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(Draft EMPr)

for the management of activities relating to the protection of the natural

environment during the construction- and maintenance phases relating to the



Compiled by: EnviroAfrica cc

P.O. Box 5367 Unit 7 Pastorie Park

Helderberg 7135 Cnr Reitz & Lourens St.,Somerset West
Tel: +27 (0)21 851 1616 CK 97/46008/23
Fax: +27 (0)86 512 0154 e-mail: VAT4870170513


EnviroAfrica is an independent consulting firm that has no interest in the proposed activity other than
fair remuneration for services rendered. Remuneration for services is not linked to approval by decision
making authorities and EnviroAfrica has no interest in secondary or downstream development as a
result of this project. There are no circumstances that compromise the objectivity of this EMP. The
findings, results, observations and recommendations given here are based on the author’s best
scientific and professional knowledge and available information. EnviroAfrica reserves the right to
modify aspects of this report, including the recommendations if new information becomes available
which may have a significant impact on the findings of this report.


This EMP was compiled by Anthony Mader -

Anthony Mader: BSc, BSc (Hons), PhD (currently completing) at the University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa.

Anthony has over three years of experience within environmental consulting and has worked on private
and government projects throughout the country, including Western Cape, Northern Cape, KwaZulu-
Natal, and the Eastern Cape. Anthony has facilitated Environmental (EA) and Water Use (WUA)
applications whereas other duties included auditing of various types of construction types to ensure
environmental compliance with the EA. The variety of projects Anthony has worked on include, but are
not limited to;
• Housing developments;
• Civil engineering infrastructure projects such as water supply schemes, roads, culverts, bridges,
warehouses, and a substation; and
• Auditing of water supply schemes, housing developments, warehouses, roads, bridges, and

Anthony Mader joined EnviroAfrica CC in March 2020 and is employed as an Environmental

Assessment Practitioner (EAP), working on various private and government projects throughout the
Western Cape and Northern Cape.

Previous employment as an Environmental : EnviroPro Environmental

Consultant Consultants (2017 – 2020)
Current employment as Environmental : EnviroAfrica cc (2020 – present).
Assessment Practitioner

The report was supervised by Bernard de Witt and Clinton Geyser who have more than thirty (30) and
ten (10) years’ experience, respectively, in environmental management and environmental impact



1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 TERMS OF REFERENCE ...............................................................................................................................1
1.2 PURPOSE OF THE EMP ..............................................................................................................................2
1.3 SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................2
2. DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS: .........................................................................................................3
2.1 DEFINITIONS ..............................................................................................................................................3
2.2 ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................................................................5
3. PROJECT LOCATION & DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................6
4. RECOMENDATIONS ....................................................................................................................................13
4.1 ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORIZATION.............................................................................................................16
5. CONSTRUCTION PHASE EMP ...................................................................................................................17
5.1 STRUCTURE AND RESPONSIBILITY .............................................................................................................17
5.1.1 The client / applicant / owner .........................................................................................................17
5.1.2 The Construction Supervisor .........................................................................................................17
5.1.3 The contractor ................................................................................................................................17
5.1.4 The Environmental Control Officer (ECO) .....................................................................................18
5.1.5 Health & Safety officer: ..................................................................................................................19
5.2 COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS ....................................................................................................................20
5.3 ISSUES OF CONCERN ................................................................................................................................20
5.4 SITE SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS & CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ................................................................21
5.4.1 On-site start-up meeting ................................................................................................................21
5.4.2 Start-up meeting participants .........................................................................................................21
5.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS TRAINING....................................................................................................22
5.5.1 Environmental awareness course..................................................................................................22
5.5.2 Specific training..............................................................................................................................22
5.6 METHOD STATEMENTS.............................................................................................................................22
5.6.1 Additional method statements .......................................................................................................23
5.7 NON-COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................................................................23
5.7.1 Corrective action instruction ..........................................................................................................23
5.7.2 Written warning ..............................................................................................................................24
5.7.3 Penalty fines ..................................................................................................................................24
5.7.4 Stop works .....................................................................................................................................24
5.8 CHANGES TO EMP ...................................................................................................................................24
5.9 RECORD KEEPING ....................................................................................................................................25
5.10 STANDARD MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................25
5.10.1 Access & haul routes .....................................................................................................................25
5.10.2 Appropriate use of machinery ........................................................................................................26
5.10.3 “No-Go” areas ................................................................................................................................26



5.10.4 Restriction of working areas ..........................................................................................................27

5.10.5 Protection of natural veld ...............................................................................................................27
5.10.6 Protection of flora ...........................................................................................................................28
5.10.7 Protection of fauna and Avi-fauna .................................................................................................28
5.10.8 Clearing of vegetation, stripping & conservation of topsoil ............................................................29
5.10.9 Erosion & sedimentation control ....................................................................................................34
5.10.10 Alien invasive management plan ...............................................................................................35
5.10.11 Protection of archaeological & paleontological remains ............................................................36
5.10.12 Storage of construction material & stockpiling ...........................................................................37
5.10.13 Oil storage and management ....................................................................................................38
5.10.14 Storing of petroleum products....................................................................................................38
5.10.15 Storing of hazardous substances ..............................................................................................39
5.10.16 Use of cement or concrete .........................................................................................................39
5.10.17 Blasting / drilling (if required) .....................................................................................................40
5.10.18 Fire fighting ................................................................................................................................40
5.10.19 Emergency Procedures .............................................................................................................41
5.10.20 Solid waste management ..........................................................................................................41
5.10.21 Toilets & Ablution Facilities ........................................................................................................42
5.10.22 Discharge of construction water ................................................................................................42
5.10.23 Treating (flushing / testing) of pipelines (if required) .................................................................43
5.10.24 Eating facilities ...........................................................................................................................43
5.10.25 Dust Control ...............................................................................................................................43
5.10.26 Restoration and rehabilitation ....................................................................................................43
5.10.27 Land Management .....................................................................................................................44
5.10.28 Socio-Cultural Issues .................................................................................................................44
5.11 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONCE ..............................................................................................45
5.11.1 Accidental fires...............................................................................................................................45
5.11.2 Hydrocarbon spills .........................................................................................................................45
5.11.3 Concrete/cement spillages ............................................................................................................45
6. OPERATIONAL EMP (OEMP) ......................................................................................................................45
6.1 TRAFFIC ACCESS ROUTES & HAUL ROADS ................................................................................................46
6.2 ENERGY MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................46
6.3 WATER MANAGEMENT ..............................................................................................................................47
6.4 WASTE & POLLUTION MANAGEMENT ..........................................................................................................47
6.4.1 Recycling .......................................................................................................................................48
6.4.2 Pollution management ...................................................................................................................48
6.5 SEWERAGE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................48
6.6 FIRE MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................................49
6.6.1 Accidental fires...............................................................................................................................49
6.7 MINIMISE DUST AND AIR EMISSIONS ...........................................................................................................49



6.8 CHEMICAL MANAGEMENT (IF REQUIRED)............................................................................................49

6.9.1 Wastewater/effluent .......................................................................................................................50
6.9.2 Emergency/contingency preparedness .........................................................................................51
7. DECOMMISIONING EMP (DEMP) ...............................................................................................................51




The main purpose of this Environmental Management Plan or Programme (EMP) is to prevent
avoidable damage and/or minimise or mitigate unavoidable environmental damage associated with any
construction, maintenance, or demolition work where there is a risk of environmental damage and to
enhance positive benefits of the project.
The EMP forms part of the contractual obligations to which all contractors/employees involved in
construction, maintenance, operation, or demolition work must be committed. It serves as a guideline
and baseline information document for the construction and operation of the proposed project and aims
to comply with Section 24N of the National Environmental Management Act (Act no 107 of 1998) also
known as NEMA, as well as the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Notice No R 326 and
any additional specific information requested by any State Department, including the Department of
Environment and Nature Conservation (D:E&NC) for specific projects.

This EMP:
• identifies project activities that could cause environmental damage (risks) and provides a
summary of actions required;
• identifies persons responsible for ensuring compliance with the EMP and provides their contact
• provides standard procedures to avoid and/or minimise the identified negative environmental
impacts and to enhance the positive impact of the project on the environment;
• provides site and project specific rules and actions required, including a site plan/s showing:
o areas where construction, maintenance, or demolition work may be carried out;
o areas where any material or waste may be stored;
o allowed access routes, parking and turning areas for construction or construction-related
• forms a written record of procedures, responsibilities, requirements and rules for Contractor/s,
their staff and any other person who must comply with the EMP;
• provides a monitoring and auditing programme to track and record compliance and identify and
respond to any potential or actual negative environmental impacts; and
• provides a monitoring programme to record any mitigation measures that are implemented;

The EMP is partly prescriptive (identifying specific people or organisations to undertake specific tasks,
in order to ensure that impacts on the environment are minimised), but it is also an open-ended
document in that information gained during the construction activities and/or monitoring of procedures
on site could lead to changes in the EMP.


EnviroAfrica (Pty) Ltd was appointed by Mr Len Fourie of Macroplan as the independent Environmental
Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to draft the EMP. In terms of the special conditions of the contract
(specifications) the EMP must include the following:
• Details of the EAP (Refer to Page ii of this document)
• Purpose of the EMP (Refer Par. 1.2)
• Legal requirements (Refer Par. 4 & 6.1)
• Management of possible impacts (Refer Par. 5-7)
• Institutional arrangements (Refer Par. 7.1)
• EMP operational & implementation procedures (Refer Par 5-9)
• Conclusion (Refer Par. 6)
• Annexures (Refer to Appendices)



The purpose of this Environmental Management Plan or Programme (EMP) is to give direction and
guidance to all responsible parties, and binds all contractors, sub-contractors and other persons
working on the site to adhere to the terms and conditions of the EMP during the construction and
operational phase of the project. Any additional Site Specific conditions decided and agreed upon
during the “On Site Start-Up Meeting” shall be included and will become a part of the EMP.
The overall aim of the EMP is to prevent avoidable damage and/or minimise or mitigate unavoidable
environmental damage associated with the construction, and to a lesser degree the operational, phases
of the proposed project.
The EMP forms part of the contractual obligations to which all contractors/employees involved in
construction, maintenance, or demolition work must be committed. It serves as a guideline and baseline
information document for the construction, operational and decommissioning phases of the proposed
project and aims to comply with Section 24N of the National Environmental Management Act (Act no
107 of 1998) also known as NEMA, as well as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations
and any additional specific information requested by any State Department, including the Department
of Environmental Affairs (DEA) for specific projects.

This EMP:
• identifies project activities that could cause environmental damage (risks) and provides a
summary of actions required;
• identifies persons responsible for ensuring compliance with the EMP;
• provides standard procedures to avoid and/or minimise the identified negative environmental
impacts and to enhance the positive impact of the project on the environment;
• provides site and project-specific rules and actions required, through the start-up report;
• forms a written record of procedures, responsibilities, requirements and rules for Contractor(s),
their staff and any other person who must comply with the EMP;
• provides for monitoring of compliance and record keeping.

The EMP is partly prescriptive (identifying specific people or organisations to undertake specific tasks,
in order to ensure that impacts on the environment are minimised), but it is also an open-ended
document in that information gained during the construction activities and/or monitoring of procedures
on site could lead to changes in the EMP.

This EMP addresses the construction and operational phases and all activities associated with this
project. Compliance to the EMP shall be monitored by an independent Environmental Control Officer
(ECO) who will visit the site on a regular basis during the construction phase (at least twice monthly).
The Client or the Construction Engineer or Project Manager, on behalf of the Client, will be responsible
to ensure the implementation of the requirements of this EMP by all contractors and sub-contractors.



Applicant: the person or responsible person from an organization who applied for the proposed activity
described in the ROD.
Audit (Site Completion): environmental evaluation (audit) of compliance of the construction phase to
the conditions of the EMP.
Bund: enclosure under / around a storage facility to contain spillage.
Batch plant: a concrete or plaster mixing facility and associated equipment and materials.
Construction: means the construction period of the project during which the actual works are carried
out, deemed to include site establishment, site preparation, the works, maintenance period
and decommissioning and is defined as from commencement of site establishment until site
handover (practical completion).
Construction site: means the area influenced and affected by the construction activities or under the
control of the Contractor often referred to as “the Site”.
Construction Supervisor: The person responsible (appointed by the owner) to ensure that the
construction is carried out to completion on time, within budged and that the Contractor
fulfils his obligations in terms of the EMP.
Contaminated water: means water contaminated by the Contractor's activities, e.g. concrete water
and runoff from plant/ personnel wash areas.
Contractor: the principal persons / company and all other sub-contractors involved in the construction
of the project.
Contractor’s camp: means the designated and suitably demarcated areas on the Site within which all
site offices and staff facilities are situated and within which equipment will be stored, for
instance, borrow areas, batching plant, crusher plant, sand washing plant, workshop,
offices, rest areas, ablution areas, etc., whichever is applicable. Also referred to as site
Declaration of understanding: Form that is signed by all contractors involved in the construction
works of their understanding and acceptance of the EMP and site-specific additions to the
Development site: boundary and extent of development works and infrastructure.
Environment: means the surroundings within which humans exist and that are made up of:
• the land, water and atmosphere of the earth;
• micro-organisms, plant and animal life;
• any part of the combination of the above two bullets and the interrelationships between them;
• the physical, chemical, aesthetic and cultural properties and conditions of the foregoing that
influence human health and well-being
Environmental Aspect: Any element of any construction activity, product or services that can interact
with the environment.
Environmental Audit Report: report done by the ECO and submitted by the Applicant to the
satisfaction of the Chief Directorate Environmental Affairs, within six months after
construction has been completed and also after the site(s) has been rehabilitated.
Environmental Control Officer: The ECO must be independent and suitably qualified (a diploma or
degree in environmental management with at least 5 or more years of environmental site
management experience) and must have a sound knowledge of the environment in which


the activity will take place. The ECO should be registered as an Environmental Scientist (in
terms of section 20(3) of the Natural Scientific Professions Act, 2003 (Act 27 of 2003)).
Environmental Completion Statement: A report by the ECO to the relevant authorities stating
completion of the project and compliance with the EMP and its conditions.
Environmental Impact: Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or
partially resulting from any construction activity, product or services.
Method statement: A statement by the Contractor, describing the scope of intended construction
works step-by-step, in order for the ECO and Construction Supervisor to understand the
Contractors intentions and be able to comment on, so that they could assist with devising
mitigating measures should it be necessary to avoid environmental impact.
No-Go Area(s): An area of such (environmental/aesthetical) importance that no person or activity are
allowed within a designated boundary surrounding this area.
Owner: The owner, or dedicated person, responsible for the management of the property on which the
proposed activity (in terms of the EA) will be performed.
Stop Works Order: An order which can be issued either by the ECO or Construction Supervisor to
the Contractor (or any sub-contractor) if serious environmental damage is about to happen
or is happening as a result of construction activities. On receiving such an order the
Contractor must immediately stop all activities (or planned activities) relevant to the specific
issue until an environmentally friendly resolution has been approved by the ECO.
Site meetings: Periodic (weekly or monthly) meetings between the ECO, Construction Supervisor and
Contractor to discuss construction activities that relate to the environment or any other
environmental issues that might arise.
Works: The works to be executed in accordance with a contract.
On-site start-up meeting: a start-up meeting held on site, before any construction has begun to
discuss EMP and determine site specific additions that will be included as the basis for the
Potentially hazardous substance: is a substance, which, in the reasonable opinion of the Engineer,
can have a deleterious (detrimental) effect on the environment.
Precautionary principle: means the basic principle, that when in doubt or having insufficient or
unreliable information on which to base a decision, to then undertake actions that will have
minimum risk.
Reasonable: means unless the context indicates otherwise, reasonable in the opinion of the
Engineer/Project Leader after he has consulted with a person, not an employee of the client,
suitably experienced in "environmental implementation plans" and "environmental
management plans", both as defined in the Environmental Management Act (Act No 107,
Solid waste: means all solid waste, including construction debris, chemical waste, excess
cement/concrete, wrapping materials, timber, tins and cans, drums, wire, nails, food and
domestic waste (e.g. plastic packets and wrappers).


CARA Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act no. 43 of 1983
DEA Department Environmental Affairs
DENC Department of Environmental and Nature Conservation
DTEC Department of Tourism, Environment And Conservation [Northern Cape Province]
EA Environmental Authorization (Record Of Decision) issued by relevant authority for
the authorisation to commence construction under certain environmental
EAP Environmental Assessment Practitioner
ECO Environmental Control Officer - Must be a suitably qualified independent
environmental consultant appointed to ensure compliance to the EMP
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMP Environmental Management Plan or Programme
ER Engineers representative or Main contractors representative
ESO Environmental Site Officer - . Must be a person with adequate environmental
knowledge to understand and implement the EMP by conducting on-site inspections
determined by the ECO and the client.
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet(s)
NCNCA Northern Cape Nature Conservation Act 9 of 2009.
NEMA National Environmental Management Act no. 107 of 1998.
NEM:AQA National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004.
NEM:BA National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004.
NEM:PAA National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003
NEM:WA National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008.
NFA National Forest Act 84 of 1998.
NHRA National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999.
NVFFA National Veld and Forest Fire Act 101 of 1998.
NWA National Water Act 36 of 1998
OSSM On-site Start-up Meeting
ROD Record of Decision (see Environmental Authorization)
SAHRA South African Heritage Resources Agency



The !Kheis Local Municipality is proposing that a new township development, consisting of
approximately 360 erven and associated infrastructure on Erven 1, 45 and 47, Wegdraai. The proposed
project entails the development of approximately 360 erven with an average including associated
infrastructure such as roads, and water, stormwater, effluent and electricity reticulation. The total area
to be developed measures approximately forty-five (45) hectares. The site is located approximately
13km north-west of Groblershoop along the N10 in the !Kheis Local Municipality, Northern Cape, at the
following site co-ordinates: Proposed site: 28°50’22.86”S; 21°51’52.89”E.

