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05. Lesson_4.

6 Apply styles, create and update a table of

Lesson 4.6: Apply styles, create and update a table of contents
Note: Use the Next and Previous buttons below to navigate this Lesson.

4.6.1 Applying Styles

A style is a set of formatting characteristics (such as font, font size, font color, and paragraph alignment and spacing) that you can use to
quic8kly format a document. In addition to saving you time, styles can help you keep formatting consistent throughout a document. Word
includes several predefined styles that can be used to format headings, body text, lists, etc. If you do not like the appearance of a built-in style,
you can modify it or create a custom style to suit your needs.
To apply a style using the Styles gallery:

1. 8Select the text to which you want to apply a style.

2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, select the desired style from the Styles gallery (see Figure 37).

NOTE: To display the entire Styles gallery, click the More button in the lower-right corner of the gallery to expand it.

Figure 4.6.1: Styles Group on the Home Tab

To apply a style using the Styles pane:

1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the dialog box launcher. The Styles pane opens on the right side of the program window
(see Figure 4.6.2).

2Figure 4.6.2: Styles pane

2. Select the text to which you want to apply a style.

3. In the Styles pane, click the desired style.

NOTE: You can close the Styles pane by clicking the Close button in the upper-right corner of the pane.
To modify an existing style:

1. In the Styles pane, right-click the style, and then click Modify on the shortcut menu.
2. In the Modify Style dialog box, make the desired changes, and then click the OK button.

NOTE: When you modify a style, all text formatted with that particular style will be updated automatically.

4.6.2 Create and update a table of contents

In order to generate an automatic Table of Contents, you must have applied the Heading 1 style to top-level headings, applied the Heading 2
style to second-level headings, etc.
N.B. Make sure you have saved the latest version of your document before generating the Table of Contents.
Go to the location in your document where you want the Table of Contents to be inserted.
Insert an automatic Table of Contents by clicking on the References tab and then clicking the down arrow beside the Table of Contents option
on the left hand side of the ribbon. A dialogue box will open. Select the Automatic Table of Contents for ‘Automatic Table 1’; then press Enter,
and an automatic Table of Contents should be generated.
If the newly generated Table of Contents looks chaotic, then you need to go through your document and make sure that Heading styles have only
been applied to headings; Heading styles should not have been used anywhere else within the body text. Check that your styles have been
applied correctly, and then update the Table of Contents by clicking anywhere in the existing Table of Contents and selecting Update

You can edit the ‘Contents’ heading provided by MS Word so as to reflect your own choice of text.

05. Lesson_4.7 Create, edit or delete a table

Lesson 4.7: Create, edit or delete a table
Note: Use the Next and Previous buttons below to navigate this Lesson.

If you need to present structured data within a Word document, then your best option is to create and use a table. A table can contain text,
numbers or even objects, and a variety of options are available for formatting the table content.
4.7.1 Create a new table
To create a new table, first position your cursor at the location where you want a new table to be inserted. Select the Insert tab on the ribbon and
then click on the down arrow below the Table icon. The Insert Table options will appear. Hold down the left mouse button while you drag your
mouse across and down the table cells that are displayed. When you are happy with the dimensions of your table, press the Enter key on your
keyboard and a table of blank cells will be inserted in your document.
To easily modify the appearance of your table, click anywhere inside the table, and then select the Table Design tab. The Table Design tab lets
you choose from a selection of predefined table layouts.
Alternatively, you can click on the down arrow below the Table icon and then select Quick Tables, which is the last option on the pop-up menu.
Select your preferred table layout from the list of templates that is displayed.

