Week 3 & 4 Mac 326- Ad Campaign

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Week 3: Stages of advertising campaign, appropriating advertising budget with proposed

date plan for the various activities.


I. Appraisal of advertising opportunity;

 Presence of positive primary demand, is the product /service is in growing
category, if yes the advertising is more likely to succeed but if no it
campaign may fail to achieve sales & profit objectives.
 Opportunity for product/service differentiation; if you product/ service has
a good chance of been differentiate from other similar products on the
basis of benefits/ attribute.
 Hidden or not readily noticeable qualities of a product; advertising will
help successfully communicating these hidden features to customer and
influence their buying decision.
 Presence of powerful emotional buying mmotive- product with strong
advertising appeals will influence buying decision of customer.
 Availability of sufficient fund- fund is needed fo ad to achieve your goal.
II. Analyse the situation- undertand the market environment
III. Have your objective
IV. Target consumers
V. Make a statement with your ad campaign concept.
VI. Have a media strategy
VII. Set a budget
VIII. Take an inventory-talent and skills of ad members
IX. Stick to a theme.

Week 4 ; Definition and functions of Advertising agency, and the element of selecting an
advertising agency, preparing an advertising brief

UTURU (1998) defined advertising agency as an independent firm made up of creative and
business people who develop, prepare and place advertisement in an advertising media for media
for sellers seeking to find customer for their goods and services.
The definitions show that an advertising agency is an independent firm, a distinct entity
not owned by the advertiser, the media or the supplier. This equally shows that the agency can be
more objective in handling the advertiser work, the media or the supplier. This equally shows
that the agency can be more objective in handling the advertiser work. The agency employs a
combination of business people and creative people including administrators, accountancy,
marketing executives, researcher, market and analyst, writers and artists, they make contact with
outside professional suppliers who create illustrations, take photos, retouch art, shoot
commercials, record sound, and prints brochures on day to day basis.
Functions of an Advertising Agency.
An advertising agency performs the following functions to its clients,
1. Analyzes the local advertising business and product or services being sold.
2. Evaluate the market for the business including channels of distribution.
3. Evaluates the advert competitive position and offer strategies option.
4. Evaluate media alternatives and offer rational recommendations.
5. Devise an integrated communication plan and implement it with consistency and
6. Save the advertiser valuable time by taking over media interviewing, analysis, checking
billing and book-keeping.
7. Assists in other aspects of advertising and promotion by implementing sales contesting,
publicity, grand opening and other activities.
8. Develops a plan to communicate effectiveness.
9. Carries out test to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertisement.
10. Render other miscellaneous services such as packaging designs, public relations services,
formulation of marketing strategies, consumer research, audience research etc.

Definition ofAdvertising brief

Advertising brief is an agreement between an advertising agency and a client on the
objectives of an advertising campaign, knowing the objective of the campaign will help to
plan the over all stetegy and set the budget.
It can also be said to be the writing document which confirm the understanding between firm
and an advertising agency on different parameter as per an advertising execution.
How to write a creative Brief
a. Decide on the name for the project: The first step in developing a creative brief
is deciding on a project name. This is the most critical components of a creative
brief. If you're building a campaign around a brand new product or service, the
campaign name will be the first time many members of your team will be
introduced to it. Referring to the campaign (and therefore product or service) by
the correct name prevents the game of telephone from happening. Without a
specific and clear campaign name, people will make up their own terminology
which can alter the intent of the campaign.

b. Write about the brand and summarize the project’s background : To create a
project or campaign name for your creative brief, keep it creative and brief. A few
words or a short sentence should work just fine. If you're launching a product,
identify what the call to action will be for the target audience, then center the
name around that. Here are a few examples of fictional campaign names: blablu

 The Search for Adventure Campaign- A scavenger hunt-themed amusement park.

 The Don't Forget Your Memories Campaign - A photo frame company.
 The "if it not panadol, it can’t be Panadol” “Yellow Everywhere You Go ”
Campaign - A hot brand.,
 Another simple, yet essential section is the company background. If you work in
an agency setting, this is non-2. Write about the brand and summarize the
project’s background.
 negotiable as your team is likely handling several client campaigns at once.
However, if you're developing a creative brief for an in-house project, you'll still
want to include this part. New hires on your team, freelancers, and vendors will
appreciate the background that your internal team is already privy to.
 The company background shouldn't be a general history of the company or a
copied and pasted paragraph from the about page. Instead, tailor this to the project
at hand. Set the scene with one or two sentences that sum up the brand ’s mission.
Follow this with a few sentences that give background on the brand and what led
to the development of the project.
 While some creatives have put this information all together in a quick paragraph,
others separate it with headers like “Brand Statement” and “Background.”
 Here are some questions to consider when writing a company background for
your creative brief:
 Has the company launched a campaign like this before?
 Why is the company choosing to launch this campaign right now?
 What's happening in the market and how will this campaign respond to it?

c. Highlight the project objectives: Here is where the creative brief gets more
specific. The project objective should briefly explain the purpose of the project,
the timeline, and the audience it'll target. This can be done in a sentence or two,
but you can get creative and stylize it in sections.