According to the SPLUMA Application Report (Appendix 4A), the erven are broken down as follows:
• 364 x Residential Zone I units: dwelling house/ residential house containing one residential unit
- a self-contained interlinking group of rooms for the accommodation and housing of a single
family, or a maximum of four persons;
• 3 x Business Zone I units: business building / premises which will be used as shops and/or
offices (e.g., professional offices, places of assembly, doctors consulting rooms);
• 2 x Institutional Zone II units: place of worship (e.g., places for practising religion);
• 6 x Open Space II: public open space to be utilized by the public as an open space, park, garden,
playground, or recreational site;
• 6 x Transport Zone I units: public street reserved for street purposes and includes facilities for
public transport;
• 1 x Authority Zone I: land/ erven and buildings utilized by local and district municipality to carry
out mandatory functions; and
• 7 x Undetermined Zone units: Referred to properties previously zoned ‘undetermined’ or other
abolished zones in previous schemes which cannot be appropriately converted to a new use

The applicant is !Kheis Local Municipality who will undertake the activity should it be approved.
EnviroAfrica CC has been appointed as the independent environmental assessment practitioner (EAP)
responsible for undertaking the relevant EIA and the Public Participation Process required in terms of
the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) (NEMA).


1: 50 000 Locality

Figure I: 1: 50 000 Locality Map of the proposed Wegdraai Housing Development.

Proposed site for the Wegdraai

Housing Development

Existing Wegdraai Settlement

adjacent to the proposed site for

Figure II: Proposed Wegdraai Development Footrpint. Source: QGIS, version 3.2.

Environmental Requirements
The National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) (NEMA), as amended, makes provision
for the identification and assessment of activities that are potentially detrimental to the environment and
which require authorization from the relevant authorities based on the findings of an environmental
assessment. NEMA is a national act, which is enforced by the Department of Environmental Affairs
(DEA). These powers are delegated in the Northern Cape to the Department of Environment and Nature
Conservation (DE&NC).

On the 04 December 2014 the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs promulgated regulations in
terms of Chapter 5 of the NEMA, namely the EIA Regulations 2014. These were amended on 07 April
2017 (GN No. 326, No. 327 (Listing Notice 1), No. 325 (Listing Notice 2), No. 324 (Listing Notice 3) in
Government Gazette No. 40772 of 07 April 2017). Listing Notice 1 and 3 are for a Basic Assessment and
Listing Notice 2 for a full Environmental Impact Assessment. According to the regulations of Section 24(5)
of NEMA, authorisation is required for the following listed activities for the proposed agricultural

Government Notice R327 (Listing Notice 1) listed activities:

9 The development of infrastructure exceeding 1000 metres in length for the bulk transportation
of water or storm water;
(i) with an internal diameter of 0,36 metres or more; or
(ii) with a peak throughput of 120 litres per second or more;
excluding where;
a) such infrastructure is for bulk transportation of water or storm water or storm water
drainage inside a road reserve or railway line reserve; or
b) where such development will occur within an urban area.

10 The development and related operation of infrastructure exceeding 1000 metres in length for
the bulk transportation of sewage, effluent, process water, waste water, return water, industrial
discharge or slimes
(i) with an internal diameter of 0,36 metres or more; or
(ii) with a peak throughput of 120 litres per second or more;
excluding where;
(a) such infrastructure is for the bulk transportation of sewage, effluent, process water,
waste water, return water, industrial discharge or slimes inside a road reserve or
railway line reserve; or
(b) where such development will occur within an urban area.


12 The development of;

(i) dams or weirs, where the dam or weir, including infrastructure and water surface area,
exceeds 100 square metres;
(ii) infrastructure or structures with a physical footprint of 100 square metres or more;
where such development occurs;
(a) within a watercourse;
(b) in front of a development setback; or
(c) if no development setback exists, within 32 metres of a watercourse, measured from the
edge of a watercourse;

19 The infilling or depositing of any material of more than 10 cubic metres into, or the dredging,
excavation, removal or moving of soil, sand, shells, shell grit, pebbles or rock of more than 10
cubic metres from a watercourse;
(a) will occur behind a development setback;
(b) is for maintenance purposes undertaken in accordance with a maintenance management
plan; or
(c) falls within the ambit of activity 21 in this Notice, in which case that activity applies.

24 The development of a road;

(i) for which an environmental authorisation was obtained for the route determination in terms
of activity 5 in Government Notice 387 of 2006 or activity 18 in Government Notice 545 of
2010; or
(ii) with a reserve wider than 13,5 meters, or where no reserve exists where the road is wider
than 8 metres;
but excluding a road;
(a) which is identified and included in activity 27 in Listing Notice 2 of 2014; or
(b) where the entire road falls within an urban area; or
(c) which is 1 kilometre or shorter

27 The clearance of an area of 1 hectares or more, but less than 20 hectares of indigenous
vegetation, except where such clearance of indigenous vegetation is required for;
(i) the undertaking of a linear activity; or
(ii) maintenance purposes undertaken in accordance with a maintenance management plan.


56 The widening of a road by more than 6 metres, or the lengthening of a road by more than 1
(i) where the existing reserve is wider than 13,5 meters; or
(ii) where no reserve exists, where the existing road is wider than 8 metres;
excluding where widening or lengthening occur inside urban areas.

Government Notice R325 (Listing notice 2) listed activities:

15 The clearance of an area of 20 hectares or more of indigenous vegetation, excluding where

such clearance of indigenous vegetation is required for;
(i) the undertaking of a linear activity; or
(ii) maintenance purposes undertaken in accordance with a maintenance management plan.

Government Notice R324 (Listing notice 3) listed activities:

4 The development of a road wider than 4 metres with a reserve less than 13.5 metres

12 The clearance of an area of 300 square metres or more of indigenous vegetation except where
such clearance of vegetation is required for maintenance purposes undertaken in accordance
with a maintenance management plan.

14 The development of;

(i) dams or weirs, where the dam or weir, including infrastructure and water surface area,
exceeds 10 square metres;
(ii) infrastructure or structures with a physical footprint of 10 square metres or more;
where such development occurs;
(a) within a watercourse;
(b) in front of a development setback; or
(c) if no development setback exists, within 32 metres of a watercourse, measured from the
edge of a watercourse;
Excluding the development of infrastructure or structures within existing ports or harbours that
will not increase the development footprint of the port or harbour;

The environmental process is being undertaken in distinct phases. The NEMA Application Form and
Draft Scoping Report were submitted to DE&NC on the 29th July 2020. EnviroAfrica, as the appointed
Environmental Assessment Practitioner (“EAP”), received the acknowledgement letter for the NEMA
Application Form and Draft Scoping Report on the 16th October 2020. The aim of the Scoping Process


was to identify potential issues. The Final Scoping Report and Plan of Study for EIA were submitted to
the Department of Environment and Nature Conservation (DE&NC) on the 8th October 2020. The
Scoping Process was undertaken to identify potential issues.
As per section 22 of the EIA Regulations (as amended):
22. The competent authority must, within 43 days of receipt of a scoping report—
(a) accept the scoping report, with or without conditions, and advise the applicant to proceed or continue
with the tasks contemplated in the plan of study for environmental impact assessment; or
(b) refuse environmental authorisation if—
(i) the proposed activity is in conflict with a prohibition contained in legislation; or
(ii) the scoping report does not substantially comply with Appendix 2 to these Regulations or any
applicable protocol or minimum information requirements as identified and gazetted by the minister in
a government notice and the applicant is unwilling or unable to ensure compliance with these
requirements within the prescribed timeframe.
Therefore, the Draft EIR (this report) was submitted once approval/ acceptance of the Final Scoping
Report was received from the competent authority.

The principles of environmental management as set out in section 2 of NEMA have been taken into
account. The principles pertinent to this activity include:
- People and their needs will be placed at the forefront while serving their physical, psychological,
developmental, cultural and social interests. The activity seeks to provide additional employment
and economic development opportunities, which are a local and national need – the proposed
activity is expected to have a beneficial impact on people, especially developmental and social
benefits, as well providing additional employment and economic development opportunities.
- Development will be socially, environmentally and economically sustainable. Where disturbance
of ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, pollution and degradation, and landscapes and sites that
constitute the nation’s cultural heritage cannot be avoided, are minimised and remedied. The
impact that the activity will potentially have on these will be considered, and mitigation measures
will be put in place - potential impacts have been identified and considered, and any further
potential impacts will be identified during the public participation process. Mitigation measures
will be included in the Environmental Management Programme (“EMPr”).
- Where waste cannot be avoided, it will be minimised and remedied through the implementation
and adherence of the EMPr – this will be included in the EIR.
- The use of non-renewable natural resources will be responsible and equitable.
- The negative impacts on the environment and on people’s environmental rights will be
anticipated, investigated and prevented, and where they cannot be prevented, will be minimised
and remedied.
- The interests, needs and values of all interested and affected parties will be taken into account
in any decisions through the Public Participation Process.
- The social, economic and environmental impacts of the activity will be considered, assessed
and evaluated, including the disadvantages and benefits.
- The effects of decisions on all aspects of the environment and all people in the environment will
be taken into account, by pursuing what is considered the best practicable environmental option.


Applicable legislation

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (1996): of special relevance in terms of environment is
section 24
Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act 43 of 1983 (CARA): supports conservation of natural
agricultural resources (soil, water, plant biodiversity) by maintaining the production potential of
the land and combating/preventing erosion; for example, by controlling or eradicating declared
weeds and invader plants.
Hazardous Substances Act 15 of 1973: to control substances that may cause injury, ill-health, or
death through their toxic, corrosive, irritant, strongly sensitizing or flammable nature, or by the
generation of pressure
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (as amended): replaces the Environmental
Conservation Act (ECA) and establishes principles for decision-making on matters affecting the
environment, and for matters connected therewith.
- Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations: identifying activities (listed activities) for
which environmental authorisation must be obtained.
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 (NEMAQA): replaces the
Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act (No. 45 of 1965).
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 (NEMBA): supports
conservation of plant and animal biodiversity, including the soil and water upon which it depends.
-National list of ecosystems that are threatened and in need of protection (GN 1002 of 9
December 2011).
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003 (as amended Act 31 of
2004) (NEMPAA): To provide for the protection and conservation of ecologically viable areas
representative of South Africa’s biological diversity and its natural landscapes and seascapes.
National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008 (NEMWA): To reform the law
regulating waste management in order to protect health and the environment by providing
reasonable measures for the prevention of pollution and ecological degradation and for securing
ecologically sustainable development.
-List of Waste Management Activities that have, or are likely to have a detrimental effect
on the environment: Identifies activities in respect of which a waste management license is
National Forests Act 84 of 1998 (as amended): supports sustainable forest management and the
restructuring of the forestry sector.
- List of protected tree species (GN 716 of 7 September 2012)
National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999: supports an integrated and interactive system for the
management of national heritage resources, including supports soil, water and animal and plant
National Veld and Forest Fire Act 101 of 1998 (NVFFA): protects soil, water and plant life through
the prevention and combating of veld, forest, and mountain fires
National Water Act 36 of 1998 (NWA): promotes the protection, use, development, conservation,
management, and control of water resources in a sustainable and equitable manner.
Northern Cape Nature Conservation Act 9 of 2009 (NCNCA): which provides for the sustainable
utilization of wild animals, aquatic biota and plants.
- Schedule 1 – 3 listing protected and specially protected species for which authorisation must be
obtained if they are to be impacted upon.



The following mitigation measures must be enforced if the proposed development were approved.

Construction Phase:
The following mitigation measures are recommended by the Botanical Impact Assessment (Appendix
• All construction must be done in accordance with an approved construction and operational phase
Environmental Management Plan (EMP), which must include the recommendations made in this
• A suitably qualified Environmental Control Officer must be appointed to monitor the construction
phase in terms of the EMP and any other conditions pertaining to specialist studies.
• Before any work is done protected tree species must be marked and demarcated.
• Before any work is done search & rescue must be implemented.
• Lay-down areas or construction sites must be located within the construction footprint.
• No clearing of any area outside of the construction footprint may be allowed.
• All waste that had been illegally dumped within the footprint must be removed to a Municipal
approved waste disposal site.
• An integrated waste management approach must be implemented during construction.
o Construction related general and hazardous waste may only be disposed of at Municipal
approved waste disposal sites.
• Alien invasive Prosopis plants within the footprint (and immediate surroundings) must be removed
in a responsible way (to ensure against regrowth).
• The Municipality must ensure that adequate waste and sewerage facilities and or services are
established to service this community.

According to the Heritage Impact Assessment (Appendix 6B), based on the assessment of the
potential impact of the development on the identified heritage, the following recommendations are
made, taking into consideration any existing or potential sustainable social and economic benefits:

1. The Specialists recommended that two cemeteries (WGD002 and WGD003), located in close
proximity to the proposed development footprint (Figure 1 below – red arrows), be fenced off with
an inclusion of a 50m buffer zone/ safety zone (i.e. no-go area). Moreover, constant monitoring of
the graves along the dry riverine should be undertaken by the municipality, to ensure timely
mitigation if human remains become exposed by erosion.


Figure 1. Location of identified cemeteries where mitigation measures, namely fencing off and the
inclusion of a buffer zone is required. Adapted from Heritage Impact Assessment (Appendix 6B).

2. Due to the low palaeontological significance of the area, no further palaeontological heritage
studies, ground-truthing and/or specialist mitigation are required. It is considered that the
development of the proposed development is deemed appropriate and feasible and will not lead to
detrimental impacts on the palaeontological resources of the area (Butler 2020).

3. If fossil remains or trace fossils are discovered during any phase of construction, either on the
surface or exposed by excavations the Chance Find Protocol (Appendix A/11) must be implemented
by the Environmental Control Officer (ECO) in charge of these developments. These discoveries
ought to be protected, and the ECO must report to SAHRA (Contact details: SAHRA, 111 Harrington
Street, Cape Town. PO Box 4637, Cape Town 8000, South Africa. Tel: 021 462 4502. Fax: +27
(0)21 462 4509. Web: so that mitigation can be carried out by a palaeontologist
(Butler 2020).

4. Although all possible care has been taken to identify sites of cultural importance during the
investigation of study areas, it is always possible that hidden or sub-surface sites could be
overlooked during the assessment. If during construction, any evidence of archaeological sites or
remains (e.g. remnants of stone-made structures, indigenous ceramics, bones, stone artefacts,
ostrich eggshell fragments, charcoal and ash concentrations), fossils or other categories of heritage


resources are found during the proposed development, SAHRA APM Unit (Natasha Higgitt/Phillip
Hine 021 462 5402) must be alerted as per section 35(3) of the NHRA. If unmarked human burials
are uncovered, the SAHRA Burial Grounds and Graves (BGG) Unit (Thingahangwi Tshivhase/Mimi
Seetelo 012 320 8490), must be alerted immediately as per section 36(6) of the NHRA. A
professional archaeologist or palaeontologist, depending on the nature of the finds, must be
contacted as soon as possible to inspect the findings. If the newly discovered heritage resources
prove to be of archaeological or palaeontological significance, a Phase 2 rescue operation may be
required subject to permits issued by SAHRA. UBIQUE Heritage Consultants and its personnel will
not be held liable for such oversights or costs incurred as a result of such oversights.

According to the Freshwater Report (Appendix 6C), mitigation measures that would be effective is to
re-instate municipal services such as proper sewage treatment. Other proposed mitigation measures
include the;
• Provisioning of official graveyards,
• Keeping animal pens out of the riparian zones, and
• Construction must be undertaken in the dry season, limiting the footprint, and vegetating the
disturbed areas.

As per the Geo-technical Assessment, recommendations are given per geotechnical zone (Appendix
6D, page 38-39). As the geotechnical site conditions favours the use of two foundation design
alternatives, the selection of a particular foundation design must be based on practical and financial
considerations. Service trenches must not be excavated parallel to buildings within 1500mm of the
building perimeter. According to the Geotechnical Investigation, the non-perennial watercourses require
no precautionary measures to ensure safety of the community against flooding. Infrastructure must be
established at a safe distance from the drainage lines. In terms of general measures, the following
recommendations were made by the Geotechnical Engineer:
- Founding: The development must take place according to the SANS 10400H and NHBRC
Home Owner’s Manual Guidelines (published in 2015).
- Trench backfill: with the exception of hardpan calcrete, in-situ materials can be used for normal
backfill of trenches.
- Layer works: Hardpan calcrete and colluvium are of G5 and G6 quality and are suitable for the
construction of layer works up to sub- and base- course level for lightly trafficked roads.
- Wearing course for gravel roads: material for construction of gravel wearing course can be
obtained from stockpiled or calcrete from a licensed borrow pit.
- Excavation conditions: Manual excavation is possible through colluvium, residual soil and
some extent through calcrete it is not considered economically viable. Due to the consistency
and composition of the soil present on site, the use of such soil is not economically viable.
Excavation of soils would require a TLB (rated at 55kW minimum) or a 30 ton excavator will be
required for the excavation of the very dense hardpan calcrete which needs to be removed and
thus, adequate financial provision must be made for hard rock excavation. Sidewalls of
excavations may be susceptible to collapse.
- Land slope: As the slope across the 47% of the land is less than 2%, the site is regarded as
intermediate suitability for urban development.


- Soil Corrosivity: All soil materials can be considered corrosive due to high soluble salt
concentrations whereas in situ soils and pedocretes are not corrosive due to acidic properties.
- Seismicity: A low risk for the development of earth tremors therefore exists due to the peak
ground acceleration expected in 50 years is 0.04g.

Operational Phase:
According to the Freshwater Assessment, the current sewage and solid waste situation are threats to
the WULA. The authorities may insist that these issues be resolved before a General Authorization is
approved. Apart from this, the findings of this Fresh Water Report indicate that a general Authorization
would be in order for the development of an urban housing scheme at Wegdraai indicating that the
identified impacts will be Low should mitigation measures be implemented. In order to service the
proposed development, a waste management system may be required for the operational phase.


Please ensure that DENC confirm their approval of this project in writing.



Implementation of the EMP and environmental control and management of the construction phase will
be achieved through the responsibility structure set out below. The role players include the Owner, the
Construction Supervisor, the Environmental Control Officer (ECO) and the Contractor. All role players
must familiarize themselves with the prescriptions of the EMP.

5.1.1 The client / applicant / owner

The client (or the designated responsible person appointed by him) is responsible for:
• appointing a suitably experienced ECO, the Construction Supervisor and the Contractor for the
duration of the construction contract, and
• ensuring that the Construction Supervisor and Contractor fulfil their obligations in terms of this

5.1.2 The Construction Supervisor

The Construction Supervisor is responsible to ensure that the construction is carried out to completion
on time, within budget and that the Contractor fulfils his obligations in terms of the EMP. In addition,
the Construction Supervisor and the ECO are expected to develop a close working relationship and to
stay in contact with each other.
The responsibilities of the Construction Supervisor include:
• To issues site instructions to the Contractor.
• To serve as conduit for all communication between the ECO and the Contractor [The only
exception is where the ECO or the Construction Supervisor needs to issue a “STOP WORKS”
order on the contractor if serious environmental harm is about to happen or is happening as a
result of construction activity. The “STOP WORKS” order must be confirmed by the other party
as soon as reasonably possible].
• Discussing any problems that might lead to environmental damage with the ECO.
• When the ECO is not on site the Construction Supervisor will be responsible for the
implementation of the EMP.