4.7.2 Edit the layout of an existing table

To modify the structure or formatting of an existing table, click once anywhere inside the table, and the Table Design tab will appear on the
ribbon. Click once on the Table Design tab to see the available design options, e.g. filling selected table cells with a background colour; using
different font colours to highlight particular cell values; or applying customised borders to rows or columns.
The Layout tab provides options that allow you to split cells, merge cells, insert rows or columns, or split the current table into two separate
tables. You can also manually adjust the layout of your table by positioning your cursor over a row or column border, where the cursor will turn
into a double-headed arrow. With the double-headed arrow visible, hold down the left mouse button and drag the row or column border to make
the cells larger or narrower.
To merge the cells in the first row of your table, in order to insert e.g. a table heading: Move your cursor into the white space on the left of the
first row of cells, and then click the left mouse button; all the cells in the first row should be highlighted. Now click the Layout option on the
ribbon, and then select the Merge Cells option which should be visible near the middle of the ribbon. Alternatively, select all the cells in the first
row of your table, then click the right mouse button and select the Merge Cells option from the pop-up menu.
You can cut or copy a row of cells and paste it in a different location within the same table. Similarly, you can cut or copy a column of cells
and paste it in a different location within the same table.
However, if you have merged the cells in your header row, then you must first separate the header row from the rest of the table before
deleting any columns. To do this, click anywhere in the second row of the table, then go to the Layout tab on the ribbon and select the Split
Table option. A blank line will be inserted between the header row and the rest of the table. You can now cut or copy columns within the body
of the table as required. To recombine the header row with the edited table, click on the blank row just below the header row and then press
the Delete key. Edit any column headings that are no longer correct.

To delete a row of cells, left-click in the empty space on the left of the row that you want to delete; the cells in that row will be highlighted. Then
do a right-click and select Delete Rows from the pop-up menu.
To delete a column of cells, move your mouse pointer immediately above the column of cells that you want to delete, where the mouse pointer
should change into a bold down arrow. Do a left-click to select that column of cells; then do a right click and select Delete Columns from the
pop-up menu.

4.7.3 Delete an existing table

To delete an existing table, click anywhere inside the table you want to delete, and a four-headed arrow will appear immediately above and to
the left of the top left-hand corner of the table. Move your cursor over the four-headed arrow, at which point the cursor will also change to a
four-headed arrow. Right-click on the four-headed arrow, and select the Delete Table option from the pop-up menu.
Watch the video entitled “Word: Tables”, which takes you step-by-step through the basics of creating, formatting and editing tables in
(, 2016; approx 5 mins).
Create a Table in MS Word that resembles the example below:

06. Lesson_4.8 Use review mode with comments and

track changes
Lesson 4.8: Use review mode with comments and track changes
Note: Use the Next and Previous buttons below to navigate this Lesson.

If you click on the Review tab in MS Word, you’ll see a number of features that can be used to record comments, keep track of changes
made to the text, or find synonyms for commonly used words. These features are particularly valuable when you are working in
collaboration with a number of different people. In that case, one individual can make changes to the text and add comments to explain
their thinking, before saving the file. A second individual can then open the file, review the changed content, and comment on changes
that were made to the updated document. Based on their role, they may also suggest further changes.

4.8.1 Add or respond to comments in a Word document

To add a comment to an MS Word document, first click on the Review tab (if you haven’t done so already). Select one or more words in

the document text that the new comment will refer to, and then click on the New Comment icon on the ribbon. Your name
will appear in a comment box within the margin on the right-hand side of the page; click inside the comment box and type your comment
or question. If somebody else has inserted a comment that you want to respond to, click at the end of their comment and then add your
reply below. Save your changes before closing the document.

4.8.2 Track changes made to a Word Document

To edit the content of a document in Review mode, first click on the Review tab, and then click on the down arrow below the Track
Changes icon. Select the Track Changes option.

Several options are available within the Tracking group on the ribbon. For example, you can choose to show All Markup, Simple
Markup, No Markup or the original text, by choosing one of the options on the All Markup drop-down list.
If you want to proofread an edited document, then it’s a good idea to select the ‘No Markup’ option from the drop-down list, to ensure
that you aren’t distracted by deleted text that is still visible in the Track Changes version of the document.
Use the Reviewing Pane to quickly identify the changes that have been made to your document.

