of the
town. To the east of the river, irrigated farmlands lay next to the river bank, while the
villages were situated further away. Mountains also surrounded the houses and farmlands
in the north and the south. On the southwest of the river bank were rare plants and animals
- they were surrounded by ancient structures in the north, and a mountain range in the
south. The northwest of the riverbank also contained a forest.

By 2010, the town expanded to include a hydroelectric dam in the north of the river, which
separates it from a lake. The dam was also contained by two mountains on both sides.
Other than the village houses, all land next to the river was replaced by power lines
transferring electricity. Lastly, in the northeast of the town, there was a recently
constructed hotel facing the lake.
Transformations undergone by a town: Những thay đổi mà một thị trấn trải qua
Hydroelectric dam: Đập thủy điện
A commercial-sized town: Một thị trấn quy mô thương mại
To the east of the river: Ở phía đông của con sông
Irrigated farmlands: Đất nông nghiệp có hệ thống tưới tiêu
To be surrounded by ancient structures: Bao quanh bởi các kiến trúc cổ
A mountain range: Một dãy núi
Riverbank: Bờ sông
Expand to include a hydroelectric dam: Mở rộng để có chỗ cho một cái đập thủy điện
Separate it from a lake: Tách nó ra khỏi hồ nước
Power lines transferring electricity: Đường dây tải điện
Face the lake: Đối diện hồ
TASK 2: Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children. Others
think parents needn't do that as children can read books or watch TV, or movies
by themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Some people believe that it's essential for parents to read or tell stories to their
children, while others argue that it's not necessary as children can read books or watch
TV and movies on their own. In my opinion, although it is true that children can read
books or watch TV and movies on their own, parents still have an essential role to
play in promoting literacy and instilling valuable lessons.

On the one hand, those who believe that parents need not read or tell stories to their
children argue that children can read books or watch TV and movies on their own.
They argue that in today's digital age, children have access to a wide range of media
that can be both educational and entertaining. For instance, nowadays, there are
numerous channels dedicated to teaching children about science, history, and other
topics in fun and engaging ways. Moreover, this can also promote independence and
self-reliance in children. To illustrate, a child who is allowed to choose what TV
shows or movies they want to watch will learn to make decisions for themselves and
develop their own interests.

On the other hand, reading and telling stories to children is an important way for
parents to bond with their children. Storytelling helps to create a special bond between
parents and children and can be an effective way of teaching values, morals, and life
lessons. A child who grows up hearing bedtime stories from their parents may look
back on those memories with fondness and appreciation. Additionally, children can
benefit from the improved language and listening skills that come with being read to
or told stories. By being read to regularly, a child will be exposed to a wider range of
vocabulary and sentence structures that they have not had yet.

In conclusion, my opinion is that parents should read or tell stories to their children
because the importance of literacy and growing awareness of moral lessons is crucial
for a child’s developmental progress.


 essential (adj): thiết yếu, quan trọng

 promote (v): thúc đẩy
 literacy (n): khả năng biết đọc, biết viết
 instill (v): thấm nhuần
 digital age: thời đại kỹ thuật số
 have access to: được tiếp cận tới
 numerous (adj): vô số
 engaging (adj): hấp dẫn
 independence (n): sự độc lập
 self-reliance (n): sự tự chủ
 bond (v): gắn kết
 storytelling (n): kể chuyện
 moral (n): giá trị đạo đức
 fondness (n): nuông chiều, yêu thương
 appreciation (n): sự trân trọng
 expose (v): tiếp xúc
 crucial (adj): quan trọng

Test 35

TASK 1: The table and chart provide a breakdown of the total expenditure and the
average amount of money spent by students per week while studying abroad in four

The table and bar chart illustrate the total spending and the average expenditure per week
for accommodation, tuition and living costs of students studying abroad in four countries.

Overall, it is clear that the cost of studying in country A is the highest. Also, international
students in all countries, except for country D, have to pay the largest amount of money
each week for living costs, while they spend the least on accommodation.

Studying abroad in country A costs $875, which is $140 and $335 more than studying in
country B and C respectively. International students in country D, however, need to pay a
significantly lower amount of money ($435) than those studying in the other three

Overseas students in country A spend an average of $430 per week on living expenses,
while those in country B spend only $350. In contrast, the weekly cost of accommodation
in country B is $60 higher than that of country A, at $280. The figures for tuition fees in
both countries are over $300 a week. Regarding the other two countries, the expenditures
for the three categories are all below $300, with the smallest figure being seen in
accommodation in country D, at only $200 per week.
TASK 2: Some people think that we should invent a new language for international
communication. Will the benefits of this outweigh the problems associated with it?

Test 36

TASK 1: The table shows the information about medical care in three European
countries between 1980 and 2000.

The table compares healthcare systems in Austria, France, and Sweden in 1980, 1990, and

Overall, it is clear that the figures for Sweden in all aspects were significantly higher than
that of France and Austria.

