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MBBS BDS B.Sc. Nursing Paramedical/Applied Sciences Marks. istribution Ps Physics: - Chemistry: Zoology: - Botany:- MAT: 2» Date: - 2080-12-10 Time: - 3h oll Mark: - 200 Negative marking of 025 for each wrong tick mark. “The critical angel of light going from first medium to second medium is 0. The speed of light in first medium 's V, then the speed of light in second medium will be: a. v(1-cos0) b.vsee 8 .vsin@ d.vensec 8 If a plano concave lens has radius of curvature of ‘concave surface 10 cm & the focal length of the lens 15 ‘em, the refractive index of material of the lens will be: a32 bs erry a3 |A person has thrown a stone for a maximium horizontal distance of 100m. To what maximum vertical height, i has reached a2sem bcm ¢. 60cm. Sem 3 charges +4q, Q and q are placed in a straight line of length | at point distance 0, V2 and I respectively. What should be Q in order to make the net force on q be aq bg 24 4.4q A car is moving on a road when rain is falling vertically downward. Rain will strike a. The front screen b. The hind sersen Both sree 4. None screen but the roof only In a surface tension experiment with a capillary tube, water rises upto 0. m. Tf the same experiment is repeated on an artificial satellite, which is revolving around the earth, water will rie in the capillary tube Upto a height of: 01m, 02m «098m 4 full length of tube The eseape velocity for moon is nearly a ti2kme! ', 2akms «. Bkms"! 4.24kms! ‘With a rise of temperature, the Young's modulus: a increases decreases cremains unchanged d, changes erratically ‘A spectrometer is used to measure: 2 deviation caused by a prism b. dispersion caused by a prism «to study rainbow all of these ‘When a body is weighed in liquid, the loss in i's weight, ‘depends upon 2 Volume of body , Mass of ody Shape of body 4. Density ofliguid lock is floating in water at 0°C in a beaker. When the water is heated, the block a. will sink ». will rise ¢.will oscilate 4. first goes down and then rises outside Which of the following statement is wrong ? a Bimetal i used in metal thermometers ». Bimetal is used in thermostats for regulating the heating or cooling of rooms ¢ Bimetal relays are used to open or close 4. Bimota ae used to lctrical circuit erate electricity 13. ts 15, 16 18. ». 2. 26. At what temperature is the rms speed of molecules of hydrogen is twice that at NTP 273K b. 546K 819K a. 1082K ‘Electric fan is switched on in a closed room . The ait in ‘the roomis 2. Cooled b, Heated ©. Maintains its temperature 4, Heated oF cooled depending on the atmospheric pressure AL the temperature of black body is imereased by $0% A. matalic rod at a temperature of 77°C radiates atthe rate of 10W . its temperature is increased to 227°C it ‘will radiate at the rate of 7AI0W rr sx10W ‘AGaussian surface may: abe spherical bs enclose charg © be closed have all above properties “The dimension of ees the same as that of: 2 capaciancearea Ipeapacitance length capacitance 4 potetialength ‘Two vectors of equal magnitudes are acting at certain angle 0. If magnitude of one of these vectors is halved then angle made by the resultant with other vector is also hhalved. Then value of 0 a.120° 690° ©.60° The unit of intensity of illumination acandela lux lume 4. phot ‘The fringe with in an interference pattern due to two coherent sources is 2: Proportional tothe square of wavele Proportional w the wavelenath «; Inversely proportional othe square of wavelength 4. Inverley proportional to the wavelength “The ratio of amplitades of two coherent sources is 1:2 then the ratio of maximum and minimum interference Intensity fringe 261 bl 9: “The area of time-aceeleration graph gives ‘instantaneous velocity b. average velocity C.change in velocity d. average acceleration When temperature increases, the magnetic moment of magnet 4 Inereases . Decrease Remains constant 4. May increase or decrease When a torque acting on a body is zero, whieh of the following is constant? a. Force cA baw 4. 