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HRD Corp - Human Resource Development Corporation



Table of Contents

TRM-TS-1 - OFFICER........................................................................................................................................................4
Login as training market officer to approve the application........................................................................................4
TRM-TS-2 - OFFICER........................................................................................................................................................5
Login as training market officer to reject the application............................................................................................5
TRM-TS-3 - OFFICER........................................................................................................................................................6
Login as training market officer to query the application............................................................................................6
TRM-TS-4 - OFFICER........................................................................................................................................................7
Login as training market officer to view the submitted TTT exemption application (incomplete review)...................7
TRM-TS-5 - OFFICER........................................................................................................................................................8
Login as training market officer to search statement for officer.................................................................................8
TRM-TS-6 - OFFICER........................................................................................................................................................9
Login as officer to suspend the TP...............................................................................................................................9

Acronyms & Definitions

The following terms and acronyms are used throughout this document:

No. Terms/Acronyms Description

1. HRDC Human Resource Development Corporation

2. RSD Requirement Specification Document

3. NCS New Core System

4. FSD Functional Specifications Document

5. IDD Integration Design Document

6. SME Small Medium Enterprise

7. PFD Process Flow Diagram

8. SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

9. CSV Comma-separated values

10. PDF Portable Document Format

11. PIC Person-in-charge

12. CKSP Cawangan Kawal Selia dan Penguatkuasaan

13. URL Uniform Resource Locator

14. NFA No Further Action

15. BU Business Unit

16. ROC Registrar of Companies

17. ROB Registrar of Business

18. ROS Registrar of Societies

19. HQ Headquarters

20. SSM Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia

21. EPF Employees Provident Fund

No. Terms/Acronyms Description

22. SOCSO Social Security Organization

23. ERD Employer Registration Department

24. NGO Non-governmental Organization

25. IC Identification Card

26. FPX Financial Process Exchange

27. RM Ringgit Malaysia

28. LOD Letter of Demand

29. POD Proof of Debt

30. HCC HRD Corp Claimable Courses

31. IT Information Technology

32. SLB Skim Latihan Bersama

33. SBL Skim Bantuan Latihan

34. FWT Future Workers Training

35. ITS Industrial Training Scheme

36. ALAT Training Facilities and Renovation

37. LOA Level of Authority

38. ACM Allowable Cost Matrix

39. TP Training Provider

40. CBT Computer Based Training

41. SI Strategic Initiative

42. TM Training Market

43. TDMS Trainer Development Management System

No. Terms/Acronyms Description

44. TTT Train the Trainer

45. MICAS Microcredential Course Acknowledgement System

46. LO Local Order

47. Q Code Quick response code

Test Scenario (OFFICER)


Test Scenario ID: TRM-TS-1 - OFFICER

Environment: Pilot Server

Scenario: Login as training market officer to approve the application

Executed by: Date:

Steps Expected Result Passed Remarks


Click the Login menu. Users will be logged in.

Fill in the Username and Password Users will receive the notification pop up number
on the upper right-hand side.


Press enter or click the Log in Now.

Click on the notification listing to view the System displays the TTT exemption form
submitted application. submitted by the trainer/TP.

Click approve and include remarks or additional System will generate TTT exemption digital cert
email if any. and send it to trainer/TP.

Proceed to click complete to approve the


Test Scenario ID: TRM-TS-2 - OFFICER

Environment: Pilot Server

Scenario: Login as training market officer to reject the application

Executed by: Date:

Steps Expected Result Passed Remarks


Click the Login menu. Users will be logged in.

Fill in the Username and Password Users will receive the notification pop up number
on the upper right-hand side.


Press enter or click the Log in Now.

Click on the notification listing to view the System displays the TTT exemption form
submitted application. submitted by the TP.

Click reject and include reason of rejection. System will send out rejection notification to the

Proceed to click complete to reject the application

Test Scenario ID: TRM-TS-3 - OFFICER

Environment: Pilot Server

Scenario: Login as training market officer to query the application

Executed by: Date:

Steps Expected Result Passed Remarks


Click the Login menu. Users will be logged in.

Fill in the Username and Password System will display the NCS apps and officers need
to click on Training Market apps. Officers will
receive notification in their inbox by clicking the
Password: pending action button on the left side to see all
the pending action.

Press enter or click the Log in Now.

Click on the inbox to view the pending action Users will see the list of pending action requests
request submitted by the training provider. and need to click the action button accordingly per
request submitted.

Click the query and include the reason of query System will send out a query notification to the
together to proceed to complete the query trainer/TP.

Click complete to end the process.

Test Scenario ID: TRM-TS-4 - OFFICER

Environment: Pilot Server

Scenario: Login as training market officer to view the submitted TTT exemption application (incomplete
Executed by: Date:

Steps Expected Result Passed Remarks


Click the Login menu. Users will be logged in.

Fill in the Username and Password System will display the NCS apps and officers need
to click on Training Market apps. Officers will
receive notification in their inbox by clicking the
Password: pending action button on the left side to see all
the pending action.

Press enter or click the Log in Now.

Click on the inbox to view the pending action Users will see the list of pending action requests
request submitted by the training provider. and need to click the action button accordingly per
request submitted.


Test Scenario ID: TRM-TS-5 - OFFICER

Environment: Pilot Server

Scenario: Login as training market officer to search statement for officer

Executed by: Date:

Steps Expected Result Passed Remarks


Click the Login menu. Users will be logged in.

Fill in the Username and Password System will display the NCS apps, and the user will
click on the training market apps.


Press enter or click the Log in Now.

Click the statement listing to view the search System will display the statement of the user in
statement. the listing together with the status.

Select any of the statements and click the view to System will display the full version of the
view the full details of the statement. statement of any payment.


Test Scenario ID: TRM-TS-6 - OFFICER

Environment: Pilot Server

Scenario: Login as officer to suspend the TP

Executed by: Date:

Steps Expected Result Passed Remarks


Click the Login menu. Users will be logged in.

Fill in the Username and Password System will display the NCS apps, and the user will
click on the training market apps.


Press enter or click the Log in Now.

Click on the suspension menu to suspend the TP All features and functions will be disabled.


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