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Name Amanda Castells Velázquez

Course 2023/2024

Group 2
1.1. INITIAL ASSESSMENT: Semi-formal email
1.1.1. Feedback
• Instructions for peer-correction
1) Is the semi-formal email within the word limit?
2) Read the email. Is it clear?
3) Has the information required been included?
4) Do you think the style and register are appropriate?

1.1.2. Self-reflection

Aspects learned/to be improved Which ones will I apply to

my next writing?
1. Follow steps more closely (plan ahead). ✓

2. Use more vocabulary specific language. ✓

3. Write shorter sentences. ✓

1.2. INTRODUCTION [explanations & notes]

1.3. STRUCTURE [explanations, notes, activities done in class, etc]

1.4. REGISTER, STYLE & LANGUAGE [explanations, notes, activities
done in class, etc]
1.5. USEFUL LANGUAGE [explanations & notes]
• Content [explanations, notes, etc]
• Practice & peer correction [email - Exercise in “Steps for writing a
semi-formal email”]
o Instructions for peer-correction
1) Is the email within the word limit?
2) Read the email. Is it clear?
3) Have the main ideas been included? Are the ideas relevant? Do they stick
to the point?
4) Has the writer followed a suitable structure?
5) Is the register appropriate to a semi-formal email? Has the writer been
6) Highlight topic-specific vocabulary? Is it too simple or adequate for a C1
7) Are the sentences simple enough to avoid being overly descriptive and
• Self-reflection

Aspects learned/to be improved Which ones will I apply to

my next writing?
1. Focusing better and take less time ✓
writing/drafting the emails.

2. Being consistent with my register (e. g. using ✓

contractions, etc)

3. Not using overtly long sentences. ✓


1) Read the self-reflections you wrote throughout the portfolio in each of the
sections. Write about the aspects you learned and/or tried to improve and/or
actually improved throughout the writing sessions (before the final writing). Give
some examples.
I tried to cut back on my habit of writing long sentences, something that isn’t usual
in semi-formal emails. Similarly, I learned not to beat around the bush and be
more straightforward. Additionally, I tried to improve my skills regarding specific
vocabulary according to the required level for the class.
2) Answer this question: In general, do you think you have learned how to write a
semi-formal email?
Yes! I have refined my skills and improved the few issues I encountered when
writing semi-formal emails.
3) Think about the use of the portfolio. Did you find it useful? Why/Why not?

I do find it rather useful, specially for part of the class which might lack on their
writing skills. Furthermore, I think the resources you give are very appropriate
and overall help us learn more. That said, I do think some of the exercises might
be too repetitive (e.g. the register ones) and just a few would be enough. Also,
adding obligatory notes for the portfolio might be too redundant for some students
who have already studied how to do semi-formal emails.

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