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Read the following instructions below:

 Read the questions carefully before providing the answers

 Use HB pencils on the OMR sheet to answer each question.
 You have 1 minutes each to answer each question.
 Submit to the invigilator as soon as you are done or time lapses.

Use of English Mock Questions, 7th June, 2024
Instruction: Attempt all the questions.
Write the correct sentence structure for the sentences below.
1. She has gone to work in Abuja…………………..
2. Before she slept, we washed the
3. We bought her a brand new car from
Write out the nominal groups from the sentences below
4. The demure sad woman with a pockmark on her skin
5. Bisoye, the headstrong leader will cry after the
Write out the phonetic symbol of the underlined words
6. Cut …………………
7. Cougar…………………..
8. Plea…………………………..
Write out the grammatical name of the underlined expression
9. Adeolu drove the truck that conveyed the goods.
10. Inaudibly, she gasped………………………………….

Choose the odd word from the option
11. A. erase B. retrieve
C. delete D. clean
12. A. cackle B. chuckle
C. giggle D. titter
13. A. car B. nose
C. tongue D. eye
Choose the option nearest in meaning to the given word or
14. A person who studies birds
A. purist B. ophthalmologist C. ornithologist D. Essayist
15. Daunted
A. stifled B. threatened C. discouraged D. engrossed
16. put something under the microscope
A. to examine it very closely and carefully B. to subject it to
scientific tests C. to analyse it critically D. to make it more
interesting and acceptable
Choose the option that best completes the gap
17. The judge said, “objection___________________” the defence
counsel had objected to the ___________ questions asked by
the prosecutor.
A. Sustained/leading B. Overruled/irrelevant C.
Sustained/relevant D. Overruled/dishonest
18. Despite our __________, we have been able to find some
common ___________
A. disagreement/equality B. disagreement/ground C.
disagreement/advantage D. disagreement/style
19. In today’s world, ____________ experts use a number of
devices to _____________ crime scenes.
A. forensic/reconstruct B. security/detect C.
intelligence/deconstruct D. crime/examine
20. If the __________ comes to _________ we shall invite him to
our party.
A. worse/worse B. worse/worst C. worst/worse D. worst/worst

21. If the radius of a circle is diminished by 10%, then its area is
diminished by:
A. 10%
B. 19%
C. 20%
D. 36%
22. If (2x-y)=4 then (6x-3y)=?
A. 15
B. 12
C. 18
D. 10
23. 2 numbers differ by 5. If their product is 336, then the sum of the 2
numbers is?
A. 21
B. 51
C. 28
D. 37
24. If x=y=2z and xyz=256 then what is the value of x?
A. 8
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
25. If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 40% of the same number?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 15
D. 10
26. If the value of x lies between 0 & 1, which of the following is the
A. x
B. -x
C. 1/x
D. Cannot be determined

27. The difference between simple interest and compound on $1200
for one year at 10% per annum reckoned half-yearly is?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of these
28. A man lends a certain sum of money at simple interest. Rate of
interest for the first one and half years is 6%, for the next 9
months is 5% and after that 4%. If he received $11496 2at the end
of 4 years, his capital was?
A. $10000
B. $9000
C. $9600
D. $ 9200
E. None of these
29. One sixth of half of three fourth of a number is 25. What will be
30% of that number?
A. 800
B. 120
C. 340
D. 300
30. Brother’s weight is 25% more than that of sister. What percent is
brother’s weight less than sister’s weight?
A. 25%
B. 60%
C. 45%
D. 20
E. 98%

31. The first school in Nigeria was established by a. Babs Fafunwa b.
Mr and Mrs Graft c. Lord Lugard d. James Coleman
32. JAMB was established in a. 1978 b. 1970 c. 1965 d. 1989
33. The current VC of OAU is a. Oladele Ajose b. Adebayo Bamire c.
Eyitope Ogunbodede d. Oluwasanmi Hezekiah
34. The first TV station in Nigeria Western Nigeria Television was
established in a. 1965 b. 1959 c. 1970 d. 1963
35. Whose image is on 20 naira note a. Tafawa Balewa b. Ahmadu
Bello Aivan Ikoku c. Murtala Muhammed
36. Who invented the Telephone a. Isaac Newton b.Graham Douglas
c, Graham Bell d.Paul Smith
37. The first index case of coronavirus in Nigeria was from a.China b.
Italy c.Germany d. USA
38. The headquarters of the United Nations is in a. New York b.
Washinton c. London d. Paris
39. The largest planet is a. Earth b.Pluto c.Jupitar d. Uranus
40. Queen Elizabeth II ruled for 70 years and died on 8th Sep,
2022 at age a. 90 b. 97 c. 96 d 94