5.1.3 The contractor

The Contractor shall be responsible to:
• ensure that all sub-contractors, employees, suppliers, agents etc. are fully aware and adhere to
the environmental conditions detailed in the EMP;
• liaise closely with the Construction Supervisor and the ECO;
• ensure that works on the site are conducted in an environmentally sensitive manner and in full
accordance with the EMP;
• carry out instructions issued in the site instruction book;
• assist with solutions to environmental problems that may arise during the construction phase;
• ensure that all “No-Go” areas are adequately fenced off.
• report any deviation from the requirements of this EMP to the Principal Agent, and any pollution
or environmental contaminant spill events.
• agrees to work stoppage and/or payment of penalties as required by this EMP and directed by
the ECO/Construction Supervisor.


• agrees bear full costs for any work stoppage resulting from contravention of the requirements
of this EMP, and/or the costs of remedying environmental damage resulting from their or their
sub-contractors or employee’s contravention of the requirements of this EMP.

NB: All contractors must sign the “Declaration of Understanding” (page ii of this document) of
this Environmental Management Plan before construction commences.

5.1.4 The Environmental Control Officer (ECO)

ECO will be responsible for overseeing the environmental aspects of the Construction phase and will
work in close co-ordination with the Construction Supervisor. ECO qualifications

The ECO must be independent and suitably qualified (a diploma or degree in environmental
management with at least 5 or more years of environmental site management experience) and must
have a sound knowledge of the environment in which the activity will take place. The ECO should be
registered as an Environmental Scientist (in terms of section 20(3) of the Natural Scientific Professions
Act, 2003 (Act 27 of 2003)). ECO duties

An ECO must be appointed for the duration of the construction phase (as required by the EA). The
• will be primarily responsible for ensuring the implementation of the EMP and will perform regular
site inspections/audits with the specific aim to ensure environmental conformance by the
• to visit the site on a regular basis while construction is in progress (twice monthly unless
otherwise decided by the ECO or Competent Authority);
• will keep environmental records (including photographs) of the construction activities;
• must ensure that “No-Go” and “Open Space” areas are adequately protected and adhered to;
• must approve and be present during the demarcation of the necessary areas for storage of
materials, ablutions, eating areas of contract workers etc.;
• to conduct a start-up meeting before construction commences and will provide environmental
training at the beginning of the project and will provide environmental awareness training
throughout the life of the project;
• must be informed of site and technical meetings to be able to comment and report on
environmental issues;
• will call for, and approve, method statements for construction activities that might pose an
environmental impact and must ensure that method statements are approved before
commencement of the work;
• must implement immediate mitigating action in the case of critical environmental impacts
• must deal with public complaints/queries regarding environmental issues;
• will record his findings and all environmental non-conformances in an environmental completion
report (which will be forwarded to the Client and the Construction Supervisor);
• will conduct a closing down visit ASAP after completion of the Development;
• will commission an independent Environmental Compliance Audit within 6 months after
completion of the contract.

EnviroAfrica ECO Authority

The ECO has the authority to stop works if there is a serious threat to or impact on, the environment as
a direct cause of construction. However, this authority is limited only to emergency situations where
immediate consultation with the Construction Supervisor is not possible.
• The ECO is to inform the client/developer and site representative of the reasons for the stoppage
as soon as possible. A relevant reason should be supplied as soon as possible after stoppage
of such works.
• Upon failure by the contractor or his employee to show adequate consideration to the
environmental aspects of this contract i.e. wilful destruction of the environment, the ECO may
recommend to the client/developer or site representative to have the contractor's representative
or any employee(s) removed from the site or work suspended until the matter is remedied.
• No extension of time will be considered in the case of such suspensions and all costs will be
borne by the contractor

5.1.5 Health & Safety officer:

A Health & Safety (H&S) officer for the project must be designated or appointed by the Contractor or
Principal Agent, and his/her role is to support the successful implementation of the EMP through:
• Site evaluation on a regular basis.
• Identifying issues relating to day-to-day construction activities and that can have a detrimental
effect on the environment.
• Subcontractor audits to ensure compliance.
• Assist in the direct implementation of the EMP.
• Ensure that the requirements of the EMP are communicated understood by personnel on site
via induction sessions.
• Ensure that the contractors on site develop, implement and monitor the required H&S
management functions.
• Evaluate the applicability and accuracy of the EMP and the method statements throughout the
construction phase.
• Coordinate all statutory requirements including permit authorisation and license requirements.
• Conduct or have conducted a hazard analysis and take the necessary corrective action.
• Where it is not possible to remove any remaining hazard’s to inform employees thereof and
what precautionary action is to be taken.
• Detail mitigation measures required to be taken, and the procedures for their implementation to
the project manager.
• Representing H&S issues at the production meetings.
• Coordinate H&S training of personnel.
• Coordinating spill response personnel.
• The H&S officer shall inspect the integrity of the hazardous waste containers/bins/skips on a
weekly basis. Health & Safety Officer qualifications

The Health and Safety Officer must be independent and suitably qualified, with a sound knowledge of
the Occupational Health & Safety Act (Act no. 85 of 1993), and must have experience of the
implementation of the Act with regards to the construction and environmental environments in which
the activity will take place.



The site project contractors must timeously receive a copy of the construction phase EMP (CEMP) and
any other further additional information that pertains to site conditions/amendments or deviations from
original site plan.
• This EMP must be included to form part of the Contractors site specification documentation.
• A copy of the EMP must be on site at all times and available for presentation to any authority
requesting to see such document.


• The Declaration of Understanding/Environmental Contract is signed between the relevant
• One week’s [seven (7) days] written notice given to the Department before commencement of
any construction activity (As per EA).
• On-Site Start-Up Meeting has been held
• Site and No-Go areas has been identified and demarcated.
• Contractors are in possession of the EMP and other relevant documentation
• Contractors/Sub contractors have signed the Declaration Of Understanding
• All mandatory site equipment is in place
• On Site Environmental Education & Awareness training session has taken place with all relevant
construction personnel present.
NB: Work refers to: Camp Establishment, Earthmoving activities and any preliminarary construction


Issues of concern that were identified in the Environmental Impact Assessment process and included
in the EA or detailed in the Basic Assessment Report must be addressed during the “On Site Start-Up
Meeting” and must be included in the On-Site Start-Up Report. Issues of Concern include but shall not
be limited or restricted to the following:
• The transformation of approximately 43 ha of indigenous vegetation within a proposed CBA;
• The potential impact on a number of nationally protected trees (Vachellia erioloba and Boscia
albitrunca) as well as provincially protected plant species (Aloe claviflora, Aloe gariepensis,
Boscia albitrunca, Boscia foetida, Cynanchum viminale, and Euphorbia gariepina).
• Demarcation of grave sites located in close proximity to the proposed site for development
(Figure 1);
• Cumulative impact of solid waste contaminating the drainage line and the Orange River,
• Impact of graveyards and animals on the riparian zones of the drainage line, and
• Impact of trampling and overgrazing and its impact on ecological functioning.
• Storage and handling of dangerous goods (namely petrol and diesel);
• Clearance of vegetation within the identified vegetation type;
• Hazardous material/substance storage, handling, and disposal;
• Waste management and disposal;
• Mandatory site equipment;
• Establishment of construction site;
• Site demarcation and No-go areas
• Concrete works;
• Soil erosion & sediment control; and



5.4.1 On-site start-up meeting

The mandatory On-Site Start-Up Meeting must be conducted prior to commencement of any site/camp
establishment, earthworks and/or construction activities and will focus on site specific conditions and
requirements that may be applicable to the project and may require additional or special measures of

On-Site Start-Up Meeting points of discussion are:

• The Construction EMP & other relevant site documents
• Project to be discussed and all uncertainties are cleared
• Method statement/s to be discussed
• Road and construction area to be demarcated
• Location of construction site camp, parking and materials storage areas
• Materials stockpile and lay down areas to be demarcated
• Method of stockpiling to be discussed
• Firefighting procedures
• Mandatory firefighting equipment & fire preventative measures
• Solid waste removal intentions (proposed Service Level Agreements for general and hazardous
waste removal and disposal at registered disposal facilities);
• Placement, number and servicing of chemical toilets to be agreed on
• Placement and type of rubbish bins and removal of rubbish to be agreed on
• Labour overnight camp to be demarcated and services agreed on
• Environmental Education and awareness training session to all contractors & onsite staff/labour.

5.4.2 Start-up meeting participants

Minutes of the on-site Start-Up Meeting will be consolidated to a report format and circulated to all
attendees of the above named meeting for their perusal and comments. The On-site Start-up Meeting
report will form part of this EMP. If any discrepancies between the start-up report and the EMP arise
then the EMP will take precedence until clarification on the discrepancy is clarified. If any discrepancies
between the EMP and the EA then the EA will take precedence until clarification on the discrepancy is
Participants to the start-up meeting can include:
• Applicants Representative.
• Main Contractor’s Representative.
• Resident Engineer
• Site foreman.
• Environmental Consultant.
• Environmental Control Officer.

NB: It is the responsibility of the main contractors to ensure that all sub- contractors, that work
on the site during and after the civil's contract, are informed of the environmental conditions
pertaining to the site.



5.5.1 Environmental awareness course

Environmental awareness training courses shall be run for all personnel on site. The ECO will be
responsible for the initial awareness course which shall include all relevant management, the
Construction Supervisor, the Contractor and all foremen. All attendees shall remain for the duration of
the course.
The Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that all his personnel and subcontractors (if applicable)
are informed and made aware of the environmental constraints and shall also supply the ECO with a
monthly report indicating the number of employees used by him. If refresher courses are deemed
necessary, for instance, where personnel disregard the requirements of the EMP, the time lost and the
cost of the course would be for the account of the Contractor. Environmental awareness training must
be incorporated into daily ‘tool-box’ talks

5.5.2 Specific training

All contractors and workers shall be informed about any special habitat, biodiversity feature, vegetation
and/or rare plant species that might be present on the specific construction site (if applicable).


Method statements from the contractor will be required for specific sensitive actions on request of the
authorities, the Applicant or ECO.
A method statement forms the base line information on which sensitive area work takes place and is a
“live document” in that modifications are negotiated between the Contractor and ECO/applicant, as
circumstances unfold.
All method statements will form part of the EMP documentation and are subject to all terms and
conditions contained within the EMP main document.
These documents must be available to the authorities for inspection or on request.
A method statement describes the scope of the intended work in a step-by-step description in order for
the ECO and Applicant to understand the contractor’s intentions. This will enable them to assist in
devising any mitigation measures, which would minimize environmental impact during these tasks.
The Contractor must submit the method statement before any particular construction activity is due to
start. Work may not commence until the ECO and applicant have approved the method statement.
Method statements need to be compiled by the contractor for approval by Applicant and the ECO. The
contractor must submit written method statements to Applicant for the purposes of the environmental
specification, a “Method Statement” is defined as a written submission by the contractor to Applicant
setting out the plant, materials, labour and method the contractor proposes using to carry out an activity,
in such detail that Applicant and the ECO is able to assess whether the contractor’s proposal is in
accordance with the specifications and/ or will produce results in accordance with specifications.
The method statement must cover applicable details with regard to:
• Construction procedures
• Materials and equipment to be used
• Getting the equipment to and from site
• How the equipment/ material will be moved while on site
• How and where material will be stored
• The containment (or action to be taken if containment is not possible) of leaks or spills of any
liquid or material (of any potential hazardous material) that may occur


• Timing and location of activities

• Compliance/ non-compliance with the Specifications, and
• Any other information deemed necessary by the Applicant and the ECO
The Contractor must abide by these approved method statements, and any activity covered by a
method statement must not commence until Applicant and the ECO has approved of such method

NB: No work may commence or take place before the Method Statement has been approved by all
relevant parties. List of possible Method statements include but shall not be limited or restricted to:
• Demarcation
• Entrance and haul roads
• Traffic management plan
• A traffic management plan for the site access roads.
• A storm water management plan.
• An erosion management plan.
• Clearing of vegetation & topsoil removal
• Stockpiling
• Temporary storage facilities
• Construction camp & site offices
• Fuel storage
• Labourer’s facilities
• Mandatory site equipment
• Waste control
• Cement mixing & batching areas (if required)
• Construction vehicle maintenance
• Heavy earthmoving equipment (if required)
• Dust control
• Noise control
• Rehabilitation

5.6.1 Additional method statements

Any additional method statements (with regards to a specific aspect of construction) that may be
required must be submitted and approved before commencement of the specific works and must be
available at the site offices.

Applicant (on recommendation by the ECO) reserves the right at all times for the duration of this
agreement to impose restrictions and associate penalties on the contractor with respect to the specific
nature, timing and extent of construction activities on environmentally sensitive sites.

5.7.1 Corrective action instruction

The ECO may issue an onsite corrective action instruction to the site agent, or, by means of an entry
into the Site Instruction Register for remedial work to be carried out to rectify any non-compliance that
has been carried out within a reasonable agreeable time frame to carry out and complete the remedial


5.7.2 Written warning

In instances of non-compliance with the EMP by the contractor (or any of their employees) or sub-
contractor/s (or any of their employees) that move on or off the site, the onsite ECO must issue a written
warning indicating the non-conformance to the contractor.
If repeated instructions by the ECO to the site agent to respond to the corrective action instruction have
not been carried out the ECO can issue a Written Warning notation instructing the site agent to
timeously carry out the corrective measures as per the original non-compliance.

5.7.3 Penalty fines

In the event of the site agent negligence to respond and correct the noted non-compliance the ECO
may in collaboration with the relevant parties recommend that a Penalty Fine be imposed on the
• The applicant, in consultation with the ECO must determine the amount of the penalty applicable
in accordance with the Penalties for Non-Compliance Schedule of Tariffs.
• Such penalty amount must be in writing and presented to the contractor within seven (7) days
of the written warning.
• Applicant may recover penalties by deducting the fine from the offending contractor.
• The contractor will be responsible for all costs incurred where emergency procedures are
implemented to deal with accidents impacting on the environment as well as the rehabilitation
of such damage in conjunction with the ECO and site engineer.
• In serious cases, at the discretion of Applicant and the Environmental Consultant/ECO, any
multiple offences can be added together.

5.7.4 Stop works

The ECO (after consultation with Environmental Consultant/Applicant/Engineer) may also stop the
works or part thereof until the situation is resolved; no extension of time is claimable by the contractor.
These penalties do not preclude any prosecution under any law or regulation.


Although care has been taken to address all known relevant environmental issues for the construction
phase, it may become necessary to add or amend certain procedures or instructions to improve the
efficiency of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
• Only those additions or amendments of this EMP that will either improve environmental
protection or can be proved not to have any negative effect to the immediate and surrounding
environment will be considered.
• Changes or deviations have to be motivated in writing by means of a Method Statement and the
same procedures for a standard Method Statement have to be followed.
• Any additions or amendments must be submitted by the ECO to DEA (if so requested) after the
ECO has consulted with the Environmental Consultant and Applicant.
• No deviation from the contents of the EMP will be allowed without following the above



All records relating to the implementation of this Environmental Management Plan must be kept
together, be readily retrievable and available for scrutiny by any relevant authority. Records include
the following:
• Declarations of understanding;
• ECO Checklist, audits and/or diary;
• Method statements
• Photographs (must be taken before, during and immediately after construction as a visual
• The Environmental completion statement.
These records must be available for perusal and scrutiny by any relevant authorities.


5.10.1 Access & haul routes

The Contractor must control all access (vehicles and plant) to and from the construction site, including
that of his suppliers so that they remain on the pre-approved designated routes. In addition such
vehicles and plant must be so routed and operated as to minimise disruption to regular users of the
• Where heavy duty vehicles and construction plant are required, both the type of
vehicles/machinery and the area/s these are to access shall be specified in a Method Statement.
• Access routes/haul roads will utilise only existing roads or tracks, unless such routes are not
available or new routes are to be constructed as part of the project, in which case a Method
Statement must be submitted for the construction of any new access/ haul roads (including
temporary routes).
• No new roads or tracks may be created except where such routes are specifically approved by
the ECO, in the EA or in this EMP.
• Any new access roads/haul roads must be designed so as to minimise erosion and must run
across slopes and not directly up-hill.
• All vehicles and access to the site must remain within demarcated access routes and working
areas on site.
• All reasonable measures must be implemented to minimize impacts on local commuters e.g.
limiting construction vehicles travelling on public roadways during the morning and late
afternoon commute time and avoid using roads through densely populated built-up areas so as
not to disturb existing retail and commercial operations.
• On gravel or earth roads on site, the vehicles of the Contractor and his suppliers may not exceed
a speed of 20 km/h.
• On public roads adjacent to the site vehicles will adhere to municipal and provincial traffic
• All temporary access routes must be rehabilitated at the end of the contract to the satisfaction
of the ECO.

If so required by the owner of the land the following may also apply with regard to access and vehicular
movement on site:
• All Contractors, subcontractors and staff shall be identified by clothing with company logos and
be in possession of valid SA identity documents.


• Deliveries, removals etc. to be completed during normal working hours (unless otherwise agreed
upon by the Construction Supervisor.
• No personnel shall stay permanently on site, unless permission to stay on site provided as part
of the construction contract.
• Access routes must be demarcated by orange twine/danger tape on steel posts or temporary
• The Contractor shall at his cost document the existing condition of all access roads prior to
• Should any damage occur to the access road as a result of the upgrade activities, the road will
be rehabilitated to its original state with all costs borne by the contractor.

