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Date 2080-10-27 Time: 3hr. Full Mark: 200 Negative marking Physics 1. 10. The dimension forthe ratio of magnetic moment and angular nomentom are same a a pceccage Te aloeye epee atime Two forces of 6N and 16N can he applied to produce ameffet of single force of BARN eB 4.26N Sere Til egal AT OS gs The entra force required to hesp the belt moving a vs Gn newton is Fa bo eos dl 1 particle is moving in circle of radius ¥ with a uniform speed, Its angular acceleration 1 Tinsond endzone! none wii c Edict alongans Zero A prjectile is thrown at angle © with vertical with iat KEE Ia restance neglected the KE at Highest pat it be Moced brkocos0 —e.Bosin'O. Zero ‘Which isnot unit of lectrostatc potential Pochericcon! wager aleoalonb d.none fsbo Two satelite of masses Mand 9M are orbiting a Plone ina cicular art of radius He Thee Period of revolution willbe nthe rato of ee aed dt:3 ‘he lens cont of triton fr an inclined plane of inclination a with the horizontal inorder that sod inde wil roll down witout slipping: foun biStne e 28 tne 43 an When tui flowing throng te, eters from cr eran actlon to narrower crom section, sped ot Aiqui a. decreases b. increases: «. remains unchanged 4. may increases or decrease A. simple pendulum 4 m long oscillates wit amplitude of 0.2 m. What ofits path? (g = 10 mvs!) aloms — b.25m¢ 05 ms? 4.210 uu. 2 4 18. 16. w. 18. vw If the mass energy equivalence is taken into account, When water is cooled to form ice, the mass of water should: a Increase b. Remains unchanged «. Decreases 4. First increase then decrease ‘The quantity PV/KT (K = Boltzmann's constant) represents: a. number of moles of the gas b. total mass of the gas . number of molecules in the gas «density of the gas ‘Two liquids are at temperatures 20°C and 40°C, When ‘same mass of both of them is mixed, the temperature ‘of the mixture is 32°C. What is the ratio of their specific heats? als b.28 «. ‘The first operation involves Isothermal expansion. Adiabatic expansion ¢. Isothermal compression d. Adiabatic compression With rise of temperature, angle of contact: ‘Carnot eye! my iret or decrease 4 remains unchanged ‘A metalic rod at a temperature of 7¥C radiates atthe tate of LOW, If ts temperature increased to 227°C, wil adiate at the rate of a2 10W ».(22)'10w ew aiaw 1 virtual image larger than the object canbe obtained by ¢. Plane mirror Concave lens ‘One cannot see through fog because of: 2 reftacton seating 6 difaction dc aipersion ‘The image formed by a conver mirror of focal length 10cm shall the se ofthe object, Then the distance A the object from the miror is: fn Sen ciSem — 4,300m Tee of the quantam natnre of ight has emerged in an attempt to expan: 2 Inefeence ». Diffraction 2. 23, 25, 26, 2. 29, 30, 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 37. 2, Polecisntion . Radiation spectrum ofa black body ‘What eauses changes in the colours of the soap or oil films forthe given beam of light a. Angle of incidence Angle of reiection ©. Thickness of film &. None ofthese ‘Two coherent sources with intensity ratio B produce interference. The fringe visibility willbe: na » 2 a ane eR af ‘Wavelength of ultrasonic waves in ai is of the order a.5x10%cm b.5 x 10%em ©.510em 4.5 « 108em ‘A window whose area is 2m? opens on a street where the street noise result in an intensity level at the window of 60dB. How much ‘acoustic power enters the window via sound waves. a2HW b4SHW cOHW d.83HW Ratio of forces between two small spheres charged to constant potential in air and in medium of dielectric constant Kis: alk bk Mass of electron ist 8.62% 10B.6.2% 10% 662 104.9.1 «10 ‘The clectric potential at the surface of atomic nucleus (1= 50) of radius 9 « 10m is: a80V BS x1OV c9V dx 10V Equivalent dielectric for two dicleetries of equal thickness arrange in series Beaks, Hoke el: aki cok the de kyfky Tks 7 A cell supplies a current I: through a resistance Ri and a current 12 through a resistance R:. The internal resistance of cell is If the power consumed through 10kQ resistance is 1 w, then current is: alA b.0.01A — ¢,0.001A 0.00018. ‘The eam. in a thermocouple changes sign at 600k. If the neutral temperature is 210°C, the temperature of cold junction is: 180k b. 117k 93d. 90°C Amount if charge required to convert 0.2 moles of Cu to Cu? a4 9650C b. 4 96500C ©. 