4.8.3 Accept or reject changes made to a Word Document

The Changes group on the ribbon provides a number of options for accepting or rejecting changes that have been made to the original

The down arrow below the Accept icon provides a number of options, ranging from ‘Accept and Move to Next’, to ‘Accept All Changes
and Stop Tracking’.
On the right-hand side of the Options group, the first icon allows you to choose between rejecting the current change and moving on to
the next, or various alternative options.
The two icons below that allow you to ‘Jump to the Previous Tracked Change’, or ‘Jump to the Next Tracked Change’.

Stop tracking and save your changes before closing the document.

In this video, you’ll learn the basics of tracking changes and comments in Word 2019 and Office 365.
(, 2019; Approx. 4.19 mins)

06. Lesson_4.9 References

Lesson 4.9: References
Note: Use the Next and Previous buttons below to navigate this Lesson.

Before you can add a citation, a works cited list, or a bibliography, you must add a source to your document. A works cited list is a list of
sources, usually placed at the end of a document, that you referred to (or "cited") in the document. A works cited list is different from a
bibliography, which is a list of sources that you consulted when you created the document. After you add sources, you can automatically
generate a works cited list or a bibliography based on that source information. Each time that you create a new source, the source information is
saved on your computer. You can use the Source Manager to find and reuse any source that you have created, even sources in other documents.
Citations are parenthetical references that are placed inline with the text. Citations are different from footnotes and endnotes, which are placed at
the bottom of the page or end of the document. The source information stored in the Citations tool or Source Manager can be used to create
citations, a works cited list, or a bibliography. However, you cannot use the information in the Citations tool or the Source Manager to create
footnotes or endnotes.
Please consult the Stadio referencing guide for a comprehensive guideline on the accepted referencing style and practices. Download or view
the document here: STADIO Referencing Guide.pdf Download STADIO Referencing Guide.pdf

4.9.1 Create a source

To add a citation to your document, first add the source you used.
On the References tab, click the arrow next to Bibliography Style, and click the style that you want to use for the citation and source. For
example, social sciences documents usually use the MLA or APA styles for citations and sources.
Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite.
On the References tab, click Insert Citation.
In the Create Source dialog box, next to Type of Source, select the type of source you want to use (for example, a book section or a website).
Enter the details for the source and click OK. The source is added as a citation at the place you selected in your document.
When you've completed these steps, the citation is added to the list of available citations. The next time you quote this reference, you don't have
to type it all out again. You just add the citation (see the steps in the following procedure).

Visit the Microsoft 365 Support Page to view the video, "Create a bibliography, citations, and references" by following this
342c289fa2a5Links to an external site.. (Microsoft, 2023; Approx. 1.16 mins).
There is also a tutorial on the same topic available on this page.
This functionality of Word makes it an extremely valuable tool for students to use when writing assignments.

4.9.2 Edit a source

If you need to edit a source, on the References tab, click Citations, and then click the settings button in the bottom right corner of
the Citations pane.
Click Edit Source.
Make the changes you want to the source, and then click OK.
To manage your list of sources, click Citation Source Manager, and then add, edit, or delete sources in the list.

4.9.3 Add citations to your document

Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite, and then on the References tab, click Citations.

In the Citations pane on the right, double-click the citation you want to add.

4.9.4 Insert a bibliography

A works cited list is a list of all works you referred to (or "cited") in your document, and is typically used when you cite sources using the MLA
style. A works cited list differs from a bibliography, which is a list of all works that you consulted when your researched and wrote your
In your document, click where you want the works cited list or bibliography to appear (usually at the very end of the document, following a page
On the References tab, click the arrow next to Bibliography, and then click Bibliography or Works Cited.