In 1980, Sweden had 3.6 physicians and 6.4 beds per 1000 people, and an average stay in
hospitals of 23 days. Austria had the fewest doctors per 1000 people, at 1.4, while the
number of hospital beds in France was lowest, at 0.2 beds per 1000 people. Furthermore,
the average hospital stay in Austria was twice as long as that of France, at 18 and 9 days

By 2000, the average number of physicians per 1000 people in Austria and Sweden both
saw a modest increase to 1 and 3.8 doctors respectively, while the opposite was true for
France’s figure, which decreased to 1.3. All three countries saw an increase in hospital
beds per 1000 people, with 6.9 in Sweden, 1.6 in France, and 3.7 in Austria. Average
hospital stay times in both France and Sweden saw a significant decrease by 2000, to 5
and 21 days, while the figure for Austria remained unchanged after 20 years.
TASK 2: More and more tasks we do at home and at work these days are done by
robots. Is this a positive or negative development?

Test 37

TASK 1: The pie graph below shows bottled water consumption in various regions
as a percent of global consumption and the bar-chart shows the growth of bottled
water consumption in 2001.
TASK 2: The only way to improve safety in our roads is to give stricter punishment
for driving offenses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Test 38
TASK 1: The bar chart shows the number of hours worked per week by men and
women in Australia

TASK 2: Some people say that a lot of scientific research done today is a waste of
time and money. To what extent do you agree disagree?


Scientific research plays a pivotal role in advancing knowledge, driving innovation, and
addressing pressing global challenges. However, there are individuals who argue that a
substantial portion of scientific research conducted today is futile and consumes valuable
resources. While it is undeniable that some research endeavors may yield limited practical
benefits, I disagree with the notion that a significant amount of scientific research is a
waste of time and money.

To begin with, scientific inquiry is essential for expanding the frontiers of human
understanding and knowledge. Even research that does not yield immediate tangible
outcomes can contribute to the accumulation of knowledge, laying the groundwork for
future breakthroughs and innovations. Many groundbreaking discoveries have emerged
from seemingly inconsequential or speculative research, underscoring the unpredictable
nature of scientific progress.

Moreover, the value of scientific research extends beyond immediate practical

applications. Fundamental research, in particular, often leads to unexpected and
transformative developments that have far-reaching implications. For instance, the study
of quantum mechanics, initially perceived as esoteric and abstract, has paved the way for
the development of numerous technologies, including semiconductors and advanced
computing systems.

Furthermore, the assertion that scientific research is a waste of resources overlooks the
broader societal and economic benefits it generates. Scientific advancements drive
economic growth, foster technological innovation, and contribute to improvements in
public health, environmental sustainability, and quality of life. Additionally, research
investments often have multiplier effects, stimulating job creation, industry
competitiveness, and the development of new markets and industries.

In conclusion, while it is inevitable that some scientific research may not yield immediate
practical applications, it is unjustifiable to dismiss a substantial portion of research as
wasteful. The cumulative impact of scientific inquiry on knowledge generation,
technological progress, and societal well-being underscores its enduring significance. As
such, continued support for scientific research is essential to harness its potential to
address complex challenges and drive human progress.

Test 39

TASK 1: The table illustrates the weekly level of consumption by age groups of milk
and butter and milk and butter health AH in one European country.

The table compares milk and butter purchases by age according to how much fat they
contain. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that younger people
tend to consume less milk and butter, especially those under 25, though the fat content is
highest for that group. The oldest group drink the most milk, mainly low fat, while those
45-65 eat the most butter.

Milk consumption for the under 25 group is lowest at 1,200ml, of which 59% is full fat
and 41% low fat. This pattern is generally reversed for older people with individuals 26-
45, 25-65, and 65+ drinking 1,650ml, 1,670ml, and 1,900ml, respectively. The fat content
also is lower at 20% for 26-45, 45% for 45-65, and 30% for the oldest age bracket (and
reciprocal figures for low fat consumption).

In terms of butter, younger people also use the least at just 12g, in contrast to 19g for those
26-45, and 60g and 30g for the two older groups in turn. Younger individuals similarly
opt for more fat (60% full fat to 40% low fat), while the older demographics have much
lower proportions here (38% full fat for 26-45, and around 50% for everyone over 45).

TASK 2: Some people think that the modern communication technology is having
some negative effects on social relationships. To what extent do you agree or


Some hold a view that advanced communication technology is adversely affecting social
relationships. I mostly agree with this view since it can bring about greater
misunderstandings and a lack of healthy relationships although it can facilitate human

The first justification for my agreement is that the utilization of technology in

communication has given rise to more frequent misunderstandings. More specifically,
people may misinterpret what others convey due to the lack of genuine interaction as they
converse with each other via online platforms. For instance, with a pleasant tone and
mischievous face, people can show that they are joking during face-to-face conversations;
however, if they communicate via networking sites such as Facebook in the same way,
recipients can misunderstand the same utterance and falsely believe that the sender is
angry or sarcastic instead. Therefore, there would arise growing dissatisfaction and
outrage among individuals who have a habit of communicating virtually.

