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1. Some people use butter or margarine instead of oil to cook food. Butter and margarine
contain fats. In one study, the effects of butter and margarine and the incidence (or rate)
of coronary heart disease (CHD) were compared. Figure shows the findings.
a. What can you suggest about the relationship between the incidence of CHD and the
amount of butter and margarine consumed?
b. Predict whether butter or margarine would have a greater amount of fats?
c. You have been tasked to investigate the amount of fats in butter and margarine.
Suggest what test you would use and outline how you would carry out the test?
a. The more butter and margarine, the more indications of CHD, so I suggest consuming
less butter and margarine. There are other alternatives, you can use low-fat and
cholesterol-free oils such as coconut oil, olive oil and corn oil, etc.
b. Butter contains more than three times the amount of saturated fat than margarine, we
must be careful to moderate our intake so as not to raise our bad cholesterol
c. Ethanol emulsion test or fatty acid test

Protein Synthesis
1. Take a look at the picture above!
a. Describe the process that occurs in protein synthesis!
b. What process happens at point number 1 -5!
c. Explain the purpose of protein synthesis!
a. Protein synthesis is the process in which cells make proteins. It occurs in two stages:
transcription and translation. Transcription is the transfer of genetic instructions in DNA
to mRNA in the nucleus. It includes three steps: initiation, elongation, and termination.
Translation is the In the process, the ribosome translates the mRNA produced from DNA
into a chain of specific amino acids. The steps is same with transcription process
b. 1 = pre-mRNA
2 = mature mRNA
3 = transport to cytoplasm
4 = tRNA enters
5 = amino acid chain
c. The purpose of protein synthesis is simply to create a polypeptide

 The same downward force is applied to four abjects resting on a horizontal surface.
Which exert the greatest pressure on the surface.
 What is pressure?
Pressure is defined as the physical force exerted on an object. The force applied is
perpendicular to the surface of objects per unit area
 What is the standart international unit of pressure?
Newton/m2 or pascal
 When you walking on snow, what is the best type of shoes?

have small area at the bottom of shoes

 What is different pressure in solid and liquid?
Pressure in solid is F/A, is depend by force and area
Pressure in liquid is ρ . g . h , is depend by density of liquid and high from surface.

Thermal Energy
From the picture above we have a metal spoon, a candle, a matchbox, and some paperclips.
 How heat transfer?
 What happened with a first paperclips until last paperclip?
First paperclips is falling down and after several minutes another paperclips is falling
down too one by one because transfer energy of heat.
 How many transfer energy of thermal?
 Explain it one by one?
Conduction is transfer energy of heat between a substance in direct contact, from region
high temperature to region low temperature.
Convection is transfer energy of heat by movement of their molecul. The hotter molecul
is raises and cooler molekul is falling down in to replace it.
Radiation is transfer energy of heat does not required a matter.


1. What do you think the differences are between learning Arabic and English?
(The expected answer:
In my opinion, learning English is more difficult than learning Arabic. Firstly, the
pronunciation of English words is different from what they are written. For example,
we have the word flour, that is pronounced as /flower/. While for Arabic, as a
Muslim, I am more familiar with its pronunciation because we read the Quran. Next,
the exposure I get for English and Arabic is different. I have been staying in an
Islamic boarding school since I was in Junior High School, and most of the subjects
are using Arabic. However, for learning English, I only study and listen to people
speaking in English only in the English class. It makes the English exposure is less
than the Arabic one. Lastly, I think my motivation in learning those two languages are
different. I am the most motivated in learning Arabic because Arabic is the language
that is used by our Prophet Muhammad SAW and in Al Quran.)
 Follow-up Questions can be:
What about the time you spend in learning those languages? Is it the same?
What about the grammar rules in Arabic and English? Are they the same? Which one do
you find it more difficult? Why?


1. The United States is a diverse country with many cultures, religions, and
nationalities. Imagine that you are studying in the USA. As a santri, what dos and
taboos should you consider?
(The expected answer:
As a Santri who is studying and living in the USA, I think:
I must not remove my Hijab or Islamic clothing although not all people in America
are Muslims. I must always wear my hijab (for girl) or wear appropriate and polite
clothes to show that I am Muslim and I am proud of it.
I should respect people there because we come from different backgrounds. I have to
be polite and say sorry if I make any mistakes.
And because the culture is different, I should ask to people there if I find some things
are different or unique. I have to make myself understand so that I do not feel
Lastly, I think if I stay in the USA, I will experience homesickness. Therefore, I think
I should call my family frequently so I can overcome that feeling.)
 Follow-up Questions can be:
What are do and taboos about food?
What are do and taboos about food?
What are other things you must not do there?
What is the advantage/benefit/positive sides of living in the USA? Will you follow them?

‫‪َ.1‬بِّيْن الُمَر اَد َأِو الَم ْقُصْو َد ِم ْن ٰه ِذِه الُّص ْو َرِة !!!‬

‫‪َ .2‬م ا َر ْأُيُك ْم َع ِن الَو اِقَعِة ِفى ِباَل ِد ِفَلْس ِط ْيَن ؟‬

‫الَج َو اُب ‪:‬‬

‫‪ِ .١‬هَي ِم ْن َأْنَو اِع الِّر َياَض اِت‪ِ ،‬اْس ُم َها ُك َر ُة الَّس َّلِة َو ِهَي ِم َن الِّر َياَض ِة الَم ْش ُهْو َر ِة ِفى الَعاَلِم ‪،‬‬
‫َيَتَك َّو ُن اَل ِعُب ُك َر ِة الَّس َّلِة ِم ْن َخ ْم َسِة َأْنَفاٍر ‪َ ،‬و َك ِثْيًر ا ِم َن الَّناِس ُيِحُّبْو َن ٰه ِذِه الِّر َياَض َة‬
‫‪َ .٢‬أَّن الُم ْس ِلِم ْيَن ِفى ِفِلْس ِط ْيَن ُيَج اِهُد ْو َن ِلِد ْيِنِهْم َو ِلَح َياِتِهْم ‪َ ،‬و ُهْم َيْس َتِع ُّد ْو َن ِبالَم ْو ِت ِللِّد َفاِع‬
‫َعْن ِد ْيِن ِهَّللا َو ِإِل ْع اَل ِء َك ِلَم ِة ِهَّللا‬

Chemical Bonding

1. Look at the picture, it is a chemical model of compound.

 What are the elements present of this compound?
 What is the name of this compound?
 What is the chemical symbol of it?
 What kind of chemical bonding of methanol have? Is it ionic bonding or covalent
 Why?

2FeCl3(aq) + 3Mg(s)  3MgCl2(aq) + 2Fe(s)

2. Look at the chemical equation

 Please read aloud the chemical equation and the state of each compound
 What are the elements present of this equation?
 From this equation, is it balanced yet?
 In your opinion, how to balance chemical equations in the simplest way?

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