5.10.2 Appropriate use of machinery

Contractor must at all times carefully consider what machinery is appropriate to the task while
minimizing the extent of environmental damage.
• The contractor may not operate any machinery including a fuel driven compressor outside the
demarcated area.
• All vehicles and equipment must be routinely inspected for fuel and oil leaks and kept in good
working order and serviced regularly. Leaking equipment must be repaired immediately or
removed from the Site. When servicing equipment, drip trays must be used to collect the waste
oil and other lubricants. Drip trays must also be provided in construction areas for stationary
plant (such as compressors) and for "parked" plant (such as scrapers, loaders, vehicles). Drip
trays will be kept free of water that will float the oil to overspill. All drip trays / bungs to attain a
120% capacity of the plant fuel / oil capacity.
• Where practical, all maintenance of plant and machinery on Site must be performed in
workshops. If it is necessary to do maintenance outside of a workshop area, the Contractor
must obtain the approval of the Engineer and the ECO prior to commencing activities.
• Appropriate 2.5 kg (minimum requirement) dry powder SABS approved and service certified
firefighting extinguisher must be a mandatory item on all vehicles working and moving on or off
the construction site.
• The servicing, repairs and maintenance of all construction machinery must take place at the
designated service and maintenance yard and not along the proposed new road construction

5.10.3 “No-Go” areas

Specifications of the Environmental Authorisation (EA), the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) or
the On Site Start-Up Meeting (OSSM) can require that certain areas are to be considered as "No go"
areas as a result of their environmental significance or proximity to environmental significant features.
• No-Go areas will be demarcated and indicated on a site plan.
• A Method Statement is to be submitted to the ECO by the Contractor, detailing the method of
fencing for protection of such conservation areas.
• No-Go areas are out of bounds to the Contractor and his staff, sub-contractors and their staff or
suppliers and their staff or any other person involved in the project, without the written
permission specified by the ECO.
• The Contractor must ensure that, insofar as he has the authority, no person, machinery,
equipment or material enters the designated "No Go" areas at any time.
• All contractors must be made aware of the importance of these features and the consequences
of non-compliance.


5.10.4 Restriction of working areas

The approved layout plans will be used to establish the site demarcation (footprint). All relevant parties
responsible for the day-to-day activities on the site will be present and made aware of the implication
of the site demarcation. They include the:
• Environmental Consultant: EnviroAfrica
• Principle Agent
• Main Contractor: Project Site Manager
• Sub-contractor: Project contractor
• ECO: Environmental Control Officer

The proposed site will be demarcated prior to the commencement of any construction whatsoever, this
includes site establishment, the moving of construction material or any other items onto the site, etc.
• The site will be demarcated with appropriate dropper poles. A single strand of orange baler
twine is to be attached to the dropper poles to indicate boundaries and no-go areas for site
personnel and vehicular movement. (Alternative fencing may be decided upon dependent on
site requirements).
• The construction area i.e. road, stockpile areas and development footprint etc. must be
demarcated and fenced off with dropper poles and orange baler twine approximately 1m high is
considered adequate. The demarcation will be agreed on during the start-up meeting.
• All fencing and fence placement / positioning must be approved by the ECO on site.
• Work areas and access routes must be clearly demarcated to minimise environmental impact.
• In the event that sensitive features are threatened by construction activities, temporary fencing
off of these areas (for individual areas such as trees or rocks) or the construction area (when
working in a mainly natural environment) is recommended.
• NB: Also note the requirements discussed under the following paragraphs: 5.10.5; 5.10.6;
5.10.2; 5.10.9; 0; 0.
• The Contractor must maintain in good order all demarcation, fencing and barriers for the
duration of construction activities, or as otherwise instructed.
• Demarcation may not be moved, re-located or altered or changed without the approval of the
• Any temporary fencing removed for the execution of any portion of the works is to be reinstated
by the Contractor as soon as practicable.
• The Contractor at the end of the contract must remove all demarcation, fencing or barriers not
forming part of the final works on Site.

5.10.5 Protection of natural veld

Habitat fragmentation is usually defined as a landscape-scale process involving both habitat loss and
the breaking apart of habitat. Habitat loss has large, consistently negative effects on biodiversity.
Habitat fragmentation per se has much weaker effects on biodiversity, but could be just as negative.
As such the construction activities must endeavour to minimise its impact on any remaining natural
features and natural corridors.
• All remaining natural corridors identified as significant biodiversity features during the
environmental assessment stage, must be mapped and identified as “No-Go” areas on the site
plans and protected measures must be installed (demarcated);
• Except to the extent necessary for the carrying out of the works, no flora may be removed,
damaged or disturbed;
• Trapping, poisoning and/or shooting of animals is strictly forbidden. No domestic pets or
livestock are permitted on Site;


• Where the use of herbicides, pesticides and other poisonous substances are to be used, the
Contractor must submit a Method Statement;
• The Contractor may not deface, paint, damage or mark any natural features, if these should
occur (e.g. trees, rock formations, buildings, etc.) situated in or around the Site for survey or
other purposes unless agreed beforehand with the Engineer and the ECO. Any features affected
by the Contractor in contravention of this clause must be restored/rehabilitated to the satisfaction
of the Engineer and the ECO.
• All incidents of harm to any animal or natural vegetation (apart from the agreed upon areas)
must be reported to the ECO.

5.10.6 Protection of flora

A plant rescue and protection plan which allows for the maximum transplant of conservation important
species from areas to be transformed should be implemented, if possible. Please also refer to the
specific recommendations in Section 5.1 above.
• The areas of vegetation that are to be protected during construction must be demarcated and
indicated as “No-Go” areas on a site plan. Include the area under the canopy of trees so that
tree roots will not be damaged by soil compaction.
• All flora identified to be rescued must be removed and placed in an area specifically allocated
for these plants to ensure that the necessary care thereof will take place until being relocated
and planted in designated areas.
• The specialist must also advise and oversee a re-vegetation and habitat rehabilitation plan
during the construction and operation of the facility. Restoration must be undertaken as soon
as possible after completion of construction activities to reduce the amount of habitat converted
at any one time and to speed up the recovery to natural habitats.
• Also refer to the requirements of the rehabilitation and restoration guidelines (Refer to paragraph

As per a general comment received (dated 01 April 2020) from the Department of Agriculture, Forestry,
and Fisheries (DEFF), if authorisation is granted for the development, no protected tree may be
damaged or disturbed without a valid Forest Act License from the Department of Environment, Forestry
and Fisheries. In addition, trees with active bird nest or other significant biodiversity features, may not
be damaged or disturbed without a valid Fauna Permit from the provincial Department of Environment
and Nature Conservation under the Northern Cape Nature Conservation Act (NCNCA), Act 9 of 2009
(if affected).

5.10.7 Protection of fauna and Avi-fauna

Trapping, poisoning and/or killing of animals is strictly forbidden. No domestic pets or livestock are
permitted on Site. Many slow moving animals, local amphibian and other species follow instinctive
movements along roadside corridors where they travel from place to place.
• Every effort must be implemented on a daily on-going basis by the contractor to ensure that the
construction areas have been checked for any animals and to ensure their removal and
protection from direct and in-direct impacts during the construction activities.
• The removal of fauna from the site must be done in accordance with the requirements of the
Nature Conservation Ordinance regulating these activities.
• Environmental corridors and “No-Go” areas must be demarcated and protected.


As per a general comment received (dated 01 April 2020) from the Department of Agriculture,
Forestry, and Fisheries (DEFF), if authorisation is granted for the development, no protected tree
may be damaged or disturbed without a valid Forest Act License from the Department of
Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. In addition, trees with active bird nest or other significant
biodiversity features, may not be damaged or disturbed without a valid Fauna Permit from the
provincial Department of Environment and Nature Conservation under the Northern Cape Nature
Conservation Act (NCNCA), Act 9 of 2009 (if affected).

5.10.8 Clearing of vegetation, stripping & conservation of topsoil

The contractor shall take all reasonable steps to minimise the impact of his activities on the
environment. If natural vegetation have to be removed for construction purposes, the natural vegetation
shall be rescued, re-used (e.g. stabilizing the area after construction or re-vegetating other impacted
areas) in such a way that it enhances the remaining natural veld. By the same principle topsoil (which
contains the remaining natural seed store as well as possibly many bulb species) must be carefully
removed and stored or re-used for rehabilitation or impacted areas in the immediate vicinity.
A Botanical Impact Assessment (Appendix 6A) was conducted to determine if there is any sensitive or
endangered vegetation on the proposed site. Approximately 13ha of the site is disturbed / transformed
whereas vegetation associated with the remainder of the site is in a poor condition. The site is located
within the Bushmanland Arid Grassland, a Least Threatened (LT) vegetation type. Although a feature
of this vegetation is low plant species diversity, vegetation encountered on site is in a poor condition
which may be attributed to a combination of anthropogenic activities (e.g. illegal dumping, livestock
grazing mismanagement, etc.) and environmental conditions (e.g. recent drought).
As per the Northern Cape CBA maps, the proposed site falls within a CBA area (Figure 16). However,
there is no alternative on Municipal land that will not impact on the CBA and the site will not impact on
any recognised centre of endemism. Although the proposed development will result in the
transformation of the site (reducing connectivity), the Specialist stated that the proposed development
will not significantly impact the surrounding area where connectivity is still good.
The most significant botanical feature identified by the Specialist includes two (2) NFA-protected trees
(Camel Thorn (Vachellia erioloba) and Sheppard tree (Boscia albitrunca)) and six (6) NCNCA-protected
plant species, namely Aloe claviflora, Aloe gariepensis, Boscia albitrunca, Boscia foetida, Cynanchum
viminale, and Euphorbia gariepina.


Table 1. Vegetation (including protected, non-protected, and alien invasive plant species) encountered
on site. Adapted from the Botanical Assessment (Appendix 6A).
Alien & invader
No. Species name Family Status
plant (AIP)
Apply for a
1. Aloe cf. gariepensis Aspodelaceae NCNCA, Schedule 2 NCNCA Flora
Protected (all species in permit (DENC)
this Family)
Apply for a
2. Aloe claviflora Aspodelaceae NCNCA, Schedule 2 NCNCA Flora
Protected (all species in permit (DENC)
this Family)
3. Aptosimum spinescens Scrophulariaceae LC

LC Apply for a NFA

Tree permit
NFA protected species (DAFF)
4. Boscia albitrunca NCNCA, Schedule 2
(Capparaceae) Apply for a
Protected (all species of NCNCA Flora
Boscia) permit (DENC)
Apply for a
Brassicaceae NCNCA, Schedule 2
5. Boscia foetida NCNCA Flora
(Capparaceae) Protected (all species in permit (DENC)
this Genus)
Apply for a
Cynanchum viminale NCNCA, Schedule 2
6. Apocynaceae NCNCA Flora
(=Sarcostemma viminale) Protected (all species in permit (DENC)
this Family)
NCNCA, Schedule 2 Apply for a
7. Euphorbia gariepina Euphorbiaceae Protected (all species in NCNCA Flora
this Genus) permit (DENC)
Justicia australis (=Monechma
8. Acanthaceae LC
9. Kleinia longiflora Asteraceae LC
10. Lycium cinereum Solanaceae LC
Apply for a
Mesembryanthemum subnodosum NCNCA, Schedule 2
11. Aizoaceae NCNCA Flora
(=Psilocaulon subnodosum) Protected (all species in permit (DENC)
this Genus)
12. Phaeoptilum spinosum Nyctaginaceae LC
13. Radyera urens Malvaceae LC
14. Rhigozum trichotomum Bigonaceae LC
15. Salsola zeyheri Amaranthaceae LC
Senegalia mellifera (=Acacia
16. Fabaceae LC
17. Tapinanthus oleifolius Loranthaceae LC
Tetraena decumbens
18. Zygophyllaceae LC
(=Zygophyllum decumbens)
Tetraena rigida (=Zygophyllum
19. Zygophyllaceae LC


With regards to protected plant species;

• No red-listed plant species were present within the development footprint;
• No NEM: BA protected species was observed;
• Two plant species, namely Boscia albitrunca and Vachellia erioloba protected in terms of the
NFA was observed; and
• Six (6) NCNCA protected plant species were identified within the proposed development
A NCNCA and / or NFA permits will be required for the removal of these protected plants (Table 2 and
Table 3).

Table 2: Location of NFA protected trees observed within or near the footprint (Source:
Appendix 6A)

No. Species Name Description Recommendations

Vachellia erioloba
026 V erio Medium sized tree (2.2 m tall) in
S28° 50' 09.9" E21° To be protected.
good condition
52' 18.3"

Vachellia erioloba 2 x Medium sized tree (3.8 & 3.6 m To be protected.

027 V erio tall, respectively) in good condition
S28° 50' 08.5" E21° (Error! Reference source not Located outside the proposed
52' 18.4" found.). footprint.

Vachellia erioloba To be protected.

028 V erio Medium sized tree (2.8 m tall) in
S28° 50' 09.9" E21° good condition Located just inside the proposed
52' 19.1" footprint.
Boscia albitrunca Magnificent tree (4 m tall) in good
029 B albi To be protected
S28° 50' 21.5" E21° condition (Error! Reference source
not found.). Located next to a watercourse.
51' 59.2"
Boscia albitrunca Big tree (3 m tall) in good condition,
030 B albi To be protected
S28° 50' 22.5" E21° although subject to trimming (Error!
Reference source not found.). Located next to a watercourse.
51' 57.6"
Boscia albitrunca Medium tree (2.8 m tall) in good To be protected
032 B albi S28° 50' 12.0" E21° condition (Error! Reference source Located outside proposed
51' 49.0" not found.) footprint.

Six (6) plant species protected in terms of the NCNCA were identified within the development footprint
(Table 3).


Table 3: Protected plant species in terms of the NCNCA. A permit is required should any individual of
these protected plant species be disturbed, removed, or relocated. Adapted from the Botanical
Assessment (Appendix 6A).

No Species Name Comments Recommendations

1. Aloe claviflora Very common throughout the Very common plant in this area.
Schedule 2 site Protection through topsoil conservation.
2. Aloe gariepensis Search & rescue:
Schedule 2 Only 2 individuals observed.
protected Individuals within footprint to be
transplanted to surrounding area.

3. Boscia albitrunca Refer to Table 5 and Table 6

Schedule 2
4. Boscia foetida A few individuals observed, Boscia is unlikely to transplant
Schedule 2 almost all in poor condition. successfully, because of its deep root
protected system.
Protect individuals where possible.
5. Cynanchum Occasionally observed within Larger Cynanchum plants are expected
viminale the footprint. to transplant poorly. Species protection
Schedule 2 through topsoil conservation.
6. Euphorbia Occasionally observed.
gariepina Larger Euphorbia tends to transplant very
Schedule 2 poorly.
protected Species protection through topsoil


According to the Botanical Assessment (Appendix 6A), the following mitigation actions are

• All construction must be done in accordance with an approved construction and operational phase
Environmental Management Plan (EMP), which must include the recommendations made in this
• A suitably qualified Environmental Control Officer must be appointed to monitor the construction
phase in terms of the EMP and any other conditions pertaining to specialist studies.
• Before any work is done protected tree species must be marked and demarcated.
• Before any work is done search & rescue must be implemented.
• Lay-down areas or construction sites must be located within the construction footprint.
• No clearing of any area outside of the construction footprint may be allowed.
• All waste that had been illegally dumped within the footprint must be removed to a Municipal
approved waste disposal site.
• An integrated waste management approach must be implemented during construction.
o Construction related general and hazardous waste may only be disposed of at Municipal
approved waste disposal sites.
• Alien invasive Prosopis plants within the footprint (and immediate surroundings) must be removed
in a responsible way (to ensure against regrowth).
• The Municipality must ensure that adequate waste and sewerage facilities and or services are
established to service this community.

Topsoil removal (see Figure below)

• Prior to any activities within the demarcated work areas, topsoil material shall be removed to a
depth of 300 mm or deeper if specified by the engineer in consultation with the ECO, and
stockpiled in a designated area for use in rehabilitation of the site post construction.
• Any area where the topsoil will be impacted by construction activities, including the construction
offices and storage areas, must have the topsoil stripped and removed and covered with
herbaceous vegetation (other than alien species), overlying grass and other fine organic matter
and stockpiled for subsequent use in rehabilitation.
• Topsoil storage areas must be convex and should not exceed 2 m in height. The Contractor
must ensure that the material does not blow or wash away.
• Topsoil must be treated with care, must not be buried or in any other way be rendered unsuitable
for further use (e.g. by mixing with spoil) and precautions must be taken to prevent unnecessary
handling and compaction.
• In particular, topsoil must not be subject to compaction greater than 1 500 kg/m² and must not
be pushed by a bulldozer for more than 50 m. Trucks may not be driven over the stockpiles.
• Topsoil from different soil types must be stockpiled separately and replaced in the same areas
from which they were taken if this proves to be the case. Specific attention should be given to
the areas that may house rare and threatened species.
• Topsoil areas must be demarcated in order to ensure the safekeeping of topsoil and to separate
different stockpile types.


Backfilling: ‘capping’ excavated area

with topsoil
Stockpiled subsurface soil

Stockpiled topsoil containing seed

Backfilling: use of subsurface
soil first

30cm topsoil layer

Subsurface soil

3m 1m 1m 1m

Total = 6m

Figure showing topsoil removal methodolody.