160W 430° 21 >. Linear momentum 4. Linear impulse If tension in the cable of 100 kg elevator is 100 kg wt, the elevate ais accelerating upward bis ccelerating downward a1. a may be al rest or accelerating 4d. may be a rest or in uniform motion Which of the following is likely to have the Targest resistance &. Moving coil galvanometer b, Ammeter of range LA. «. Voltmeter of range 10V 4. A copper wire of length Im and diameter 3mm “The field of vision is maximum for: a plane mitror ‘concave mirror convex mirror 4. eylindrieal mirror ‘Two identical co-nxial circular loops carry a current 1 ‘each cireulating in same direction, Ifthe loop approach ‘each other then current in each loop a Remains the same ‘b. Increases , Decreases 4. Becomes 2er0 Im an induction coil, the coefficient of mutual inductance is 4H . If current of SA in primary col is cut ‘off in 1/1800 s, the emf at the terminals of secondary ‘oll wll be aIsky b.6Oky e10kv—d30kv A condenser of capacitance 2 HF has been charged to 200 V. It is now discharged through a resistance, the heat produced in the wire is 4003 6.0.02 60.043 0.085 Ifthe amplitude of sound is doubled and the frequency reduces to one fourth, the intensity of sound at the ‘same point will be a Tncreased by a factor of 2b, Decreased by a factor of 2 Decreased by afactorof 4d. Unchanged Als singing a note and at the same time B is singing a ‘ote with exactly one-cight the frequency of note of A. ‘The energies of two sounds are equal, the amplitude of ote of Bis a, Same as that of A b. Twice as that oF A Four times as that of Ad. Eight times as that of A If frequency of vibration string is increased by a factor ‘of? then tension in will be a Halt », Double 4. Pour times AA charged rod attracts bits of dry cork dust which after touching the rod 2 Jumps vole away from the rod b. Adhere withthe od Falls down Flies upward ‘A small metal is suspended in a uniform electric Hild vvth the hep ofan insolted thread . I high energy X- Tay beam falls on aT bal with be deflected in direction of eld The all wll be defected opposite to diection of eld The ball will ot dict at ll The ball wl yt infinity “Tine free of attraction between the plates of a parallel plate air capacitor of capacitance of area ‘A and ‘harged toa charge Q is DA Oe yt 3, 5 a 2A Iman experiment for determining (em) of electrons by Thomson's method.clectric and magnetic fick are 2 Parle and both perpendicular tthe mon of lecton Bodh mutually pall and alo parallel othe motion of Both mumally perpendicular and also perpendicular to the motion of electron {1 None of the above The strength of phot-clectric current depends upon a. Frequency of incident adation b: Intensity of nce radiation €: Angle of incident dition 4. Distance between anode and cathode “The wavelensth of lst line of Lyman serie is ark DR GIAR ae a. 2. 3 50, A. direct X-rays photograph of intestines is not ‘generally taken by radiologists because 2 Intestine would burst on exposure to X-rays ’, The X-rays would not passthrough the intestines The X-rays would pass through the intestines without casting a good shadow for an useful diagnosis 4d. A very small exposure of X-rays causes cancer in ‘The relationship between decay constant 2. and half life ‘TW/2 of radioactive substance is an obhe Actes veo | Tae Tue ‘The binding energy curve per nucleon as a function of atomic mass number shows a sharp peakfor helium nucleus . Thus implies that helium Can easily be broken up. b. Is very stable © Can be used as fissionable material ‘Ls radioactive ‘AU absolute zero temperature, a crystal of pure germanium a Behaves as perfect conductor b. Behaves as perfect insulator © Contuins no electron d, None of the above Tn a full wave rectifier cireuit operating from SOHx ‘mains frequency, the fundamental frequency in the ripple would be a2sHzb, SOHZ ©7072 4. 