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9093/21/m/j/22 solved

Like most students, I was skeptical about the idea of joining an after-school club. Questions like,
what if it’s a waste of time? Can I really afford to shift my focus from school? Were a constant
nagging in my head. But one day I was so sick of the endless studying, I was on the brink of
madness -and if I saw one more chemistry related term, I think I would’ve exploded. I needed a
reprieve, something to shift my focus and keep me stimulated- but I also needed something that
wouldn’t deplete me of my energy.
And there it was, like a beacon calling to me: “culinary arts club.”
Not only do you get creative freedom to combine different flavors according to your palette and
experiment with different shapes and forms but you get a sweet treat after it too (or a salty snack
depending on your mood).
Ive discovered along the way that no one truly hates baking or cooking, they just hate the
scrutiny that comes with messing up or the inability to perfect a dish. Our club robs you of those
expectations and frees your mind to explore different tastes and flavors.
Every week we choose a specific culture we want to explore, how is their culinary style
different? How do their dishes reflect their history?
In our current society it is very easy to overlook learning different hobbies and skills in our plight
to focus on academics but by stripping ourselves of the chance to learn outside the limited walls
of our textbooks we are preventing ourselves the ability to become innovative and creative.
Intelligence goes beyond our school syllabus, which is why joining extracurriculars like the
culinary arts club that allows you to learn about the overlooked significance and role it played in
societies and social hierarchies, foster a greater appreciation for diverse culinary traditions and
act as an outlet for any emotions or anxiety you’re trying to work through.
So are you ready to unlock new opportunities, make lasting friendships, and have fun while
learning? Don't miss out – join our club today and let's embark on this exciting journey together!

The text begins with a relatable anecdote, establishing a connection with the audience by
addressing common concerns and feelings shared by many students. This structure serves to
draw the reader in and create an emotional resonance.
As the text progresses, it transitions into a persuasive tone, wherein the writer presents the
benefits of joining the culinary arts club. Each paragraph builds on the previous one, developing
the argument in a coherent and logical manner. By organizing the text in this way, the writer
guides the reader through a journey from skepticism to enthusiasm, ultimately encouraging them
to consider joining the club.
The language used in the text is engaging and relatable, reflecting the writer's understanding of
the audience's perspective and concerns. Phrases like "sick of endless studying" and "on the
brink of madness" effectively convey the emotional exhaustion experienced by many students,
making the writer's experience feel authentic and familiar to the reader.
Additionally, the writer employs vivid imagery and descriptive language to highlight the sensory
appeal of cooking and baking, such as "creative freedom to combine different flavors" and
"sweet treat after it too."
The writer's stylistic choices, such as using rhetorical questions and actively engage the audience
and invite them to consider the benefits of joining the culinary arts club. By directly addressing
the reader and appealing to their desires for personal growth and enjoyment, the writer
establishes a persuasive connection and encourages action.

Question 3
Write a descriptive piece about a waterfall. In your writing, create a sense of atmosphere, and
focus on
sound, light and movement to help your reader imagine the scene. Write between 600 and 900
Planning;(setting the scene)
What are we going to describe? Scent of greenery , feeling of water
What atmosphere do we want to create, calm otherworldly, magical , lively , wonderland
Trees surrounding the area? A cave?? Grey stone stones covered in greenery flanking the
waterfall, dandelions somewhere. Moss?
5 pargargraphs each around 150 words
Paragraph 1 Setting the scene (mix of everything? But more focused on visuals)
Paragraph 2 focus: light and how it reflects on everything
Describe how the sunlight plays across the surface of the water. Note the areas where the light is brightest and where shadows are cast. Consider
how the movement of the water affects the way light is reflected and refracted.

Colors and Hues: Explore the colors and hues created by the light. How does the sunlight affect the color of the water? Are there any unusual or
striking color combinations? Consider using descriptive language to evoke the mood and atmosphere of the scene.