5.10.9 Erosion & sedimentation control

The Contractor must take appropriate on-going and active measures to prevent erosion resulting from
his own construction activities and operations as well as storm water control measures to the
satisfaction of the ECO. During construction the Contractor must protect areas susceptible to erosion
by installing all the necessary temporary and permanent drainage works as soon as possible.
In order to achieve erosion and sediment control, the following are applicable to all sites:
• Erosion mitigation measures1 must be implemented to direct stormwater runoff away from the
non-perennial watercourse and into existing stormwater earth drains associated with the nearby
• No new development, without written authority approval, will be allowed on slopes greater than
12% (CARA, regulation 3). If applicable terraces will be made in accordance with agricultural
• Install erosion and sediment controls before work starts and maintain these features throughout
the construction and operational phases (as applicable).
• Leave as much vegetation as possible.
• Install temporary fences to define “No Go” areas in those areas that are not to be disturbed.
• Divert run-off from upslope away from the site, but ensure that it does not cause downstream
erosion. For example, dig drainage channels (catch drains sized to accommodate the upslope
• Install sediment controls down slope of the site to catch sediment (if applicable).
• Inspect and maintain erosion and sediment controls regularly.
• Limit vehicle movement to the site and control access points. Clearly mark such access points
and inform all suppliers.
• Save and re-use topsoil during re-vegetation. Never store topsoil around trees as this may kill
them. Spread the topsoil back when the work is finished and re-vegetate the site as soon as

1Erosion control methods include silt fences, retention basins, detention ponds, interceptor ditches, seeding and sodding, riprap of exposed
embankments, erosion mats and mulching. Exposed areas, susceptible to erosion, must be rehabilitated. This includes planting vegetation,
characteristic of the pertinent vegetation type, to stabilize the soil.


possible to control erosion. Remove the sediment and erosion controls only after re-vegetation
was successfully implemented.
• Store all stockpiles and building materials behind sediment fences. Cover them with plastic to
prevent erosion by wind.
• It is illegal to discharge water into a public stream if the quality does not conform to the required
health or water standards. Other measures as may be necessary must be taken to prevent the
surface water from being concentrated in streams and from scouring the slopes, banks or other
areas. All potential hazardous fluids / materials must be protected from the rain to prevent them
being washed into storm water channels. All such measures must be discussed with and
approved by the ECO.
• Build a dam below the area used for cutting tiles, concrete and bricks. Surround the wash-out
area with a sediment fence that slows down the water flow. Filter or settle-out all water pumped
off the site. The water must be clear before it enters the storm water system or creeks. Gypsum
can be applied to muddy (turbid) water to help clay particles settle.
• Fill in all trenches immediately after services have been laid.
• Stormwater must be diverted from the construction works and roads must be managed in such
a manner as to disperse runoff and to prevent the concentration of storm water. Storm water
control works must be constructed, operated and maintained in a sustainable manner
throughout the project
• Increased runoff due to vegetation clearance and/or soil compaction must be managed, and
storm water leaving the construction site must in no way be contaminated by any substance,
whether such substance is a solid, liquid, vapour or gas or a combination thereof which is
produced, used, stored, dumped or spilled on the premises;

5.10.10 Alien invasive management plan

In accordance with Regulation 15 and 16 of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act
no. 43 of 1983) (CARA) as amended, all listed alien invasive plant species must management on any
land in SA. As such an alien invasive management plan may be required to be implemented during
construction and operation phase of the project. If such a plan is required, it must include mitigation
measures to reduce the invasion of alien species and ensure that the removal of alien species is
undertaken. Wetlands and rivers are especially susceptible to many of species.
• In accordance with CARA all identified alien invasive plants encountered on the property and its
immediate surroundings must be controlled.
• All alien invasive species must be identified and removed from each site and its immediate
surroundings. This is especially true for any remaining natural corridor on site.
• No vegetation may be buried or burned on site.
• Where the use of herbicides and other poisonous substances are to be used, the Contractor
must submit a Method Statement.

The invader status of the various invasive alien species in South Africa is described in accordance with
Regulation 15 and 16 of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act no. 43 of 1983)
(CARA) as amended (the 3 categories and its control are summarised underneath).
Category 1 (Declared Weed)
• Prohibited on any land or water surface in South Africa
• Must be controlled or eradicated (except in biological control reserves).
Category 2 (Declared Invader – commercial value)
• Allowed only in demarcated areas under controlled conditions


• Outside of controlled areas invaders must be controlled or eradicated where possible

• Prohibited within 30 m off the 1:50 year flood line of watercourses or wetlands unless
authorization has been obtained
Category 3 (Plant Invaders – ornamental value)
• Allowed only in areas where they were already in existence with the promulgation of the
• Prohibited within 30 m of the 1:50 year flood line of watercourses or wetlands unless
authorization has been obtained.
• All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that they do not spread.
• Propagative materials of these plants (e.g. seeds or cuttings) may no longer be planted,
propagated, imported, bought, sold or traded in any way.

5.10.11 Protection of archaeological & paleontological remains

Archaeological remains are ancient man-made objects, structures, or ancient burials that have been
preserved on the earth’s surface, underground, or underwater and serve as the historical sources that
make it possible to reconstruct the past history of human society, including mankind’s prehistory.
Palaeontology or Palaeontology, on the other hand, is the study of prehistoric life. It includes the study
of fossils to determine organisms' evolution and interactions with each other and their environments
(their paleoecology). Palaeontology lays on the border between biology and geology, and shares with
archaeology a border that is difficult to define. Please refer to the specific recommendations in Section
• According to the Heritage Impact Assessment (Appendix 6B);
o No significant heritage sites or features were identified within the site for the proposed
Wegdraai Housing Development. Eleven incidences of Early/Middle Stone Age (ESA/
MSA) cultural material identified recorded across the development footprint are not of
conservational value.
o Two cemetery sites (WGD002 and WGD003) are located in close proximity to the
proposed development footprint (Figure 1).
o The proposed site for development is situated within an area of low paleontological
• Basic archaeological remains include work tools, weapons, domestic utensils, clothing, and
ornaments; settlements including campsites, fortified and unfortified settlements, and separate
dwellings; ancient fortifications; the remains of ancient hydraulic structures; ancient agricultural
fields; roads; mining pits and workshops; ancient burial grounds and various burial and religious
structures (stelae, stone figurines, stone fish monoliths (vishaps), menhirs, cromlechs, dolmens,
sanctuaries); drawings and inscriptions carved into individual stones and cliffs; and architectural
monuments. Archaeological remains also include ancient ships and their cargoes that sank in
rivers and seas and settlements that came to be underwater as a result of shifts in the earth’s
• Should any unmarked human burials/remains or ostrich eggshell water flask caches be
uncovered, or exposed during preparation of the lands for cultivation, , these must immediately
be reported to the South African Heritage Resources Agency. Burials, etc. must not be removed
or disturbed until inspected by the archaeologist.
• Should any substantial fossil remains (e.g. vertebrate bones and teeth, shells, petrified wood)
be encountered during excavation, however, these should be reported to SAHRA for possible
mitigation by a professional palaeontologist.


• Note that the Contractor may not, without a permit issued by the responsible heritage resource
authority; destroy, damage, excavate, alter, deface or otherwise disturb any archaeological site
or archaeological material. The latter is a criminal offence under the Heritage Resources Act.

SAHRA contact details:

PO Box 4637, CAPE TOWN, 8000

111 Harrington Street, Cape Town
Tel: (021) 462 4502
Fax: (021) 462 4509

5.10.12 Storage of construction material & stockpiling

New construction material will be stored in demarcated areas on the affected properties prior to
commencement of construction. The Contractor must provide a method statement (for approval by the
ECO) of the construction activities which will indicate:
• the type and quantity of material to be stored;
• whether any oil contaminated/containing equipment will be stored;
• how (including what type of vehicles will be required) it will be deliver the material on site at the
necessary storage area; and
• whether there is any risk of spill or runoff of any building materials or chemicals and how this is
to be mitigated.

In addition:
• The Contractor must ensure that any delivery drivers are informed of all procedures and
restrictions (including "no go" areas) required to comply with the Specifications. The Contractor
must ensure that these delivery drivers are supervised during off-loading, by someone with an
adequate understanding of the requirements of the Specifications.
• All manufactured and/or imported material must be stored within the demarcated area, and, if
so required, out of the rain. All lay down areas outside of the construction camp must be subject
to the Engineer and the ECO’s approval in such a way as not to cause a nuisance or
environmental damage.
• All building materials are to be prepared at the batching plant, to enable the effects of cement
and other substances, and the resulting effluent to be more easily managed.
• It is essential that any imported material i.e. base material for road works, building sand, bedding
base sand for pipe / cable lines etc. must be screened and of which the origins must be identified
prior to arriving at the receiving environment, this must be approved by the Engineer / ECO.
• Special care must be taken to prevent bringing in materials contaminated with seed of Invasive
Alien Plants. Contractors shall not import construction materials such as sand, gravel or fill
contaminated with seed of Invasive Alien Plants, or quarried from areas surrounded by Invasive
Alien plant species such as Port Jackson or Rooikrans.
• The Contractor must negotiate appropriate space on for this purpose on an area away from
natural vegetation and any wetland habitat with the ECO.


• The Contractor must ensure that all staff, contractors and subcontractors are aware of and keep
material within these designated storage areas. The Construction Supervisor shall ensure that
the consultant team is familiar with same.
• Contractors will not be allowed to store new construction material on the sides of the access
road, or within natural vegetation or next to the existing access road.
• Stockpiling of gravel, cut, fill or any other material including spoil should only be allowed in
degraded areas or areas below the future cover of buildings and tar or paved parking surface.
• Any area used for stockpiling and not covered by building development must be returned to at
least the state they were in before stockpiling and it must be ensured that the erosion potential
of these areas is not increased.
• The Contractor must ensure that the material does not blow or wash away or mix with each
other. If the stockpiled material is in danger of being washed or blown away, the Contractor
must cover it with a suitable material, such as hessian, netting or plastic.
• Also refer to the traffic- and transportation management plans and their requirements.

5.10.13 Oil storage and management

An important potential environmental impact is oil spills from any oil filled equipment and machinery
that may occur during transportation or storage of decommissioned and new construction material/
equipment. The following conditions shall apply:
• Vehicles must be checked for oil leaks prior to going on site
• Care should be taken to prevent any potential oil spillage during upgrading activities.
• Sufficient measures (including use of drip trays) should be put in place to ensure that any
potential oil spills are mitigated.
• An oil spill kit should be available on site at all times during the construction activities;
• Oil containment facilities should be provided for any oil filled equipment onsite;
• All oil spills must be reported to the ECO within 24 hours, indicating the containment and
rehabilitation measures implemented
Oil spill kits are available from:
• Drizit (021) 531 5335
• Enretech (021) 683 1858
• Pinelands Environmental Technology (021) 531 3749

5.10.14 Storing of petroleum products

Petroleum fuels contain harmful substances known to cause health problems and can easily have
adverse effects on water quality, and the environment. Petroleum spills can move rapidly into the soil
and quickly contaminate drinking water. In order to prevent pollution it is important to, use proper
methods when handling, using, and storing diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene, or other petroleum products.
The South African National Standards (SANS) pertaining to the installation of a storage tank include:
• SANS 310, which requires that an aboveground storage tank be of sufficient structural strength,
based on sound engineering practices, to withstand normal operations and use;
• SANS 1668, for fibre-reinforced plastic tanks for the underground storage of petroleum products;
• SANS 10089-1, which deals with the storage and distribution of petroleum products in
aboveground bulk installations; and
• SANS 1535, for glass- reinforced polyester-coated steel tanks, for the underground storage of
hydro- carbons and oxygenated solvents, which are intended to be buried horizontally.


5.10.15 Storing of hazardous substances

If potentially hazardous substances are to be stored on site, the Contractor must submit a Method
Statement detailing the substances and/or materials to be used, together with the storage, handling
and disposal procedures of the materials to the ECO.
• Hazardous materials must be stored under lock and key in designated areas with properly
displayed and visible warning signs.
• No works related to the submitted Method Statement may commence until the Method
Statement has been studied and approved in writing.
• An effective monitoring system to detect any leakage or spillage of all hazardous substances
during their transportation, handling, use and storage must be implemented. This must include
precautionary measures to limit the possibility of oil and other toxic liquids from entering the soil
or storm water systems.
• Measures to protect hydrological features such as streams, rivers, pans, wetlands, dams and
their catchments, and other environmental sensitive areas from construction impacts including
the direct or indirect spillage of pollutants must be implemented.
• Material with pollution generating potential must be limited in construction activities. Any
hazardous substances must be handled according to the relevant legislation relating to
transport, storage and use of the substance.
• Any spillage of any hazardous materials including diesel that may occur during construction and
operation must be reported immediately to Department of Water and Sanitation;
• Paints: - No paint products may be disposed of on Site and brush/roller wash facilities must be
established to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the ECO. Oil based paints and chemical
additives and cleaners such as thinners and turpentine must be strictly controlled. A Method
Statement detailing the paint management procedures is required.
• Hazardous building materials: -Hazardous building materials (e.g. asbestos, fibre claddings,
refrigerants, coolants, sub-station cooling oils, etc.) must be identified and dealt with in
accordance with the relevant safety and health legislation. All such material must be separated
on Site and disposed of at appropriate licensed disposal sites. The Contractor must supply the
ECO with a certificate of disposal.

5.10.16 Use of cement or concrete

The Contractor is advised that cement and concrete are highly hazardous to the natural environment
because of the high pH levels of the material, and the chemicals contained therein. Wash-out water
with high pH is the number one environmental issue for the ready mix concrete industry. The alkalinity
levels of wash water can be as high as pH 12, which is toxic to fish and other aquatic life.
The Site Supervisor or Contractor must indicate the need for and the proposed location of concrete
batching plants which includes the location of cement stores, sand and aggregate stockpile areas. A
Method Statement indicating the layout, type of concrete batching preparation (dry or wet mix). The
site agent must indicate on the Method Statement proposed total volume of concrete that is needed for
the completion of the entire project.

Concrete/cement mixing:
• Concrete and cement may only be mixed on existing hard surfaced areas, or edged mortar
boards or a suitable container. Concrete may not be mixed or stored directly on the ground
under any circumstances;
• The visible remains of the batch and concrete, either solid, or from washings, must be physically
removed immediately and disposed of as hazardous waste.
• Washing of equipment shall be done in a container to prevent any runoff of contaminated
washing water.


• Extreme care must be taken to limit the amount of water contaminated by washing equipment.
Water from concrete washing can be re-used in concrete mixes or must be stored in drums,
then removed from the site and disposed of at a licensed municipal dump site.

Concrete batching plants

The following procedures must be implemented to control waste water run-off from concrete batching
plant locations:
• The location of concrete batching areas must be approved by the ECO (if possible/appropriate,
the use of ready-mix concrete is preferred).
• Concrete batching facilities must have suitable bunding methods in place to ensure minimal
waste water run-off occurs during batching operations.
• Contaminated water may not enter a natural or man-made (e.g. trench / sloot or dam) water
system. Preventative measures include establishing sumps from where contaminated water can
be either treated in situ or removed to an appropriate waste site.
• Dry mixing batching areas to be carefully placed in consultation with the ECO.
• Cement bags are to be stored securely out of harm’s way from the elements (wind and rain).
Bags have to be covered and placed on plastic sheeting. Used cement bags must be disposed
of on a regular basis via the solid waste management system, and must not be used for any
other purpose.
• Sand and stone used for cement or concrete batching must be stored on plastic layers (or on
ECO approved disturbed areas) in order to prevent contamination of the natural environment.
• Cleaning of equipment and flushing of mixers must not result in pollution of the surrounding
environment. All wastewater resulting from batching of concrete must be disposed of via the
contaminated water management procedure.
• Excess or spilled concrete must be confined within the works area and all visible remains of
excess concrete must be physically removed and disposed of on completion of cement work.
Washing the remains into the ground is not acceptable. All excess aggregate must also be
• Wash-down areas must be confined to within the concrete batching areas only.

5.10.17 Blasting / drilling (if required)

In the event where blasting or rock drilling is required, the following must be implemented:
• A Method statement must be provided for each case separately prior to commencement of
blasting works.
• The contractor must take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to special features and
the general environment, which includes the removal of fly rock.
• The contractor must ensure that no pollution results from drilling operations, either as a result
of oil and fuel drips, or from drilling fluid. The contractor must take all reasonable measures to
limit dust generation as a result of drilling operations.
• The ECO must be given 24-hour notice before blasting events.

5.10.18 Fire fighting

Adequate firefighting equipment according to the fire hazard during the construction period must be
available on site and in good working order (at least one type ABC (all purpose) 2.5 kg extinguisher and
3 fire beaters per working area). The persons on site must be trained in the use of such equipment.
• The main contractor must provide a list of all authorities involved in firefighting in the region.
This list must include emergency contact numbers and must be visible at the site office.


• Welding, gas cutting or cutting of metal will only be permitted inside the working areas.
• The Contractor must pay the costs incurred to organizations called to put out any fires started
by him. The Contractor must also pay any costs incurred to reinstate burnt areas as deemed
necessary by the land owner.
• It is required that contractors have available [if there is cell phone reception] the emergency
telephone numbers of the nearest local Fire Fighting Station and that an emergency firefighting
re-action plan has been drawn up with onsite workers and the resident land-owner / farmer.

5.10.19 Emergency Procedures

It is the responsibility of the contractor to assess the potential risks to the environment as a result of the
project. As such, the contractor must have the necessary standard emergency operating procedures
in place to deal with any potential emergency such as oil spills or fire.
• All staff should be made aware of the necessary basic emergency procedures in the event of
an emergency including injuries to staff. The appropriate equipment and identified personnel to
deal with such basic emergencies should be available on site.
• Fire: The Contractor must advise the relevant authority of a fire as soon as one starts and must
not wait until he can no longer control it. The Contractor must ensure that his employees are
aware of the procedure to be followed in the event of a fire.
• Hazardous Material Spills: The Contractor must ensure that his employees are aware of the
procedure to be followed for dealing with spills and leaks, which must include notifying the
Engineer, the ECO and the relevant authorities. Treatment and remediation of the spill areas
must be undertaken to the reasonable satisfaction of the ECO and Local Authority.

5.10.20 Solid waste management

Waste refers to all solid waste, including domestic waste, hazardous waste and construction debris.
The Contractor are responsible for the establishment of a refuse control system (which must consider
recycling wherever possible) that is acceptable to the ECO. Disposal arrangements must be made in
advance and cleared with the ECO before construction starts.
• No littering or on-site burying or dumping of any waste materials, vegetation, litter or refuse may
• All solid waste must be disposed of offsite at an approved landfill site in terms of section 20 of
the Environment Conservation Act (Act No. 73 of 1989). The Contractor must supply the ECO
with a certificate of disposal.
• The Contractor must provide problem animal- and weatherproof bins with lids of sufficient
number and capacity to store the solid waste produced on a daily basis. The lids must be kept
firmly on the bins at all times. Bins must not be allowed to become overfull and must be emptied
• Waste from bins may be temporarily stored on Site in a central waste area that is weatherproof
and scavenger proof and which the Engineer and the ECO has approved.
• All hazardous waste must be disposed of at a registered hazardous waste disposal site and
certificates of safe disposal must be obtained.
• All waste generated during the decommissioning and reconstruction activities must be removed
by the Contractor as soon as possible, and within the period specified in the EMP and disposed
of at a registered landfill site.
• The Contractor must make provision for workers to clean up the Contractor's camp and working
areas on a daily basis so that no litter is left lying around and so that the site is in a neat and
tidy state. The Contractor must remove from site the refuse collected at least once a week.
• All sewage as well as any waste generated during the construction phase, should be collected,
contained and disposed of at the permitted and/or licensed facilities of the Local Authority.


