Cass -8 eng term-1

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School of Scholars, Katol

(Session 2023-24)
Term-1 examination
Subject- English
Date: Time: 3 hours
Roll no. : Max marks: 80

[Section -A] [40-m]

Q.1] Read the unseen passage carefully and then answer the questions. (10-M)

The culture of nuclear families is in fashion. Parents are often heard complaining about the
difficulties in bringing up children these days. Too much of freedom in demand, too much
independence; over night parties; excessive extravagance, splurging pocket money; no time
for studies and family all this is a common cry of such families. Aren’t parents, themselves,
responsible for this pitiful state? The basic need of a growing youth is the family, love,
attention and bonding along with moral values. One should not forget that ‘charity begins at

Independence and individuality both need to be respected, in order to maintain the sanctity of
family. Children, today are to be handled with tact in order to bridge the ever widening
generation gap. Only the reasonable demands need to be fulfilled, as there are too many
expenses to be met and top many social obligations to be taken care of by the parents. Our
forefathers lived happily in joint families. Children loved to live with their cousins, learnt to
adjust within means. There was perfect harmony between the generations. There never
existed the concept of old-age homes. There was deep respect for the family elders and love,
care and concern for the youngsters. Even the minor family differences were solved


1. Mention any two major common concerns of a nuclear family. (2)

2. Who, according to the passage, are responsible for them? (1)

3. Explain the expression ‘charity begins at home’. (2)

4. Describe the atmosphere in joint families. (1)

5. Which word in the passage means ‘Holiness of life’? (1)

6. How did forefathers live in joint families? What ware the advantages of it? (2)
7. Which two things are need to be respected? (1)

Q.2] Read the seen passage carefully and then answer the questions. (10-M)

“Bepin, have you taken to drugs or something? As far as I know, you had a clean record where such
things were concerned.

I know that old friendship don’t mean much to you, but at least you had a good memory. You can’t
really mean that you have forgotten about the Ranchi trip.”

When Dr Chanda came, Bepin Babu said, “I’m fine. It all came back as soon as I got off the train at
Ranchi.” ‘A unique case,’ said Dr Chanda. “I shall certainly write about it in a medical journal.”

“The reason why I sent for you,” said Bepin Babu, “is that I have a pain in the hip from a fall I had in
Ranchi. If you could prescribe a pain killer”.

1. Who is the speaker of these lines? (1)
2. What was the purpose of his visit at Bepin Babu’s residence ? (1)
3. What was the nature of his last job? (1)
4. Discuss the theme of friendship as it emerges in the story. (2)
5. Why was the speaker alarmed? (1)
6. Why was Dr Chanda surprised? (1)
7. Dr Chanda thinks of writing about Bepin Babu’s case in a ………. (1)
8. What was unusual about Bepin Babu’s loss of memory? (1)
9. Does Bepin Babu share details of this incident with anyone? (1)

Q.3] Read the given poem carefully and then answer the questions. (10-M)

“Come and hire me,” I cried, while in the morning

I was walking on the stone-paved road.
Sword in hand the King came in his chariot.
He held my hand and said, “I will hire you with my power,”
But his power counted for naught, and he went away in his chariot.

1. Who is the speaker in the poem? (1)
2. How did the king come there? (1)
3. How did the king higher him ? (1)
4. Write the synonyms from the extract for given words. (3)
a) Nothing b) a carriage drawn by horses
c) a road, path covered with a suitable surface suitable for travel.
5. Why did the man seem king’s power counted for naught? (2)
6. According to you, Why did the man turn down the offer of king? (2)
Que 4] Choose the correct option and Solve the following multiple choice
questions. (10-M)
1. What was the purpose of his visit at Bepin Babu’s residence?
(a) To seek medical help
(b) To seek help to find a job
(c) To sell an investment policy
(d) To lend him books

2. “The king, sword in hand” suggests

(a) wealth (b) power (c) more power than wealth. (d) none of them.

3. Seen from the window of an aeroplane, the city appears

a) as haphazard as on ground. b) as neat as a map.
c) as developed as necessary.