Another reason why I agree that social interactions are being negatively impacted by
current communication technology is that people can find it harder to establish trustful
relationships. This is because there are numerous scammers, criminals and other corrupt
individuals who approach people on social media for nefarious purposes, making them
potentially suffer from many toxic and troubled online relationships. To illustrate, Twitter
users these days tend to raise their vigilance as they acknowledge that cybercriminals who
make friends with them in this social platform can disguise themselves as genuine citizens
who then go on to steal their personal information for financial fraud. As a result, close-
knit friendships are unlikely to be nurtured, potentially narrowing each individual’s circle
of relationships.
On the other hand, I concede that breakthroughs in communication technology can also
improve interactions between individuals. Most importantly, cutting-edge technology
allows people to engage with their connections regardless of time and geographical
constraints, thus facilitating the increase of social interactions and therefore enhancing
humans’ interpersonal relationships.

In conclusion, I strongly advocate the idea that technological advancements in

communication can jeopardize social relationships as more misunderstandings can arise
and reliable relationships can be difficult to forge. It is advisable that people should favour
face-to-face interactions to eliminate these drawbacks.


 Facilitate human interactions: Tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho sự tương tác của con
 The lack of genuine interaction: Sự thiếu sự tương tác thật
 Mischievous face: Khuôn mặt tinh nghịch
 Utterance: Lời nói, câu nói
 Outrage: Sự phẫn nộ
 Have a habit of communicating virtually: Có thói quen giao tiếp trực tuyến
 Establish trustful relationships: Thiết lập các mối quan hệ đáng tin cậy
 Corrupt individuals: Các cá nhân xấu
 Toxic and troubled online relationships: Các mối quan hệ trực tuyến độc hại và
rắc rối
 Raise their vigilance: Nâng cao cảnh giác
 Disguise: Cải trang
 Financial fraud: Sự lừa đảo tài chính

Test 40

TASK 1: Pie charts show types of books sold by one bookseller between 1972 and
The pie charts detail sales by a bookseller between 1972 and 2012 according to genre.
Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that adult fiction became by far
the most popular type at the expense of the genres which declined in popularity (others,
biography, and travel). Interest in children’s fiction also increased.

In 1972, this particular bookseller sold relatively equal proportions of each type with others
leading at 25%, followed by adult fiction, children’s fiction, and biography all at 20%, and
travel lowest at 15%. By 1992, adult fiction had risen by 5%, while others and biography
declined by the same number. Travel and children’s fiction grew by 3% and 2%,

In the final year surveyed, adult fiction surged to 45% and children’s fiction ticked up
slightly to 25%. The rise of adult fiction was compensated for by dramatic drops for the
remaining genres with others finishing at 12%, travel at 10%, and biography 8%.
TASK 2: Full-time students should spend a lot of time on studies, but they should be
involved in other activities too. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, it is common knowledge that university students are becoming busier than
ever. Some people think that despite this, students should participate in other activities
aside from only studying. I strongly agree with this statement.

However, I do understand why university students should spend time studying. Firstly,
working part-time jobs or participating in extracurricular activities can distract them from
their studies. These activities sound more attractive than studying because there are
rewards for them, such as money, connections, or friends. As a result, there have been
cases where students eventually fail classes because of these activities. Another reason is
that universities often promote team orientation by encouraging collective efforts. If
students allocate too much time to peripheral activities, they would barely have time to
squeeze a group meeting into their schedule, resulting in project failure.

Despite these challenges, I still think university students should engage in other activities
rather than just studying. As university students, they are becoming young professionals,
so working either part-time jobs or internships means preparation for the workplace.
Working also provides them financial independence from their family, which lessens their
burden. Moreover, by participating in extracurricular activities, students can have a better
understanding of what is going on in society. For example, many universities have debate
clubs that discuss both international and domestic socio-political issues. Students can gain
crucial insights into society through these.

In conclusion, although I understand that many students cannot afford to participate in

other activities aside from studying, I strongly believe that participation in extracurricular
activities or working is essential for their personal development.


 To participate in extracurricular activities: Tham gia họat động ngoại khóa

 To distract somebody from something: Làm xao nhãng
 (About work/study) To be competitive: Mang tính cạnh tranh cao
 Promote team orientation: Khuyến khích làm việc theo nhóm
 Encourage collective efforts: Khuyến khích những nổ lực tập thể
 Peripheral activities: Các hoạt động ngoài lề, ít quan trọng hơn
 Project failure: Làm dự án thất bại
 To engage in an activity: Tham gia làm một việc nào đó; Bỏ nhiều công sức để làm
một việc gì đó
 Young professionals: Những người trẻ làm công việc văn phòng
 To do an internship: Đi thực tập
 Financial independence: Trạng thái độc lập về mặt tài chính
 To lessen one's burden: Giảm nhẹ giánh nặng của ai đó
 To have a better understanding of something: Hiểu rõ hơn về một sự việc nào đó
 Debate club: Câu lạc bộ hùng biện
 Social-political issues: Các vấn đề chính trị xã hội
 To gain insight into something: Có cái nhìn chân thực hơn về cách vận hành của
một vật/một việc nào đó
 Personal development: Sự phát triển bản thân

Test 41

TASK 1: The beachfront area in Australia between 1950 and today.