Please note that proof of the agreement between the Applicant and the concerned Local
Authority must be submitted to the Department of Water and Sanitation (Tel: 054 338 5800).
• No waste from the facility should be released to the environment during operation. Wastewater
should be contained within the evaporation ponds.
• The disposal of general waste and that of hazardous waste must be carried out in an
environmentally safe way as to prevent and/or minimise the potential for pollution of water
resources and collection of which should be done by an accredited waste collector. All
applicable Sections of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act (Act 59 of 2008)
should be strictly adhered to;

5.10.21 Toilets & Ablution Facilities

The Contractor must provide suitable sanitary arrangements at designated points of the construction
site for all site employees. A minimum of one toilet must be provided per 15 persons at each working
area (station) or as stipulated in the Management plan.
• The toilet must be within easy reach (max 300m) of the working area and be in good working
condition and cleaned on a daily basis. Toilet paper must be provided. The toilets must be
emptied on a weekly basis or when full or when instructed by the ECO on site.
• Disposal arrangements must be made in advance and cleared with the ECO before construction
starts. Sanitation provision and servicing must be to the satisfaction of the ECO.
• The Contractor must ensure that toilets are emptied prior to any builders' holidays, and/or
• Toilets must be of a neat construction and must be provided with doors and locks and must be
secured to prevent them blowing over.
• NB: No burying of any waste material on or near the construction site nor anywhere on the
surrounding property is permitted.
• Eating areas that are allocated for workers must be established in an environmentally
acceptable manner and in line with all OH & Safety Act regulations. All on site and on route
workers temporary eating areas must be have acceptable toilet and refuse management
systems in place and these areas must have suitable refuse receptacles’ available for the
containment and disposal of general litter and refuse.
• All sewage, grey or wash water, as well as any waste generated during the construction phase
of the facilities must be collected, contained and disposed of at the permitted and/or licensed
facilities of the Local Authority and this must be confirmed in writing by the Local Authority.

5.10.22 Discharge of construction water

Potential pollutants of any kind and in any form must be kept, stored, and used in such a manner that
any escape can be contained and the water table not endangered. This particularly applies to water
emanating from runoff from fuel depots/workshops/truck washing areas.
• The contractor, being responsible for the construction and effective containment and
maintenance of settlement ponds must ensure that the surrounding environment is not
adversely affected as a result of construction activities.
• Wash down areas must be placed and constructed in such a manner so as to ensure that the
surrounding areas are not polluted. Contaminated water includes water that is carrying excess
sediment due to construction activities.
• Contaminated water storage facilities must not be allowed to overflow and appropriate protection
from rain and flooding must be implemented.
• Contaminated water that is removed from site must be disposed of at a facility approved by the
ECO and Local Authority.


• No contaminated water that does not meet the water quality standards and criteria under the
National Water Act may be released into a natural system, whether it is to surface or
• All cement effluent from mixer washings, and run-off from batching areas and other work areas
must be contained in suitable sedimentation ponds.
• Sedimentation ponds must be allowed to dry out on a regular basis to allow for solid material to
be removed.
• This material must be disposed of in a suitable manner, depending on the nature of the material,
and to the discretion of the ECO
• Material with pollution generating potential must be limited in construction activities. Any
hazardous substances must be handled according to the relevant legislation relating to
transport, storage and use of the substance.

5.10.23 Treating (flushing / testing) of pipelines (if required)

Cleaning/sterilization/flushing of pipelines shall not impair surrounding environmental quality.
• Any contaminated water from such activities shall be contained until it complies with the
standards contained in the National Water Act or other relevant Acts, as well as those laid down
by the Local Authority.
• Alternatively, it shall be removed from site and disposed of at an approved waste disposal site.

5.10.24 Eating facilities

The Contractor must designate eating areas for the approval of the ECO, which must be clearly
demarcated. No eating of meals must take place outside these designated areas without the approval
of the Contractor/ESO.
• The feeding or leaving of food for animals is strictly prohibited.
• Sufficient waste bins must be present in this area and emptied regularly.
• The contractor must supply cooking facilities that are suitable for the environment and are not
liable to cause the outbreak of fires.
• No overnight camping/stay on site allowed. If overnighting is necessary for security purposes
then it must be cleared with the ECO on site.
• No washing in dams or streams are allowed.

5.10.25 Dust Control

The Contractor must take all reasonable measures to minimize the generation of dust as a result of
construction activities resulting from along-construction-route activities (but must also take into account
possible water constrictions of the area).
• The onsite construction site agent must take into account prevailing wind strength and wind
direction and must have preventative measures on standby to minimize dust pollution that may
cause damage to people and property.

5.10.26 Restoration and rehabilitation

The Contractor must ensure that all structures, equipment, materials and facilities used or created on
site for or during construction activities are removed once the project has been completed. On
completion of the project or phase, all areas impacted by the construction activities must be reinstated
and/or rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the ECO with emphasis on the following:


• Immediately after the demolition of the camp site, the contractor shall restore the site to its
original state, paying particular attention to its appearance relative to the general landscape.
• The contractor’s procedure for rehabilitation shall be approved by the ECO and Engineer.
• Site offices must be removed and the areas rehabilitated or reinstated to the satisfaction of the
• Labourer’s facilities (if applicable) must be removed and the areas rehabilitated or reinstated to
the satisfaction of the ECO.
• All construction site areas must be rehabilitated or reinstated to the satisfaction of the ECO.
• All temporary fencing and demarcation must be removed and the areas reinstated to the
satisfaction of the ECO.
• Temporary storage areas must be rehabilitated or reinstated to the satisfaction of the ECO.
• All remaining construction material must be removed and the areas rehabilitated or reinstated
to the satisfaction of the ECO.
Any additional disturbed areas must be rehabilitated or reinstated to the satisfaction of the ECO. This
shall include but not be limited to:
• Earthworks to reinstate the physical characteristics of the site. Here attention to the natural
vertical and lateral heterogeneity in landform shall guide the reinstatement of natural areas.
• Replacement of topsoil material – care shall be taken to ensure that the same material that was
removed from each area is replaced there, since this will carry the seed complement appropriate
for re-establishment of each plant community type.
• Final landscaping by machine, but landscaping by hand may be required in many areas under
• Re-seeding and / or replanting of rehabilitated areas.
• The Contractor shall not be permitted to use fertilisers or pesticides.
• It is imperative that any potential erosion problems are addressed. This may require subsequent
site visits to monitor the efficacy of erosion control measures.

5.10.27 Land Management

• Vehicles accessing the construction site must be made aware of driving in hazardous road
conditions, sharp bends, narrow roads, bad weather, on or near children or domestic animals
along the road.
• Vehicle movements should be kept to a minimum during rain to avoid damage to access roads.
• No fences or gates on the relevant construction property must be damaged. All access gates to
the property (construction site) to be kept closed at all times to prevent domestic and or wild
animals from getting out. Access by unauthorised personnel should be controlled. The access
gates to the construction areas must always be closed.
• Soil erosion must be prevented at all times along the access roads and around construction

5.10.28 Socio-Cultural Issues

• Property owners or property occupiers must be treated with respect and courtesy at all times.
• The cultural lifestyles of the communities living in close proximity to the construction areas must
be respected.



The following potential emergency situations have been identified and include the procedure for
responding to, and for preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts that may be associated with
them (also refer to Penalties and Fines).

5.11.1 Accidental fires

Fire safety is a very real risk and must be stringently controlled. No fires will be permitted on site for
any reason. If required, a designated smoking area will be provided, and clearly demarcated and
signposted, with a facility for safe containment and disposal of cigarette butts.
The following measures must be implemented:
• Adequate firefighting equipment must be available on site and in good working order (including
at least one type ABC (all purpose) 2.5 kg fire extinguisher and 3 fire beaters per working area).
The persons on site must be trained in the use of such equipment.
• The main contractor must provide a list of all authorities involved in firefighting in the region.
This list must include emergency contact numbers and must be visible at the site office.
• The contractors must establish an emergency procedure (with contact numbers) to the
satisfaction of ECO (whenever work is done in any fire prone areas).

5.11.2 Hydrocarbon spills

Since the project is in proportion relative small, no fuel storage or distribution facilities are expected to
be established. As a result the significance of any spill is much reduced. The following must be
• Vehicles will arrive on site already fuelled for the project.
• If additional fuel is needed, it will be brought in as needed (minimal volumes) and refuelling will
be done using a pump and not a funnel (to minimize the risk of spills).
• Spill trays shall be used during re-fuelling.
• In the case of accidental spillages or leakage, the contractor will be responsible for immediate
containment and corrective action (e.g. stopping the leakage), and to inform the Construction
Supervisor and ECO.
• The ECO will recommend the best possible environmental solution.
• The Contractor will be liable for any costs incurred.

5.11.3 Concrete/cement spillages

The Contractor/supplier will be liable for the safe and correct deliverance of substantial loads of concrete
or cement.
• Should a spill occur the Contractor/supplier will be liable for all costs of the rehabilitation needed.


The most important part of the operational phase will be to ensure that the site is meticulously
maintained and that the operations are carefully monitored. The applicant will remain overall
responsible for the environmental performance of the site and must be aware of the legal requirements


and obligations. The applicant must also be aware of the legal action that can be taken against him/
her as a person with regards to negligence leading to environmental pollution.

The owner or delegated responsible person must implement an operational and maintenance
management plan which must include:
Access management and control;
Energy management and monitoring;
Water management and monitoring;
Waste and pollution management;
Sewerage management;
Waste Water Management
Fire Management;
Minimise dust and air emissions;
Protection of indigenous natural vegetation and fauna;
Specific monitoring and operational instructions;
Emergency plans which will cover all reasonable aspects of the operations which might lead to
environmental pollution or degradation.


The Operator of the site must control the movement of all vehicles and plant including that of his
suppliers so that they remain on designated routes. In addition such vehicles and plant must be so
routed and operated as to minimise disruption to regular users of the routes not on the Site.
• On public roads adjacent to the Site vehicles/ delivery trucks/ tankers will adhere to municipal
and provincial traffic regulations.
• Only approved access roads may be used.
• All measures must be implemented to minimize impacts on local commuters e.g. limiting tanker
vehicles travelling on public roadways during the morning and late afternoon commute time and
avoid using roads through densely populated built-up areas so as not to disturb existing retail
and commercial operations.


All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure the efficient management of energy. Energy management
and conservation measures must be propagated and encouraged. The objective of energy
management will be to encourage the conservation of energy, for example:
• Ensure that cooling units are located and operated to conserve energy. If refrigerant are to be
used, please note that R22 as a refrigerant are being phased out (due to negative impact on the
ozone) and that the following gasses are more environmentally friendly options: ammonia,
R134a, R143a, R404A, R407C, R410A, and R507A.
• Install energy-efficient appliances (e.g. a grade one refrigerator is at least 35% more energy-
efficient than a grade three one).
• Install energy efficient lightning (which uses less energy to give the same amount of illumination
and last longer than conventional incandescent bulbs).
• Insulate water heaters and hot water pipes (insulating hot water pipes from the water heater to
the source are another way to conserve).
• Disconnect or switch- off units/appliances which are not in use.
• Monitor different energy uses (e.g. electricity, fuels and gas).



• Ensure that all additional water uses are correctly registered with the Department of Water and
Sanitation (e.g. Agri-industrial use).
• Water conservation measures such as low flow taps, high pressure hoses, duel flush toilets,
water wise gardens, rainwater tanks etc. must be encouraged and implemented.
• Every reasonable effort must be made to reduce the long term water demand.
• Environmental training of personnel must include water conservation awareness.
• A monthly water monitor program with the aim of ever reducing the water usage must be
implemented (records must be kept).
• As per the Engineer’s Services Report (Appendix 4B), upgrading of the entire bulk water supply
system is required as these 360 houses will almost double the demand related to the existing
households. The current Annual Average Daily Demand (AADD) for the existing Wegdraai
Settlement is 319m3/day, whereas the calculated AADD for the proposed development is
535.1m3/day. As calculated, the current capacity of water supply storage and associated
infrastructure is below capacity relative to existing elevated water storage, lifting pump station
and pipeline flow, potable water storage (main storage), water treatment plant capacity, and raw
water storage, required for the proposed development. Thus, the recommended upgrades
o Construction of a new 28l/s river pump station with a duty and standby pump.
o New 1000m long 200mm diameter uPVC pipeline between the river pump station and
the existing potable water storage reservoir.
o Upgraded Water Treatment Works capable of delivering 24m3/h on the existing
treatment works site
o An additional 700m3 sectional steel reservoir next to the upgraded water treatment works
o A new 650m3 sectional steel pressure tower on the highest point to the south.
o A new 46l/s uplifting pump station at the treatment works.
o A new 2200m long 250mm pipeline between the lifting pump station and the new
pressure tower.


An integrated waste management approach based on waste minimisation (e.g. reduction, recycling, re-
use and disposal) must be encouraged. Poor waste management can lead to adverse environmental
impacts (e.g. odours, pollution and visual impact) as well as health risks. Sound waste management is
thus non-negotiable.
• No on-site burying or dumping of any waste materials, vegetation, litter or refuse may be
• Domestic waste must be stored in approved containers (e.g. bins with removable lids).
• All solid waste will be disposed of at a landfill licensed in terms of section 20 of the Environment
Conservation Act (Act No. 73 of 1989).
• If required, any future industries on site requiring additional waste and/or emissions permits or
licences in terms of the applicable legislation, the owner/tenants must obtain these
permits/licences before the specific operations can commence.


6.4.1 Recycling
Whenever possible, a suitable recycle arrangement must be negotiated with a local recycle agent to
ensure the re-use of recyclable material. Recycling should aim at sorting as much of the following
materials as practical:
• Paper and cardboard
• Aluminium
• Copper
• Metals (other than aluminium and copper)
• Glass
• Organic waste
• Batteries
• Electronic equipment
Recycling industries in the development may require specific waste management licences in terms of
the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act 59 of 2008)

6.4.2 Pollution management

All possible pollution sources must be identified and all reasonable steps taken to prevent pollution or
accidental spillages.
• Ensure that all concentrated potential sources of pollution are protected (bunded) in order to
minimise the risk of accidental spillage or pollution. Storage tanks should be bunded in such a
way to contain at least 120% of the storage tank’s capacity.
• Vehicles and other machinery must be serviced well above the 1:100 year flood line or within a
horizontal distance of 100m from any watercourse or 500m of a wetland/pan. Oils and other
potential pollutants must be disposed at an appropriate licensed site, with the necessary
agreement from the owner of such a site;


If applicable sewerage must be installed in accordance with the Municipal regulations and Department
of Water and Sanitation (DWS) requirements. According to the Freshwater Assessment, the current
sewage and solid waste situation may negatively impact the freshwater features of the site. Overall, the
proposed development will have a low impact on the freshwater component should appropriate
mitigation measures be implemented. The authorities may insist that these issues be resolved before
a Water Use Authorisation is issued / approved.
As per the Engineer’s Services Report (Appendix 4B), The calculated sewer flow rate is 453 500l/day
with a peak flow of 24.3l/s. Existing oxidation ponds are non-functional where sections of the HDPE
lining has been removed / ripped which must be replaced / repaired. Should a full borne WWTW be
required, the WWTW will include the construction of:
Construction of a new sewer pump stations capable of delivering 40 l/s direct to the
Wastewater Treatment plant;
o New 940m long, 250mm diameter Class 6 PVC pipelines between the pump station and a
new Wastewater Treatment Plant (oxidation ponds).
o Upgrading of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant (oxidation ponds) with a capacity of
0.5Ml per day.Therefore, a proper municipal waste management system is necessary
• Sewerage management must aim at the prevention of pollution and must be maintained on a
regular basis.
• Maintenance records must be kept.


See Engineer’s Services Report (Appendix 4B) for information of applicable recommendations
regarding sewerage management.


Refer to emergency preparedness and response paragraph.

6.6.1 Accidental fires

Fire safety is a very real risk and must be stringently controlled. No fires will be permitted on site for
any reason. If required, a designated smoking area will be provided, and clearly demarcated and
signposted, with a facility for safe containment and disposal of cigarette butts.
The following measures must be implemented:
• Adequate firefighting equipment must be available on site and in good working order (including
at least one type ABC (all purpose) 2.5 kg fire extinguisher and 3 fire beaters per working area).
The persons on site must be trained in the use of such equipment.
• The operator must provide a list of all authorities involved in firefighting in the region. This list
must include emergency contact numbers and must be visible at the site office.


Refer to erosion and sedimentation control paragraph.


Proper chemical management is required to minimize or eliminate the risk of environmental damage,
as well as the risk of fatalities, illnesses, injuries and incidents arising from the storage, handling,
transport and disposal of hazardous material.
• Compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1983
• An emergency plan must be made to comply with section 30 (Control of emergency incidents)
of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), No. 107 of 1997.
• In case of a spill or leak of product, such incident must be reported to all relevant authorities
and the Directorate: Pollution Management in accordance with Section 30 (10) of NEMA, No.
107 of 1997.
• All staff on the site should be well trained and have the appropriate PPE in all aspects of the
Occupational Health and Safety procedures pertaining to activities of the filling station.
• Access to chemical storage areas must be strictly restricted authorised personnel.
• Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) shall be readily available on site for all chemicals and
hazardous substances to be used on site. Where possible the available, MSDSs should
additionally include information on ecological impacts and measures to minimise negative
environmental impacts during accidental releases or escapes.
• A system shall be in place to ensure that MSDS are available to all personnel (including first-
aiders and medical personnel) involved in the transportation, storage, handling, use and
disposal of hazardous materials on site.
• Labelling shall be in place on all storage vessels, containers and tanks, where significant risks
exist (based on a risk assessment). Labelling shall clearly identify the stored material.
• Personnel using and handling chemicals shall have received proper training for this purpose,
using information available from the MSDS.


• For each site establishment, yard or other temporary chemicals storage area, a map indicating
the potential sources of pollution and corresponding location of spill kits will be prepared. Spill
kits will be placed at sufficient proximity in accordance with the degree of risk for spillage, and
a responsible person designated for each.
• Emergency response equipment for spillage containment, fires, explosions, burns, etc. must
be made available.
• Visible safety signs should be placed in areas of potential hazard, e.g. where tap water is not
to be used for drinking purposes, indicating the dangers of chlorine or informing of the safety
equipment to be worn when entering a certain area, etc.
• Where chemicals such as chlorine are being dosed self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
must be available and the expiry date is relevant. This apparatus must be kept out of the
chlorine room.
• Appropriate response arrangements with external medical providers e.g. ambulance,
hospitals, fire brigade etc. must be made and emergency numbers must be easily available
and prominently displayed.
• Emergency response procedures appropriate to the hazardous materials and the disposal of
the hazardous material must be drafted.
• All emergency equipment to be checked at least every 6 months and serviced as required. A
record of all checks must be kept.
• All associated records, documentation and registers, reports, monitoring data relating to the
chemical management plan must be stored on file and available for audit purposes.
• Simulation exercise are to be monitored for areas of improvement.



