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1- Rationale of the Idea

The success of a project depends on several things, but one of the most important is finishing
it on Time. However, scheduling delays affect most construction projects, and this problem
has become a global epidemic (Durdyev, Omarov and Ismail, 2017; Doloi et al., 2012). An
example of a project over budget is a three-story mosque complex in the Rupsha district of
Bangladesh's Khulna division. The work plans obtained from the construction authorities
revealed the three-month delay in the project. According to Shehu et al. (2015) Time
overruns happen in over 80% of traditionally procured projects in Malaysia. Delays may lead
to higher construction costs, lower profitability due to low production, disagreements
between the parties to the contract, or even the termination of the contract (Yap et al., 2021).
Another study found that only 23% of Iran's construction projects were finished on Time
from 2002 to 2014 (Ghanbari, Zolfaghari and Yadegari, 2023). We say that a project is
running behind schedule when the actual Time to completion is more than the anticipated
Time. Any factor that increases the Time required to finish the project—reflected in the
number of person-hours—a project delay by Zack (2003). More recently, Arantes and
Ferreira (2020) noted that Time to completion is a key performance indicator for every
project. Since completing a project behind time is unpleasant and unnecessary, evaluating the
delay concerns is desirable and suitable to understand better the significant factors involved
and design effective solutions for their containment.
The Building Information Modelling (BIM) method effectively reduces construction project
durations by enhancing communication and collaboration between all parties involved. With
BIM, planning mistakes may be caught early on, which means fewer changes to the plans
need to be made. All phases of a building's lifecycle, from design to maintenance to digital
representation, are part of building information modelling (BIM). Building information
modelling's revolutionary potential impacts engineering, construction, and architectural
processes in far-reaching ways. Although architects and design engineers are the most
common users of building information modelling (BIM), its advantages are seen across the
construction industry. Building information modelling (BIM) provides contractors with a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to plan their execution strategies and resources for a project's
launch. Anyone involved in the project, from the general contractor to the builders and
subcontractors, may use VR to rehearse the site management and execution sequences. This
enhances the project's execution. As a result, BIM is practical for avoiding mistakes during
execution. All project stakeholders can see the planning data because the building
information modelling (BIM) software is available online. This allows contractors and
subcontractors to collaborate more effectively.
A three-dimensional model of the building is provided by BIM, which allows the automated
preparation of plans, sections, and elevations; this is the primary distinction between BIM
and standard CAD. With the ability to instantly update all views, modifying or adding a
component is a breeze. The model combines data and generates smart objects with both
physical and abstract qualities. Because it provides a platform for information management
and stores all relevant data, building information modelling (BIM) can save costs, delays, and
lost Time throughout a project's life cycle (Aktaş et al., 2018). A feasibility study is the first
step in building information modelling (BIM), as it is in any project management process.
While calculating the project's NPV, IRR, and PP, one considers the possible risks and
uncertainties linked with the project. This phase is used to assess the project's viability. After
that, you should provide precise data, including geometric, structural, and semantic
components, for comprehensive 3D modelling. Clash Detection can save you time and money
by spotting possible issues before the building starts. Building Information Modelling (4D
Model) integrates 3D components with scheduling algorithms to enhance visualisation,
communication, and resource management. Incorporating cost data into the 5D phase allows
for more precise initial budgeting and design revisions. 6D, or sustainable development, aims
to reduce carbon footprints and increase energy efficiency by monitoring performance in real
Time throughout the design process. 7D Facility Management handles data transfer, model
development, and uncertainty management to ensure everything runs smoothly and
accurately. A single model is produced after all of the lifecycle management components are
brought together.