The given maps illustrate the transformations taking place in a front beach during the time
period from 1950 and the present day.

Overall, the area has witnessed dramatic changes with the improvement of some facilities
and the upgrading of transportation system.

Looking at the first picture in more detail; the front beach was located to the east of the
city center. At the end of the road, there was a car park. In front of the beach, we could
see a pavilion, four dining tables and a playground. Two 25 meter-pools were situated at
the northeast and northwest corners of the beach while the light house could be seen
towards the south east of the beach.

Today, the area has observed innovations with the extension of the main road to help
tourists connect to the light house. The car park was renovated by a new one with larger
space while the places of the playground and the tables were replaced by a new small
parking space to meet the increasing demand of the local tourism. One noteworthy point
is the introduction of two surf clubs next to the pools with the one on the left made bigger
in size reaching 25 meters, together with a restaurant

TASK 2: In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food
rather than food produced locally. Why people buy imported food? What could be
done to encourage people to buy local food?


In recent years, there has been a growing trend of people opting for imported food over
locally produced ones. This shift can be attributed to several factors. First and foremost,
the process of globalization has made international trade more accessible, allowing
consumers to enjoy a diverse array of products from around the world. The perceived
higher quality and safety standards of imported goods also contribute to this preference,
with many consumers believing that foreign products undergo more rigorous inspections.
Moreover, the variety and exotic appeal of foreign cuisines play a significant role in
influencing consumer choices. The allure of trying different flavors and experiencing
unique culinary traditions attract those seeking novel dining experiences. Additionally,
economic factors, such as competitive pricing or subsidies in the exporting country, can
make imported products more affordable, further contributing to their popularity.

To encourage people to choose local food, it is imperative to raise awareness about the
benefits of consuming locally produced goods. Public campaigns highlighting the
nutritional value and freshness of local produce can reshape consumer perceptions.
Supporting local farmers and businesses through marketing initiatives and subsidies is
another crucial step. This ensures that local products remain competitive in the market.

Stricter labeling and quality standards for local products can build consumer trust. Clear
information indicating the origin and quality of the products helps consumers make
informed choices. Furthermore, educating consumers about the environmental impact of
importing food is essential. Raising awareness about the carbon footprint associated with
transporting goods across long distances may influence consumers to prioritize locally
sourced products.

In conclusion, understanding the reasons behind the preference for imported food and
implementing strategic measures to promote local products are essential steps in
addressing this trend. By fostering a greater appreciation for locally produced food,
individuals can contribute to the well-being of their communities and the environment.


 Growing trend: Xu hướng tăng.

 Opting for: Lựa chọn.
 Attributed to: Được quy cho, được gán cho.
 First and foremost: Đầu tiên và quan trọng nhất.
 Perceived higher quality: Chất lượng được đánh giá cao.
 Rigorous inspections: Kiểm tra nghiêm ngặt.
 Exotic appeal: Sức hấp dẫn đặc sắc.
 Novel dining experiences: Trải nghiệm ẩm thực mới lạ.
 Competitive pricing: Giá cạnh tranh.
 Raise awareness: Nâng cao nhận thức.
 Marketing initiatives: Các sáng kiến tiếp thị.
 Stricter labeling and quality standards: Tiêu chuẩn đánh giá và chất lượng nghiêm
 Informed choices: Lựa chọn có thông tin.
 Carbon footprint: khí thải carbon.

Test 42

TASK 1: The bar chart shows attendance of people in different ages in music events
in Australia in 2006.

TASK 2: In some cities, public parks and open spaces are changed into gardens
where local residents can grow their own fruit and vegetables. Do you think the
benefits outweigh the disadvantages?

As the trends suggest, more and more social infrastructures are being converted into
shared cultivating spaces for the locals. Although there are contradicting arguments for
this action, I stand by the point that society has more to gain than lose from the change.

At first glance, it is visible that this shift in the landscape can have striking impacts on the
daily activity of the people who reside nearby in various aspects. Firstly, it reduces the
availability and accessibility of public spaces for recreational and sports activities, which
are also essential for the quality of life of the residents. Secondly, some risks and
challenges to the safety and security of the gardens, such as vandalism, theft, and pests
will occur. And finally, arguments and disputes over the ownership of the yards will be
unavoidable without proper management from authority figures.

However, a closer inspection would reveal an effective long-term strategy for

metropolitan sustainability. As food transportation and packaging have been ongoing
headaches for environmentalists due to their wasteful nature, a local garden would mean
that the need for these services will lessen, therefore making way for a more
environmentally friendly style of living. The transformed space can also act as a bonding
spot for the community, as through the pursuit of a single focused activity which is
gardening, people can have a common platform for sharing tips and aiding each other in
polishing their cultivating skills. Yet, the most prominent benefit lies in the promotion of
education and awareness of environmental issues, especially among children and young
people, who can learn about the importance of biodiversity, sustainability, and food
security through green spaces that are no longer just available in descriptions in books or
short trips to the countryside, but within reach with just a few footsteps or a short bike
ride from their home.