100H2 Which of the following can acts as the building blocks for the other gates ? ‘4, NAND and NOR b. NAND and AND. . XOR and OR NOT and OR ‘The current gain of a transistor in common base mode is 0.95. Is value in common emitter mode is a0. bls 19 4.0.05 ‘The interaction that describes the force among nucleons ‘that hold nucleus together is 1a The strong nuclear (hadronic) imeraction b. The electromagnetic interaction «, The weak interaction 4d. The gravitational constant Which of the following planet has longer day? Venus bMarse Mercury. d. Earth Fuel used in thermal power plants is a. Water b. Urinium ¢. Biomass d. Fossil fuel si. 32. 53. 37. 58. ‘The percentage of nitrogen in urea is about ad6 85 18 4.28 ‘The compound which couldn't act both as oxidizing as well as reducing agent is: 280: b.MaO: AMO; CO ‘Total number of orbitals possible for the quantum number n is an ba cn 2h ‘The lattice site in a pure erystal cannot be occupied by a Molecule bilon «Electron d. Atom At a certain temperature 2HT# He + Is, only 50% FIs dissociated at equilibrium, The equilibrium constant is: 2025 B10 630 4.05 ‘The conjugate base of HaPOs is: a. HPO, b.H:PO; —c. PO,” d. HPO, Covalent compounds have low melting points because ‘4 Covalent molecules have definite shape 'b, Covalent bond is weaker than jonic bond «, Covalent bond is less exothermic 4. Covalent molecules are held by weak vander waals force of attraction ‘The normality of 7.3% solution HCLis a02Nb.20N e73N aon 61. o. 5 z 65. n n . m 78. 76. 7. 79. ‘The hydrogen bond is strongest in a, Water 'b. Ammonia Hydrogen fluoride Acetic acid Which one of the following on hydrolysis gives salt &NHCL b, NaCl .KNO; NH Which compound is highest covalent? alc) LIF eLBr Lil In which of the following Ostwald’s law of dilution is applicable ? &CHCOOH = bHC] HNO: SOs ‘Oxidation number of Fe in Feass O is 200 b, 200/94 €, 94/200 d. None of these WOF js formed at anode when ag. soln of AgNOs is electrolysed in Pt electrode aH b.Os eNO: ‘When ice melts into water entropy a. Becomes 2er0 b, Decrease Increases 4. Remains same ‘The heat of formation of COs is -SKeal . The amount ‘of carbon which on burning will evolve 1000 keal is b.1795~ '¢. 12638 ag ‘and further if the density of ehlorine is 3G, find out the density of ozone. a3 b.6 co) an Dissotving metallic zine in excess of NaOH produces: a. Nz (OH) and NaxZn02b. Zn0 NaxZn0: 4.20108)» ‘Benzene can't undergo: 2. Substitution ». Addition Eliminaiton <4. Oxidation Industrially H:O2 is produced 8. By oxidation of 2- NaCI >KCI > RbCI> C.Cl b, LiCl < NaCl , soluble in ether Calcium silicate 4. Potassium Silicate as6 bb ct 40 Brown hematite is a. FeO: bo Fes .CuCOs None of these When KMnOs is reduced with oxalic acid in acidie ‘medium, the oxidation number of Mn changes from: aTtod b.6to4 cT2 d4io2 Which one isn't an ack salt? 2, NaHsPOs 'b, NaH:PO: NalhPO: «None of the above In extraction of copper we use aCuS b.Cuprie cA 4. CuFeSs 93. ‘The complex used as an anticancer agent i a Meso[ CO(NH:Ch] ——b, CiS-{PICisNH:] © CiSKAPChBE 4. NaCOCl ‘The type of precipitate that is most difficult to filter inquantitative analy a Curly blnsoluble _¢. Gelatinous d. Crystalie Which will form hydrocarbon with Grignard reagent? a. CHSCHO b. CHSCOCH; c. CH:COOCH: d. CH;CH:OH ‘Whish type isomerism is most common among ethers? Chain '. Position 6, Tautpmerisn 4. Metarerism Which! of the following is an aromatic hetercyclic ‘compound ? a Pyrrole _b.Pyrolidine ¢. Epoxyethane d. Dioxane Which of the following isomerism is not exhibited by alkanes ? ‘4 Postion isomer b.Geometical isomer Chain isomer All Chlorine reacts with ethanol to give finally: a. acetaldehyde ». Chloroform . Ethyl Chloride d. Choral Which of following undergo Electrophil ‘more readily then benzene ? a Nitobenzene 'b. Benzoie acid ©. Benzaldehyde 4. Phenol ‘The process of converting hydrated alumina to anhydrous alumina is called substitution a Roasting