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NYK SMS Manual Rev:2018-08-01 S-033000-03CHK


Cargo Operation Familiarization Checklist
(CL shall be reviewed on board and items can be edited to make it ship specific)
Name- Date

YES / No
A Understanding of pipe line configuration
1 Line setting for loading
2 Line setting for discharging
3 Line configuration of venting
4 Line setting of tank cleaning / COW
5 Line setting for manifold draining
6 Pump room emergency bilge suction line setting
7 Line setting for ballasting and deballasting
8 Line setting for connecting IG to cargo line / ballast line
Procedure for inerting ballast tank (location of flexible IG hose, PV valve,
9 procedure for connecting IG to ballast tank.

10 Location of sampling points of ballast tanks

B Pump room familiarization

1 Interlocking time delay in pump room light and blower

2 Location of various valves and pressure gauges in pump room

3 Location of tank cleaning heater and its blanking off arrangement

4 ODME unit, overboard line and its blanking arrangement

Cargo sea chest location, spool piece (or spectacle flange) and locking
5 arrangement
Cargo sea chest valve integrity air pressure test arrangement and
6 procedure

7 Location of gas sampling points of fixed gas detector

To be kept closed at all times. To open only

8 Location and operation of remote opening of high air suction if lower air suction is submerged in water

9 Location and controls of AUS and its operational mechanism

10 Sound of various Audio alarm / visual indications in pump room.

11 Pump room entry procedure and reporting requirement.

C Understanding of CCR controls
1 Buzzer and flicker stops
Clear understanding that flicker stop to be pressed for re activating any
2 alarm.
Clear understanding that corrective action to be initiated after pressing
3 buzzer stop of any alarm.

4 Remote tank pressure display in CCR

5 Remote tank level display in CCR

6 Overfill alarm
7 Inert Gas Panel controls
8 COP, AUS Controls( Power pack Controls on Framo Ships)
9 Hydraulic Valve Controls
10 Emergency operation of valve using hand pump
NYK SMS Manual Rev:2018-08-01 S-033000-03CHK

11 Ballast Pump Controls

12 Fixed gas Detection System Controls, daily check and periodic checks P/Room and Water ballast Tanks
Understanding of various notices and displays in CCR
List of display in CCR-
a) Loading and discharging rate
b) IG policy
c) Alarm setting
d) Ballast pump operation caution notice
e) Add other displays

ODME unit and control


Operation of draft gauge


16 High and low tank pressure alarm set values

D Understanding of various alarms
1 Cargo Tank Overfill/ High High / High level/ Low Level
2 Gas Alarm ( P/Room, WET, Accommodation)
3 Alarms Related to COP's , Ballast Pump High Temperature
4 IGS Alarms Pressure, Oxygen Content
5 Gas Detectors Alarms
6 Cargo Tanks Pressure Alarm High/ Low
7 Bilge Alarms P/Room, Foc'sle store
8 Use of Loadicator Hourly Stress Calculations
9 Usage & checks of various recorders

E Action in case of emergency:

1 Oil leak at manifold/Deck Refer Work instruction for procedure
2 Fire alarm Refer Work instruction for procedure
3 General alarm Refer Work instruction for procedure
4 Gas alarm in Pump room Refer Work instruction for procedure
5 Gas alarm in WET Refer Work instruction for procedure
6 Tank Low Pressure alarm during Discharging of working tanks Refer Work instruction for procedure
7 Tank low pressure alarm of vapour segregated tanks Refer Work instruction for procedure

STOP cargo operation at first and

8 inform chief officer. Refer Work
Tank High pressure alarm instruction for procedure
9 Inert gas Oxygen high alarm Refer Work instruction for procedure
10 Cargo Tank high level alarm Refer Work instruction for procedure
11 Overfill alarm
12 In case Pressure / Vacuum valve of cargo tank lifts up Over/Under Pressurization of tank
13 If valves do not operate from control room panel Refer Work instruction for procedure
14 IG supply, high O2 alarm Refer Work instruction for procedure

F Calibration and Use of Gas Detectors

1 Calibration of portable gas measuring equipment

2 Calibration of O2 analyzer

Clear understanding of specific number of strokes required for measuring

different Toxic gas detector tubes and stopping ventilation

4 Calibration method of pocket gas analyzer

NYK SMS Manual Rev:2018-08-01 S-033000-03CHK

Procedure for drawing gas sample from tank for measuring H2S and Gas lock device must be used for
oxygen using portable gas detector drawing gas samples.
NYK SMS Manual Rev:2018-08-01 S-033000-03CHK

"Knowledge of Safety and Health hazards of Toxic Gases.

6 (Be warned, any compromise on toxic gas
reading in enclosed space and pump room
entry can lead to even death."