In conclusion, despite some minor inconveniences the shift from public parks to local
gardens may cause, it is irrefutable to say that it is the perfect puzzle piece for the green
future our world is working toward.


 Infrastructure (n) : Cơ sở hạ tầng

 Cultivation (n): Sự trồng trọt, sự khai khẩn
 Cultivating spaces (n): Không gian trồng trọt
 Contradicting arguments (n): Các ý kiến trái chiều
 Stand by sth (phrs. V): Ủng hộ điều gì đó
 Shift (n, v): Sự chuyển dịch (danh từ); Chuyển dịch, nhúc nhích (động từ)
 Landscape (n): Phong cảnh
 Striking (adj): Nổi bật, có thể thấy rõ
 Availability (n): Sự hiện hữu, sự có
 Accessible (adj): Có thể truy cập được
 Accessibility (n): Tính truy cập được
 Recreation (n): Sự nghỉ ngơi, sự tiêu khiển
 Recreational activities (n): Hoạt động giải trí
 Essential (adj): Cần thiết
 Vandalism (n): Tội phá hoại tài sản công
 Dispute (n): Cuộc tranh luận
 Ownership (n): Quyền sở hữu
 Authority figure (n): Người có quyền lực, người nắm quyền
 Inspection (n): Sự kiểm tra, sự xem xét kỹ lưỡng
 Metropolitan (n, adj): Người thành phố (danh từ); Mang tính đô thị, thuộc về thành
phố (tính từ, được sử dụng trong bài).
 Sustainability (n): Sự bền vững
 Environmentalist (n): Nhà môi trường
 Pursuit (n): Sự theo đuổi
 Polish (n, v): Người Ba Lan (danh từ); Đánh bóng, mài giũa kỹ năng (động từ, đây
là được dùng trong bài)
 Prominent (n): Nổi bật
 Within easy reach of (adj): Trong tầm với
 Minor (adj): Nhỏ
 Irrefutable (adj): Không thể chối cãi

Test 43

TASK 1: The line graph shows the number of immigrants to 3 different countries
(USA, Canada, Australia) from 1991 to 2001

TASK 2: Scientists agree that many people eat too much junk food and it is
damaging their health. Some people think that this problem can be solved by
educating people, while others believe that education will not work. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.


In the modern world, there has been an accelerating trend of people eating unhealthy food,
posing a wide range of detrimental threats to their health. While some people consider
education as an ineffective measure to resolve the problem, I would contend that this
practice would serve as a definitely workable solution to tackling such a problem.

There is a common belief that education would not be an effective method of deterring
people from consuming a large amount of junk food. Supporters of this view might argue
that the modern living style is the root of this issue, which would not be efficiently
addressed by education. For example, there are many intellectual officers in favor of fast
food due to its convenience and portable manner. Despite of their profound nutrition-
related knowledge and awareness, these busy consumers opt for fast food for the sake of
time saving. Besides, there are other efficient solutions to curbing junk food consumption.
For instance, the government could impose higher taxation schemes on junk food. By
raising fast food prices, such a strict legal action could yield immediate and widespread
effects on consumer behavior, thus bringing forth a quicker decline in junk food
consumption compared to education.

However, I would strongly endorse education as an effective key to the junk food
overconsumption problem. The primary reason is that an appropriate education would
efficiently heighten eaters’ awareness which may act as a deterrent to people's opting for
unhealthy food. For instance, once people gain insightful knowledge and awareness about
life-threatening cancers and diseases caused by overeating fast food, they would be more
likely to put an end to such a harmful eating habit. Another supporting reason is that
nutrition education programs, compared to other measures such as imposing higher taxes,
could result in more sustainable awareness and behavior change among people from all
walks of life, especially children and adolescents. These beneficiaries will cultivate a life-
time habit of refraining from junk food or restricting such intake.

To sum up, although there are reasonable arguments against education, I firmly believe
that educational measures would significantly mitigate junk food consumption and deter
the problem from being exacerbated further.

Test 44

TASK 1: The bar chart shows men and women in different age groups who did no
TASK 2: Space exploration is too expensive and money should be spent on more
important things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Several advanced and developing countries have recently invested billions of dollars in
space research, driven by a desire to discover life on other planets and galaxies. As a
result, it is a time-consuming and tedious process that costs a fortune. Some argue,
however, that space exploration is a waste of time and money and that the funds could be
better spent on other issues affecting the planet. Rather than investing money in space
exploration, I believe the best way to spend money is to help improve the living standards
of underdeveloped countries.

To begin with, space exploration is a prohibitively expensive endeavour. How many ever
benefits science may have bestowed on mankind, spending resources on space exploration
and determining whether life exists there is a waste of time because the brilliant minds
searching for water on Mars could use their intelligence to find better ways to power
humanity’s insatiable desire for energy, feed the world’s starving population, and improve
living standards on Earth. Furthermore, space exploration has no immediate advantages,
and many of the ‘advancements’ brought forth by space exploration are irrelevant to
everyday life.