Difference between bibliography, references and works sited:
References and Works Cited
References or a Works Cited list is an alphabetical list (of author's last name) of works cited, or sources you specifically called out while
composing your paper. All works that you have quoted or paraphrased should be included. You only list items you have actually referred to
and cited in your paper.
A Bibliography, lists all the material you have consulted in preparing your essay or paper, whether you have actually referred to and cited the
work or not. This includes all sources that you have used in order to do any research.

4.9.5 Change the bibliography style

You can change the style of all the citations contained in a document's works cited list or bibliography without manually editing the style of the
citations themselves. For example, you can change the citations from the APA style to the MLA style.
On the View menu, click Draft or Print Layout.
On the References tab, click Citations.
In the Citations pane, on the Citation style list, select a style.
All references in your document's bibliography change to the new style.

Watch the video, "Word 2019/365 Writing a term paper: Adding citations and bibliographies", for a better understanding of the tools
(Kleen, 2019; Approx. 7.07 mins)

06. Lesson_4.10 Start a mail merge

Lesson 4.10: Start a mail merge
Note: Use the Next and Previous buttons below to navigate this Lesson.

4.10.1 Introduction to Mail Merge

Mail merge is a MS Word tool that enables users to send a similar letter or document to multiple recipients. It enables connecting a single form
template with a data source that contains information about the recipient’s name, address and other predefined and supported data.
For example, a form letter might be personalized to address each recipient by name. A data source, like a list, spreadsheet, or database, is
associated with the document. Placeholders, called merge fields, tell Word where in the document to include information from the data source.
You work on the main document in Word, inserting merge fields for the personalized content you want to include. When the mail merge is
complete, the merge document will generate a personalized version of itself for each name in the data source.
Word provides tools for incorporating your data into different kinds of documents:

 Letters - Create and print a batch of personalized letters that include a personalized greetings and prints on separate sheets of paper
 Email - Where each recipient's address is the only address on the To line and can be emailed directly from Word.
 Envelopes or Labels - Create and print a batch of envelopes or mailing labels where the names and addresses come from your data
 Directories - Used to print out your contact list, or to list groups of information, like all of the students in each class.

4.10.2 Start a Mail Merge

To create a personalized Mail Merge letter in MS Word:

1. In a blank Microsoft Word document, go to Mailings> Start Mail Merge > Letters

When you select the Letters option, Word goes into a mail merge mode with the "Letters" format as the main template.
Select your recipients:

1. At this point, you need to choose a data source: Go to Select Recipients. You can either Type a New List, Use an Existing
List or Choose from Outlook Contacts.
2. Select Type a New List:

3. Create a new address list by adding data in the New Address List dialog box and clicking OK.

4. Save the list.

5. Note that now that a list has been created, the Mail Merge Wizard reverts to Use an existing list. You have the option to edit the
recipient list if needed.
Selecting Edit Recipient List opens up the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, where you can edit the list and select or unselect records.
Click OK to accept the list:

Write your letter and add custom fields:

Insert the address block:

1. Click Address Block to add the recipients' addresses at the top of the document.

In the Insert Address Block dialog box, check or uncheck boxes and select options on the left until the address appears the way you want it to.
Insert the greeting line:

1. Click on the Greeting line option to enter a greeting:

In the Insert Greeting Line dialog box, choose the greeting line format by clicking the drop-down arrows and selecting the options of your
choice, and then click OK.

2. To insert other custom information from your mailing list, see add mail merge fields one at a timeLinks to an external site..
3. Preview and print the letters.
4. Go to Mailings > Preview Results to preview your letters.

Choose Next or Previous to scroll through your data set to be sure the names and addresses look right.

5. Select Preview Results again switch from the merged results back to the mail merge fields in your letter.
6. Select Finish & Merge > Print Documents.
8. Choose Edit Individual Documents, Print Documents, or Send Email Messages.

Save your personalized letter:

1. Go to File > Save. When you save the mail merge document, it stays connected to your mailing list for future use.
2. To reuse your mail merge document, open the mail merge document. Choose Yes when Word prompts you to keep the connection.