b, Smelting Dressing 4. Caleination ‘Which of these can be used as moth repellant ? ‘a. Benzene hexachloride b.Hexachloroetbane \ «©, Benzal chloride 4. Tetrachloroethane ‘An organic compound dissolved in dry benzene evolved Ihydrogen on treatment with sodium. Its a ketone bb. An aldehyde Atertiary amine 4. An alcohol Rection between CHsOC3He and HX yield ? ‘a Nitrobenzene and ethyl halide b. Phenol and ethyl halide «Aniline und ethanol. None ‘The oxidation of toulene to Benzaldchyde by chromyl Chloride is called ‘a. Cannizzaro reaction, Wurtz reaction ¢ Btard reaction 4. Reimer-Tiemann reaction ‘What will happen if LiAIH is added to an ester ? ‘4 Two units of alcohol are obtained One unit of alcohol and one unit of acd is obtained «two units of acids are obtained None of these Borax bead test in't given by: cobalt salt '. copper salt aluminium salt nickel salt ‘A compound ‘A’ when treated with HNOstin presence ‘of H:S03) gives compound B ; which is then reduced with Sa and HC1 to aniline. The compound A is Toluene b, Benzene. Ethane, Acetamide a Fehling solution , Benedict's solution ', Phenyl hydrazine 4, Hydroxylanine Zieglar-natta polymerization is an example of ‘2 Free radical polymerization, Addition polymerization ‘¢ Anionic polymerization, Cationic polymerization “Placebo" is often given to patients, It is An antidepressant by, Sugar pill © Broad spectrum antibiotic d. A toxie 100, Presence of fluoride ion in polluted water can be ‘detected by using ? KI starch Zirconium alizarindye oi 101. 102. 103. 104 10s. 106. 107. 108. 109. 10, am. 2. 113. 14. us. 16. 7. us. 119, 120, ma. ‘iuman egg is 8, Mactolecithal ', Telolecithal . Alecithal <. Mesolecithal “Ontogeny repeats Phylogeny was stated by a. Huxley b. Haeckel c, Wallace, Darwin Which one represents a connecting link as an evidence from comparative anatomy in Favour of organic evolution a Whale between fishes and mammals . Archaeopteryx between birds and mammals «, Duck billed platypus between reptiles and mammals 4d Java—ape man between maderm man and peking man Point of greatest visual acquity a Selera ', Fovea central Optics dise 4. Optic chaisma ‘Sperm move by a, Movement +, Falgllar movement ¢ Pscudopodial movement d. Cyclosis Langerhans cells are found in Pancreas b. Liver . Kidney ‘Thigmotaxis is not shown by a. Paramecium b. Amoeba ¢. Ascaris d. Hydra 4. Skin Ink glands are present in: a. Arthopoda ». Cephalopoda Annelida 4. None of above Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in a, Salivary glands of Anopheles. b, Human RBCs . Human liver 4. Gut of female Anopheles ‘The generic name of common jelly ish is Aurelio. Physalia—¢. Pennatula 4. Gergonia Heavy smokers get quick infection of a. Typhoid 6. TB c. Cholera Eartherorm has 8, No eyes. One eyes c. Many eves (ocelli) d, Two eyes ‘The cells forming transitional epithelium are capable of 1 Distension 6. Seeretion_. Dehydration d. All ofthese Histioeyte isa connective tissue cell which takes part a. Secretion . Phagoeytosis| «Fibre production «Mate producto Human RECs are a. Biconvex.aucleated and round b. Biconcave,nucleated aand round «, Biconvex.non-nucleated and oval 4 Biconcave,non-nucleated and round 4. Pneumonia ‘The cell responsible for entry of | Human, Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) into CNS are 2. Microglia ». Astrocytes © Sehiann cell 4. Oligodendrocytes External segmentation is absent but internal ‘segmentation is present in 1, Hirudinea b. Polychaeta . Oligochaeta 4. Archinannelida Cell of liver acting as phagocytes are a. Kuler’ cell 'y, Hansen:s cll fe. Aciner call 4d, Dieter's cll Dorsal tubular nerve cord and paired gill slits are found in a, Non chordate », Chondates Vertebrates Invertebrates Which of the following parts of the nephron is least permeable to water ? 2 Proximal tubule b. Descending limb of the oop of Henle ‘c.Ascending limb of the loop of Henle «Collecting duct A pair of male genital pores in earthworm are present on the ventro-lateral sides of the 12. 