2% 9650C 4.2. 96500C For ballistic galvanometer, which relation is correct for deflection (0)? alxO blavO clotan@ dq s joining equal angle of declination a Isogonie lines '.Isoclinic lines ¢. Isodynamic lines 4. Equatorial line ‘The net force on a magnetic dipole in a uniform ‘magnetic fel a. Toward north pole », Towards south pole ©. Zero 4. None of these ‘The current flowing in two coaxial coils in the same direction. On increasing the distance between two, the electric current will: a. Increases, b. Decrease Remain unchanged d. None of these On. increasing the temperature of conductor, resistance increases because: a. Relaxation time decreases b. Mass of electrons increases . Electron density decreases 4d. None of these 38. On doubling the frequency of R-C circuit, impedane, a. Decreases be tncreases «. Remains same 4. Doubles 39, Ina discharge tube at 002mm, there is formation of: aFDS. b.CDS Both space None 40, In photoelectric emission, behind cut off voltage, ‘emission of electron is directly proportional to: a Voltage b KE ©. no, of photons striking atoms Field 41, ‘The energy of a photon of wavelength 2 is given by ahi b. cha che d. hel 42. Hard and soft x-rays depends 0 a. Frequency ’. Wavelength ©. Velocity 4. Energy 43, The speed of electron in 4% Bohr orbit of hydrogen ‘atom acl37 bdc/I37 e274. 548 44, The ratio of Rydberg constant for helium to hydrogen all bast ed dts? 45. A nuclei having maximum number of neutrons emi fa Blectron ’. Proton «Positron d.a-particle 46. To produce proton — antiproton pair, the minimum 38 photon must be: a.IMeV b.2MeV—c.931MeV_ 4, 1862MeV 47, Which planet is farthest to sun a Saturn ». Uranus &. Neptune Earth 48, In NPN transistor, electrons move from Base to emitter ’. Collector to emitter ©. Botha and b 4. Emitter to base 49. ‘Tow inputs of NAND gates are shorted. This gates is ‘equivalent to: aOR gate b.AND gate _c. NOT gate d, NOR gate 50. If the rest mass ofa particle is mo, then its mass when i moves with velocity O8e a6iSm b.S/3me — c.3/2me 2m Chemistry SL. 2.2 gm of COsat NTP occupies: aN2L b24L c2ML QL 52. When 50 ml of HCI reacts with 10 gm of CaCOs, normality ofthe solution: aan b2N GSN GIN 53, ‘Two oxide of a metal contain 50% and 40% metal (M1) respectively. If the formula of fist oxide is MOs, the formula of second oxide will he MO: b.MOs c.M:O _ d.M:0s 54. Ratio of Krand Ke for the reaction Cup + O24 COnp all baa (RT) #1 Botha and a subshell for ‘The maximum number of electrons n=dis b.10 8 a4 charge inereases from Ne to Ca, the a. Increase «. Increase very slowly . Increase rapidly ¢. Fall a. a, a. a or. 69. 70. n. n 1B. 4, 5. 16. ‘The age of most ancient formations are estimated by a. Potassium argon method '. Carbon - 14 dating method Radium and silicon method 4. Uranium lead method. Dipole moment of water is: a20D — -bLSD ¢.2.84D d.Zero Lowest bond energy is found in aC-C bN-N cH-H 40-0 Entropy of the universe is always a Decrease b. Zero «Increasing d. Constant Structure of NHs is: a Trigonal planar b. Tetrahedral ©. Pyramidal « Coplanar (Oxidation state of Co in Fischer's salt is: at? bot 4.46 Eg. wt of KMn0. asle dS 4.526 A gas expands isothermally & reversibly. The work done by gas is a. zero. bb. maximum ce. minimum d. cannot be determined Normality of 2MH:SOs aN b4N cNQ d.2N ‘The PH of pure water at 80°C will be a>7 b.<7_—_ €.=7 d, cannot be predicted, ‘The standard reduction potential for fe*/fe and Sn'*/shelectrodes are -0.44 and -0.14 Volt respectively for the cell rx fe + Sn fe + Sn, the standard emf a+03V b.058V 6, 40S8V. d.-03V A. bivalent metal has equivalent weight of 12, Molecular weight ofits oxide will be: 40 b.36 632 4.24 ‘The group of elements in which differentiating clections enter the antepenultimate shell of atoms are called a. block Which ben b.fblock —_¢, d-block tation process is used 4. p-block 1" mineral AL0:.2H07 a. froth loation b. Leaching ¢. liquation d. Magnetic separation Raney 1, the commonly used catalyst for hydrogenation is obtained by a Grinding Ni- AL alloy b. Treating Ni-Al alloy with NaQH. Treating Ni - Al alloy with dil. H:SO, 4. Treading NiSO, with NaOH Which of the following alkali metal carbonates gives CO: on heating as well as on treating with acids? aNaCO; b.K:CO; —c.Rb:COs d.LisCOs Effective component of bleaching powder ist a0? bOcr OC? d.0:C1 When a mixture of air and steam is passed over red hot coke, the outgoing gas is 1. Producer gas ’b. Water gas ©. Coal gas . None Which is soluble in water: a.Peuol —b.Camphor c. Glycerine d. Phenol ‘Which glass has the highest percentage of lead? a Soda glass ». Flint glass| «Jena glass d. Pyrex glass ‘The no. of orbital corresponding to principle quantum ‘number (n) is 78. 