6.9.1 Wastewater/effluent
The evaporation ponds must be lined with an appropriate HDPE lining to prevent leakage from the
• The Operational Manager will ensure that the linings be regularly inspected to ensure there
are no holes, cuts, tears etc.
• The installed leak detection systems must be regularly checked.
• Appropriate overflow measures must be included, with the overflow held in similar lined ponds
• If necessary, the solid waste from the evaporation ponds must be removed when necessary,
and appropriately handled and disposed of. Any permits, authorisations etc. that may need to
be obtained for the removal and disposal of the waste must be obtained before.
• Records must be kept of waste removal from site. These should indicate who is removing this
waste and to where.
• The Operational Manager is to ensure visual monitoring of all other waste handling on site on a
regular basis.


6.9.2 Emergency/contingency preparedness

Responsible management and operation of the facility and the adoption of best practice during the
operation of the plant must take place.
• Downstream users are to be notified immediately by the site supervisor if a total system failure
takes place.
• A list of contact details of suitably qualify technicians (fitters, electricians etc.) must be on site.
• The installed leak detection systems must be regularly checked.
• All relevant municipal and provincial water authorities are to be immediately notified in case of
flooding, accidental overflow or leakage from the facility.
• A safety representative must be allocated, and all personnel on the site must know who the
safety representative is and safety meetings should take place regularly.
• Maintenance and management roles should be clearly defined.
• All new operational staff and maintenance contractors to undergo general environmental
awareness training before working on site, as well as health and safety induction. All staff to
be suitably qualified and have the necessary training.
• Suitable response protocols implemented to ensure optimum and safe operation of the facility
and corrective actions must be implemented in the event of any wastewater/effluent leaks or
• All staff required to wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and clothing where
• All chemicals must be safely stored with controlled access. Adequate accessibility must be
provided to all parts of the plant that need maintenance.
• Communication opened to the general public and a complaints register kept at the site office.
• All emergency equipment to be checked at least every 6 months and serviced as required. A
record of this check must be kept.
• All associated records, documentation and registers, reports, monitoring data must be stored
on file and available for audit purposes.
• Emergency plans/procedures must indicate revisions (dates reviewed and approved by the


The facility is expected to have an indefinite lifespan. It is considered unlikely that the facility will be
decommissioned. However, it is likely that the facility will may be upgraded or enlarged as part of
maintenance and the replacement of individual components with more appropriate
technology/infrastructure available at that time.
• The relevant mitigation measures contained under the construction section should be
applied during decommissioning and therefore is not repeated in this section.
• Site preparation activities will include confirming the integrity of the access to the site to
accommodate required equipment, preparation of the site (e.g. lay down areas, construction
platform) and the mobilisation of construction equipment.
• Disassembled components will be reused, recycled, or disposed of in accordance
• Specific consideration must be given to ways to minimise waste and wastage in maintenance
and the decommissioning phase of the proposed development.
• Equipment used in the plant must be recycled and re-used where possible to avoid the filling of
already limited landfill space.



I ___________________________

Representing: ___________________________________

Declare that the conditions of the EMP were brought to my attention and that I have read and
understood the contents of this Environmental Management Plan and that a copy of this EMP has been
made available to me.

Site: ___________________________________

Date: ___________________

I also declare that I understand my responsibility in terms of enforcing and implementing the
Environmental Specifications as set out in this Environmental Management Plan.
I also undertake to inform all persons under my supervision of these specifications and the contents of
the Environmental Management Plan.

Signed: _______________________________

Place: ________________________________

Date: _________________________________

Witness 1: _____________________________

To be included after start-up meeting.

The why, what and how…


… should we care about the environment?

The environment provides us with everything we need to survive – food, water, fuel, air, etc. Human activity uses resources
and has an impact on those resources. Managing our resource use and ensuring that our impact is minimized will ensure that
these resources are not depleted.

The Constitution says that all people in South Africa have the right to a healthy environment. If you damage the environment,
you are taking away that basic right of others as well as future generations – your children and grandchildren!

…environmental management if there is already conservation?

Historically, development and environmental conservation have been in conflict, because conservation was understood as the
protection of resources, and development as the use, or exploitation of resources. The two competed for the same resources,
but both are needed! Enter: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.

Sustainable development thus aims to improve the quality of human life while living within our ecological means = the wise
use of resources!

…environmental management of construction?

South Africa’s effort to attain sustainable development is based on the concept of Integrated Environmental Management
(IEM). The purpose of IEM is to resolve or lessen any negative environmental impacts and to enhance positive aspects of

IEM is designed to ensure that the environmental consequences of development proposals are understood and adequately
considered in the planning, implementation and management of all developments.

It is intended to guide, rather than impede the development process by providing a method of gathering, analysing and utilising
information about the environmental impacts of development. IEM and other principles of Environmental Management are set
out in the National Environmental Management Act (No. 107 of 1998) & National Environmental Management Amendment Act
(No. 62 of 2008)


…exactly is the ‘environment’? What if we’re not working near rivers or fynbos or leopard toad habitat?

The environment is not only the ‘conservation-worthy’ such as rare plants and endangered animals. The environment is
everything around you!

It is made up of living things (e.g. people, plants & animals) and non-living things (e.g. soil, water, buildings & cars). People
and man-made things are also important parts of the environment.

Protection of the environment means that all living and non-living things are protected. During construction, Environmental
Management Programmes (EMP’s) are implemented not only to protect fynbos or leopard toads but also to protect people
(both on site and off), property (houses, cars, etc.) as well as natural resources such as water, air and soil.
…do Environmental Management Programmes (EMP’s) do? What does this mean for my contract?

EMPs are tools to facilitate environmental management during the construction phase of development projects and thereby
avoid unnecessary impacts to the environment.

In the past, the functionality and efficiency of EMPs was hampered by resistance from contractors and engineers, the difficulties
of costing for compliance and the lack of legal enforceability.

Now Environmental Management Programmes (EMP’s) are stipulated in the Environmental Authorisations (ROD) as a
condition of the approval to go ahead with the development, in other words it is legally binding.

When you sign a contract do work on a project with an EMP, you are legally bound to comply with that EMP!

Methods of implementing EMPs are becoming more and more stringent and issues of enforceability are being addressed.
Those individuals and companies that are familiar with compliance with EMPs will be at a competitive advantage!

…do EMPs consist of?

EMPs usually contain an environmental policy statement, organisational structure detailing the responsibilities and authorities
involved in the project, procedures for communication and record-keeping and environmental specifications.

EMPs are adapted to the scale and sensitivity of the construction project. They can be thick documents detailing specifications
for every eventuality specifically adapted to the project, or they can be short and brief documents setting out standard
environmental procedures and controls. Sometimes EMPs include extensive penalty and incentive schemes.


A method statement can be requested or proposed when an activity is either not included in the EMP at all, if the EMP
specifications for an activity are not deemed adequate, if an activity is required that is not allowed by the EMP, etc. In other
words, when the EMP does no give enough information to manage the environmental impact of a specific activity.

A method statement is defined as a written submission by the Contractor setting out the plant, materials, labour and method
proposed to carry out an activity. Method statements must provide enough detail that the environmental impact of the activity
can be assessed. Method statements must therefore be submitted well in advance of the activity (usually at least 5 days but
sometimes more).

Method statements are therefore an extension of the EMP, are also legally binding and are intended to ensure that the
environmental implications of an activity outside of the EMP can be addressed.

Method statements usually require the approval by the engineer, the ECO/ESO/DEO, etc. before the activity can take place.
If such an activity takes place without approval and result in environmental damage, the contractor is responsible for the cost
of rehabilitation/clean-up/etc.

…is an ECO, ESO, DEO, etc.?

EMPs usually require the appointment of an ECO, ESO, DEO, etc. to oversee the implementation of and compliance with the
EMP on behalf of the engineer or the contractor(s). Ultimate responsibility for compliance with the EMP lies with the
contractor(s) and the engineer.

ESO = Environmental Site Officer – usually on site permanently or often. Can be independent consultant or from

ECO = Environmental Control Officer – usually visits site on a regular basis and audits compliance with the EMP. Usually
independent consultant.

DEO = Designated Environmental Officer – usually on site permanently, usually member of contractor or engineer site staff.

Organisational structures and responsibilities differ from project to project and depend on environmental sensitivity of the
project, scale of the project, etc. Increasingly nowadays, each party is required to appoint their own person responsible for
environmental management on site, e.g. the engineer would have an ESO/ECO and the main contractor(s) would have an
ESO/DEO etc.

It is therefore important to familiarise yourself with that part of the EMP that deals with organisation and responsibilities for
each contract that you are involved in.


…do EMPs promote sustainable development?

They don’t!

It is the people on site that protect the environment. The EMP, like any other plan or policy, is not worth anything if there isn’t
a commitment from those working on the project to compliance with the EMP.

…can I ensure my work comply with the EMP?

Environmental specifications in different EMPs can vary from vague to very detailed.

• Firstly, it is obviously important to know what those specifications are, vague or not, so READ THE DOCUMENT!
Ignorance does not absolve you from your responsibility. A copy of the EMP must be kept at the site office at all times.
• It also helps to understand WHY those specifications are there – some things are obvious but others may not be. Some
EMPs may have specifications that are not relevant. Don’t be afraid to question the EMP; it can only increase its
• Know where the sensitive areas on site are – watercourses, wetland areas, residential areas, etc. – and be extra vigilant
when working in these areas.
Mostly environmental management of construction activities and compliance with EMPs require only common sense and with
good housekeeping the battle is half won!

The enclosed environmental hand-out sets out the standard environmental specifications

Workers & equipment must stay inside the site boundaries at all times.
Nobody may enter areas marked as No-go areas.

Why? Construction activities, equipment and people cause damage and disturbance to the area surrounding
the site. As small an area as possible will be affected if all workers and equipment stay within the site
boundaries. This is especially important if there are people who live around the site or natural areas
around the site which should not be disturbed.

Do not swim in or drink from streams.

Do not throw oil, petrol, diesel, concrete or rubbish in streams.
Do not work in the stream without direct instruction.
Do not damage the banks or plants of streams.

Why? River water may be polluted which could make you sick.
Oil, petrol, diesel, concrete or rubbish will kill plants and animals living in the water. They may also make
people who may drink the water downstream sick. Rubbish in the stream also makes it look ugly.
People and machinery working in the stream will damage it and kill plants and animals living in the stream.
It may also cause erosion, which is expensive to repair.
The plants on the edge of the stream bind the soil together and prevent soil from getting washed away.
Soil washed into a stream may affect people using the water downstream (e.g. for irrigation).

Protect animals on the site.

Ask your supervisor to remove animals found on site.

Why? Animals are an important part of the environment. All animals have a purpose, even snakes which catch
mice and rats. Other important animals are owls, chameleons and frogs.

Do not damage or cut down any trees or plants without permission.

Do not pick flowers.

Why? Some plants are rare and may take a long time to grow back, if at all. Plants in the “no go” areas should
not be damaged.
Some plants will die if their flowers are picked. Rare plants may be lost.

Put cigarette butts in a rubbish bin.

Do not smoke near gas, paints or petrol.
Do not light any fires without permission.
Know the positions of firefighting equipment.
Report all fires.
Do not burn rubbish/ vegetation without permission.

Why? Leaving a burning cigarette butt on the ground may lead to runaway fires which are dangerous to
construction workers, people living around the site, equipment, houses, plants and animals.
Smoking near flammable material is dangerous and may cause an explosion.
Lighting a fire without permission may cause a runaway fire (see above).
Reacting quickly to fires that break out will prevent them from spreading and causing damage.

Work with petrol, oil & diesel only in designated areas.

Report any petrol, oil & diesel leaks or spills.
Use a drip tray under vehicles & machinery.
Empty drip trays after rain & throw away were instructed.

Why? Designated areas should have measures to protect against petrol, oil & diesel spills. Oil, petrol and diesel
can drip onto the soil and soak into it. Plants will not grow and animals will not live in dirty soil. It also
looks ugly to people living around the area.
Drip trays will prevent oil, petrol or diesel from soaking into the soil and killing plants and animals.
If drip trays are not emptied they may overflow and pollute the surrounding soil. If oil, petrol or diesel is
put into a stream, plants and animals living in the stream will be killed. They may also make people who
may drink the water downstream sick. Ask your supervisor where drip tray water may be disposed of on

Try to avoid producing dust – wet dry ground and stockpiles.

Why? Dust can be irritating to people and can reduce production on site. It can cause problems such as eye
irritations and coughs. It also reduces visibility on and around the site, which can be dangerous to drivers
and pedestrians, and can cause damage to the surrounding environment.
Soil should not be made too wet because that will cause safety problems and soil may be washed away.

Do not make loud noises around the site, especially near schools and homes.
Report or repair noisy vehicles.

Why? Loud noises are irritating to workers and people living around the site. Loud noise can also be harmful to
people (especially children) and affect their hearing.
By keeping vehicles in good condition, loud noise can be prevented.

Use the toilets provided.

Report full or leaking toilets.

Why? Sewage attracts flies and other irritating pests. If the site is near a river or stream, sewage makes the
water smell and people who swim in it or use it to wash their clothes will get sick. It also causes plants to
grow too much which blocks the river, which may cause flooding of houses and property.
Regular emptying of toilets is hygienic and will also prevent overflows.

Make sure that you eat where there is a rubbish bin nearby.
Never eat near a river or stream.
Put packaging & leftover food into rubbish bins.

Why? Eating areas generate a lot of rubbish and litter (e.g. bottles and packets) which will pollute the site and
surrounding areas. Therefore, eating must be done near bins which are placed in the eating.
Rubbish in a stream looks ugly and can be harmful to people’s health. It may also kill the plants and
animals living in the stream. Rubbish and food left lying around will attract pests (such as rats) which are
dangerous to people and cause a health hazard. Also, rubbish left lying around is ugly and unpleasant to
look at.

Do not litter–put all rubbish (especially cement bags) into the bins provided.
Ask your supervisor for a bin if there is none. Bins must be provided.
Report full bins to your supervisor.
The responsible person should empty bins regularly.

Why? Litter is ugly. It is also dangerous and unhealthy to adults, children and animals walking around the area.
Not putting the lid back on the bin will cause rubbish to be blown away.
Regularly emptying bins will prevent litter and rubbish flying around the site.

Always keep to the speed limit.

Drivers - check & report leaks.
Ensure loads are secure & do not spill.

Why? Speeding is dangerous to people who live in the area, especially children. Speed kills!
Faulty vehicles are dangerous to the driver, pedestrians and other motorists. Leaks can also pollute the
ground and water and smoke from vehicles can cause health problems.
This is a potential danger to other motorists. Also, do not overload vehicles.

Know all the emergency phone numbers.

Why? Prompt reaction to an accident, fire or spill will reduce the risk of serious damage to the environment and
to workers.

If rules are broken:

- Spot fines
- Removal from site.
- Construction may be stopped.

Why? Failure to adhere to the EMP may result in spot fines being issued to the company. It is then the Site
Agent’s responsibility to collect these fines from guilty individuals and he may even deduct fines off your
The fines are meant to act as an incentive for workers to take the EMP seriously.
A person may be removed from site if they continually disregard the specifications in the EMP.
If the EMP is not adhered to, the local Environmental Authority may stop construction.

Report any breaks, floods, fires, leaks and injuries to your supervisor.
Ask questions!

Thank you for your attention.

The following list represents the basic Do’s and Don’ts towards environmental awareness, which all
participants in this project must consider whilst carrying out their tasks. These are not exhaustive and
serve as a quick reference aid.
NOTE: ALL new site personnel must attend an environmental awareness presentation. Please
inform your foreman or manager if you have not attended such a presentation or contact the ESO.

• Use the toilet facilities provided – report dirty or full facilities
• Clear your work areas of litter and building rubbish at the end of each day – use the waste bins
provided and ensure that litter will not blow away.
• Report all fuel or oil spills immediately & stop the spill continuing.
• Dispose of cigarettes and matches carefully. (Littering is an offence.)
• Confine work and storage of equipment to within the immediate work area.
• Use all safety equipment and comply with all safety procedures.
• Prevent contamination or pollution of streams and water channels.
• Ensure a working fire extinguisher is immediately at hand if any “hot work” is undertaken e.g.
welding, grinding, gas cutting etc.
• Report any injury of an animal.
• Drive on designated routes only.
• Prevent excessive dust and noise.

Do not:
• Remove or damage vegetation without direct instruction.
• Make any fires.
• Injure, trap, feed or harm any animals – this includes birds, frogs, snakes, lizards etc.
• Enter any fenced off or marked area.
• Allow cement or cement bags to blow around.
• Speed or drive recklessly
• Allow waste, litter, oils or foreign materials into the stream
• Swim in the dam.
• Litter or leave food laying around

If any animals such as tortoises, chameleons or snakes be encountered then do not harm them. The
ECO or Site Supervisor must be contacted to remove these safely. The harming of any animal will
result in disciplinary action.
Construction and heavy machine operators must be particularly sensitive to staying within access
routes and prevention of unnecessary damage. Dust and noise is also of particular concern. Ensure
that vehicles and machinery do not leak fuel or oils. Refuelling or maintenance must be done within
the maintenance camp area only.
Alien plant clearing and control work teams must be closely supervised.
Die volgende lys verteenwoordig die moets en moenies vir omgewingsbewustheid wat alle deelnemers
aan hierdie projek in ag moet neem tydens die uitvoer van hul take. Hierdie lys is nie volledig nie en
dien slegs as ‘n vinnige verwysing.
Nota: alle nuwe terreinpersoneel moet ‘n aanbieding ten opsigte van omgewingsbewustheid bywoon.
Indien u nog nie so ‘n aanbieding bygewoon het nie, lig asseblief u voorman of bestuurder in of kontak
die omgewings terreinbeampte.

• Gebruik die beskikbare toilet-geriewe – rapporteer vuil of vol geriewe.
• Maak u werkplek skoon van rommel of bourommel aan die einde van elke dag – gebruik
beskikbare vullisdromme en verseker dat rommel nie rondwaai nie.
• Rapporteer alle brandstof- en olie stortings onmiddellik – stop verdere storting.
• Wees versigtig met die wegdoen van sigarette en vuurhoutjies. (rommelstrooi is ‘n oortreding.)
• Beperk werkaktiwiteite en die stoor van toerusting tot die onmiddellike werkarea.
• Gebruik veiligheidstoerusting en voldoen aan alle veiligheids-maatreëls.
• Voorkom besoedeling van strome en waterbane
• Verseker dat ‘n brandblusser in werkende toestand byderhand is wanneer “warm” werk verrig
word bv. Sweis, wegslyp, gasny, ens.
• Rapporteer beseerde diere.
• Ry slegs op aangewese roetes.
• Voorkom oormatige stof en geraas.