7 Risk involved with high H2S cargo and related precautions Refer to TANKOPS circular on this
G Procedure, record keeping and others

Full understanding of concept of water hammering and measure to

minimize water hammering
Minimum and maximum tank pressure required to be maintained during
cargo operation
Minimum and maximum tank pressure required to be maintained when
vessel at sea
Understanding that any of tank (working or non working or vapor
4 segregated tanks) must not go in negative pressure either during cargo
operation or at sea.
5 Checking ballast water sample prior deballasting operation
Understanding that some of product / oil emits oxygen, therefore, the
importance of measuring O2 level of tank on daily basis
7 Various records to maintain During Loading / Discharging
8 Cargo log book entry
9 I.G / tank pressure log, Hourly Ullage/ Ballast Soundings records
10 Hourly Stress Calculations , Cargo/Ballast Operations Record
11 Ballast Water Management Plan
12 Understanding of Master / Ch Officers standing orders & Night orders
13 Knowledge of PPE Matrix REF. ZZ - SP - 09.10.00
14 Location of SOPEP/FFA gear on deck, accommodation & pump room
15 Various permits & pump room entry procedures
16 Knowledge of alarm activation points & ESD for COP'S
17 location of equipments & points for ullaging/sampling for cargo & ballast
18 Location & use of manual hydraulic pump for valve opening
19 Location & understanding of MSDS of cargo onboard First Aid Procedures as per MSDS
As per MSDS, understanding that vomiting to be induced or not in case
20 of ingestion of oil

If such situation is anticipated, cargo

21 Concept of vessel surging at berth due to passing vessel at close range operation would be ceased till passing
and related precautions. vessel is cleared.

Location and content of STS, ballast water management and VOC manual
Concept of torque value for brake tightening as per number of turn on
winches. Refer Tankops TECH circular
24 Use of Torque Spanner

H Past incident investigation and lesson learnt

1 Officers shall go through the incident investigation database of company Refer to appendix section of e-SMS
provided in e-SMS for incident database
2 Is lesson learnt of past incident noted
3 Have serious findings noted in oil major inspection taken note Refer to self VIQ checklist
Officers to hon their communication skill to answer questions asked in oil Refer to verbal question section of self
major inspection. VIQ CL.

Cigarette lighters must not repeat must not be carried onboard
Matchbox must not be carried out of
6 Match box can be used in designated smoking area, however, it must designated room while crew going
not be taken out of designated area or ashore. ashore
NYK SMS Manual Rev:2018-08-01 S-033000-03CHK


1 Present cargo / cargo plan/Slops Status
2 Any restriction for loading / unloading in any of the cargo tanks
3 Present Stowage Requirements Related to Segregation(line+Vapour)
4 Operational status of AUS ( any limitation) / Line up for AUS
5 Operational status of COP/Ballast/Stripping pump & eductor line up
6 Any restriction/ requirement for tank cleaning
7 Status of tank cleaning machines
8 Status of ODME (operation & testing) / Status of spares
9 Operation & status of I.G system/ location of I.G keys

10 Status of High velocity vents/ PV breaker/ Deck seal. limitations

11 Calibration of fixed gas detection system

12 Ballast water management plan Local regulation
13 Any cold weather precaution (ship specific)/ Heating systems
14 Status of PMS related to cargo equipments/ valves
15 Status / Limitation of mooring equipment
16 Confirm entries in Oil Record Book
17 Familiarization with the Loadicator limitations

18 Running defect status

19 Use of ASTM tables for Calculation of Cargo
20 Removal of liquid from pipelines to prevent liquid seal
21 Understanding of Flammability diagram
22 Prevention of liquid hammering
23 Line displacement during loading

On MR tankers, if time permits, option

of ballasting cargo tank using deck
water through tank cleaning shall be
24 Procedure for taking ballast in cargo tank for reducing free board considered.

Signature Signature
Chief officer INCOMING officer
NYK SMS Manual Rev:2018-08-01 S-033000-03CHK


Cargo Operation Familiarization Checklist
(CL shall be reviewed on board and items can be edited to make it ship specific)
Remark- Familiarization to be completed by persons assigned to deck duty

Date of familiarization training- Name-


Manifold watch
1 Location of Emergency Shut Down for COP's at various locations on board
Location of SOPEP equipments, Dump v/v, Nearest fire extinguisher,Wilden
2 Pump

3 Procedure in case of Manifold leaks/spill

Crew to be aware of emrgency stop switch

4 in CCR and procedure to operate it when
Procedure in case of oil spill and officer in CCR not responding to call officer is not in CCR.

5 Monitoring of Pressure Gauges Active & Passive side

6 Location & purpose of all cargo valves in vicinity of manifold area Confirm with D/O

Cargo / Deck Watch

Knowledge of entry permit,
1 Procedure for pump room entry Location and use of gas
measuring equipments
Use of gas lock device, sampling
2 Safety precaution during Ullage/sampling/Atmosphere checks
& ullaging device
(Be warned, any compromise on toxic gas
Knowledge of Safety and Health hazards of Toxic Gases. reading in enclosed space and in pump
room can lead to even death.
Precaution for high H2S cargo
4 Use of PPE & Gas meters

5 Procedures for checking ballast water surface while deballasting Visual inspection around the ship

Mooring Precautions
1 Operation of Hydraulics & Winches
Procedures for correct use of Torque spanner for tightening the winch
2 brakes