123. 124. 1s, 126. 127. 128. ws, 130, 131. 132. 133. 134. 138. 136. 131. 138. 139, 140. 14h a. 14* segment b, 18% segment ¢. 10! segment 4, 15% segment Payer's patches are present i a, Duodenum b.Tleum —_¢,Jejunum d. Large intestine If mouth of frog is kept open for some timest dies ‘because it is unable to Ea b. Drink Br None ‘The number of cranial nerves in frog are Ten b. Twelve €. Twelve pairs 4. Ten Pairs ‘Which of the following organ is called as blood bank. Heart b. Liver Spleen d. Lung Frog has a. five fingers and four toes ». four fingers and five toes five fingers and five toes 4. four fingers and four toes Lack of breathing is a. Apnea —_b. Asphyxia_¢, Dyspnea d. Eupnea Hunger and thirst are under direct control of a. Cerebrum | 'b, Cerebellum «© Hypothalamus 4. Epithalars Polymorphism is characteristis features of phylum a Porifers '. Coelenterata € Platyhelmenthi 4. Annelida ‘The cranial nerves responsible for taste sensation from tongue are Facial and vagus b. Vagus and hypoglossal «Facial and glossopharyngeal 4. Trigeminal and vagus ‘Wandering journey of Ascaris larva completes in a 1Sdays b.20days ec. 2Sdays od. 30days “Acrosome of sperm has ‘a Hyaluronic aicid & proacrosine b. Hyaluronidase & Proacrosin «Hyaluronic acid & Fertilizia 4. Fenilizin & Proacrosin «4 locomotory organelles fe mode of reproduction d, dominance of zooids ‘Which of the following is an insect, a Ant b, Prawn ©. Spider 4. Scorpion ‘On examination of patient with burn in her hand which involved dermis and epidermis. The burn is called Superficial burn ‘Deep bum «© Botha and b 4 Burs due to beal IgE is secreted by ‘4 Mast cell >, Basophil «Neutrophil 4. Plasma cells (Cro-magnon man was ‘a Herbivorous , Carnivorous ‘¢ Omnivorous 4. Frugivorous ‘One of the faster and less expensive procedures for preliminary creening of potential carcinogens include A Biuret b, Western blot c.Ames-d. ELISA. So-called greenhouse gases have been given this name because they Trap the heat radiated from Earth's surface b. Are produced by plants «. Are necessary for plant growth, 4. Are similar to gases produced ina greenhouse ‘Modification of snout into beak isthe adaptation of a. Cursorial b-Amphibious c. Volant. Aquatic Coliphage virus infects a. Animals b, Plants ¢. Human — d, Bacteria 142. When green tomatoes turn red: ww chloroplasts are made 144. 1s, 146. 7. 4s. 149, 150, 151. 156, 157. 158, 159, 160, 161. . chloroplasts are disintegrated and converted into chromoplasts . chromoplasts are changed into chloroplasts 4d. none of these During development of sporophyte in Funaria, the first division of zygote is a, Transverse . Vertical . Irregular 4. Either transverse or vertical Fucoxanthin pigment is found in a. blue green algae ». green algae red algae d. brown algae ‘Sexual reproduction is absent in a Phycomycetes| ’. Ascomycetes , Basidiomyostes Bacteria was discovered by a Robert Koch +, Robert Hooke © Louis Pasteur 4. Leeuwenhook Stages in proper sequence of Prophase I are a. Zygotene, Leptotene, Pachytene, Diakinesis and Diplotene b. Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene and Diakinesis ©. Leptotene, Diakinesis, Pachytene, Diakinessis and Diplotene 4. Diplotene, Diakinesis, Pachytene, Zygotene and Leptotene. Peristome teeth in moss help 4, Deuteromycetes a Nutrition ', Protection ©. Spore dispersal <. Absorption Gymmosperms lack Ovary 'b.Ovule ¢, Pollen grain d. All ‘Annual rings is found in a.Xylem b.Phloem —¢, Heartwood, Sap wood Withania somnifera belongs to family aCrucilers b, Solanaceae &. Malvaceae 4d. Asteraceae Water logging is due to a, Excess of water », Searity of water um Jevel of water d. All of these cuticle is characteristic of a Epiphytes . Hydrophytes &. Xeropinytes «4. Mesopytes ‘Spore bearing leaf is called a fan a: Sorus ‘bTadusiuey ¢ Ramenta 4. Sporophyll Which of the following hormone is used for shoot Fringe width (B) = 2 ieB ala a 21 So, a, = kand a). 