4. What did the child offer to hire him with

a) pawer b) smile c) money d) nothing

5. “I began work on it on Christmas eve”. In this sentence ‘it’ stands for

a) a junk shop b) the garage c) the roll top desk d) the drawers

6. Where did the lazy animal stay?

a) Desert b) Mountains c) City d) Forest
7.The scene of the railway platform reminded Velu
a) The village fair b) of the kumbha mela c) that this city was different from
village d) that he was alone in the big crowd.

8. What did the Snow do?

a) Covered the grass with white cloak b) Painted the trees silver
c) Roared all day about the garden d) Rattle on the roof of the castle

9.When did it become clear that the earth was round?

a. At a height of ten thousand miles
b. At a height of six miles
c. At a height of six inches to the mile
d. At a height of six thousand miles

10. Which subject gave Hafeez Contractor shivers?

(a) Geography b) Physic c) History d) Mathematics

[Section -B][Writing skills][15-M]

Que 5] A) Write a paragraph in about 80-100 words on given topic, “Discipline” (3)

Que 6] Give vivid description and write an essay on “The rainy Season” (4)

Que 7] Prabha’s mother is fighting for her life in a city hospital. It is difficult for her to
imagine a life without her mother. So the expresses her fears, insecurities and
apprehensions in the form of a diary entry. (4)

Que 8] Write any one letter on following topics. (any-1) (4)

1. Write a letter from you to your friend congratulating her on success in examination.
2. You and some friends had dinner in a restaurant a few nights ago. The service at the
restaurant was terrible and the food was bad. Ask the manager to do something
about the situation.

[Grammar] [15-M]

Que 9] Fill in the blanks with a, an or the. Put a cross (X) where none is needed. (2)

1. He comes home twice____ week.

2. My mother is ______ English teacher.
3. Why do you waste _______ petrol.
4. Today is _________ coldest day of the week.

Que 10] Identify the correct type determiners of underlined word in given sentences. (2)

1. Each employee welcomed the suggestion.

2. These books are fun to read.
3. I am going to receive your guests.
4. There was a little food for people.

Que 11] Identify the correct type of tenses according to their verb forms: (2 )

1.Nitu has been finding fault with him.

2. Arnav studied in Jilha Parishad School for ten years.

3. Mrinal is going to take the order over to the customer.

4. I will cook the fried rice tonight.

5. The examination starts at 9 o’ clock tomorrow.

Que 12] Change the tenses according to given directions. (4)

1. He is eating his food. (Past perfect tense)

2. The fire will have burnt the building to the ground by the time. (Simple present tense)

3. Carpenter makes furniture. (future continuous tense)

4. He has just gone out. (present continuous tense)

Que 13] Fill in the blanks with suitable interrogative, demonstrative, reflexive or
possessive determiners. Choose the correct option from the box. (2 )
your, much, which, these, a little, every, whom, the.

1________________ dish do you want to eat for dinner?

2. I am going to receive _________ guests.

3. I have ________________ water left. Ther’s enough to share.

4. How ___________ time do you need to finish the work?

5. ______________ books are fun to read.

Que 14] Tick the correct sentences. (2)
1. I want a coffee
2. The snow is melting every morning.
3. She has bringing a dree for me.

4. They has talking a lot.

[Section-c] (10-M)

Que 15] Answer the following questions: (any -4) (4)

1.Can Velu read Tamil and English? How do you know?

2. Why was it still winter in one corner of the Garden?

3. The camel said, “Humph” repeatedly. How did it affect him?

4. What were the warning signs that both Tilly and her mother saw?
5. What jobs did Hans wolf and Jim Macpherson have when they were not soldiers?

6. Where did Bepin Babu say he went

Que 16] Answer the following questions in brief: (any -3) (6)

1..i) What is your opinion of the ant’s principles in the poem “The Ant and The Cricket”?

ii) Write the comment in your own words.

2..i) What is Hafeez Contractor’s definition of mathematics?

ii) How would you want to define mathematics? Do you like the subject?

3. Do you think that Jaya is a brave and sensitive child with a sense of humour? Find
instances of her courage, kind nature and humour in the text.

4. Do you think the soldiers of the two armies are like each other, or different from each
other? Find evidence from the story to support your answer.

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