You need to emphasizing why the project needs to happen.

The goal aspects will help you and your team align on the project ’s expectations. If the company
or client hasn’t identified any major challenges, you can focus this section on goals and
objectives. Explain what a successful project looks like and how it will benefit the company;
4. Describe the target audience: it's time to define the target audience for the project. This is the
segment of your market that will directly benefit from the product or service being launched.
You can take audience segmentation a step further by identifying a primary and secondary
audience. Doing so will give your team more freedom to explore creative ideas that might
resonate with one group more than the other.
 When crafting the target audience section, be sure to include the
following: Demographics - Simple demographic information gives your
team insight into exactly who the audience is. This includes data points
like age, income, education, ethnicity, and occupation.
 Behaviors - Buying behaviors, trends, and other customer history make up
the target audience behaviors. These provide important context to the
creative brief because they explain where the customer is in their buyer
 Psychographics - This is how the audience thinks and feels about your
brand and the product or service you sell, in general.
 Geographics - Digital, physical, and hybrid campaigns will benefit from
having geographics stated explicitly in the creative brief so that media
buyers can price ad slots in each market.

Your creative brief shouldn't be too long, and this section can take up quite a bit of space. To
make this section more digestible, consider using buyer personas.
a. Interpret the competative landscale:Knowing what your competitors are doing
is advantageous for the whole team. You can use competitive data to come up
with ideas that haven’t been tried yet, learn from their failed projects, or build a
project that improves on a strategy they’ve used in the past.

b. Include a quick list of competitors with similar product or service offerings.

Briefly list a few things your company has in common with them, how your brand
has differentiated itself already, and a few areas where this project can help you
get ahead.Get Your Free Templates
c. Prepare the key message: The key message can be the most difficult part of the
creative brief to develop because just about every stakeholder will have a different
opinion of what it should be. To get buy-in faster, try this simple trick. Ask
yourself "We're launching this project, so what?" The "so what?" is your key
message. It explains why your target audience should stop what they're doing and
pay attention to your campaign. The key message includes the pain point, what
the audience's experience might be like without the pain point, and the benefit
they'll receive as a result of your company's solution. This framework places the
customer in the spotlight of the campaign. Instead of telling them what this
product or service could do for them, it positions them as the main character in the
journey from problem to solution.
d. Highlight the key consumer benefits: If you're launching a new product, there
are likely several features and benefits that the target audience will experience
when they decide to purchase it. However, it's very difficult to structure a
campaign around several different features. That's why marketers and creatives
use something called a key consumer benefit (KCB) in the creative brief to keep
everyone aligned on the primary benefit being communicated. To choose the right
KCB, you'll want to get input from the project stakeholders and rely on consumer
data to guide the decision.
e. Select an Attitudes: The tone and voice of your campaign create the overall
attitude and that should be consistent throughout every creative element that's
being developed. Identifying a few adjectives that describe the attitude of the
campaign can help copywriters draft copy that sends the correct message within
the right context. Graphic designers can use colors and techniques to portray the
tone and voice as well. In this section of the brief, you should also note the
appropriate voice for your audience. While some audiences, like those in the
business world, prefer more formal language, others might engage more with a
casual, relatable tone. To substantiate your decision to choose a particular brand
voice and tone, you could write something like, “Our brand voice is a casual and
carefree tone because it speaks to younger Gen-Z audiences.”
f. Determine the call to action: Finally, your audience needs something to do once
they see your campaign. The good thing about Call To Actions s is that they don't
have to be physical actions. A CTA could have a goal to change thoughts and
perceptions about your brand which doesn't require the audience to do anything at
all. Your creative brief might include several different Call To Actions, especially
if you have a primary and secondary target audience. But it's a good idea to have
one primary CTA that drives the project objective we talked about earlier.
g. Draft the distribution plan: When the project is done, you’ll need to make sure
your audience actually sees it. List a few channels or platforms on which you plan
to announce the launch, as well as any promotional content you plan to create.
When drafting this section, think about your target audience. Don ’t waste time on
a promotional strategy that they won’t see. For example, if you ’re promoting a
project on youth\students , you’ll want to invest in social media rather than
billboards or newspaper ads.
h. Share the creative brief with stakeholders: Once you’ve drafted a creative brief,
share it with the team you’ll be working with. You’ll also want to circulate it
around the company via Slack, email, or presentations. If you ’re a consultant
working outside of a client’s company, encourage your clients to share the brief
internally. As you or your clients spread awareness, you should be open to
answering questions or taking feedback from colleagues in case they have any
great ideas. This strategy will improve team alignment, increase support of the
project, and ensure that all of your colleagues are on the same page.

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