1. 82. 83. 85. 86, 87. 89, 90. a1 92. 93, 95, 96. ant bar emt ‘The compound of sulphur that can be used as refrigerants, SO: b.SOs e&:C; dL. HSO. ‘The use of Diamond as gem depends on its: a.Chemical inertness b. Hardness Purest formof carbon d. High refractive index ‘A noble gas which is not absorbed by coconut charcoal? aHe b.Ne car 4.Kr Which is used as purgative in medicine? a HgCl ©. Znecls 4. Zn80..70 Acidie flux is: a. MgO b.Cx0 CaCO, 4. SiO Vinyl carbinat is a. CHs - C(CH.OF) b. CH:CH =CH- OH ©. CH;CH (OH) =CH: —d. OH - CH: CH= CH: In Kjeldahl's is method, the nitrogen present in the ‘organic compound is converted into ‘a. Gaseous ammonia ’b. Ammonium sulphate Ammonium phosphate d. Ammonium nitrate ‘Which of the following represents Westrosol? a. CHCl b.CH ¢. CHCLCH:CI 4. CCh= CHCL Phenol on standing in air develops a pink colour due to formation of: a. Cyclohexanone b. Resorcinol . Phenoguinone 4. Quinol Hybrid state of carbon, to which phenolic group is attached in phenol is: asp bsp? c.spt asd ‘An aromatic ether is not cleaved by HI even at 525K. ‘The compound is: a. GoHsOHs, b.CiHLOCAHe © GoHCOCH:CHy Tetra hydro furan ‘At room temperature, formaldehyde is a. gas bi. Figuid ©. solid 4. None of these Lacrymator/Tear gas is a. CoHSOCHs b. CHOC Hs & CoHsCOCH, .C.H-OCH Ethyl acetate reacts with CH3MgBr to form 1.2 alcohol bb. I®alcohol and acid «3° aleohol acid Ethyl which is liquid at room temperature is: a) CoH:OCHs b. CHsOCH; © CHSOGHy None of these Isopropyl alcohol on treatment with copper at 300% forms ‘a. Acetone b. Acetaldehyde . Ethane 4d. Propylene An aqueous solution of urea is a. Basic bb. Acidic . Neutral 4. both a and b ‘An primary nitroalkane is treated with nitrous acid, of the following will be the main product? 4. Pseudonittol b. Nitrolie acid ca primary amine <. Primary alcohol ‘The compound that gives positive iodoform test is: ‘a Pentanal ». 3-Pentanone ce. 2-Pentanone . 1-Pentanol ‘91. Nylon - 66is: 1. Acetic acid ». Vinyl polymer Polyamide d. Polysterase 98, Which of the following can be possibly be used as analgesic without causing addiction and any ‘modification? ‘a, Morphine b. Diazepam © Tetrahydrocetanol 4..N-Acetyl paraminophenot 99, Arsenic drugs are mainly used in the treatment of ‘a Jaundice b. Typhoid. Syphilis d Cholera 100, Another name of Grain alcohol is: a Butyl alcohol ’. Methyl alcohol ©, Wood alcohol 4. Ethyl aleohot Zoology, 101, The condition of near absence of sperms in semen is, a. Polyspermia '. Azoospermia f. aspermia 4. Oligospermia 102. Four pairs of hearts in earthworm occur is segments: 6.9.10 b.7.9,12,13 © 9,10, 14, 15 None of these 103, Larval form in Hemichordat 4 Dipleurula b. Tornaria «. Trochophore . Bipinnaria 104. Urinary bladder is absent in a Tizards Snakes «. Crocodiles 4. Both b and ¢ 105. Most of the fat digestion oceurs in a Rectum '. Stomach . Duodenum «Small intestine 106. Which of the following substances, if introduced into the blood system, would cause coagulation of blood of the site of its introduction, a. Fibrinogen ». Prothrombin . Heparin 4. Thromboplastin 107. Net pressure gradient that causes the fluid to filter out of the glomeruli into the eapsule is: a 10 mmof Hg b.40 mm of Hg ©. 60mm of He 4. 