Chemistry Mock Questions, 7th June, 2024

1) Which quantum numbers respectively describe the shape, spatial

orientation and the energy of an orbital?_____,_____,_____
2) Which following is the most correct statement today?
(I)Atoms are indestructible and indivisible component of matter.
(II)Atoms cannot be create destroyed or transformed into other atoms in
a chemical reaction
(III) All atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties

(IV)A mixture is formed by combination of two or more different kinds
of atom
(V) A compound is a mixture of elements.
3) Which of the following was/were the conclusion(s) drown from
Rutherford's experiment?
I) Atoms contain massive positively charged centers
II) Negatively charged particles are concentrated in nucleus
III) Negatively charged electrons revolved round the neutron
IV) Comparison of the masses of proton and electron showed that mass
of proton is negligible.
V)all of the above
4) Which of the following pair is incorrect about the trends of periodic
properties? I) Electron affinity increase down the group, while ionization
energy decreases down the group.
II) Electron affinity increases down the group, while ionization energy
decreases down the group. III)Ionization energy decreases down the
group, while electron affinity becomes more negative along the period.
IV)Metallic properties increases down the group while ionization energy
decreases along the period.__________
5) Given the abundance of lighter bromine is 50.54%, calculate the
natural atomic weight of bromine, if the element has only 2 naturally
occurring isotopes weighing 78.9184 and 80.9163. Express your answer
to four significant figures
6) Identify which of the following is homogenous mixture
I) Gasoline
II) Stream with gravel at the bottom

IV) Brass
V)Copper metal
7) How many unpaired electrons are there Al and Al³+ respectively?
________ AND ________
8) What is the correct ground state electrons configuration of Cu?
9) Arrange the set of orbitals 3d,4d, 4s, 4p and 5s in order of increasing
energy ___________
10) Which of the following has no neutron?
I) lithium ion II) Beryllium III) Helium atoms
IV) Hydrogen atom
11) Each of the ions A^- and B^+ has a total of 18 electrons. The nuclei
of the neutral atoms A and B respectively certain
a)_____ and _____ protons
12) The component of an atom that contributes least to its mass is
II) neutron
III) proton
V) none of the above.

13) What are the total numbers of orbitals(including the degenerate
orbitals) and electrons associated with the principal quatum number n=3?
_______orbitals and ______ electrons
14)What was the contribution of Millikan to the development of atomic
theory Determination of:
16) Which of the following option gives element with highest number of
valence electrons?
I) 15P
Ii) 8Oxygen
17) Which of the following statements is/are correct?
I) Electronic configuration shows the arrangement of electron(s) in the
orbitais of an atom
II) No two electrons is a given atom can have the same values for all the
four quantum numbers.
III) Electron goes into orbital of higher energy level before lower energy
level or orbital
IV) The atom is in its ground state when the electron is in the stationary
state of least energy when in any other state, the atom is said to be excited.
V) A wave is a vibrating disturbance by which energy is transmitted.
18) Who discovered electrons______
19) Among the groups ,which of them is chemically unreactive ______
20) Ionization energy_____ across the period of a periodic table .

Mathematics Mock Questions, 7th June, 2024

1. In the triangle ABC sides AB and CB have equal lengths and the measure of
angle ABC is equal to 36 degrees. What is the measure of angle BOC where
O is the center of the circle?

A. 144 degrees
B. 18 degrees
C. 140 degrees
D. 72 degrees
2. Simplify 3√12 - √27 + 5√9
A. 15 + 3√3
B. 3√3 – 15
C. √15 – 3
D. -3√3 + 15
3. The diagonal of a square is 2cm, find the length of each of the other side

A. √2
B. √2 + 1
C. √3
D. 2

4. CD is parallel to AB and the measure of angle t is equal to 90 degrees. Find

the area of the circle in terms of x.

10 | P a g e
A. 3x/5 B. 9πx2/100
C. 9πx/100 D. 9πx2/25
5. Three years ago, a father was four times as old as his daughter is now. The
product of their present ages is 430. Calculate the present age of the father.
A. 15 years old
B. 20 years old
C. 43 years old
D. 25 years old

6. 15 degrees is co-terminal to all of the following except

A. 375 degrees
B. -345 degrees
C. 735 degrees
D. 755 degrees
7. One side of an equilateral triangle ABC is 20 cm. If the equilateral triangle is
inscribed in a circle, find the diameter of the circle to 1 decimal place.
A. 23.1 cm
B. 24 cm
C. 24.2 cm
D. 27.0 cm
8. Which of the following points lie on the line y = 5x – 2?
A. (2, 12)
B. (-4, -12)
C. (0, 6)
D. (-2, -12)
9. The gradient and the value of the intercept on the y-axis of the line 2y + 8x –
5 = 0 are respectively