8 Media
View this excellent video for an in depth explanation and the steps to start and complete your own Mail Merge. In this Microsoft Word
tutorial, "How to Mail Merge in Microsoft Word", an explanation is given on what mail merge is and how it works. After that, details
are provided on how to create a mail merge, how to insert mail merge fields and how to check that the mail merge has worked correctly.
(SimonSezIT, 2019; Approx. 26.17 mins)

09. Lesson_6.5 Construct simple and conditional

6.5 Construct simple and conditional formulas
Note: Use the Next and Previous buttons below to navigate this Lesson.

6.5.1 Create and modify simple formulas

Formulas are a key element of any Excel workbook, allowing you to easily perform a variety of different calculations.

The rules of precedence that you learned at school apply to Excel formulas.

 The acronym BODMAS represents the order in which calculations are carried out: Brackets; Order (square roots or squares of
numbers); Divide; Multiply; Add; S
 An alternative acronym that you may be familiar with is PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication
& Division, Addition & S

Note that an Excel formula always starts with an equals sign, followed by the calculation that is to be performed.
In the example below, the Name Box displays the cell reference for the calculation result (B3), and the Formula Bar provides details of the
underlying calculation (=B1-(B2*B1).
Since each component of the formula has been entered in a separate row, the values used in the calculation can be modified with very little risk
of an error being introduced.

Figure 6.9. Example of a simple formula, calculated as shown in the Formula Bar with the result displayed in cell B3

To modify a formula, simply click on the cell whose value you want to change (e.g. the discount percentage recorded in cell B2), and enter a
new value. The calculation result will automatically be updated.

6.5.2 Use relative and absolute cell references in formulas

In the previous example, the formula that was used to calculate the payment amount referred only to cells B1 and C1. However, the formula
becomes slightly more complicated when we are dealing with a series of data values stored in the same column.

In the screenshot below, individual product Prices have been entered in cells B5 to B9. However, the VAT rate is fixed and is stored only in
cel2l C2. To calculate the VAT payable on each product, the price of the product must be multiplied by the VAT rate stored in cell C2.

Rather than calculating the VAT amount for each row individually, we do the following:

1. Calculate the VAT amount for the first row in the series (=B5*C2).
2. Add $ signs before the column and row values in the VAT reference (=B5*$C$2). By including $ signs before the column letter and
row number of cell C2, we have created an absolute cell reference ($C$2).
3. Because the cell reference for the VAT rate is now in a fixed location (cell $C$2), we can click on the fill handle in the bottom-right
corner of cell C5 and then drag the fill handle down the column as far as cell C10. The VAT rate stored in cell C2 will be correctly
applied to each calculation.
Figure 6.10. Use of absolute referencing to drag a formula down multiple rows

The video entitled “Excel: Relative and absolute cell references” explains the difference between relative and absolute cell addresses,
and demonstrates their use in Excel formulas:
(GCFLearnFree, 2016; approx 5 mins)

If you are new to Excel, then you should also watch the video entitled “Excel: Intro to formulas” which explains how to construct
simple formulas in Excel:
(GCFLearnFree, 2016; approx 4 mins)

For a more in-depth overview of Excel formulas, watch the video entitled “Excel: Creating more complex formulas” which explains
how to create more complex formulas in Excel:
(GCFLearnFree, 2016; approx 5 mins)

6.5.3 Create simple formulas using built-in Excel functions

Excel provides a wide variety of built-in functions that simplify the task of performing complex calculations. Refer to Figure 6.10 above in order
to understand how the following functions are used.