Texture and Depth: Consider the texture and depth of the water. How does the light reveal the texture of the surface, from the smooth, glassy
areas to the turbulent, frothy sections? Describe how the interplay of light and shadow creates a sense of depth and dimensionality.

Emotional Impact: Reflect on the emotional impact of the scene. How does the beauty of the light on the waterfall and lake make you feel? Does
it evoke a sense of tranquility, awe, or wonder? Use sensory language to convey the sensory experience of being there.

Conclusion: Conclude by summarizing your observations and reflecting on the significance of light in shaping the appearance of the waterfall and
lake. Consider how the play of light adds to the overall beauty and allure of the natural landscape.

Paragraph 3 focus: movement

Paragraph 4 focus sound
Paragraph 5 how everything works together to create blablabla atmosphere

Deep grey Stone flanked the waterfall, covered in a beautiful array of leaves and
vines that branched down to the lake. Surrounded by towering trees and moss-
covered boulders, the waterfall and lake formed a secluded and spacious oasis of
natural beauty. There was not a single piece of land spared from some sort of
growing life form. A weeping willow stood at the edge of the lake, and where the
hanging leaves touched the deep cerulean blue, pastel pink water lilies stretched
out of the bright green lily pads. Smooth stone peppered the grass edges of the
lake, where thin lines of lavender grew, their delicate flower swaying in the wind.
The air is alive with the sweet perfume of wildflowers, their delicate fragrance
mingling with the crisp, clean scent of water and stone.
As you moved further into the lake, grass met stone walls that towered over the
area. Everything seemed to be leading on to the magnificent waterfall, as though
their very existence was to complement the imposing beauty of nature. At the far
end of the lake -where the water flowed more gently, like a lover’s caress in
contrast to the strong downpour of the waterfall- 2 swans meandered lazily. Their
elegance a hypnotizing beauty and their fur a white so pure it was like gazing at a
piece of heaven.
As the morning sun rose over the horizon, its golden rays gently caressed the
cascading waters of the waterfall and the surface of the lake below. The light
danced and shimmered, painting the landscape with a soft, ethereal glow, It
sprinkled across the water like fairy dust. The light infused the water with a myriad
of colors, from the deep azure of the lake's depths to the shimmering emerald of
the cascading waterfall where the water crashed down sending sprays of mist into
the air that caught the sunlight and refracted it into a dazzling rainbow of colors.
Similarly as the sunlight struck the surface of the lake it created a kaleidoscope of
hues, painting the landscape with shades of gold, and turquoise. The droplets of
lazy water on the deep green leaves shone, reflecting the bright light, and looking
more akin to miniscule jewels.

The water rippled and flowed, its surface a tapestry of texture and movement.
From the smooth, glassy sections of the lake to the frothy, turbulent waters of the
waterfall, as the water reached the lake's surface, its momentum began to dissipate.
What had once been a roaring torrent now transformed into a gentle cascade where
the stream wove leisurely through the meadow.
enveloped in the thunderous roar of cascading water, nature's symphony unfolded
around you. Above, the branches of towering trees swayed and whispered in the
breeze, their leaves rustling like a chorus of delicate instruments in an orchestral
performance. The birds, hidden among the lush foliage, added their voices to the
melody, their songs weaving through the air like threads of golden silk.
Far enough from the waterfall, when its sound becomes more of a steady flow then
a raging monster, the sound of water trickling down the stone around the lake is
like nature's own gentle melody, a soft symphony that echoes through the tranquil
landscape, creating a soothing cadence that filled the air with serenity.
Together, these elements form a timeless masterpiece, where the beauty of the
natural world unfolds in perfect harmony, inviting us to immerse ourselves in its
captivating embrace.
And In the air, delicate butterflies grace the scene with their ethereal presence,
their wings a tapestry of color as they flutter gracefully amidst the shimmering
light and gentle cascade of the waterfall.

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