80mm of He 108. Which of the following disease is considered to be the Koch's disease ? a.ALD.S. b. Tuberculosis ¢. Diptheria_d. Leprosy 109. When a nerve fibre is stimulated, the inside of the membrane becomes: Filled with acetylcholine b. Negatively charged «Positively charged 4. Neutral 110. If the corpus callous is removed in mammalian brain, then what will be affected? ‘4. Coordination of cerebrum b. Involuntary activity of brain, . Coordination of cerebellum 4. Behaviour & emotional disturbanced 111, During contraction of muscles, a, Actin filament slide over actin '. Myosin filament slide over actin «, Actin filament slide over myosin b, Myosin filament slide over myosin 112, Sex hormones are secreted by ‘a. Thyroid gland '. Adrenal cortex ©, Adrenal medulla 4, Parathyroid gland 113. Study of the causes of a disease is Known as y b.Etiology c. Ethology d. Zymology 114, Sea lemon belongs to Mollusca b. Coelenterata inodermata . Annelida 11S. Rana tigrina belongs to order: a Apoda—b.Anurac. Urodelad. None 116. Devonian period is referred ‘age of amphibians . age of reptiles cage of insects 4d. age of fishes 117. Rate of respiration is directly affected by a.Concentration of CO; b. Orin trachea Concentration of 2d. Diaphragm expansion 118, Lactase is found in a Saliva ». Bile c. Pancreatic juice 4. Intestinal juice 119. Which of the following is a loose connective tissu a. Areolar b. Adipose ©. Blood d. Nervous tissue 120. Which of the following cells are present in epidermis of Hydra a Nattitive cells b. Nematoblast Gland cell 4. Sensory cell 121. ‘The migration of fish from sea to fresh water is call ‘a. Anadromous migration ’. Catadromous migration c. Potamodromous migration 4d. Oceanodromous migration 122, Neanderthal man was discovered by: ‘a. Mac Gregor ’. Leakey 4.C. Pulrott c feature of sea snake is ». Flat tail . Tail with rattle 4. Tail with mouth 124. Signet ring stage is mot found in the schizogony of a. P. vivax b. P. malariae © P. falciparum 4. None 125. Which is the exeretory part of motluses? 1. Nephridia ’. Blood gland cell . Organ of Bojanus 4, Malpighian tubule 126, Nuclear dimorphism is found in 123. ‘a Plasmodium . Giardia ©. Arcella 4. Vorticella 127. Collip's hormone is secreted by a. Parathyroid gland ’. Thyroid gland . Adrenal medulla liver 128, Biliverdin & bilirubin are exereted mainly along with a.Urine — b.Faeces —e. Sweat d. Vitamins 129. Common cause of diarrhoea in children a. Giardiasis b. Entamoeba «. Tapeworm 4. Rota virus 130, Cervieal eancer is a. Adenoma b. Lipoma _¢. Carcinoma d. Sarcoma 131. Cancerous cells looses the property of a. Hyperstrophy ’b. Heredity ©. Contact inhibition <4. Hyperplasia ‘The disease chikungunya is transmitted by: ‘a. House flies Aedes Cockroach 4. Female anopheles 133. ‘The tadpole of frog feeds upon a. Insects b. Aquat . Floating organisms 134, Primary lymphoid organ is a. Tonsils b. Payer’s Patches c. Lymph nodes d. Thymus Strongest muscle in human body is a. Pectoralis b. Sartorius , Gluteus maximum, 4. Masseter 136, A prehistoric man with a cranial capacity almost similar to that of modern man was: a. Homo habilis b. Homo erectus ¢. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis Cro magnon man 137. Simple coiled tubular gland is 1 Sehaceous gland Sweat gland Crypts of Liberkuin __ d. Bulbourethral gland 138, The man having blood group is known as universal donor: aA BB cAB «4.0 139, The pacemaker of heart is a AV node b.SA node ©. SV node d. Tricuspid valve 140, Miller synthesized simple amino acids fros aH, NHs, CH, & water vapour NH, CHy, CN and O> ©. CHs, CN, H & Os 4. Hs, O:, N2& HO. Botany 141, Which is responsible for origin of plasmodesmata? Golgi bodies b.Pits c.ER d. Ribosome 142. Kinetochore is associated with a Primary constriction _b. Secondary constriction ©, Satellite 4. None of these 143. A cell organelle ‘x’ is divided into two types on the basis of a cell organelle 'g', that helps in protein synthesis, Identity ‘x’ and 'y' respectively ‘8 Golgicomplex & ribosome b. E.R. and mitochondria ©. ER. and ribosome 4. Lysosme & ER 144, Lampbrush chromosome is a Elastic in nature b. Giant chromosome ©. asynaped chromosome _d. Polytene chromosome 145, Bacterial cells can be stained with: a, Mercurie chloride '. Crystal violet . Crystal violet and iodine d. Safranine 146. The most cytogenic activity occurs during a. Interphase b. Telophase «©. Prophase 4. Anaphases 147, Dyad isa pair of a. Sister chromatids b. Non-sister chromatids c. homologous chromosomes 4. Non-homologous chromosomes 148, AL which stage of meiosis does the genetic constitution of gametes is finally decided? a Metaphase-T b. Metaphase-IT c. Anaphase-I dd. Anaphase-II 149. Meiosis occurring at the time of spore formation is 1. Zygotic meiosis bs. Haplontic meiosis . Terminal - meiosis _d. Intermediate meiosis 150, For body growth and repair, one needs a. Carbohydrate b. Fats «. Proteins 4. Vitamins 151, Gene producing mRNAs is, a Structural gene b. Operator gene ¢. Promotor gene d. Regulator gene 182, The mechanism of sex determination in birds shows a Male heterogamety . Both heterogamery 'b, Female heterogamety 4d. Both homogamety forms the backbone of DNA molecule 4 Pentose sugar & phosphate b. Hexose sugar & phosphate . Purine and pyofmidine 4. Sugar & phosphate 154. Type of gametes from AA bb ce dd is al b.2 8 16 Point mutation in case of sickle - cell anaemia i: a. Transition ’, Substitution «Duplication . Transversion 156. A piece of wood having no vessels (trachea) must be aTeak — b.Mango—c.Pine Palm 157. Pith cavity occurs in the stem of a. Wheatb.Zeamays ¢. Dracaena d, Cucurbita 158. Maximum number of vascular bundles are present in ‘a, Monocot stem 'b. Monacot leaf c. Dicot stem 4d. Dicot root 159, Vascular bundles in a dicot stem are ... in outline a, Dumb-bell shaped ’b. Oval or rounded cc. Wedge-shaped «4. Polygonal 160, Sclerenchymatous sheath surroundi bundles in a monocot stem, is called a. Vascular sheath ’b. Circular sheath ce. Bundle sheath 4. Starch sheath, 161. The substance for photorespiration is: a. Malie acid b.OAA . Glycolic acid PGA 162. Which of the following is a C4 plant? a. Bamboo b. Rice . Wheat 163. Respiration is an a. Exothermic process _b. Endothermic process ce. Anabolic process 4. None of these 164, Limiting factor for photosynthesis on a normal day is the vascular 4. Sorghum 2.0: b.CO: Light. CaHhO¢ 165. Which of the following exhibits highest rate of respiration? ‘a. Growing shoot apex _b. Germinating seed . Root tip Leaf bud 166. In Kreb’s cycle, how many water molecules are used? a2 b8 ©.10 4.16 167. R.Q. of germinating castor seed is al bol cel 40 168. G.T.P. is formed during the conversion of 4 Fumaric acid to malic acid b. Succinyl CoA to succinic acid ¢. acketoglutarie acid to suecinyl CoA 4. Suceinie acid to furaric acid 169. Which of the following is not true for the ovule of yeas’ 4. It is orthotropous ». Out of four only one megaspore is functional «. The functional megaspore is micropylar one 4. Its usually bitegmic 170. ‘Two climatic factors which affect growth are ‘Light and wind b. Light and temperature ce. Rain and temperature 4. Atmospheric humidity and temperature 171, Level Auxanometer is used to measure Growth ». Respiration c. Photosynthesis Transpiration 172. Movement of plant organ at right angle to the influence of gravity is a. Orthogeotropism . Apogeotropism ‘b. Diageotropism 4d. Plageotropism 173. Opening of flowers in a eymose inflorescence is Centrifugal and Basipetal b. Centripetal ©. Acropetal «None of these 174. The pigments phycobilins are present in a. Brown algae b. Red algae ©. Green algae 4. Yellow green algae 175. Dry fruit formed from bilocular superior ovary and chiscing into the hat ves from base upwards i Legume b.Follicle —c. Carcerulus d. Siliqua 176, According to histogen theory, vascular tissue system including pith is formed from innermost histogen cells called? ‘a. Plerome b, Periblem ¢. Dermatogen d. Calyptra 177. Pyramid of energy is inverted in ...... ecosystem. Forest, Pond ©, Grass land d, Desert 178, Which of the following is absent in polluted water? a Hydrilla b. Water hyacinth BGA d. Larva of stone fly 179. Common indicator organism of water pollution is: a Entamoeba histolstica_b. Escherichia colt ©. Eichhomia crassipes. —d. Lemna pancicostata 180, Commercial jute fibres are got from: Stem b. Root c.Leaves d. Seed MAL 181, If GO = 32, SHE =49, then SOME will be: 56 b.58 82 64 182. 0,2,8,14,2,34 20 b.23 6.24 4.25 183. 3F, 6G, 111, 18L, ? a25N | b.25P 27 4.279 184, 1f7= 2197 and R= 729. How would J be written in that code? a 216 bm 6512 d.i25 185. Arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence: 1.Yarn 2.Plant 3.Saree 4.Cotton 5. Cloth 02.4153 b.2.4,3,5,1 224,513 42.45.31 186, Ifxis the brother of the son of y.s son, how x related to yt Son b. Brother. Cousin. d. Grandson 187. Nitika ranks eighteenth in a class of 49 students. What is his rank from last? als b.19 31 4.32 188, A clock is so placed that at 12 noon, its minute hand points towards N-E. In which direction does its hour hhand point at 1:30 pm? North —b.South —_c.East_ —d. West 189. Logical venn — diagram of the words, ‘Woman, Mothers, Widows @©® S ed ©oe 190, Daksh is taller than Manick but not as tall as Rohan. ‘Somesh is shorter than Daksh but taller than Farhan. ‘Who among them is shortest? a Daksh ’. Manick c. Farhan d. Cannot be determined 191, The average age of A and B is 29 years; that of B and C is 36 years and that of C ant A is 35 years. What is the age of C? 192. 