2k Imax _ _amax, Imin ~ ‘amin 24.B 25.C T-Mg=Ma 1000 - 1000 = 1000 a Or,a=O Comparison of resistances Ammeter awn > > > ope >a aa Ce] wtao 82.C 83. o 60 g of urea (NH:CONH;) has 28 g of N. 100 = 46% Pauli suggested electrons in same atomic orbital will have opposite spin Total no, of orbit Total no. of electrons = 2n Each pt in a lattice is known as lattice point which are either atom or molecule or ion joined together by a stragibt line to bring out geometry of lattice in pure crystal . Here, hence existence of free electrons are not is possible in case of imperfection in solid 2H = Heth [Hol a} 2-20 a a Use, k= "Ere Where c= 4/2 HPO, > HPO,” +H Covalent compounds have Mpt because their molecules ate held by weak vanderwaal’s force | wxl000 _W 10 “1073 Normality = eg 9 = OW) § 1000 x gi = 7.3 x 383 = 353 hydrolysis NHC! ————> NH,OH + HCI HO Itis applicable in weak electrolytes Feoss 0.94x-2=0 2 _ 200 917 04 ‘On melting solid,randomness(disorder) increase and so also the entropy Cis) +OX2) > CO.) AH (CO,) = -95keal mot" .95 kcal / 12g of carbon 12 35 x1000 = 126.3g ‘Thus, carbon required for 1000 kcal of heat = $= 68.C 69. 70.B71.€ Lattice energy * Fdjus of ions Ca(OH). is basic in nature flint glass = Pb and k silicates Water glass(soluble glass) = No silicate 77.A MnO. + 8H" + Se’ —> Mn” + 4120 80.D Cis- platin , ie Cis [ptel(NH,) tumour agent | is anticancer agent. It destroys cancer cells, 50 used as anti- Grignard reagent forms hydrocarbon when treated with compound containing active hydrogen atom, viz. CH\CH.OH note that CH:CHO, CH\COCHs, COCH; & CHsCOOCH don’t contain active hydrogen atom, A hydrogen atom attached to electronegative element like O,N and S is called active 84, 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93, 94, 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. Zoology 101 102. B 103. 104. 106, 107. 108. 109. 110. 112. 113, 114. 11s. vouu 0 wo >a wow a B c oa >PPOmA Pyrolidine, epoxyethane and dioxane are heteroalcyclic compound ‘There isno restricted motion in alkane c Chlorination’ Phenol have very high +M/+R effect so undergo ESR more readily than benzene » CCh.CHO BHC is used as insecticide Alcohol+ Benzene -> Soluble (ary) R-OH + Na — R- ONa+ Hz In case of alkyl aryl ethers (phenylic ether) , when reacted with halogen acid s the products are always henol and an alkyl halide but never an aryl halide and an alcohol CcHLOC:Hs+HX > C.H.OH+C3H,0H a LiAlHy, R- C-OR + RCHOH+R'OH ‘Two units of alcohol Nieration Benzene ——“ Nitrobenzene > Aniline 3 phenyl hydrazine molecule reacts with glucose to yield osazone derivative Zieglar natta catalys effect the polymerization of olefins Placebo is just a sugar pill(dummy pill) which look exactly like a real drug Fluoride ion is detected by decreasing color of dye by removing zirconium from dye in form of Colorless zirconlum flouride ~ ontogeny recapitulates phyllogeny —> Haeckel + Called as recapitulation theory — Birds are glorified reptiles -> Huxley. Duck-billed plalypus (prototherians,primitive mammals) is a reptile-like mammal representing between reptiles and mammals as a connecting link. Archaeopteryx is missing link between reptiles and Birds 105.8 Islets of langerhans found in pancreas. Langerhans cell in skin is found in stratum. spinosum. Meissners corpuscles and merckels disc found in skin of mammals. Ascaris ~> endoparasite, commonly called roundworm. Thigmotaxis -> touch receptor. Ink glands are specially for offense and defence in cephalopods Motile zygote of plasmodium is called ookinete. MLB Photoreceptor organ is phaosome Distension generally refers to an enlargement, dilution or ballooning effect, found in stretchable Transitional epithelium,cuboidal when relaxed and squamous when stretched Macrophages ( also known as tissue histiocytes) are large iregular,amoeboid cells with granules in Cytoplasm derived from monocytes RBCs of man (mammal) are circular(round), biconcave and non-nucleated .RBCs of frog are oval, Biconvex and nucleated 116. HIV infects immune system cells which have a CD, receptor on the surface . These cells include ‘T-lymphocytes ( also known as T-cells) , monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, 117.D_Archiannelida — eg. Polygordius —> Annelida. 