3 Location & Correct use of rope/wire stoppers, heaving & messenger lines

4 Knowledge of Snapback zones Marked at Mooring areas

5 Procedure of lubricating mooring rope to reduce chaffing Refer TANKOPS / GEN /021 /12

Use of Cranes/ Davits/ Accommodation Ladder

1 Location of operation controls

2 Awareness of SWL of all

Knowledge of maximum persons allowed on accommodation ladder at one
3 time

4 Knowledge of limitations of Cranes Cut off switch limitations

Action in case of hearing following alarm on deck:

6 Cargo Tanks I.G valves operations/ Location of IG Key Under direct supervision of C/O

7 Use & location of safety tools

8 Location & Use of FFA on deck , accommodation & in pump room

9 Location of Ullaging, sampling points on deck for cargo & ballast

10 Knowledge of various work permits

11 Location & Operation of Manual hydraulic pumps for valve opening

12 Cigarette lighters must not repeat must not be carried onboard

Matchbox must not be carried out
Match box can be used in designated smoking area, however, it must not of designated room while crew
13 be taken out of designated area or ashore. going ashore


NYK SMS Manual Rev:2018-08-01 S-033000-03CHK



(CL shall be reviewed on board and items can be edited to make it ship specific)

Date of familiarization training- Name-



1 Know the location of fire fighting appliances in Galley Portable extinguisher, Fire blanket

2 Location of First Aid Box

Location of Switches for exhaust fans, hot plates,
3 Lighting arrangements, Refrigerator alarm button

4 Requirement of keeping galley fire door shut

5 Operation of galley steam water boiler

Operational Status/ Procedure for using food waste
6 commuter

7 Segregation of Garbage as per company's policy

8 Awareness of various alarms in Galley

The accessible part of trunkway
9 Method of cleaning / changing Galley exhaust filters under wire mesh shall be cleaned

10 Heavy Weather Precautions in galley

"Knowledge of Safety and Health hazards of Toxic
Gases. (Be warned, any compromise on toxic
gas reading in enclosed space and in
11 pump room can lead to even death.

Cigarette lighters must not repeat must not be carried

12 onboard

Match box can be used in designated smoking area, Matchbox must not be carried out
however, it must not be taken out of designated area of designated room while crew
13 or ashore. going ashore


NYK SMS Manual (Rev:2022-01-01) <S-033000-03CHK>



(CL shall be reviewed on board and items can be edited to make it ship specific)

Date of familiarization training- Name-



No / NA
CARGO OPERATIONS (Procedures for:)

1 Aux. Boiler manual operation.

2 Aux. Boiler Fuel Change over.

3 firing Boiler in Tanker mode and IGS mode

4 Preparation of COPT & Condenser

5 Warming up of COPT

6 Oxygen Analyser

7 Starting up of IG

8 Starting up of COPT

9 Warm up of Stripping Pump

10 Starting up of Stripping Pump

11 Securing Stripping Pump

12 Securing of COPT

13 Securing O2 analyzer and IG

14 Securing COPT Condenser

15 Parameters to be monitored during Cargo Operation

16 Watch keeping in Engine room during Cargo Operation

17 Safety measures to be taken during Cargo Operation

18 Layout of Steam lines in Engine Room

19 Location of all valves to be operated during Cargo Operation

20 Cigarette lighters must not repeat must not be carried


21 Match box can be used in designated smoking area, Matchbox must not be
however, it must not be taken out of designated area or carried out of designated
ashore. room while crew going

22 Knowledge of Safety and Health hazards of Toxic Gases. (Be warned, any compromise on
toxic gas reading in enclosed
space and in pump room can lead
to even death)
NYK SMS Manual (Rev:2022-01-01) <S-033000-03CHK>


NYK SMS Manual Rev:2022-01-01 S-033000-03CHK



(CL shall be reviewed on board and items can be edited to make it ship specific)

Date of familiarization training- Name-


(Be warned, any
compromise on toxic gas
reading in enclosed
space and in pump room
1 Knowledge of Safety and Health hazards of Toxic Gases. can lead to even death)

2 Cigarette lighters must not repeat must not be carried onboard

(Matchbox must not be
carried out of designated
Match box can be used in designated smoking area, however, It must not room while crew going
3 be taken out of designated area or ashore. ashore)

CARGO OPERATIONS (Familiarization with:)

1 COPT & Condenser

2 Auto/manual operation of L.O Priming pump for COPTs

3 Hot well level, temperature and filling

4 L.O level of Governor and Sump tank of COPT

5 Starting up of COPT, Steam inlet v/v of COPT

6 Stripping Pump operation

7 Warming up of COPT, warm up v/v of COPT

8 Manual turning of COPT

9 Securing of COPT & Stripping pump

10 Securing of Condenser

CARGO OPERATIONS (Location of :)

1 COPT Condenser S.W inlet, outlet and overboard valves

2 Warming Steam v/v of Main COPT Steam v/v

3 Drain v/vs of COPT

4 Gland Steam v/v and gland steam pressure

5 Air Ejector cooling inlet, outlet and Steam inlet v/v

6 Exhaust v/v of COPT

7 Steam inlet v/vs and drain v/v of Stripping pump

8 gauges for parameters of IG and COPT


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