2- Theoretical Background
2.1 Key Strengths

Building information modelling (BIM) may help all parties involved in a construction project
better integrate, coordinate, and collaborate, boosting the project's chances of success.
Businesses may increase profits and decrease expenses by reducing mistakes, repeats, and
waste. This helps them to meet better customer expectations (Ghanbari, Zolfaghari and
Yadegari, 2023). Many processes make up a building's lifetime, and BIM provides a
framework for representing them all. Building information modelling (BIM) provides an
opportunity to improve the design and construction process by easing the integration of new
capabilities and updating drawings. Shorter, more cost-effective, and superior structures may
be the outcome of well-designed integrated systems (Nofera, Abdelhamid and Lahouti,
Further improvements in productivity and reductions in construction costs might be achieved
via the optimisation of 4D BIM (Gunduz and Elsherbeny, 2020). Because it digitally
represents all project data and components, building information modelling (BIM) is a great
way to find design faults early on. People are less likely to put things off until the last minute
when they have more Time to prepare (Pérez, Ávila and Sánchez, 2024).
Nur Sholeh, Fauziyah and Radian Khasani (2020) investigate the time difference between
traditional and BIM-enabled project planning. By replacing antiquated methods with building
information modelling (BIM), we could halve the Time required for planning. The structural,
building, and MEP design phases are the most time-efficient. Building information modelling
(BIM) technology has made this feasible since it can speed up these procedures. Professionals
using building information modelling (BIM) software ensure accurate calculations and
designs. Similar research was conducted by Isaac, Curreli, and Stoliar (2017), who used BIM
and its minimal interface, which provides several performance advantages, to depict building
Consequently, the system will be able to adjust to corrected problems more rapidly. Making
corrections to a manual design and set of calculations will take more Time. Differences in
planning, surveying, Scheduling, and budgeting, together with variations in the drafting of
tender documents, are either equally lengthy or hardly noticeable.
2.2 Weaknesses

One of BIM's downsides is that users require supplemental skills or multi-talent to use it
fully. For BIM applications, high-quality hardware is essential. Unfortunately, BIM
programmes are not always sufficient for really detailed visuals. The poor adoption rate of
BIM applications in Indonesia is mainly caused by the hefty upfront expenses of obtaining a
single licence (Nur Sholeh, Fauziyah, and Radian Khasani, 2020).
2.3 Implementation Barriers

According to the study, some problems and hurdles arise while using BIM. Won et al. (2013)
identified several challenges, including inadequate data processing during BIM
implementation and a need for more organisational backing from both within and outside the
company. Dainty et al. (2017) classified the challenges associated with building information
modelling (BIM) into four categories: available resources, motivation, utilisation, and
technical competence. Although BIM adoption is complex, the study has yet to focus on
specific projects. Academics worldwide have recently published a report outlining the
challenges governments face in their attempts to use building information modelling (BIM).
For example, Banawi (2018) collected data from Saudi Arabian AEC projects using building
information modelling (BIM) and isolated process, technology, and resource issues as the
three leading causes of project failure. Eadie et al. (2015) reviewed the opinions of BIM
specialists in the UK's AEC industry. They concluded that the fragmentation of practice,
financial and legal concerns, and other similar issues prevented BIM from being widely used.
John, Heap-Yih and Christopher (2015) investigated the use of building information
modelling (BIM) in Malaysia's architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry.
He found that implementing BIM requires public and private sector backing through training,
standards, and advertisements.
Additionally, Abubakar et al. (2014) looked at the Nigerian construction sector through the
eyes of the contractors. They identified several problems, such as inefficient ways of work,
worries about regulations, an expensive information modelling infrastructure, and an absence
of technical support.
Different studies have identified different barriers to BIM implementation. Ma et al. (2022)
have enlisted a few common barriers. Figure 1 shows a few significant examples.
Figure 1: Implementation Barriers to BIM

3- Practical Implementation of the Innovative Solution

To include the concept of building information modelling (BIM) into project planning, a BIM
Execution Plan (BEP) is necessary. "building engineering project" (BEP) describes all-
encompassing plans to use BIM techniques. Included are techniques for carrying out,
overseeing, and controlling BIM-related activities. Every job is approached uniquely. The
document explains what BIM is and how it works. Managing and integrating the project's
deliverables is the responsibility of this plan. A Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Project Plan (BEP) details the project's team, objectives, methods, technology, roles, duties,
and rules for sharing information. Key performance indicators are also defined so that
development may be monitored. BIM is a tool for achieving goals (Bloomberg, Burney and
Resnick, 2012). Aktaş et al. (2018) have summarised the stages of a project's implementation
using BIM, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Phases of Project Implementation using BIM

Project Phase Detail Related Software

3D Modelling Build a 3D model with a date, amount, and Autodesk Revit
cost database.