18.A 119.B 120.6 121.B 122. B_ payer's patches are modified lymphatic tissue. Small intestine is largest part of Alimentary canal. 123.C Frog is a positive pressure breather. It fills its lungs by forcing air into them. For this, mouth has to be kept closed 124.D .C Spleen is also known as Graveyard of REC. 126.8 127. Dyspnea = difficulty in breathing Eupnea = Normal breathing Asphyxia = Suffocation 128. 129.B — Polymorphism in existence of 2 forms polyp and medusa, characteristics of coelenterate. 130.C 131.B 132.B Hyaluroxidase & Proacrosin in sperm . Hyaluronic acid in ovum 133.A basis of protista classification in mode of nutrition Porifera -> spicules ; Coelentrata -» dominance of zooids. 134.4 135.B _1* degree burn(superficial) affect outer layer of skin 2! degree bum affect outer and underlying layer of skin 3° degree burn affect deep layer of skin ( deep bun) 136.D IgE, like other immunoglobulin secreted by plasma cells 137. Coloured cave painting was initiated by Neanderthal Man. 138.C Ames test is used to access the potential carcinogenic effect of chemicals by using bacterial strain Salmonella tymphimurium 139.A A blanket of gases around earth acts much like the glass of a greenhouse because it holds heat generated by earth inside the atmosphere Birds uses beak for feeding,drinking.exploration, social grooming etc. 141.D__ Viruses infecting bacteria is bacteriophase. 142.B During conversion of chloroplast to chromoplast the lamella disintegrate with disintegration og chlorophyll pigments and characteristics color of chromoplast is due to carotenoids pigments. 143. Archegonia are well developed in lower plants( thallophytes), archegonium gets reduced towards higher plants. 144. Floridean starch is found in Red algae 145.D septate mycelium is found in phycomycetes. @ MAP. Black rust of wheat is caused by > Puccinia. 146.D147.B148,C 149. A___gymnoyperm are naked seeded plants (no ovary,no fruit) 150.4 151.B — Withania somnifera ( Ashwagandha /Winter cherry ) belongs to solanaceae 152.4 153. B_ Hydrophytes have poorly developed roots.thin stems, small leaves with epistomatic condition, spongy petiole 154. D_ Gircinate venation is found in both cycas and fern. Sporangia in fern is covered by Kidney shape — Indusium 155.B 157. 158. 159. 160. 161.B 162. 163. >o 164.D 165. 166. B 167. 168. oD 169. 170. a7. wae 172. 173.4 174.D 176. B 177.B 178.4 179.B 180. B 156.C “Cand °H are incorporated in bases like thymidine,uridine and amino acids to study the structure of DNA and proteins. Radio tracer technique shows DNA is in double helical form Prokoryotes have false nucleus/not organized nucleus i.e nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm and, Nucleolus absent Extranuclear ot cytoplasmic inheritance is the transmission of genes that occur outside the nucleus, Genes located in mitochondria and chloroplast can replicate independently, causing genomic Recombination of these. genomes which is different with nuclear genomes The prophase I of meiosis I is maked by synapsis of homologous chromosomes and crossing Metaphase Tis marked by movementof pairs of homologous chromosomes towards equator. ‘Anaphase I marked by separation of homologous chromosomes Each time there is total Y% chances for a child to be son and ¥ chances to be daughter. So, probability Of 10" child to be son is ¥2 050% A color blind daughter must have a father who is color blind and a mother who is a carrier ( ‘who has also passed the color blindness “gene” to her daughter) Gene control protein synthesis through controlling the