Besides, human needs should always take precedence as humanity is the most critical
priority. There are countless people in need of financial assistance and the environment
which needs to be taken care of. As a result, instead of investing money in robots or
sending spaceships to other planets, money should be focused on helping people and
nature. Several impoverished countries are confronted with substantial obstacles in the
areas of health, education, and employment, resulting in poverty. Furthermore, global
warming and climate change pose a danger to human life on the planet. Thus, money spent
on space travel would be better spent on these remarkable concerns, which would help to
build a more stable environment for people on Earth.

However, proponents of space exploration argue that investing billions of dollars to find
unsolved mysteries on other planets is an intriguing task as it allows them to gain
invaluable knowledge and discover many technologies. These people also believe that
space exploration could only be an alternative way to escape human extinction in case
living conditions become unsustainable on Earth. In contrast, I believe that millions
invested on space exploration can be used to solve the prevailing problems existing on

To sum up, although successful space exploration may provide unquestionable

improvements to people’s lives if it is invested with an exorbitant amount, I believe space
exploration is a waste of time, and effort and that its funding could be better used to
address existing problems likes global warming and climatic change. Why waste money
on space exploration when we could be improving our own planet, where humans
presently live?

Test 45

TASK 1: The plans show the ground floor of the library in 2001 and how it was
redeveloped in 2009

The maps illustrate significant changes that occurred in the layout of a library’s ground
floor between 2001 and 2009. Overall, the library underwent extensive renovations,
reflecting a shift towards a more diverse collection, coupled with the inclusion of modern

In 2001, the library was organized into four main sections: Fiction at the back, History and
Self Help to the left, and Newspapers & Periodicals on the right, with tables centrally
located for reading and study. The librarian’s desk was situated just behind the entrance,
adjacent to the stairs.

By 2009, the Fiction and History sections had been reduced in size and relocated closer to
the entrance, on the left side of the librarian's desk. At the backmost part of the library, a
Children’s Books area was introduced, featuring a dedicated space for children’s activities.
The former History shelf is now used to accommodate Law, Economics and Kitchen books.
Notably, the Newspapers & Periodicals section was completely removed and replaced with
a Films & DVDs section, situated next to a newly added computer area. Throughout these
changes, the original eight tables had been replaced by four longer ones.


 undergo extensive renovations: trải qua quá trình cải tạo rộng rãi
 a shift: sự thay đổi
 locate: đặt ở
 situate: nằm ở
 adjacent to: liền kề với
 relocate: di dời
 the backmost part: phần cuối cùng
 a dedicated space for children’s activities: không gian dành riêng cho các hoạt động
của trẻ em
 completely remove: loại bỏ hoàn toàn
 replace with: thay thế bằng

TASK 2: Some people believe that it is a good idea that older people continue to
work if it is possible for them to do. Do you agree or disagree?

As longevity increases, there has been recent debate about the best age for retirement.
While some maintain that raising this requirement may be beneficial for older individuals,
I am of the opinion that they should not remain employed given the risk of a higher youth
unemployment rate.

On the one hand, proponents of incorporating senior citizens into the workforce argue that
doing so can encourage greater financial independence. Older workers can continue to
earn salaries to financially support themselves and not solely depend on their pensions or
family. To give an example, the U.S. Bureau of Labor has found that 19% of Americans
aged 65 and over are part of the workforce, with the majority of them choosing to
participate out of their need to earn personal savings in order to live comfortably for the
remainder of their lives.

However, allowing older people to remain in employment can exacerbate unemployment

rates among younger workers. Raising the retirement age means older workers remain in
their jobs for extended tenures, leaving younger people with fewer vacancies to fill. For
example, the proportion of manufacturing workers over the age of 55 in South Korea has
risen nearly two-fold from 16 to 30 percent in the last ten years. This has been mainly
attributed to older workers refusing to retire and government policy related to the
retirement age, leading to millions of younger people failing to find work in the
manufacturing industry.

In conclusion, while permitting older people to enter the workforce can afford them
greater financial independence, it can also put younger laborers in a difficult position in
terms of finding work. That is why I believe that the government must strictly regulate the
maximum working age of citizens.


 Increased longevity: Tuổi thọ tăng

 Longer life expectancy: Tuổi thọ cao hơn
 Promote individual prosperity: Thúc đẩy sự thịnh vượng/giàu có của cá nhân
 The risk of a higher youth unemployment rate: Nguy cơ tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao cho
thanh niên
 Make a fortune: Gây dựng nên một khối tài sản lớn/trở nên giàu có
 Proponents of incorporating senior citizens into the workforce: Những người ủng
hộ việc đưa người cao tuổi vào lực lượng lao động
 Encourage greater financial independence: Khuyến khích sự độc lập tài chính cao
 Financially sustainable: Bền vững tài chính
 Dependent on their pensions: Phụ thuộc vào lương hưu
 Extended tenures: Nhiệm kỳ kéo dài
 Put sb/sth in a difficult position: Đặt ai đó vào tình huống khó
 Maximum working age: Độ tuổi làm việc tối đa

Test 46

TASK 1: The line graph shows while the bar chart heavy transport on the US roads

TASK 2: Nowadays eating habits of people around the world are changing, causing
them many health problems including obesity. Why do people tend to eat so badly?
What can be done to improve their eating habits?
Unhealthy eating habits persist in many societies, despite widespread knowledge of their
detrimental effects. This phenomenon can be attributed to several interconnected factors,
and there are some potential measures to address this concern.

