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1. Please introduce yourself?

 State your full and exact name.

 Absolutely do not use nicknames because these names are not
 Brief summary of previous studies and work.
 Select and present the competencies that you are most confident in
(knowledge you have learned, hard skills and soft skills)
 Clearly express your desire to enter the field you want to work in or the
knowledge you want to learn at a new job so that employers can see the
candidate's determination.
2. What are your career goals?
 The career orientation given needs to be realistic, directly related to the
business and job you are applying for, along with the reason. For
example: “I want to further develop my professional skills for this job. I
determined that this is the job I love and want to stick with for a long
3. Why did you quit your previous company?
 In case of dismissal: Clearly state the cause of the mistake and lessons
learned to avoid repeating mistakes.
 If you voluntarily quit your job: Explain in the most positive way. For
example: The development orientation of the old company is no longer
suitable; Personal development opportunities are not high, want to find a
new, more dynamic environment,…
4. What are your strengths?
 These strengths must be related to the job being applied for. Pay
attention to emphasizing truly outstanding strengths and promoting
effectiveness through specific evidence.
5. What are your weaknesses?
 Admit your weaknesses and offer solutions and what you did to
overcome those weaknesses.
 For example: I feel like I still lack confidence when communicating in
English, so I still spend a lot of time practicing in my free time
6. What is your forte?
 For example: “My forte is the ability to communicate and present. When
analyzing data, I am aware of the importance of communicating
information clearly to stakeholders. Upon completion of any project, I
will organize a presentation to the board, clearly explaining my analysis
and recommendations, helping the project receive support and
commitment from management. ”
7. What do you know about our company?
 Refers to: The origin of the company; current activities and their goals
for the future.
8. Why are you applying for this position?
 You mentioned experience in a similar position. Show your passion and
advancement in the career you are pursuing. Finally, confirm that your
abilities are a perfect match for the position you are applying for.

 For example: “Right from the moment I sat in class, I set the goal of
becoming an excellent Marketing Expert, good in expertise and solid in
experience. I am applying for the position of Marketing Officer at Quy
Nhon. The company is the first step for me to accumulate a lot of
knowledge and achieve my goals. I believe that your company's
dynamic, professional and creative working environment will help me
gradually hone my skills. to confidently implement marketing plans
from medium to large scale."

9. Why should we hire you?

There are 2 factors you need to ensure for the answer:

 Solution to company problem: How do your experience and skills help

the company?
 Differentiation: What makes those experiences and skills special
compared to other candidates?
 For example: “With my talent, creativity and 2 years of experience
working in the marketing industry, I am confident that I can contribute
positively to the position of Marketing Officer. Success in project X that
I implemented at my old company, achievements are increasing. A 20%
increase in sales compared to the set KPI is a testament to the ability to
apply knowledge and skills to achieve specific results. Furthermore, I
appreciate the values and culture at your company. I believe that a
positive working attitude and spirit of learning will help me quickly
integrate into the team. I am interested in opportunities for professional
and personal growth in a challenging and supportive environment like
your company. Ultimately, I not only want to do my job well but also
contribute to the sustainable development of the company."
10. Are you afraid of having to work overtime?
How to answer a professional and impressive job interview needs to ensure the
following principles:

 Explain that you have experience working overtime

 Cleverly mention the benefits and benefits you enjoyed at your old
company when you had to work overtime. From there, you can gently
remind the employer to share about the policies and benefits you receive
if you work overtime.
 Affirming your sense of responsibility and attitude whether you "work
overtime" or not will still ensure work progress.
11. What was the salary at your previous company?
 Use general numbers: Instead of saying exact numbers, you can provide
general numbers. For example: My old salary was more than 12 million.
 Use a range: You can provide your starting salary and current salary at
your previous company. For example: When I first started working as a
marketer, I received a salary of 9 million and now my salary is 12
12. What is your desired salary?
 Find out in advance about the general salary for the position as well as
your experience level. From there, you will compromise to offer a salary
that is not too high but not low, enough to see your value.
13. How long do you plan to work for the company?
 Example: I've heard about the company's steady growth. The
requirements for this position are also very suitable for my qualifications
and experience. I look forward to working and contributing to the
company as long as possible.
14. What's more important to you: Work or money?
 Both are important so you will need to balance the two. The most
correct answer is: “Money and work always go hand in hand. I believe
that when you work hard and achieve success, money will automatically
follow. So work and money are both important.”
15. How do you complete your work on time?
 You should confirm that you always know how to manage work through
proactive planning, reporting and monitoring work progress. Further
emphasize your vision and commitment to quality and work progress.

 For example: I always allocate maximum time and concentration when

working. This is the way to help me complete my goals on schedule.
16. What kind of boss do you want to work for?
 Please honestly share your expectations of a leader with "heart" and
 Note, give the characteristics that the boss usually has, don't go too far.
For example: Talented, skillful, fair, knows how to motivate employees
to work.
17. If your boss makes a mistake, will you respond frankly or ignore it?
 For example: If my superior makes a mistake, I will be tactful and wait
until after the meeting to privately contact my boss via email or in
person to confirm the information and propose corrective measures. My
wish is for the company to grow. That benefits everyone.
18. What do you think about having to travel for work?
 In case of "Like to go on business trips": You can share about 1-2
impressive business trips that you experienced at your previous job.
 Case "Ready if it's good for the job": You are willing to go on business
trips and accomplish the company's goals, that is the answer to this
question. However, questions need to be asked about business travel
density and travel time to balance family life.
 In case of "can't go on a business trip": If you determine that you
can't/don't want to, you should research carefully about the nature of the
job before applying to make sure you don't apply. job. Position requires
frequent business travel. . And if you accidentally encounter it, just
answer honestly for the benefit of both of you.
19. How do you arrange your time to come to this interview?
 The best answer is that you should come to the interview during your
break. Explain that you always put work first and come to the interview
before or after work or during your personal break.
20. Tell us about your successes/failures?
 For the success you are most proud of: Choose an achievement related
to the job requirements to show that you are a good fit for the company.
 With your failure: Point out a failure that did not cause a major disaster
for the company or be directly related to the job you are applying for.
You should emphasize more on how to handle and learn lessons from
that failure.
21. What do you do when time is up but other employees haven't left yet?
 If it is a work-related issue: You will ask your colleagues if they need
any assistance?
 If it is a subjective personal factor (traffic jams, playing games,
gossiping...): Trying to linger is meaningless, but you should wisely
answer that you have completed your work allowed to leave first.
22. Do you have any questions for us?
 Prepare how to ask employer interview questions such as: What is the
work process, who does the work report to, what is the working cultural
environment, etc.
23. Name 3 positive things others say about you?
 For example: "My boss once told me, I have never met anyone as
diligent, hard-working, proactive and humorous as you."
24. How does your work environment boost your performance?
 For example, the answer when faced with this interview question is:

“I have worked in both environments and I realize that each environment has
its own positives and drawbacks. In my opinion, which working environment
to choose depends on the type of job and nature of the job.
There are projects where I need to work independently, make my own decisions
and take responsibility, and take ownership of the project. At those times, I feel
like I'm operating at full capacity and using my full potential. . There are also
projects where I work in groups because the nature of the work requires
members to coordinate with each other, think and implement together."
25. As a company representative attending an event, what do you do to find
potential customers?
 For example: "When representing a company participating in an event, I
will find out information in advance about the event, guests and their
companies. At the event, I will build relationships, connect with people
and create a comfortable atmosphere. I will find a way to contact and
send business cards to find potential customers.”

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