synthesis of a specific protein and it controls, Heredity through transmission of heredity characters from one generation to another Casperson stained chromosomes with a fluorescent dye it gives different banding patterns helpful to know various types of chromosomal abberations First 22 pairs in human is autosomes and the 23" pair is heterosome or sex chromosome Degeneracy of Genetic code in that most amino acids are encoded by more than one codon with the Exception of tryptophan and methionine which has only one codon Examples of phylloctade -> Opuntia, Examples of philode -> Parkinsonia, Acacia. 1CO; molecule in calvin cycle gives 3ATP and 2NADPH. 1CO; molecule in Cy cycle gives SATP_ and 2NADPI pyramid of energy always follow 10% law. Bioassay for auxin is Arena(oat) coleophile curvature test uti effect of Biologically active substance Mitochondria is called power house of cell. Golgi body > Traffic of cell Chloroplast > Kitchen of cell Ribosomes —> Engine of cell Oct, Jan & July are 3 months of diff seasons like temperature and duration of light all are different but also plant flowers. So, plant must be thermo and photo insensitive tion of living tissue to study Sporopollenin is hardest substance in plants that is deposited in outer exine of pollen grain Porogamy -> through micropyle Chalazogamy ( through chalaza) Mesogamy (through integuments) ‘Acrogamy (through outgrowth of embryo sac) Meristem is actively dividing cell region and widely used to culture disease free plants 181 182 183, 184. 185. 186. 187. 188, 189, 190. 191, 192 193 194. 195, 196. B D voa >o ‘The correct order is, Crime Police Judge Judgement Punishment 3 1 4 2 5 As omithologist is a specialist of birds so is Archeologist specialist of Archeology S is sitting next to P. So, either the order is $,P or PS . K is sitting next to R. Who is on extreme left. So the order will be R,K. Tis not next to P or K.So the arrangement will be RK-P,S,T So, Pand Tare adjacent to S All except chess are outdoor games This is an alternating addition and subtraction series. In the first pattern, 10 is subtracted from each number to arrive at the next. In the second, 5 is added to each number to arrive at the next. ‘The pattern is X*, +4, X5, +6, X7 So, missing term = 1127 + 8 = 1135 MXN Mis the father of N N-C Nis the sister of C And C+F Cis the brother of F Hence, M is the father of C or C is the son of M External rade: Intemal radius = 3 em. veamection = (2 s14?-cftx2)on (2 rant = 462 em?, © Weight fron = (462 x 8) gm = 3686 gm = 3.696 kg. Number of valid votes = 80% of 7500 = 6000. Valid votes polled by other candidate = 45% of 6000 = 2700 B92 27=3) SD x-y=3..0) 3 38 > x+y=5_.(ii) On solving (i) and (ii), we get x = 4. Let the ages of father and son 10 years ago be 3x and x years respectively. ‘Then, (3x + 10) + 10 = 2[(x + 10) +10] 3x4 20=2x+40 x=20 Required ratio = (3x + 10) : (x + 10) = 70:30=7:3 ‘The year 2007 is an ordinary year. So, it has 1 odd day. 1 day of the year 2007 was Monday. 1* day of the year 2008 will be 1 day beyond Monday. Hence, it will be Tuesday. In fig, (X), one of the dots lies in the region common to the circle and the triangle only, another dot lies in the region common to the circle, the square and the triangle only and the third dot lies in the region common to the circle, the square and the rectangle only. In each of the figures (1) and (3) there is no region common to the circle and the triangle only. In fig. (4) there is no region common to the circle, the square and the rectangle only. Only fig, (2) consists of all the three types of regions. 7 197.D 198.B 199.D When this figure is folded to form a cube then the face bearing six dots will lie oppo: the face bearing three dots 200.A 1,2, 3 are figures composed of two straight lines. 4, 5, 6 are figures composed of three straight lines. 7,8,9 are figures composed of four straight lines

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