Formula Explanation Example

COUNT() Counts the number of cells that contain numbers within a specified range. =COUNT(B5:B9)
MIN() Returns the lowest value within a range of cells. =MIN(B5:B9)
MAX() Returns the highest value from a range of cells. =MAX(B5:B9)
Sums the values of all cells within a specified range, or within a specified
SUM() =SUM(B5:B9)
row or column.
Calculates the average of a group of numbers (not necessarily adjacent to
each other).
COUNTA() Counts the number of cells within a specified range that are not empty. =COUNTA(B5:B9)
Checks whether a specific condition is met, and returns one value if True and
IF() =IF(B10<200,"Pay","Cancel")
a different value if False.

6.5.4 Create more complex formulas using built-in Excel functions

Formula Explanation Example

Counts the number of cells within a specified range that fulfil a defined

Sums the values of all cells within a specified range that contain numerical
SUMIF() =SUMIF(B5:B9,">= 50")
Looks for a particular value in column 1 of a lookup table; if the value is Example for looking up the VAT amount
VLOOKUP() found in Column 1 then Excel returns a corresponding value from the nth for Coffee:
column in the same row of the lookup table. =VLOOKUP("Coffee",A5:C9,3,FALSE)

Looks for a particular value in row 1 of a lookup table; if the value is found See the screenshot below which
HLOOKUP() in Row 1 then Excel returns a corresponding value from the nth row in the illustrates the use of the HLOOKUP()
same column of the lookup table. function.

Figure 6.15. Example illustrating the use of the HLOOKUP() function

The video entitled “Excel: Functions” explains how to access and use Excel’s built-in functions in order to perform calculations:
(GCFLearnFree, 2016; approx 5 mins)

Check your understanding of Excel formulas by referring to the worksheet extract shown below. Note that the worksheet data extends from Row
4 to Row 655. The $ signs in the row and column references are optional.
Figure 6.12. Data used to calculate Sale values for different Product categories

Calculate the Total Value of Face products sold between 1 January and 30 June:
=R 68,673.00
Calculate the Average Value of Body products sold between 1 January and 30 June:
=R 281.06

10. Quick Links

Week 10
MS Excel: Lessons 6.6 - 6.7
During this week, you will gain knowledge in the following areas:

1. Create and interpret charts and graphs

2. Use pivot tables to analyse data
To-Do List
Use the tables below to guide you through the different learning activities and assessment tasks for this section of the work. For detail, refer to
the Canvas Calendar, the timetable, and Key Dates, where relevant.

Learning in your own time meeting specific deadlines. It can be reading a text, following a recording, contributing to a
discussion, or another self-directed learning activity.


Study Guide_End User

Work through the contents of the Study Guide and/or
Read Offline Computing_2024.pdfDownload Study Own pace
the corresponding Canvas pages on this topic.
Guide_End User Computing_2024.pdf
Read Online & Own pace
Practice Work through the contents of the topics by clicking
Lesson 6.6: on the hyperlinks provided.
Create basic charts and graphs After studying the content, complete the
Self-Training: accompanying scheduled self-training.
6.6.2 Create a chart based on categorical data
6.6.3 Create a line chart
Watch the following video on how to complete your
Lesson 6.7: SAM Self-Trainings:
Use pivot tables to analyse data Complete a SAM training
6.7.1 Create and use a PivotTable
6.7.2 Create a PivotChart and interpret the

Summary of Topic 6

Self-Assessment Questions for Topic 6

Click on the link below to complete the self- Take the self-assessment to test your proficiency and
Self- assessment: understanding of the subject matter; however, please
Own pace
Assessment note that it does not contribute towards your semester
MS Excel Week 10 Self-Assessment mark.

ASSESSMENT These assessment tasks will count towards your final mark.

Formal Formal Assessment SF2: SF2
SF2: Final due date: 19 May 2024
Click on the
below to
Formal Format: Online assessment
SF2: No late submissions will be granted

Formal Contributes 12% to final mark


Exam Extra

10. Lesson_6.6 Create basic charts and graphs

6.6 Create basic charts and graphs
Note: Use the Next and Previous buttons below to navigate this Lesson.

6.6.1 Data types used in charts and graphs

The data values that are used to create a chart or graph must be appropriate for the type of chart that has been selected.
Column charts, bar charts, pie charts etc are used to display categorical data that is grouped by e.g. year, location or favourite sport.
Line charts and scatterplots are used to display the relationship between two continuous variables, e.g. height and weight, or hours spent
studying and exam results. Note that a Line chart may also be referred to as a Line graph.

