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TCF Grade 4 English Exam

Q1) Solve the word search below (5 marks)

Q2) Write the meanings of the given words in urdu (5 marks).

1) Wind:

2) Solar:

3) Car:

4) Road:

5) Grow:
TCF Grade 4 English Exam

Q3) Read the extract below and answer the following questions (3 marks)
Anna has a small garden. She grows red tomatoes, yellow
sunflowers, and green beans. Every morning, Anna waters her
plants. She loves to see the flowers bloom and the vegetables
grow. Sometimes, Anna picks the ripe tomatoes and eats them for
lunch. Her garden makes her very happy, and she works in it every
1) What does Anna grow in her garden?
2) What does Anna do every morning?

3) What does Anna sometimes eat for lunch?

Q5) 7 marks
TCF Grade 4 English Exam

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