Firstly, the appeal of unhealthy food often lies in its taste and convenience. Fast food,
sugary snacks, and processed meals are designed to be palatable, thanks to high levels of
sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. These taste-enhancing elements trigger pleasure centers in
the brain, creating a rewarding experience that makes it difficult for individuals to resist.
Another factor contributing to unhealthy eating habits is social influence. Peer pressure and
cultural norms can encourage the consumption of unhealthy foods, as gatherings and
celebrations often revolve around indulgent meals. Additionally, marketing tactics
employed by the food industry, such as advertising and product placement, heavily
promote unhealthy options, making them seem more appealing.
To foster healthier eating habits, a multifaceted approach is essential. Education is vital in
raising awareness about the long-term health consequences of unhealthy eating, which can
motivate individuals to make better choices. Schools, communities, and governments can
implement nutrition education programs to teach people about balanced diets, portion
control, and reading food labels. With media campaigns, they can further reinforce these
messages. At the same time, fostering a conducive environment for healthy choices is
essential. This involves enhancing nutritious food access and affordability, regulating
children-targeted food ads, and promoting healthier food options in the industry. Promoting
home-cooked meals and involving children in meal preparation can also instill lifelong
healthy eating habits.

In conclusion, unhealthy eating habits persist due to the allure of taste and convenience,
social influences, and aggressive marketing by the food industry. Combating this issue
requires a comprehensive strategy involving education, environmental changes, and policy
measures to promote and facilitate healthier dietary choices.
 persist (v): tồn tại lâu dài
 interconnected (adj): có liên quan
 palatable (adj): ngon miệng
 pleasure (n): sự hài lòng
 peer pressure: áp lực đồng trang lứa
 indulgent (adj): thịnh soạn, đầy đủ
 appealing (adj): hấp dẫn
 multifaceted (adj): đa diện
 implement (v): áp dụng
 reinforce (v): củng cố
 conducive (adj): có lợi
 home-cooked meal: bữa ăn nấu tại nhà
 instill (v): thấm nhuần
 allure (n): sức hấp dẫn, mê hoặc
Test 47

TASK 1: The line graph below shows the changes in UK birth rate in 6 different age
groups from 1973 to 2008.

The line graph represents how the birth rate of British women in six different age ranges
changed between 1973 and 2008.
Overall, the birth rate of women aged 40 and over was always the lowest, in total contrast
to those in the 25-29 age bracket. In addition, the number of births recorded among
women in their early and late thirties increased, while there were either downward
trends or fluctuations among the other age groups.
Specifically, the birth rate of women in the 25-29 age group fluctuated between 120 and
140, in which the starting point was the peak, and the lowest point was seen around 2000.
The group of 20-to-25-year-olds ranked second, although its figure fell markedly. The
birth rate for women aged 30-35 came third, increasing from 70 to 85.
The data of the youngest group (under 20) and those in their late thirties (35–39) show
a swap in their positions, with a dip for the former and a rise for the latter, between 40
and 60. Finally, the birth rate of women aged 40 and above witnessed a decrease,
though marginal, from 20 to 15.
 In (total) contrast to something/someone [phrase]: hoàn toàn đối lập với cái gì/ai
 In someone’s (early/late) twenties/thirties/forties/etc. [phrase]: ở độ tuổi (đầu/cuối)
 Downward trend [n.phr]: xu hướng giảm ➜ a downward trend (khi mô tả 1 đối
tượng) or downward trends (khi mô tả nhiều đối tượng).
 Fluctuation [n]: one of several changes in size, amount, quality, etc. that happen
frequently, especially from one extreme to another (COUNTABLE); the act of
changing frequently like this (UNCOUNTABLE)
➜ Khi mô tả số liệu, ta chỉ chọn hoặc dạng số nhiều (fluctuations), hoặc dạng không
đếm được (fluctuation), vì đối tượng đã trải qua nhiều lần thay đổi hoặc nhìn tổng thể,
đối tượng có xu hướng không ổn định.
 Rank + adj. [v]: xếp hạng thứ mấy.
 Markedly [adv]: đáng chú ý
 Swap [n]: hoán đổi
 Dip [n] = fall [n]: giảm
 The former [n]: the first of two things or people mentioned (cái/người thứ nhất).
≠ The latter [n]: the second of two things or people mentioned (cái/người thứ hai).
 Marginal [adj] = slight [adj]: không đáng kể
TASK 2: Some people think that in order to produce a happy society, it is
necessary to ensure that there is only a small difference between the earnings of
the richest and poorest. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Happiness is the most desirable part of life. Some people argue that equal income level
among rich and poor people will help to create a joyful society due to the fact that this
will bring a sense of equality, less competition for luxurious things and social harmony.
In this essay, I will contend supporting arguments to this view and provide examples to
elaborate its strong need in the society.