193. 194. 196. 197. 198. 199, 200. a. 38 years b.30 years =. 36 years d. 42 years ‘A man was asked to state his age in years. His reply ‘was, "Take my age 3 years hence, multiply it by 3 and then subtract 3 times my age 3 years ago and you will ‘know how old Lam" What is the age of man? a 18 years b.20 years ©. 24 years d. 32 years Aix: Vy: Win =2: 3: 5,then xy: a2:3:5 0 B6:10!1S ¢.5:3:2 d.25:10:6 ‘A reduction of 20% in the prince of sugar enables a purchaser to obtain 3 kg more for Rs. 120. The orginal rice of sugar per kg is: als b.12 10 a8 . 2 men or 3 women can complete a job in 96 days. Then 6 men and 7 women will complete the same job in how ‘many days? als b.27 ©.20 4.24 clect a suitable figure from the four alternatives that would complete the figure matrix cay cht tT iT? it TT al b.2 3 a4 Find the number of triangles in the given figure: 21 b.23 6.25 4.27 Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror ~ image of given combina PAINTED (2) GaTNIAF (2) G3THIAg (3) G3LMIAS (4) GETHIAG at b. © a4 ‘Select the figure which satisfies the given conditions of al b.2 63 a4 How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight? a2 b.24 44 4.48 *£AI the Best®* 4 Mes BDS B. Sc. Nursing Paramedical/Applied Sciences Nepal's Largest Medical Entrance Preparation Centre CEE Based Model Examination Hints and Solutions Date: 2080-10-27 VIBRANT MBBS ENTRANCE PREPARATION New Plaza, Putalisadak, (Beside Nepal Yatayat Stoppage). Kathmandu, Nepal, Face book: Contact Number: (11-4526149/4540184 Physics >a> ce = rate of change in momentum x2 = I newton Since, the particle is moving with uniform speed s Here, '0'is with vertical. ‘Time period of revolution of satellites is independent of masses Ke For solid cylinder, “> = ars wavas As, w= tana = jptana Kean? 1 Hain = 5 tance 9B 92205 me 10. Atextreme position, a= 0°r = (i) 11.B This is not a nuclear rx", where mass and energy are interconverted. Here, only change in phase occurs and energy in one forms converts to another. Mass remains conserved in phase change. 12.€ 13.B Heat lost by warm liqui m,c)(32-20) = me, (40 — given that, m) = m: = So, eat gained by cold liquid. 4A 15.B 16. )* = (22%)* x10 = (#)' x 10w = 4aw 24, 25. 27, 28. 29. 32. 33, 35, 36. >> >w> U> w> > ax pag But, diminished virtual image is formed by convex mirror. If u be the distance of object from the mirror, then image distance is (-w2) So, V/u-2/u= 1/10 +. u= 106m 2146 2 Btaoaaiiiiier dy — 2B i= 6 -. fringe visibility (v) = jm=simie af Fultrasonic waves > 20kHz and Vai = 172x104 = 172x103 m Among given options, 5 x 10° cm is smaller than 17.2 x 10° m which is our required answer. 60 = 10 logi (Gs) => 1=10° Wim? x A= 10x 2=2HW Now, Power = 26.D a _ 9x10°x50%1.6x10~ ‘eet x10 For parallel combination: Key = E=h(Ri+)=b(R+n) On solving, ie? = 107A Inversion temp (O}) = (600 ~ 273)°C = 327°C & Neutral temp (85) = 210°C So, Temp. of cold junction (0) = 20, - 0 =2x 210-327 = 93°C 2f change is required to deposit | mole of copper So, 0.2 moles of copper is deposited by 0.2 x 96500C charge = 4 x 9650C. 34.4 In uniform magnetic, forces cancel each other on a dipole. On moving the coils further, apart initially, the flux linked will be reduced. Thus, according to lezn's law, current will increase in both the coils to increase the flux linked. Rat = |Rz 2= [Req (LD z= JRe+Xe? = JRe+ (+ Thus, when f 7, z+ ses 40.B E=hf =h(c/A) 43.D 44.B 45.D When n/p > 1, emits a-particle. But, when n/p < 1, emits B-particle 46. Mass of proton = Mass of antiproton = | amu = 931MeV 47.C 48.D 49.C Mo ___Mo 3 0B mee ea 3™ 2.2 gm of COpat NPT =" x 2.2L = 1.2L 52.A CaCO; + 2HCI > CaCl + CO? +10 10 No. of moles of CaCO; = 79g = 0-1 mole No. of moles of CaCOs requires 2 moles of HCI 0.1 moles of CaCO; requires 0.2 moles of HCL y= 22of gram equivalent HCL folume of solutions in CC * 1000 53.C For I* oxide (MO) For 2" oxide M = 50%, 0 = 50% M = 40%, O = 60% +, i sAg*100 = 50 So, simplest ratio >x=16 =i 54.D 55.4 56.D As nuclear charge increases, the electrons are more attracted strongly towards the nucleus and hence, orbital energies decrease. 