11 | P a g e
A. -4, 2.5
B. 2, -5
C. -8, 5
D. -4, 5
10. The third, fourth and fifth terms of a GP are x + 3, x + 8 and x + 18,
respectively. Find x.
A. 3
B. 2
C. 10
D. 5
11. Determine the number of the term which is 83 in the AP 3, 8, 13, 18, …
A. 15
B. 17
C. 18
D. 22
12. Find the non- negative root of the equation 3x(x – 2) = 11, leaving your
answer to significant figures.
A. 3.01
B. 1.16
C. 3.16
D. 4.25
13. The 1st term of an AP is 4 and the common difference is 0.25, find the 9th
A. 6
B. 62.5
C. 8.5
D. 8.25
14. The mean of the numbers 1.2, 1.0, 0.9, 1.4, 0.8, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.1 is
A. 1.5
B. 0.8
C. 1.0
D. 1.05
15. Which of the following is a point on the curve y = x2 - 4x + 7?
A. (0, 6)
B. (1, 4)
C. (2, 0)
D. (7, 0)
16. In triangle XYZ, <YXZ = 30o, <XYZ = 105o and XY = 8cm. Calculate YZ
A. 16√2cm
B. 8√2cm
12 | P a g e
C. 4√2cm
D. 2√2cm
17. Find the sum to infinity of the following series 3 + 2 + 4/3 + 8/9 + 16/27 + …
A. 1270
B. 190
C. 18
D. 9
18. Find the gradient of the line joining the points (2, -3) and 2, 5)
A. 9
B. 1
C. 2
D. Undefined
19. If (x - a) is a factor of bx -ab - ax + x2, find the other factor.
A. (x + b)
B. (x - b)
C. (a + b)
D. (a - b)
20. Find the value of x for which 5/(x – 5) is undefined
A. 5
B. -5
C. 0


PHYSICS Mock Questions, 7th June, 2024
1) What is the minimum distance away of the wall for a distant echo?
ANS: __________
2) Three forces act at a point 0 as shown below if point 0 is in
equilibrium, find the value of P and Q respectively ANS: ________ &
3. Two forces 12N and 20N inclined at an angle ∅ to each other, have a
resultant parallel to the 20N force. Find ∅ ANS: _________
4. The Atlantic Ocean 1.35E10km³ what is the volume in liters ? ANS:
5. A cannon ball projected so as to attain a max range. Find the
maximum height if the range is 60m ANS: ____________
6. Which of the following is NOT correct about Newton's laws?

13 | P a g e
(a) a state of rest or constant motion is maintained unless a force acts
(b) momentum change is impulse (c) force is a rate of momentum
change (d) action and reaction are equal and opposite (e) action and
reaction are not equal and opposite
7. An elevator of mass 500kg is supported by a cable, which can safely
withstand a maximum tension of 15500N. The maximum upward
acceleration the elevator can have is (g = 10m/s²) ___________
8. String vibration in five segments at a frequency of 460Hz. Calculate
its fundamental frequency. ANS: ___________
9. A 2μF capacitor is charged to a potential of 200V and then isolated.
When it is connected in parallel with a second capacitor which was
initially not charged, the common potential becomes 40V. The
capacitance of the second capacitor is ANS: ___________
10. A stone is dropped from the top of a building and at the same time,
another stone is thrown vertically upwards from the ground level with
a velocity of 20m/s. The stones meet exactly 2s after their release. How
tall is the building?
ANS: _________
11. A cell of internal resistance 2 ohms supplies current to a 6 ohms
resistor. The efficiency of the cell is?ANS: _________
12. The mass of a stone is 15.0g when completely immersed in water
and 10.0g when completely immersed in a liquid of relative density 2.0
what is it mass in air? ANS: ____________
13. A 2μF capacitor is charged to a potential of 20V and then isolated.
When it is connected in series with a second capacitor which was
initially not charged, the common potential becomes 40V. The
capacitance of the second capacitor is ____________
14. Caesium has a work function of 3 x 10-19J The maximum energy of
liberated electrons released when it is illuminated by light of frequency
6.7 x 1014Wz is [h = 6.6 x 10-34/s] ANS:
15. An air bubble of volume 6cm3 rises from the bottom to the top of a
swimming pool which is 15m deep. What will be the volume of the air
bubble just below the pool’s surface, if the atmospheric pressure is
equivalent to 10m of water. ANS: __________
16. Which of the following indicates the dimension of impedance
A. ML²T-³I-² B. ML-²T-²I-² C. ML-²T-³I-¹
D. M¹L-²T-³I-¹
17. At what depth below the sea-level would one experience a change
of pressure equal to one atmosphere? ANS: ___________

14 | P a g e
18. A body of weight 20N displaces 12N of the liquid in which it is
immersed. What is the upthrust of the liquid on the body?
19. If the distance between two suspended masses 10kg each is tripled,
the gravitational force of attraction between them is reduced by
20. A piece of cork floats in a liquid. What fraction its volume will be
immersed in the liquid? [density of the cork = 0.25 x 103kgm-3 Density of the
liquid =1.25 x 103kgm-3] ANS: _________

15 | P a g e

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