In order to identify problems before

Autodesk Revit,
construction starts
Clash Detection Autodesk
Verify the layout geometrically

Autodesk Revit,
BIM-based Scheduling timeframe visualisation and estimation for
the project using the provided timeframe Navisworks, Microsoft
(4D Model)
Excel, MS Project,
During the design phase, provide a cost
estimate and quantity take-off. If you want
Autodesk Revit,
BIM-based cost estimation to stay focused at the beginning of the
building process, this is an excellent place Microsoft
(5D Model) to start looking.
Formulates monetary judgements

Sustainability (6D) Energy analysis Autodesk Revit

Information gathering and analysis, as well
Facility Management (7D) as BIM model revision Autodesk Revit

Autodesk Robot
Framing for concrete structures
Structural Analysis Structural

3.1 3D Modelling

With the right amount of information included in the model, BIM provides very accurate
results. This highlights the importance of a high-fidelity 3D model. The model has to provide
the project, family, material, unit pricing, and supplier parameters (Aðalsteinsson, 2014). A
3D model contains shape, size, topology, structure, and more data. Any information not
square, rectangular, or otherwise easily captured by standard 2D models is considered
semantic data (Gimenez et al., 2015).
3.2 Clash Detection

Clash detection is performed before a project's building phase begins to ensure no conflicts.
One of the most time-saving aspects of using BIM is the ability to automate operations using
the 3D model. There are better places to find issues with conventional 2D methods than on
the job site. By identifying and resolving incompatibilities in the building information model
(BIM) before work commences, construction time and money may be saved. A more
comprehensive building information model is necessary for better collision detection (Aktaş
et al., 2018).
3.3 Scheduling

Scheduling is directly affected by interdependent jobs. Organisations use different scheduling

methodologies, such as planning, construction, and monitoring, at different points in the
process. Many use bar charts, Gantt charts, or the Critical Path Method (CPM). Companies in
the construction industry now often use computational technology. Several software
programs are available to generate schedules and reports. Thanks to BIM, the building
components in the 3D model are linked with activities in the schedule to form the 4D model.
It not only helps professionals on the project communicate better, but it also makes the tasks
at hand more accessible to see (Tsai et al., 2014). One significant advantage of 4D models is
their ability to improve project management, reduce costs, and save time. The model also
manages the site's logistics and resources. The simulation capabilities of building information
modelling (BIM) software like Navisworks make it possible to see the 3D model in real
Time, which is vital during construction. For better visualisation, try changing the colour for
the activity change (Brito and Ferreira, 2015).
3.4 Cost Estimation

The addition of cost information to a building information model creates a 5D model.

Quantity take-off and cost estimate are the two most critical financial metrics in construction
projects. The most critical stage is developing quantity takeoffs and cost estimates in the first
design phase. It shows the result before the building starts and lets you make adjustments to
the design if you want to make sure it does not cost only what is expected. Do these
computations with the utmost precision and accuracy; nothing less will do. The BIM
approach is helpful, as accurate calculations lead to immediate time and effort savings. Using
BIM, you can get accurate calculations when you add all the relevant data to the model. The
BIM software receives the unit cost for each component type and uses it to generate these
forecasts (Aktaş et al., 2018).
3.5 Sustainability

Performing sustainability research early in the design process saves costs and makes it easier
to meet performance criteria. BIM software makes it feasible to include sustainability and
performance assessments in the design process. Experts in many domains may collaborate on
an analysis without compromising the integrity of the final product. Architects and engineers
may handle building mass, lighting, and energy assessments, while contractors handle site
conditions, logistics, and the supply chain. 6D models mainly aim to reduce environmental
consequences. Using energy analysis tools in the BIM model, it is possible to include carbon
and energy goals in the design process. Conservation of water, use of sustainable materials,
decrease of consumption, recycling, and energy use are other aspects considered in
sustainability assessments (Smith, 2014).
3.6 Facility Management

For LCM, the best option is to utilise 7D, an integrated CAD/BIM programme. During the
operation and maintenance stages, the as-built model is transferred from the building
information modelling (BIM) model produced during construction. McArthur (2015)
proposed four primary obstacles to facility management using BIM. These obstacles include
"identifying critical information required for sustainable operations", "managing information
transfer between the BIM model and other facility management tools", "managing the level
of effort to create the model", as well as "handling uncertainty where building documentation
is incomplete". The most critical aspect is gathering and analysing data while regularly
updating the BIM model.
3.7 Structural Analysis