57.D 58.B Heavy water freezes at 276.8°C, water freezes at 0°C 59.D 60.C 61.C In NH, Natomis sp* hybridized state and due to the presence of Ione pair of electron. 62.C Fischer's salt= ks [Co(NO2)4] 63.D Eq wt of KMn0, in acidic, alkaline and neutral medium are 31.6, 158 and 52.6 respectively o4.B 65.8 Fordibasic acid N=Mx2 66. 67. >w 68.4 69, 70. n 72, TB. 74. 15. >to paw 79.D 80. 81. 82, 83, 85. 86. 87. 88, 89, 90. 91. 92. >a aN PwEN VoOOw > 94.C PH decreases on increasing temperature Red” potential of Sn > fe so, Sn acts as cathode and fe anode s (E°)= E® cathode -E"anode Anode = -0.14 —(-0.44) = +0.3V Atomic weight of metal = 12 x2 = 24 Atomic weight of oxygen = 16 Molecular weight of oxide = 16426 = 40 Molecular Weight Basicity . Ef > Equivalent weight of an Normality = 2 x Molarity Leaching is used for concentrating ores of Al, Ag, Au, etc. 4 Li COs 5 Lis +COr Bleaching powder is Ca(OCD)CI where OCT is effective Component 2C+ Oz+Nz -»2 CO +N2 ( producer gas) Due to intermolecular H-bonding with water. TLA TBA Due to it’s high refractive index and is used as precious stone — Each carbon in diamond is sp* hybridized i.e. tetrahedral > Diamond i insert (form) of carbon > Active form of earbon is charcoal Activated charcoal is used to treat poisonings, reduce intestinal gas and absorb gases apart from He. He is not absorbed as its size is very small Purgatives cleanses by causing evacuation of the bowels Acidic fluxes ate SiQ>, NayB,O> used to remoe basic impurities like CaO, FeO 84.B Bacle/a CHCl-CHCl, —=> CCl =CHCI Westron Westrosol ‘The oxygen in air slowly oxidizes phenol to quinine Diaryl ethers are not cleaved by HI even at 525k Except formal degyde, all others aldehydes and ketones are iter colourless liquidas or solids. Ketones, esters other than formic esters and acid chloride give 3°- alcohol cu/300°° 9 CH3-CHOH-CH; ——— > CH3-C-CH; 4 Isopropanol Propanone 95.B 96.C 97.C Starch - polymer of glucose Protein - polymer of aminoacid PVC is polymer of vinyl chloride Nylon 66 - a synthetic polymer of hexamethylene diamine and adipie acid 98.D 99.C 100. D Ethyl alcobol-spirt of water, grain alcohol, Rectified sprit-Solubility of alcohols in water is in the order 1° > 2° > 3° Zoology 101.B Azoospermia means complete absence of sperm cells in the semen Unlike, Aspermia where there is complete lack of semen with ejaculation. 102.B 103.B 104.D Urinary bladder is absent in snakes, crocodiles as they excrete semi — solid waste which contain uric acid. Thus, uric acid in them is excreted with faeces. 105. D 106.D Thromboplastin is a plasma protein aiding blood coagulation, through catalyzing the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. 107. 108. B 109.C During depolarization of nerve cell, Na* ions instantly diffuses into the cells overriding the negative changes in the intracellular fluid. So, the inside of the membrane becomes positively charged. 110.A If corpus callosum is removed in mammalian brain, then the communication between cereberal hemispheres will be lost. MLC 112.B113.B 114. A Mollusca = Sea mice, sea fly, sea lemon, sea hare, sea squid. 115.B_ Tailess amphibian: anura [eg. Toad, frog] Limbless amphibian: apoda _[eg. Icthyophis] Tail amphibian: urodelal eg. Siren, necturus} 116. D_ Mesozoic era = Age of Reptiles Carboniferous period => Age of amphibians 117. A. Elevated levels of CO2 generally reduces the rate of respiration. 118.D_ Lactase is found in small intestine of mammals that catalyses the breakdown of lactose. 