There is no doubt that level of earning impact upon the status of society and its happiness.
Firstly, income would bring poor people to equal lifestyle of society and this will create a
sense of equality among them. For example, in most of the Asian countries, most of the
rich people do not like to invite and talk to the persons who are living in slum condition
owing to the fact that they think that this will lower their status. However, if they have
same income and lifestyle then nobody like to think about others background status.
Secondly, there will be less competition to buy new luxurious items. For instance, this is
a scientific phenomenon that a human likes to buy things by imitating others in the society.
Equal earning means very similar lifestyle and mentality to save money. Hence they
would not have any curiosity and social pressure to buy expensive items. Lastly, all such
conditions lead towards social harmony where people give value to family, friends and
society than to run around money and higher lifestyle.

However, this is inevitable to avoid that only better earning does not bring happiness.
There is also a need to change thinking of people to pay equal respect and dignity to every
culture, believes and human existence. For instance, terrorist and corrupt people of
society, who have the chance to have good earning, family, friends and high status in the
society, do not value to social bonds and harmony. The only need is to change and divert
their mentality rather just considering income level to bring happiness in the society and
nation. Not only does this, for most of the people earning do not impact on their happiness
other than good healthy family, habitat and high attitude. Nevertheless, happier society
could eliminate these factors up to a high extent and to bring greater value to life, family
and society.

To recapitulate, there is no doubt that good and equal income impacts more on happy
society than any other factors. The only need is to consider all such conditions to at least
enable every member of the society to upgrade their status to equality and social harmony.

Test 48

TASK 1: The line graph below shows the average cost of monthly contract for four
different mobile (cell phones) in a European country from January to September
2002, measured in euro

The chart gives information about the monthly cost of four different mobile plans in euros
in a European country from January to September 2002.

Overall, we can see that aside from Sim TX, the price of the mobile plan contracts all
increased during this period, albeit in different degrees. Indeed, while Lex and Domo
experienced only marginal increases, Alpha underwent the most dramatic climb in price.

In the first month of the year, Domo offered the most expensive mobile plan at around 15
euros per month, followed by Lex at 12 euros, Sim TX at 9 euros and Alpha at 5 euros.
Except for the month of June, where Sim TX briefly surpassed Lex in price, Domo’s and
Lex’s prices increased at a faster rate than and stayed above Sim TX’s during the 9

Meanwhile, Alpha’s prices remained relatively consistent from January to June at around
5 to 6 euros, before rapidly climbing between July and September - it first surpassed the
price of Sim TX in August, and became the most expensive plan by September at 25 euros.
The prices of Domo and Lex, meanwhile, saw a much more modest rate of growth, with
Domo rising from 15 euros in January to 24 euros in September, while the price of Lex
only rose by 5 euros during this period, from 12 euros to 17 euros.


The monthly cost: Chi phí hàng tháng

Aside from something: Ngoài một cái gì đó

Albeit: Mặc dù

In different degrees: Ở mức độ khác nhau

Experience only marginal increases: Chỉ có sự gia tăng nhỏ

Undergo the most dramatic climb in price: Tăng mạnh mẽ nhất về giá

Briefly surpass Lex in price: Nhanh chóng vượt qua Lex về giá cả

At a faster rate: Với tốc độ nhanh hơn

Remained relatively consistent: Tương đối nhất quán (không thay đổi nhiều)

Rapidly: Nhanh

See a modest rate of growth: Có tỷ lệ tăng trưởng vừa phải

TASK 2: The values that we learn from our parents and family have greater
influence on our future success than knowledge and skills we learn at school. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people say that what we learn from our parents has a greater impact on our success
in the future, rather than what we learn from our teachers. In my opinion, I do not agree
with this idea.

Whether family members, especially parents, impact someone’s future success more than
teachers are unsure. The first few years of childhood are very important in forming our
character and traditions, and this process happens at home. Also, even when we already go
to school, our family still always influences us in many ways. However, the influences are
not always positive. Many children learn from their parents’ good habits, but a lot of them
also learn from bad examples.

In fact, a lot of people say they are inspired by their teachers. Firstly, their teachers may
have more knowledge and skills in the subject they are interested in than their parents. For
example, in my generation, a lot of students have parents who do not know English or
know very little English. The people who helped us improve our English (and that means
giving us better job opportunities) were our teachers, and sometimes our friends, too.
Secondly, teachers can help their students develop further by connecting them with experts
in the field, while parents may not have these relationships. For instance, a university
professor’s reference letter is a valuable recommendation for his student to have a chance
to work with other experts in the field they are studying.

In conclusion, I do not mean that school has more influence on our future success than
family. What I want to say is that we need to consider it case by case. Families can form a
very strong foundation, but not always a good one. Meanwhile, many people recognize the
importance of education in their success.


 Form something (v): hình thành

 Job opportunity (n.phr): cơ hội việc làm
 Further (adv): xa hơn
 Expert (n): chuyên gia
 Case by case (adv): từng trường hợp
 Foundation (n): nền tảng
 Recognize something (v): công nhận

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