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A hunt group is used to group stations together under the same number : a call to the
group causes one of the stations to ring.
The USER SET table makes also possible to introduce a station in a hunt group which
has already been created at the time of installation (see station group directory number
attribute in SUBSCRIBER SET).

Modify Reference Node

Directory Number
Each hunt group is defined by its directory number.
It can contain up to 8 characters (0 to 9, A to D, # and *).

Directory Name
The directory name is a character string (max =16 char).
The name of the hunt group makes it possible to manage them and to recognize them
if the insertion of the station is made in the "USER SETS" table (see station group
directory number attribute in USERS SET).

Identifier of Domain
The value defines the domain the group belongs to.
Domains can only be used from NMC management systems.
They are used to distinguish between departments or companies installed on the same
4400. Each manager can only access users corresponding to his domain (see the object

Type of Hunting Group

Defines the type of Hunt Group (Local Hunt Group/Network Hunt Group/RSVP Hunt

Subnetwork Reference
Node Reference
Search Type
When a station group is called, the search of the station to be rung is of type:

• circular or sequential:
o circular : each station is rung in the order given in the list; the system
rings the free station which follows the station previously called,
o sequential : the search is made from the station at the head of the hunt
group (the first found to be free rings).
• parallel : a parallel grouping enables several sets to be rung simultaneously
using just one number (the sets cannot be multilines in a parallel group).

Group Busy With One Call

This attribute is valid if the attrribute Search type is set at parallel.
YES: The parallel group is considered busy if one of the stations is busy.

Clip 4620 is acting set

If a user makes a substitution to call an RSVP group:
NO (default value): the identity presented is that of the substituted set
(it is the set on which no physical operation has been carried out).
YES: the identity presented is that of the real set
(it is the physical set on which the user dialed).

Release After Timer

YES: when a station becomes free, it can only be rung after a time determined in the
"TIMERS" table (see TIMER).

Overflow Directory Number

This directory number is essential to validate the overflow.
It can contain up to 8 characters (0 to 9, A to D, # and *).
The overflow number corresponds to the call number of a user station, of another
station group or of an attendant station. (An error message is displayed in case the
directory number does not exist).

Authorized Camp on Calls

An incoming external call is camped on until the number of camp-on calls does reach
a certain percentage.
The authorized percentage can vary from 0 to 1000%.

% authorized camp on calls =


Unit is percentage

Connection Category ID

Each connection COS (0 to 31) authorizes or forbids links between terminals
(stations, trunks).
The group connection COS is independent of those of the stations internal to thus
group. The stations retrieve their COS as soon as they are out of the group.

Public Network Category


Each public network access COS (0 to 31) gives outgoing and incoming
authorizations or prohibitions. When a public network access COS is assigned
to a station group, the station-trunk group and project network COS of the same
number are also assigned to it.
The public network access COS of the station group does not depend on those of the
stations internal to the group. The stations retrieve their COS as soon as they are out
of the group.
Exception: if the network access COS of the group is empty (255), the station COS is
considered when the call is made.

Call Restriction Category

The Call Restriction COS defines a hierarchy with regard to the Minimize service: a
call is authorized if the call restriction COS of the caller or the called party is greater
than the installation value (0 = most restricted COS, 10 = most open COS).

Withdrawal Authorized
NO (default position) : if stations are authorized to be removed from the group
(removal prefix -see station group exit in station services attribute), the last station
remaining loose this right (in order to keep the service functioning).
YES : the last station present in the group can be removed from it.
In the last case, the calls are routed to the overflow number, if any, or else to busy

Greeting Guide

This parameter is used to configure a greeting guide (a dynamic voice guide).

When a valid guide is configured, it is played instead of Ring Back Tone to the caller
of the Hunt Group.

0 (default) : no guide configured.

1 - 2000 : Voice Guide Number to be played.

Voice Guides

The choice is made by introducing a guide or tone number (1 to 2000 -see the
attributes tone and voice guide in SYSTEM - see also MEANING OF TONES AND

Dir.No Allocated to the group

For each directory number to be included into the group :

• Write in the corresponding directory number,

• Click on "add" to include it in the list.

For each directory number to be removed from the group :

• Select the number to be removed from the list,

• Click on "del".

Entity Number
This number enables the group to be assigned to an entity (see ENTITY) :
The entity notion (see ENTITY) makes it possible to differentiate several companies
(or several services) in the same system. Each entity has its own users, attendants,
trunk groups, automated attendant, ... and its own telephone services.
For example: calls towards this group which are not answered overflow onto the
routing table of this entity (an attendant, an automated attendant...)
According to his entity, the group uses the following services:

• the routing table of this entity takes into account the unanswered calls (an
attendant, an automated attendant...)
• general attendant prefix
• abbreviated numbers
• status change over time
• waiting guide
• system (ISDN) No.
• ...
Prioritar Group
This attribute only operates if the EDF. software lock is set to YES.
YES: This group receives the calls coming from the priority entity trunks (see
ENTITY - priority attribute). In this case the search type attribute must be set
to sequential.
Entities used must be different from entities 0 and1

CSTA routing
YES: the set group is re routed by an application (CSTA).

Voice Mail

Voice Mail Number

Directory number of the voice mail used by this group (especially used by the
mail forwarding prefix) (see VOICE MAIL/NUMBERS-VOICE MESSAGES
The attribute voice message password must be managed accordingly.

Voice Mail Password

This code is entered using the numeric keys on the telephone set.
It contains 4 characters and can take values 0 to 9, *, #, A to D (depending on
the set keypad).

Language Voice Mail

This attribute defines the voice mail language for this hunt group.

Pickup Private Call

YES: authorization to pick up private calls of users in the Hunt Group if there is no
Group call on the PABX.

External Pickup Call

YES: authorization to pick up calls on this hunt group by an external user not
belonging to the the Hunt Group.

Using Set Category

YES: authorization to use the public network access COS of the set instead of that of
the PBX hunt group if a user belonging to the PBX hunt group makes an outgoing call
to the public network or receives a call from the public network.
YES: authorizes incoming preemption of the busy set.
NO: no incoming preemption
See priority service, or MLPP service.

CUG List Number

This attribute defines the number of the CUG list assigned to the group.
The value -1 means that this group has no list

CUG Incoming Access

This attribute is to be managed only if the user has a list of CUGs. Otherwise this
attribute is not applicable.
YES: When the user is the called party,

• CUG calls are accepted with different CUGs if the caller has outgoing access
set to YES.
• CUG calls are accepted with an identical CUG, even if the caller has outgoing
access set to NO.

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