6.6.2 Create a chart based on categorical data

This example explains how to create a Clustered Column chart that counts the number of sales made to Males and Females in six different
Product categories:

Figure 6.13. Extract from the BeautyOnTap_Data file used to create a clustered column chart

To create a Clustered Column chart based on the BeautyOnTap dataset, which is structured as shown in the figure above:

1. Select all the cells from E3:G655. A quick way to do this is to select cells E3:G3, and then press Ctrl-Shift-DownArrow to include
the data in cells E4 to G655. The data in rows 3 to 655 should now be highlighted.
2. Under the Insert tab, click on the diagonal arrow in the bottom right corner of the Charts group, and an Insert Chart window will
open. Select the Clustered Column chart and click OK.
3. A chart showing the number of sales made to Males and Females within each Product category will be created.
4. Click on the Chart Title box at the top of the chart window and enter an appropriate Title for the chart.

Figure 6.18. Column chart showing the number of Sales per Product category by Customer gender

To change the chart type:

1. Click anywhere in the chart, and then click on the Chart Design tab on the right-hand side of the ribbon.
2. Click on the icon to Change Chart Type, and select Bar, then click OK.
3. A clustered bar chart showing the number of sales made to Males and Females within each Product category will replace the
clustered column chart that was previously displayed.

Figure 6.19. Bar chart showing the number of Products sold vs. Gender

Watch the video entitled “How to create a column chart in Excel 2016” which demonstrates how to select an appropriate chart type for
your data, add a chart title, format the chart layout and add column labels showing the number of data values within each category:
(, 2017; approx 4 mins)
6.6.3 Create a line chart
This example explains how to create a Line chart that shows the growth in Revenue from the sale of therapy products and the corresponding
reduction in the balance that is owing on the Bank Loan.

You will first need to save the relevant cash flow data as Values instead of formulas:

1. Create a new worksheet named Line chart.

2. Go to the original Cash Flow worksheet, and select all the data in rows 4:5 (Month and Expected income), then hold down the Ctrl
key and select all the data in row 30 (Balance of bank loan). Press Ctrl-C to copy the selected data.
3. Go to the Line chart sheet that you just created and click on cell A1. Under the Home tab, click on the down-arrow immediately
below the Paste option on the left-hand side of the ribbon and select Paste Values. The data values that you copied in Step 2 will be
saved in rows 1:3 as values and not as formulas.
4. To improve the readability of the Line chart that you are going to create, replace the Month numbers with Month names in row 1.

Figure 6.20. Data values used to create a Line chart

To create the corresponding Line chart:

1. Select all the data that you pasted into rows 1:3 of the Line chart sheet.
2. Under the Insert tab, click on the diagonal arrow in the bottom right corner of the Charts group, and an Insert Chart window will
open. Select the Line chart and click OK.
3. A new Line chart displaying the Expected Income from therapy and the Balance of the bank loan will be created.
4. Click on the Chart Title box at the top of the chart window and enter an appropriate Title for the Line chart.
5. Adjust the formatting of other chart elements as desired.

Figure 6.21. Line chart showing the relationship between Expected income from therapy and Balance of bank loan

10. Lesson_6.7 Use pivot tables to analyse data

6.7 Use pivot tables to analyse data
Note: Use the Next and Previous buttons below to navigate this Lesson.

6.7.1 Create and use a PivotTable

PivotTables allow you to view structured data from a variety of different perspectives, providing insight into the patterns that exist in your data.
The examples shown in this section are based on the BeautyOnTap dataset.