• Plantegroei verwyder of beskadig sonder direkte instruksie nie.
• Enige vure maak nie.
• Enige diere dood, beseer, vang of voer nie, insluitende voëls, paddas, slange, akkedisse, ens.
• Enige omheinde of afgesperde areas binnetree nie.
• Sement of sementsakke laat rondwaai nie.
• Vinnig of roekeloos bestuur nie.
• Enige rommel, afval, olie or enige vreemde materiaal in strome laat beland nie.
• In die dam swem nie.
• Rommelstrooi of kos laat rondlê nie.

Indien enige diere soos skilpaaie, verkleurmannetjies of slange teëgekom word, moet hulle nie beseer
of dood nie. Kontak die otb of ri om hulle veilig te verwyder. Die besering van diere sal lei tot dissiplinëre
Operateurs van konstruksie- en swaar masjiene moet veral versigtig wees om binne toegangsroetes te
bly en om enige onnodige skade te voorkom. Verseker dat voertuie en masjiene nie olie of brandstof
lek nie. Brandstofaanvulling en voertuigonderhoud mag slegs binne die onderhoudsarea gedoen word.
Streng toesig moet gehou word oor indringerplantbeheerspanne.
Zonke ezi zinto zilandelayo zizinto ekufuneka zenziwe nekufuneka zingenziwanga.
Wonke umntu ofikayo kufuncka afundiswe ngemigaqo kupala. Needa yazisa iforman yakho ikuba
awukhange uye kufundiswa.

Izinto emazenziwe
• Sebenzisa izindlu zangasese, yazisa xa kukho umonakalo.
• Zama ukucoca apho ubusebenza khona.
• Sebenzisa imigqomo yenkukuma ungayeki iphaphtieke.
• Yazisa xa ubona ioil echithskalayo okanye ipetrol.
• Cima lozoli cigarette xa ugqibibile ukutshaya
• Zonke izixhobo usebenza zibuyisele apho zihlaka khona xa ucgibile apho zihlala khona xa
ugqibile ukuzisebenzisa.
• Zisebenzise izikhuselixa uzinkiwe.
• Sukugalela izinto emlanjeni.
• Masibekho isicima mlilo xausebenza ngomlilo.
• Yazisa msinyane xa ubone isilwanyana ezonzakeleyo.
• Xauqhuba isithuthi hamba endleleni qha ungafathulinje.
• Naphina zamaungenzi thuli okanye ingxolo xa usebenza.

• Sukususa nesiphina isityalo ungakhange uxelelwe
• Sukwenza mlilo nokuba sekubanda
• Amagqara ukubulala izilwanyana nokuzifida akuvumelekanga
• Sukungena xa kuvaliwe ngaphandle kwe mvume
• Ingxowa zesamente mazincedwe zingalahlwa nje
• Sukuqhuba ngesantya esiphakamileyo
• Sukugalele nayiphi into phaya emlanjeni
• Sukuqubha edameni q oqosha yonk inkukuma
The contractors / sub-contractors must contact the ECO at any stage if unsure about any matter, or if
a pollution incident occurs, or vegetation or animals are damaged.
ECO = Environmental Control Officer ESO= Environmental Site Officer

PHASE Penalty for Non-compliance

PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE Bottom range Top Range*

Construction area to be marked off before construction starts. 5000

The demarcated area must be maintained throughout the construction 500 1000

Site area for stock piling of building material must be demarcated 500 5000

Site area for storing of waste material must be demarcated 500 5000

Fencing off the construction site with mesh fencing of 1.8m, where 500 1000
necessary or other suitable material as agreed on by ECO

Sitting of access road/s to be approved by ECO & demarcated with 5000

stakes before any construction starts (if applicable)

Temporary route used for construction must be determined on site 1000 5000
with ECO (if applicable)

Telecommunications & AC power routes must be determined with the 1000 5000
ECO (if applicable)

Sensitive features that may be harmed must be clearly marked or 500 2000

Vegetation that may not be removed must be clearly marked or 500 5000

Contractor must make the Construction team and all sub-contractors 100 5000
aware of all environmental aspects that could lead to imposition of

Contractor to sign Declaration of understanding (DOU) before 5000

construction starts

Contractor to assure that all subcontractors be informed and signed 1000 5000

Method statements must be provided on request by the ECO. No work 1000 5000
may commence until the Method Statement is accepted by the ECO
and Engineer



A copy of the EMP & Record of Decision with all the conditions of 200 5000
approval, and the relevant Method Statements must be at site at all
Construction crew behaviour

Construction crews may not overnight on site. 200 5000

No amplified music allowed on site 100 200

Construction crew must stay within the demarcated construction area. 50 500
(Applicable in sensitive sites)

Eating of meals only allowed in demarcated area 50 500

No pets permitted on site 100

Driving, Parking & Storing of machinery and vehicles are only allowed 1000 5000
inside demarcated areas and existing roads

Machinery may only be used on the road and may not disturb the 500 5000
vegetation on the sides of the road except if cleared by ECO.
Machinery used must be carefully considered to limit environmental

No vegetation other than that agreed on may be damaged - i.e. no 500 2000
access to areas outside construction area.

No individual may cause unnecessary damage to flora and fauna on, 20 2000
around or near the site

No littering allowed (incl. cigarette butts) 50 500


No topsoil may be removed or altered outside the demarcated area 2000

and/or which was not specified.

Commercial sources of sand, rock and gravel to be cleared with ECO 200 5000

All surplus material to be taken off-site and be disposed of at approved 500 5000


Sufficient ablution facilities must be provided 3000

Toilets to be secured to prevent them from falling or blowing over. 100 1000

They must be serviced regularly, (according to the manufacturer’s 100 1000

instructions) and kept clean.

Everybody on site must make use of ablution facilities 50 1000

Fire Prevention

All mandatory firefighting equipment (as specified at start-up) must 500 4000
be on site at all times

Firefighting equipment to be in good working order and serviced. 500 2000

No fires, including cooking fires, allowed on site 1000 5000


Concrete may only be mixed within the boundaries of the demarcated 500 5000
area and/or where was agreed on by the ECO.

All excess cement & concrete mixes to be contained on construction 200 5000
site prior to disposal off site

Any cement / concrete spillage to be cleaned up immediately. 500 5000

Ready-mix delivery trucks must not carry out the wash down of their 1000 3000
trucks on or around the site unless arranged with ECO.

Dust pollution control

Ensure that loose building material is covered to prevent dust pollution 100 1000

Water run-off

Contamination of water bodies, rivers, dams or wetlands must be 500 5000

prevented at all cost

Rainwater from construction & building site/s must be channelled, 500 5000
contained & allowed to dry out, so as not to transport any pollutants
into the surrounding area. Temporary trenches, straw stabilising,
brush cutting can be used

Waste control

Sufficient refuse bins must be placed on site 500 2000

Refuse bins must be cleaned on a regular basis 100 1000

General litter / building refuse must be cleaned up on a regular basis 500 3000
from the site

Cement-contaminated water; paint; oil; cement slurries etc. must be 500 5000
stored in watertight containers or as agreed with ECO

Store all refuse & waste material in wind & animal proof containers 100 1000

Waste must be disposed of at an official waste deposit site on a regular 500 5000

The absence of or inadequate drip trays or bunding facilities 500 5000

Failure to address oil/fuel leaks from on-site machinery 200 5000


No herbicides or pesticides whatsoever may be used. 200 2000

Construction road

Road must be upgraded to prevent degradation and erosion of the 500 5000
road and surrounds.

Power and Telecommunications supply

Demarcate power supply route 500 5000

No vehicles to drive through vegetation unless authorised by ECO 500 5000

Storage of equipment may only take place at an area demarcated by 500 5000
the ECO.

Working must be done in phases to prevent trampling of vegetation N/A

Use of generators and fuel powered equipment

A watertight cover must be place under the power generator 500 5000
equipment to prevent accidental spillage of fuel & oil seeping into the

Drip tray must be able to take 120% of fuel on site 500 5000

All waste material generated from the use of this equipment must be 500 5000
contained and removed from the site

Mobile fuel powered equipment must be well maintained and must not 200 5000
have any fuel or oil leaks.

Soil Stabilisation

Ensure that soil material for filling and stabilisation comes from a 100 2000
source that does not contain seeds alien to the area. The source must
be cleared with the ECO.


Remove rocks and stones and stock pile in area recommended by 500 5000

Remove all plants that can be used for rehabilitation and store on- or 200 5000
off-site in appropriate manner as agreed with ECO

Removal of all old concrete and alien materials from site 500 5000

Site must be cleared of all waste and building material 500 5000

*(Large scale / repeated offence)

Method Statements are to be completed by the person undertaking the work (i.e. the Contractor). The
Method Statement will enable the potential negative environmental impacts associated with the
proposed activity to be assessed.

The Method Statement can only be implemented once approved by the ECO

The Contractor (and, where relevant, any sub-contractors) must also sign the Method Statement,
thereby indicating that the works will be carried out according to the methodology contained in the
approved Method Statement.

The ECO will use the Method Statement to audit compliance by the Contractor with the requirements
of the approved Method Statement.

Changes to the way the works are to be carried out must be reflected by amendments to the original
approved Method Statement; amendments require the signature of the ECO denoting that the changed
methodology or works are necessary for the successful completion of the works, and are
environmentally acceptable. The Contractor will also be required to sign the amended Method
Statement thereby committing him/herself to the amended Method Statement.

This Method Statement MUST contain sufficient information and detail to enable the ECO to apply their
minds to the potential impacts of the works on the environment. The Contractor will also need to
thoroughly understand what is required of him/her in order to undertake the works.

The page overleaf provides a pro forma method statement sheet, which needs to be completed for each
activity requiring a method statement in terms of the EMP.

CONTRACT:…………………..………………………………... DATE:………………..

PROPOSED ACTIVITY (give title of method statement and reference number):

WHAT WORK IS TO BE UNDERTAKEN (give a brief description of the works):

WHERE ARE THE WORKS TO BE UNDERTAKEN (where possible, provide an annotated plan and a
full description of the extent of the works):


Start Date: End Date:

HOW ARE THE WORKS TO BE UNDERTAKEN (provide as much detail as possible, including
annotated maps and plans where possible):
Note: please attach extra pages if more space is required


The work described in this Method Statement, if carried out according to the methodology described, is
satisfactorily mitigated to prevent avoidable environmental harm:

____________________ ____________________
(Signed) (Print name)

____________________ ____________________
(Signed) (Print name)

Dated: ____________________


I understand the contents of this Method Statement and the scope of the works required of me. I further
understand that this Method Statement may be amended on application to other signatories and that
the ESO will audit my compliance with the contents of this Method Statement

____________________ ____________________
(Signed) (Print name)

Dated: ____________________

The works described in this Method Statement are approved.

___________________ ___________________ _________________

(Signed) (Print name) (Designation)

Dated: _______________

SITE: _________________________________________________________________________
(✓ or X)
How many workers are on site
All new personnel on site are aware of the contents
of the EMP and have been through the
environmental awareness course.
Contractor’s camp is neat and tidy and the
labourers’ facilities are of an acceptable standard.
Sufficient and appropriate firefighting equipment is
visible and readily available.
Waste control and removal system is being
Refuse bins in place and maintained
Toilets are in place and clean
Demarcation and other fences are being
What machinery are on site
Drip trays are being utilised where there is a risk of
incidental spillage
Bunds/ drip trays are being emptied on a regular
basis (especially after rain).
No leakages (oil & fuel) are visible from
construction vehicles
No go areas, remaining natural features and trees
have not been damaged.
Dust control measures (if necessary) are in place
and are effectively controlling dust.
Noise Control measures (if necessary) is in place
and is working effectively.
Erosion control measures (if necessary) are in
place and are effective in controlling erosion.
(Access road, site areas etc.)
Stockpiles are located within the boundary of the
site, do not exceed 2 m in height and are protected
from erosion.

Completed by:……………………… Sign:…………..…………. Date:………………………

To be submitted at the end of each week to the Environmental Site Officer (ESO)

Received by:
Environmental Site Officer: :………………… Sign: Date:……………

Project Name: Report no

Main Date
ECO: EnviroAfrica Ref.


Boundaries of “no go” areas, construction
sites, -offices, temporary storage areas as
well as labourer’s facilities must be
demarcated (EMP and ECO requirements)
and maintained for the length of the
construction period.
Identified “No-Go Areas”, must be
demarcated for protection from
construction damage (including secondary
• All areas outside of the demarcated
construction site(s) and access road(s) to
be regarded as NO-GO areas, including
remaining natural veld identified trees.
• Special attention to identified areas with
significant vegetation.
All flora identified for search & rescue must
be removed before any construction take
place and re-used in pre-approved way.
Before any construction or earthworks,
topsoil must be stripped (>150mm) and
stockpiled for rehabilitation/ landscaping.
• must be protected (erosion) and stored
• may not be moved further than 50m or
mixed with any other soil.
• must be convex and should not exceed
2m in height.

In addition:
• Cleared areas must be stabilized.
• Burning or burying of cleared vegetation
is prohibited (may be used for mulch or
slope stabilisation on site).
Must be demarcated, organised and free of
day-to-day litter (good housekeeping
Facilities must be of acceptable standards
suitably demarcated, well maintained, neat
and tidy and with adequate ablution
Only approved entrance and haul roads
may be used. No new roads or parking
areas may be developed without written
approval from the ECO.
Mandatory site equipment must be in
place, well maintained and in accordance
with EMP and ECO requirements.
• Sufficient refuse bins, well placed and
cleaned regularly.
• Sufficient fire extinguishers, readily
available, maintained and functional.
• Drip trays must be used at all fuel and oil
storage and refuelling sites.
• Toilets and sanitation facilities must be
kept clean neat and hygienic.
Fuel storage areas must be situated within
the demarcated construction camp site (or
an area approved by the ECO).
• Larger containers must be bunded
(containment of accidental spillages).
• Drip trays must be used during refuelling
or under stationary refuelling vehicles.
• Fuel and oil storage and refuelling sites
must be maintained.
May only be placed on pre-approved sites,
demarcated, stabilised or organised and
The contractor is expected to control all
construction related waste material and
general litter on actual construction sites
and its immediate surroundings.
• Waste management must be in
accordance with the EMP, of acceptable
standards, with regular removal of
general waste, hazardous waste as well
as construction waste (e.g. concrete
waste and spoil).
Mixing areas must be approved by the
ECO, suitably demarcated and may not
result in pollution.
• Polluted cement water may only be
released into sedimentation ponds.
• Sedimentation ponds must be maintained
and cleaned regularly (and reinstated
after use).
Construction vehicles must be in good
working order and well maintained to
prevent oil and fuel leakages and to reduce
noise levels.
Construction vehicles and equipment may
only operate within the demarcated site
boundaries (and approved access roads),
especially heavy earthmoving vehicles.
Adequate control measures must be in
place to prevent dust nuisance or pollution
(entrance-, haul roads and exposed
• Areas of concern must be watered
regularly during construction AND
periods of strong winds, BUT must take
water saving into account.
Erosion resulting from works must be
• Temporary and permanent drainage
areas must be maintained.
• Erosion damage and damage in drainage
courses must be reinstated.
Effective noise control measures must be
in place and acceptable working hours
must be kept (deviations must be approval
by the ECO).
Should any archaeological or heritage
remains be exposed during excavations or
any activity on site, these must immediately
reported to The site agent/engineer, the


Method statements must be submitted and
approved before commencement of the
Possibly Required:
1. Demarcation & No-Go Areas (Map)
2. Clearing of vegetation & topsoil
3. Stockpiling & temporary storage
4. Construction camp & site offices
5. Labourer’s facilities
6. Mandatory site equipment
7. Fuel storage
8. Entrance & haul roads
9. Waste management
10. Cement/Concrete mixing
11. Dust control
12. Erosion control
13. Noise control
14. Rehabilitation

Additional Method Statements


Environmental conduct of construction
personnel must be acceptable (e.g. no
burning or burying of refuse; no littering
and no cement bags or other construction
waste material lying around).
The contractor must ensure that the weekly
environmental checklist is completed at the
end of each week and it must be available
at the site offices.
On completion of the project or phase, all
areas impacted by the construction
activities must be reinstated and/or
rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the ECO
with emphasis on the following:
• Site offices must be removed and the
areas rehabilitated or reinstated to the
satisfaction of the ECO.
• Labourer’s facilities must be removed
and the areas rehabilitated or reinstated
to the satisfaction of the ECO.
• All construction site areas must be
rehabilitated or reinstated to the
satisfaction of the ECO.
• All temporary fencing and demarcation
must be removed and the areas
reinstated to the satisfaction of the ECO.
• Temporary storage areas must be
rehabilitated or reinstated to the
satisfaction of the ECO.
• All remaining construction material must
be removed and the areas rehabilitated
or reinstated to the satisfaction of the
• Any additional disturbed areas must be
rehabilitated or reinstated to the
satisfaction of the ECO.
Spot fines and penalties must be recorded
and documented by the ECO (in
accordance with the EMP).
Photographs must be taken by the ECO,
Site Engineer and or Site Manager, prior to,
during and immediately after construction
as visual reference. These photographs
must be stored with other records relating
to the EMP.

End of report

ECO Signature
APPENDIX 10: Environmental incident report format





________________________ DATE ______________________

ECO/ESO ________________________ DATE ______________________


APPENDIX 11: Environmental complaints register
(To be completed by Site
REGISTER FORM Agent/Supervisor)
APPENDIX 12: Method statement register


1 Demarcation
2 Clearing of vegetation and topsoil removal
3 Stockpiling
4 Temporary storage facilities
5 Construction camp and site offices
6 Fuel storage
7 Labourer's facilities
8 Entrance and haul roads
9 Mandatory site equipment
10 Waste management/control
11 Cement mixing and batching areas
12 Construction vehicle maintenance
13 Dust control
14 Erosion control
15 Noise control
16 Archaeological and heritage finds
17 Rehabilitation
19 Additional MS (Waste Licence
APPENDIX 13: Maps & Drawings
APPENDIX 14: Specialist studies
APPENDIX 15: Proof of compliance

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