119. A Loose connective tissue is any tissue in the body that helps to attach one organ or tissue to another. Ex-tendons, cartilage, ligaments, etc. 120.B 121. A 122.D 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 149, 150. a 9 Ab >agaD> wpoaan aang wo Sea snakes are identified by their flattened and oar-like tail. This adaptation allows them to propel themselves through the water more effectively. Also exo erythrocytic cycle absent in it Nuclear dimorphism is characteristics feature of class ciliate. Parathormone is also known as collip’s hormone. The bile contains bile pigments (bilirubin and biliverdin) that are excretory products and these reach the duodenum through bile and pass out with faeces. But, common cause of diarrhea in adults is Giardiasis. About 90% of cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas. Contact inhibition is a powerful anticancer mechanism, that is lost in cancer cells. Aedes aegypti transmits dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya and zika viru Primary lymphoid organs —> bone marrow and thymus. Secondary lymphoid organs —> lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils etc. ‘The masseter is the strongest muscle in human body that is responsible for litting up the jaw. Sebaceous gland = Simple branched alveolar. SA node initiates the cardiac cycle & thereby sets the basic pace of heart beat. Stanley Miller synthesized simple amino acids (glycine and alanine) and organic acids from gaseous mixture of CH, NHs & Ho in 2:1:2 ratio with water vapour, ER continuing from one cell to another by plasmodesmata is called desmotubule. ER is divided into two types on the basis of ribosomes. Lampbrush chromosomes appear during the diplotene stage of meiosis. During interphase, the cell is metabolically very active and prepares itself for next phase. Separation of chromosomes takes place in Anaphase — I and ‘2n' from parents becomes 'n’ in daughter cells in this stage. Sporic meiosis is also called as Intermediate meiosis and Gametic meiosis is also called as Terminal meiosis. Proteins are the primary body building molecules; Carbohydrates are primary fuel for cellular respiration and fats for biological membranes and long term energy storage. 151. 152, 153. 154, 155. U>>w> 156. 157 158, 159. 160. 162. 163. 164, wrpuan>ra 165. 166. 167. own 168. 174, vo 175.D 176.4 184. D Male heterogamy is found in humans, drosophila, grasshopper. Type of gamete produced from homozygous genotype —> Always one Purine replaced by pyrimidine and vice — versa is Transversion. GAG > GUG Glutamic acid Valine Teak, mango and Palm are angiosperms whereas pine is gymnosperms. Vascular bundles are scattered in monocot stem. Vascular bundle is oval/rounded in outline is Monocot stem, 161.C Examples of C, plants: Sugar cane, Maize, Sorghum, Limiting factors for photosynthesis are CO2, light intensity and temperature. On a normal day, there is ample light intensity which maintains temperature at optimum level. Due to maximum metabolism in germinating seeds. But, in glycolysis, z water molecules are used The oil of castor seed produces low CO>, so the value of COx/O> is less than 169.D 170.B 171A 172.B 173A Phycobi phycoerythrin In siliqua, dehiscence occurs by both the halves from base to the apex. are water soluble pigments, Tt may be phycocyanin or fintogen concept for shoot apex organization was given by Hanstein, According to this concept, there are 3 groups of initials in the shoot apex: (a) Dermatogen: Give rise to epidermis (b) Periblem:- Gives rise to cortex including endodermis (©) Plerome:- Gives rise to vascular tissue including pith. Pyramid of energy is inverted in unstable ecosystem like desert. Larva of stone fly grows in well ~ aerated water. 130. A If we put, Z=1, Y=2, A=26 20 +12 SOME = 8 + 12 + 14+22=56 8, 14, 24, 34 +6 46 +10 410 185. 187. 188. 189. 191. 192. 193. 194, 195. 196. 197. 199, 200. Q0> U>aU> wo 186.D x+18-1=49 >x=49-17=32 Here, is the case of movement of 45° clockwise. 190.D Here, A+B +C=29 +36 +35 So, C = 100 — 29 x 2 = 42 years. 3(x + 3) — 3 (x— 3) = 18 years. Since, 2:4:4=2:3:5 > x:y:z= Let, the original price be x. And, after red®, price be = . 120 120 AQ. aay 7 o BD Work done by a man in | day = = 3 or,x=10 2x96 Work done by a woman in 1 day = = Let the number of days required them to do the job be ‘y' days oy 4 7 ‘ AQ, 24 = 1 2 y= 18 days In each row, the third figure is a collection of the common elements (line segments) of the first and the second figures. 198.B In fig. (X), the dot lies in the region common to all the three figures - square, triangle and circle. Out of the four alternatives, only fig. (2) contains a region common to all the three figures. Hence, fig. (2) is the answer.

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