To create a PivotTable:

1. Under the Home tab, select the data range (including header labels) that will be used to generate the PivotTable. In this example, our
cell range is E3:F655.
2. Under the Insert tab, click on the PivotTable option in the Tables group on the left-hand side of the ribbon, and select the New
Worksheet option in the Create PivotTable dialogue box. Click OK, and a new worksheet will be added to the current workbook.
3. An empty PivotTable will appear on the left-hand side of the new worksheet that was just created; and a list of PivotTable fields will
be displayed on the right-hand side of the worksheet, immediately above four areas labelled Filters, Columns, Rows and Values.
Drag the Month field into the Rows area; drag the Customer gender field into the Columns area; and drag the Sale value into
the Values

Figure 6.22. PivotTable fields used to sum the Sale values by Month and Customer gender

The PivotTable shown below will be displayed:

Figure 6.23. PivotTable showing the Sum of Sale values by Month and Customer Gender

The PivotTable can be modified by dragging PivotTable fields between the Field List and the Field areas (Filters, Rows, Columns and Values).
To display a different calculated Value in the PivotTable, click on Sum of Sale value label in the Values area, then select Value Field
Settings and choose one of the other options such as Average, Max or Min.

Watch the video entitled “Excel: Intro to PivotTables” which explains how to create, use and modify PivotTables to gain insight into
the patterns that are hidden in your data:
(GCFLearnFree, 2016; approx 5 mins)

6.7.2 Create a PivotChart and interpret the results

PivotCharts provide a versatile option for creating, restructuring and analysing chart content. The examples below are based on the
BeautyOnTap dataset.

To create a PivotChart:
1. Select the data range (including header labels) that will be used to generate your chart. For this example we will use the Month, Sale
Value and Customer Gender data stored in rows 3 to 86 of the SalesData sheet shown in Figure 6.11.
2. Select the cell range E3:F655.
3. On the Insert tab, click on the PivotChart & PivotTable option in the Charts group, and then click OK. Select the New
Worksheet option to insert the PivotChart and PivotTable in a new worksheet.
4. Add fields to the PivotChart by dragging them from the list of PivotChart Fields on the right hand side of the window into one of
the areas shown below the list of the PivotChart Fields (Filters, Legend, Axis categories or Values). For this example, drag Month
into the Axis (Categories) area; drag Customer gender into the Legend (Series) area; and drag Sale value into the Values By default,
Excel displays the Sum of Sale value in the Values area.
5. Your PivotChart will now be complete.

If the Chart Type that you selected is inappropriate for your data then you can right-click anywhere in the Chart box and select the option
to Change Chart Type.
Figure 6.24. Selected PivotChart fields after dragging into relevant areas (Filters, Legend, Axis Categories or Values)

If you wanted to change the Sum of Sale value calculation to an Average of Sale value calculation, you would left-click on Sum of Sale
value in the Values area and select the Value Field Settings option. Select Average of Sale value from the pop-up menu and click OK;
Excel will replace the Sum of Sale value with an Average of Sale value.
A chart will be generated based on the selection and arrangement of the relevant PivotChart fields, as illustrated below.

Figure 6.25. PivotChart illustrating the Sum of Sale Values per Month, broken down by Gender

The PivotChart results reveal that BeautyOnTap’s clients are overwhelmingly female; in fact, 83% of their clients are women and only 17% are
There appears to be an opportunity for growing the male clientele. For example, BeautyOnTap could place advertisements for new male-oriented
treatments in relevant magazines, or they could offer a facility for men to purchase spa gift cards online to give to the women in their lives.
Since the lowest level of sales was recorded in June, it might be worth offering a discounted half-day package during the month of June to attract
more customers.

Watch the video entitled “Pivot Table Excel tutorial” which explains how to create and modify a PivotTable. The last four minutes of
the video explain how to create and modify a PivotChart:
(Stratvert, K., 2019; approx 14 mins).

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