Finally, we will work with the structural model to see how well the software works with
other programs. In this case, the Revit model is connected to Robot Structural Analysis. One
of its benefits is the ability to integrate Revit with Robot. Transferring data almost entirely
loss-free is a significant perk of importing the model utilising software from the same
business. Beams and columns, among other structural components, may have their
dimensions predicted so that the Revit model can be pre-sized. According to the relevant
construction regulations, the dimensions and strengths of the structural components are
estimated. The robot uses load analysis to generate the necessary force and moment diagrams
for reinforced concrete components. Because of the overlapping nature of horizontal and
vertical forces, this factor is also considered when calculating various combinations of loads.
All structural parts, such as beams and columns, have their safety factors verified based on
the load combinations.
Robot produces beam, column, and foundation reinforcements (Aktaş et al., 2018). Figure 2
shows an example of a typical robot output during column reinforcement. Once the
strengthening method is complete, the Revit model is adjusted to align with the Robot model.
Figure 2: An illustration of the Robot model and column reinforcement by the robot (Source:
Aktaş et al., 2018)

4- Overcoming Barriers to Implement BIM-Based

Manzoor et al. (2021) find out the most significant issues with using BIM and how to resolve
them. After realising that the "unavailability of standards and guidelines" required
addressing, they established a robust BIM guiding strategy and cultivated an environment
conducive to learning. Overspending, setbacks, and unnecessary materials result from
sustainable construction projects in underdeveloped nations that need access to reliable
standards. Particularly in developing nations, green development can only progress or be
more successful with a building information modelling (BIM) approach. Prior to beginning
operations, owners should develop a plan for executing BIM. Improved BIM seminars,
workshops, and courses are being developed (via partnerships with educational institutions)
as part of the plan to circumvent the "lack of BIM training" obstacle. The relevant
professional bodies should oversee the key groups and players in the building sector. Training
should begin with informing staff of the value and practicality of technology. A written
analysis, like an exit survey, may be used to assess employee response to BIM technical
breakthroughs. To overcome the "lack of expertise" problem, one alternative is to bring in
BIM specialists and develop creative methods to promote the advantages of technology. One
possible solution to this problem is recruiting BIM specialists from wealthier nations.
Obtaining all the required information from the manufacturer may help construction
businesses ensure their technology partner has sufficient technical support and understanding
before committing to using BIM technology. The "high cost" issue may be circumvented by
allocating specific money to a BIM implementation cell. Stakeholders in construction
projects would be more invested and reliable if the government ran a BIM cell. Keeping an
eye on the allocation budget and preparing the report for each month's end are the primary
responsibilities of the BIM cell unit. Building information modelling (BIM) is a valuable tool
for construction stakeholders. However, suppliers should reevaluate their business models to
make them more affordable if they want stakeholders to adopt them. A subscription model or
monthly payment plan that allows stakeholders in the construction sector some leeway to
adjust the date of their payments to meet their typical billing cycle might be a good fit for
most of their upfront expenses. However, it is essential to have adequate daily payments.
Civil and architectural engineering programmes are increasingly incorporating BIM into their
pedagogical practices. As a bonus, Figure 3 gives a thorough synopsis of the BIM-based
research paradigm.
Figure 3: BIM-based research framework incorporating barriers and strategies for sustainable
building projects (Source: Manzoor et al., 2021)

5- Identification of Impact
After starting in Autodesk Revit, we imported a 3D model of the postponed Bangladeshi
mosque complex project into Autodesk Navisworks. After the model was exported,
simulation was performed using the Clash Detective Tool and 4D TimeLiner Tool. Figure 4
shows the results of using the Clash detective tool to identify potential design errors and
Figure 4: Hard clashes detected in the 3D model using BIM (Nafe Assafi et al., 2023)
During the pre-construction stage, these mistakes need to be verified. By picking out specific
conflicts from the list, you may see the mistakes more clearly, making fixing them more
accessible. The design entity may use this simulation to find conflicts before a project starts.
After these difficulties are resolved, the project may proceed to the implementation phase. By
implementing this modelling strategy into this project, we can quickly eliminate the 25-day
delay caused by the design mismatch. This will result in a 30% reduction in the total project
delay (Nafe Assafi et al., 2023).

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